提交 efe1e809 编写于 作者: H Hongze Cheng

Merge branch 'develop' into feature/2.0tsdb

"name": "TDengine",
"private": false,
"version": "1.0.0",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "grafana datasource plugin for tdengine",
"scripts": {
"build": "./node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt",
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ IF (TD_MVN_INSTALLED)
COMMAND mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true install -f ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pom.xml
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/target/taos-jdbcdriver-1.0.3-dist.jar ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}
COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E copy ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/target/taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.0-dist.jar ${LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH}
COMMAND mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true clean -f ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pom.xml
COMMENT "build jdbc driver")
......@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
public class TestAsyncTSDBSubscribe {
public static void main(String[] args) throws SQLException {
String usage = "java -cp taos-jdbcdriver-1.0.3_dev-dist.jar com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBSubscribe -db dbName -topic topicName " +
String usage = "java -cp taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.0_dev-dist.jar com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBSubscribe -db dbName -topic topicName " +
"-tname tableName -h host";
if (args.length < 2) {
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import java.util.Properties;
public class TestTSDBSubscribe {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
String usage = "java -cp taos-jdbcdriver-1.0.3_dev-dist.jar com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBSubscribe -db dbName " +
String usage = "java -cp taos-jdbcdriver-2.0.0_dev-dist.jar com.taosdata.jdbc.TSDBSubscribe -db dbName " +
"-topic topicName -tname tableName -h host";
if (args.length < 2) {
"name": "td-connector",
"version": "1.6.1",
"version": "2.0.0",
"description": "A Node.js connector for TDengine.",
"main": "tdengine.js",
"scripts": {
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
author="Taosdata Inc.",
description="TDengine python client package",
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: taos
Version: 1.4.15
Version: 2.0.0
Summary: TDengine python client package
Home-page: https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject
Author: Taosdata Inc.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
author="Taosdata Inc.",
description="TDengine python client package",
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: taos
Version: 1.4.15
Version: 2.0.0
Summary: TDengine python client package
Home-page: https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject
Author: Taosdata Inc.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
author="Taosdata Inc.",
description="TDengine python client package",
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: taos
Version: 1.4.15
Version: 2.0.0
Summary: TDengine python client package
Home-page: https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject
Author: Taosdata Inc.
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
author="Taosdata Inc.",
description="TDengine python client package",
Metadata-Version: 2.1
Name: taos
Version: 1.4.15
Version: 2.0.0
Summary: TDengine python client package
Home-page: https://github.com/pypa/sampleproject
Author: Hongze Cheng
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
# At this point, all threads should be pass the overall "barrier" and before the per-thread "gate"
self._dbManager.transition(self._executedTasks) # at end of step, transiton the DB state
self._dbManager.getStateMachine().transition(self._executedTasks) # at end of step, transiton the DB state
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
if ( err.msg == 'network unavailable' ): # broken DB connection
logger.info("DB connection broken, execution failed")
......@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ class ThreadCoordinator:
# logger.debug(" (dice:{}/{}) ".format(i, nTasks))
# # return copy.copy(tasks[i]) # Needs a fresh copy, to save execution results, etc.
# return tasks[i].clone() # TODO: still necessary?
taskType = self.getDbManager().pickTaskType() # pick a task type for current state
taskType = self.getDbManager().getStateMachine().pickTaskType() # pick a task type for current state
return taskType(self.getDbManager(), self._execStats) # create a task from it
def resetExecutedTasks(self):
......@@ -686,31 +686,134 @@ class StateHasData(AnyState):
self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskAddData)
# self.hasSuccess(tasks, DeleteDataTasks)
else: # should be STATE_HAS_DATA
self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb)
if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateDb) ): # only if we didn't create one
self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropDb) # we shouldn't have dropped it
if (not self.hasTask(tasks, TaskCreateSuperTable)) : # if we didn't create the table
self.assertNoTask(tasks, TaskDropSuperTable) # we should not have a task that drops it
# self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, ReadFixedDataTask)
class StateMechine :
def __init__(self, dbConn):
self._dbConn = dbConn
self._curState = self._findCurrentState() # starting state
self._stateWeights = [1,3,5,15] # transitition target probabilities, indexed with value of STATE_EMPTY, STATE_DB_ONLY, etc.
