# This how we want to name the binary output # # use checkmake linter https://github.com/mrtazz/checkmake # $ checkmake Makefile # BINARY=soar GOPATH ?= $(shell go env GOPATH) # Ensure GOPATH is set before running build process. ifeq "$(GOPATH)" "" $(error Please set the environment variable GOPATH before running `make`) endif PATH := ${GOPATH}/bin:$(PATH) GCFLAGS=-gcflags "all=-trimpath=${GOPATH}" LDFLAGS=-ldflags="-s -w" # These are the values we want to pass for VERSION and BUILD BUILD_TIME=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` COMMIT_VERSION=`git rev-parse HEAD` # colors compatible setting COLOR_ENABLE=$(shell tput colors > /dev/null; echo $$?) ifeq "$(COLOR_ENABLE)" "0" CRED=$(shell printf "\001\033[91m\002") CGREEN=$(shell printf "\001\033[92m\002") CYELLOW=$(shell printf "\001\033[93m\002") CEND=$(shell printf "\001\033[0m\002") endif # Add mysql version for testing `MYSQL_RELEASE=percona MYSQL_VERSION=5.7 make docker` # MySQL 5.1 `MYSQL_RELEASE=vsamov/mysql-5.1.73 make docker` # MYSQL_RELEASE: mysql, percona, mariadb ... # MYSQL_VERSION: latest, 8.0, 5.7, 5.6, 5.5 ... # use mysql:latest as default MYSQL_RELEASE := $(or ${MYSQL_RELEASE}, ${MYSQL_RELEASE}, mysql) MYSQL_VERSION := $(or ${MYSQL_VERSION}, ${MYSQL_VERSION}, latest) .PHONY: all all: | fmt build .PHONY: go_version_check GO_VERSION_MIN=1.10 # Parse out the x.y or x.y.z version and output a single value x*10000+y*100+z (e.g., 1.9 is 10900) # that allows the three components to be checked in a single comparison. VER_TO_INT:=awk '{split(substr($$0, match ($$0, /[0-9\.]+/)), a, "."); print a[1]*10000+a[2]*100+a[3]}' go_version_check: @echo "$(CGREEN)Go version check ...$(CEND)" @if test $(shell go version | $(VER_TO_INT) ) -lt \ $(shell echo "$(GO_VERSION_MIN)" | $(VER_TO_INT)); \ then printf "go version $(GO_VERSION_MIN)+ required, found: "; go version; exit 1; \ else echo "go version check pass"; fi # Dependency check .PHONY: deps deps: @echo "$(CGREEN)Dependency check ...$(CEND)" @bash ./deps.sh # The retool tools.json is setup from retool-install.sh # some packages download need more open internet access retool sync #retool do gometalinter.v2 --install # Code format .PHONY: fmt fmt: go_version_check @echo "$(CGREEN)Run gofmt on all source files ...$(CEND)" @echo "gofmt -l -s -w ..." @ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{.Dir}}' ./... | grep -v /vendor/); do \ gofmt -l -s -w $$d/*.go || ret=$$? ; \ done ; exit $$ret # Run golang test cases .PHONY: test test: @echo "$(CGREEN)Run all test cases ...$(CEND)" go test -timeout 10m -race ./... @echo "test Success!" # Rule golang test cases with `-update` flag .PHONY: test-update test-update: @echo "$(CGREEN)Run all test cases with -update flag ...$(CEND)" go test ./... -update @echo "test-update Success!" # Using bats test framework run all cli test cases # https://github.com/sstephenson/bats .PHONY: test-cli test-cli: build @echo "$(CGREEN)Run all cli test cases ...$(CEND)" bats ./test @echo "test-cli Success!" # Code Coverage # colorful coverage numerical >=90% GREEN, <80% RED, Other YELLOW .PHONY: cover cover: test @echo "$(CGREEN)Run test cover check ...$(CEND)" go test -coverpkg=./... -coverprofile=coverage.data ./... | column -t go tool cover -html=coverage.data -o coverage.html go tool cover -func=coverage.data -o coverage.txt @tail -n 1 coverage.txt | awk '{sub(/%/, "", $$NF); \ if($$NF < 80) \ {print "$(CRED)"$$0"%$(CEND)"} \ else if ($$NF >= 90) \ {print "$(CGREEN)"$$0"%$(CEND)"} \ else \ {print "$(CYELLOW)"$$0"%$(CEND)"}}' # Builds the project build: fmt @echo "$(CGREEN)Building ...$(CEND)" @mkdir -p bin @bash ./genver.sh @ret=0 && for d in $$(go list -f '{{if (eq .Name "main")}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...); do \ b=$$(basename $${d}) ; \ go build ${GCFLAGS} -o bin/$${b} $$d || ret=$$? ; \ done ; exit $$ret @echo "build Success!" # Installs our project: copies binaries install: build @echo "$(CGREEN)Install ...$(CEND)" go install ./... @echo "install Success!" # Generate doc use -list* command .PHONY: doc doc: build @echo "$(CGREEN)Auto generate doc ...