/** * \file src/opr/test/dnn/convolution.cpp * MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") * * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. */ #include "megbrain/comp_node_env.h" #include "./legacy_checker.h" #include "megbrain/opr/dnn/convolution.h" #include "megbrain/test/autocheck.h" #include "megbrain/test/helper.h" #include "megbrain/test/megdnn_helper.h" #include "megbrain/serialization/serializer.h" #include "megbrain/opr/basic_arith.h" #include "megbrain/gopt/inference.h" #include "megbrain/opr/tensor_manip.h" #include #include using namespace mgb; namespace { using Param = opr::Convolution::Param; using Param3D = opr::Convolution3D::Param; using Mode = Param::Mode; Mode modes_to_check[] = {Mode::CONVOLUTION, Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION}; void conv_bwd_flt_brute(const std::vector>& inps, std::shared_ptr& out, const opr::ConvolutionBackwardFilter::Param& param) { auto &&src = *inps[0], &&diff = *inps[1], &&filter = *inps[2]; size_t N = src.shape(0), IH = src.shape(2), IW = src.shape(3), OC = filter.shape(0), IC = filter.shape(1), FH = filter.shape(2), FW = filter.shape(3), OH = diff.shape(2), OW = diff.shape(3); out = std::make_shared(CompNode::load("xpu0"), TensorShape{OC, IC, FH, FW}); auto&& grad = *out; auto sptr = src.ptr(), dptr = diff.ptr(), gptr = grad.ptr(); memset(gptr, 0, sizeof(float) * grad.shape().total_nr_elems()); auto valid = [&](size_t ih, size_t iw) { return ih < IH && iw < IW; }; for (size_t n = 0; n < N; ++n) for (size_t oc = 0; oc < OC; ++oc) for (size_t ic = 0; ic < IC; ++ic) { for (size_t oh = 0; oh < OH; ++oh) for (size_t ow = 0; ow < OW; ++ow) { for (size_t fh = 0; fh < FH; ++fh) for (size_t fw = 0; fw < FW; ++fw) { size_t ih = oh * param.stride_h + fh - param.pad_h, iw = ow * param.stride_w + fw - param.pad_w; auto src_data = valid(ih, iw) ? sptr[(n * IC + ic) * IH * IW + ih * IW + iw] : 0; gptr[(oc * IC + ic) * FH * FW + fh * FW + fw] += dptr[(n * OC + oc) * OH * OW + oh * OW + ow] * src_data; } } } } void local_share_brute(const std::vector>& inps, std::shared_ptr& out, const opr::LocalShare::Param& param) { auto in = inps[0], filter = inps[1]; mgb_assert(in->shape().ndim == 4); mgb_assert(filter->shape().ndim == 6); int batch_size = in->shape()[0], ci = in->shape()[1], hi = in->shape()[2], wi = in->shape()[3]; int fh = filter->shape()[3], fw = filter->shape()[4]; int ph = param.pad_h, pw = param.pad_w; int sh = param.stride_h, sw = param.stride_w; int dh = param.dilate_h, dw = param.dilate_w; int sgh = filter->shape()[0], sgw = filter->shape()[1]; mgb_assert(dh == 1 && dw == 1); mgb_assert(static_cast(sgh) == param.spatial_groups_h && static_cast(sgw) == param.spatial_groups_w); int ho = (hi + 2 * ph - fh) / sh + 1; int wo = (wi + 2 * pw - fw) / sw + 1; mgb_assert(ho % sgh == 0 && wo % sgw == 0); int grp_ho = ho / sgh, grp_wo = wo / sgw; int co = filter->shape()[5]; size_t u_batch = batch_size, u_co = co, u_ho = ho, u_wo = wo; out = std::make_shared( CompNode::load("xpu0"), TensorShape{u_batch, u_co, u_ho, u_wo}); mgb_assert(param.mode == Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION); for (int n = 0; n < batch_size; ++n) { for (int oc = 0; oc < co; ++oc) { for (int oh = 0; oh < ho; ++oh) { for (int ow = 0; ow < wo; ++ow) { size_t u_n = n, u_oc = oc, u_oh = oh, u_ow = ow; float& dval = out->ptr({u_n, u_oc, u_oh, u_ow})[0]; dval = 0; int grp_oh_idx = oh / grp_ho; int grp_ow_idx = ow / grp_wo; for (int ic = 0; ic < ci; ++ic) { for (int kh = 0; kh < fh; ++kh) { for (int kw = 0; kw < fw; ++kw) { int ih = oh * sh - ph + kh; int iw = ow * sw - pw + kw; float sval = 0.f; float fval = 0.f; if (ih >= 0 && ih < hi && iw >= 0 && iw < wi) { sval = in->ptr( {static_cast(n), static_cast(ic), static_cast(ih), static_cast(iw)})[0]; } fval = filter->ptr( {static_cast(grp_oh_idx), static_cast(grp_ow_idx), static_cast(ic), static_cast(kh), static_cast(kw), static_cast(oc)})[0]; dval += fval * sval; } } } } } } } } void convolution_brute(const std::vector> &in_tensor, std::shared_ptr &out_tensor, const opr::Convolution::Param ¶m) { mgb_assert(in_tensor.size() == 2); auto in = in_tensor[0], filter = in_tensor[1]; mgb_assert(in->shape().ndim == 4); mgb_assert(filter->shape().ndim == 4); int batch_size = in->shape().shape[0]; int ic = in->shape().shape[1]; int ih = in->shape().shape[2]; int iw = in->shape().shape[3]; int fh = filter->shape().shape[2]; int fw = filter->shape().shape[3]; int ph = param.pad_h; int pw = param.pad_w; int sh = param.stride_h; int sw = param.stride_w; int dh = param.dilate_h; int dw = param.dilate_w; mgb_assert(ih + 2*ph >= (fh - 1) * dh + 1); mgb_assert(iw + 2*pw >= (fw - 1) * dw + 1); int oh = (ih + 2*ph - ((fh - 1) * dh + 1)) / sh + 1; int ow = (iw + 2*pw - ((fw - 1) * dw + 1)) / sw + 1; mgb_assert(static_cast(ic) == filter->shape().shape[1]); int oc = filter->shape().shape[0]; out_tensor = std::make_shared(CompNode::load("xpu0"), TensorShape{ static_cast(batch_size), static_cast(oc), static_cast(oh), static_cast(ow)}); int pn, poc, poh, pow, pih, piw, pic, pfh, pfw; for (pn = 0; pn < batch_size; ++pn) for (poc = 0; poc < oc; ++poc) for (poh = 0, pih = -ph; poh < oh; ++poh, pih += sh) for (pow = 0, piw = -pw; pow < ow; ++pow, piw += sw) { float &target = out_tensor->ptr({ static_cast(pn), static_cast(poc), static_cast(poh), static_cast(pow)})[0]; target = 0; for (pic = 0; pic < ic; ++pic) for (pfh = 0; pfh < fh; ++pfh) for (pfw = 0; pfw < fw; ++pfw) { int prih, priw; float img_data, filter_data; if (param.mode == Param::Mode::CONVOLUTION) { prih = pih + (fh - pfh - 1) * dh; priw = piw + (fw - pfw - 1) * dw; } else { mgb_assert(param.mode == Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION); prih = pih + pfh * dh; priw = piw + pfw * dw; } if (prih >= 0 && prih < ih && priw >= 0 && priw < iw) { img_data = in_tensor[0]->ptr({ static_cast(pn), static_cast(pic), static_cast(prih), static_cast(priw)})[0]; } else { img_data = 0; } filter_data = filter->ptr({ static_cast(poc), static_cast(pic), static_cast(pfh), static_cast(pfw)})[0]; target += img_data * filter_data; } } } opr::Convolution::Param convert_to_conv_param( const opr::ConvBiasForward::Param& param) { return opr::Convolution::Param{ param.mode, param.pad_h, param.pad_w, param.stride_h, param.stride_w, param.dilate_h, param.dilate_w, param.sparse, param.format}; }; #if MGB_CUDA opr::Convolution::Param convert_to_conv_param( const opr::BatchConvBiasForward::Param& param) { return opr::Convolution::Param{ param.mode, param.pad_h, param.pad_w, param.stride_h, param.stride_w, param.dilate_h, param.dilate_w, param.sparse, param.format}; }; #endif } // anonymous namespace TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvolutionForward) { uint32_t ih = 10, ic = 16, oc = 32, ph = 0, sh = 1, fh = 2; for (auto mode: modes_to_check) { uint32_t iw = ih + 1, fw = fh + 1, pw = ph + 1, sw = sh + 1; Param param{mode, ph, pw, sh, sw}; size_t batch_size = 32; // !!! DEPRECATED. use AutoOprChecker instead. opr::test::ForwardChecker forward_checker({ {batch_size, ic, ih, iw}, {oc, ic, fh, fw}}, convolution_brute, param); forward_checker.run(); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvolutionBackward) { uint32_t ih = 10, ic = 16, oc = 32, ph = 0, sh = 1, fh = 2; for (auto mode: modes_to_check) { uint32_t iw = 11, fw = 4, pw = 1, sw = 3; Param param{mode, ph, pw, sh, sw}; size_t batch_size = 32; // !!! DEPRECATED. use AutoOprChecker instead. opr::test::BackwardChecker backward_checker({ {batch_size, ic, ih, iw}, {oc, ic, fh, fw}}, param, 1e-2, 1); backward_checker.run(); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvBiasExePolicy) { using Param = opr::ConvBias::Param; Param param; using Policy = opr::ConvBias::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpux"); #if MGB_ENABLE_FASTRUN for (auto strategy: {S::PROFILE, S::HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_REPRODUCIBLE, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #else