// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects; using Roslyn.Utilities; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp { /// /// This portion of the binder converts an into a . /// internal partial class Binder { private BoundExpression BindMethodGroup(ExpressionSyntax node, bool invoked, bool indexed, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { switch (node.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName: case SyntaxKind.GenericName: return BindIdentifier((SimpleNameSyntax)node, invoked, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.PointerMemberAccessExpression: return BindMemberAccess((MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)node, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression: return BindMethodGroup(((ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax)node).Expression, invoked: false, indexed: false, diagnostics: diagnostics); default: return BindExpression(node, diagnostics, invoked, indexed); } } private static ImmutableArray GetOriginalMethods(OverloadResolutionResult overloadResolutionResult) { // If overload resolution has failed then we want to stash away the original methods that we // considered so that the IDE can display tooltips or other information about them. // However, if a method group contained a generic method that was type inferred then // the IDE wants information about the *inferred* method, not the original unconstructed // generic method. if (overloadResolutionResult == null) { return ImmutableArray.Empty; } var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); foreach (var result in overloadResolutionResult.Results) { builder.Add(result.Member); } return builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); } /// /// Helper method to create a synthesized method invocation expression. /// /// Syntax Node. /// Receiver for the method call. /// Method to be invoked on the receiver. /// Arguments to the method call. /// Diagnostics. /// Optional type arguments syntax. /// Optional type arguments. /// The syntax for the query clause generating this invocation expression, if any. /// True to allow invocation of fields and properties of delegate type. Only methods are allowed otherwise. /// False to prevent selecting a params method in unexpanded form. /// Synthesized method invocation expression. internal BoundExpression MakeInvocationExpression( SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression receiver, string methodName, ImmutableArray args, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, SeparatedSyntaxList typeArgsSyntax = default(SeparatedSyntaxList), ImmutableArray typeArgs = default(ImmutableArray), CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause = null, bool allowFieldsAndProperties = false, bool allowUnexpandedForm = true) { Debug.Assert(receiver != null); var boundExpression = BindInstanceMemberAccess(node, node, receiver, methodName, typeArgs.NullToEmpty().Length, typeArgsSyntax, typeArgs, true, diagnostics); // The other consumers of this helper (await and collection initializers) require the target member to be a method. if (!allowFieldsAndProperties && (boundExpression.Kind == BoundKind.FieldAccess || boundExpression.Kind == BoundKind.PropertyAccess)) { Symbol symbol; MessageID msgId; if (boundExpression.Kind == BoundKind.FieldAccess) { msgId = MessageID.IDS_SK_FIELD; symbol = ((BoundFieldAccess)boundExpression).FieldSymbol; } else { msgId = MessageID.IDS_SK_PROPERTY; symbol = ((BoundPropertyAccess)boundExpression).PropertySymbol; } diagnostics.Add( ErrorCode.ERR_BadSKknown, node.Location, methodName, msgId.Localize(), MessageID.IDS_SK_METHOD.Localize()); return BadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(symbol), args.Add(receiver)); } boundExpression = CheckValue(boundExpression, BindValueKind.RValueOrMethodGroup, diagnostics); boundExpression.WasCompilerGenerated = true; var analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); Debug.Assert(!args.Any(e => e.Kind == BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference || e.Kind == BoundKind.OutDeconstructVarPendingInference || e.Kind == BoundKind.DiscardExpression && !e.HasExpressionType())); analyzedArguments.Arguments.AddRange(args); BoundExpression result = BindInvocationExpression( node, node, methodName, boundExpression, analyzedArguments, diagnostics, queryClause, allowUnexpandedForm: allowUnexpandedForm); // Query operator can't be called dynamically. if (queryClause != null && result.Kind == BoundKind.DynamicInvocation) { // the error has already been reported by BindInvocationExpression Debug.Assert(diagnostics.HasAnyErrors()); result = CreateBadCall(node, boundExpression, LookupResultKind.Viable, analyzedArguments); } result.WasCompilerGenerated = true; analyzedArguments.Free(); return result; } /// /// Bind an expression as a method invocation. /// private BoundExpression BindInvocationExpression( InvocationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression result; if (TryBindNameofOperator(node, diagnostics, out result)) { return result; // all of the binding is done by BindNameofOperator } // M(__arglist()) is legal, but M(__arglist(__arglist()) is not! bool isArglist = node.Expression.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ArgListExpression; AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); if (isArglist) { BindArgumentsAndNames(node.ArgumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments, allowArglist: false); result = BindArgListOperator(node, diagnostics, analyzedArguments); } else { BoundExpression boundExpression = BindMethodGroup(node.Expression, invoked: true, indexed: false, diagnostics: diagnostics); boundExpression = CheckValue(boundExpression, BindValueKind.RValueOrMethodGroup, diagnostics); string name = boundExpression.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup ? GetName(node.Expression) : null; BindArgumentsAndNames(node.ArgumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments, allowArglist: true); result = BindInvocationExpression(node, node.Expression, name, boundExpression, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); } analyzedArguments.Free(); return result; } private BoundExpression BindArgListOperator(InvocationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments) { // We allow names, oddly enough; M(__arglist(x : 123)) is legal. We just ignore them. TypeSymbol objType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object, diagnostics, node); for (int i = 0; i < analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count; ++i) { BoundExpression argument = analyzedArguments.Arguments[i]; if ((object)argument.Type == null && !argument.HasAnyErrors) { // We are going to need every argument in here to have a type. If we don't have one, // try converting it to object. We'll either succeed (if it is a null literal) // or fail with a good error message. // // Note that the native compiler converts null literals to object, and for everything // else it either crashes, or produces nonsense code. Roslyn improves upon this considerably. analyzedArguments.Arguments[i] = GenerateConversionForAssignment(objType, argument, diagnostics); } else if (argument.