import * as THREE from 'three' import Materials, { MaterialType } from './mesh/materials' import Block from './mesh/block' import Highlight from './highlight' import Noise from './noise' import Generate from './worker/generate?worker' export enum BlockType { grass = 0, sand = 1, tree = 2, leaf = 3, dirt = 4, stone = 5, coal = 6, wood = 7, diamond = 8, quartz = 9, glass = 10, bedrock = 11 } export default class Terrain { constructor(scene: THREE.Scene, camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera) { this.scene = scene = camera this.maxCount = (this.distance * this.chunkSize * 2 + this.chunkSize) ** 2 + 500 this.highlight = new Highlight(scene, camera, this) this.scene.add( // generate worker callback handler this.generateWorker.onmessage = ( msg: MessageEvent<{ idMap: Map arrays: ArrayLike[] blocksCount: number[] }> ) => { this.resetBlocks() this.idMap = this.blocksCount = for (let i = 0; i <; i++) { this.blocks[i].instanceMatrix = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute( (this.blocks[i].instanceMatrix.array =[i]), 16 ) } for (const block of this.blocks) { block.instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true } } } // core properties scene: THREE.Scene camera: THREE.PerspectiveCamera distance = 3 chunkSize = 24 // terrain properties maxCount: number chunk = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0) previousChunk = new THREE.Vector2(0, 0) noise = new Noise() // materials materials = new Materials() materialType = [ MaterialType.grass, MaterialType.sand, MaterialType.tree, MaterialType.leaf, MaterialType.dirt, MaterialType.stone, MaterialType.coal, MaterialType.wood, MaterialType.diamond, MaterialType.quartz,, MaterialType.bedrock ] // other properties blocks: THREE.InstancedMesh[] = [] blocksCount: number[] = [] blocksFactor = [1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.7, 0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1] customBlocks: Block[] = [] highlight: Highlight idMap = new Map() generateWorker = new Generate() // cloud cloud = new THREE.InstancedMesh( new THREE.BoxGeometry(20, 5, 14), new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ transparent: true, color: 0xffffff, opacity: 0.4 }), 1000 ) cloudCount = 0 cloudGap = 5 getCount = (type: BlockType) => { return this.blocksCount[type] } setCount = (type: BlockType) => { this.blocksCount[type] = this.blocksCount[type] + 1 } initBlocks = () => { // reset for (const block of this.blocks) { this.scene.remove(block) } this.blocks = [] // create instance meshes const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry() for (let i = 0; i < this.materialType.length; i++) { let block = new THREE.InstancedMesh( geometry, this.materials.get(this.materialType[i]), this.maxCount * this.blocksFactor[i] ) = BlockType[i] this.blocks.push(block) this.scene.add(block) } this.blocksCount = new Array(this.materialType.length).fill(0) } resetBlocks = () => { // reest count and instance matrix for (let i = 0; i < this.blocks.length; i++) { this.blocks[i].instanceMatrix = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute( new Float32Array(this.maxCount * this.blocksFactor[i] * 16), 16 ) } } generate = () => { this.blocksCount = new Array(this.blocks.length).fill(0) // post work to generate worker this.generateWorker.postMessage({ distance: this.distance, chunk: this.chunk, noiseSeed: this.noise.seed, treeSeed: this.noise.treeSeed, stoneSeed: this.noise.stoneSeed, coalSeed: this.noise.coalSeed, idMap: new Map(), blocksFactor: this.blocksFactor, blocksCount: this.blocksCount, customBlocks: this.customBlocks, chunkSize: this.chunkSize }) // cloud if (this.cloudGap++ > 5) { this.cloudGap = 0 = new THREE.InstancedBufferAttribute( new Float32Array(1000 * 16), 16 ) this.cloudCount = 0 for ( let x = -this.chunkSize * this.distance * 3 + this.chunkSize * this.chunk.x; x < this.chunkSize * this.distance * 3 + this.chunkSize + this.chunkSize * this.chunk.x; x += 20 ) { for ( let z = -this.chunkSize * this.distance * 3 + this.chunkSize * this.chunk.y; z < this.chunkSize * this.distance * 3 + this.chunkSize + this.chunkSize * this.chunk.y; z += 20 ) { const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4() matrix.setPosition(x, 80 + (Math.random() - 0.5) * 30, z) if (Math.random() > 0.8) {, matrix) } } } = true } } // generate adjacent blocks after removing a block (vertical infinity world) generateAdjacentBlocks = (position: THREE.Vector3) => { const { x, y, z } = position const noise = this.noise const yOffset = Math.floor( noise.get(x /, z /, noise.seed) * noise.amp ) if (y > 30 + yOffset) { return } const stoneOffset = noise.get(x / noise.stoneGap, z / noise.stoneGap, noise.stoneSeed) * noise.stoneAmp let type: BlockType if (stoneOffset > noise.stoneThreshold || y < 23) { type = BlockType.stone } else { if (yOffset < -3) { type = BlockType.sand } else { type = BlockType.dirt } } this.buildBlock(new THREE.Vector3(x, y - 1, z), type) this.buildBlock(new THREE.Vector3(x, y + 1, z), type) this.buildBlock(new THREE.Vector3(x - 1, y, z), type) this.buildBlock(new THREE.Vector3(x + 1, y, z), type) this.buildBlock(new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z - 1), type) this.buildBlock(new THREE.Vector3(x, y, z + 1), type) this.blocks[type].instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true } buildBlock = (position: THREE.Vector3, type: BlockType) => { const noise = this.noise // check if it's natural terrain const yOffset = Math.floor( noise.get(position.x /, position.z /, noise.seed) * noise.amp ) if (position.y >= 30 + yOffset || position.y < 0) { return } position.y === 0 && (type = BlockType.bedrock) // check custom blocks for (const block of this.customBlocks) { if ( block.x === position.x && block.y === position.y && block.z === position.z ) { return } } // build block this.customBlocks.push( new Block(position.x, position.y, position.z, type, true) ) const matrix = new THREE.Matrix4() matrix.setPosition(position) this.blocks[type].setMatrixAt(this.getCount(type), matrix) this.blocks[type].instanceMatrix.needsUpdate = true this.setCount(type) } update = () => { this.chunk.set( Math.floor( / this.chunkSize), Math.floor( / this.chunkSize) ) //generate terrain when getting into new chunk if ( this.chunk.x !== this.previousChunk.x || this.chunk.y !== this.previousChunk.y ) { this.generate() } this.previousChunk.copy(this.chunk) this.highlight.update() } }