import { isArray, hasOwn, toNumber, isPlainObject, isObject, isFunction, extend, NOOP, camelize } from '@vue/shared'; import { stringifyQuery } from '@dcloudio/uni-shared'; function setModel(target, key, value, modifiers) { if (isArray(modifiers)) { if (modifiers.indexOf('trim') !== -1) { value = value.trim(); } if (modifiers.indexOf('number') !== -1) { value = toNumber(value); } } if (!target) { target = this; } target[key] = value; } function setSync(target, key, value) { if (!target) { target = this; } target[key] = value; } function getOrig(data) { if (isPlainObject(data)) { return data.$orig || data; } return data; } function map(val, iteratee) { let ret, i, l, keys, key; if (isArray(val)) { ret = new Array(val.length); for (i = 0, l = val.length; i < l; i++) { ret[i] = iteratee(val[i], i); } return ret; } else if (isObject(val)) { keys = Object.keys(val); ret = Object.create(null); for (i = 0, l = keys.length; i < l; i++) { key = keys[i]; ret[key] = iteratee(val[key], key, i); } return ret; } return []; } const MP_METHODS = [ 'createSelectorQuery', 'createIntersectionObserver', 'selectAllComponents', 'selectComponent' ]; function createEmitFn(oldEmit, ctx) { return function emit(event, ...args) { if (ctx.$scope && event) { ctx.$scope.triggerEvent(event, { __args__: args }); } return oldEmit.apply(this, [event, ...args]); }; } function initBaseInstance(instance, options) { const ctx = instance.ctx; // mp ctx.mpType = options.mpType; // @deprecated ctx.$mpType = options.mpType; ctx.$scope = options.mpInstance; // TODO @deprecated ctx.$mp = {}; if (__VUE_OPTIONS_API__) { ctx._self = {}; } // $vm ctx.$scope.$vm = instance.proxy; // slots { instance.slots = {}; if (isArray(options.slots) && options.slots.length) { options.slots.forEach(name => { instance.slots[name] = true; }); } } // $emit instance.emit = createEmitFn(instance.emit, ctx); } function initComponentInstance(instance, options) { initBaseInstance(instance, options); const ctx = instance.ctx; MP_METHODS.forEach(method => { ctx[method] = function (...args) { const mpInstance = ctx.$scope; if (mpInstance && mpInstance[method]) { return mpInstance[method].apply(mpInstance, args); } }; }); // TODO other ctx.__set_model = setModel; ctx.__set_sync = setSync; ctx.__get_orig = getOrig; // TODO // ctx.__get_style = getStyle ctx.__map = map; } function initMocks(instance, mpInstance, mocks) { const ctx = instance.ctx; mocks.forEach(mock => { if (hasOwn(mpInstance, mock)) { ctx[mock] = mpInstance[mock]; } }); } const PAGE_HOOKS = [ 'onLoad', 'onShow', // 'onReady', // lifetimes.ready 'onHide', 'onUnload', 'onResize', // 'onPageScroll', // 影响性能,开发者手动注册 'onTabItemTap', 'onReachBottom', 'onPullDownRefresh', // 'onShareTimeline', // 右上角菜单,开发者手动注册 'onAddToFavorites' // 'onShareAppMessage' // 右上角菜单,开发者手动注册 ]; function findHooks(vueOptions, hooks = new Set()) { if (vueOptions) { Object.keys(vueOptions).forEach(name => { if (name.indexOf('on') === 0 && isFunction(vueOptions[name])) { hooks.add(name); } }); if (__VUE_OPTIONS_API__) { const { extends: extendsOptions, mixins } = vueOptions; if (mixins) { mixins.forEach(mixin => findHooks(mixin, hooks)); } if (extendsOptions) { findHooks(extendsOptions, hooks); } } } return hooks; } function initHook(mpOptions, hook, excludes) { if (excludes.indexOf(hook) === -1 && !hasOwn(mpOptions, hook)) { mpOptions[hook] = function (args) { if ( hook === 'onError') { return getApp().$vm.$callHook(hook, args); } return this.$vm && this.$vm.$callHook(hook, args); }; } } const EXCLUDE_HOOKS = ['onReady']; function initHooks(mpOptions, hooks, excludes = EXCLUDE_HOOKS) { hooks.forEach(hook => initHook(mpOptions, hook, excludes)); } function initUnknownHooks(mpOptions, vueOptions, excludes = EXCLUDE_HOOKS) { findHooks(vueOptions).forEach(hook => initHook(mpOptions, hook, excludes)); } const HOOKS = [ 'onShow', 'onHide', 'onError', 'onThemeChange', 'onPageNotFound', 'onUnhandledRejection' ]; function parseApp(instance, parseAppOptions) { const internalInstance = instance.$; const appOptions = { globalData: (instance.