// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Linq; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Extensions; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities; using Roslyn.Test.Utilities; using Roslyn.Utilities; using Xunit; using ReferenceEqualityComparer = Roslyn.Utilities.ReferenceEqualityComparer; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Semantics { public class NativeIntegerTests : CSharpTestBase { [Fact] public void LanguageVersion() { var source = @"interface I { nint Add(nint x, nuint y); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (3,5): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // nint Add(nint x, nuint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(3, 5), // (3,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // nint Add(nint x, nuint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(3, 14), // (3,22): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // nint Add(nint x, nuint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nuint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(3, 22)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } /// /// System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr definitions from metadata. /// [Fact] public void TypeDefinitions_FromMetadata() { var source = @"interface I { void F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y); void F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.IntPtr"); VerifyType(type, signed: true, isNativeInt: false); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: true, isNativeInt: false); type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.UIntPtr"); VerifyType(type, signed: false, isNativeInt: false); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: false, isNativeInt: false); var method = comp.GetMember("I.F1"); Assert.Equal("void I.F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("Sub I.F1(x As System.IntPtr, y As System.IntPtr)", VisualBasic.SymbolDisplay.ToDisplayString(method.GetPublicSymbol(), SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat)); VerifyTypes((NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[0].Type, (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[1].Type, signed: true); method = comp.GetMember("I.F2"); Assert.Equal("void I.F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("Sub I.F2(x As System.UIntPtr, y As System.UIntPtr)", VisualBasic.SymbolDisplay.ToDisplayString(method.GetPublicSymbol(), SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat)); VerifyTypes((NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[0].Type, (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[1].Type, signed: false); } /// /// System.IntPtr and System.UIntPtr definitions from source. /// [Fact] public void TypeDefinitions_FromSource() { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { public virtual string ToString() => null; public virtual int GetHashCode() => 0; public virtual bool Equals(object obj) => false; } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { public override string ToString() => null; public override int GetHashCode() => 0; public override bool Equals(object obj) => false; } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public interface IEquatable { bool Equals(T other); } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { public override string ToString() => null; public override int GetHashCode() => 0; public override bool Equals(object obj) => false; bool IEquatable.Equals(IntPtr other) => false; } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { public override string ToString() => null; public override int GetHashCode() => 0; public override bool Equals(object obj) => false; bool IEquatable.Equals(UIntPtr other) => false; } }"; var sourceB = @"interface I { void F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y); void F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y); }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify(comp); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify(comp); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify(comp); static void verify(CSharpCompilation comp) { var type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.IntPtr"); VerifyType(type, signed: true, isNativeInt: false); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: true, isNativeInt: false); type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("System.UIntPtr"); VerifyType(type, signed: false, isNativeInt: false); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: false, isNativeInt: false); var method = comp.GetMember("I.F1"); Assert.Equal("void I.F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); VerifyTypes((NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[0].Type, (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[1].Type, signed: true); method = comp.GetMember("I.F2"); Assert.Equal("void I.F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); VerifyTypes((NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[0].Type, (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[1].Type, signed: false); } } private static void VerifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed, bool isNativeInt) { Assert.Equal(signed ? SpecialType.System_IntPtr : SpecialType.System_UIntPtr, type.SpecialType); Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.NamedType, type.Kind); Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Struct, type.TypeKind); Assert.Same(type, type.ConstructedFrom); Assert.Equal(isNativeInt, type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.Equal(signed ? "IntPtr" : "UIntPtr", type.Name); if (isNativeInt) { VerifyMembers(type); } } private static void VerifyType(INamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed, bool isNativeInt) { Assert.Equal(signed ? SpecialType.System_IntPtr : SpecialType.System_UIntPtr, type.SpecialType); Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.NamedType, type.Kind); Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Struct, type.TypeKind); Assert.Same(type, type.ConstructedFrom); Assert.Equal(isNativeInt, type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.Equal(signed ? "IntPtr" : "UIntPtr", type.Name); if (isNativeInt) { VerifyMembers(type); } } private static void VerifyTypes(INamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, INamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, bool signed) { VerifyType(underlyingType, signed, isNativeInt: false); VerifyType(nativeIntegerType, signed, isNativeInt: true); Assert.Same(underlyingType.ContainingSymbol, nativeIntegerType.ContainingSymbol); Assert.Same(underlyingType.Name, nativeIntegerType.Name); VerifyMembers(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType, signed); VerifyInterfaces(underlyingType, underlyingType.Interfaces, nativeIntegerType, nativeIntegerType.Interfaces); Assert.NotSame(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType); Assert.Same(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); Assert.NotEqual(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType); Assert.NotEqual(nativeIntegerType, underlyingType); Assert.False(underlyingType.Equals(nativeIntegerType)); Assert.False(((IEquatable)underlyingType).Equals(nativeIntegerType)); Assert.False(underlyingType.Equals(nativeIntegerType, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default)); Assert.False(underlyingType.Equals(nativeIntegerType, SymbolEqualityComparer.IncludeNullability)); Assert.False(underlyingType.Equals(nativeIntegerType, SymbolEqualityComparer.ConsiderEverything)); Assert.True(underlyingType.Equals(nativeIntegerType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNativeIntegers)); Assert.Equal(underlyingType.GetHashCode(), nativeIntegerType.GetHashCode()); } private static void VerifyInterfaces(INamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, ImmutableArray underlyingInterfaces, INamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, ImmutableArray nativeIntegerInterfaces) { Assert.Equal(underlyingInterfaces.Length, nativeIntegerInterfaces.Length); for (int i = 0; i < underlyingInterfaces.Length; i++) { verifyInterface(underlyingInterfaces[i], nativeIntegerInterfaces[i]); } void verifyInterface(INamedTypeSymbol underlyingInterface, INamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerInterface) { Assert.True(underlyingInterface.Equals(nativeIntegerInterface, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNativeIntegers)); for (int i = 0; i < underlyingInterface.TypeArguments.Length; i++) { var underlyingTypeArgument = underlyingInterface.TypeArguments[i]; var nativeIntegerTypeArgument = nativeIntegerInterface.TypeArguments[i]; Assert.Equal(underlyingTypeArgument.Equals(underlyingType, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions), nativeIntegerTypeArgument.Equals(nativeIntegerType, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions)); } } } private static void VerifyMembers(INamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, INamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, bool signed) { Assert.Empty(nativeIntegerType.GetTypeMembers()); var nativeIntegerMembers = nativeIntegerType.GetMembers(); var underlyingMembers = underlyingType.GetMembers(); var nativeIntegerMemberNames = nativeIntegerType.MemberNames; AssertEx.Equal(nativeIntegerMembers.SelectAsArray(m => m.Name), nativeIntegerMemberNames); var expectedMembers = underlyingMembers.WhereAsArray(m => includeUnderlyingMember(m)).Sort(SymbolComparison).SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var actualMembers = nativeIntegerMembers.WhereAsArray(m => includeNativeIntegerMember(m)).Sort(SymbolComparison).SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString().Replace(signed ? "nint" : "nuint", signed ? "System.IntPtr" : "System.UIntPtr")); AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); static bool includeUnderlyingMember(ISymbol underlyingMember) { if (underlyingMember.