for (auto strategy: {S:HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #endif auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorGenerator<> gen; auto mkvar = [&](const char* name, const TensorShape& shp, const DType& dtype) { return opr::TypeCvt::make( opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make(*graph, gen(shp), cn).rename(name), dtype); }; auto x = mkvar("x", {20, 50, 50, 16}, dtype::QuantizedS8(2.5f)); auto w = mkvar("w", {24, 3, 3, 16}, dtype::QuantizedS8(2.5f)); auto bias = mkvar("bias", {1, 1, 1, 24}, dtype::QuantizedS32(6.25f)); param.nonlineMode = Param::NonlineMode::RELU; param.format = Param::Format::NHWC; Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; auto conv_bias = opr::ConvBias::make( x, w, bias, param, policy, OperatorNodeConfig{dtype::QuantizedS8(2.5f)}); HostTensorND host_y; auto func = graph->compile({make_callback_copy(conv_bias, host_y)}); func->execute(); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvBiasExePolicy_Quantized8Asym) { using Param = opr::ConvBias::Param; Param param; using Policy = opr::ConvBias::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpux"); for (auto strategy: {S::PROFILE, S::PROFILE_REPRODUCIBLE}) { auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorGenerator<> gen; auto mkvar = [&](const char* name, const TensorShape& shp, const DType& dtype) { return opr::TypeCvt::make( opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make(*graph, gen(shp), cn).rename(name), dtype); }; auto x = mkvar("x", {20, 50, 50, 16}, dtype::Quantized8Asymm(2.5f, static_cast(0))); auto w = mkvar("w", {24, 3, 3, 16}, dtype::Quantized8Asymm(2.5f, static_cast(0))); auto bias = mkvar("bias", {1, 1, 1, 24}, dtype::QuantizedS32(6.25f)); param.nonlineMode = Param::NonlineMode::RELU; param.format = Param::Format::NHWC; Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; auto conv_bias = opr::ConvBias::make( x, w, bias, param, policy, OperatorNodeConfig{dtype::Quantized8Asymm(2.5f, static_cast(0))}); HostTensorND host_y; auto func = graph->compile({make_callback_copy(conv_bias, host_y)}); func->execute(); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvolutionExePolicy) { Param param{Mode::CONVOLUTION}; using Policy = opr::Convolution::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; int nr_get = 0; auto on_get = [&nr_get](const std::string&, const void*, size_t, const void*, size_t) { ++nr_get; }; PersistentCacheHook cache_hook{on_get}; #if MGB_ENABLE_FASTRUN for (auto strategy: {S::PROFILE, S::HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_REPRODUCIBLE, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #else for (auto strategy: {S:HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #endif using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; auto out = opr::Convolution::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], param, policy); return {out}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr sh_out; convolution_brute({inp.begin(), inp.end()}, sh_out, param); dest[0] = *sh_out; }; Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; nr_get = 0; Checker(make_graph, fwd) .run({TensorShape{3, 2, 10, 6}, {4, 2, 3, 2}}, opt) .run({TensorShape{6, 3, 8, 13}, {2, 3, 2, 13}}, opt) .run({TensorShape{1, 1, 10, 10}, {2, 1, 3, 3}}, opt); if (strategy == S::HEURISTIC) { ASSERT_EQ(0, nr_get); } else { ASSERT_LT(0, nr_get); } } } TEST(TestOprDNN, Deconvolution) { // dilated grouped deconv using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; Param param{Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION, 0, 1, 1, 2}; param.dilate_h = 2; param.sparse = Param::Sparse::GROUP; auto make_graph = [&]( const Checker::SymInpArray &inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { return {opr::ConvolutionBackwardData::make_deconv( inputs[0], inputs[1], param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto &&data = *inp[0], &&filter = *inp[1]; size_t N = data.shape(0), IH = data.shape(2), IW = data.shape(3); size_t GROUP = filter.shape(0), ICPG = filter.shape(1), OCPG = filter.shape(2), FH = filter.shape(3), FW = filter.shape(4); auto get_shp = [](size_t inp, size_t filter, size_t stride, size_t pad, size_t dilate) { return (inp - 1) * stride + (filter - 1) * dilate + 1 - pad * 2; }; auto &&out = dest[0]; size_t OH = get_shp(IH, FH, param.stride_h, param.pad_h, param.dilate_h), OW = get_shp(IW, FW, param.stride_w, param.pad_w, param.dilate_w); out.resize({N, OCPG * GROUP, OH, OW}); auto fptr = filter.ptr(), dptr = data.ptr(), optr = out.ptr(); memset(optr, 0, sizeof(float) * out.shape().total_nr_elems()); auto ol = out.layout(), fl = filter.layout(); #define FOR2(a, A, b, B) \ for (size_t a = 0; a < A; ++a) \ for (size_t b = 0; b < B; ++b) #define FOR3(a, A, b, B, c, C) \ FOR2(a, A, b, B) \ for (size_t c = 0; c < C; ++c) FOR3(n, N, group, GROUP, icg, ICPG) FOR2(ih, IH, iw, IW) { float scale = *(dptr++); FOR3(ocg, OCPG, fh, FH, fw, FW) { auto oc_tot = group * OCPG + ocg; int oh = int(ih * param.stride_h + fh * param.dilate_h) - int(param.pad_h), ow = int(iw * param.stride_w + fw * param.dilate_w) - int(param.pad_w); if (oh >= 0 && ow >= 0 && oh < static_cast(OH) && ow < static_cast(OW)) { auto out_off = n * ol.stride[0] + oc_tot * ol.stride[1] + oh * ol.stride[2] + ow, flt_off = group * fl.stride[0] + icg * fl.stride[1] + ocg * fl.stride[2] + fh * fl.stride[3] + fw; optr[out_off] += scale * fptr[flt_off]; } } } #undef FOR3 #undef FOR2 }; Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; Checker(make_graph, fwd). run({TensorShape{2, 4, 6, 8}, {1, 4, 5, 3, 2}}, opt). run({TensorShape{3, 2, 1, 1}, {2, 1, 1, 4, 3}}, opt). run({TensorShape{4, 6, 7, 2}, {2, 3, 4, 8, 13}}, opt); } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvolutionBackwardFilter) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<3, 1>; constexpr size_t PH = 0, PW = 1, SH = 1, SW = 2; auto make_graph = [&]( const Checker::SymInpArray &inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { Param param{Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION, PH, PW, SH, SW}; return {opr::ConvolutionBackwardFilter::make( inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray &dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr out; conv_bwd_flt_brute({inp[0], inp[1], inp[2]}, out, Param{Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION, PH, PW, SH, SW}); dest[0] = *out; }; #define get_shp(N, P, S, F) ((N + 2 * P - F) / S + 1) #define inp_tensor(N, IC, OC, IH, IW, FH, FW) \ { TensorShape{N, IC, IH, IW}, \ {N, OC, get_shp(IH, PH, SH, FH), get_shp(IW, PW, SW, FW)}, \ {OC, IC, FH, FW} } Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; Checker(make_graph, fwd). run(inp_tensor(2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 4, 3), opt). run(inp_tensor(1, 5, 3, 7, 9, 3, 4), opt). run(inp_tensor(3, 4, 4, 9, 9, 3, 3), opt); #undef inp_tensor #undef get_shp } TEST(TestOprDNN, DilatedConvolution) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; opr::ConvolutionForward::Param param; param.pad_h = 5; param.pad_w = 2; param.stride_w = 2; param.dilate_h = 2; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray &inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { return {opr::Convolution::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray &dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto opr = megdnn_naive_handle()->create_operator< megdnn::Convolution>(); opr->param() = param; TensorLayout dest_layout; opr->deduce_layout(inp[0]->layout(), inp[1]->layout(), dest_layout); std::vector workspace(opr->get_workspace_in_bytes( inp[0]->layout(), inp[1]->layout(), dest_layout)); dest[0].dtype(dtype::Float32()). comp_node(inp[0]->comp_node()).resize(dest_layout); opr->exec(inp[0]->as_megdnn(), inp[1]->as_megdnn(), dest[0].as_megdnn(), {workspace.data(), workspace.size()}); }; Checker::RunOptions option; option.numdiff_eps = 