$options && instance.$options.globalData) || {}, $vm: instance, onLaunch(options) { const ctx = internalInstance.ctx; if (this.$vm && ctx.$scope) { // 已经初始化过了,主要是为了百度,百度 onShow 在 onLaunch 之前 return; } initBaseInstance(internalInstance, { mpType: 'app', mpInstance: this, slots: [] }); ctx.globalData = this.globalData; instance.$callHook('onLaunch', options); } }; const vueOptions = instance.$.type; initHooks(appOptions, HOOKS); initUnknownHooks(appOptions, vueOptions); if (__VUE_OPTIONS_API__) { const methods = vueOptions.methods; methods && extend(appOptions, methods); } if (parseAppOptions) { parseAppOptions.parse(appOptions); } return appOptions; } function initCreateApp(parseAppOptions) { return function createApp(vm) { return App(parseApp(vm, parseAppOptions)); }; } function initBehavior(options) { return Behavior(options); } function initVueIds(vueIds, mpInstance) { if (!vueIds) { return; } const ids = vueIds.split(','); const len = ids.length; if (len === 1) { mpInstance._$vueId = ids[0]; } else if (len === 2) { mpInstance._$vueId = ids[0]; mpInstance._$vuePid = ids[1]; } } const EXTRAS = ['externalClasses']; function initExtraOptions(miniProgramComponentOptions, vueOptions) { EXTRAS.forEach(name => { if (hasOwn(vueOptions, name)) { miniProgramComponentOptions[name] = vueOptions[name]; } }); } function initWxsCallMethods(methods, wxsCallMethods) { if (!isArray(wxsCallMethods)) { return; } wxsCallMethods.forEach((callMethod) => { methods[callMethod] = function (args) { return this.$vm[callMethod](args); }; }); } function initRefs(instance, mpInstance) { Object.defineProperty(instance, 'refs', { get() { const $refs = {}; const components = mpInstance.selectAllComponents('.vue-ref'); components.forEach(component => { const ref = component.dataset.ref; $refs[ref] = component.$vm || component; }); const forComponents = mpInstance.selectAllComponents('.vue-ref-in-for'); forComponents.forEach(component => { const ref = component.dataset.ref; if (!$refs[ref]) { $refs[ref] = []; } $refs[ref].push(component.$vm || component); }); return $refs; } }); } function findVmByVueId(instance, vuePid) { // TODO vue3 中 没有 $children const $children = instance.$children; // 优先查找直属(反向查找: for (let i = $children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const childVm = $children[i]; if (childVm.$scope._$vueId === vuePid) { return childVm; } } // 反向递归查找 let parentVm; for (let i = $children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { parentVm = findVmByVueId($children[i], vuePid); if (parentVm) { return parentVm; } } } const PROP_TYPES = [String, Number, Boolean, Object, Array, null]; function createObserver(name) { return function observer(newVal) { if (this.$vm) { this.$vm.$.props[name] = newVal; // 为了触发其他非 render watcher } }; } function parsePropType(key, type, defaultValue) { // [String]=>String if (isArray(type) && type.length === 1) { return type[0]; } return type; } function initDefaultProps(isBehavior = false) { const properties = {}; if (!isBehavior) { properties.vueId = { type: String, value: '' }; { // 用于字节跳动小程序模拟抽象节点 properties.generic = { type: Object }; } // 小程序不能直接定义 $slots 的 props,所以通过 vueSlots 转换到 $slots properties.vueSlots = { type: null, value: [], observer: function (newVal) { const $slots = Object.create(null); newVal.forEach((slotName) => { $slots[slotName] = true; }); this.setData({ $slots }); } }; } return properties; } function createProperty(key, prop) { = createObserver(key); return prop; } function initProps(mpComponentOptions, rawProps, isBehavior = false) { const properties = initDefaultProps(isBehavior); if (isArray(rawProps)) { rawProps.forEach(key => { properties[key] = createProperty(key, { type: null }); }); } else if (isPlainObject(rawProps)) { Object.keys(rawProps).forEach(key => { const opts = rawProps[key]; if (isPlainObject(opts)) { // title:{type:String,default:''} let value = opts.default; if (isFunction(value)) { value = value(); } const type = opts.type; opts.type = parsePropType(key, type); properties[key] = createProperty(key, { type: PROP_TYPES.indexOf(type) !