def getCurrentState(self):
return self._curState
# May be slow, use cautionsly...
def getTaskTypes(self): # those that can run (directly/indirectly) from the current state
allTaskClasses = StateTransitionTask.__subclasses__() # all state transition tasks
firstTaskTypes = []
for tc in allTaskClasses:
# t = tc(self) # create task object
if tc.canBeginFrom(self._curState):
# now we have all the tasks that can begin directly from the current state, let's figure out the INDIRECT ones
taskTypes = firstTaskTypes.copy() # have to have these
for task1 in firstTaskTypes: # each task type gathered so far
endState = task1.getEndState() # figure the end state
if endState == None: # does not change end state
continue # no use, do nothing
for tc in allTaskClasses: # what task can further begin from there?
if tc.canBeginFrom(endState) and (tc not in firstTaskTypes):
taskTypes.append(tc) # gather it
if len(taskTypes) <= 0:
raise RuntimeError("No suitable task types found for state: {}".format(self._curState))
logger.debug("[OPS] Tasks found for state {}: {}".format(self._curState, taskTypes))
return taskTypes
def _findCurrentState(self):
dbc = self._dbConn
ts = time.time() # we use this to debug how fast/slow it is to do the various queries to find the current DB state
if dbc.query("show databases") == 0 : # no database?!
# logger.debug("Found EMPTY state")
logger.debug("[STT] empty database found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateEmpty()
dbc.execute("use db") # did not do this when openning connection
if dbc.query("show tables") == 0 : # no tables
# logger.debug("Found DB ONLY state")
logger.debug("[STT] DB_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateDbOnly()
if dbc.query("SELECT * FROM db.{}".format(DbManager.getFixedSuperTableName()) ) == 0 : # no regular tables
# logger.debug("Found TABLE_ONLY state")
logger.debug("[STT] SUPER_TABLE_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateSuperTableOnly()
else: # has actual tables
# logger.debug("Found HAS_DATA state")
logger.debug("[STT] HAS_DATA found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateHasData()
def transition(self, tasks):
if ( len(tasks) == 0 ): # before 1st step, or otherwise empty
return # do nothing
self._dbConn.execute("show dnodes") # this should show up in the server log, separating steps
# Generic Checks, first based on the start state
if self._curState.canCreateDb():
self._curState.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb)
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) # not really, in case of multiple creation and drops
if self._curState.canDropDb():
self._curState.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb)
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) # not really in case of drop-create-drop
# if self._state.canCreateFixedTable():
# self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # Not true, DB may be dropped
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # not really, in case of create-drop-create
# if self._state.canDropFixedTable():
# self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # Not True, the whole DB may be dropped
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # not really in case of drop-create-drop
# if self._state.canAddData():
# self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) # not true actually
# if self._state.canReadData():
# Nothing for sure
newState = self._findCurrentState()
logger.debug("[STT] New DB state determined: {}".format(newState))
self._curState.verifyTasksToState(tasks, newState) # can old state move to new state through the tasks?
self._curState = newState
def pickTaskType(self):
taskTypes = self.getTaskTypes() # all the task types we can choose from at curent state
weights = []
for tt in taskTypes:
endState = tt.getEndState()
if endState != None :
weights.append(self._stateWeights[endState.getValIndex()]) # TODO: change to a method
weights.append(10) # read data task, default to 10: TODO: change to a constant
i = self._weighted_choice_sub(weights)
# logger.debug(" (weighted random:{}/{}) ".format(i, len(taskTypes)))
return taskTypes[i]
def _weighted_choice_sub(self, weights): # ref: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2010/01/22/weighted-random-generation-in-python/
rnd = random.random() * sum(weights) # TODO: use our dice to ensure it being determinstic?
