select * from film where length = ? select * from film where length is null select * from film having title = ? select * from where length >= ? select * from where length >= ? select * from film where length between ? and ? select * from film where title like ? select * from film where title is not null select * from film where length = ? and title = ? select * from film where length > ? and title = ? select * from film where length > ? and language_id < ? and title = ? select * from film where length > ? and language_id < ? select release_year, sum(length) from film where length = ? and language_id = ? group by release_year select release_year, sum(length) from film where length >= ? group by release_year select release_year, language_id, sum(length) from film group by release_year, language_id select release_year, sum(length) from film where length = ? group by language_id) select release_year, sum(film_id) from film group by release_year select * from address group by address,district select title from film where abs(language_id) = ? group by title select language_id from film where length = ? group by release_year order by language_id select release_year from film where length = ? group by release_year order by release_year select * from film where length = ? order by release_year, language_id desc select release_year from film where length = ? group by release_year order by release_year limit ? select * from film where length = ? order by release_year limit ? select * from film order by release_year limit ? select film_id from film order by release_year limit ? select * from film where length > ? order by length limit ? select * from film where length < ? order by length limit ? select * from customer where address_id in(?+) order by last_name select * from film where release_year = ? and length != ? order by title select title from film where release_year = ? select title, replacement_cost from film where language_id = ? and length = ? select title from film where language_id > ? and length > ? select * from film where length = ? and title = ? order by release_year select * from film where length > ? and title = ? order by release_year select * from film where length > ? order by release_year select * from city a inner join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id select * from city a left join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id select * from city a right join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id select * from city a left join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id where b.last_update is null select * from city a right join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id where a.last_update is null select * from city a left join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id union select * from city a right join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id select * from city a right join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id where a.last_update is null union select * from city a left join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id where b.last_update is null select country_id, last_update from city natural join country select country_id, last_update from city natural left join country select country_id, last_update from city natural right join country select a.country_id, a.last_update from city a straight_join country b on a.country_id=b.country_id select a.address, a.postal_code from sakila.address a where a.city_id in(?+) select city from( select city_id from city where city = ? order by last_update desc limit ?, ?) i join city on (i.city_id = city.city_id) join country on (country.country_id = city.country_id) order by city desc delete city, country from city inner join country using (country_id) where city.city_id = ? delete city from city left join country on city.country_id = country.country_id where is null delete a1, a2 from city as a1 inner join country as a2 where a1.country_id=a2.country_id delete from a1, a2 using city as a1 inner join country as a2 where a1.country_id=a2.country_id delete from film where length > ? update city inner join country using(country_id) set = ?, city.last_update = ?, = ? where city.city_id=? update city inner join country on city.country_id = country.country_id inner join address on city.city_id = address.city_id set = ?, city.last_update = ?, = ? where city.city_id=? update city, country set = ?, city.last_update = ?, = ? where city.country_id = country.country_id and city.city_id=? update film set length = ? where language_id = ? insert into city (country_id) select country_id from country insert into city (country_id) values(?+) insert into city (country_id) values(?+) insert into city (country_id) select ? from dual replace into city (country_id) select country_id from country replace into city (country_id) values(?+) replace into city (country_id) values(?+) replace into city (country_id) select ? from dual select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from ( select film_id from film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film ) film select * from film where language_id = (select language_id from language limit ?) select * from city i left join country o on i.city_id=o.country_id union select * from city i right join country o on i.city_id=o.country_id select * from (select * from actor where last_update=? and last_name=?) t where last_update=? and last_name=? group by first_name select * from city i left join country o on i.city_id=o.country_id union select * from city i right join country o on i.city_id=o.country_id select * from city i left join country o on i.city_id=o.country_id where o.country_id is null union select * from city i right join country o on i.city_id=o.country_id where i.city_id is null select first_name,last_name,email from customer straight_join address on customer.address_id=address.address_id select id,name from (select address from customer_list where sid=? order by phone limit ?,?) a join customer_list l on (a.address=l.address) join city c on ( order by phone desc select * from film where date(last_update)=? select last_update from film group by date(last_update) select last_update from film order by date(last_update) select description from film where description in(?+) group by description alter table address add index idx_city_id(city_id) alter table inventory add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`) alter table inventory add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`),add index `idx_store_film` (`store_id`,`film_id`) select date_format(t.last_update, ?), count(distinct ( from city t where t.last_update > ? and like ? and = ? group by date_format(t.last_update, ?) order by date_format(t.last_update, ?) create table hello.t (id int unsigned) select * from tb where data >= ? alter table tb alter column id drop default