"============================================================================" " " Vim SQL Workbench/J Implementation " " Copyright (c) Cosmin Popescu " " Author: Cosmin Popescu " Version: 1.00 (2015-01-08) " Requires: Vim 7 " License: GPL " " Description: " " Provides SQL database access to any DBMS supported by SQL Workbench/J. The " only dependency is SQL Workbench/J. Also includes powefull intellisense " autocomplete based on the current selected database " "============================================================================" let s:current_file = expand(':p:h') let s:nvim = has("nvim") let s:channel_handlers = {} let s:pattern_prompt_begin = '\v^([a-zA-Z_0-9\.]+(\@[a-zA-Z_0-9\/\-]+)*\>[ \s\t]*)+' let s:pattern_prompt = s:pattern_prompt_begin . '$' let s:pattern_wait_input = '\v^([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*( \[[^\]]+\])?: |([^\>]+\> )?([^\>]+\> )*Username|([^\>]+\> )*Password: |([^\>]+\>[ ]+)?Do you want to run the command UPDATE\? \(Yes\/No\/All\)[ ]+)$' let s:params_history = [] let s:pattern_new_connection = '\v^Connection to "([^"]+)" successful$' let s:timer = {'id': -1, 'sec' : 0} function! s:log_init(channel) if g:sw_log_to_file let s:channel_handlers[a:channel].log = g:sw_tmp . '/' . sw#servername() . '-' . substitute(fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':t'), '\.', '-', 'g') else let s:channel_handlers[a:channel].log = '' endif endfunction function! s:log_channel(channel, txt) if g:sw_log_to_file let file = s:channel_handlers[a:channel].log let mode = filereadable(file) ? 'ab' : 'wb' call writefile(split(a:txt, "\n"), file, mode) else let s:channel_handlers[a:channel].log .= a:txt endif endfunction function! sw#server#channel_log(channel) return s:channel_handlers[a:channel].log endfunction function! sw#server#nvim_handle_message(job, lines, ev) if a:ev == 'stdout' let msg = '' for line in a:lines let msg .= (msg == '' ? '' : "\n") . line endfor call sw#server#handle_message(a:job, msg) endif endfunction function! sw#server#handle_message(channel, msg) call s:log_channel(a:channel, a:msg) let lines = split(substitute(a:msg, "\r", "", 'g'), "\n") let got_prompt = 0 let max_length = 0 let text = '' for line in lines let line = substitute(line, '\v^(\.\.\> )*', '', 'g') let text .= (text == '' ? '' : "\n") . substitute(line, s:pattern_prompt_begin, '', 'g') if line =~ s:pattern_prompt let got_prompt = 1 endif if line =~ s:pattern_wait_input && !(line =~ '\v^Catalog: $') && !(line =~ '\v^Schema: $') let value = input('SQL Workbench/J is asking for input for ' . line . ' ', '') call add(s:params_history, {'prompt': line, 'value': value}) if s:nvim call jobsend(b:sw_channel, value . "\n") else call ch_sendraw(b:sw_channel, value . "\n") endif endif if line =~ s:pattern_new_connection let s:channel_handlers[a:channel].current_url = substitute(line, s:pattern_new_connection, '\1', 'g') endif endfor let s:channel_handlers[a:channel].text .= text . "\n" if got_prompt let type = s:channel_handlers[a:channel].type if (type == 'sqlwindow') if s:channel_handlers[a:channel].tmp_handler != '' let Func = function(s:channel_handlers[a:channel].tmp_handler) call Func(s:channel_handlers[a:channel].text) let s:channel_handlers[a:channel].tmp_handler = '' else call sw#sqlwindow#message_handler(a:channel, s:channel_handlers[a:channel].text) endif elseif (type == 'dbexplorer') call sw#dbexplorer#message_handler(a:channel, s:channel_handlers[a:channel].text) endif let s:channel_handlers[a:channel].text = '' call s:init_timer() endif endfunction function! s:start_sqlwb(type) let cmd = g:sw_exe . ' -feedback=true -showProgress=false -abortOnError=false -showTiming=true' if !s:nvim if !filereadable(g:sw_exe) echom g:sw_exe . " is not readable. Make sure the setting g:sw_exe is set and the file exists." endif if match(getfperm(g:sw_exe), "r.x.