/** * \file test/src/helper.cpp * * This file is part of MegBrain, a deep learning framework developed by Megvii. * * \copyright Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. * */ #include "./rng_seed.h" #include "megbrain/test/helper.h" #include "megbrain/utils/hash.h" #include "megbrain/utils/debug.h" #include "megbrain/utils/persistent_cache.h" #include "megbrain/comp_node_env.h" #include #include #include #include #include #if MGB_CUDA #include #include #endif using namespace mgb; const dt_qint8 UniformRNGDefaultRange::LO = dt_qint8{-128}; const dt_qint8 UniformRNGDefaultRange::HI = dt_qint8{127}; bool megdnn::operator == (const TensorLayout &a, const TensorLayout &b) { if (a.ndim != b.ndim) return false; // check all shapes and strides equal, including shape-1 dims for (size_t i = 0; i < a.ndim; ++ i) { if (a[i] != b[i] || a.stride[i] != b.stride[i]) return false; } return true; } uint64_t mgb::next_rand_seed() { return RNGSeedManager::inst().next_seed(); } void mgb::set_rand_seed(uint64_t seed) { RNGSeedManager::inst().set_seed(seed); } RNGxorshf::RNGxorshf(uint64_t seed) { std::mt19937_64 gen(seed); s[0] = gen(); s[1] = gen(); } /* ========================== HostTensorGenerator ========================== */ template std::shared_ptr HostTensorGenerator< dtype, RandomDistribution::GAUSSIAN>::operator ()( const TensorShape &shape, CompNode cn) { if (!cn.valid()) cn = CompNode::load("xpu0"); std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(cn, shape, dtype()); auto ptr = ret->ptr(); auto mean = m_mean, std = m_std; for (size_t i = 0, it = shape.total_nr_elems(); i < it; i += 2) { ctype u1 = ctype((m_rng() + 1.0) / (m_rng.max() + 1.0)), u2 = ctype((m_rng() + 1.0) / (m_rng.max() + 1.0)), r = ctype(std * std::sqrt(-2 * std::log(u1))), theta = ctype(2 * M_PI * u2), z0 = ctype(r * std::cos(theta) + mean), z1 = ctype(r * std::sin(theta) + mean); ptr[i] = z0; ptr[std::min(i + 1, it - 1)] = z1; } return ret; } template std::shared_ptr HostTensorGenerator< dtype, RandomDistribution::UNIFORM>::operator ()( const TensorShape &shape, CompNode cn) { if (!cn.valid()) cn = CompNode::load("xpu0"); std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(cn, shape, dtype()); auto ptr = ret->ptr(); double scale = (m_hi - m_lo) / (m_rng.max() + 1.0); for (size_t i = 0, it = shape.total_nr_elems(); i < it; ++ i) { ptr[i] = m_rng() * scale + m_lo; } return ret; } template std::shared_ptr HostTensorGenerator< dtype, RandomDistribution::CONSTANT>::operator ()( const TensorShape &shape, CompNode cn) { if (!cn.valid()) cn = CompNode::load("xpu0"); std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(cn, shape, dtype()); auto ptr = ret->ptr(); for (size_t i = 0, it = shape.total_nr_elems(); i < it; ++ i) { ptr[i] = m_default_val; } return ret; } template std::shared_ptr HostTensorGenerator< dtype, RandomDistribution::CONSECUTIVE>::operator ()( const TensorShape &shape, CompNode cn) { if (!cn.valid()) cn = CompNode::load("xpu0"); std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(cn, shape, dtype()); auto ptr = ret->ptr(); for (size_t i = 0, it = shape.total_nr_elems(); i < it; ++ i) { ptr[i] = m_val + i * m_delta; } return ret; } // explicit instantialization of HostTensorGenerator namespace mgb { template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Float32, RandomDistribution::GAUSSIAN>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Float32, RandomDistribution::UNIFORM>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Float32, RandomDistribution::CONSTANT>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Float32, RandomDistribution::CONSECUTIVE>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Float16, RandomDistribution::GAUSSIAN>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Int8, RandomDistribution::UNIFORM>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Int8, RandomDistribution::CONSTANT>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Int8, RandomDistribution::CONSECUTIVE>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Uint8, RandomDistribution::UNIFORM>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Uint8, RandomDistribution::CONSTANT>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Int16, RandomDistribution::UNIFORM>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Int16, RandomDistribution::CONSTANT>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Int32, RandomDistribution::UNIFORM>; template