#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # File : cms.py # Author: DaShenHan&道长-----先苦后甜,任凭晚风拂柳颜------ # Date : 2022/8/25 import json # import bs4 import requests import re import math import ujson from utils.web import * from utils.system import getHost from utils.config import playerConfig from utils.log import logger from utils.encode import base64Encode,base64Decode,fetch,post,request,getCryptoJS,getPreJs,buildUrl,getHome from utils.encode import verifyCode,setDetail,join,urljoin2,parseText,requireCache from utils.encode import md5 as mmd5 from utils.safePython import safePython from utils.parser import runPy,runJScode,JsObjectWrapper,PyJsObject,PyJsString from utils.htmlParser import jsoup from urllib.parse import urljoin,quote,unquote from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor # 引入线程池 from flask import url_for,redirect,render_template_string from easydict import EasyDict as edict from controllers.service import storage_service def setItem(key,value): lsg = storage_service() if isinstance(key,PyJsString): key = parseText(str(key)) if isinstance(value,PyJsString): value = parseText(str(value)) return lsg.setItem(key,value) def getItem(key,value=''): lsg = storage_service() if isinstance(key,PyJsString): key = parseText(str(key)) if isinstance(value,PyJsString): value = parseText(str(value)) return lsg.getItem(key,value) def clearItem(key): lsg = storage_service() if isinstance(key,PyJsString): key = parseText(str(key)) return lsg.clearItem(key) def encodeUrl(url): # return base64Encode(quote(url)) # return base64Encode(url) # print(type(url)) if isinstance(url,PyJsString): # obj = obj.to_dict() url = parseText(str(url)) return quote(url) def stringify(obj): if isinstance(obj,PyJsObject): # obj = obj.to_dict() obj = parseText(str(obj)) return json.dumps(obj, separators=(',', ':'), ensure_ascii=False) def requireObj(url): if isinstance(url,PyJsString): url = parseText(str(url)) return requireCache(url) def md5(text): if isinstance(text,PyJsString): text = parseText(str(text)) return mmd5(text) py_ctx = { 'requests':requests,'print':print,'base64Encode':base64Encode,'base64Decode':base64Decode, 'log':logger.info,'fetch':fetch,'post':post,'request':request,'getCryptoJS':getCryptoJS, 'buildUrl':buildUrl,'getHome':getHome,'setDetail':setDetail,'join':join,'urljoin2':urljoin2, 'PC_UA':PC_UA,'MOBILE_UA':MOBILE_UA,'UC_UA':UC_UA,'UA':UA,'IOS_UA':IOS_UA, 'setItem':setItem,'getItem':getItem,'clearItem':clearItem,'stringify':stringify,'encodeUrl':encodeUrl, 'requireObj':requireObj,'md5':md5 } # print(getCryptoJS()) class CMS: def __init__(self, rule, db=None, RuleClass=None, PlayParse=None,new_conf=None,ext=''): if new_conf is None: new_conf = {} self.lsg = storage_service() self.title = rule.get('title', '') self.id = rule.get('id', self.title) self.filter_url = rule.get('filter_url', '').replace('{{fl}}','{{fl|safe}}') # python jinjia2禁用自动编码 cate_exclude = rule.get('cate_exclude','') tab_exclude = rule.get('tab_exclude','') self.lazy = rule.get('lazy', False) # self.play_disable = new_conf.get('PLAY_DISABLE',False) self.play_disable = self.lsg.getItem('PLAY_DISABLE',False) self.retry_count = new_conf.get('RETRY_CNT',3) # self.lazy_mode = new_conf.get('LAZYPARSE_MODE') self.lazy_mode = self.lsg.getItem('LAZYPARSE_MODE',2) self.ocr_api = new_conf.get('OCR_API') # self.cate_exclude = new_conf.get('CATE_EXCLUDE','') self.cate_exclude = self.lsg.getItem('CATE_EXCLUDE','') # self.tab_exclude = new_conf.get('TAB_EXCLUDE','') self.tab_exclude = self.lsg.getItem('TAB_EXCLUDE','') if cate_exclude: if not str(cate_exclude).startswith('|') and not str(self.cate_exclude).endswith('|'): self.cate_exclude = self.cate_exclude+'|'+cate_exclude else: self.cate_exclude += cate_exclude if tab_exclude: if not str(tab_exclude).startswith('|') and not str(self.tab_exclude).endswith('|'): self.tab_exclude = self.tab_exclude+'|'+tab_exclude else: self.tab_exclude += tab_exclude # print(self.cate_exclude) try: self.vod = redirect(url_for('vod')).headers['Location'] except: self.vod = '/vod' # if not self.play_disable and self.lazy: if not self.play_disable: self.play_parse = rule.get('play_parse', False) try: play_url = getHost(self.lazy_mode) except: play_url = getHost(1,5705) # play_url = new_conf.get('PLAY_URL',getHost(2)) if not play_url.startswith('http'): play_url = 'http://'+play_url # print(play_url) if self.play_parse: # self.play_url = play_url + self.vod + '?play_url=' js0_password = self.lsg.getItem('JS0_PASSWORD') # print(f'js0密码:{js0_password}') js0_password = f'pwd={js0_password}&' if js0_password else '' self.play_url = f'{play_url}{self.vod}?