提交 35167e53 编写于 作者: M Megvii Engine Team

feat(imperative): add augs including emboss, sharpen, linearcontrast

GitOrigin-RevId: c050784b9d5be33932c483ea954418b2e4ba3310
上级 abb7f6ef
......@@ -38,8 +38,12 @@ from .rnn import LSTM, RNN, LSTMCell, RNNCell
from .sequential import Sequential
from .sliding_window import SlidingWindow, SlidingWindowTranspose
from .vision import (
import math
import numbers
from functools import lru_cache
import numpy as np
from ..core.ops import builtin
from ..core.tensor.utils import subgraph_fn
from ..functional import (
from ..functional.elemwise import abs, add, log
from ..functional.math import sign
from ..functional.nn import conv2d, pad
from ..functional.tensor import broadcast_to
from ..random.rng import RNG
from ..tensor import Tensor
......@@ -152,3 +170,342 @@ class AdditiveGaussianNoise(AdditiveElemwise):
assert isinstance(seed, int)
self._seed = seed
self.rng_func = RNG(seed).normal
def _get_value_range_of_dtype(dtype):
if not dtype.kind in ["f", "u", "i", "b"]:
raise Exception(
"Cannot estimate value range of dtype '%s' "
"(type: %s)" % (str(dtype), type(dtype))
if dtype.kind == "f":
finfo = np.finfo(dtype)
value_min = finfo.min
value_mid = 0.0
value_max = finfo.max
if dtype.kind == "u":
iinfo = np.iinfo(dtype)
value_min = iinfo.min
value_mid = iinfo.min + 0.5 * iinfo.max
value_max = iinfo.max
if dtype.kind == "i":
iinfo = np.iinfo(dtype)
value_min = iinfo.min
value_mid = -0.5
value_max = iinfo.max
if dtype.kind == "b":
value_min = 0
value_mid = None
value_max = 1
return value_min, value_mid, value_max
def _check_out_dtype(inp, input_dtype):
if input_dtype.name == "bool":
inp = inp > 0.5
elif input_dtype.name in ["uint8", "uint16", "int8", "int16", "int32", "float16"]:
min_dtype, _, max_dtype = _get_value_range_of_dtype(input_dtype)
inp = clip(inp, min_dtype, max_dtype)
inp = inp.astype(input_dtype)
return inp
class ActiveBlur(Module):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
def forward(self, inp):
assert isinstance(
inp, Tensor
), "expected input is megengine.Tensor, but got {}".format(type(inp))
if inp.format == "nchw" or inp.format == "default":
_norm_inp = inp
N, C, H, W = inp.shape
raise RuntimeError(
"expect you create Tensor with format NCHW, got format is {}".format(
kernel = self.get_kernel(_norm_inp, C)
pad_inp = pad(
_norm_inp, pad_width=((0, 0), (0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 1)), mode="reflect"
result = conv2d(pad_inp, kernel, groups=C)
result = _check_out_dtype(result, inp.dtype)
return result
def _get_parameter(self, param):
if isinstance(param, bool):
raise TypeError("The input parameter cannot be of bool value type. ")
if isinstance(param, (numbers.Integral, numbers.Real)):
return float(param)
elif isinstance(param, tuple):
assert len(param) == 2, (
"Expected parameter '%s' with type tuple to have exactly two "
"entries, but got %d." % (name, len(param))
param = self.rng_func(param[0], param[1])
return float(param)
raise TypeError("The input parameter has a wrong type. ")
def get_kernel(self, inp, c):
raise NotImplementedError()
def _get_EmbossKernel_op(alpha, strength, *, dtype=None, device=None):
"EmbossKernel", dtype=dtype, device=device, nr_inputs=2, gopt_level=None,