for i, w in enumerate(weights):
rnd -= w
if rnd < 0:
return i
# Manager of the Database Data/Connection
class DbManager():
def __init__(self, resetDb = True):
self.tableNumQueue = LinearQueue()
self._lastTick = self.setupLastTick() # datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1) # initial date time tick
self._lastInt = 0 # next one is initial integer
self._lock = threading.RLock()
self._state = StateInvalid() # starting state
self._stateWeights = [1,3,5,10] # indexed with value of STATE_EMPTY, STATE_DB_ONLY, etc.
# self.openDbServerConnection()
self._dbConn = DbConn()
self._dbConn.open() # may throw taos.error.ProgrammingError: disconnected
except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
# print("Error type: {}, msg: {}, value: {}".format(type(err), err.msg, err))
if ( err.msg == 'disconnected' ): # cannot open DB connection
if ( err.msg == 'client disconnected' ): # cannot open DB connection
print("Cannot establish DB connection, please re-run script without parameter, and follow the instructions.")
......@@ -721,13 +824,17 @@ class DbManager():
if resetDb :
self._dbConn.resetDb() # drop and recreate DB
self._state = self._findCurrentState()
self._stateMachine = StateMechine(self._dbConn) # Do this after dbConn is in proper shape
def getDbConn(self):
return self._dbConn
def getState(self):
return self._state
def getStateMachine(self):
return self._stateMachine
# def getState(self):
# return self._stateMachine.getCurrentState()
# We aim to create a starting time tick, such that, whenever we run our test here once
# We should be able to safely create 100,000 records, which will not have any repeated time stamp
......@@ -754,7 +861,8 @@ class DbManager():
tIndex = self.tableNumQueue.push()
return tIndex
def getFixedSuperTableName(self):
def getFixedSuperTableName(cls):
return "fs_table"
def releaseTable(self, i): # return the table back, so others can use it
......@@ -786,122 +894,6 @@ class DbManager():
def cleanUp(self):
# May be slow, use cautionsly...
def getTaskTypesAtState(self):
allTaskClasses = StateTransitionTask.__subclasses__() # all state transition tasks
firstTaskTypes = []
for tc in allTaskClasses:
# t = tc(self) # create task object
if tc.canBeginFrom(self._state):
# now we have all the tasks that can begin directly from the current state, let's figure out the INDIRECT ones
taskTypes = firstTaskTypes.copy() # have to have these
for task1 in firstTaskTypes: # each task type gathered so far
endState = task1.getEndState() # figure the end state
if endState == None:
for tc in allTaskClasses: # what task can further begin from there?
if tc.canBeginFrom(endState) and (tc not in firstTaskTypes):
taskTypes.append(tc) # gather it
if len(taskTypes) <= 0:
raise RuntimeError("No suitable task types found for state: {}".format(self._state))
logger.debug("[OPS] Tasks found for state {}: {}".format(self._state, taskTypes))
return taskTypes
# tasks.append(ReadFixedDataTask(self)) # always for everybody
# if ( self._state == self.STATE_EMPTY ):
# tasks.append(CreateDbTask(self))
# tasks.append(CreateFixedTableTask(self))
# elif ( self._state == self.STATE_DB_ONLY ):
# tasks.append(DropDbTask(self))
# tasks.append(CreateFixedTableTask(self))
# tasks.append(AddFixedDataTask(self))
# elif ( self._state == self.STATE_TABLE_ONLY ):
# tasks.append(DropFixedTableTask(self))
# tasks.append(AddFixedDataTask(self))
# elif ( self._state == self.STATE_HAS_DATA ) : # same as above. TODO: adjust
# tasks.append(DropFixedTableTask(self))
# tasks.append(AddFixedDataTask(self))
# else:
# raise RuntimeError("Unexpected DbState state: {}".format(self._state))
# return tasks
def pickTaskType(self):
taskTypes = self.getTaskTypesAtState() # all the task types we can choose from at curent state
weights = []
for tt in taskTypes:
endState = tt.getEndState()
if endState != None :
weights.append(self._stateWeights[endState.getValIndex()]) # TODO: change to a method
weights.append(10) # read data task, default to 10: TODO: change to a constant
i = self._weighted_choice_sub(weights)
# logger.debug(" (weighted random:{}/{}) ".format(i, len(taskTypes)))
return taskTypes[i]
def _weighted_choice_sub(self, weights): # ref: https://eli.thegreenplace.net/2010/01/22/weighted-random-generation-in-python/
rnd = random.random() * sum(weights) # TODO: use our dice to ensure it being determinstic?
