// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Serialization; using Roslyn.Utilities; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.FindSymbols { internal partial class SymbolTreeInfo { private static SimplePool> s_symbolMapPool = new SimplePool>(() => new MultiDictionary()); private static MultiDictionary AllocateSymbolMap() => s_symbolMapPool.Allocate(); private static void FreeSymbolMap(MultiDictionary symbolMap) { symbolMap.Clear(); s_symbolMapPool.Free(symbolMap); } public static Task GetInfoForSourceAssemblyAsync( Project project, Checksum checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var result = TryLoadOrCreateAsync( project.Solution, checksum, loadOnly: false, createAsync: () => CreateSourceSymbolTreeInfoAsync(project, checksum, cancellationToken), keySuffix: "_Source_" + project.FilePath, tryReadObject: reader => TryReadSymbolTreeInfo(reader, (names, nodes) => GetSpellCheckerTask(project.Solution, checksum, project.FilePath, names, nodes)), cancellationToken: cancellationToken); Contract.ThrowIfNull(result, "Result should never be null as we passed 'loadOnly: false'."); return result; } /// /// Cache of project to the checksum for it so that we don't have to expensively recompute /// this each time we get a project. /// private static ConditionalWeakTable> s_projectToSourceChecksum = new ConditionalWeakTable>(); public static Task GetSourceSymbolsChecksumAsync(Project project, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var lazy = s_projectToSourceChecksum.GetValue( project.State, p => new AsyncLazy(c => ComputeSourceSymbolsChecksumAsync(p, c), cacheResult: true)); return lazy.GetValueAsync(cancellationToken); } private static async Task ComputeSourceSymbolsChecksumAsync(ProjectState projectState, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { // The SymbolTree for source is built from the source-symbols from the project's compilation's // assembly. Specifically, we only get the name, kind and parent/child relationship of all the // child symbols. So we want to be able to reuse the index as long as none of these have // changed. The only thing that can make those source-symbols change in that manner are if // the text of any document changes, or if options for the project change. So we build our // checksum out of that data. var serializer = projectState.LanguageServices.WorkspaceServices.GetService(); var projectStateChecksums = await projectState.GetStateChecksumsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); // Order the documents by FilePath. Default ordering in the RemoteWorkspace is // to be ordered by Guid (which is not consistent across VS sessions). var textChecksumsTasks = projectState.DocumentStates.OrderBy(d => d.Value.FilePath, StringComparer.Ordinal).Select(async d => { var documentStateChecksum = await d.Value.GetStateChecksumsAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); return documentStateChecksum.Text; }); var compilationOptionsChecksum = projectStateChecksums.CompilationOptions; var parseOptionsChecksum = projectStateChecksums.ParseOptions; var textChecksums = await Task.WhenAll(textChecksumsTasks).ConfigureAwait(false); var allChecksums = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); try { allChecksums.AddRange(textChecksums); allChecksums.Add(compilationOptionsChecksum); allChecksums.Add(parseOptionsChecksum); var checksum = Checksum.Create(WellKnownSynchronizationKind.SymbolTreeInfo, allChecksums); return checksum; } finally { allChecksums.Free(); } } internal static async Task CreateSourceSymbolTreeInfoAsync( Project project, Checksum checksum, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var compilation = await project.GetCompilationAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); var assembly = compilation?.Assembly; if (assembly == null) { return CreateEmpty(checksum); } var unsortedNodes = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); unsortedNodes.Add(new BuilderNode(assembly.GlobalNamespace.Name, RootNodeParentIndex)); GenerateSourceNodes(assembly.GlobalNamespace, unsortedNodes, s_getMembersNoPrivate); return CreateSymbolTreeInfo( project.Solution, checksum, project.FilePath, unsortedNodes.ToImmutableAndFree(), inheritanceMap: new OrderPreservingMultiDictionary()); } // generate nodes for the global namespace an all descendants private static void GenerateSourceNodes( INamespaceSymbol globalNamespace, ArrayBuilder list, Action> lookup) { // Add all child members var symbolMap = AllocateSymbolMap(); try { lookup(globalNamespace, symbolMap); foreach (var kvp in symbolMap) { GenerateSourceNodes(kvp.Key, 0 /*index of root node*/, kvp.Value, list, lookup); } } finally { FreeSymbolMap(symbolMap); } } private static readonly Func s_useSymbolNoPrivate = s => s.CanBeReferencedByName && s.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Private; private static readonly Func s_useSymbolNoPrivateOrInternal = s => s.CanBeReferencedByName && s.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Private && s.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Internal; // generate nodes for symbols that share the same name, and all their descendants private static void GenerateSourceNodes( string name, int parentIndex, MultiDictionary.ValueSet symbolsWithSameName, ArrayBuilder list, Action> lookup) { var node = new BuilderNode(name, parentIndex); var nodeIndex = list.Count; list.Add(node); var symbolMap = AllocateSymbolMap(); try { // Add all child members foreach (var symbol in symbolsWithSameName) { lookup(symbol, symbolMap); } foreach (var kvp in symbolMap) { GenerateSourceNodes(kvp.Key, nodeIndex, kvp.Value, list, lookup); } } finally { FreeSymbolMap(symbolMap); } } private static Action> s_getMembersNoPrivate = (symbol, symbolMap) => AddSymbol(symbol, symbolMap, s_useSymbolNoPrivate); private static void AddSymbol(ISymbol symbol, MultiDictionary symbolMap, Func useSymbol) { if (symbol is INamespaceOrTypeSymbol nt) { foreach (var member in nt.GetMembers()) { if (useSymbol(member)) { symbolMap.Add(member.Name, member); } } } } } }