def EmbossKernel(input, f, c):
inp_e, inp_n = input[0:2]
c_alp = c(alpha, dtype="float32")
c_sub_alp = c(1 - alpha, dtype="float32")
c_stg = c(strength, dtype="float32")
c_1 = c(1, dtype="int32")
c_2 = c(2, dtype="int32")
c_3 = c(3, dtype="int32")
def _subtensor(src, axis, begin, end):
items = ((axis, (begin is not None), (end is not None), False, False),)
args = ()
if begin is not None:
args += (begin,)
if end is not None:
args += (end,)
return f(builtin.Subtensor(items=items), src, *args)
def _kernel_init(x):
k_1 = _subtensor(x, 0, None, c_1)
k_2 = _subtensor(x, 0, c_1, c_2)
k_3 = _subtensor(x, 0, c_2, c_3)
k_11 = f("-", _subtensor(k_1, 1, None, c_1), c_stg)
k_12_21 = f("-", _subtensor(k_1, 1, c_1, c_2), c_stg)
k_23_32 = f("+", _subtensor(k_2, 1, c_2, c_3), c_stg)
k_33 = f("+", _subtensor(k_3, 1, c_2, c_3), c_stg)
k_13 = _subtensor(k_1, 1, c_2, c_3)
k_22 = _subtensor(k_2, 1, c_1, c_2)
k_31 = _subtensor(k_3, 1, None, c_1)
nk_1 = f(builtin.Concat(axis=1), k_11, k_12_21, k_13,)
nk_2 = f(builtin.Concat(axis=1), k_12_21, k_22, k_23_32,)
nk_3 = f(builtin.Concat(axis=1), k_31, k_23_32, k_33,)
return f(builtin.Concat(axis=0), nk_1, nk_2, nk_3,)
def _kernel_calc(k_e, k_n):
k1 = f("*", k_n, c_sub_alp)
k2 = f("*", k_e, c_alp)
return f("+", k1, k2)
kernel_effect = _kernel_init(inp_e)
kernel = _kernel_calc(kernel_effect, inp_n)
return (kernel,), (False,)
return EmbossKernel
class Emboss(ActiveBlur):
r"""overlay emboss effect and alpha-blend the result with the original input
The embossed version pronounces highlights and shadows, enhances the high-frequency information of the image, and retains the low-frequency information of the image
alpha: Adjust visibility of embossed images. number or tuple of number, At ``0.0``, only the original image is visible, at ``1.0`` only its embossed version is visible. If a tuple ``(a, b)``, a random value will be sampled from the interval ``[a, b)``.
strength: emboss strength.Sane values are somewhere in the interval ``[0.0, 2.0)`` with ``1.0``, number or tuple of number, If a tuple ``(a, b)``, a random value will be sampled from the interval ``[a, b)``.
seed: random number seed of generator
>>> import numpy as np
>>> inp = mge.tensor(np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(160,3,128,128)).astype("float32"))
>>> aug = mge.module.Emboss(alpha=(0.6, 0.8), strength=(0.6, 0.8), seed=1)
>>> out = aug(inp)
def __init__(self, alpha, strength, seed=None):
assert seed is None or isinstance(seed, int)
self.alpha = alpha
self.strength = strength
self.rng_func = RNG(seed).uniform
self.seed = seed
self.matrix_nochange = Tensor(
np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
self.matrix_effect = Tensor(
np.array([[-1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]], dtype=np.float32)
def get_kernel(self, inp, c):
alpha = self._get_parameter(self.alpha)
strength = self._get_parameter(self.strength)
get_kernel_fn = _get_EmbossKernel_op(
kernel, *_ = get_kernel_fn(self.matrix_effect, self.matrix_nochange)
kernel = broadcast_to(kernel, (c, 1, 1, kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1]))
return kernel
def _get_SharpenKernel_op(alpha, lightness, *, dtype=None, device=None):