0.1; Checker(make_graph, fwd). run({TensorShape{2, 3, 8, 7}, TensorShape{4, 3, 2, 2}}, option). run({TensorShape{2, 3, 8, 7}, TensorShape{4, 3, 3, 2}}, option). run({TensorShape{2, 3, 8, 9}, TensorShape{4, 3, 3, 2}}, option); } TEST(TestOprDNN, GroupConv) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; opr::Convolution::Param param; param.pad_h = 1; param.pad_w = 2; param.stride_h = 2; auto make_graph = [&]( const Checker::SymInpArray &inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { auto p1 = param; p1.sparse = opr::Convolution::Param::Sparse::GROUP; return {opr::Convolution::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], p1)}; }; auto cn = CompNode::load("xpux"); auto inp0 = std::make_shared(cn, dtype::Float32()), inp1 = std::make_shared(cn, dtype::Float32()); HostTensorND out_raw; auto graph_raw = ComputingGraph::make(); auto func_raw = graph_raw->compile({ make_callback_copy( opr::Convolution::make( opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make(*graph_raw, inp0), opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make(*graph_raw, inp1), param), out_raw)}); auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray &dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto &&out = dest[0]; auto sl = inp[0]->layout(), fl = inp[1]->layout().remove_axis(0); TensorLayout ol; auto group = inp[1]->layout()[0]; sl.shape[1] /= group; for (size_t i = 0; i < group; ++ i) { inp0->copy_from(inp[0]->sub(SubTensorSpec::make_from_offset_elem( sl, i * sl[1] * sl[2] * sl[3]))); inp1->copy_from(inp[1]->sub(SubTensorSpec::make_from_offset_elem( fl, i * fl.total_nr_elems()))); func_raw->execute(); if (!i) { auto oshp = out_raw.shape(); oshp[1] *= group; out.resize(oshp); ol = out.layout(); ol[1] /= group; } out.sub(SubTensorSpec::make_from_offset_elem( ol, i * ol[1] * ol[2] * ol[3])).copy_from_fixlayout( out_raw); } }; Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; opt.outputs_max_err = 5e-5; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; auto run = [&](const TensorShape &ishp, size_t fh, size_t fw, size_t oc, size_t group) { size_t ic = ishp[1]; TensorShape flt{group, oc/group, ic/group, fh, fw}; checker.run({ishp, flt}, opt); }; run({1, 2, 1, 1}, 1, 1, 2, 2); run({3, 9, 5, 4}, 1, 2, 6, 3); run({3, 6, 8, 9}, 3, 1, 4, 2); run({2, 5, 3, 6}, 2, 3, 5, 1); run({2, 6, 3, 6}, 2, 3, 6, 6); } TEST(TestOprDNN, MaskConvolution) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<3, 1>; opr::Convolution::Param param; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { return {opr::MaskConvolution::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr sh_out; convolution_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, sh_out, param); dest[0] = *sh_out; size_t N = dest[0].shape()[0]; size_t OC = dest[0].shape()[1]; size_t OH = dest[0].shape()[2]; size_t OW = dest[0].shape()[3]; auto mask_ptr = inp[2]->ptr(); auto dest_ptr = dest[0].ptr(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N * OC; ++i) { for (size_t mask_idx = 0; mask_idx < OH * OW; ++mask_idx) { if (mask_ptr[mask_idx] == 0) { dest_ptr[i * OH * OW + mask_idx] = 0; } } } }; auto gen_mask = [](HostTensorND& dest) { HostTensorGenerator mask_generator{0, 1}; dest = *mask_generator(dest.shape(), dest.comp_node()); }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t SH = 1, size_t SW = 1, size_t PH = 0, size_t PW = 0) { param.pad_h = PH; param.pad_w = PW; param.stride_h = SH; param.stride_w = SW; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; Checker::RunOptions opt; checker.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); checker.set_input_dtype(2, dtype::Int8()); checker.set_input_generator(2, gen_mask); auto run = [&](size_t N, size_t IC, size_t OC, size_t IH, size_t IW, size_t FH, size_t FW) { size_t OH = (IH + 2 * PH - FH) / SH + 1; size_t OW = (IW + 2 * PW - FW) / SW + 1; checker.run( {TensorShape{N, IC, IH, IW}, {OC, IC, FH, FW}, {OH, OW}}, opt); }; run(1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3); run(2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223, 3, 3); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223, 2, 2); }; run_with_param(); run_with_param(2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 2, 1, 2); run_with_param(2, 3, 2, 2); } TEST(TestOprDNN, MaskPropagate) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<3, 1>; opr::MaskPropagate::Param mask_param; opr::Convolution::Param conv_param; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { auto inp_mask = inputs[2]; auto out_mask = opr::MaskPropagate::make(inp_mask, mask_param); return {opr::MaskConvolution::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], out_mask, conv_param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto& src = *inp[0]; auto& mask = *inp[2]; auto src_ptr = inp[0]->ptr(); auto mask_ptr = inp[2]->ptr(); mgb_assert(src.shape()[2] == mask.shape()[0] && src.shape()[3] == mask.shape()[1]); for (size_t i = 0; i < src.shape()[0] * src.shape()[1]; ++i) { for (size_t mask_idx = 0; mask_idx < src.shape()[2] * src.shape()[3]; ++mask_idx) { if (mask_ptr[mask_idx] == 0) { src_ptr[i * src.layout().stride[1] + mask_idx] = 0; } } } std::shared_ptr sh_out; convolution_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, sh_out, conv_param); dest[0] = *sh_out; }; auto gen_mask = [](HostTensorND& dest) { HostTensorGenerator mask_generator{0, 1}; dest = *mask_generator(dest.shape(), dest.comp_node()); }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t FH, size_t FW, size_t SH = 1, size_t SW = 1, size_t PH = 0, size_t PW = 0, size_t DH = 1, size_t DW = 1) { conv_param.pad_h = PH; conv_param.pad_w = PW; conv_param.stride_h = SH; conv_param.stride_w = SW; conv_param.dilate_h = DH; conv_param.dilate_w = DW; mask_param.pad_h = PH; mask_param.pad_w = PW; mask_param.stride_h = SH; mask_param.stride_w = SW; mask_param.kernel_h = FH; mask_param.kernel_w = FW; mask_param.dilate_h = DH; mask_param.dilate_w = DW; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; Checker::RunOptions opt; checker.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); checker.set_input_dtype(2, dtype::Int32()); checker.set_input_generator(2, gen_mask); auto run = [&](size_t N, size_t IC, size_t OC, size_t IH, size_t IW) { checker.run( {TensorShape{N, IC, IH, IW}, {OC, IC, FH, FW}, {IH, IW}}, opt); }; run(1, 1, 1, 5, 5); run(2, 3, 4, 5, 5); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223); }; run_with_param(3, 3, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 2); run_with_param(3, 3, 2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(4, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2); run_with_param(2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2); run_with_param(4, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2); run_with_param(2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1); } void convolution3d_brute(const std::vector> &in_tensor, std::shared_ptr &out_tensor, const opr::Convolution3D::Param ¶m) { mgb_assert(in_tensor.size() == 2); auto in = in_tensor[0], filter = in_tensor[1]; mgb_assert(in->shape().ndim == 5); mgb_assert(filter->shape().ndim == 5); int batch_size = in->shape().shape[0]; int ic = in->shape().shape[1]; int id = in->shape().shape[2]; int ih = in->shape().shape[3]; int iw = in->shape().shape[4]; int fd = filter->shape().shape[2]; int fh = filter->shape().shape[3]; int fw = filter->shape().shape[4]; int pd = param.pad_d; int ph = param.pad_h; int pw = param.pad_w; int sd = param.stride_d; int sh = param.stride_h; int sw = param.stride_w; int dd = param.dilate_d; int dh = param.dilate_h; int dw = param.dilate_w; mgb_assert(id + 2*pd >= (fd - 1) * dd + 1); mgb_assert(ih + 2*ph >= (fh - 1) * dh + 1); mgb_assert(iw + 2*pw >= (fw - 1) * dw + 1); int od = (id + 2*pd - ((fd - 1) * dd + 1)) / sd + 1; int oh = (ih + 2*ph - ((fh - 1) * dh + 1)) / sh + 1; int ow = (iw + 2*pw - ((fw - 1) * dw + 1)) / sw + 1; mgb_assert(static_cast(ic) == filter->shape().shape[1]); int