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_CantUseVoidInArglist, argument.Syntax); } } ImmutableArray arguments = analyzedArguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); ImmutableArray refKinds = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); return new BoundArgListOperator(node, arguments, refKinds, null, analyzedArguments.HasErrors); } /// /// Bind an expression as a method invocation. /// private BoundExpression BindInvocationExpression( SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, BoundExpression boundExpression, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause = null, bool allowUnexpandedForm = true) { BoundExpression result; NamedTypeSymbol delegateType; if ((object)boundExpression.Type != null && boundExpression.Type.IsDynamic()) { // Either we have a dynamic method group invocation "dyn.M(...)" or // a dynamic delegate invocation "dyn(...)" -- either way, bind it as a dynamic // invocation and let the lowering pass sort it out. result = BindDynamicInvocation(node, boundExpression, analyzedArguments, ImmutableArray.Empty, diagnostics, queryClause); } else if (boundExpression.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup) { result = BindMethodGroupInvocation(node, expression, methodName, (BoundMethodGroup)boundExpression, analyzedArguments, diagnostics, queryClause, allowUnexpandedForm: allowUnexpandedForm); } else if ((object)(delegateType = GetDelegateType(boundExpression)) != null) { if (ReportDelegateInvokeUseSiteDiagnostic(diagnostics, delegateType, node: node)) { return CreateBadCall(node, boundExpression, LookupResultKind.Viable, analyzedArguments); } result = BindDelegateInvocation(node, expression, methodName, boundExpression, analyzedArguments, diagnostics, queryClause, delegateType); } else { if (!boundExpression.HasAnyErrors) { diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_MethodNameExpected), expression.Location); } result = CreateBadCall(node, boundExpression, LookupResultKind.NotInvocable, analyzedArguments); } CheckRestrictedTypeReceiver(result, this.Compilation, diagnostics); return result; } private BoundExpression BindDynamicInvocation( SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression expression, AnalyzedArguments arguments, ImmutableArray applicableMethods, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause) { CheckNamedArgumentsForDynamicInvocation(arguments, diagnostics); bool hasErrors = false; if (expression.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup) { BoundMethodGroup methodGroup = (BoundMethodGroup)expression; BoundExpression receiver = methodGroup.ReceiverOpt; // receiver is null if we are calling a static method declared on an outer class via its simple name: if (receiver != null) { switch (receiver.Kind) { case BoundKind.BaseReference: Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoDynamicPhantomOnBase, node, methodGroup.Name); hasErrors = true; break; case BoundKind.ThisReference: // Can't call the HasThis method due to EE doing odd things with containing member and its containing type. if ((InConstructorInitializer || InFieldInitializer) && receiver.WasCompilerGenerated) { // Only a static method can be called in a constructor initializer. If we were not in a ctor initializer // the runtime binder would ignore the receiver, but in a ctor initializer we can't read "this" before // the base constructor is called. We need to handle this as a type qualified static method call. // Also applicable to things like field initializers, which run before the ctor initializer. expression = methodGroup.Update( methodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt, methodGroup.Name, methodGroup.Methods, methodGroup.LookupSymbolOpt, methodGroup.LookupError, methodGroup.Flags & ~BoundMethodGroupFlags.HasImplicitReceiver, receiverOpt: new BoundTypeExpression(node, null, this.ContainingType).MakeCompilerGenerated(), resultKind: methodGroup.ResultKind); } break; case BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression: var typeOrValue = (BoundTypeOrValueExpression)receiver; // Unfortunately, the runtime binder doesn't have APIs that would allow us to pass both "type or value". // Ideally the runtime binder would choose between type and value based on the result of the overload resolution. // We need to pick one or the other here. Dev11 compiler passes the type only if the value can't be accessed. bool inStaticContext; bool useType = IsInstance(typeOrValue.Data.ValueSymbol) && !HasThis(isExplicit: false, inStaticContext: out inStaticContext); BoundExpression finalReceiver = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(typeOrValue, useType, diagnostics); expression = methodGroup.Update( methodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt, methodGroup.Name, methodGroup.Methods, methodGroup.LookupSymbolOpt, methodGroup.LookupError, methodGroup.Flags, finalReceiver, methodGroup.ResultKind); break; } } } ImmutableArray argArray = BuildArgumentsForDynamicInvocation(arguments, diagnostics); hasErrors &= ReportBadDynamicArguments(node, argArray, diagnostics, queryClause); return new BoundDynamicInvocation( node, expression, argArray, arguments.GetNames(), arguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(), applicableMethods, type: Compilation.DynamicType, hasErrors: hasErrors); } private void CheckNamedArgumentsForDynamicInvocation(AnalyzedArguments arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (arguments.Names.Count == 0) { return; } if (!Compilation.LanguageVersion.AllowNonTrailingNamedArguments()) { return; } bool seenName = false; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Names.Count; i++) { if (arguments.Names[i] != null) { seenName = true; } else if (seenName) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NamedArgumentSpecificationBeforeFixedArgumentInDynamicInvocation, arguments.Arguments[i].Syntax); return; } } } private ImmutableArray BuildArgumentsForDynamicInvocation(AnalyzedArguments arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Arguments.Count; i++) { Debug.Assert(arguments.Arguments[i].Kind != BoundKind.OutDeconstructVarPendingInference); if (arguments.Arguments[i].Kind == BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference || arguments.Arguments[i].Kind == BoundKind.DiscardExpression && !arguments.Arguments[i].HasExpressionType()) { var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(arguments.Arguments.Count); builder.AddRange(arguments.Arguments); do { BoundExpression argument = builder[i]; if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference) { builder[i] = ((OutVariablePendingInference)argument).FailInference(this, diagnostics); } else if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.DiscardExpression && !argument.HasExpressionType()) { builder[i] = ((BoundDiscardExpression)argument).FailInference(this, diagnostics); } i++; } while (i < builder.Count); return builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); } } return arguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); } // Returns true if there were errors. private static bool ReportBadDynamicArguments( SyntaxNode node, ImmutableArray arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause) { bool hasErrors = false; bool reportedBadQuery = false; foreach (var arg in arguments) { if (!IsLegalDynamicOperand(arg)) { if (queryClause != null && !reportedBadQuery) { reportedBadQuery = true; Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicQuery, node); hasErrors = true; continue; } if (arg.Kind == BoundKind.Lambda || arg.Kind == BoundKind.UnboundLambda) { // Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type. Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicMethodArgLambda, arg.Syntax); hasErrors = true; } else if (arg.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup) { // Cannot use a method group as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation. Did you intend to invoke the method? Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicMethodArgMemgrp, arg.Syntax); hasErrors = true; } else if (arg.Kind == BoundKind.ArgListOperator) { // Not a great error message, since __arglist is not a type, but it'll do. // error CS1978: Cannot use an expression of type '__arglist' as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicMethodArg, arg.Syntax, "__arglist"); } else if (arg.IsLiteralDefault()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicMethodArgDefaultLiteral, arg.Syntax); hasErrors = true; } else { // Lambdas,anonymous methods and method groups are the typeless expressions that // are not usable as dynamic arguments; if we get here then the expression must have a type. Debug.Assert((object)arg.Type != null); // error CS1978: Cannot use an expression of type 'int*' as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicMethodArg, arg.Syntax, arg.Type); hasErrors = true; } } } return hasErrors; } private BoundExpression BindDelegateInvocation( SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, BoundExpression boundExpression, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause, NamedTypeSymbol delegateType) { BoundExpression result; var methodGroup = MethodGroup.GetInstance(); methodGroup.PopulateWithSingleMethod(boundExpression, delegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod); var overloadResolutionResult = OverloadResolutionResult.GetInstance(); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; OverloadResolution.MethodInvocationOverloadResolution(methodGroup.Methods, methodGroup.TypeArguments, analyzedArguments, overloadResolutionResult, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); // If overload resolution on the "Invoke" method found an applicable candidate, and one of the arguments // was dynamic then treat this as a dynamic call. if (analyzedArguments.HasDynamicArgument && overloadResolutionResult.HasAnyApplicableMember) { result = BindDynamicInvocation(node, boundExpression, analyzedArguments, overloadResolutionResult.GetAllApplicableMembers(), diagnostics, queryClause); } else { result = BindInvocationExpressionContinued(node, expression, methodName, overloadResolutionResult, analyzedArguments, methodGroup, delegateType, diagnostics, queryClause); } overloadResolutionResult.Free(); methodGroup.Free(); return result; } private static bool HasApplicableConditionalMethod(OverloadResolutionResult results) { var r = results.Results; for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; ++i) { if (r[i].IsApplicable && r[i].Member.IsConditional) { return true; } } return false; } private BoundExpression BindMethodGroupInvocation( SyntaxNode syntax, SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, BoundMethodGroup methodGroup, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause, bool allowUnexpandedForm = true) { BoundExpression result; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; var resolution = this.ResolveMethodGroup( methodGroup, expression, methodName, analyzedArguments, isMethodGroupConversion: false, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics, allowUnexpandedForm: allowUnexpandedForm); diagnostics.Add(expression, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!methodGroup.HasAnyErrors) diagnostics.AddRange(resolution.Diagnostics); // Suppress cascading. if (resolution.HasAnyErrors) { ImmutableArray originalMethods; LookupResultKind resultKind; ImmutableArray typeArguments; if (resolution.OverloadResolutionResult != null) { originalMethods = GetOriginalMethods(resolution.OverloadResolutionResult); resultKind = resolution.MethodGroup.ResultKind; typeArguments = resolution.MethodGroup.TypeArguments.ToImmutable(); } else { originalMethods = methodGroup.Methods; resultKind = methodGroup.ResultKind; typeArguments = methodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt; } result = CreateBadCall( syntax, methodName, methodGroup.ReceiverOpt, originalMethods, resultKind, typeArguments, analyzedArguments, invokedAsExtensionMethod: resolution.IsExtensionMethodGroup, isDelegate: false); } else if (!resolution.IsEmpty) { // We're checking resolution.ResultKind, rather than methodGroup.HasErrors // to better handle the case where there's a problem with the receiver // (e.g. inaccessible), but the method group resolved correctly (e.g. because // it's actually an accessible static method on a base type). // CONSIDER: could check for error types amongst method group type arguments. if (resolution.ResultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable) { if (resolution.MethodGroup != null) { // we want to force any unbound lambda arguments to cache an appropriate conversion if possible; see 9448. DiagnosticBag discarded = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); result = BindInvocationExpressionContinued( syntax, expression, methodName, resolution.OverloadResolutionResult, resolution.AnalyzedArguments, resolution.MethodGroup, delegateTypeOpt: null, diagnostics: discarded, queryClause: queryClause); discarded.Free(); } // Since the resolution is non-empty and has no diagnostics, the LookupResultKind in its MethodGroup is uninteresting. result = CreateBadCall(syntax, methodGroup, methodGroup.ResultKind, analyzedArguments); } else { // If overload resolution found one or more applicable methods and at least one argument // was dynamic then treat this as a dynamic call. if (resolution.AnalyzedArguments.HasDynamicArgument && resolution.OverloadResolutionResult.HasAnyApplicableMember) { if (resolution.IsLocalFunctionInvocation) { result = BindLocalFunctionInvocationWithDynamicArgument( syntax, expression, methodName, methodGroup, diagnostics, queryClause, resolution); } else if (resolution.IsExtensionMethodGroup) { // error CS1973: 'T' has no