"SharpenKernel", dtype=dtype, device=device, nr_inputs=2, gopt_level=None,
def SharpenKernel(input, f, c):
inp_e, inp_n = input[0:2]
c_alp = c(alpha, dtype="float32")
c_sub_alp = c(1 - alpha, dtype="float32")
c_lts = c(lightness, dtype="float32")
c_1 = c(1, dtype="int32")
c_2 = c(2, dtype="int32")
c_3 = c(3, dtype="int32")
def _subtensor(src, axis, begin, end):
items = ((axis, (begin is not None), (end is not None), False, False),)
args = ()
if begin is not None:
args += (begin,)
if end is not None:
args += (end,)
return f(builtin.Subtensor(items=items), src, *args)
def _kernel_init(x):
k_1 = _subtensor(x, 0, None, c_1)
k_2 = _subtensor(x, 0, c_1, c_2)
k_3 = _subtensor(x, 0, c_2, c_3)
k_21 = _subtensor(k_2, 1, None, c_1)
k_22 = f("+", _subtensor(k_2, 1, c_1, c_2), c_lts)
k_23 = _subtensor(k_2, 1, c_2, c_3)
nk_2 = f(builtin.Concat(axis=1), k_21, k_22, k_23,)
return f(builtin.Concat(axis=0), k_1, nk_2, k_3,)
def _kernel_calc(k_e, k_n):
k1 = f("*", k_n, c_sub_alp)
k2 = f("*", k_e, c_alp)
return f("+", k1, k2)
kernel_effect = _kernel_init(inp_e)
kernel = _kernel_calc(kernel_effect, inp_n)
return (kernel,), (False,)
return SharpenKernel
class Sharpen(ActiveBlur):
r"""Sharpen images and alpha-blend the result with the original input.
alpha: Adjust visibility of sharpened images. number or tuple of number, At ``0.0``, only the original image is visible, at ``1.0`` only its embossed version is visible. If a tuple ``(a, b)``, a random value will be sampled from the interval ``[a, b)``.
lightness: Controls the brightness of sharpened images. Sane values are somewhere in the interval ``[0.5, 2.0)`` with ``1.0``, number or tuple of number, If a tuple ``(a, b)``, a random value will be sampled from the interval ``[a, b)``.
seed: random number seed of generator
>>> import numpy as np
>>> inp = mge.tensor(np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(160,3,128,128)).astype("float32"))
>>> aug = mge.module.Sharpen(alpha=(0.6, 0.8), lightness=(0.6, 0.8), seed=1)
>>> out = aug(inp)
def __init__(self, alpha, lightness, seed=None):
assert seed is None or isinstance(seed, int)
self.alpha = alpha
self.lightness = lightness
self.rng_func = RNG(seed).uniform
self.seed = seed
self.matrix_nochange = Tensor(
np.array([[0, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32)
self.matrix_effect = Tensor(
np.array([[-1, -1, -1], [-1, 8, -1], [-1, -1, -1]], dtype=np.float32)
def get_kernel(self, inp, c):
alpha = self._get_parameter(self.alpha)
lightness = self._get_parameter(self.lightness)
get_kernel_fn = _get_SharpenKernel_op(
kernel, *_ = get_kernel_fn(self.matrix_effect, self.matrix_nochange)
kernel = broadcast_to(kernel, (c, 1, 1, kernel.shape[0], kernel.shape[1]))
return kernel
class LinearContrast(Module):
r"""Adjust contrast by scaling each pixel to ``127 + alpha*(v-127)``.
alpha: number or tuple of number. If a tuple ``(a, b)``, a random value will be sampled from the interval ``[a, b)``.
per_channel:Whether to use (imagewise) the same sample(s) for all channels (False) or to sample value(s) for each channel (True). Setting this to True will therefore lead to different transformations per image and channel, otherwise only per image.