for i, w in enumerate(weights):
rnd -= w
if rnd < 0:
return i
def _findCurrentState(self):
dbc = self._dbConn
ts = time.time()
if dbc.query("show databases") == 0 : # no database?!
# logger.debug("Found EMPTY state")
logger.debug("[STT] empty database found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateEmpty()
dbc.execute("use db") # did not do this when openning connection
if dbc.query("show tables") == 0 : # no tables
# logger.debug("Found DB ONLY state")
logger.debug("[STT] DB_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateDbOnly()
if dbc.query("SELECT * FROM db.{}".format(self.getFixedSuperTableName()) ) == 0 : # no data
# logger.debug("Found TABLE_ONLY state")
logger.debug("[STT] SUPER_TABLE_ONLY found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateSuperTableOnly()
# logger.debug("Found HAS_DATA state")
logger.debug("[STT] HAS_DATA found, between {} and {}".format(ts, time.time()))
return StateHasData()
def transition(self, tasks):
if ( len(tasks) == 0 ): # before 1st step, or otherwise empty
return # do nothing
self._dbConn.execute("show dnodes") # this should show up in the server log, separating steps
# Generic Checks, first based on the start state
if self._state.canCreateDb():
self._state.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskCreateDb)
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateDbTask) # not really, in case of multiple creation and drops
if self._state.canDropDb():
self._state.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, TaskDropDb)
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropDbTask) # not really in case of drop-create-drop
# if self._state.canCreateFixedTable():
# self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # Not true, DB may be dropped
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, CreateFixedTableTask) # not really, in case of create-drop-create
# if self._state.canDropFixedTable():
# self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # Not True, the whole DB may be dropped
# self.assertAtMostOneSuccess(tasks, DropFixedTableTask) # not really in case of drop-create-drop
# if self._state.canAddData():
# self.assertIfExistThenSuccess(tasks, AddFixedDataTask) # not true actually
# if self._state.canReadData():
# Nothing for sure
newState = self._findCurrentState()
logger.debug("[STT] New DB state determined: {}".format(newState))
self._state.verifyTasksToState(tasks, newState) # can old state move to new state through the tasks?
self._state = newState
class TaskExecutor():
def __init__(self, curStep):
self._curStep = curStep
......@@ -928,7 +920,7 @@ class Task():
return Task.taskSn
def __init__(self, dbManager: DbManager, execStats: ExecutionStats):
self._dbState = dbManager
self._dbManager = dbManager
self._workerThread = None
self._err = None
self._curStep = None
......@@ -944,7 +936,7 @@ class Task():
return self._err == None
def clone(self): # TODO: why do we need this again?
newTask = self.__class__(self._dbState, self._execStats)
newTask = self.__class__(self._dbManager, self._execStats)
return newTask
def logDebug(self, msg):
......@@ -980,7 +972,7 @@ class Task():
self._execStats.incExecCount(self.__class__.__name__, self.isSuccess()) # TODO: merge with above.