applicable method named 'M' but appears to have an // extension method by that name. Extension methods cannot be dynamically dispatched. Consider // casting the dynamic arguments or calling the extension method without the extension method // syntax. // We found an extension method, so the instance associated with the method group must have // existed and had a type. Debug.Assert(methodGroup.InstanceOpt != null && (object)methodGroup.InstanceOpt.Type != null); Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgTypeDynamicExtension, syntax, methodGroup.InstanceOpt.Type, methodGroup.Name); result = CreateBadCall(syntax, methodGroup, methodGroup.ResultKind, analyzedArguments); } else { if (HasApplicableConditionalMethod(resolution.OverloadResolutionResult)) { // warning CS1974: The dynamically dispatched call to method 'Goo' may fail at runtime // because one or more applicable overloads are conditional methods Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.WRN_DynamicDispatchToConditionalMethod, syntax, methodGroup.Name); } // Note that the runtime binder may consider candidates that haven't passed compile-time final validation // and an ambiguity error may be reported. Also additional checks are performed in runtime final validation // that are not performed at compile-time. // Only if the set of final applicable candidates is empty we know for sure the call will fail at runtime. var finalApplicableCandidates = GetCandidatesPassingFinalValidation(syntax, resolution.OverloadResolutionResult, methodGroup.ReceiverOpt, methodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt, diagnostics); if (finalApplicableCandidates.Length > 0) { result = BindDynamicInvocation(syntax, methodGroup, resolution.AnalyzedArguments, finalApplicableCandidates, diagnostics, queryClause); } else { result = CreateBadCall(syntax, methodGroup, methodGroup.ResultKind, analyzedArguments); } } } else { result = BindInvocationExpressionContinued( syntax, expression, methodName, resolution.OverloadResolutionResult, resolution.AnalyzedArguments, resolution.MethodGroup, delegateTypeOpt: null, diagnostics: diagnostics, queryClause: queryClause); } } } else { result = CreateBadCall(syntax, methodGroup, methodGroup.ResultKind, analyzedArguments); } resolution.Free(); return result; } private BoundExpression BindLocalFunctionInvocationWithDynamicArgument( SyntaxNode syntax, SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, BoundMethodGroup boundMethodGroup, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause, MethodGroupResolution resolution) { // Invocations of local functions with dynamic arguments don't need // to be dispatched as dynamic invocations since they cannot be // overloaded. Instead, we'll just emit a standard call with // dynamic implicit conversions for any dynamic arguments. There // are two exceptions: "params", and unconstructed generics. While // implementing those cases with dynamic invocations is possible, // we have decided the implementation complexity is not worth it. // Refer to the comments below for the exact semantics. Debug.Assert(resolution.IsLocalFunctionInvocation); Debug.Assert(resolution.OverloadResolutionResult.Succeeded); Debug.Assert(queryClause == null); var validResult = resolution.OverloadResolutionResult.ValidResult; var args = resolution.AnalyzedArguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); ReportBadDynamicArguments(syntax, args, diagnostics, queryClause); var localFunction = validResult.Member; var methodResult = validResult.Result; // We're only in trouble if a dynamic argument is passed to the // params parameter and is ambiguous at compile time between normal // and expanded form i.e., there is exactly one dynamic argument to // a params parameter // See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/10708 if (OverloadResolution.IsValidParams(localFunction) && methodResult.Kind == MemberResolutionKind.ApplicableInNormalForm) { var parameters = localFunction.Parameters; Debug.Assert(parameters.Last().IsParams); var lastParamIndex = parameters.Length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; ++i) { var arg = args[i]; if (arg.HasDynamicType() && methodResult.ParameterFromArgument(i) == lastParamIndex) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_DynamicLocalFunctionParamsParameter, syntax, parameters.Last().Name, localFunction.Name); return BindDynamicInvocation( syntax, boundMethodGroup, resolution.AnalyzedArguments, resolution.OverloadResolutionResult.GetAllApplicableMembers(), diagnostics, queryClause); } } } // If we call an unconstructed generic local function with a // dynamic argument in a place where it influences the type // parameters, we need to dynamically dispatch the call (as the // function must be constructed at runtime). We cannot do that, so // disallow that. However, doing a specific analysis of each // argument and its corresponding parameter to check if it's // generic (and allow dynamic in non-generic parameters) may break // overload resolution in the future, if we ever allow overloaded // local functions. So, just disallow any mixing of dynamic and // inferred generics. (Explicit generic arguments are fine) // See https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/21317 if (boundMethodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt.IsDefaultOrEmpty && localFunction.IsGenericMethod) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_DynamicLocalFunctionTypeParameter, syntax, localFunction.Name); return BindDynamicInvocation( syntax, boundMethodGroup, resolution.AnalyzedArguments, resolution.OverloadResolutionResult.GetAllApplicableMembers(), diagnostics, queryClause); } return BindInvocationExpressionContinued( node: syntax, expression: expression, methodName: methodName, result: resolution.OverloadResolutionResult, analyzedArguments: resolution.AnalyzedArguments, methodGroup: resolution.MethodGroup, delegateTypeOpt: null, diagnostics: diagnostics, queryClause: queryClause); } private ImmutableArray GetCandidatesPassingFinalValidation( SyntaxNode syntax, OverloadResolutionResult overloadResolutionResult, BoundExpression receiverOpt, ImmutableArray typeArgumentsOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) where TMethodOrPropertySymbol : Symbol { Debug.Assert(overloadResolutionResult.HasAnyApplicableMember); var finalCandidates = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); DiagnosticBag firstFailed = null; DiagnosticBag candidateDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); for (int i = 0, n = overloadResolutionResult.ResultsBuilder.Count; i < n; i++) { var result = overloadResolutionResult.ResultsBuilder[i]; if (result.Result.IsApplicable) { // For F to pass the check, all of the following must hold: // ... // * If the type parameters of F were substituted in the step above, their constraints are satisfied. // * If F is a static method, the method group must have resulted from a simple-name, a member-access through a type, // or