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public) { return false; } switch (underlyingMember.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Method: var method = (IMethodSymbol)underlyingMember; if (method.IsGenericMethod) { return false; } switch (method.MethodKind) { case MethodKind.Ordinary: return !IsSkippedMethodName(method.Name); case MethodKind.PropertyGet: case MethodKind.PropertySet: return includeUnderlyingMember(method.AssociatedSymbol); default: return false; } case SymbolKind.Property: var property = (IPropertySymbol)underlyingMember; return property.Parameters.Length == 0 && !IsSkippedPropertyName(property.Name); default: return false; } } static bool includeNativeIntegerMember(ISymbol nativeIntegerMember) { return !(nativeIntegerMember is IMethodSymbol { MethodKind: MethodKind.Constructor }); } } private static void VerifyTypes(NamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, NamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, bool signed) { VerifyType(underlyingType, signed, isNativeInt: false); VerifyType(nativeIntegerType, signed, isNativeInt: true); Assert.Same(underlyingType.ContainingSymbol, nativeIntegerType.ContainingSymbol); Assert.Same(underlyingType.Name, nativeIntegerType.Name); VerifyMembers(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType, signed); VerifyInterfaces(underlyingType, underlyingType.InterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics(), nativeIntegerType, nativeIntegerType.InterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics()); VerifyInterfaces(underlyingType, underlyingType.GetDeclaredInterfaces(null), nativeIntegerType, nativeIntegerType.GetDeclaredInterfaces(null)); Assert.Null(underlyingType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); Assert.Same(nativeIntegerType, underlyingType.AsNativeInteger()); Assert.Same(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); VerifyEqualButDistinct(underlyingType, underlyingType.AsNativeInteger()); VerifyEqualButDistinct(nativeIntegerType, nativeIntegerType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); VerifyEqualButDistinct(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType); VerifyTypes(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), nativeIntegerType.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } private static void VerifyEqualButDistinct(NamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, NamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType) { Assert.NotSame(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType); Assert.NotEqual(underlyingType, nativeIntegerType); Assert.NotEqual(nativeIntegerType, underlyingType); Assert.False(underlyingType.Equals(nativeIntegerType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)); Assert.False(nativeIntegerType.Equals(underlyingType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)); Assert.True(underlyingType.Equals(nativeIntegerType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNativeIntegers)); Assert.True(nativeIntegerType.Equals(underlyingType, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNativeIntegers)); Assert.Equal(underlyingType.GetHashCode(), nativeIntegerType.GetHashCode()); } private static void VerifyInterfaces(NamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, ImmutableArray underlyingInterfaces, NamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, ImmutableArray nativeIntegerInterfaces) { Assert.Equal(underlyingInterfaces.Length, nativeIntegerInterfaces.Length); for (int i = 0; i < underlyingInterfaces.Length; i++) { verifyInterface(underlyingInterfaces[i], nativeIntegerInterfaces[i]); } void verifyInterface(NamedTypeSymbol underlyingInterface, NamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerInterface) { Assert.True(underlyingInterface.Equals(nativeIntegerInterface, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNativeIntegers)); for (int i = 0; i < underlyingInterface.TypeArgumentsWithAnnotationsNoUseSiteDiagnostics.Length; i++) { var underlyingTypeArgument = underlyingInterface.TypeArgumentsWithAnnotationsNoUseSiteDiagnostics[i].Type; var nativeIntegerTypeArgument = nativeIntegerInterface.TypeArgumentsWithAnnotationsNoUseSiteDiagnostics[i].Type; Assert.Equal(underlyingTypeArgument.Equals(underlyingType, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions), nativeIntegerTypeArgument.Equals(nativeIntegerType, TypeCompareKind.AllIgnoreOptions)); } } } private static void VerifyMembers(NamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, NamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, bool signed) { Assert.Empty(nativeIntegerType.GetTypeMembers()); var nativeIntegerMembers = nativeIntegerType.GetMembers(); var underlyingMembers = underlyingType.GetMembers(); var nativeIntegerMemberNames = nativeIntegerType.MemberNames; AssertEx.Equal(nativeIntegerMembers.SelectAsArray(m => m.Name), nativeIntegerMemberNames); var expectedMembers = underlyingMembers.WhereAsArray(m => includeUnderlyingMember(m)).Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = nativeIntegerMembers.WhereAsArray(m => includeNativeIntegerMember(m)).Sort(SymbolComparison); Assert.Equal(expectedMembers.Length, actualMembers.Length); for (int i = 0; i < expectedMembers.Length; i++) { VerifyMember(actualMembers[i], expectedMembers[i], signed); } static bool includeUnderlyingMember(Symbol underlyingMember) { if (underlyingMember.DeclaredAccessibility != Accessibility.Public) { return false; } switch (underlyingMember.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Method: var method = (MethodSymbol)underlyingMember; if (method.IsGenericMethod) { return false; } switch (method.MethodKind) { case MethodKind.Ordinary: return !IsSkippedMethodName(method.Name); case MethodKind.PropertyGet: case MethodKind.PropertySet: return includeUnderlyingMember(method.AssociatedSymbol); default: return false; } case SymbolKind.Property: var property = (PropertySymbol)underlyingMember; return property.ParameterCount == 0 && !IsSkippedPropertyName(property.Name); default: return false; } } static bool includeNativeIntegerMember(Symbol nativeIntegerMember) { return !(nativeIntegerMember is MethodSymbol { MethodKind: MethodKind.Constructor }); } } private static void VerifyMembers(NamedTypeSymbol type) { var memberNames = type.MemberNames; var allMembers = type.GetMembers(); Assert.Equal(allMembers, type.GetMembers()); // same array foreach (var member in allMembers) { Assert.Contains(member.Name, memberNames); verifyMember(type, member); } var unorderedMembers = type.GetMembersUnordered(); Assert.Equal(allMembers.Length, unorderedMembers.Length); verifyMembers(type, allMembers, unorderedMembers); foreach (var memberName in memberNames) { var members = type.GetMembers(memberName); Assert.False(members.IsDefaultOrEmpty); verifyMembers(type, allMembers, members); } static void verifyMembers(NamedTypeSymbol type, ImmutableArray allMembers, ImmutableArray members) { foreach (var member in members) { Assert.Contains(member, allMembers); verifyMember(type, member); } } static void verifyMember(NamedTypeSymbol type, Symbol member) { Assert.Same(type, member.ContainingSymbol); Assert.Same(type, member.ContainingType); if (member is MethodSymbol method) { var parameters = method.Parameters; Assert.Equal(parameters, method.Parameters); // same array } } } private static void VerifyMembers(INamedTypeSymbol type) { var memberNames = type.MemberNames; var allMembers = type.GetMembers(); Assert.Equal(allMembers, type.GetMembers(), ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance); // same member instances foreach (var member in allMembers) { Assert.Contains(member.Name, memberNames); verifyMember(type, member); } foreach (var memberName in memberNames) { var members = type.GetMembers(memberName); Assert.False(members.IsDefaultOrEmpty); verifyMembers(type, allMembers, members); } static void verifyMembers(INamedTypeSymbol type, ImmutableArray allMembers, ImmutableArray members) { foreach (var member in members) { Assert.Contains(member, allMembers); verifyMember(type, member); } } static void verifyMember(INamedTypeSymbol type, ISymbol member) { Assert.Same(type, member.ContainingSymbol); Assert.Same(type, member.ContainingType); } } private static void VerifyMember(Symbol member, Symbol underlyingMember, bool signed) { var specialType = signed ? SpecialType.System_IntPtr : SpecialType.System_UIntPtr; Assert.Equal(member.Name, underlyingMember.Name); Assert.Equal(member.DeclaredAccessibility, underlyingMember.DeclaredAccessibility); Assert.Equal(member.IsStatic, underlyingMember.IsStatic); Assert.NotEqual(member, underlyingMember); Assert.True(member.Equals(underlyingMember, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNativeIntegers)); Assert.False(member.Equals(underlyingMember, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)); Assert.Same(underlyingMember, getUnderlyingMember(member)); Assert.Equal(member.GetHashCode(), underlyingMember.GetHashCode()); switch (member.