{js0_password}rule={self.id}&ext={ext}&play_url=' # logger.info(f'cms重定向链接:{self.play_url}') else: self.play_url = '' else: self.play_parse = False self.play_url = '' logger.info('播放免嗅地址: '+self.play_url) self.db = db self.RuleClass = RuleClass self.PlayParse = PlayParse host = rule.get('host','').rstrip('/') host = unquote(host) timeout = rule.get('timeout',5000) homeUrl = rule.get('homeUrl','/') url = rule.get('url','') detailUrl = rule.get('detailUrl','') searchUrl = rule.get('searchUrl','') default_headers = getHeaders(host) self_headers = rule.get('headers',{}) default_headers.update(self_headers) headers = default_headers cookie = self.getCookie() # print(f'{self.title}cookie:{cookie}') self.oheaders = self_headers if cookie: headers['cookie'] = cookie self.oheaders['cookie'] = cookie limit = rule.get('limit',6) encoding = rule.get('编码', 'utf-8') self.limit = min(limit,30) keys = headers.keys() for k in headers.keys(): if str(k).lower() == 'user-agent': v = headers[k] if v == 'MOBILE_UA': headers[k] = MOBILE_UA elif v == 'PC_UA': headers[k] = PC_UA elif v == 'UC_UA': headers[k] = UC_UA elif v == 'IOS_UA': headers[k] = IOS_UA lower_keys = list(map(lambda x:x.lower(),keys)) if not 'user-agent' in lower_keys: headers['User-Agent'] = UA if not 'referer' in lower_keys: headers['Referer'] = host self.headers = headers # print(headers) self.host = host self.homeUrl = urljoin(host,homeUrl) if host and homeUrl else homeUrl or host if url.find('[') >-1 and url.find(']') > -1: u1 = url.split('[')[0] u2 = url.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] self.url = urljoin(host,u1)+'['+urljoin(host,u2)+']' if host and url else url else: self.url = urljoin(host, url) if host and url else url self.detailUrl = urljoin(host,detailUrl) if host and detailUrl else detailUrl self.searchUrl = urljoin(host,searchUrl) if host and searchUrl else searchUrl self.class_name = rule.get('class_name','') self.class_url = rule.get('class_url','') self.class_parse = rule.get('class_parse','') self.filter_name = rule.get('filter_name', '') self.filter_url = rule.get('filter_url', '') self.filter_parse = rule.get('filter_parse', '') self.double = rule.get('double',False) self.一级 = rule.get('一级','') self.二级 = rule.get('二级','') self.搜索 = rule.get('搜索','') self.推荐 = rule.get('推荐','') self.图片来源 = rule.get('图片来源','') self.encoding = encoding self.timeout = round(int(timeout)/1000,2) self.filter = rule.get('filter',[]) self.filter_def = rule.get('filter_def',{}) self.play_json = rule['play_json'] if 'play_json' in rule else [] self.extend = rule.get('extend',[]) self.d = self.getObject() def getName(self): return self.title def getObject(self): o = edict({ 'jsp':jsoup(self.url), 'getParse':self.getParse, 'saveParse':self.saveParse, 'oheaders':self.oheaders, 'headers':self.headers, # 通用免嗅需要 'encoding':self.encoding, 'name':self.title, 'timeout':self.timeout, }) return o def regexp(self,prule,text,pos=None): ret = re.search(prule,text).groups() if pos != None and isinstance(pos,int): return ret[pos] else: return ret def test(self,text,string): searchObj = re.search(rf'{text}', string, re.M | re.I) # print(searchObj) # global vflag if searchObj: # vflag = searchObj.group() pass return searchObj def blank(self): result = { 'list': [] } return result def blank_vod(self): return { "vod_id": "id", "vod_name": "片名", "vod_pic": "",# 图片 "type_name": "剧情", "vod_year": "年份", "vod_area": "地区", "vod_remarks": "更新信息", "vod_actor": "主演", "vod_director": "导演", "vod_content": "简介" } def jsoup(self): jsp = jsoup(self.url) pdfh = jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pd pjfh = jsp.pjfh pjfa = jsp.pjfa pj = jsp.pj pq = jsp.pq return pdfh,pdfa,pd,pq def getClasses(self): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return [] name = self.getName() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() # _logger.info('xxxxxx') if res: if not all([res.class_name,res.class_url]): return [] cls = res.class_name.split('&') cls2 = res.class_url.split('&') classes = [{'type_name':cls[i],'type_id':cls2[i]} for i in range(len(cls))] # _logger.info(classes) logger.info(f"{self.getName()}使用缓存分类:{classes}") return classes else: return [] def getCookie(self): name = self.getName() if not self.db: msg = f'{name}未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return False res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() if res: return res.cookie or None else: return None def saveCookie(self,cookie): name = self.getName() if not self.db: msg = f'{name}未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return False res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() if res: res.cookie = cookie self.db.session.add(res) else: res = self.RuleClass(name=name, cookie=cookie) self.db.session.add(res) try: self.db.session.commit() logger.info(f'{name}已保存cookie:{cookie}') except Exception as e: return f'保存cookie发生了错误:{e}' def saveClass(self, classes): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return msg name = self.getName() class_name = '&'.join([cl['type_name'] for cl in classes]) class_url = '&'.join([cl['type_id'] for cl in classes]) # data = RuleClass.query.filter(RuleClass.name == '555影视').all() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() # print(res) if res: res.class_name = class_name res.class_url = class_url self.db.session.add(res) msg = f'{self.getName()}修改成功:{res.id}' else: res = self.RuleClass(name=name, class_name=class_name, class_url=class_url) self.db.session.add(res) res = self.db.session.query(self.RuleClass).filter(self.RuleClass.name == name).first() msg = f'{self.getName()}新增成功:{res.id}' try: self.db.session.commit() logger.info(msg) except Exception as e: return f'发生了错误:{e}' def getParse(self,play_url): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return '' name = self.getName() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.PlayParse).filter(self.PlayParse.play_url == play_url).first() # _logger.info('xxxxxx') if res: real_url = res.real_url logger.info(f"{name}使用缓存播放地址:{real_url}") return real_url else: return '' def dealJson(self,html): try: # res = re.search('.