a member-access whose receiver can't be classified as a type or value until after overload resolution (see § // * If F is an instance method, the method group must have resulted from a simple-name, a member-access through a variable or value, // or a member-access whose receiver can't be classified as a type or value until after overload resolution (see § if (!MemberGroupFinalValidationAccessibilityChecks(receiverOpt, result.Member, syntax, candidateDiagnostics, invokedAsExtensionMethod: false) && (typeArgumentsOpt.IsDefault || ((MethodSymbol)(object)result.Member).CheckConstraints(this.Conversions, syntax, this.Compilation, candidateDiagnostics))) { finalCandidates.Add(result.Member); continue; } if (firstFailed == null) { firstFailed = candidateDiagnostics; candidateDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); } else { candidateDiagnostics.Clear(); } } } if (firstFailed != null) { // Report diagnostics of the first candidate that failed the validation // unless we have at least one candidate that passes. if (finalCandidates.Count == 0) { diagnostics.AddRange(firstFailed); } firstFailed.Free(); } candidateDiagnostics.Free(); return finalCandidates.ToImmutableAndFree(); } private static void CheckRestrictedTypeReceiver(BoundExpression expression, Compilation compilation, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null); // It is never legal to box a restricted type, even if we are boxing it as the receiver // of a method call. When must be box? We skip boxing when the method in question is defined // on the restricted type or overridden by the restricted type. switch (expression.Kind) { case BoundKind.Call: { var call = (BoundCall)expression; if (!call.HasAnyErrors && call.ReceiverOpt != null && (object)call.ReceiverOpt.Type != null && call.ReceiverOpt.Type.IsRestrictedType() && call.Method.ContainingType != call.ReceiverOpt.Type) { // error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'TypedReference' to 'object' SymbolDistinguisher distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, call.ReceiverOpt.Type, call.Method.ContainingType); Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConv, call.ReceiverOpt.Syntax, distinguisher.First, distinguisher.Second); } } break; case BoundKind.DynamicInvocation: { var dynInvoke = (BoundDynamicInvocation)expression; if (!dynInvoke.HasAnyErrors && (object)dynInvoke.Expression.Type != null && dynInvoke.Expression.Type.IsRestrictedType()) { // eg: b = typedReference.Equals(dyn); // error CS1978: Cannot use an expression of type 'TypedReference' as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicMethodArg, dynInvoke.Expression.Syntax, dynInvoke.Expression.Type); } } break; default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(expression.Kind); } } /// /// Perform overload resolution on the method group or expression (BoundMethodGroup) /// and arguments and return a BoundExpression representing the invocation. /// /// Invocation syntax node. /// The syntax for the invoked method, including receiver. /// Name of the invoked method. /// Overload resolution result for method group executed by caller. /// Arguments bound by the caller. /// Method group if the invocation represents a potentially overloaded member. /// Delegate type if method group represents a delegate. /// Diagnostics. /// The syntax for the query clause generating this invocation expression, if any. /// BoundCall or error expression representing the invocation. private BoundCall BindInvocationExpressionContinued( SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, OverloadResolutionResult result, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, MethodGroup methodGroup, NamedTypeSymbol delegateTypeOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, CSharpSyntaxNode queryClause = null) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(methodGroup != null); Debug.Assert(methodGroup.Error == null); Debug.Assert(methodGroup.Methods.Count > 0); Debug.Assert(((object)delegateTypeOpt == null) || (methodGroup.Methods.Count == 1)); var invokedAsExtensionMethod = methodGroup.IsExtensionMethodGroup; // Delegate invocations should never be considered extension method // invocations (even though the delegate may refer to an extension method). Debug.Assert(!invokedAsExtensionMethod || ((object)delegateTypeOpt == null)); // We have already determined that we are not in a situation where we can successfully do // a dynamic binding. We might be in one of the following situations: // // * There were dynamic arguments but overload resolution still found zero applicable candidates. // * There were no dynamic arguments and overload resolution found zero applicable candidates. // * There were no dynamic arguments and overload resolution found multiple applicable candidates // without being able to find the best one. // // In those three situations we might give an additional error. if (!result.Succeeded) { if (analyzedArguments.HasErrors) { // Errors for arguments have already been reported, except for unbound lambdas. // We report those now. foreach (var argument in analyzedArguments.Arguments) { var unboundLambda = argument as UnboundLambda; if (unboundLambda != null) { var boundWithErrors = unboundLambda.BindForErrorRecovery(); diagnostics.AddRange(boundWithErrors.Diagnostics); } } } else { // Since there were no argument errors to report, we report an error on the invocation itself. string name = (object)delegateTypeOpt == null ? methodName : null; result.ReportDiagnostics(this, GetLocationForOverloadResolutionDiagnostic(node, expression), diagnostics, name, methodGroup.Receiver, analyzedArguments, methodGroup.Methods.ToImmutable(), typeContainingConstructor: null, delegateTypeBeingInvoked: delegateTypeOpt, queryClause: queryClause); } return CreateBadCall(node, methodGroup.Name, invokedAsExtensionMethod && analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count > 0 && (object)methodGroup.Receiver == (object)analyzedArguments.Arguments[0] ? null : methodGroup.Receiver, GetOriginalMethods(result), methodGroup.ResultKind, methodGroup.TypeArguments.ToImmutable(), analyzedArguments, invokedAsExtensionMethod: invokedAsExtensionMethod, isDelegate: ((object)delegateTypeOpt != null)); } // Otherwise, there were no dynamic arguments and overload resolution found a unique best candidate. // We still have to determine if it passes final validation. var methodResult = result.ValidResult; var returnType = methodResult.Member.ReturnType; this.CoerceArguments(methodResult, analyzedArguments.Arguments, diagnostics); var method = methodResult.Member; var expanded = methodResult.Result.Kind == MemberResolutionKind.ApplicableInExpandedForm; var argsToParams = methodResult.Result.ArgsToParamsOpt; // It is possible that overload resolution succeeded, but we have chosen an // instance method and we're in a static method. A careful reading of the // overload resolution spec shows that the "final validation" stage allows an // "implicit