oc = filter->shape().shape[0]; out_tensor = std::make_shared(CompNode::load("xpu0"), TensorShape{ static_cast(batch_size), static_cast(oc), static_cast(od), static_cast(oh), static_cast(ow)}); int pn, poc, pod, poh, pow, pic, pid, pih, piw, pfd, pfh, pfw; for (pn = 0; pn < batch_size; ++pn) for (poc = 0; poc < oc; ++poc) for (pod = 0, pid = -pd; pod < od; ++pod, pid += sd) for (poh = 0, pih = -ph; poh < oh; ++poh, pih += sh) for (pow = 0, piw = -pw; pow < ow; ++pow, piw += sw) { float &target = out_tensor->ptr({ static_cast(pn), static_cast(poc), static_cast(pod), static_cast(poh), static_cast(pow)})[0]; target = 0; for (pic = 0; pic < ic; ++pic) for (pfd = 0; pfd < fd; ++pfd) for (pfh = 0; pfh < fh; ++pfh) for (pfw = 0; pfw < fw; ++pfw) { int prid, prih, priw; float img_data, filter_data; if (param.mode == opr::Convolution3D::Param::Mode::CONVOLUTION) { prid = pid + (fd - pfd - 1) * dd; prih = pih + (fh - pfh - 1) * dh; priw = piw + (fw - pfw - 1) * dw; } else { mgb_assert(param.mode == opr::Convolution3D::Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION); prid = pid + pfd * dd; prih = pih + pfh * dh; priw = piw + pfw * dw; } if (prid >= 0 && prid < id && prih >= 0 && prih < ih && priw >= 0 && priw < iw) { img_data = in_tensor[0]->ptr({ static_cast(pn), static_cast(pic), static_cast(prid), static_cast(prih), static_cast(priw)})[0]; } else { img_data = 0; } filter_data = filter->ptr({ static_cast(poc), static_cast(pic), static_cast(pfd), static_cast(pfh), static_cast(pfw)})[0]; target += img_data * filter_data; } } } TEST(TestOprDNN, Convolution3DForward) { for (uint32_t batch_size : {8}) for (uint32_t id : {12}) for (uint32_t fd : {1, 3}) for (uint32_t ic : {4}) for (uint32_t oc : {ic}) for (uint32_t pd : {0, 2}) for (uint32_t sd : {1, 3}) for (uint32_t dd : {1, 3}) for (bool xcorr : {0, 1}) { uint32_t ih = id + 1, fh = fd, ph = pd + 1, sh = sd + 1; uint32_t iw = ih + 1, fw = fh, pw = ph + 1, sw = sh + 1; Param3D param{xcorr ? Param3D::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION : Param3D::Mode::CONVOLUTION , pd, ph, pw, sd, sh, sw, dd, dd, dd}; // !!! DEPRECATED. use AutoOprChecker instead. opr::test::ForwardChecker forward_checker({ {batch_size, ic, id, ih, iw}, {oc, ic, fd, fh, fw}}, convolution3d_brute, param); forward_checker.run(); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, Convolution3DBackward) { for (uint32_t batch_size : {8}) for (uint32_t id : {12}) for (uint32_t fd : {1, 3}) for (uint32_t ic : {4}) for (uint32_t oc : {ic}) for (uint32_t pd : {0, 2}) for (uint32_t sd : {1, 3}) for (uint32_t dd : {1, 3}) for (bool xcorr : {0, 1}) { uint32_t ih = id + 1, fh = fd, ph = pd + 1, sh = sd + 1; uint32_t iw = ih + 1, fw = fh, pw = ph + 1, sw = sh + 1; Param3D param{xcorr ? Param3D::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION : Param3D::Mode::CONVOLUTION, pd, ph, pw, sd, sh, sw, dd, dd, dd}; // !!! DEPRECATED. use AutoOprChecker instead. opr::test::BackwardChecker backward_checker( {{batch_size, ic, id, ih, iw}, {oc, ic, fd, fh, fw}}, param, 1e-2, 1); backward_checker.run(); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, GroupConv3D) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; opr::Convolution3D::Param param; param.pad_d = 0; param.pad_h = 1; param.pad_w = 0; param.stride_d = 1; param.stride_h = 2; auto make_graph = [&]( const Checker::SymInpArray &inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { auto p1 = param; p1.sparse = opr::Convolution3D::Param::Sparse::GROUP; return {opr::Convolution3D::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], p1)}; }; auto cn = CompNode::load("xpux"); auto inp0 = std::make_shared(cn, dtype::Float32()), inp1 = std::make_shared(cn, dtype::Float32()); HostTensorND out_raw; auto graph_raw = ComputingGraph::make(); auto func_raw = graph_raw->compile({ make_callback_copy( opr::Convolution3D::make( opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make(*graph_raw, inp0), opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make(*graph_raw, inp1), param), out_raw)}); auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray &dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto &&out = dest[0]; auto sl = inp[0]->layout(), fl = inp[1]->layout().remove_axis(0); TensorLayout ol; auto group = inp[1]->layout()[0]; sl.shape[1] /= group; for (size_t i = 0; i < group; ++ i) { inp0->copy_from(inp[0]->sub(SubTensorSpec::make_from_offset_elem( sl, i * sl[1] * sl[2] * sl[3] * sl[4]))); inp1->copy_from(inp[1]->sub(SubTensorSpec::make_from_offset_elem( fl, i * fl.total_nr_elems()))); func_raw->execute(); if (!i) { auto oshp = out_raw.shape(); oshp[1] *= group; out.resize(oshp); ol = out.layout(); ol[1] /= group; } out.sub(SubTensorSpec::make_from_offset_elem( ol, i * ol[1] * ol[2] * ol[3] * ol[4])). copy_from_fixlayout(out_raw); } }; Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; opt.outputs_max_err = 5e-5; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; auto run = [&](const TensorShape &ishp, size_t fd, size_t fh, size_t fw, size_t oc, size_t group) { size_t ic = ishp[1]; TensorShape flt{group, oc/group, ic/group, fd, fh, fw}; checker. run({ishp, flt}, opt); }; run({1, 2, 1, 1, 1}, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2); run({3, 9, 5, 4, 3}, 1, 2, 3, 6, 3); run({2, 1, 3, 6, 9}, 2, 3, 3, 5, 1); run({2, 1, 3, 6, 9}, 2, 3, 3, 5, 1); } TEST(TestOprDNN, Deconvolution3D) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; Param3D param{Param3D::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2}; param.sparse = Param3D::Sparse::GROUP; auto make_graph = [&]( const Checker::SymInpArray &inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { return {opr::Convolution3DBackwardData::make_deconv( inputs[0], inputs[1], param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray &dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto &&data = *inp[0], &&filter = *inp[1]; size_t N = data.shape(0), ID = data.shape(2), IH = data.shape(3), IW = data.shape(4), GROUP = filter.shape(0), ICPG = filter.shape(1), OCPG = filter.shape(2), FD = filter.shape(3), FH = filter.shape(4), FW = filter.shape(5); auto &&out = dest[0]; auto get_shp = []( size_t inp, size_t filter, size_t stride, size_t pad, size_t dilate) { return (inp - 1) * stride + (filter - 1) * dilate + 1 - pad * 2; }; size_t OD = get_shp(ID, FD, param.stride_d, param.pad_d, param.dilate_d), OH = get_shp(IH, FH, param.stride_h, param.pad_h, param.dilate_h), OW = get_shp(IW, FW, param.stride_w, param.pad_w, param.dilate_w); out.resize({N, OCPG * GROUP, OD, OH, OW}); auto fptr = filter.ptr(), dptr = data.ptr(), optr = out.ptr(); memset(optr, 0, sizeof(float) * out.shape().total_nr_elems()); auto ol = out.layout(), fl = filter.layout(); #define FOR2(a, A, b, B) \ for (size_t a = 0; a < A; ++ a) \ for (size_t b = 0; b < B; ++ b) #define FOR3(a, A, b, B, c, C) \ FOR2(a, A, b, B) \ for (size_t c = 0; c < C; ++ c) #define FOR4(a, A, b, B, c, C, d, D) \ FOR3(a, A, b, B, c, C) \ for (size_t d = 0; d < D; ++ d) FOR3(n, N, group, GROUP, icg, ICPG) FOR3(id, ID, ih, IH, iw, IW) { float scale = *(dptr ++); FOR4(ocg, OCPG, fd, FD, fh, FH, fw, FW) { auto oc_tot = group * OCPG + ocg; int od = int(id * param.stride_d + fd * param.dilate_d) - int(param.pad_d), oh = int(ih * param.stride_h + fh * param.dilate_h) - int(param.pad_h), ow = int(iw * param.stride_w + fw * param.dilate_w) - int(param.pad_w); if (od >= 0 && oh >= 0 && ow >= 0 && od < static_cast(OD) && oh < static_cast(OH) && ow < static_cast(OW)) { auto out_off = n * ol.stride[0] + oc_tot * ol.stride[1] + od * ol.stride[2] + oh * ol.stride[3] + ow, flt_off = group * fl.stride[0] + icg * fl.stride[1] + ocg * fl.stride[2] + fd * fl.stride[3] + fh * fl.stride[4] + fw; optr[out_off] += scale * fptr[flt_off]; } } } #undef FOR4 #undef FOR3 #undef FOR2 }; Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; Checker(make_graph, fwd). run({TensorShape{2, 4, 3, 3, 