*?\{(.*)\}',html,re.M|re.I).groups()[0] res = re.search('.*?\{(.*)\}',html,re.M|re.S).groups()[0] html = '{' + res + '}' return html except: return html def checkHtml(self,r): r.encoding = self.encoding html = r.text if html.find('?btwaf=') > -1: btwaf = re.search('btwaf(.*?)"',html,re.M|re.I).groups()[0] url = r.url.split('#')[0]+'?btwaf'+btwaf # print(f'需要过宝塔验证:{url}') cookies_dict = requests.utils.dict_from_cookiejar(r.cookies) cookie_str = ';'.join([f'{k}={cookies_dict[k]}' for k in cookies_dict]) self.headers['cookie'] = cookie_str r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout,verify=False) r.encoding = self.encoding html = r.text if html.find('?btwaf=') < 0: self.saveCookie(cookie_str) # print(html) return html def saveParse(self, play_url,real_url): if not self.db: msg = '未提供数据库连接' print(msg) return msg name = self.getName() # data = RuleClass.query.filter(RuleClass.name == '555影视').all() # self.db.metadata.clear() # RuleClass = rule_classes.init(self.db) res = self.db.session.query(self.PlayParse).filter(self.PlayParse.play_url == play_url).first() # print(res) if res: res.real_url = real_url self.db.session.add(res) msg = f'{name}服务端免嗅修改成功:{res.id}' else: res = self.PlayParse(play_url=play_url, real_url=real_url) self.db.session.add(res) res = self.db.session.query(self.PlayParse).filter(self.PlayParse.play_url == play_url).first() msg = f'{name}服务端免嗅新增成功:{res.id}' try: self.db.session.commit() logger.info(msg) except Exception as e: return f'{name}发生了错误:{e}' def homeContent(self,fypage=1): # yanaifei # https://yanetflix.com/vodtype/dianying.html t1 = time() result = {} classes = [] video_result = self.blank() if self.class_url and self.class_name: class_names = self.class_name.split('&') class_urls = self.class_url.split('&') cnt = min(len(class_urls), len(class_names)) for i in range(cnt): classes.append({ 'type_name': class_names[i], 'type_id': class_urls[i] }) # print(self.url) print(self.headers) has_cache = False # print(self.homeUrl) if self.homeUrl.startswith('http'): # print(self.class_parse) try: if self.class_parse: t2 = time() cache_classes = self.getClasses() logger.info(f'{self.getName()}读取缓存耗时:{get_interval(t2)}毫秒') if len(cache_classes) > 0: classes = cache_classes # print(cache_classes) has_cache = True # logger.info(f'是否有缓存分类:{has_cache}') if has_cache and not self.推荐: pass else: new_classes = [] r = requests.get(self.homeUrl, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout,verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) # print(html) # print(self.headers) if self.class_parse and not has_cache: p = self.class_parse.split(';') # print(p[0]) # print(html) jsp = jsoup(self.url) pdfh = jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pd items = pdfa(html,p[0]) # print(len(items)) # print(items) for item in items: title = pdfh(item, p[1]) # 过滤排除掉标题名称 if self.cate_exclude and jsp.test(self.cate_exclude, title): continue url = pd(item, p[2]) # print(url) tag = url if len(p) > 3 and p[3].strip(): try: tag = self.regexp(p[3].strip(),url,0) except: logger.info(f'分类匹配错误:{title}对应的链接{url}无法匹配{p[3]}') continue new_classes.append({ 'type_name': title, 'type_id': tag }) if len(new_classes) > 0: classes.extend(new_classes) self.saveClass(classes) video_result = self.homeVideoContent(html,fypage) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'{self.getName()}主页发生错误:{e}') classes = list(filter(lambda x:not self.cate_exclude or not jsoup(self.url).test(self.cate_exclude, x['type_name']),classes)) result['class'] = classes if self.filter: if isinstance(self.filter,dict): result['filters'] = self.filter else: result['filters'] = playerConfig['filter'] result.update(video_result) # print(result) logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取首页总耗时(包含读取缓存):{get_interval(t1)}毫秒') return result def homeVideoContent(self,html,fypage=1): p = self.推荐 if not p: return self.blank() jsp = jsoup(self.homeUrl) result = {} videos = [] is_js = isinstance(p, str) and str(p).strip().startswith('js:') # 是js if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(self.host) py_ctx.update({ 'input': self.homeUrl, 'HOST': self.host, 'TYPE': 'home', # 海阔js环境标志 'oheaders':self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp,'jq':jsp,'setDetail': setDetail, }) ctx = py_ctx jscode = getPreJs() + p.strip().replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) try: loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vods = loader.eval('VODS') # print(vods) if isinstance(vods, JsObjectWrapper): videos = vods.to_list() except Exception as e: logger.info(f'首页推荐执行js获取列表出错:{e}') else: if p == '*' and self.一级: p = self.一级 self.double = False logger.info(f'首页推荐继承一级: {p}') p = p.strip().split(';') # 解析 if not self.double and len(p) < 5: return self.blank() if self.double and len(p) < 6: return self.blank() jsp = jsoup(self.homeUrl) pp = self.