this" on any method call, not just method calls from inside // instance methods. Therefore we must detect this scenario here, rather than in // overload resolution. var receiver = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(methodGroup.Receiver, method.IsStatic && !invokedAsExtensionMethod, diagnostics); // Note: we specifically want to do final validation ( without checking delegate compatibility (15.2), // so we're calling MethodGroupFinalValidation directly, rather than via MethodGroupConversionHasErrors. // Note: final validation wants the receiver that corresponds to the source representation // (i.e. the first argument, if invokedAsExtensionMethod). var gotError = MemberGroupFinalValidation(receiver, method, expression, diagnostics, invokedAsExtensionMethod); ImmutableArray args; if (invokedAsExtensionMethod) { BoundExpression receiverArgument; ParameterSymbol receiverParameter = method.Parameters.First(); if ((object)receiver != methodGroup.Receiver) { // Because the receiver didn't pass through CoerceArguments, we need to apply an appropriate conversion here. Debug.Assert(argsToParams.IsDefault || argsToParams[0] == 0); receiverArgument = CreateConversion(receiver, methodResult.Result.ConversionForArg(0), receiverParameter.Type, diagnostics); } else { receiverArgument = analyzedArguments.Argument(0); } if (receiverParameter.RefKind == RefKind.Ref) { // If this was a ref extension method, receiverArgument must be checked for L-value constraints. // This helper method will also replace it with a BoundBadExpression if it was invalid. receiverArgument = CheckValue(receiverArgument, BindValueKind.RefOrOut, diagnostics); CheckFeatureAvailability(receiverArgument.Syntax, MessageID.IDS_FeatureRefExtensionMethods, diagnostics); } else if (receiverParameter.RefKind == RefKind.In) { CheckFeatureAvailability(receiverArgument.Syntax, MessageID.IDS_FeatureRefExtensionMethods, diagnostics); } ArrayBuilder builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count); builder.Add(receiverArgument); builder.AddRange(analyzedArguments.Arguments.Skip(1)); args = builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); } else { args = analyzedArguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); } // This will be the receiver of the BoundCall node that we create. // For extension methods, there is no receiver because the receiver in source was actually the first argument. // For instance methods, we may have synthesized an implicit this node. We'll keep it for the emitter. // For static methods, we may have synthesized a type expression. It serves no purpose, so we'll drop it. if (invokedAsExtensionMethod || (method.IsStatic && receiver != null && receiver.WasCompilerGenerated)) { receiver = null; } var argNames = analyzedArguments.GetNames(); var argRefKinds = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); if (!gotError && !method.IsStatic && receiver != null && receiver.Kind == BoundKind.ThisReference && receiver.WasCompilerGenerated) { gotError = IsRefOrOutThisParameterCaptured(node, diagnostics); } // What if some of the arguments are implicit? Dev10 reports unsafe errors // if the implied argument would have an unsafe type. We need to check // the parameters explicitly, since there won't be bound nodes for the implied // arguments until lowering. if (method.HasUnsafeParameter()) { // Don't worry about double reporting (i.e. for both the argument and the parameter) // because only one unsafe diagnostic is allowed per scope - the others are suppressed. gotError = ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(node, diagnostics) || gotError; } bool hasBaseReceiver = receiver != null && receiver.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference; ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, method, node, hasBaseReceiver); // No use site errors, but there could be use site warnings. // If there are any use site warnings, they have already been reported by overload resolution. Debug.Assert(!method.HasUseSiteError, "Shouldn't have reached this point if there were use site errors."); if (method.IsRuntimeFinalizer()) { ErrorCode code = hasBaseReceiver ? ErrorCode.ERR_CallingBaseFinalizeDeprecated : ErrorCode.ERR_CallingFinalizeDeprecated; Error(diagnostics, code, node); gotError = true; } Debug.Assert(args.IsDefaultOrEmpty || (object)receiver != (object)args[0]); gotError |= !CheckInvocationArgMixing( node, method, receiver, method.Parameters, args, argRefKinds, argsToParams, this.LocalScopeDepth, diagnostics); if ((object)delegateTypeOpt != null) { return new BoundCall(node, receiver, method, args, argNames, argRefKinds, isDelegateCall: true, expanded: expanded, invokedAsExtensionMethod: invokedAsExtensionMethod, argsToParamsOpt: argsToParams, resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable, binderOpt: this, type: returnType, hasErrors: gotError); } else { if ((object)receiver != null && receiver.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference && method.IsAbstract) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AbstractBaseCall, node, method); gotError = true; } if (!method.IsStatic) { WarnOnAccessOfOffDefault(node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression ? ((InvocationExpressionSyntax)node).Expression : node, receiver, diagnostics); } return new BoundCall(node, receiver, method, args, argNames, argRefKinds, isDelegateCall: false, expanded: expanded, invokedAsExtensionMethod: invokedAsExtensionMethod, argsToParamsOpt: argsToParams, resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable, binderOpt: this, type: returnType, hasErrors: gotError); } } /// Invocation syntax node. /// The syntax for the invoked method, including receiver. private static Location GetLocationForOverloadResolutionDiagnostic(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode expression) { if (node != expression) { switch (expression.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName: return ((QualifiedNameSyntax)expression).Right.GetLocation(); case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.PointerMemberAccessExpression: return ((MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)expression).Name.GetLocation(); } } return expression.GetLocation(); } /// /// Replace a BoundTypeOrValueExpression with a BoundExpression for either a type (if useType is true) /// or a value (if useType is false). Any other node is unmodified. /// /// /// Call this once overload resolution has succeeded on the method group of which the BoundTypeOrValueExpression /// is the receiver. Generally, useType will be true if the chosen method is static and false otherwise. /// private BoundExpression ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(BoundExpression receiver, bool useType, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if ((object)receiver == null) { return null; } switch (receiver.Kind) { case BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression: var typeOrValue = (BoundTypeOrValueExpression)receiver; if (useType) { diagnostics.AddRange(typeOrValue.Data.TypeDiagnostics); return typeOrValue.Data.TypeExpression; } else { diagnostics.AddRange(typeOrValue.Data.ValueDiagnostics); return CheckValue(typeOrValue.Data.ValueExpression, BindValueKind.RValue, diagnostics); } case BoundKind.QueryClause: // a query clause may wrap a TypeOrValueExpression. var q = (BoundQueryClause)receiver; var value = q.Value; var replaced = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(value, useType, diagnostics); return (value == replaced) ? q : q.Update(replaced, q.DefinedSymbol, q.Operation, q.Cast, q.Binder, q.UnoptimizedForm, q.Type); } return receiver; } /// /// Return the delegate type if this expression represents a delegate. /// private static NamedTypeSymbol GetDelegateType(BoundExpression expr) { if ((object)expr != null && expr.Kind != BoundKind.TypeExpression) { var type = expr.Type as NamedTypeSymbol; if (((object)type != null) && type.IsDelegateType()) { return type; } } return null; } private BoundCall CreateBadCall( SyntaxNode node, string name, BoundExpression receiver, ImmutableArray methods, LookupResultKind resultKind, ImmutableArray typeArguments, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, bool invokedAsExtensionMethod, bool isDelegate) { MethodSymbol method; ImmutableArray args; if (!typeArguments.IsDefaultOrEmpty) { var constructedMethods = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); foreach (var m in methods) { constructedMethods.Add(m.ConstructedFrom == m && m.Arity == typeArguments.Length ? m.Construct(typeArguments) : m); } methods = constructedMethods.ToImmutableAndFree(); } if (methods.Length == 1 && !IsUnboundGeneric(methods[0])) { method = methods[0]; } else { var returnType = GetCommonTypeOrReturnType(methods) ?? new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(this.Compilation, string.Empty, arity: 0, errorInfo: null); var methodContainer = (object)receiver != null && (object)receiver.Type != null ? receiver.Type : this.ContainingType; method = new ErrorMethodSymbol(methodContainer, returnType, name); } args = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments, methods); var argNames = analyzedArguments.GetNames(); var argRefKinds = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); return BoundCall.ErrorCall(node, receiver, method, args, argNames, argRefKinds, isDelegate, invokedAsExtensionMethod: invokedAsExtensionMethod, originalMethods: methods, resultKind: resultKind, binder: this); } private static bool IsUnboundGeneric(MethodSymbol method) { return method.IsGenericMethod && method.ConstructedFrom() == method; } // Arbitrary limit on the number of parameter lists from overload // resolution candidates considered when binding argument types. // Any additional parameter lists are ignored. internal const int MaxParameterListsForErrorRecovery = 10; private ImmutableArray BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, ImmutableArray methods) { var parameterListList = ArrayBuilder>.GetInstance(); foreach (var m in methods) { if (!IsUnboundGeneric(m) && m.ParameterCount > 0) { parameterListList.Add(m.Parameters); if (parameterListList.Count == MaxParameterListsForErrorRecovery) { break; } } } var result = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments, parameterListList); parameterListList.Free(); return result; } private ImmutableArray BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, ImmutableArray properties) { var parameterListList = ArrayBuilder>.GetInstance(); foreach (var p in properties) { if (p.ParameterCount > 0) { parameterListList.Add(p.Parameters); if (parameterListList.Count == MaxParameterListsForErrorRecovery) { break; } } } var result = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments, parameterListList); parameterListList.Free(); return result; } private ImmutableArray BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, IEnumerable> parameterListList) { // Since the purpose is to bind any unbound arguments, we return early if there are none. if (!analyzedArguments.Arguments.Any(e => (object)e.Type == null)) { return analyzedArguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); } int argumentCount = analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count; ArrayBuilder newArguments = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(argumentCount); newArguments.AddRange(analyzedArguments.Arguments); for (int i = 0; i < argumentCount; i++) { var argument = newArguments[i]; if ((object)argument.Type != null) { continue; } switch (argument.Kind) { case BoundKind.UnboundLambda: { // bind the argument against each applicable parameter var unboundArgument = (UnboundLambda)argument; foreach (var parameterList in parameterListList) { var parameterType = GetCorrespondingParameterType(analyzedArguments, i, parameterList); if (parameterType?.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType && (object)parameterType.GetDelegateType() != null) { var discarded = unboundArgument.Bind((NamedTypeSymbol)parameterType); } } // replace the unbound lambda with its best inferred bound version newArguments[i] = unboundArgument.BindForErrorRecovery(); break; } case BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference: case BoundKind.DiscardExpression: { if (argument.HasExpressionType()) { break; } // See if all applicable applicable parameters have the same type TypeSymbol candidateType = null; foreach (var parameterList in parameterListList) { var parameterType = GetCorrespondingParameterType(analyzedArguments, i, parameterList); if ((object)parameterType != null) { if ((object)candidateType == null) { candidateType = parameterType; } else if (!candidateType.Equals(parameterType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreCustomModifiersAndArraySizesAndLowerBounds)) { // type mismatch candidateType = null; break; } } } if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference) { if ((object)candidateType == null) { newArguments[i] = ((OutVariablePendingInference)argument).FailInference(this, null); } else { newArguments[i] = ((OutVariablePendingInference)argument).SetInferredType(candidateType, null); } } else if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.DiscardExpression) { if ((object)candidateType == null) { newArguments[i] = ((BoundDiscardExpression)argument).FailInference(this, null); } else { newArguments[i] = ((BoundDiscardExpression)argument).SetInferredType(candidateType); } } break; } case BoundKind.OutDeconstructVarPendingInference: { newArguments[i] = ((OutDeconstructVarPendingInference)argument).FailInference(this); break; } } } return newArguments.ToImmutableAndFree(); } /// /// Compute the type of the corresponding parameter, if any. This is used to improve error recovery, /// for bad invocations, not for semantic analysis of correct invocations, so it is a heuristic. /// If no parameter appears to correspond to the given argument, we return null. /// /// The