class HostTensorGenerator< dtype::Int32, RandomDistribution::CONSTANT>; std::shared_ptr HostTensorGenerator:: operator()(const TensorShape& shape, CompNode cn) { if (!cn.valid()) cn = CompNode::load("xpu0"); auto dtype = dtype::Bool(); std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(cn, shape, dtype); auto ptr = ret->ptr(); for (size_t i = 0, it = shape.total_nr_elems(); i < it; ++i) { ptr[i] = (i % 2 == 1); } return ret; } std::shared_ptr HostTensorGenerator:: operator()(const TensorShape& shape, CompNode cn) { if (!cn.valid()) cn = CompNode::load("xpu0"); auto dtype = dtype::QuantizedS8(m_scale); auto param = dtype.param(); std::shared_ptr ret = std::make_shared(cn, shape, dtype); auto ptr = ret->ptr(); double scale = (param.dequantize(m_hi) - param.dequantize(m_lo)) / (m_rng.max() + 1.0); for (size_t i = 0, it = shape.total_nr_elems(); i < it; ++i) { ptr[i] = param.quantize(m_rng() * scale + param.dequantize(m_lo)); } return ret; } } ::testing::AssertionResult mgb::__assert_float_equal( const char *expr0, const char *expr1, const char * /*expr_maxerr*/, float v0, float v1, float maxerr) { float err = fabs(v0 - v1) / std::max( 1, std::min(fabs(v0), fabs(v1))); if (std::isfinite(v0) && std::isfinite(v1) && err < maxerr) { return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << ssprintf( "Value of: %s\n" " Actual: %.6g\n" "Expected: %s\n" "Which is: %.6g\n" " Error: %.4e", expr1, v1, expr0, v0, err); } ::testing::AssertionResult mgb::__assert_tensor_equal( const char *expr0, const char *expr1, const char * /*expr_maxerr*/, const HostTensorND &v0, const HostTensorND &v1, float maxerr) { auto ret = debug::compare_tensor_value(v0, expr0, v1, expr1, maxerr); if (ret.valid()) return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << ret.val(); return ::testing::AssertionSuccess(); } ::testing::AssertionResult mgb::__assert_shape_equal(const TensorShape& v0, const TensorShape& v1) { if (v0.eq_shape(v1)) return ::testing::AssertionSuccess() << v0.to_string() << " == " << v1.to_string(); else return ::testing::AssertionFailure() << v0.to_string() << " != " << v1.to_string(); } #if WIN32 #include #include #include #define getcwd _getcwd namespace { auto mkdir(const char *path, int) { return _mkdir(path); } int mkstemp(char *tpl){ tpl = _mktemp(tpl); mgb_assert(tpl); auto fd = _open(tpl, _O_TEMPORARY | _O_RDWR); mgb_assert(fd > 0, "failed to open %s: %s", tpl, strerror(errno)); return fd; } } #else #include #include #include #endif NamedTemporaryFile::NamedTemporaryFile() { char name[256]; strcpy(name, output_file("mgb-test-XXXXXX", false).c_str()); m_fd = mkstemp(name); mgb_throw_if(m_fd == -1, MegBrainError, "failed to open temp file `%s': %m", name); m_fpath = name; mgb_log_debug("opened temporary file: %s", name); } NamedTemporaryFile::~NamedTemporaryFile() { #ifdef WIN32 _unlink(m_fpath.c_str()); #else unlink(m_fpath.c_str()); #endif } #if defined(IOS) #pragma message "build test on iOS; need ios_get_mgb_output_dir() to be defined" extern "C" void ios_get_mgb_output_dir(char **dir); #endif std::string mgb::output_file(const std::string &fname, bool check_writable) { static std::string cwd; static std::mutex cwd_mtx; MGB_LOCK_GUARD(cwd_mtx); if (cwd.empty()) { #if defined(IOS) char *buf = nullptr; ios_get_mgb_output_dir(&buf); #else auto buf = getcwd(nullptr, 0); #endif mgb_assert(buf); cwd = buf; free(buf); cwd.append("/output"); mgb_log("use test output dir: %s", cwd.c_str()); mkdir(cwd.c_str(), 0755); } if (fname.empty()) return cwd; auto ret = cwd + "/" + fname; if (check_writable) { FILE *fout = fopen(ret.c_str(), "w"); mgb_assert(fout, "failed to open %s: %s", ret.c_str(), strerror(errno)); fclose(fout); } return ret; } std::vector mgb::load_multiple_xpus(size_t num) { auto cn0 = CompNode::load("xpu0"); if (CompNode::get_device_count(cn0.device_type()) < num) { cn0 = CompNode::load("cpu0"); } std::vector ret{cn0}; auto loc = cn0.locator(); for (size_t i = 1; i < num; ++ i) { loc.device = i; ret.push_back(CompNode::load(loc)); } return ret; } bool mgb::check_gpu_available(size_t num) { if (CompNode::get_device_count(CompNode::DeviceType::CUDA) < num) { mgb_log_warn("skip test case that requires %zu GPU(s)", num); return false; } return true; } bool mgb::check_amd_gpu_available(size_t num) { if (CompNode::get_device_count(CompNode::DeviceType::ROCM) < num) { mgb_log_warn("skip test case that requires %zu AMD GPU(s)", num); return false; } return true; } bool mgb::check_cambricon_device_available(size_t num) { if (CompNode::get_device_count(CompNode::DeviceType::CAMBRICON) < num) { mgb_log_warn("skip test case that requires %zu cambricon device(s)", num); return false; } return true; } bool mgb::check_device_type_avaiable(CompNode::DeviceType device_type) { switch (device_type) { case mgb::CompNode::DeviceType::CUDA: case mgb::CompNode::DeviceType::CPU: case mgb::CompNode::DeviceType::CAMBRICON: case mgb::CompNode::DeviceType::ATLAS: case mgb::CompNode::DeviceType::MULTITHREAD: return true; default: return false; } return false; } bool mgb::check_compute_capability(int major, int minor) { #if MGB_CUDA int dev; MGB_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetDevice(&dev)); cudaDeviceProp prop; MGB_CUDA_CHECK(cudaGetDeviceProperties(&prop, dev)); return prop.major > major || (prop.major == major && prop.minor >= minor); #else MGB_MARK_USED_VAR(major); MGB_MARK_USED_VAR(minor); return false; #endif } void mgb::write_tensor_to_file(const HostTensorND &hv, const char *fname, char mode) { mgb_assert(hv.layout().is_contiguous()); char modefull[] = {mode, 'b', '\x00'}; FILE *fout = fopen(fname, modefull); mgb_assert(fout, "failed to open %s: %s", fname, strerror(errno)); fprintf(fout, "%s %zu", hv.dtype().name(), hv.shape().ndim); for (size_t i = 0; i < hv.shape().ndim; ++ i) { fprintf(fout, " %zu", hv.shape(i)); } fprintf(fout, "\n"); auto size = hv.layout().span().dist_byte(); auto wr = fwrite(hv.raw_ptr(), 1, size, fout); mgb_assert(size == wr); mgb_log("write tensor: %zu bytes (%s) to %s", size, hv.shape().to_string().c_str(), fname); fclose(fout); } cg::ComputingGraph::OutputSpecItem mgb::make_callback_copy(SymbolVar dev, HostTensorND &host, bool sync) { auto cb = [sync, &host](DeviceTensorND &d) { host.copy_from(d); if (sync) { host.sync(); } }; return {dev, cb}; } /* ========================== PersistentCacheHook ========================== */ class PersistentCacheHook::HookedImpl final : public PersistentCache { GetHook m_on_get; public: std::shared_ptr orig_impl; HookedImpl(GetHook on_get) : m_on_get{std::move(on_get)} {} Maybe get(const std::string& category, const Blob& key) override { auto ret = orig_impl->get(category, key); m_on_get(category, key.ptr, key.size, ret.valid() ? ret->ptr : 0, ret.valid() ? ret->size : 0); return ret; } void put(const std::string& category, const Blob& key, const Blob& value) override { orig_impl->put(category, key, value); } }; PersistentCacheHook::PersistentCacheHook(GetHook on_get) : m_impl{std::make_shared(std::move(on_get))} { m_impl->orig_impl = PersistentCache::set_impl(m_impl); } PersistentCacheHook::~PersistentCacheHook() { PersistentCache::set_impl(std::move(m_impl->orig_impl)); } #if !MGB_ENABLE_EXCEPTION #pragma message "some tests would be disabled because exception is disabled" #endif // vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen foldmethod=marker foldmarker=f{{{,f}}}