from collections import OrderedDict from typing import Sequence from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import add_backward_callback as _add_backward_callback from ..core._imperative_rt.core2 import get_grad_slot, get_handle_id from ..tensor import Tensor from .tracing import trace from .xla_backend import xla_trace def _process_fwd_bwd_trace_result(fwd, bwd, inp_grad_map, out_grad_map): # partial_trace will record op sequences for forward/backward respectively, and get two TraceResult objects after tracing. # But the inputs/outputs of backward graph are unknown. This function will determine the inputs and outputs of the backward graph # var.handle_id is id of value ref. It's used to find the tensors used in both forward and backward calculation. # inp_grad_map, key: handle id of forward inputs, value: handle id of grads of forward inputs. # out_grad_map, key: handle id of foward outputs, value: handle id of grads of forward outputs. fwd_features = set([t.handle_id for t in fwd._trace.vars]) bwd_features = set([t.handle_id for t in bwd._trace.vars]) keep_vars = fwd_features.intersection( bwd_features ) # some intermediate vars produced by forward, and will be used in backward. current = max(fwd.out_list) + 1 saved_feature_map = OrderedDict() saved_featrues = [] # mark keep_vars as forward outputs for var in fwd._trace.vars: if ( var.handle_id in keep_vars and var.data_required and len(var.out_mark) == 0 and var.kind not in ["const", "external"] ): keep_vars.remove(var.handle_id) fwd._trace.mark_output(current, saved_feature_map[var.handle_id] = current saved_featrues.append(current) current += 1 fwd.keeped_activation = saved_featrues bwd_inp_idx = 0 bwd_out_idx = 0 bwd_dys = [] bwd_inps = [-1] * len(saved_feature_map) saved_feature_handle_id = list(saved_feature_map.keys()) dy_ids = list(out_grad_map.values()) # handle_id of grad of forward output inp_grad_ids = list(inp_grad_map.values()) # handle_id of grad of forward input bwd_dys = [-1] * len(dy_ids) bwd_outputs = [-1] * len(inp_grad_ids) # dy_ids + saved_feature_map are backward inputs # inp_grad_ids are backward outputs # mark inputs/outputs for backward for var in bwd._trace.vars: if var.handle_id in dy_ids and var.kind == "external": bwd._trace.mark_input(bwd_inp_idx, idx = dy_ids.index(var.handle_id) bwd_dys[idx] = bwd_inp_idx bwd_inp_idx += 1 elif var.handle_id in saved_feature_map and var.kind == "external": bwd._trace.mark_input(bwd_inp_idx, bwd_inps[saved_feature_handle_id.index(var.handle_id)] = bwd_inp_idx bwd_inp_idx += 1 if var.handle_id in inp_grad_ids and var.data_required: bwd_outputs[inp_grad_ids.index(var.handle_id)] = bwd_out_idx bwd._trace.mark_output(bwd_out_idx, bwd_out_idx += 1 # assert -1 not in bwd_dys assert -1 not in bwd_inps for var in fwd._trace.vars: if not var.out_mark: var.data_required = False # assert -1 not in bwd_outputs bwd.setup_io_without_trace(bwd_dys + bwd_inps, bwd_outputs) bwd.setup_without_host() def check_external(trace_obj): for var in trace_obj.vars: if var.kind == "external" and not var.inp_mark: raise RuntimeError( "have unknown input in trace result, maybe you can set `capture_as_const=True` when trace" ) check_external(fwd) check_external(bwd) JIT_BACKEND = {"default": trace, "xla": xla_trace} def partial_trace(func=None, *, backend="default", without_host=True, **trace_options): assert backend in JIT_BACKEND assert without_host, "partial_trace only support without_host mode currently!" def wrapper(func): trace_obj = JIT_BACKEND[backend]( func, without_host=without_host, **trace_options ) trace_options["capture_as_const"] = False backward_trace_obj = JIT_BACKEND[backend]( None, without_host=without_host, **trace_options ) backward_trace_obj.check_external = ( False # check if there are unknown external vars after tracing. ) trace_obj.overall = False # if trace overall train step backward_trace_obj.overall = False trace_obj._trace.remove_unused_data_required = False backward_trace_obj._trace.remove_unused_data_required = False inp_grad_maps = OrderedDict() # x, dx map out_grad_maps = OrderedDict() # y, dy map traced = False # if wrapped function has been traced compiled = False # if wrapped function has been compiled custom_autodiff = None outdef = None # treedef of forward return value from ..core.autodiff.grad import Function class CustomAutodiff(Function): def __init__(self, fwd, bwd): self.fwd = fwd self.bwd = bwd del fwd.outdef self.keeped_features = [] def forward(self, *args): rst = self.fwd(*args) keeped_features = rst[-1] if not isinstance(keeped_features, Sequence): keeped_features = tuple([keeped_features]) else: keeped_features = tuple(keeped_features) self.keeped_features = keeped_features return rst[0] def get_keeped_features(self): rst = self.keeped_features del self.keeped_features return rst def backward(self, *output_grads): output_grads = tuple([i for i in output_grads if i is not None]) return self.bwd(*(output_grads + self.get_keeped_features())) class CustomFwd: def __init__(self, fwd, bwd): self.fwd = fwd self.bwd = bwd def __call__(self, *args): rst = self.fwd(*args) if self.fwd.keeped_activation: keeped_features = rst[-1] if not isinstance(keeped_features, Sequence): keeped_features = tuple([keeped_features]) else: keeped_features = tuple(keeped_features) self.keeped_features = keeped_features return rst[0] else: return rst def wrapped_func(*args, **kwargs): from ..traced_module.pytree import tree_flatten from ..module import Module nonlocal traced nonlocal compiled nonlocal custom_autodiff nonlocal outdef if not traced: traced = True fargs = trace_obj.flatten_inputs(*args, **kwargs) for t in fargs: inp_grad_maps[t] = get_grad_slot(t) del fargs def exit_trace(): backward_trace_obj._trace.exit() new_dict = {} for k, v in inp_grad_maps.items(): if v is not None: new_dict[get_handle_id(k)] = get_handle_id(v.grad) else: new_dict[get_handle_id(k)] = -1 inp_grad_maps.clear() inp_grad_maps.update(new_dict) _add_backward_callback(exit_trace) ret = trace_obj(*args) rlist, outdef = tree_flatten(ret) for t in rlist: out_grad_maps[t] = get_grad_slot(t) def enter_trace(): new_dict = {} for k, v in out_grad_maps.items(): if v is not None: new_dict[get_handle_id(k)] = get_handle_id(v.grad) out_grad_maps.clear() out_grad_maps.update(new_dict) backward_trace_obj._trace.enter() _add_backward_callback(enter_trace) return ret elif not compiled: if custom_autodiff is None: _process_fwd_bwd_trace_result( trace_obj, backward_trace_obj, inp_grad_maps, out_grad_maps ) if len(backward_trace_obj._trace.ops) > 0: custom_autodiff = CustomAutodiff(trace_obj, backward_trace_obj) else: custom_autodiff = CustomFwd(trace_obj, backward_trace_obj) fargs = trace_obj.flatten_inputs(*args, **kwargs) del args del kwargs if outdef is None: return custom_autodiff(*fargs) else: return outdef.unflatten(custom_autodiff(*fargs)) return wrapped_func if func is None: return wrapper else: return wrapper(func)