未验证 提交 dbbc86b2 编写于 作者: S Shengliang Guan 提交者: GitHub

Merge pull request #2667 from taosdata/feature/crash_gen

Feature/crash_gen added REST/NATIVE mixed connector type
......@@ -84,8 +84,17 @@ class WorkerThread:
# Let us have a DB connection of our own
if (gConfig.per_thread_db_connection): # type: ignore
# print("connector_type = {}".format(gConfig.connector_type))
self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative() if (
gConfig.connector_type == 'native') else DbConn.createRest()
if gConfig.connector_type == 'native':
self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative()
elif gConfig.connector_type == 'rest':
self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest()
elif gConfig.connector_type == 'mixed':
if Dice.throw(2) == 0: # 1/2 chance
self._dbConn = DbConn.createNative()
self._dbConn = DbConn.createRest()
raise RuntimeError("Unexpected connector type: {}".format(gConfig.connector_type))
self._dbInUse = False # if "use db" was executed already
......@@ -130,22 +139,15 @@ class WorkerThread:
while True:
tc = self._tc # Thread Coordinator, the overall master
tc.crossStepBarrier() # shared barrier first, INCLUDING the last one
"[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited barrier...".format(
logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited barrier...".format(self._tid))
self.crossStepGate() # then per-thread gate, after being tapped
"[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited step gate...".format(
logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] exited step gate...".format(self._tid))
if not self._tc.isRunning():
"[TRD] Thread Coordinator not running any more, worker thread now stopping...")
logger.debug("[TRD] Thread Coordinator not running any more, worker thread now stopping...")
# Fetch a task from the Thread Coordinator
"[TRD] Worker thread [{}] about to fetch task".format(
logger.debug( "[TRD] Worker thread [{}] about to fetch task".format(self._tid))
task = tc.fetchTask()
# Execute such a task
......@@ -154,9 +156,7 @@ class WorkerThread:
self._tid, task.__class__.__name__))
"[TRD] Worker thread [{}] finished executing task".format(
logger.debug("[TRD] Worker thread [{}] finished executing task".format(self._tid))
self._dbInUse = False # there may be changes between steps
......@@ -255,44 +255,53 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
self._runStatus = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING
self._execStats.registerFailure("User Interruption")
def run(self):
# Coordinate all threads step by step
self._curStep = -1 # not started yet
def _runShouldEnd(self, transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask):
maxSteps = gConfig.max_steps # type: ignore
self._execStats.startExec() # start the stop watch
transitionFailed = False
hasAbortedTask = False
while(self._curStep < maxSteps - 1 and
(not transitionFailed) and
(self._runStatus == MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING) and
(not hasAbortedTask)): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9
if self._curStep >= (maxSteps - 1): # maxStep==10, last curStep should be 9
return True
if self._runStatus != MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING:
return True
if transitionFailed:
return True
if hasAbortedTask:
return True
return False
if not gConfig.debug:
# print this only if we are not in debug mode
print(".", end="", flush=True)
logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread going to sleep")
def _hasAbortedTask(self): # from execution of previous step
for task in self._executedTasks:
if task.isAborted():
# print("Task aborted: {}".format(task))
# hasAbortedTask = True
return True
return False
def _releaseAllWorkerThreads(self, transitionFailed):
self._curStep += 1 # we are about to get into next step. TODO: race condition here!
# Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
"--\r\n\n--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self._curStep))
# A new TE for the new step
self._te = None # set to empty first, to signal worker thread to stop
if not transitionFailed: # only if not failed
self._te = TaskExecutor(self._curStep)
logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread waking up at step {}, tapping worker threads".format(
self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
# Worker threads will wake up at this point, and each execute it's own task
self.tapAllThreads() # release all worker thread from their "gate"
def _syncAtBarrier(self):
# Now main thread (that's us) is ready to enter a step
# let other threads go past the pool barrier, but wait at the
# thread gate
logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread about to cross the barrier")
self._stepBarrier.reset() # Other worker threads should now be at the "gate"
logger.debug("[TRD] Main thread finished crossing the barrier")
# At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate"
# We use this period to do house keeping work, when all worker
# threads are QUIET.
hasAbortedTask = False
for task in self._executedTasks:
if task.isAborted():
print("Task aborted: {}".format(task))
hasAbortedTask = True
if hasAbortedTask: # do transition only if tasks are error free
self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted Task Encountered")
def _doTransition(self):
transitionFailed = False
sm = self._dbManager.getStateMachine()
logger.debug("[STT] starting transitions")
......@@ -318,38 +327,52 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
# end, and maybe signal them to stop
# finally:
# pass
self.resetExecutedTasks() # clear the tasks after we are done
# Get ready for next step
logger.debug("<-- Step {} finished".format(self._curStep))
self._curStep += 1 # we are about to get into next step. TODO: race condition here!
# Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
"\r\n\n--> Step {} starts with main thread waking up".format(self._curStep))
logger.debug("<-- Step {} finished, trasition failed = {}".format(self._curStep, transitionFailed))
return transitionFailed
# A new TE for the new step
if not transitionFailed: # only if not failed
self._te = TaskExecutor(self._curStep)
def run(self):
# Coordinate all threads step by step
self._curStep = -1 # not started yet
self._execStats.startExec() # start the stop watch
transitionFailed = False
hasAbortedTask = False
while not self._runShouldEnd(transitionFailed, hasAbortedTask):
if not gConfig.debug: # print this only if we are not in debug mode
print(".", end="", flush=True)
self._syncAtBarrier() # For now just cross the barrier
# At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate"
# We use this period to do house keeping work, when all worker
# threads are QUIET.
hasAbortedTask = self._hasAbortedTask() # from previous step
if hasAbortedTask:
logger.info("Aborted task encountered, exiting test program")
self._execStats.registerFailure("Aborted Task Encountered")
break # do transition only if tasks are error free
# Ending previous step
transitionFailed = self._doTransition() # To start, we end step -1 first
# Then we move on to the next step
if hasAbortedTask or transitionFailed : # abnormal ending, workers waiting at "gate"
logger.debug("Abnormal ending of main thraed")
else: # regular ending, workers waiting at "barrier"
logger.debug("Regular ending, main thread waiting for all worker threads to stop...")
"[TRD] Main thread waking up at step {}, tapping worker threads".format(
self._curStep)) # Now not all threads had time to go to sleep
# Worker threads will wake up at this point, and each execute it's
# own task
logger.debug("Main thread ready to finish up...")
if not transitionFailed: # only in regular situations
self.crossStepBarrier() # Cross it one last time, after all threads finish
logger.debug("Main thread in exclusive zone...")
self._te = None # No more executor, time to end
logger.debug("Main thread tapping all threads one last time...")
self.tapAllThreads() # Let the threads run one last time
logger.debug("\r\n\n--> Main thread ready to finish up...")
logger.debug("Main thread joining all threads")
self._pool.joinAll() # Get all threads to finish
logger.info("\nAll worker threads finished")
......@@ -620,9 +643,13 @@ class DbConnRest(DbConn):
self.isOpen = False
def _doSql(self, sql):
r = requests.post(self._url,
auth=HTTPBasicAuth('root', 'taosdata'))
data = sql,
auth = HTTPBasicAuth('root', 'taosdata'))
print("REST API Failure (TODO: more info here)")
rj = r.json()
# Sanity check for the "Json Result"
if ('status' not in rj):
......@@ -717,7 +744,7 @@ class MyTDSql:
class DbConnNative(DbConn):
def __init__(self):
self._type = self.TYPE_REST
self._type = self.TYPE_NATIVE
self._conn = None
self._cursor = None
......@@ -2254,8 +2281,9 @@ class ClientManager:
def sigIntHandler(self, signalNumber, frame):
if self._status != MainExec.STATUS_RUNNING:
print("Ignoring repeated SIGINT...")
return # do nothing if it's already not running
print("Repeated SIGINT received, forced exit...")
# return # do nothing if it's already not running
self._status = MainExec.STATUS_STOPPING # immediately set our status
print("Terminating program...")
......@@ -2394,6 +2422,27 @@ def main():
# parser.add_argument('-a', '--auto-start-service', action='store_true',
# help='Automatically start/stop the TDengine service (default: false)')
# parser.add_argument('-c', '--connector-type', action='store', default='native', type=str,
# help='Connector type to use: native, rest, or mixed (default: 10)')
# parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
# help='Turn on DEBUG mode for more logging (default: false)')
# parser.add_argument('-e', '--run-tdengine', action='store_true',
# help='Run TDengine service in foreground (default: false)')
# parser.add_argument('-l', '--larger-data', action='store_true',
# help='Write larger amount of data during write operations (default: false)')
# parser.add_argument('-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_true',
# help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)')
# parser.add_argument('-r', '--record-ops', action='store_true',
# help='Use a pair of always-fsynced fils to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)')
# parser.add_argument('-s', '--max-steps', action='store', default=1000, type=int,
# help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)')
# parser.add_argument('-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=5, type=int,
# help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)')
# parser.add_argument('-x', '--continue-on-exception', action='store_true',
# help='Continue execution after encountering unexpected/disallowed errors/exceptions (default: false)')
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