def execSql(self, sql):
return self._dbState.execute(sql)
return self._dbManager.execute(sql)
class ExecutionStats:
......@@ -1047,20 +1039,22 @@ class ExecutionStats:
class StateTransitionTask(Task):
# @classmethod
# def getAllTaskClasses(cls): # static
# return cls.__subclasses__()
def getInfo(cls): # each sub class should supply their own information
raise RuntimeError("Overriding method expected")
_endState = None
def getEndState(cls): # TODO: optimize by calling it fewer times
raise RuntimeError("Overriding method expected")
# @classmethod
# def getBeginStates(cls):
# return cls.getInfo()[0]
def getEndState(cls): # returning the class name
return cls.getInfo()[0]
# @classmethod
# def getEndState(cls): # returning the class name
# return cls.getInfo()[0]
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
......@@ -1070,15 +1064,10 @@ class StateTransitionTask(Task):
def execute(self, wt: WorkerThread):
class TaskCreateDb(StateTransitionTask):
def getInfo(cls):
return [
# [AnyState.STATE_EMPTY], # can begin from
StateDbOnly() # end state
def getEndState(cls):
return StateDbOnly()
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
......@@ -1089,11 +1078,8 @@ class TaskCreateDb(StateTransitionTask):
class TaskDropDb(StateTransitionTask):
def getInfo(cls):
return [
def getEndState(cls):
return StateEmpty()
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
......@@ -1105,36 +1091,30 @@ class TaskDropDb(StateTransitionTask):
class TaskCreateSuperTable(StateTransitionTask):
def getInfo(cls):
return [
# [AnyState.STATE_DB_ONLY],
def getEndState(cls):
return StateSuperTableOnly()
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
return state.canCreateFixedSuperTable()
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
tblName = self._dbState.getFixedSuperTableName()
tblName = self._dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName()
wt.execSql("create table db.{} (ts timestamp, speed int) tags (b binary(200), f float) ".format(tblName))
# No need to create the regular tables, INSERT will do that automatically
class TaskReadData(StateTransitionTask):
def getInfo(cls):
return [
None # meaning doesn't affect state
def getEndState(cls):
return None # meaning doesn't affect state
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
return state.canReadData()
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
sTbName = self._dbState.getFixedSuperTableName()
sTbName = self._dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName()
dbc = wt.getDbConn()
dbc.query("select TBNAME from db.{}".format(sTbName)) # TODO: analyze result set later
if random.randrange(5) == 0 : # 1 in 5 chance, simulate a broken connection. TODO: break connection in all situations
......@@ -1150,20 +1130,38 @@ class TaskReadData(StateTransitionTask):
class TaskDropSuperTable(StateTransitionTask):
def getInfo(cls):
return [
StateDbOnly() # meaning doesn't affect state
def getEndState(cls):
return StateDbOnly()
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
return state.canDropFixedSuperTable()
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
tblName = self._dbState.getFixedSuperTableName()
tblName = self._dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName()
wt.execSql("drop table db.{}".format(tblName))
class TaskAlterTags(StateTransitionTask):
def getEndState(cls):
return None # meaning doesn't affect state
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
return state.canDropFixedSuperTable() # if we can drop it, we can alter tags
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
tblName = self._dbManager.getFixedSuperTableName()
dice = Dice.throw(4)
if dice == 0 :
wt.execSql("alter table db.{} add tag extraTag int".format(tblName))
elif dice == 1 :
wt.execSql("alter table db.{} drop tag extraTag".format(tblName))
elif dice == 2 :
wt.execSql("alter table db.{} drop tag newTag".format(tblName))
else: # dice == 3
wt.execSql("alter table db.{} change tag extraTag newTag".format(tblName))
class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
activeTable : Set[int] = set() # Track which table is being actively worked on
......@@ -1186,18 +1184,15 @@ class TaskAddData(StateTransitionTask):
cls.fAddLogDone = open("add_log_done.txt", "w")
def getInfo(cls):
return [
def getEndState(cls):
return StateHasData()
def canBeginFrom(cls, state: AnyState):
return state.canAddData()
def _executeInternal(self, te: TaskExecutor, wt: WorkerThread):