一级.split(';') def getPP(p,pn,pp,ppn): try: ps = pp[ppn] if p[pn] == '*' and len(pp) > ppn else p[pn] return ps except Exception as e: return '' p0 = getPP(p,0,pp,0) is_json = str(p0).startswith('json:') if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd # print(html) try: if self.double: items = pdfa(html, p0.replace('json:','')) # print(p[0]) # print(items) # print(len(items)) p1 = getPP(p, 1, pp, 0) p2 = getPP(p, 2, pp, 1) p3 = getPP(p, 3, pp, 2) p4 = getPP(p, 4, pp, 3) p5 = getPP(p, 5, pp, 4) p6 = getPP(p, 6, pp, 5) for item in items: items2 = pdfa(item,p1) # print(len(items2)) for item2 in items2: try: title = pdfh(item2, p2) # print(title) try: img = pd(item2, p3) except: img = '' try: desc = pdfh(item2, p4) except: desc = '' links = [pd(item2, _p5) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item2, _p5) for _p5 in p5.split('+')] vid = '$'.join(links) if len(p) > 6 and p[6]: content = pdfh(item2, p6) else: content = '' if self.二级 == '*': vid = vid + '@@' + title + '@@' + img videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "no_use":{ "vod_content": content, "type_id": 1, "type_name": "首页推荐", }, }) except: pass else: items = pdfa(html, p0.replace('json:','')) # print(items) p1 = getPP(p, 1, pp, 1) p2 = getPP(p, 2, pp, 2) p3 = getPP(p, 3, pp, 3) p4 = getPP(p, 4, pp, 4) p5 = getPP(p, 5, pp, 5) for item in items: try: title = pdfh(item, p1) try: img = pd(item, p2) except: img = '' try: desc = pdfh(item, p3) except: desc = '' # link = pd(item, p[4]) links = [pd(item, _p5) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item, _p5) for _p5 in p4.split('+')] vid = '$'.join(links) if len(p) > 5 and p[5]: content = pdfh(item, p5) else: content = '' if self.二级 == '*': vid = vid + '@@' + title + '@@' + img videos.append({ "vod_id": vid, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "no_use": { "vod_content": content, "type_id": 1, "type_name": "首页推荐", }, }) except: pass # result['list'] = videos[min((fypage-1)*self.limit,len(videos)-1):min(fypage*self.limit,len(videos))] except Exception as e: logger.info(f'首页内容获取失败:{e}') return self.blank() if self.图片来源: for video in videos: if video.get('vod_pic','') and str(video['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): video['vod_pic'] = f"{video['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" result['list'] = videos # print(videos) result['no_use'] = { 'code': 1, 'msg': '数据列表', 'page': fypage, 'pagecount': math.ceil(len(videos) / self.limit), 'limit': self.limit, 'total': len(videos), 'now_count': len(result['list']), } # print(result) return result def categoryContent(self, fyclass, fypage, fl=None): """ 一级带分类的数据返回 :param fyclass: 分类标识 :param fypage: 页码 :param fl: 筛选 :return: cms一级数据 """ if fl is None: fl = {} if self.filter_def and isinstance(self.filter_def,dict): try: if self.filter_def.get(fyclass) and isinstance(self.filter_def[fyclass],dict): self_filter_def = self.filter_def[fyclass] filter_def = ujson.loads(ujson.dumps(self_filter_def)) filter_def.update(fl) fl = filter_def except Exception as e: print(f'合并不同分类对应的默认筛选出错:{e}') # print(fl) result = {} # urlParams = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] # urlParams = [""] * 12 # urlParams[0] = tid # urlParams[8] = str(pg) # for key in self.extend: # urlParams[int(key)] = self.extend[key] # params = '-'.join(urlParams) # print(params) # url = self.url + '/{0}.html'.format t1 = time() pg = str(fypage) url = self.url.replace('fyclass',fyclass) if self.filter_url: if not 'fyfilter' in url: # 第一种情况,默认不写fyfilter关键字,视为直接拼接在链接后面当参数 if not url.endswith('&') and not self.filter_url.startswith('&'): url += '&' url += self.filter_url else: # 第二种情况直接替换关键字为待拼接的结果后面渲染,适用于 ----fypage.html的情况 url = url.replace('fyfilter', self.filter_url) url = render_template_string(url,fl=fl) # fl_url = render_template_string(self.filter_url,fl=fl) # if not 'fyfilter' in url: # 第一种情况,默认不写fyfilter关键字,视为直接拼接在链接后面当参数 # if not url.endswith('&') and not fl_url.startswith('&'): # url += '&' # url += fl_url # else: # 第二种情况直接替换关键字为渲染后的结果,适用于 ----fypage.html的情况 # url = url.replace('fyfilter',fl_url) if url.find('fypage') > -1: if '(' in url and ')' in url: # url_rep = url[url.find('('):url.find(')')+1] # cnt_page = url.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].replace('fypage',pg) # print(url_rep) url_rep = re.search('.*?\((.*)\)',url,re.M|re.S).groups()[0] cnt_page = url_rep.replace('fypage', pg) # print(url_rep) # print(cnt_page) cnt_ctx = {} exec(f'cnt_pg={cnt_page}', cnt_ctx) cnt_pg = str(cnt_ctx['cnt_pg']) # 计算表达式的结果 url = url.replace(url_rep,str(cnt_pg)).replace('(','').replace(')','') # print(url) else: url = url.replace('fypage',pg) if fypage == 1 and self.test('[\[\]]',url): url = url.split('[')[1].split(']')[0] elif fypage > 1 and self.test('[\[\]]',url): url = url.split('[')[0] # print(url) logger.info(url) p = self.一级 jsp = jsoup(self.url) videos = [] is_js = isinstance(p, str) and str(p).startswith('js:') # 是js if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'TYPE': 'cate', # 海阔js环境标志 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'MY_CATE':fyclass, # 分类id 'MY_FL':fl, # 筛选 'MY_PAGE':fypage, # 页数 'detailUrl':self.detailUrl or '', # 详情页链接 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp,'jq':jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail, }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + p.replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vods = loader.eval('VODS') # print('vods:',vods) if isinstance(vods, JsObjectWrapper): videos = vods.to_list() else: p = p.split(';') # 解析 # print(len(p)) # print(p) if len(p) < 5: return self.blank() is_json = str(p[0]).startswith('json:') pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd # print(pdfh(r.text,'body a.module-poster-item.module-item:eq(1)&&Text')) # print(pdfh(r.text,'body a.module-poster-item.module-item:eq(0)')) # print(pdfh(r.text,'body a.module-poster-item.module-item:first')) items = [] try: r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout,verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) print(self.headers) # print(html) if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) html = json.loads(html) # else: # soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(html, 'lxml') # html = soup.prettify() # print(html) # with open('1.html',mode='w+',encoding='utf-8') as f: # f.write(html) items = pdfa(html,p[0].replace('json:','',1)) except: pass # print(items) for item in items: # print(item) try: title = pdfh(item, p[1]) img = pd(item, p[2]) desc = pdfh(item, p[3]) links = [pd(item, p4) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item, p4) for p4 in p[4].split('+')] link = '$'.join(links) content = '' if len(p) < 6 else pdfh(item, p[5]) # sid = self.regStr(sid, "/video/(\\S+).html") vod_id = f'{fyclass}${link}' if self.detailUrl else link # 分类,播放链接 if self.二级 == '*': vod_id = vod_id+'@@'+title+'@@'+img videos.append({ "vod_id": vod_id, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "vod_content": content, }) except Exception as e: print(f'发生了错误:{e}') pass if self.图片来源: for video in videos: if video.get('vod_pic','') and str(video['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): video['vod_pic'] = f"{video['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" print('videos:',videos) limit = 40 cnt = 9999 if len(videos) > 0 else 0 result['list'] = videos result['page'] = fypage result['pagecount'] = max(cnt,fypage) result['limit'] = limit result['total'] = cnt # print(result) logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取分类{fyclass}第{fypage}页耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,共计{round(len(str(result)) / 1000, 2)} kb') return result def 二级渲染(self,parse_str:'str|dict',**kwargs): # *args是不定长参数 列表 # ** args是不定长参数字典 p = parse_str # 二级传递解析表达式 js的obj json对象 detailUrl = kwargs.get('detailUrl','') # 不定长字典传递的二级详情页vod_id详情处理数据 orId = kwargs.get('orId','') # 不定长字典传递的二级详情页vod_id原始数据 url = kwargs.get('url','') # 不定长字典传递的二级详情页链接智能拼接数据 vod = kwargs.get('vod',self.blank_vod()) # 最终要返回的二级详情页数据 默认空 html = kwargs.get('html','') # 不定长字典传递的源码(如果不传才会在下面程序中去获取) show_name = kwargs.get('show_name','') # 是否显示来源(用于drpy区分) jsp = kwargs.get('jsp','') # jsp = jsoup(self.url) 传递的jsp解析 fyclass = kwargs.get('fyclass','') # 二级传递的分类名称,可以得知进去的类别 play_url = self.play_url vod_name = '片名' vod_pic = '' # print('二级url:',url) if self.二级 == '*': extra = orId.split('@@') vod_name = extra[1] if len(extra) > 1 else vod_name vod_pic = extra[2] if len(extra) > 2 else vod_pic if self.play_json: play_url = play_url.replace('&play_url=', '&type=json&play_url=') if p == '*': # 解析表达式为*默认一级直接变播放 vod['vod_play_from'] = '道长在线' vod['vod_remarks'] = detailUrl vod['vod_actor'] = '没有二级,只有一级链接直接嗅探播放' # vod['vod_content'] = url if not show_name else f'({self.id}) {url}' vod['vod_content'] = url vod['vod_id'] = orId vod['vod_name'] = vod_name vod['vod_pic'] = vod_pic vod['vod_play_url'] = '嗅探播放$' + play_url + url.split('@@')[0] elif not p or (not isinstance(p, dict) and not isinstance(p, str)) or (isinstance(p, str) and not str(p).startswith('js:')): pass else: is_json = p.get('is_json', False) if isinstance(p, dict) else False # 二级里加is_json参数 pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd pq = jsp.pq vod['vod_id'] = orId if not html: # 没传递html参数接detailUrl下来智能获取 r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout,verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) html = json.loads(html) tt1 = time() if p.get('title'): p1 = p['title'].split(';') vod['vod_name'] = pdfh(html, p1[0]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() vod['type_name'] = pdfh(html, p1[1]).replace('\n',' ').strip() if len(p1)>1 else '' if p.get('desc'): try: p1 = p['desc'].split(';') vod['vod_remarks'] = pdfh(html, p1[0]).replace('\n', '').strip() vod['vod_year'] = pdfh(html, p1[1]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 1 else '' vod['vod_area'] = pdfh(html, p1[2]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 2 else '' vod['vod_actor'] = pdfh(html, p1[3]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 3 else '' vod['vod_director'] = pdfh(html, p1[4]).replace('\n', ' ').strip() if len(p1) > 4 else '' except: pass if p.get('content'): p1 = p['content'].split(';') try: content = '\n'.join([pdfh(html, i).replace('\n', ' ') for i in p1]) vod['vod_content'] = content except: pass if p.get('img'): p1 = p['img'] try: img = pd(html, p1) vod['vod_pic'] = img except Exception as e: logger.info(f'二级图片定位失败,但不影响使用{e}') vod_play_from = '$$$' playFrom = [] init_flag = {'ctx':False} def js_pre(): headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'html': html, 'TYPE': 'detail', # 海阔js环境标志 'MY_CATE': fyclass, # 分类id 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp,'jq':jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail,'play_url':play_url }) init_flag['ctx'] = True if p.get('重定向') and str(p['重定向']).startswith('js:'): if not init_flag['ctx']: js_pre() ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) rcode = p['重定向'].replace('js:', '', 1) jscode = getPreJs() + rcode # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) logger.info(f'开始执行二级重定向代码:{rcode}') html = loader.eval('html') if isinstance(vod, JsObjectWrapper): html = str(html) if p.get('tabs'): vodHeader = [] if str(p['tabs']).startswith('js:'): if not init_flag['ctx']: js_pre() ctx = py_ctx rcode = p['tabs'].replace('js:', '', 1) jscode = getPreJs() + rcode # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) logger.info(f'开始执行tabs代码:{rcode}') vHeader = loader.eval('TABS') if isinstance(vod, JsObjectWrapper): vHeader = vHeader.to_list() vodHeader = vHeader else: tab_parse = p['tabs'].split(';')[0] # print('tab_parse:',tab_parse) vHeader = pdfa(html, tab_parse) # print(vHeader) print(f'二级线路定位列表数:{len((vHeader))}') # print(vHeader[0].outerHtml()) # print(vHeader[0].toString()) # from lxml import etree # print(str(etree.tostring(vHeader[0], pretty_print=True), 'utf-8')) from lxml.html import tostring as html2str # print(html2str(vHeader[0].root).decode('utf-8')) tab_text = p.get('tab_text','') or 'body&&Text' # print('tab_text:'+tab_text) if not is_json: for v in vHeader: # 过滤排除掉线路标题 # v_title = pq(v).text() v_title = pdfh(v,tab_text).strip() # print(v_title) if self.tab_exclude and jsp.test(self.tab_exclude, v_title): continue vodHeader.append(v_title) else: vodHeader = vHeader print(f'过滤后真实线路列表数:{len((vodHeader))} {vodHeader}') else: vodHeader = ['道长在线'] # print(vodHeader) # print(vod) for v in vodHeader: playFrom.append(v) vod_play_from = vod_play_from.join(playFrom) vod_play_url = '$$$' vod_tab_list = [] if p.get('lists'): if str(p['lists']).startswith('js:'): if not init_flag['ctx']: js_pre() ctx = py_ctx ctx['TABS'] = vodHeader # 把选集列表传过去 rcode = p['lists'].replace('js:', '', 1) jscode = getPreJs() + rcode # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) logger.info(f'开始执行lists代码:{rcode}') vlists = loader.eval('LISTS') if isinstance(vod, JsObjectWrapper): vlists = vlists.to_list() # [['第1集$http://1.mp4','第2集$http://2.mp4'],['第3集$http://1.mp4','第4集$http://2.mp4']] for i in range(len(vlists)): try: vlists[i] = list(map(lambda x:'$'.join(x.split('$')[:2]),vlists[i])) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'LISTS格式化发生错误:{e}') vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join(list(map(lambda x:'#'.join(x),vlists))) else: list_text = p.get('list_text','') or 'body&&Text' list_url = p.get('list_url','') or 'a&&href' print('list_text:' + list_text) print('list_url:' + list_url) is_tab_js = p['tabs'].strip().startswith('js:') for i in range(len(vodHeader)): tab_name = str(vodHeader[i]) # print(tab_name) tab_ext = p['tabs'].split(';')[1] if len(p['tabs'].split(';')) > 1 and not is_tab_js else '' p1 = p['lists'].replace('#idv', tab_name).replace('#id', str(i)) tab_ext = tab_ext.replace('#idv', tab_name).replace('#id', str(i)) # print(p1) vodList = pdfa(html, p1) # 1条线路的选集列表 # print(vodList) # vodList = [pq(i).text()+'$'+pd(i,'a&&href') for i in vodList] # 拼接成 名称$链接 # pq(i).text() if self.play_parse: # 自动base64编码 vodList = [(pdfh(html, tab_ext) if tab_ext else tab_name) + '$' + play_url + encodeUrl(i) for i in vodList] if is_json else \ [pdfh(i,list_text) + '$' + play_url + encodeUrl(pd(i, list_url)) for i in vodList] # 拼接成 名称$链接 else: vodList = [(pdfh(html, tab_ext) if tab_ext else tab_name) + '$' + play_url + i for i in vodList] if is_json else \ [pdfh(i,list_text) + '$' + play_url + pd(i, list_url) for i in vodList] # 拼接成 名称$链接 vlist = '#'.join(vodList) # 拼多个选集 vod_tab_list.append(vlist) vod_play_url = vod_play_url.join(vod_tab_list) vod_play_url_str = vod_play_url[:min(len(vod_play_url),500)] print(vod_play_url_str) vod['vod_play_from'] = vod_play_from # print(vod_play_from) vod['vod_play_url'] = vod_play_url logger.info(f'{self.getName()}仅二级渲染{len(vod_play_url.split("$$$")[0].split("$"))}集耗时:{get_interval(tt1)}毫秒,共计{round(len(str(vod)) / 1000, 2)} kb') if show_name: vod['vod_content'] = f'({self.id}){vod.get("vod_content", "")}' return vod def detailOneVod(self,id,fyclass='',show_name=False): vod = self.blank_vod() orId = str(id) detailUrl = orId.split('@@')[0] # print(detailUrl) if not detailUrl.startswith('http') and not '/' in detailUrl: url = self.detailUrl.replace('fyid', detailUrl).replace('fyclass',fyclass) # print(url) elif '/' in detailUrl: url = urljoin(self.homeUrl,detailUrl) else: url = detailUrl logger.info(f'进入详情页: {url}') try: p = self.二级 # 解析 jsp = jsoup(url) if url.startswith('http') else jsoup(self.url) is_js = isinstance(p,str) and str(p).startswith('js:') # 是js if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) play_url = self.play_url if self.play_json: play_url = play_url.replace('&play_url=', '&type=json&play_url=') py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'TYPE': 'detail', # 海阔js环境标志 # 'VID': id, # 传递的vod_id '二级': self.二级渲染, # 二级解析函数,可以解析dict 'MY_CATE': fyclass, # 分类id 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp':jsp,'jq':jsp,'setDetail':setDetail,'play_url':play_url }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + p.replace('js:','',1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vod = loader.eval('VOD') if isinstance(vod,JsObjectWrapper): vod = vod.to_dict() if show_name: vod['vod_content'] = f'({self.id}){vod.get("vod_content", "")}' else: vod = self.blank_vod() else: vod = self.