== -1 ? type : null, value }); } else { // content:String const type = parsePropType(key, opts); properties[key] = createProperty(key, { type: PROP_TYPES.indexOf(type) !== -1 ? type : null }); } }); } = properties; } function initData(vueOptions) { let data = || {}; if (typeof data === 'function') { try { const appConfig = getApp().$vm.$.appContext .config; data =; } catch (e) { if (process.env.VUE_APP_DEBUG) { console.warn('根据 Vue 的 data 函数初始化小程序 data 失败,请尽量确保 data 函数中不访问 vm 对象,否则可能影响首次数据渲染速度。', data, e); } } } else { try { // 对 data 格式化 data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); } catch (e) { } } if (!isPlainObject(data)) { data = {}; } return data; } function initBehaviors(vueOptions, initBehavior) { const vueBehaviors = vueOptions.behaviors; const vueExtends = vueOptions.extends; const vueMixins = vueOptions.mixins; let vueProps = vueOptions.props; if (!vueProps) { vueOptions.props = vueProps = []; } const behaviors = []; if (isArray(vueBehaviors)) { vueBehaviors.forEach(behavior => { behaviors.push(behavior.replace('uni://', `${__PLATFORM_PREFIX__}://`)); if (behavior === 'uni://form-field') { if (isArray(vueProps)) { vueProps.push('name'); vueProps.push('value'); } else { = { type: String, default: '' }; vueProps.value = { type: [String, Number, Boolean, Array, Object, Date], default: '' }; } } }); } if (isPlainObject(vueExtends) && vueExtends.props) { const behavior = {}; initProps(behavior, vueExtends.props, true); behaviors.push(initBehavior(behavior)); } if (isArray(vueMixins)) { vueMixins.forEach(vueMixin => { if (isPlainObject(vueMixin) && vueMixin.props) { const behavior = {}; initProps(behavior, vueMixin.props, true); behaviors.push(initBehavior(behavior)); } }); } return behaviors; } function applyOptions(componentOptions, vueOptions, initBehavior) { = initData(vueOptions); componentOptions.behaviors = initBehaviors(vueOptions, initBehavior); } function getValue(obj, path) { const parts = path.split('.'); let key = parts[0]; if (key.indexOf('__$n') === 0) { //number index key = parseInt(key.replace('__$n', '')); } if (parts.length === 1) { return obj[key]; } return getValue(obj[key], parts.slice(1).join('.')); } function getExtraValue(instance, dataPathsArray) { let context = instance; dataPathsArray.forEach(dataPathArray => { const dataPath = dataPathArray[0]; const value = dataPathArray[2]; if (dataPath || typeof value !== 'undefined') { // ['','',index,'disable'] const propPath = dataPathArray[1]; const valuePath = dataPathArray[3]; let vFor; if (Number.isInteger(dataPath)) { vFor = dataPath; } else if (!dataPath) { vFor = context; } else if (typeof dataPath === 'string' && dataPath) { if (dataPath.indexOf('#s#') === 0) { vFor = dataPath.substr(3); } else { vFor = getValue(context, dataPath); } } if (Number.isInteger(vFor)) { context = value; } else if (!propPath) { context = vFor[value]; } else { if (isArray(vFor)) { context = vFor.find(vForItem => { return getValue(vForItem, propPath) === value; }); } else if (isPlainObject(vFor)) { context = Object.keys(vFor).find(vForKey => { return getValue(vFor[vForKey], propPath) === value; }); } else { console.error('v-for 暂不支持循环数据:', vFor); } } if (valuePath) { context = getValue(context, valuePath); } } }); return context; } function processEventExtra(instance, extra, event) { const extraObj = {}; if (isArray(extra) && extra.length) { /** *[ * ['data.items', '',], * ['metas', 'id',] *], *[ * ['data.items', '',], * ['metas', 'id',] *], *'test' */ extra.forEach((dataPath, index) => { if (typeof dataPath === 'string') { if (!dataPath) { // model,prop.sync extraObj['$' + index] = instance; } else { if (dataPath === '$event') { // $event extraObj['$' + index] = event; } else if (dataPath === 'arguments') { if (event.detail && event.detail.__args__) { extraObj['$' + index] = event.detail.