ds = self._dbState
ds = self._dbManager
wt.execSql("use db") # TODO: seems to be an INSERT bug to require this
tblSeq = list(range(self.LARGE_NUMBER_OF_TABLES if gConfig.larger_data else self.SMALL_NUMBER_OF_TABLES))
......@@ -1301,58 +1296,26 @@ class LoggingFilter(logging.Filter):
# return False
return True
def main():
# Super cool Python argument library: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
TDengine Auto Crash Generator (PLEASE NOTICE the Prerequisites Below)
1. You build TDengine in the top level ./build directory, as described in offical docs
2. You run the server there before this script: ./build/bin/taosd -c test/cfg
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
help='Turn on DEBUG mode for more logging (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--larger-data', action='store_true',
help='Write larger amount of data during write operations (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_true',
help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--record-ops', action='store_true',
help='Use a pair of always-fsynced fils to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--max-steps', action='store', default=100, type=int,
help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=10, type=int,
help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)')
global gConfig
gConfig = parser.parse_args()
if len(sys.argv) == 1:
global logger
logger = logging.getLogger('CrashGen')
if ( gConfig.debug ):
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # default seems to be INFO
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
class MainExec:
def runClient(cls):
# resetDb = False # DEBUG only
# dbState = DbState(resetDb) # DBEUG only!
dbManager = DbManager() # Regular function
Dice.seed(0) # initial seeding of dice
tc = ThreadCoordinator(
ThreadPool(gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps),
# WorkDispatcher(dbState), # Obsolete?
thPool = ThreadPool(gConfig.num_threads, gConfig.max_steps)
tc = ThreadCoordinator(thPool, dbManager)
def runService(cls):
print("Running service...")
def runTemp(cls): # for debugging purposes
# # Hack to exercise reading from disk, imcreasing coverage. TODO: fix
# dbc = dbState.getDbConn()
# sTbName = dbState.getFixedSuperTableName()
......@@ -1388,17 +1351,61 @@ def main():
# except taos.error.ProgrammingError as err:
# logger.info("Initial WRITE/READ error: {}".format(err))
# Sandbox testing code
# dbc = dbState.getDbConn()
# while True:
# rows = dbc.query("show databases")
# print("Rows: {}, time={}".format(rows, time.time()))
def main():
# Super cool Python argument library: https://docs.python.org/3/library/argparse.html
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
TDengine Auto Crash Generator (PLEASE NOTICE the Prerequisites Below)
1. You build TDengine in the top level ./build directory, as described in offical docs
2. You run the server there before this script: ./build/bin/taosd -c test/cfg
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true',
help='Turn on DEBUG mode for more logging (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-e', '--run-tdengine', action='store_true',
help='Run TDengine service in foreground (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-l', '--larger-data', action='store_true',
help='Write larger amount of data during write operations (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--per-thread-db-connection', action='store_false',
help='Use a single shared db connection (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-r', '--record-ops', action='store_true',
help='Use a pair of always-fsynced fils to record operations performing + performed, for power-off tests (default: false)')
parser.add_argument('-s', '--max-steps', action='store', default=1000, type=int,
help='Maximum number of steps to run (default: 100)')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--num-threads', action='store', default=5, type=int,
help='Number of threads to run (default: 10)')
global gConfig
gConfig = parser.parse_args()
# if len(sys.argv) == 1:
# parser.print_help()
# sys.exit()
global logger
logger = logging.getLogger('CrashGen')
if ( gConfig.debug ):
logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # default seems to be INFO
ch = logging.StreamHandler()
if gConfig.run_tdengine : # run server
else :
# logger.info("Crash_Gen execution finished")
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