"============================================================================" " " Vim SQL Workbench/J Implementation " " Copyright (c) Cosmin Popescu " " Author: Cosmin Popescu " Version: 1.00 (2015-01-08) " Requires: Vim 7 " License: GPL " " Description: " " Provides SQL database access to any DBMS supported by SQL Workbench/J. The " only dependency is SQL Workbench/J. Also includes powefull intellisense " autocomplete based on the current selected database " "============================================================================" let s:current_file = expand(':p:h') let s:active_servers = [] function! s:get_pipe_name(id) return g:sw_tmp . '/sw-pipe-' . a:id endfunction function! sw#server#run(port, ...) if !exists('g:loaded_dispatch') throw 'You cannot start a server without vim dispatch plugin. Please install it first. If you don''t want or you don''t have the possibility to install it, you can always start the server manually. ' endif let cmd = 'Start! ' . s:current_file . '/../../resources/sqlwbconsole' . ' -t ' . g:sw_tmp . ' -s ' . v:servername . ' -c ' . g:sw_exe . ' -v ' . g:sw_vim_exe . ' -o ' . a:port if a:0 let cmd = cmd + ' -p ' . a:1 endif execute cmd redraw! endfunction function! sw#server#connect_buffer(port, ...) let file = bufname('%') let command = 'e' if (a:0 >= 2) let file = a:1 let command = a:2 elseif a:0 >= 1 let command = a:1 endif call sw#sqlwindow#open_buffer(a:port, file, command) endfunction function! sw#server#new(port) call add(s:active_servers, a:port) echomsg "Added new server on port: " . a:port call sw#interrupt() redraw! return '' endfunction function! sw#server#remove(port) let i = 0 for port in s:active_servers if port == a:port unlet s:active_servers[i] endif let i = i + 1 endfor echomsg "Removed server from port: " . a:port call sw#interrupt() redraw! return '' endfunction function! s:pipe_execute(type, cmd, wait_result, ...) let port = 0 if a:0 let port = a:1 else if exists('b:port') let port = b:port endif endif if port == 0 throw "There is no port set for this buffer. " endif let uid = -1 if exists('b:unique_id') let uid = b:unique_id endif try python << SCRIPT import vim import socket import re identifier = vim.eval('v:servername') + "#" + vim.eval('uid') cmd = vim.eval('a:cmd') port = int(vim.eval('port')) type = vim.eval('a:type') s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(('', port)) packet = '' packet += type if vim.eval('a:wait_result') == '0': packet += "!#identifier = " + identifier + "\n" #end if packet += cmd packet = str(len(packet)) + "#" + packet s.sendall(packet) result = '' if vim.eval('a:wait_result') == '1': while 1: data = s.recv(4096) if (re.search('^DISCONNECT', data)): break #end if if not data: break #end if result += data #end while #end if s.close() vim.command("let result = ''") lines = result.split("\n") for line in lines: vim.command("let result = result . '%s\n'" % line.replace("'", "''")) #end for SCRIPT catch call sw#display_error("There is a problem communicating with the server on port " . port . ". Maybe the server is down?") return '' endtry if len(result) <= 3 let result = '' endif return substitute(result, '\r', '', 'g') endfunction function! sw#server#stop(port) call s:pipe_execute('COM', "exit", 0, a:port) endfunction function! sw#server#fetch_result() let result = s:pipe_execute('RES', v:servername . "#" . b:unique_id, 1, b:port) return result endfunction function! sw#server#open_dbexplorer(profile, port) return s:pipe_execute('DBE', substitute(a:profile, '___', "\\\\", 'g') . "\n", 1, a:port) endfunction function! sw#server#dbexplorer(sql) if !exists('b:profile') return endif if a:sql =~ "^:" let func = substitute(a:sql, '^:', '', 'g') execute "let s = " . func . "(getline('.'))" else let s = s:pipe_execute('DBE', substitute(b:profile, '___', "\\\\", 'g') . "\n" . a:sql . ';', 1) endif let lines = split(s, "\n") let result = [] let rec = 0 for line in lines if rec && !(line =~ '\v^[\=]+$') call add(result, line) endif if line =~ '\v\c^[\=]+$' let rec = 1 endif endfor if len(result) == 0 let result = split(s, "\n") endif return result endfunction function! sw#server#execute_sql(sql, wait_result, port) let sql = a:sql if !(substitute(sql, "^\\v\\c\\n", ' ', 'g') =~ b:delimiter . '[ \s\t\r\n]*$') let sql = sql . b:delimiter . "\n" endif return s:pipe_execute('COM', sql, a:wait_result, a:port) endfunction