__args__; } else { extraObj['$' + index] = [event]; } } else if (dataPath.indexOf('$event.') === 0) { // $ extraObj['$' + index] = getValue(event, dataPath.replace('$event.', '')); } else { extraObj['$' + index] = getValue(instance, dataPath); } } } else { extraObj['$' + index] = getExtraValue(instance, dataPath); } }); } return extraObj; } function getObjByArray(arr) { const obj = {}; for (let i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { const element = arr[i]; obj[element[0]] = element[1]; } return obj; } function processEventArgs(instance, event, args = [], extra = [], isCustom, methodName) { let isCustomMPEvent = false; // wxcomponent 组件,传递原始 event 对象 if (isCustom) { // 自定义事件 isCustomMPEvent = event.currentTarget && event.currentTarget.dataset && event.currentTarget.dataset.comType === 'wx'; if (!args.length) { // 无参数,直接传入 event 或 detail 数组 if (isCustomMPEvent) { return [event]; } return event.detail.__args__ || event.detail; } } const extraObj = processEventExtra(instance, extra, event); const ret = []; args.forEach(arg => { if (arg === '$event') { if (methodName === '__set_model' && !isCustom) { // input v-model value ret.push(; } else { if (isCustom && !isCustomMPEvent) { ret.push(event.detail.__args__[0]); } else { // wxcomponent 组件或内置组件 ret.push(event); } } } else { if (isArray(arg) && arg[0] === 'o') { ret.push(getObjByArray(arg)); } else if (typeof arg === 'string' && hasOwn(extraObj, arg)) { ret.push(extraObj[arg]); } else { ret.push(arg); } } }); return ret; } function wrapper(event) { event.stopPropagation = NOOP; event.preventDefault = NOOP; = || {}; if (!hasOwn(event, 'detail')) { event.detail = {}; } if (hasOwn(event, 'markerId')) { event.detail = typeof event.detail === 'object' ? event.detail : {}; event.detail.markerId = event.markerId; } if (isPlainObject(event.detail)) { = Object.assign({},, event.detail); } return event; } const ONCE = '~'; const CUSTOM = '^'; function matchEventType(eventType, optType) { return (eventType === optType || (optType === 'regionchange' && (eventType === 'begin' || eventType === 'end'))); } function handleEvent(event) { event = wrapper(event); // [['tap',[['handle',[1,2,a]],['handle1',[1,2,a]]]]] const dataset = (event.currentTarget ||; if (!dataset) { return console.warn('事件信息不存在'); } const eventOpts = (dataset.eventOpts || dataset['event-opts']); // 支付宝 web-view 组件 dataset 非驼峰 if (!eventOpts) { return console.warn('事件信息不存在'); } // [['handle',[1,2,a]],['handle1',[1,2,a]]] const eventType = event.type; const ret = []; eventOpts.forEach((eventOpt) => { let type = eventOpt[0]; const eventsArray = eventOpt[1]; const isCustom = type.charAt(0) === CUSTOM; type = isCustom ? type.slice(1) : type; const isOnce = type.charAt(0) === ONCE; type = isOnce ? type.slice(1) : type; if (eventsArray && matchEventType(eventType, type)) { eventsArray.forEach((eventArray) => { const methodName = eventArray[0]; if (methodName) { let handlerCtx = this.$vm; if (handlerCtx.$options.generic && handlerCtx.$parent && handlerCtx.$parent.$parent) { // mp-weixin,mp-toutiao 抽象节点模拟 scoped slots handlerCtx = handlerCtx.$parent.$parent; } if (methodName === '$emit') { handlerCtx.$emit.apply(handlerCtx, processEventArgs(this.$vm, event, eventArray[1], eventArray[2], isCustom, methodName)); return; } const handler = handlerCtx[methodName]; if (!isFunction(handler)) { throw new Error(` _vm.${methodName} is not a function`); } if (isOnce) { if (handler.once) { return; } handler.once = true; } ret.push(handler.apply(handlerCtx, processEventArgs(this.$vm, event, eventArray[1], eventArray[2], isCustom, methodName))); } }); } }); if (eventType === 'input' && ret.length === 1 && typeof ret[0] !== 'undefined') { return ret[0]; } } function parseComponent(vueOptions, { parse, mocks, isPage, initRelation, handleLink, initLifetimes }) { vueOptions = vueOptions.default || vueOptions; const options = { multipleSlots: true, addGlobalClass: true }; if (vueOptions.options) { extend(options, vueOptions.options); } const mpComponentOptions = { options, lifetimes: initLifetimes({ mocks, isPage, initRelation, vueOptions }), pageLifetimes: { show() { this.$vm && this.$vm.$callHook('onPageShow'); }, hide() { this.$vm && this.$vm.$callHook('onPageHide'); }, resize(size) { this.$vm && this.$vm.