*") ==# -1 echom g:sw_exe . " is not executable. Make sure the permissions are set correctly." endif let job = job_start(cmd, {'in_mode': 'raw', 'out_mode': 'raw'}) let channel = job_getchannel(job) call ch_setoptions(channel, {'callback': 'sw#server#handle_message'}) else let channel = jobstart(cmd, {'on_stdout': function('sw#server#nvim_handle_message'), 'on_stderr': function('sw#server#nvim_handle_message'), 'on_exit': function('sw#server#nvim_handle_message')}) endif let s:channel_handlers[channel] = {'text': '', 'type': a:type, 'buffer': fnamemodify(bufname('%'), ':p'), 'current_url': '', 'tmp_handler': ''} call s:log_init(channel) return channel ""return job endfunction function! sw#server#connect_buffer(...) let file = bufname('%') let command = 'e' if (a:0 >= 2) let file = a:2 let command = a:1 elseif a:0 >= 1 let command = a:1 endif execute command . " " . file call sw#session#init_section() if (!exists('b:sw_channel')) let b:sw_channel = s:start_sqlwb('sqlwindow') endif call sw#sqlwindow#open_buffer(file, command) endfunction function! sw#server#execute_sql(sql, ...) let channel = '' if (exists('b:sw_channel')) let channel = b:sw_channel endif let callback = '' if a:0 >= 2 let channel = a:1 let callback = a:2 elseif a:0 >= 1 let channel = a:1 endif if !s:nvim if ch_status(channel) != 'open' call sw#display_error("The channel is not open. This means that SQL Workbench/J instance for this answer does not responsd anymore. Please do again SWSqlBufferConnect") unlet b:sw_channel return '' endif endif let text = a:sql . "\n" call s:log_channel(channel, text) if callback != '' let s:channel_handlers[channel].tmp_handler = callback endif if s:nvim call jobsend(channel, text) else call ch_sendraw(channel, text) endif if g:sw_command_timer call s:init_timer() let s:timer.id = timer_start(1000, 'sw#server#timer', {'repeat': -1}) endif endfunction function! s:init_timer() if s:timer.id != -1 call timer_stop(s:timer.id) endif let s:timer = {'id': -1, 'sec': 0} endfunction function! sw#server#timer(timer) let s:timer.sec += 1 echo "Query time: " . s:timer.sec . " seconds" endfunction function! sw#server#disconnect_buffer(...) let channel = '' if (exists('b:sw_channel')) let channel = b:sw_channel unlet b:sw_channel endif if a:0 let channel = a:1 endif call sw#server#execute_sql('exit', channel) unlet s:channel_handlers[channel] call s:init_timer() if exists('g:sw_airline_support') && g:sw_airline_support == 1 call airline#update_statusline() endif endfunction function! sw#server#get_buffer_url(buffer) for key in keys(s:channel_handlers) if s:channel_handlers[key]['buffer'] == a:buffer return s:channel_handlers[key]['current_url'] endif endfor return '' endfunction function! sw#server#get_active_connections() let result = '' for key in keys(s:channel_handlers) let url = s:channel_handlers[key]['current_url'] let result .= (result == '' ? '' : "\n") . s:channel_handlers[key]['buffer'] . ' - ' . (url == '' ? 'NOT CONNECTED' : url) endfor return result == '' ? 'No active sql workbench buffers' : result endfunction function! sw#server#tmp() return s:channel_handlers endfunction function! sw#server#open_dbexplorer(profile) let channel = s:start_sqlwb('dbexplorer') let command = sw#get_connect_command(a:profile) call sw#server#execute_sql(command, channel) return channel endfunction function! sw#server#get_parameters_history() return s:params_history endfunction