2}, {1, 4, 5, 3, 2, 2}}, opt). run({TensorShape{3, 2, 1, 1, 1}, {2, 1, 1, 4, 3, 3}}, opt). run({TensorShape{4, 6, 2, 2, 2}, {2, 3, 4, 6, 5, 4}}, opt); } TEST(TestOprDNN, Convolution3DExePolicy) { Param3D param{Param3D::Mode::CONVOLUTION}; using Policy = opr::Convolution3D::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; #if MGB_ENABLE_FASTRUN for (auto strategy: {S::PROFILE, S::HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_REPRODUCIBLE, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #else for (auto strategy: {S:HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #endif using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray &inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; auto out = opr::Convolution3D::make( inputs[0], inputs[1], param, policy); return {out}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray &dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr sh_out; convolution3d_brute({inp.begin(), inp.end()}, sh_out, param); dest[0] = *sh_out; }; Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; Checker(make_graph, fwd). run({TensorShape{3, 2, 3, 4, 1}, {4, 2, 2, 2, 1}}, opt). run({TensorShape{3, 3, 2, 6, 2}, {2, 3, 1, 4, 1}}, opt). run({TensorShape{1, 1, 4, 4, 4}, {2, 1, 3, 3, 3}}, opt); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvBiasForward) { using Checker2 = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; using Checker3 = AutoOprChecker<3, 1>; opr::ConvBiasForward::Param param; auto make_graph2 = [&](const Checker2::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker2::SymOutArray { return {opr::ConvBiasForward::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], param)}; }; auto make_graph3 = [&](const Checker3::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker3::SymOutArray { return {opr::ConvBiasForward::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], param)}; }; auto fwd2 = [&](Checker2::NumOutArray& dest, Checker2::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr sh_out; convolution_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, sh_out, convert_to_conv_param(param)); dest[0] = *sh_out; }; auto fwd3 = [&](Checker3::NumOutArray& dest, Checker3::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr sh_out; convolution_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, sh_out, convert_to_conv_param(param)); dest[0] = *sh_out; size_t N = dest[0].shape()[0]; size_t OC = dest[0].shape()[1]; size_t OH = dest[0].shape()[2]; size_t OW = dest[0].shape()[3]; auto dest_ptr = dest[0].ptr(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { auto bias_ptr = inp[2]->ptr(); for (size_t c = 0; c < OC; c++) { for (size_t hw = 0; hw < OH * OW; hw++) { *(dest_ptr++) += *(bias_ptr); } bias_ptr++; } } }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t SH = 1, size_t SW = 1, size_t PH = 0, size_t PW = 0) { param.pad_h = PH; param.pad_w = PW; param.stride_h = SH; param.stride_w = SW; Checker2 checker2{make_graph2, fwd2}; Checker2::RunOptions opt2; checker2.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); Checker3 checker3{make_graph3, fwd3}; Checker3::RunOptions opt3; checker3.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); auto run = [&](size_t N, size_t IC, size_t OC, size_t IH, size_t IW, size_t FH, size_t FW) { auto opr = megdnn_naive_handle() ->create_operator(); opr->param() = convert_to_conv_param(param); TensorLayout dest_layout; opr->deduce_layout({{N, IC, IH, IW}, dtype::Float32()}, {{OC, IC, FH, FW}, dtype::Float32()}, dest_layout); checker2.run({TensorShape{N, IC, IH, IW}, {OC, IC, FH, FW}}, opt2); checker3.run({TensorShape{N, IC, IH, IW}, {OC, IC, FH, FW}, {1, OC, 1, 1}}, opt3); }; run(1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3); run(2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223, 3, 3); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223, 2, 2); }; run_with_param(); run_with_param(2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 2, 1, 2); run_with_param(2, 3, 2, 2); } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvBiasForwardWithZ) { REQUIRE_GPU(1); using Checker4 = AutoOprChecker<4, 1>; opr::ConvBiasForward::Param param; auto make_graph4 = [&](const Checker4::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker4::SymOutArray { return {opr::ConvBiasForward::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3], param)}; }; auto fwd4 = [&](Checker4::NumOutArray& dest, Checker4::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr sh_out; convolution_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, sh_out, convert_to_conv_param(param)); dest[0] = *sh_out; size_t N = dest[0].shape()[0]; size_t OC = dest[0].shape()[1]; size_t OH = dest[0].shape()[2]; size_t OW = dest[0].shape()[3]; auto dest_ptr = dest[0].ptr(); float* z_ptr = inp[3]->ptr(); for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++) { auto bias_ptr = inp[2]->ptr(); for (size_t c = 0; c < OC; c++) { for (size_t hw = 0; hw < OH * OW; hw++) { *(dest_ptr++) += *(bias_ptr) + *(z_ptr++); } bias_ptr++; } } }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t SH = 1, size_t SW = 1, size_t PH = 0, size_t PW = 0) { param.pad_h = PH; param.pad_w = PW; param.stride_h = SH; param.stride_w = SW; Checker4 checker4{make_graph4, fwd4}; Checker4::RunOptions opt4; checker4.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); auto run = [&](size_t N, size_t IC, size_t OC, size_t IH, size_t IW, size_t FH, size_t FW) { auto opr = megdnn_naive_handle() ->create_operator(); opr->param() = convert_to_conv_param(param); TensorLayout dest_layout; opr->deduce_layout({{N, IC, IH, IW}, dtype::Float32()}, {{OC, IC, FH, FW}, dtype::Float32()}, dest_layout); checker4.run({TensorShape{N, IC, IH, IW}, {OC, IC, FH, FW}, {1, OC, 1, 1}, {N, OC, dest_layout[2], dest_layout[3]}}, opt4); }; run(1, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3); run(2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3, 3); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223, 3, 3); run(3, 3, 4, 224, 223, 2, 2); }; run_with_param(); run_with_param(2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 2, 1, 2); run_with_param(2, 3, 2, 2); } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvBiasINT8x8xX_NCHW4) { using Checker = AutoOprChecker<3, 1>; using Param = opr::ConvBias::Param; opr::ConvBiasForward::Param param; auto make_quantized = [&](SymbolVar x, const DType& dtype) { return opr::TypeCvt::make(x, dtype); }; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { auto conv_param = convert_to_conv_param(param); auto y = opr::Convolution::make( make_quantized(inputs[0], dtype::QuantizedS8(0.3f)), make_quantized(inputs[1], dtype::QuantizedS8(0.1f)), conv_param); y = y + make_quantized(inputs[2], dtype::QuantizedS32(0.03f)); if (param.nonlineMode == Param::NonlineMode::RELU) y = opr::Elemwise::make( {y}, {opr::Elemwise::Mode::RELU}); y = opr::TypeCvt::make(y, dtype::QuantizedS8(0.5f)); return {opr::TypeCvt::make(y, dtype::Float32())}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); Checker::SymInpArray inputs; for (size_t i = 0; i < inp.size(); ++i) { inputs[i] = opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make( *graph, inp[i]); } auto options = gopt::OptimizeForInferenceOptions{}; options.enable_fuse_conv_bias_nonlinearity(); auto y = gopt::optimize_for_inference({make_graph(inputs)[0]}, options)[0]; auto func = graph->compile({make_callback_copy(y, dest[0])}); func->execute(); func->wait(); }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t SH = 1, size_t SW = 1, size_t PH = 0, size_t PW = 0, size_t group = 1) { param.pad_h = PH; param.pad_w = PW; param.stride_h = SH; param.stride_w = SW; param.format = Param::Format::NCHW4; if (group != 1) param.sparse = Param::Sparse::GROUP; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd, CompNode::load("cpu0")}; Checker::RunOptions opt; checker.