analyzed argument list /// The index of the argument /// The parameter list to match against /// The type of the corresponding parameter. private static TypeSymbol GetCorrespondingParameterType(AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, int i, ImmutableArray parameterList) { string name = analyzedArguments.Name(i); if (name != null) { // look for a parameter by that name foreach (var parameter in parameterList) { if (parameter.Name == name) return parameter.Type; } return null; } return (i < parameterList.Length) ? parameterList[i].Type : null; // CONSIDER: should we handle variable argument lists? } /// /// Absent parameter types to bind the arguments, we simply use the arguments provided for error recovery. /// private ImmutableArray BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments) { return BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments, Enumerable.Empty>()); } private BoundCall CreateBadCall( SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression expr, LookupResultKind resultKind, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments) { TypeSymbol returnType = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(this.Compilation, string.Empty, arity: 0, errorInfo: null); var methodContainer = expr.Type ?? this.ContainingType; MethodSymbol method = new ErrorMethodSymbol(methodContainer, returnType, string.Empty); var args = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments); var argNames = analyzedArguments.GetNames(); var argRefKinds = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); var originalMethods = (expr.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup) ? ((BoundMethodGroup)expr).Methods : ImmutableArray.Empty; return BoundCall.ErrorCall(node, expr, method, args, argNames, argRefKinds, isDelegateCall: false, invokedAsExtensionMethod: false, originalMethods: originalMethods, resultKind: resultKind, binder: this); } private static TypeSymbol GetCommonTypeOrReturnType(ImmutableArray members) where TMember : Symbol { TypeSymbol type = null; for (int i = 0, n = members.Length; i < n; i++) { TypeSymbol returnType = members[i].GetTypeOrReturnType(); if ((object)type == null) { type = returnType; } else if (type != returnType) { return null; } } return type; } private bool TryBindNameofOperator(InvocationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out BoundExpression result) { result = null; if (node.Expression.Kind() != SyntaxKind.IdentifierName || ((IdentifierNameSyntax)node.Expression).Identifier.ContextualKind() != SyntaxKind.NameOfKeyword || node.ArgumentList.Arguments.Count != 1) { return false; } ArgumentSyntax argument = node.ArgumentList.Arguments[0]; if (argument.NameColon != null || argument.RefOrOutKeyword != default(SyntaxToken) || InvocableNameofInScope()) { return false; } result = BindNameofOperatorInternal(node, diagnostics); return true; } private BoundExpression BindNameofOperatorInternal(InvocationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureNameof, diagnostics); var argument = node.ArgumentList.Arguments[0].Expression; string name = ""; // We relax the instance-vs-static requirement for top-level member access expressions by creating a NameofBinder binder. var nameofBinder = new NameofBinder(argument, this); var boundArgument = nameofBinder.BindExpression(argument, diagnostics); if (!boundArgument.HasAnyErrors && CheckSyntaxForNameofArgument(argument, out name, diagnostics) && boundArgument.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup) { var methodGroup = (BoundMethodGroup)boundArgument; if (!methodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt.IsDefaultOrEmpty) { // method group with type parameters not allowed diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NameofMethodGroupWithTypeParameters, argument.Location); } else { nameofBinder.EnsureNameofExpressionSymbols(methodGroup, diagnostics); } } return new BoundNameOfOperator(node, boundArgument, ConstantValue.Create(name), Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_String)); } private void EnsureNameofExpressionSymbols(BoundMethodGroup methodGroup, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // Check that the method group contains something applicable. Otherwise error. HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; var resolution = ResolveMethodGroup(methodGroup, analyzedArguments: null, isMethodGroupConversion: false, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(methodGroup.Syntax, useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.AddRange(resolution.Diagnostics); if (resolution.IsExtensionMethodGroup) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NameofExtensionMethod, methodGroup.Syntax.Location); } } /// /// Returns true if syntax form is OK (so no errors were reported) /// private bool CheckSyntaxForNameofArgument(ExpressionSyntax argument, out string name, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool top = true) { switch (argument.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName: { var syntax = (IdentifierNameSyntax)argument; name = syntax.Identifier.ValueText; return true; } case SyntaxKind.GenericName: { var syntax = (GenericNameSyntax)argument; name = syntax.Identifier.ValueText; return true; } case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression: { var syntax = (MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)argument; bool ok = true; switch (syntax.Expression.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.BaseExpression: case SyntaxKind.ThisExpression: break; default: ok = CheckSyntaxForNameofArgument(syntax.Expression, out name, diagnostics, false); break; } name = syntax.Name.Identifier.ValueText; return ok; } case SyntaxKind.AliasQualifiedName: { var syntax = (AliasQualifiedNameSyntax)argument; bool ok = true; if (top) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AliasQualifiedNameNotAnExpression, argument.Location); ok = false; } name = syntax.Name.Identifier.ValueText; return ok; } case SyntaxKind.ThisExpression: case SyntaxKind.BaseExpression: case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType: name = ""; if (top) goto default; return true; default: { var code = top ? ErrorCode.ERR_ExpressionHasNoName : ErrorCode.ERR_SubexpressionNotInNameof; diagnostics.Add(code, argument.Location); name = ""; return false; } } } /// /// Helper method that checks whether there is an invocable 'nameof' in scope. /// private bool InvocableNameofInScope() { var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); const LookupOptions options = LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero | LookupOptions.MustBeInvocableIfMember; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupSymbolsWithFallback(lookupResult, SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.NameOfKeyword), useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics, arity: 0, options: options); var result = lookupResult.IsMultiViable; lookupResult.Free(); return result; } } }