二级渲染(p,detailUrl=detailUrl,orId=orId,url=url,vod=vod,show_name=show_name,jsp=jsp,fyclass=fyclass) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取单个详情页{detailUrl}出错{e}') if self.图片来源: if vod.get('vod_pic','') and str(vod['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): vod['vod_pic'] = f"{vod['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" if not vod.get('vod_id'): vod['vod_id'] = orId # print(vod) return vod def detailContent(self, fypage, array,show_name=False): """ cms二级数据 :param array: :return: """ # print('进入二级') t1 = time() array = array if len(array) <= self.limit else array[(fypage-1)*self.limit:min(self.limit*fypage,len(array))] thread_pool = ThreadPoolExecutor(min(self.limit,len(array))) # 定义线程池来启动多线程执行此任务 obj_list = [] try: for vod_url in array: # print(vod_url) vod_class = '' if vod_url.find('$') > -1: tmp = vod_url.split('$') vod_class = tmp[0] vod_url = tmp[1] obj = thread_pool.submit(self.detailOneVod, vod_url,vod_class,show_name) obj_list.append(obj) thread_pool.shutdown(wait=True) # 等待所有子线程并行完毕 vod_list = [obj.result() for obj in obj_list] result = { 'list': vod_list } logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取详情页耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,共计{round(len(str(result)) / 1000, 2)} kb') except Exception as e: result = { 'list': [] } logger.info(f'{self.getName()}获取详情页耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,发生错误:{e}') # print(result) return result def searchContent(self, key, fypage=1,show_name=False): if self.encoding and str(self.encoding).startswith('gb'): key = quote(key.encode('utf-8').decode('utf-8').encode(self.encoding,'ignore')) # print(key) pg = str(fypage) if not self.searchUrl: return self.blank() url = self.searchUrl.replace('**', key).replace('fypage',pg) logger.info(f'{self.getName()}搜索链接:{url}') if not self.搜索: return self.blank() # p = self.一级.split(';') if self.搜索 == '*' and self.一级 else self.搜索.split(';') # 解析 p = self.一级 if self.搜索 == '*' and self.一级 else self.搜索 pp = self.一级.split(';') jsp = jsoup(url) if url.startswith('http') else jsoup(self.url) videos = [] is_js = isinstance(p, str) and str(p).startswith('js:') # 是js def getPP(p, pn, pp, ppn): try: ps = pp[ppn] if p[pn] == '*' and len(pp) > ppn else p[pn] return ps except: return '' if is_js: headers['Referer'] = getHome(url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': url, 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params': {'headers': self.headers, 'timeout': self.d.timeout, 'encoding': self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'MY_PAGE': fypage, 'KEY': key, # 搜索关键字 'TYPE': 'search', # 海阔js环境标志 'detailUrl': self.detailUrl or '', # 详情页链接 'getParse': self.d.getParse, 'saveParse': self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp,'jq':jsp, 'setDetail': setDetail, }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + p.replace('js:', '', 1) # print(jscode) loader, _ = runJScode(jscode, ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) vods = loader.eval('VODS') # print(len(vods),type(vods)) if isinstance(vods, JsObjectWrapper): videos = vods.to_list() # print(videos) else: p = p.split(';') if len(p) < 5: return self.blank() is_json = str(p[0]).startswith('json:') pdfh = jsp.pjfh if is_json else jsp.pdfh pdfa = jsp.pjfa if is_json else jsp.pdfa pd = jsp.pj if is_json else jsp.pd pq = jsp.pq try: req_method = url.split(';')[1].lower() if len(url.split(';'))>1 else 'get' if req_method == 'post': rurls = url.split(';')[0].split('#') rurl = rurls[0] params = rurls[1] if len(rurls)>1 else '' # params = quote(params) print(f'rurl:{rurl},params:{params}') new_dict = {} new_tmp = params.split('&') # print(new_tmp) for i in new_tmp: new_dict[i.split('=')[0]] = i.split('=')[1] # data = ujson.dumps(new_dict) data = new_dict # print(data) r = requests.post(rurl, headers=self.headers,data=data, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) elif req_method == 'postjson': rurls = url.split(';')[0].split('#') rurl = rurls[0] params = rurls[1] if len(rurls) > 1 else '{}' headers_cp = self.headers.copy() headers_cp.update({'Content-Type':'application/json'}) try: params = ujson.dumps(params) except: params = '{}' r = requests.post(rurl, headers=headers_cp, data=params, timeout=self.timeout, verify=False) else: r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers,timeout=self.timeout,verify=False) html = self.checkHtml(r) if is_json: html = self.dealJson(html) html = json.loads(html) # if not is_json and html.find('输入验证码') > -1: if not is_json and re.search('系统安全验证|输入验证码',html,re.M|re.S): cookie = verifyCode(url,self.headers,self.timeout,self.retry_count,self.ocr_api) # cookie = '' if not cookie: return { 'list': videos } self.saveCookie(cookie) self.headers['cookie'] = cookie r = requests.get(url, headers=self.headers, timeout=self.timeout,verify=False) r.encoding = self.encoding html = r.text if not show_name and not str(html).find(key) > -1: logger.info('搜索结果源码未包含关键字,疑似搜索失败,正为您打印结果源码') print(html) p0 = getPP(p,0,pp,0) items = pdfa(html,p0.replace('json:','',1)) # print(len(items),items) videos = [] p1 = getPP(p, 1, pp, 1) p2 = getPP(p, 2, pp, 2) p3 = getPP(p, 3, pp, 3) p4 = getPP(p, 4, pp, 4) p5 = getPP(p, 5, pp, 5) for item in items: # print(item) try: # title = pdfh(item, p[1]) title = ''.join([pdfh(item, i) for i in p1.split('||')]) try: img = pd(item, p2) except: img = '' try: desc = pdfh(item, p3) except: desc = '' if len(p) > 5 and p[5]: content = pdfh(item, p5) else: content = '' # link = '$'.join([pd(item, p4) for p4 in p[4].split('+')]) links = [pd(item, _p4) if not self.detailUrl else pdfh(item, _p4) for _p4 in p4.split('+')] link = '$'.join(links) # print(content) # sid = self.regStr(sid, "/video/(\\S+).html") vod_id = link if self.