// Copyright (c) .NET Foundation. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. import { HttpConnection } from "./HttpConnection"; import { HubConnection } from "./HubConnection"; import { IHttpConnectionOptions } from "./IHttpConnectionOptions"; import { IHubProtocol } from "./IHubProtocol"; import { ILogger, LogLevel } from "./ILogger"; import { HttpTransportType } from "./ITransport"; import { JsonHubProtocol } from "./JsonHubProtocol"; import { NullLogger } from "./Loggers"; import { Arg, ConsoleLogger } from "./Utils"; /** A builder for configuring {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection} instances. */ export class HubConnectionBuilder { /** @internal */ public protocol?: IHubProtocol; /** @internal */ public httpConnectionOptions?: IHttpConnectionOptions; /** @internal */ public url?: string; /** @internal */ public logger?: ILogger; /** Configures console logging for the {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection}. * * @param {LogLevel} logLevel The minimum level of messages to log. Anything at this level, or a more severe level, will be logged. * @returns The {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnectionBuilder} instance, for chaining. */ public configureLogging(logLevel: LogLevel): HubConnectionBuilder; /** Configures custom logging for the {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection}. * * @param {ILogger} logger An object implementing the {@link @aspnet/signalr.ILogger} interface, which will be used to write all log messages. * @returns The {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnectionBuilder} instance, for chaining. */ public configureLogging(logger: ILogger): HubConnectionBuilder; /** Configures custom logging for the {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection}. * * @param {LogLevel | ILogger} logging An object implementing the {@link @aspnet/signalr.ILogger} interface or {@link @aspnet/signalr.LogLevel}. * @returns The {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnectionBuilder} instance, for chaining. */ public configureLogging(logging: LogLevel | ILogger): HubConnectionBuilder; public configureLogging(logging: LogLevel | ILogger): HubConnectionBuilder { Arg.isRequired(logging, "logging"); if (isLogger(logging)) { this.logger = logging; } else { this.logger = new ConsoleLogger(logging); } return this; } /** Configures the {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection} to use HTTP-based transports to connect to the specified URL. * * The transport will be selected automatically based on what the server and client support. * * @param {string} url The URL the connection will use. * @returns The {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnectionBuilder} instance, for chaining. */ public withUrl(url: string): HubConnectionBuilder; /** Configures the {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection} to use the specified HTTP-based transport to connect to the specified URL. * * @param {string} url The URL the connection will use. * @param {HttpTransportType} transportType The specific transport to use. * @returns The {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnectionBuilder} instance, for chaining. */ public withUrl(url: string, transportType: HttpTransportType): HubConnectionBuilder; /** Configures the {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection} to use HTTP-based transports to connect to the specified URL. * * @param {string} url The URL the connection will use. * @param {IHttpConnectionOptions} options An options object used to configure the connection. * @returns The {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnectionBuilder} instance, for chaining. */ public withUrl(url: string, options: IHttpConnectionOptions): HubConnectionBuilder; public withUrl(url: string, transportTypeOrOptions?: IHttpConnectionOptions | HttpTransportType): HubConnectionBuilder { Arg.isRequired(url, "url"); this.url = url; // Flow-typing knows where it's at. Since HttpTransportType is a number and IHttpConnectionOptions is guaranteed // to be an object, we know (as does TypeScript) this comparison is all we need to figure out which overload was called. if (typeof transportTypeOrOptions === "object") { this.httpConnectionOptions = transportTypeOrOptions; } else { this.httpConnectionOptions = { transport: transportTypeOrOptions, }; } return this; } /** Configures the {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection} to use the specified Hub Protocol. * * @param {IHubProtocol} protocol The {@link @aspnet/signalr.IHubProtocol} implementation to use. */ public withHubProtocol(protocol: IHubProtocol): HubConnectionBuilder { Arg.isRequired(protocol, "protocol"); this.protocol = protocol; return this; } /** Creates a {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection} from the configuration options specified in this builder. * * @returns {HubConnection} The configured {@link @aspnet/signalr.HubConnection}. */ public build(): HubConnection { // If httpConnectionOptions has a logger, use it. Otherwise, override it with the one // provided to configureLogger const httpConnectionOptions = this.httpConnectionOptions || {}; // If it's 'null', the user **explicitly** asked for null, don't mess with it. if (httpConnectionOptions.logger === undefined) { // If our logger is undefined or null, that's OK, the HttpConnection constructor will handle it. httpConnectionOptions.logger = this.logger; } // Now create the connection if (!this.url) { throw new Error("The 'HubConnectionBuilder.withUrl' method must be called before building the connection."); } const connection = new HttpConnection(this.url, httpConnectionOptions); return HubConnection.create( connection, this.logger || NullLogger.instance, this.protocol || new JsonHubProtocol()); } } function isLogger(logger: any): logger is ILogger { return logger.log !== undefined; }