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); auto run = [&](size_t N, size_t IC, size_t OC, size_t IH, size_t IW, size_t FH, size_t FW) { mgb_assert(IC % 4 == 0 && OC % 4 == 0); checker.run({TensorShape{N, group * IC / 4, IH, IW, 4}, {group, OC, IC / 4, FH, FW, 4}, {1, group * OC / 4, 1, 1, 4}}, opt); }; run(1, 8, 8, 56, 56, 3, 3); run(1, 8, 8, 56, 56, 3, 3); run(1, 8, 8, 56, 56, 3, 3); }; run_with_param(1, 1, 1, 1, 8); run_with_param(); run_with_param(2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 2, 1, 2); run_with_param(2, 3, 2, 2); } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvolutionDTypeInference) { Param param; param.mode = Mode::CONVOLUTION; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpu0"); auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorND inp_host{ cn, {1, 3, 7, 7}, dtype::Quantized8Asymm(0.233f, (uint8_t)123)}; HostTensorND filt_host{ cn, {8, 3, 1, 1}, dtype::Quantized8Asymm(0.874f, (uint8_t)234)}; auto inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); auto filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto opr = opr::Convolution::make(inp, filt, param); ASSERT_EQ(opr.dtype().enumv(), DTypeEnum::QuantizedS32); // This has to be EQ instead of NEAR EXPECT_EQ(opr.dtype().param().scale, 0.233f * 0.874f); inp_host = {cn, {1, 3, 7, 7}, dtype::QuantizedS8(0.1234f)}; filt_host = {cn, {8, 3, 1, 1}, dtype::QuantizedS8(0.2345f)}; inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); opr = opr::Convolution::make(inp, filt, param); ASSERT_EQ(opr.dtype().enumv(), DTypeEnum::QuantizedS32); EXPECT_EQ(opr.dtype().param().scale, 0.1234f * 0.2345f); inp_host = {cn, {1, 3, 7, 7}, dtype::Int8()}; filt_host = {cn, {8, 3, 1, 1}, dtype::Int8()}; inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); opr = opr::Convolution::make(inp, filt, param); ASSERT_EQ(opr.dtype().enumv(), DTypeEnum::Int32); } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvBiasINT8x8xXDTypeInference) { float inp_scale = 1.926f; float filt_scale = 0.817f; float bias_scale = inp_scale * filt_scale; opr::ConvBias::Param param; param.mode = Mode::CONVOLUTION; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpu0"); auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorND inp_host{cn, {1, 3, 7, 7}, dtype::QuantizedS8(inp_scale)}; HostTensorND filt_host{cn, {8, 3, 1, 1}, dtype::QuantizedS8(filt_scale)}; DType output_dtype = dtype::QuantizedS8(bias_scale); HostTensorND bias_host{cn, {1, 3, 7, 7}, dtype::QuantizedS32(bias_scale)}; auto inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); auto filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto bias = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto opr = opr::ConvBiasForward::make(inp, filt, bias, param, {}, OperatorNodeConfig{output_dtype}); ASSERT_EQ(opr.dtype().enumv(), DTypeEnum::QuantizedS8); EXPECT_EQ(opr.dtype().param().scale, bias_scale); } TEST(TestOprDNN, ConvBiasINT8x8xXSerialization) { using namespace serialization; float inp_scale = 1.926f; float filt_scale = 0.817f; float bias_scale = inp_scale * filt_scale; DType output_dtype = dtype::QuantizedS8(bias_scale); auto fname = output_file("ConvBiasINT8x8xXTest"); auto dump = [&]() { opr::ConvBias::Param param; param.mode = Mode::CONVOLUTION; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpu0"); auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorND inp_host{cn, {1, 3, 7, 7}, dtype::QuantizedS8(inp_scale)}; HostTensorND filt_host{ cn, {8, 3, 1, 1}, dtype::QuantizedS8(filt_scale)}; HostTensorND bias_host{ cn, {1, 3, 7, 7}, dtype::QuantizedS32(bias_scale)}; auto inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); auto filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto bias = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto opr = opr::ConvBiasForward::make(inp, filt, bias, param, {}, OperatorNodeConfig{output_dtype}); auto dumper = GraphDumper::make(OutputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = dumper->dump({opr}); ASSERT_EQ(rst.outputs.size(), 1u); }; auto load = [&]() { auto loader = GraphLoader::make(InputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = loader->load(); ASSERT_EQ(rst.output_var_list.size(), 1u); EXPECT_EQ(rst.output_var_list[0].dtype(), output_dtype); }; dump(); load(); } TEST(TestOprDNN, LocalShareForward) { REQUIRE_GPU(1); using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; using Param = opr::LocalShare::Param; Param param; param.mode = Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.sparse = Param::Sparse::DENSE; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { return {opr::LocalShare::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { mgb_assert(inp.size() == 2); mgb_assert(dest.size() == 1); std::shared_ptr out; local_share_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, out, param); dest[0] = *out; }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t fh = 3, size_t fw = 3, size_t sh = 1, size_t sw = 1, size_t sgh = 3, size_t sgw = 3) { size_t ph = fh / 2, pw = fw / 2; param.pad_h = ph, param.pad_w = pw; param.stride_h = sh, param.stride_w = sw, param.spatial_groups_h = sgh, param.spatial_groups_w = sgw; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; Checker::RunOptions opt; checker.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); checker.set_input_dtype(0, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(1, dtype::Float32()); auto run = [&](size_t n, size_t ci, size_t co, size_t hi, size_t wi) { size_t ho = (hi + 2 * ph - fh) / sh + 1; size_t wo = (wi + 2 * pw - fw) / sw + 1; if (ho % sgh != 0 || wo % sgw != 0) return; checker.run({TensorShape{n, ci, hi, wi}, TensorShape{sgh, sgw, ci, fh, fw, co}}, opt); }; run(32, 2, 7, 24, 24); run(16, 2, 7, 24, 24); run(32, 2, 8, 12, 12); run(16, 2, 9, 6, 6); }; run_with_param(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(5, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(7, 7, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2); run_with_param(5, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(7, 7, 1, 1, 2, 2); } TEST(TestOprDNN, LocalShareForwardGrad) { REQUIRE_GPU(1); using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; using Param = opr::LocalShare::Param; Param param; param.mode = Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.sparse = Param::Sparse::DENSE; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { return {opr::LocalShare::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], param)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { mgb_assert(inp.size() == 2); mgb_assert(dest.size() == 1); std::shared_ptr out; local_share_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, out, param); dest[0] = *out; }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t fh = 3, size_t fw = 3, size_t sh = 1, size_t sw = 1, size_t sgh = 3, size_t sgw = 3) { size_t ph = fh / 2, pw = fw / 2; param.pad_h = ph, param.pad_w = pw; param.stride_h = sh, param.stride_w = sw, param.spatial_groups_h = sgh, param.spatial_groups_w = sgw; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; Checker::RunOptions opt; checker.set_output_allow_grad(0, true); opt.numdiff_max_err = 1e-1; checker.set_input_dtype(0, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(1, dtype::Float32()); auto run = [&](size_t n, size_t ci, size_t co, size_t hi, size_t wi) { size_t ho = (hi + 2 * ph - fh) / sh + 1; size_t wo = (wi + 2 * pw - fw) / sw + 1; if (ho % sgh != 0 || wo % sgw != 0) return; checker.run({TensorShape{n, ci, hi, wi}, TensorShape{sgh, sgw, ci, fh, fw, co}}, opt); }; run(4, 2, 8, 24, 24); run(8, 2, 4, 6, 6); run(16, 4, 8, 12, 12); run(4, 4, 8, 12, 12); }; run_with_param(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3); run_with_param(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2); } TEST(TestOprDNN, LocalShareForwardExecPolicy) { REQUIRE_GPU(1); using Checker = AutoOprChecker<2, 1>; using Policy = opr::LocalShare::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; using Param = opr::LocalShare::Param; Param