# Instruction of Config Files ## Introduction of Parameters Take`lapstyle_rev_first.yaml` as an example. ### Global | Field | Usage | Default | | ------------------------- | :------------------------- | --------------- | | total_iters | total training steps | 30000 | | min_max | numeric range of tensor(for image storage) | (0., 1.) | | output_dir | path of the output | ./output_dir | | snapshot_config: interval | interval for saving model parameters | 5000 | ### Model | Field | Usage | Default | | :---------------------- | -------- | ------ | | name | name of the model | LapStyleRevFirstModel | | revnet_generator | set the revnet generator | RevisionNet | | revnet_discriminator | set the revnet discriminator | LapStyleDiscriminator | | draftnet_encode | set the draftnet encoder | Encoder | | draftnet_decode | set the draftnet decoder | DecoderNet | | calc_style_emd_loss | set the style loss 1 | CalcStyleEmdLoss | | calc_content_relt_loss | set the content loss 1 | CalcContentReltLoss | | calc_content_loss | set the content loss 2 | CalcContentLoss | | calc_style_loss | set the style loss 2 | CalcStyleLoss | | gan_criterion: name | set the GAN loss | GANLoss | | gan_criterion: gan_mode | set the modal parameter of GAN loss | vanilla | | content_layers | set the network layer that calculates content loss 2 |['r11', 'r21', 'r31', 'r41', 'r51']| | style_layers | set the network layer that calculates style loss 2 | ['r11', 'r21', 'r31', 'r41', 'r51'] | | content_weight | set the weight of total content loss | 1.0 | | style_weigh | set the weight of total style loss | 3.0 | ### Dataset (train & test) | Field | Usage | Default | | :----------- | -------------------- | -------------------- | | name | name of the dataset | LapStyleDataset | | content_root | path of the dataset | data/coco/train2017/ | | style_root | path of the target style image | data/starrynew.png | | load_size | image size after resizing the input image | 280 | | crop_size | image size after random cropping | 256 | | num_workers | number of worker process | 16 | | batch_size | size of the data sample for one training session | 5 | ### Lr_scheduler | Field | Usage | Default | | :------------ | ---------------- | -------------- | | name | name of the learning strategy | NonLinearDecay | | learning_rate | initial learning rate | 1e-4 | | lr_decay | decay rate of the learning rate | 5e-5 | ### Optimizer | Field | Usage | Default | | :-------- | ---------- | ------- | | name | class name of the optimizer | Adam | | net_names | the network under the optimizer | net_rev | | beta1 | set beta1, parameter of the optimizer | 0.9 | | beta2 | set beta2, parameter of the optimizer | 0.999 | ### Validate | Field | Usage | Default | | :------- | ---- | ------ | | interval | validation interval | 500 | | save_img | whether to save image while validating | false | ### Log_config | Field | Usage | Default | | :--------------- | ---- | ------ | | interval | log printing interval | 10 | | visiual_interval | interval for saving the generated images during training | 500 |