""" Copyright 2019 RICHARD TJÖRNHAMMAR Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. """ import pandas as pd import numpy as np from impetuous.quantification import group_significance from impetuous.convert import * def pathway_frame_from_file ( filename , delimiter = '\t' , item_sep = ',' ) : pdf = None with open( filename,'r' ) as input : for line in input : lspl = line.replace('\n','').split(delimiter) analytes_ = lspl[2:] desc = lspl[1] iden = lspl[0] ps = pd.Series( [desc , item_sep.join(analytes_) ] , name = iden , index = ['description','analytes'] ) pdf = pd.concat([pdf,pd.DataFrame(ps).T]) return ( pdf ) def create_dag_representation_df ( pathway_file = '../data/GROUPDEFINITIONS.gmt' , pcfile = '../data/PCLIST.txt' ) : pc_list_file = pcfile tree , ance , desc = parent_child_to_dag ( pc_list_file ) pdf = make_pathway_ancestor_data_frame ( ance ) pdf_ = pathway_frame_from_file( pathway_file ) pdf.index = [v.replace(' ','') for v in pdf.index.values] pdf_.index= [v.replace(' ','') for v in pdf_.index.values] dag_df = pd.concat([pdf.T,pdf_.T]).T return ( dag_df , tree ) def HierarchalEnrichment ( analyte_df , dag_df , dag_level_label = 'DAG,l' , ancestors_id_label = 'aid' , id_name = None , threshold = 0.05 , p_label = 'C(Status),p', analyte_name_label = 'analytes' , item_delimiter = ',' , alexa_elim=False , alternative = 'two-sided' ) : # # NEEDS AN ANALYTE SIGNIFICANCE FRAME: # INCLUDING P VALUES OF ANALYTES # DAG GRAPH DESCRIPTION FRAME: # INCLUDING NODE ID, NODE ANALYTES FIELD (SEPERATED BY ITEM DELIMITER) # INCLUDING ANCESTORS FIELD (SEPERATED BY ITEM DELIMITER) # DAG LEVEL OF EACH NODE tolerance = threshold df = dag_df ; dag_depth = np.max( df[dag_level_label].values ) AllAnalytes = set( analyte_df.index.values ) ; nidx = len( AllAnalytes ) SigAnalytes = set( analyte_df.iloc[ (analyte_df.loc[:,p_label].values < tolerance), : ].index.values ) if len( AllAnalytes ) == len( SigAnalytes ) : print ( 'THIS STATISTICAL TEST WILL BE NONSENSE' ) print ( 'TRY A DIFFERENT THRESHOLD' ) marked_analytes = {} ; used_analytes = {} ; node_sig = {} for d in range( dag_depth, 0, -1 ) : # ROOT IS NOT INCLUDED filter_ = df [ dag_level_label ] == d nodes = df.iloc[ [i for i in np.where(filter_)[ 0 ]] ,:].index.values for node in nodes : if 'nan' in str(df.loc[node,analyte_name_label]).lower() : continue analytes_ = df.loc[node,analyte_name_label].replace('\n','').replace(' ','').split(item_delimiter) try : group = analyte_df.loc[[a for a in analytes_ if a in AllAnalytes] ].dropna( axis=0, how='any', thresh=analyte_df.shape[1]/2 ).drop_duplicates() except KeyError as e : continue if node in marked_analytes : unused_group = group.loc[ list( set(group.index.values)-marked_analytes[node] ) ] group = unused_group L_ = len( group ) ; str_analytes=','.join(group.index.values) if L_ > 0 : used_analytes[node] = ','.join( group.index.values ) pv,odds = group_significance( group , AllAnalytes=AllAnalytes, SigAnalytes=SigAnalytes , tolerance = threshold , alternative=alternative ) node_sig[node] = pv ; marked_ = set( group.index.values ) ancestors = df.loc[node,ancestors_id_label].replace('\n','').replace(' ','').split(item_delimiter) if alexa_elim and pv > threshold : # USE ALEXAS ELIM ALGORITHM : IS NOT DEFAULT continue for u in ancestors : if u in marked_analytes : us = marked_analytes[u] marked_analytes[u] = us | marked_ else : marked_analytes[u] = marked_ df['Hierarchal,p'] = [ node_sig[idx] if idx in node_sig else 1. for idx in df.index.values ] df['Included analytes,ids'] = [ used_analytes[idx] if idx in used_analytes else '' for idx in df.index.values ] df = df.dropna() return ( df )