seed: random number seed of generator
>>> import numpy as np
>>> inp = mge.tensor(np.random.randint(0, 255, size=(160,3,128,128)).astype("float32"))
>>> aug = mge.module.LinearContrast(alpha=(0.6, 0.8), per_channel=False, seed=1)
>>> out = aug(inp)
def __init__(self, alpha, per_channel=False, seed=None):
self.alpha = alpha
self.seed = seed
self.per_channel = per_channel
self.rng_func = RNG(seed).uniform
def _get_parameter(self, param, size):
if isinstance(param, bool):
raise TypeError("The input parameter cannot be of bool value type. ")
if isinstance(param, (numbers.Integral, numbers.Real)):
value = zeros(size, dtype="float32")
value = full_like(value, param)
return value
elif isinstance(param, tuple):
assert len(param) == 2, (
"Expected parameter '%s' with type tuple to have exactly two "
"entries, but got %d." % (name, len(param))
value = self.rng_func(param[0], param[1], size)
return value
raise TypeError("The input parameter has a wrong type. ")
def _get_table(self, size):
shape = (size, 1)
alpha = self._get_parameter(self.alpha, shape)
table = arange(255).astype("float32")
table = broadcast_to(table, (size, 255))
table = 127 + mul((table - 127), alpha)
return clip(table, 0, 255)
def forward(self, inp: Tensor) -> Tensor:
if inp.dtype.name == "uint8":
if self.per_channel is True:
flatten_inp = reshape(
inp, (inp.shape[0] * inp.shape[1], inp.shape[2] * inp.shape[3])
flatten_inp = flatten(inp, 1).astype("int32")
table = self._get_table(flatten_inp.shape[0])
result = gather(table, 1, flatten_inp)
result = reshape(result, inp.shape).astype("uint8")
return result
input_dtype = inp.dtype
_, center_value, _ = _get_value_range_of_dtype(input_dtype)
if self.per_channel is True:
size = (inp.shape[0], inp.shape[1], 1, 1)
size = (inp.shape[0], 1, 1, 1)
alpha = self._get_parameter(self.alpha, size)
if input_dtype.kind in ["u", "i"]:
center_value = int(center_value)
result = center_value + mul(inp.astype("float32") - center_value, alpha)
result = result.astype(input_dtype)
return result
......@@ -4,10 +4,14 @@ import numpy as np
import pytest
from megengine import Tensor
from megengine.functional import mean, zeros
from megengine.module import (
......@@ -38,3 +42,49 @@ def test_AdditiveNoise(cls, per_channel, shape, format, seed):
aug_ref = cls(per_channel=per_channel, seed=seed)
aug_data_ref = aug_ref(input_tensor)
np.testing.assert_allclose(aug_data, aug_data_ref)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("cls", [Emboss, Sharpen])
"shape, format, dtype",
((128, 2, 160, 160), "default", np.uint8),
((128, 2, 160, 160), "default", np.float32),
"param1, param2", [(0.5, 0.7), (0.6, 0.8), ((0.6, 0.8), (0.6, 0.8)),],
@pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", [1024, None])
def test_blur(cls, shape, format, dtype, param1, param2, seed):
input_array = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=shape).astype(dtype)
input_tensor = Tensor(input_array, device="xpux", format=format)
aug = cls(param1, param2, seed=seed)
aug_data = aug(input_tensor)
if seed is not None: # fix rng seed
aug_ref = cls(param1, param2, seed=seed)
aug_data_ref = aug_ref(input_tensor)
np.testing.assert_allclose(aug_data, aug_data_ref)
@pytest.mark.parametrize("per_channel", [False, True])
"shape, format, dtype",
((128, 2, 160, 160), "default", np.uint8),
((128, 2, 160, 160), "default", np.float32),
@pytest.mark.parametrize("param1", [0.6, 0.8, (0.6, 0.8)])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("seed", [1024, None])
def test_LinearContrast(per_channel, shape, format, dtype, param1, seed):
input_array = np.random.randint(0, 255, size=shape).astype(dtype)
input_tensor = Tensor(input_array, device="xpux", format=format)
aug = LinearContrast(param1, per_channel=per_channel, seed=seed)
aug_data = aug(input_tensor)
if seed is not None: # fix rng seed
aug_ref = LinearContrast(param1, per_channel=per_channel, seed=seed)
aug_data_ref = aug_ref(input_tensor)
np.testing.assert_allclose(aug_data, aug_data_ref)
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