#!/bin/bash -e function handle_strip() { echo "now handle strip $1" objcopy --only-keep-debug $1 $1.dbg strip -s $1 objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink=$1.dbg $1 rm $1.dbg } function full_copy_so(){ lib_path=$1 dst_dir=$2 append_rpath=$3 lib_name=$(basename $lib_path) cp $lib_path $dst_dir/$lib_name if [ "$append_rpath" != "" ];then ori_rpath=$(patchelf --print-rpath $dst_dir/$lib_name) if [ "$ori_rpath" != "" ];then patchelf --set-rpath "$ori_rpath:$append_rpath" $dst_dir/$lib_name else patchelf --set-rpath "$append_rpath" $dst_dir/$lib_name fi fi } function handle_copy_cuda_libs() { TO_DIR=$1 if [ ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} = "OFF" ]; then echo "handle cuda lib to ${TO_DIR}" cp ${BUILD_DIR}/dnn/cuda-stub/libcuda_stub.so ${TO_DIR} handle_strip ${TO_DIR}/libcuda_stub.so cp /usr/local/cuda/lib64/libnvToolsExt.so.1 ${TO_DIR} IFS=: read -a lib_name_array <<<"$CUDA_COPY_LIB_LIST" append_rpath='$ORIGIN' for lib_name in ${lib_name_array[@]};do echo "cuda copy detail: ${lib_name} to ${TO_DIR}" full_copy_so $lib_name ${TO_DIR} $append_rpath done fi } function patch_elf_depend_lib_mgb_mge() { echo "handle common depend lib for mgb or mge" LIBS_DIR=${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core/lib mkdir -p ${LIBS_DIR} cp /usr/lib64/libatomic.so.1 ${LIBS_DIR} patchelf --remove-rpath ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core/_imperative_rt.so patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/lib' ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core/_imperative_rt.so handle_strip ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core/_imperative_rt.so cp ${BUILD_DIR}/src/libmegengine_shared.so ${LIBS_DIR} patchelf --remove-rpath ${LIBS_DIR}/libmegengine_shared.so patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/.' ${LIBS_DIR}/libmegengine_shared.so handle_strip ${LIBS_DIR}/libmegengine_shared.so # as some version of cudnn/trt libs have dlopen libs, so we can not use auditwheel # TODO: PR for auditwheel to support args for dlopen libs handle_copy_cuda_libs ${LIBS_DIR} } function patch_elf_depend_lib_megenginelite() { echo "handle common depend lib for megenginelite" LIBS_DIR=${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megenginelite/libs mkdir -p ${LIBS_DIR} cp ${BUILD_DIR}/lite/liblite_shared_whl.so ${LIBS_DIR}/ patchelf --remove-rpath ${LIBS_DIR}/liblite_shared_whl.so patchelf --force-rpath --set-rpath '$ORIGIN/../../megengine/core/lib' ${LIBS_DIR}/liblite_shared_whl.so handle_strip ${LIBS_DIR}/liblite_shared_whl.so } SRC_DIR=$(readlink -f "`dirname $0`/../../../") source ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/utils/utils.sh SUPPORT_ALL_VERSION="35m 36m 37m 38" ALL_PYTHON=${ALL_PYTHON} if [[ -z ${ALL_PYTHON} ]] then ALL_PYTHON=${SUPPORT_ALL_VERSION} else check_python_version_is_valid "${ALL_PYTHON}" "${SUPPORT_ALL_VERSION}" fi BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY=${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} if [[ -z ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} ]] then BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY="OFF" fi BUILD_DIR=${SRC_DIR}/build_dir/host/MGE_WITH_CUDA_OFF/MGE_INFERENCE_ONLY_OFF/Release/build/ if [ ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} = "OFF" ]; then BUILD_DIR=${SRC_DIR}/build_dir/host/MGE_WITH_CUDA_ON/MGE_INFERENCE_ONLY_OFF/Release/build/ fi # here we just treat cu file should not in the increment build file list INCREMENT_KEY_WORDS=".cu.o is dirty" IS_IN_FIRST_LOOP=TRUE ORG_EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG=${EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG} for ver in ${ALL_PYTHON} do # we want run a full clean build at the first loop if [ ${IS_IN_FIRST_LOOP} = "TRUE" ]; then # TODO: may all cmake issue can be resolved after rm CMakeCache? # if YES, remove this to use old cache and speed up CI echo "warning: remove old build_dir for the first loop" rm -rf ${BUILD_DIR} fi python_ver=${ver:0:2} MAJOR=${python_ver:0:1} MINOR=${ver:1} PYTHON_DIR=/opt/python/cp${python_ver}-cp${ver}/ export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${ORG_EXTRA_CMAKE_FLAG} -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo" export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DMGE_WITH_CUSTOM_OP=ON" export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DPYTHON_EXECUTABLE=${PYTHON_DIR}/bin/python3" export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DPYTHON_LIBRARY=${PYTHON_DIR}lib/" export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DPYTHON_INCLUDE_DIR=${PYTHON_DIR}include/python${MAJOR}.${MINOR}" export EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS="${EXTRA_CMAKE_ARGS} -DMGE_WITH_ATLAS=ON" if [ -d "${BUILD_DIR}" ]; then # insure rm have args touch ${BUILD_DIR}/empty.so touch ${BUILD_DIR}/CMakeCache.txt find ${BUILD_DIR} -name "*.so" | xargs rm # as we now use increment build mode when switch python # But I do not known any more issue at CMakeLists.txt or not # so Force remove CMakeCache.txt find ${BUILD_DIR} -name CMakeCache.txt | xargs rm fi HOST_BUILD_ARGS="-t -s" if [ ${BUILD_WHL_CPU_ONLY} = "OFF" ]; then HOST_BUILD_ARGS="${HOST_BUILD_ARGS} -c" fi # call ninja dry run and check increment is invalid or not if [ ${IS_IN_FIRST_LOOP} = "FALSE" ]; then ninja_dry_run_and_check_increment "${SRC_DIR}/scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh" "${HOST_BUILD_ARGS}" "${INCREMENT_KEY_WORDS}" fi # call real build echo "host_build.sh HOST_BUILD_ARGS: ${HOST_BUILD_ARGS}" ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/cmake-build/host_build.sh ${HOST_BUILD_ARGS} # check python api call setup.py cd ${BUILD_DIR} check_build_ninja_python_api ${ver} rm -rf staging mkdir -p staging cp -a imperative/python/{megengine,setup.py,requires.txt,requires-style.txt,requires-test.txt} staging/ cd ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/megengine/core mkdir -p lib/ucx patch_elf_depend_lib_mgb_mge # handle megenginelite cd ${BUILD_DIR} mkdir -p staging/megenginelite cp ${SRC_DIR}/lite/pylite/megenginelite/* staging/megenginelite/ patch_elf_depend_lib_megenginelite cd ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/ ${PYTHON_DIR}/bin/python setup.py bdist_wheel cd /home/output mkdir -p ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/output/wheelhouse/${SDK_NAME} cd ${BUILD_DIR}/staging/dist/ org_whl_name=`ls Meg*${ver}*.whl` compat_whl_name=`echo ${org_whl_name} | sed 's/linux/manylinux2014/'` echo "org whl name: ${org_whl_name}" echo "comapt whl name: ${compat_whl_name}" mv ${org_whl_name} ${SRC_DIR}/scripts/whl/manylinux2014/output/wheelhouse/${SDK_NAME}/${compat_whl_name} cd /home/output chown -R ${UID}.${UID} . # compat for root-less docker env to remove output at host side chmod -R 777 . echo "python $ver done" IS_IN_FIRST_LOOP=FALSE done