$callHook('onPageResize', size); } }, methods: { __l: handleLink, __e: handleEvent } }; if (__VUE_OPTIONS_API__) { applyOptions(mpComponentOptions, vueOptions, initBehavior); } initProps(mpComponentOptions, vueOptions.props, false); initExtraOptions(mpComponentOptions, vueOptions); initWxsCallMethods(mpComponentOptions.methods, vueOptions.wxsCallMethods); if (parse) { parse(mpComponentOptions, { handleLink }); } return mpComponentOptions; } function initCreateComponent(parseOptions) { return function createComponent(vueComponentOptions) { return Component(parseComponent(vueComponentOptions, parseOptions)); }; } let $createComponentFn; let $destroyComponentFn; function $createComponent(initialVNode, options) { if (!$createComponentFn) { $createComponentFn = getApp().$vm.$createComponent; } return $createComponentFn(initialVNode, options); } function $destroyComponent(instance) { if (!$destroyComponentFn) { $destroyComponentFn = getApp().$vm.$destroyComponent; } return $destroyComponentFn(instance); } function parsePage(vueOptions, parseOptions) { const { parse, mocks, isPage, initRelation, handleLink, initLifetimes } = parseOptions; const miniProgramPageOptions = parseComponent(vueOptions, { mocks, isPage, initRelation, handleLink, initLifetimes }); const methods = miniProgramPageOptions.methods; methods.onLoad = function (query) { this.options = query; this.$page = { fullPath: '/' + this.route + stringifyQuery(query) }; return this.$vm && this.$vm.$callHook('onLoad', query); }; initHooks(methods, PAGE_HOOKS); initUnknownHooks(methods, vueOptions); parse && parse(miniProgramPageOptions, { handleLink }); return miniProgramPageOptions; } function initCreatePage(parseOptions) { return function createPage(vuePageOptions) { return Component(parsePage(vuePageOptions, parseOptions)); }; } const MPPage = Page; const MPComponent = Component; const customizeRE = /:/g; function customize(str) { return camelize(str.replace(customizeRE, '-')); } function initTriggerEvent(mpInstance) { const oldTriggerEvent = mpInstance.triggerEvent; mpInstance.triggerEvent = function (event, ...args) { return oldTriggerEvent.apply(mpInstance, [customize(event), ...args]); }; } function initHook$1(name, options) { const oldHook = options[name]; if (!oldHook) { options[name] = function () { initTriggerEvent(this); }; } else { options[name] = function (...args) { initTriggerEvent(this); return oldHook.apply(this, args); }; } } Page = function (options) { initHook$1('onLoad', options); return MPPage(options); }; Component = function (options) { initHook$1('created', options); return MPComponent(options); }; function provide(instance, key, value) { if (!instance) { if ((process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) { console.warn(`provide() can only be used inside setup().`); } } else { let provides = instance.provides; // by default an instance inherits its parent's provides object // but when it needs to provide values of its own, it creates its // own provides object using parent provides object as prototype. // this way in `inject` we can simply look up injections from direct // parent and let the prototype chain do the work. const parentProvides = instance.parent && instance.parent.provides; if (parentProvides === provides) { provides = instance.provides = Object.create(parentProvides); } // TS doesn't allow symbol as index type provides[key] = value; } } function initProvide(instance) { const provideOptions = instance.$options.provide; if (!provideOptions) { return; } const provides = isFunction(provideOptions) ? : provideOptions; const internalInstance = instance.$; for (const key in provides) { provide(internalInstance, key, provides[key]); } } function inject(instance, key, defaultValue) { if (instance) { const provides = instance.provides; if (key in provides) { // TS doesn't allow symbol as index type return provides[key]; } else if (arguments.length > 1) { return defaultValue; } else if ((process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) { console.warn(`injection "${String(key)}" not found.