$(CEND)" ./bin/soar -list-heuristic-rules > doc/heuristic.md ./bin/soar -list-rewrite-rules > doc/rewrite.md ./bin/soar -list-report-types > doc/report_type.md # Add or change a heuristic rule .PHONY: heuristic heuristic: doc @echo "$(CGREEN)Update Heuristic rule golden files ...$(CEND)" go test github.com/XiaoMi/soar/advisor -v -update -run TestListHeuristicRules go test github.com/XiaoMi/soar/advisor -v -update -run TestMergeConflictHeuristicRules docker stop soar-mysql 2>/dev/null || true # Update vitess vendor .PHONY: vitess vitess: @echo "$(CGREEN)Update vitess deps ...$(CEND)" govendor fetch -v vitess.io/vitess/... # Update tidb vendor .PHONY: tidb tidb: @echo "$(CGREEN)Update tidb deps ...$(CEND)" govendor fetch -v github.com/pingcap/tidb/... # make pingcap parser .PHONY: pingcap-parser pingcap-parser: tidb @echo "$(CGREEN)Update pingcap parser deps ...$(CEND)" govendor fetch -v github.com/pingcap/parser/... # Update all vendor .PHONY: vendor vendor: vitess pingcap-parser # gometalinter # 如果有不想改的lint问题可以使用metalinter.sh加黑名单 #@bash doc/example/metalinter.sh .PHONY: lint lint: build @echo "$(CGREEN)Run linter check ...$(CEND)" CGO_ENABLED=0 retool do gometalinter.v2 -j 1 --config doc/example/metalinter.json ./... retool do revive -formatter friendly --exclude vendor/... -config doc/example/revive.toml ./... retool do golangci-lint --tests=false run @echo "gometalinter check your code is pretty good" .PHONY: release release: build @echo "$(CGREEN)Cross platform building for release ...$(CEND)" @mkdir -p release @for GOOS in darwin linux windows; do \ for GOARCH in amd64; do \ for d in $$(go list -f '{{if (eq .Name "main")}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...); do \ b=$$(basename $${d}) ; \ echo "Building $${b}.$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH} ..."; \ GOOS=$${GOOS} GOARCH=$${GOARCH} go build ${GCFLAGS} ${LDFLAGS} -v -o release/$${b}.$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH} $$d 2>/dev/null ; \ done ; \ done ;\ done .PHONY: docker docker: @echo "$(CGREEN)Build mysql test environment ...$(CEND)" @docker stop soar-mysql 2>/dev/null || true @docker wait soar-mysql 2>/dev/null >/dev/null || true @echo "docker run --name soar-mysql $(MYSQL_RELEASE):$(MYSQL_VERSION)" @docker run --name soar-mysql --rm -d \ -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1tIsB1g3rt \ -e MYSQL_DATABASE=sakila \ -p 3306:3306 \ -v `pwd`/test/sql/init.sql.gz:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/init.sql.gz \ $(MYSQL_RELEASE):$(MYSQL_VERSION) @echo "waiting for sakila database initializing " @timeout=180; while [ $${timeout} -gt 0 ] ; do \ if ! docker exec soar-mysql mysql --user=root --password=1tIsB1g3rt --host "" --silent -NBe "do 1" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then \ timeout=`expr $$timeout - 1`; \ printf '.' ; sleep 1 ; \ else \ echo "." ; echo "mysql test environment is ready!" ; break ; \ fi ; \ if [ $$timeout = 0 ] ; then \ echo "." ; echo "$(CRED)docker soar-mysql start timeout(180 s)!$(CEND)" ; exit 1 ; \ fi ; \ done .PHONY: docker-connect docker-connect: @docker exec -it soar-mysql mysql --user=root --password=1tIsB1g3rt --host "" sakila # attach docker container with bash interactive mode .PHONY: docker-it docker-it: docker exec -it soar-mysql /bin/bash .PHONY: daily daily: | deps fmt vendor docker cover doc lint release install test-cli clean logo @echo "$(CGREEN)daily build finished ...$(CEND)" # vendor, docker will cost long time, if all those are ready, daily-quick will much more fast. .PHONY: daily-quick daily-quick: | deps fmt cover test-cli doc lint logo @echo "$(CGREEN)daily-quick build finished ...$(CEND)" .PHONY: logo logo: @echo "$(CYELLOW)" @cat doc/images/logo.ascii @echo "$(CEND)" # Cleans our projects: deletes binaries .PHONY: clean clean: @echo "$(CGREEN)Cleanup ...$(CEND)" go clean @for GOOS in darwin linux windows; do \ for GOARCH in 386 amd64; do \ rm -f ${BINARY}.$${GOOS}-$${GOARCH} ;\ done ;\ done rm -f ${BINARY} coverage.* test/tmp/* find . -name "*.log" -delete git clean -fi docker stop soar-mysql 2>/dev/null || true