# Spring Cloud Stream Reference Documentation

Sabby Anandan
Marius Bogoevici
Eric Bottard
Mark Fisher
Ilayaperumal Gopinathan
Mark Heckler
Gunnar Hillert
Mark Pollack
Patrick Peralta
Glenn Renfro
Thomas Risberg
Dave Syer
David Turanski
Janne Valkealahti
Benjamin Klein
Vinicius Carvalho
Gary Russell
Oleg Zhurakousky
Jay Bryant
Soby Chacko
Domenico Sibilio


The reference documentation consists of the following sections:

Overview History, Quick Start, Concepts, Architecture Overview, Binder Abstraction, and Core Features
Rabbit MQ Binder (opens new window) Spring Cloud Stream binder reference for Rabbit MQ
Apache Kafka Binder (opens new window) Spring Cloud Stream binder reference for Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka Streams Binder (opens new window) Spring Cloud Stream binder reference for Apache Kafka Streams
Additional Binders A collection of Partner maintained binder implementations for Spring Cloud Stream (e.g., Azure Event Hubs, Google PubSub, Solace PubSub+)
Spring Cloud Stream Samples (opens new window) A curated collection of repeatable Spring Cloud Stream samples to walk through the features

Relevant Links:

Spring Cloud Data Flow (opens new window) Spring Cloud Data Flow
Enterprise Integration Patterns (opens new window) Patterns and Best Practices for Enterprise Integration
Spring Integration (opens new window) Spring Integration framework