param; param.mode = Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.sparse = Param::Sparse::DENSE; int nr_get = 0; auto on_get = [&nr_get](const std::string&, const void*, size_t, const void*, size_t) { ++nr_get; }; PersistentCacheHook cache_hook{on_get}; #if MGB_ENABLE_FASTRUN for (auto strategy: {S::PROFILE, S::HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_REPRODUCIBLE, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #else for (auto strategy: {S:HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #endif auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; return {opr::LocalShare::make(inputs[0], inputs[1], param, policy)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { mgb_assert(inp.size() == 2); mgb_assert(dest.size() == 1); std::shared_ptr out; local_share_brute({inp[0], inp[1]}, out, param); dest[0] = *out; }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t fh = 3, size_t fw = 3, size_t sh = 1, size_t sw = 1, size_t sgh = 3, size_t sgw = 3) { size_t ph = fh / 2, pw = fw / 2; param.pad_h = ph, param.pad_w = pw; param.stride_h = sh, param.stride_w = sw, param.spatial_groups_h = sgh, param.spatial_groups_w = sgw; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; Checker::RunOptions opt; checker.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); checker.set_input_dtype(0, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(1, dtype::Float32()); nr_get = 0; opt.outputs_max_err = 1e-3; auto run = [&](size_t n, size_t ci, size_t co, size_t hi, size_t wi) { size_t ho = (hi + 2 * ph - fh) / sh + 1; size_t wo = (wi + 2 * pw - fw) / sw + 1; if (ho % sgh != 0 || wo % sgw != 0) return; checker.run({TensorShape{n, ci, hi, wi}, TensorShape{sgh, sgw, ci, fh, fw, co}}, opt); }; run(32, 4, 8, 24, 24); run(32, 4, 8, 12, 12); run(16, 4, 8, 12, 12); run(32, 4, 8, 6, 6); if (strategy == S::HEURISTIC) { ASSERT_EQ(0, nr_get); } else { ASSERT_LT(0, nr_get); } }; run_with_param(1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 3, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(5, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(7, 7, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3); run_with_param(3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2); run_with_param(5, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2); run_with_param(7, 7, 1, 1, 2, 2); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, LocalShareSerialization) { using namespace serialization; auto fname = output_file("LocalShareForwardTest"); auto dump = [&]() { opr::LocalShare::Param param; param.mode = Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.stride_h = param.stride_w = 1; param.pad_h = param.pad_w = 0; param.spatial_groups_h = param.spatial_groups_w = 3; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpu0"); auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorND inp_host{cn, {32, 4, 24, 24}, dtype::Float32()}; HostTensorND filt_host{ cn, {3, 3, 4, 1, 1, 8}, dtype::Float32()}; auto inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); auto filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto opr = opr::LocalShareForward::make(inp, filt, param, {}); auto dumper = GraphDumper::make(OutputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = dumper->dump({opr}); ASSERT_EQ(rst.outputs.size(), 1u); }; auto load = [&]() { auto loader = GraphLoader::make(InputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = loader->load(); ASSERT_EQ(rst.output_var_list.size(), 1u); }; dump(); load(); } TEST(TestOprDNN, DeformableConvForward) { REQUIRE_GPU(1); using Checker = AutoOprChecker<4, 1>; using Policy = opr::DeformableConvForward::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; using Param = opr::DeformableConvForward::Param; Param param; #if MGB_ENABLE_FASTRUN for (auto strategy : {S::PROFILE, S::HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_REPRODUCIBLE, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #else for (auto strategy : {S : HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #endif auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; return {opr::DeformableConvForward::make( inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], inputs[3], param, policy)}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { auto opr = megdnn_naive_handle() ->create_operator(); opr->param() = param; TensorLayout dest_layout; opr->deduce_layout(inp[0]->layout(), inp[1]->layout(), inp[2]->layout(), inp[3]->layout(), dest_layout); std::vector workspace(opr->get_workspace_in_bytes( inp[0]->layout(), inp[1]->layout(), inp[2]->layout(), inp[3]->layout(), dest_layout)); dest[0].dtype(dtype::Float32()) .comp_node(inp[0]->comp_node()) .resize(dest_layout); opr->exec(inp[0]->as_megdnn(), inp[1]->as_megdnn(), inp[2]->as_megdnn(), inp[3]->as_megdnn(), dest[0].as_megdnn(), {workspace.data(), workspace.size()}); }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t fh, size_t fw, size_t sh, size_t sw, size_t dh, size_t dw, size_t group, size_t deformable_group) { Checker checker{make_graph, fwd}; size_t ph = fh / 2, pw = fw / 2; param.pad_h = ph, param.pad_w = pw; param.stride_h = sh, param.stride_w = sw; param.dilate_h = dh, param.dilate_w = dw; param.format = Param::Format::NCHW; param.mode = Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.sparse = Param::Sparse::DENSE; if (group > 1) param.sparse = Param::Sparse::GROUP; Checker::RunOptions opt; float DELTA = 1e-3; opt.numdiff_eps = DELTA; opt.numdiff_max_err = 1e-1; auto gen_off = [DELTA](HostTensorND& off, float l = -2.f, float h = 2.f) { RNGxorshf rng{next_rand_seed()}; auto elems = off.shape().total_nr_elems(); auto ptr = off.ptr(); auto rand_real = [](RNGxorshf& rng, float lo, float hi) { std::uniform_real_distribution dist(lo, hi); return dist(rng); }; for (size_t i = 0; i < elems; ++i) { do { float val = rand_real(rng, l, h); if (abs(floor(val + 2 * DELTA) - floor(val)) <= 1e-6f && abs(floor(val - 2 * DELTA) - floor(val)) <= 1e-6f) { ptr[i] = val; break; } } while (true); } }; //! generate offset to avoid value near integer /// because bilinear function is not derivable over there checker.set_input_generator(2, gen_off); checker.set_input_dtype(0, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(1, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(2, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(3, dtype::Float32()); auto run = [&](size_t n, size_t ih, size_t iw, size_t icpg, size_t ocpg) { size_t oh = (ih + 2 * ph - fh) / sh + 1; size_t ow = (iw + 2 * pw - fw) / sw + 1; checker.run({TensorShape{n, group * icpg, ih, iw}, (param.sparse == Param::Sparse::GROUP) ? TensorShape{group, ocpg, icpg, fh, fw} : TensorShape{group * ocpg, group * icpg, fh, fw}, {n, 2 * deformable_group * fh * fw, oh, ow}, {n, deformable_group * fh * fw, oh, ow}}, opt); }; run(1, 3, 3, 2, 1); run(2, 3, 3, 2, 2); run(1, 5, 5, 2, 1); }; // run_with_param(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1); run_with_param(3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2); // run_with_param(5, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2); } } TEST(TestOprDNN, DeformableConvSerialization) { using namespace serialization; auto fname = output_file("DeformableConvTest"); auto dump = [&]() { using Param = opr::DeformableConvForward::Param; Param param; size_t n = 16, ocpg = 2, icpg = 4; size_t ih = 24, iw = 24, fh = 3, fw = 3, ph = 2, pw = 2, sh = 1, sw = 1, dh = 1, dw = 1; size_t group = 1, deformable_group =1; size_t oh = (ih + 2 * ph - fh) / sh + 1; size_t ow = (iw + 2 * pw - fw) / sw + 1; param.pad_h = ph, param.pad_w = pw; param.stride_h = sh, param.stride_w = sw; param.dilate_h = dh, param.dilate_w = dw; param.format = Param::Format::NCHW; param.mode = Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.sparse = Param::Sparse::DENSE; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpu0"); auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorND inp_host{cn, {n, group * icpg, ih, iw}, dtype::Float32()}; HostTensorND filt_host{ cn, {group * ocpg, group * icpg, fh, fw}, dtype::Float32()}; HostTensorND offset_host{ cn, {n, 2 * deformable_group * fh * fw, oh, ow}, dtype::Float32()}; HostTensorND mask_host{ cn, {n, deformable_group * fh * fw, oh, ow}, dtype::Float32()}; auto inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); auto filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto offset = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, offset_host); auto mask = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, mask_host); auto opr = opr::DeformableConvForward::make(inp, filt, offset, mask, param, {}, {}); auto dumper = GraphDumper::make(OutputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = dumper->dump({opr}); ASSERT_EQ(rst.outputs.size(), 1u); }; auto load = [&]() { auto loader = GraphLoader::make(InputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = loader->load(); ASSERT_EQ(rst.output_var_list.size(), 1u); }; dump(); load(); } #if MGB_CUDA TEST(TestOprDNN, BatchConvBiasForward) { REQUIRE_GPU(1); auto cn = CompNode::load("gpu0"); cn.activate(); REQUIRE_CUDA_COMPUTE_CAPABILITY(6, 1); using Checker = AutoOprChecker<3, 1>; using Policy = opr::BatchConvBiasForward::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; using Param = opr::BatchConvBiasForward::Param; Param param; param.format = Param::Format::NCHW4; param.mode = Param::Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.sparse = Param::Sparse::DENSE; #if MGB_ENABLE_FASTRUN for (auto strategy : {S::PROFILE, S::HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_REPRODUCIBLE, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #else for (auto strategy : {S : HEURISTIC, S::PROFILE_HEURISTIC}) { #endif auto make_quantized = [&](SymbolVar x, const DType& dtype) { return opr::TypeCvt::make(x, dtype); }; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; auto conv_bias = opr::BatchConvBiasForward::make( make_quantized(inputs[0], dtype::QuantizedS8{1.1f}), make_quantized(inputs[1], dtype::QuantizedS8{1.2f}), make_quantized(inputs[2], dtype::QuantizedS32{1.1f * 1.2f}), param, policy, OperatorNodeConfig{dtype::QuantizedS8{1.3f}}); return {opr::TypeCvt::make(conv_bias, dtype::Float32())}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { mgb_assert(inp.size() == 3); mgb_assert(dest.size() == 1); auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); Checker::SymInpArray inputs; for (size_t i = 0; i < inp.size(); ++i) { inputs[i] = opr::Host2DeviceCopy::make(*graph, inp[i]); } auto src = make_quantized(inputs[0], dtype::QuantizedS8{1.1f}), filter = make_quantized(inputs[1], dtype::QuantizedS8{1.2f}), bias = make_quantized(inputs[2], dtype::QuantizedS32{1.1f * 1.2f}); { auto xshp = opr::GetVarShape::make(src); auto cv = [&src](int v) { return src.make_scalar(v); }; auto sub = [&xshp, &cv](int idx) { return opr::IndexAt::make(xshp, {{0, cv(idx)}}); }; auto tshp = opr::Concat::make( {cv(1), sub(0) * sub(1), sub(2), sub(3), sub(4)}, 0); src = opr::Reshape::make(src, tshp); } auto conv_param = convert_to_conv_param(param); conv_param.sparse = opr::BatchConvBias::Param::Sparse::GROUP; auto y = opr::Convolution::make(src, filter, conv_param); { auto fshp = opr::GetVarShape::make(filter); auto batch = opr::IndexAt::make(fshp, {{0, filter.make_scalar(0)}}); auto xshp = opr::GetVarShape::make(y); auto cv = [&y](int v) { return y.make_scalar(v); }; auto sub = [&xshp, &cv](int idx) { return opr::IndexAt::make(xshp, {{0, cv(idx)}}); }; auto tshp = opr::Concat::make( {batch, sub(1) / batch, sub(2), sub(3), sub(4)}, 0); y = opr::Reshape::make(y, tshp); } y = y + bias; y = opr::TypeCvt::make(y, dtype::QuantizedS8{1.3f}); y = opr::TypeCvt::make(y, dtype::Float32()); auto func = graph->compile({make_callback_copy(y, dest[0])}); func->execute(); func->wait(); }; auto run_with_param = [&](size_t sh = 1, size_t sw = 1) { size_t fh = 1; size_t fw = 1; size_t ph = fh / 2, pw = fw / 2; param.pad_h = ph, param.pad_w = pw; param.stride_h = sh, param.stride_w = sw; Checker checker{make_graph, fwd, cn}; Checker::RunOptions opt; checker.set_output_allow_grad(0, false); checker.set_input_dtype(0, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(1, dtype::Float32()); checker.set_input_dtype(2, dtype::Float32()); auto run = [&](size_t n, size_t ci, size_t co, size_t hi, size_t wi) { checker.run({TensorShape{n, ci / 4, hi, wi, 4}, TensorShape{n, co, ci / 4, fh, fw, 4}, TensorShape{1, co / 4, 1, 1, 4}}, opt); }; run(32, 16, 32, 24, 24); run(16, 16, 32, 24, 24); run(32, 16, 64, 12, 12); run(16, 16, 64, 6, 6); }; run_with_param(1, 1); run_with_param(2, 2); } } #endif TEST(TestOprDNN, BatchConvBiasSerialization) { using namespace serialization; auto fname = output_file("BatchConvBiasForwardTest"); auto dump = [&]() { opr::BatchConvBias::Param param; param.mode = Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION; param.format = opr::BatchConvBias::Param::Format::NCHW4; param.stride_h = param.stride_w = 1; param.pad_h = param.pad_w = 0; auto cn = CompNode::load("cpu0"); auto graph = ComputingGraph::make(); HostTensorND inp_host{cn, {32, 1, 24, 24, 4}, dtype::QuantizedS8{1.1f}}; HostTensorND filt_host{cn, {32, 8, 1, 1, 1, 4}, dtype::QuantizedS8{1.2f}}; auto inp = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, inp_host); auto filt = opr::ImmutableTensor::make(*graph, filt_host); auto opr = opr::BatchConvBiasForward::make( inp, filt, param, {}, OperatorNodeConfig{dtype::QuantizedS8{1.3f}}); auto dumper = GraphDumper::make(OutputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = dumper->dump({opr}); ASSERT_EQ(rst.outputs.size(), 1u); }; auto load = [&]() { auto loader = GraphLoader::make(InputFile::make_fs(fname.c_str())); auto rst = loader->load(); ASSERT_EQ(rst.output_var_list.size(), 1u); }; dump(); load(); } TEST(TestOprDNN, HeuristicReproducible) { using Policy = opr::ConvolutionBackwardFilter::ExecutionPolicy; using S = Policy::Strategy; using Checker = AutoOprChecker<3, 1>; constexpr size_t PH = 1, PW = 1, SH = 1, SW = 1; for (auto strategy : {S::HEURISTIC, S::HEURISTIC_REPRODUCIBLE}) { VarNode* bwd_flt; auto make_graph = [&](const Checker::SymInpArray& inputs) -> Checker::SymOutArray { Param param{Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION, PH, PW, SH, SW}; Policy policy; policy.strategy = strategy; auto out = opr::ConvolutionBackwardFilter::make( inputs[0], inputs[1], inputs[2], param, policy); bwd_flt = out.node(); return {out}; }; auto fwd = [&](Checker::NumOutArray& dest, Checker::NumInpArray inp) { std::shared_ptr out; conv_bwd_flt_brute({inp[0], inp[1], inp[2]}, out, Param{Mode::CROSS_CORRELATION, PH, PW, SH, SW}); dest[0] = *out; }; #define get_shp(N, P, S, F) ((N + 2 * P - F) / S + 1) #define inp_tensor(N, IC, OC, IH, IW, FH, FW) \ { \ TensorShape{N, IC, IH, IW}, \ {N, OC, get_shp(IH, PH, SH, FH), get_shp(IW, PW, SW, FW)}, { \ OC, IC, FH, FW \ } \ } Checker::RunOptions opt; opt.numdiff_eps = 1; opt.outputs_max_err = 1e-3; std::string algo_name0, algo_name1; { Checker checker(make_graph, fwd); checker.run(inp_tensor(2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 3, 3), opt) .run(inp_tensor(1, 5, 3, 7, 9, 3, 3), opt) .run(inp_tensor(3, 4, 4, 9, 9, 3, 3), opt); auto algo = static_cast( static_cast( bwd_flt->owner_opr()) ->megdnn_opr()) ->execution_policy() .algorithm; if (strategy == S::HEURISTIC_REPRODUCIBLE) { EXPECT_TRUE(algo->is_reproducible()); } algo_name0 = algo->name(); } { Checker checker(make_graph, fwd); checker.run(inp_tensor(2, 3, 4, 9, 8, 3, 3), opt) .run(inp_tensor(1, 5, 3, 7, 9, 3, 3), opt) .run(inp_tensor(3, 4, 4, 9, 9, 3, 3), opt); auto algo = static_cast( static_cast( bwd_flt->owner_opr()) ->megdnn_opr()) ->execution_policy() .algorithm; algo_name1 = algo->name(); } EXPECT_TRUE(algo_name0 == algo_name1); } #undef inp_tensor #undef get_shp } // vim: syntax=cpp.doxygen foldmethod=marker foldmarker=f{{{,f}}}