# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # # Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. import multiprocessing as mp import platform import numpy as np import pytest import megengine as mge import megengine.distributed as dist from megengine.core import tensor from megengine.module import BatchNorm1d, BatchNorm2d, SyncBatchNorm from megengine.test import assertTensorClose @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() == "Darwin", reason="do not imp GPU mode at macos now" ) @pytest.mark.isolated_distributed def test_syncbn(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 4, 16) momentum = 0.9 eps = 1e-5 running_mean = np.zeros((1, nr_chan, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) running_var = np.ones((1, nr_chan, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) steps = 4 nr_ranks = 2 def worker(rank, data, yv_expect, running_mean, running_var): if mge.get_device_count("gpu") < nr_ranks: return dist.init_process_group("localhost", 2333, nr_ranks, rank, rank) bn = SyncBatchNorm(nr_chan, momentum=momentum, eps=eps) data_tensor = tensor() for i in range(steps): data_tensor.set_value(data[i]) yv = bn(data_tensor) assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose(running_mean, bn.running_mean.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose(running_var, bn.running_var.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) xv = [] for i in range(steps): xv.append(np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32)) xv_transposed = np.transpose(xv[i], [0, 2, 3, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2] * data_shape[3], nr_chan) ) mean = np.mean(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape(1, nr_chan, 1, 1) var_biased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var_biased + eps) var_unbiased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0, ddof=1).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) running_mean = running_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum) running_var = running_var * momentum + var_unbiased * (1 - momentum) yv_expect = (xv[i] - mean) / sd data = [] for i in range(nr_ranks): data.append([]) for j in range(steps): data[i].append(xv[j][:, :, :, i * 8 : i * 8 + 8]) procs = [] for rank in range(nr_ranks): p = mp.Process( target=worker, args=( rank, data[rank], yv_expect[:, :, :, rank * 8 : rank * 8 + 8], running_mean, running_var, ), ) p.start() procs.append(p) for p in procs: p.join(10) assert p.exitcode == 0 def test_batchnorm(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 4) momentum = 0.9 bn = BatchNorm1d(nr_chan, momentum=momentum) running_mean = np.zeros((1, nr_chan, 1), dtype=np.float32) running_var = np.ones((1, nr_chan, 1), dtype=np.float32) data = tensor() for i in range(3): xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) mean = np.mean(np.mean(xv, axis=0, keepdims=True), axis=2, keepdims=True) xv_transposed = np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2], nr_chan) ) var_biased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var_biased + bn.eps) var_unbiased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0, ddof=1).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1)) running_mean = running_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum) running_var = running_var * momentum + var_unbiased * (1 - momentum) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose( running_mean.reshape(-1), bn.running_mean.numpy().reshape(-1), max_err=5e-6 ) assertTensorClose( running_var.reshape(-1), bn.running_var.numpy().reshape(-1), max_err=5e-6 ) # test set 'training' flag to False mean_backup = bn.running_mean.numpy() var_backup = bn.running_var.numpy() bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) data.set_value(xv) yv1 = bn(data) yv2 = bn(data) assertTensorClose(yv1.numpy(), yv2.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(mean_backup, bn.running_mean.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(var_backup, bn.running_var.numpy(), max_err=0) yv_expect = (xv - running_mean) / np.sqrt(running_var + bn.eps) assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv1.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() == "Darwin", reason="do not imp GPU mode at macos now" ) def test_syncbn1d(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 4) momentum = 0.9 bn = SyncBatchNorm(nr_chan, momentum=momentum) running_mean = np.zeros((1, nr_chan, 1), dtype=np.float32) running_var = np.ones((1, nr_chan, 1), dtype=np.float32) data = tensor() for i in range(3): xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) mean = np.mean(np.mean(xv, axis=0, keepdims=True), axis=2, keepdims=True) xv_transposed = np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2], nr_chan) ) var_biased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var_biased + bn.eps) var_unbiased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0, ddof=1).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1)) running_mean = running_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum) running_var = running_var * momentum + var_unbiased * (1 - momentum) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose( running_mean.reshape(-1), bn.running_mean.numpy().reshape(-1), max_err=5e-6 ) assertTensorClose( running_var.reshape(-1), bn.running_var.numpy().reshape(-1), max_err=5e-6 ) # test set 'training' flag to False mean_backup = bn.running_mean.numpy() var_backup = bn.running_var.numpy() bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) data.set_value(xv) yv1 = bn(data) yv2 = bn(data) assertTensorClose(yv1.numpy(), yv2.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(mean_backup, bn.running_mean.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(var_backup, bn.running_var.numpy(), max_err=0) yv_expect = (xv - running_mean) / np.sqrt(running_var + bn.eps) assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv1.