import { ElementNode, ErrorCodes } from '@vue/compiler-core' import { compile } from '../src' import { CompilerOptions } from '../src/options' import { assert } from './testUtils' function parseWithVOn(template: string, options: CompilerOptions = {}) { const { ast } = compile(template, { generatorOpts: { concise: true, }, ...options, }) return { root: ast, node: ast.children[0] as ElementNode, } } describe('compiler: transform v-on', () => { test('basic', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o(_ctx.onClick) } }` ) }) test('dynamic arg', () => { // }) test('dynamic arg with prefixing', () => { // }) test('dynamic arg with complex exp prefixing', () => { // }) test('should wrap as function if expression is inline statement', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o($event => _ctx.i++) } }` ) }) test('should handle multiple inline statement', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o($event => {;; }) } }` ) }) test('should handle multi-line statement', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { with (_ctx) { const { o: _o } = _Vue return { a: _o($event => { foo(); bar(); }) } } }`, { prefixIdentifiers: false, mode: 'function' } ) }) test('inline statement w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o($event =>$event)) } }` ) }) test('multiple inline statements w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o($event => {$event);; }) } }` ) }) test('should NOT wrap as function if expression is already function expression', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o($event =>$event)) } }` ) }) test('should NOT wrap as function if expression is already function expression (with newlines)', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o($event => {$event); }) } }` ) }) test('should NOT wrap as function if expression is already function expression (with newlines + function keyword)', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o(function ($event) {$event); }) } }` ) }) test('should NOT wrap as function if expression is complex member expression', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { with (_ctx) { const { o: _o } = _Vue return { a: _o(a['b' + c]) } } }`, { prefixIdentifiers: false, mode: 'function', } ) }) test('complex member expression w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o(_ctx.a['b' + _ctx.c]) } }` ) }) test('function expression w/ prefixIdentifiers: true', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o(e => } }` ) }) test('should error if no expression AND no modifier', () => { const onError = jest.fn() parseWithVOn(`
`, { onError }) expect(onError.mock.calls[0][0]).toMatchObject({ code: ErrorCodes.X_V_ON_NO_EXPRESSION, loc: { start: { line: 1, column: 6, }, end: { line: 1, column: 16, }, }, }) }) test('should NOT error if no expression but has modifier', () => { const onError = jest.fn() parseWithVOn(`
`, { onError }) expect(onError).not.toHaveBeenCalled() }) test('case conversion for kebab-case events', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o(_ctx.onMount) } }` ) }) test('case conversion for vnode hooks', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o(_ctx.onMount) } }` ) }) describe('cacheHandler', () => { test('empty handler', () => { assert( ``, ``, `(_ctx, _cache) => { return { a: _o(() => {}) } }` ) }) test('member expression handler', () => { //
}) test('compound member expression handler', () => { //
}) test('bail on component member expression handler', () => { // }) test('should not be cached inside v-once', () => { //
}) test('inline function expression handler', () => { //
}) test('inline async arrow function expression handler', () => { //
}) test('inline async function expression handler', () => { //
}) test('inline statement handler', () => { //
}) }) })