二级 == '*': vod_id = vod_id + '@@' + title + '@@' + img videos.append({ "vod_id": vod_id, "vod_name": title, "vod_pic": img, "vod_remarks": desc, "vod_content": content, # 无用参数 }) except Exception as e: print(f'搜索列表解析发生错误:{e}') pass # print(videos) except Exception as e: logger.info(f'搜索{self.getName()}发生错误:{e}') if self.图片来源: for video in videos: if video.get('vod_pic','') and str(video['vod_pic']).startswith('http'): video['vod_pic'] = f"{video['vod_pic']}{self.图片来源}" if show_name and len(videos) > 0: for video in videos: video['vod_name'] = self.id + ' '+video['vod_name'] video['vod_rule'] = self.id video['vod_id'] = video['vod_id'] +'#' + self.id result = { 'list': videos } return result def playContent(self, play_url,jxs=None,flag=None): # flag参数只有类型为4的时候才有,可以忽略 # logger.info('播放免嗅地址: ' + self.play_url) # 注意:全局flags里的视频没法执行免嗅代码,因为会自动拦截去调用解析: url=yoursite:5705/vod?play_url=xxxx if not jxs: jxs = [] # print(play_url) if play_url.find('http') == -1: # 字符串看起来被编码的 try: play_url = base64Decode(play_url) # 自动base64解码 except: pass # print(unquote(play_url)) play_url = unquote(play_url) origin_play_url = play_url print(origin_play_url) if self.lazy: print(f'{play_url}->开始执行免嗅代码{type(self.lazy)}->{self.lazy}') t1 = time() try: if type(self.lazy) == JsObjectWrapper: logger.info(f'lazy非纯文本免嗅失败耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,播放地址:{play_url}') elif str(self.lazy).startswith('py:'): pycode = runPy(self.lazy) if pycode: # print(pycode) pos = pycode.find('def lazyParse') if pos < 0: return play_url pyenv = safePython(self.lazy,pycode[pos:]) lazy_url = pyenv.action_task_exec('lazyParse',[play_url,self.d]) logger.info(f'py免嗅耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,播放地址:{lazy_url}') if isinstance(lazy_url,str) and lazy_url.startswith('http'): play_url = lazy_url else: jscode = str(self.lazy).strip().replace('js:', '', 1) if str(self.lazy).startswith('js:') else js_code jsp = jsoup(self.url) # jscode = f'var input={play_url};{jscode}' # print(jscode) headers['Referer'] = getHome(play_url) py_ctx.update({ 'input': play_url, 'oheaders': self.d.oheaders, 'fetch_params':{'headers':self.headers,'timeout':self.d.timeout,'encoding':self.d.encoding}, 'd': self.d, 'jxs':jxs, 'getParse':self.d.getParse, 'saveParse':self.d.saveParse, 'jsp': jsp, 'jq': jsp, 'pdfh': self.d.jsp.pdfh, 'pdfa': self.d.jsp.pdfa, 'pd': self.d.jsp.pd,'play_url':self.play_url }) ctx = py_ctx # print(ctx) jscode = getPreJs() + jscode # print(jscode) loader,_ = runJScode(jscode,ctx=ctx) # print(loader.toString()) play_url = loader.eval('input') if isinstance(play_url,JsObjectWrapper): play_url = play_url.to_dict() # print(type(play_url)) # print(play_url) logger.info(f'js免嗅耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,播放地址:{play_url}') if not play_url and play_url!='' and play_url!={}: play_url = origin_play_url # if play_url == {}: # play_url = None except Exception as e: logger.info(f'免嗅耗时:{get_interval(t1)}毫秒,并发生错误:{e}') # return play_url else: logger.info(f'播放重定向到:{play_url}') # return play_url if self.play_json: # 如果传了 play_json 参数并且是个大于0的列表的话 if isinstance(self.play_json,list) and len(self.play_json) > 0: # 获取播放链接 web_url = play_url if isinstance(play_url,str) else play_url.get('url') for pjson in self.play_json: if pjson.get('re') and (pjson['re']=='*' or re.search(pjson['re'],web_url,re.S|re.M)): if pjson.get('json') and isinstance(pjson['json'], dict): if isinstance(play_url, str): base_json = pjson['json'] base_json['url'] = web_url elif isinstance(play_url, dict): base_json = pjson['json'] play_url.update(base_json) # 不管有没有效,匹配到了就跑??? (当然不行了,要不然写来干嘛) break else: # 没有指定列表默认表示需要解析,解析播放 (如果不要解析,我想也是没人会去写这个参数) base_json = { 'jx':1, # 解析开 'parse':1, # 嗅探 关 pluto这个标识有问题 只好双1了 } if isinstance(play_url,str): base_json['url'] = play_url play_url = base_json elif isinstance(play_url,dict): play_url.update(base_json) logger.info(f'最终返回play_url:{play_url}') return play_url if __name__ == '__main__': print(urljoin('https://api.web.360kan.com/v1/f', '//0img.hitv.com/preview/sp_images/2022/01/28/202201281528074643023.jpg')) # exit() from utils import parser # js_path = f'js/玩偶姐姐.js' # js_path = f'js/555影视.js' with open('../js/模板.js', encoding='utf-8') as f: before = f.read().split('export')[0] js_path = f'js/360影视.js' ctx, js_code = parser.runJs(js_path,before=before) ruleDict = ctx.rule.to_dict() # lazy = ctx.eval('lazy') # print(lazy) # ruleDict['id'] = rule # 把路由请求的id装到字典里,后面播放嗅探才能用 cms = CMS(ruleDict) print(cms.title) print(cms.homeContent()) # print(cms.categoryContent('5',1)) # print(cms.categoryContent('latest',1)) # print(cms.detailContent(['https://www.2345ka.com/v/45499.html'])) # print(cms.detailContent(1,['https://cokemv.me/voddetail/40573.html'])) # cms.categoryContent('dianying',1) # print(cms.detailContent(['67391'])) # print(cms.searchContent('斗罗大陆')) print(cms.searchContent('独行月球'))