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) def test_batchnorm2d(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 16, 16) momentum = 0.9 bn = BatchNorm2d(nr_chan, momentum=momentum) running_mean = np.zeros((1, nr_chan, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) running_var = np.ones((1, nr_chan, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) data = tensor() for i in range(3): xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) xv_transposed = np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 3, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2] * data_shape[3], nr_chan) ) mean = np.mean(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape(1, nr_chan, 1, 1) var_biased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var_biased + bn.eps) var_unbiased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0, ddof=1).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) running_mean = running_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum) running_var = running_var * momentum + var_unbiased * (1 - momentum) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose(running_mean, bn.running_mean.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose(running_var, bn.running_var.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) # test set 'training' flag to False mean_backup = bn.running_mean.numpy() var_backup = bn.running_var.numpy() bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) data.set_value(xv) yv1 = bn(data) yv2 = bn(data) assertTensorClose(yv1.numpy(), yv2.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(mean_backup, bn.running_mean.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(var_backup, bn.running_var.numpy(), max_err=0) yv_expect = (xv - running_mean) / np.sqrt(running_var + bn.eps) assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv1.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() == "Darwin", reason="do not imp GPU mode at macos now" ) def test_syncbn2d(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 16, 16) momentum = 0.9 bn = SyncBatchNorm(nr_chan, momentum=momentum) running_mean = np.zeros((1, nr_chan, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) running_var = np.ones((1, nr_chan, 1, 1), dtype=np.float32) data = tensor() for i in range(3): xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) xv_transposed = np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 3, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2] * data_shape[3], nr_chan) ) mean = np.mean(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape(1, nr_chan, 1, 1) var_biased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var_biased + bn.eps) var_unbiased = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0, ddof=1).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) running_mean = running_mean * momentum + mean * (1 - momentum) running_var = running_var * momentum + var_unbiased * (1 - momentum) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose(running_mean, bn.running_mean.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) assertTensorClose(running_var, bn.running_var.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) # test set 'training' flag to False mean_backup = bn.running_mean.numpy() var_backup = bn.running_var.numpy() bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) data.set_value(xv) yv1 = bn(data) yv2 = bn(data) assertTensorClose(yv1.numpy(), yv2.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(mean_backup, bn.running_mean.numpy(), max_err=0) assertTensorClose(var_backup, bn.running_var.numpy(), max_err=0) yv_expect = (xv - running_mean) / np.sqrt(running_var + bn.eps) assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv1.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) def test_batchnorm_no_stats(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 4) bn = BatchNorm1d(8, track_running_stats=False) data = tensor() for i in range(4): if i == 2: bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) mean = np.mean(np.mean(xv, axis=0, keepdims=True), axis=2, keepdims=True) var = np.var( np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2], nr_chan) ), axis=0, ).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var + bn.eps) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() == "Darwin", reason="do not imp GPU mode at macos now" ) def test_syncbn_no_stats(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 4) bn = SyncBatchNorm(8, track_running_stats=False) data = tensor() for i in range(4): if i == 2: bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) mean = np.mean(np.mean(xv, axis=0, keepdims=True), axis=2, keepdims=True) var = np.var( np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2], nr_chan) ), axis=0, ).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var + bn.eps) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) def test_batchnorm2d_no_stats(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 16, 16) bn = BatchNorm2d(8, track_running_stats=False) data = tensor() for i in range(4): if i == 2: bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) xv_transposed = np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 3, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2] * data_shape[3], nr_chan) ) mean = np.mean(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape(1, nr_chan, 1, 1) var = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var + bn.eps) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6) @pytest.mark.skipif( platform.system() == "Darwin", reason="do not imp GPU mode at macos now" ) def test_syncbn2d_no_stats(): nr_chan = 8 data_shape = (3, nr_chan, 16, 16) bn = SyncBatchNorm(8, track_running_stats=False) data = tensor() for i in range(4): if i == 2: bn.training = False xv = np.random.normal(loc=2.3, size=data_shape).astype(np.float32) xv_transposed = np.transpose(xv, [0, 2, 3, 1]).reshape( (data_shape[0] * data_shape[2] * data_shape[3], nr_chan) ) mean = np.mean(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape(1, nr_chan, 1, 1) var = np.var(xv_transposed, axis=0).reshape((1, nr_chan, 1, 1)) sd = np.sqrt(var + bn.eps) data.set_value(xv) yv = bn(data) yv_expect = (xv - mean) / sd assertTensorClose(yv_expect, yv.numpy(), max_err=5e-6)