# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # MegEngine is Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License") # # Copyright (c) 2014-2021 Megvii Inc. All rights reserved. # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT ARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. import re from typing import Union from mprop import mproperty from .core._imperative_rt.core2 import set_option as _set_option from .core._imperative_rt.utils import _set_defrag _eviction_threshold = 0 _evictee_minimum_size = 1024 ** 2 def _str2bytes(text: str) -> int: regex = re.compile(r"(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([kmg]?b)", re.IGNORECASE) order = ["b", "kb", "mb", "gb"] result = regex.findall(text) if len(result) != 1: raise ValueError( "Formatting of `value` only supports bytes(B), kilobyte(KB), megabyte(MB) and gigabyte(GB) units" ) return int(float(result[0][0]) * 1024 ** order.index(result[0][1].lower())) @mproperty def eviction_threshold(mod): r""" Get or set the eviction threshold in bytes. It can also be set to a string, whose formatting supports byte(B), kilobyte(KB), megabyte(MB) and gigabyte(GB) units. .. note:: When GPU memory usage exceeds this value, DTR will heuristically select and evict resident tensors until the amount of used memory falls below this threshold. Examples: .. code-block:: import megengine as mge mge.dtr.eviction_threshold = "2GB" """ return mod._eviction_threshold @eviction_threshold.setter def eviction_threshold(mod, value: Union[int, str]): if isinstance(value, str): mod._eviction_threshold = mod._str2bytes(value) elif isinstance(value, int): mod._eviction_threshold = value else: raise TypeError("`value` should be a str or an int") _set_option("dtr_eviction_threshold", mod._eviction_threshold) @mproperty def evictee_minimum_size(mod): r""" Get or set the memory threshold of tensors in bytes. It can also be set to a string, whose formatting supports byte(B), kilobyte(KB), megabyte(MB) and gigabyte(GB) units. .. note:: Only tensors whose size exceeds this threshold will be added to the candidate set. A tensor that is not added to the candidate set will never be evicted during its lifetime. Examples: .. code-block:: import megengine as mge mge.dtr.evictee_minimum_size = "2MB" """ return mod._evictee_minimum_size @evictee_minimum_size.setter def evictee_minimum_size(mod, value: Union[int, str]): if isinstance(value, str): mod._evictee_minimum_size = mod._str2bytes(value) elif isinstance(value, int): mod._evictee_minimum_size = value else: raise TypeError("`value` should be a str or an int") _set_option("dtr_evictee_minimum_size", mod._evictee_minimum_size) def enable(): r""" Enable to record computing path of tensors and to perform DTR policy. """ _set_defrag(True) _set_option("enable_dtr_auto_drop", 1) _set_option("enable_drop", 1) _set_option("buffer_length", 0) _set_option("record_computing_path", 1) def disable(): r""" Stop recording computing path of tensors and performing DTR policy. """ _set_option("enable_dtr_auto_drop", 0) _set_option("enable_drop", 0) _set_option("record_computing_path", 0)