# Digest Authentication This section provides details on how Spring Security provides support for [Digest Authentication](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617) which is provided `DigestAuthenticationFilter`. | |You should not use Digest Authentication in modern applications because it is not considered secure.
The most obvious problem is that you must store your passwords in plaintext, encrypted, or an MD5 format.
All of these storage formats are considered insecure.
Instead, you should store credentials using a one way adaptive password hash (i.e. bCrypt, PBKDF2, SCrypt, etc) which is not supported by Digest Authentication.| |---|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| Digest Authentication attempts to solve many of the weaknesses of [Basic authentication](basic.html#servlet-authentication-basic), specifically by ensuring credentials are never sent in clear text across the wire. Many [browsers support Digest Authentication](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Digest#Browser_compatibility). The standard governing HTTP Digest Authentication is defined by [RFC 2617](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2617), which updates an earlier version of the Digest Authentication standard prescribed by [RFC 2069](https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2069). Most user agents implement RFC 2617. Spring Security’s Digest Authentication support is compatible with the “auth” quality of protection (`qop`) prescribed by RFC 2617, which also provides backward compatibility with RFC 2069. Digest Authentication was seen as a more attractive option if you need to use unencrypted HTTP (i.e. no TLS/HTTPS) and wish to maximise security of the authentication process. However, everyone should use [HTTPS](../../../features/exploits/http.html#http). Central to Digest Authentication is a "nonce". This is a value the server generates. Spring Security’s nonce adopts the following format: Example 1. Digest Syntax ``` base64(expirationTime + ":" + md5Hex(expirationTime + ":" + key)) expirationTime: The date and time when the nonce expires, expressed in milliseconds key: A private key to prevent modification of the nonce token ``` You will need to ensure you [configure](../../../features/authentication/password-storage.html#authentication-password-storage-configuration) insecure plain text [Password Storage](../../../features/authentication/password-storage.html#authentication-password-storage) using `NoOpPasswordEncoder`. The following provides an example of configuring Digest Authentication with Java Configuration: Example 2. Digest Authentication Java ``` @Autowired UserDetailsService userDetailsService; DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint entryPoint() { DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint result = new DigestAuthenticationEntryPoint(); result.setRealmName("My App Relam"); result.setKey("3028472b-da34-4501-bfd8-a355c42bdf92"); } DigestAuthenticationFilter digestAuthenticationFilter() { DigestAuthenticationFilter result = new DigestAuthenticationFilter(); result.setUserDetailsService(userDetailsService); result.setAuthenticationEntryPoint(entryPoint()); } protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { http // ... .exceptionHandling(e -> e.authenticationEntryPoint(authenticationEntryPoint())) .addFilterBefore(digestFilter()); } ``` XML ``` ``` [Basic](basic.html)[Password Storage](storage.html)