`); } } else if ((process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production')) { console.warn(`inject() can only be used inside setup() or functional components.`); } } function initInjections(instance) { const injectOptions = instance.$options.inject; if (!injectOptions) { return; } const internalInstance = instance.$; const ctx = internalInstance.ctx; if (isArray(injectOptions)) { for (let i = 0; i < injectOptions.length; i++) { const key = injectOptions[i]; ctx[key] = inject(internalInstance, key); } } else { for (const key in injectOptions) { const opt = injectOptions[key]; if (isObject(opt)) { ctx[key] = inject(internalInstance, opt.from, opt.default); } else { ctx[key] = inject(internalInstance, opt); } } } } function initLifetimes({ mocks, isPage, initRelation, vueOptions }) { return { attached() { const properties =; initVueIds(properties.vueId, this); const relationOptions = { vuePid: this._$vuePid }; // 初始化 vue 实例 const mpInstance = this; const mpType = isPage(mpInstance) ? 'page' : 'component'; if (mpType === 'page' && !mpInstance.route && mpInstance.__route__) { mpInstance.route = mpInstance.__route__; } this.$vm = $createComponent({ type: vueOptions, props: properties }, { mpType, mpInstance, slots: properties.vueSlots, parentComponent: relationOptions.parent && relationOptions.parent.$, onBeforeSetup(instance, options) { initRefs(instance, mpInstance); initMocks(instance, mpInstance, mocks); initComponentInstance(instance, options); } }); // 处理父子关系 initRelation(this, relationOptions); }, detached() { this.$vm && $destroyComponent(this.$vm); } }; } const mocks = [ '__route__', '__webviewId__', '__nodeId__', '__nodeid__' /* @Deprecated */ ]; function isPage(mpInstance) { return (mpInstance.__nodeId__ === 0 || mpInstance.__nodeid__ === 0); } const instances = Object.create(null); function initRelation(mpInstance, detail) { // 头条 triggerEvent 后,接收事件时机特别晚,已经到了 ready 之后 const nodeId = hasOwn(mpInstance, '__nodeId__') ? mpInstance.__nodeId__ : mpInstance.__nodeid__; const webviewId = mpInstance.__webviewId__ + ''; instances[webviewId + '_' + nodeId] = mpInstance.$vm; mpInstance.triggerEvent('__l', { vuePid: detail.vuePid, nodeId, webviewId }); } function handleLink({ detail: { vuePid, nodeId, webviewId } }) { const vm = instances[webviewId + '_' + nodeId]; if (!vm) { return; } let parentVm; if (vuePid) { parentVm = findVmByVueId(this.$vm, vuePid); } if (!parentVm) { parentVm = this.$vm; } vm.$.parent = parentVm.$; if (__VUE_OPTIONS_API__) { parentVm.$children.push(vm); const parent = parentVm.$; vm.$.provides = parent ? parent.provides : Object.create(parent.appContext.provides); initInjections(vm); initProvide(vm); } vm.$callSyncHook('created'); vm.$callHook('mounted'); vm.$callHook('onReady'); } function parse(componentOptions, { handleLink }) { componentOptions.methods.__l = handleLink; } var parseComponentOptions = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, mocks: mocks, isPage: isPage, instances: instances, initRelation: initRelation, handleLink: handleLink, parse: parse, initLifetimes: initLifetimes }); function initLifetimes$1(lifetimesOptions) { return extend(initLifetimes(lifetimesOptions), { ready() { if (this.$vm && lifetimesOptions.isPage(this)) { this.$vm.$callSyncHook('created'); this.$vm.$callHook('mounted'); this.$vm.$callHook('onReady'); } else { && console.warn( + ' is not ready'); } }, detached() { this.$vm && $destroyComponent(this.$vm); // 清理 const webviewId = this.__webviewId__; webviewId && Object.keys(instances).forEach(key => { if (key.indexOf(webviewId + '_') === 0) { delete instances[key]; } }); } }); } var parsePageOptions = /*#__PURE__*/Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, mocks: mocks, isPage: isPage, initRelation: initRelation, handleLink: handleLink, parse: parse, initLifetimes: initLifetimes$1 }); const createApp = initCreateApp(); const createPage = initCreatePage(parsePageOptions); const createComponent = initCreateComponent(parseComponentOptions); export { createApp, createComponent, createPage };