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Method: { var method = (MethodSymbol)member; var underlyingMethod = (MethodSymbol)underlyingMember; verifyTypes(method.ReturnTypeWithAnnotations, underlyingMethod.ReturnTypeWithAnnotations); for (int i = 0; i < method.ParameterCount; i++) { VerifyMember(method.Parameters[i], underlyingMethod.Parameters[i], signed); } } break; case SymbolKind.Property: { var property = (PropertySymbol)member; var underlyingProperty = (PropertySymbol)underlyingMember; verifyTypes(property.TypeWithAnnotations, underlyingProperty.TypeWithAnnotations); } break; case SymbolKind.Parameter: { var parameter = (ParameterSymbol)member; var underlyingParameter = (ParameterSymbol)underlyingMember; verifyTypes(parameter.TypeWithAnnotations, underlyingParameter.TypeWithAnnotations); } break; default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(member.Kind); } var explicitImplementations = member.GetExplicitInterfaceImplementations(); Assert.Equal(0, explicitImplementations.Length); void verifyTypes(TypeWithAnnotations fromMember, TypeWithAnnotations fromUnderlyingMember) { Assert.True(fromMember.Equals(fromUnderlyingMember, TypeCompareKind.IgnoreNativeIntegers)); // No use of underlying type in native integer member. Assert.False(containsType(fromMember, useNativeInteger: false)); // No use of native integer in underlying member. Assert.False(containsType(fromUnderlyingMember, useNativeInteger: true)); // Use of underlying type in underlying member should match use of native type in native integer member. Assert.Equal(containsType(fromMember, useNativeInteger: true), containsType(fromUnderlyingMember, useNativeInteger: false)); Assert.NotEqual(containsType(fromMember, useNativeInteger: true), fromMember.Equals(fromUnderlyingMember, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything)); } bool containsType(TypeWithAnnotations type, bool useNativeInteger) { return type.Type.VisitType((type, unused1, unused2) => type.SpecialType == specialType && useNativeInteger == type.IsNativeIntegerType, (object)null) is { }; } static Symbol getUnderlyingMember(Symbol nativeIntegerMember) { switch (nativeIntegerMember.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Method: return ((WrappedMethodSymbol)nativeIntegerMember).UnderlyingMethod; case SymbolKind.Property: return ((WrappedPropertySymbol)nativeIntegerMember).UnderlyingProperty; case SymbolKind.Parameter: return ((WrappedParameterSymbol)nativeIntegerMember).UnderlyingParameter; default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(nativeIntegerMember.Kind); } } } private static bool IsSkippedMethodName(string name) { switch (name) { case "Add": case "Subtract": case "ToInt32": case "ToInt64": case "ToUInt32": case "ToUInt64": case "ToPointer": return true; default: return false; } } private static bool IsSkippedPropertyName(string name) { switch (name) { case "Size": return true; default: return false; } } private static int SymbolComparison(Symbol x, Symbol y) => SymbolComparison(x.ToTestDisplayString(), y.ToTestDisplayString()); private static int SymbolComparison(ISymbol x, ISymbol y) => SymbolComparison(x.ToTestDisplayString(), y.ToTestDisplayString()); private static int SymbolComparison(string x, string y) { return string.CompareOrdinal(normalizeDisplayString(x), normalizeDisplayString(y)); static string normalizeDisplayString(string s) => s.Replace("System.IntPtr", "nint").Replace("System.UIntPtr", "nuint"); } [Fact] public void MissingTypes() { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } }"; var sourceB = @"interface I { void F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y); void F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y); }"; var diagnostics = new[] { // (3,20): error CS0234: The underlyingType or namespace name 'IntPtr' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?) // void F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInNS, "IntPtr").WithArguments("IntPtr", "System").WithLocation(3, 20), // (3,30): error CS0518: Predefined underlyingType 'System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported // void F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "nint").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(3, 30), // (4,20): error CS0234: The underlyingType or namespace name 'UIntPtr' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?) // void F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DottedTypeNameNotFoundInNS, "UIntPtr").WithArguments("UIntPtr", "System").WithLocation(4, 20), // (4,31): error CS0518: Predefined underlyingType 'System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported // void F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "nuint").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(4, 31) }; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); verify(comp); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); verify(comp); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); verify(comp); static void verify(CSharpCompilation comp) { var method = comp.GetMember("I.F1"); Assert.Equal("void I.F1(System.IntPtr x, nint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); VerifyErrorTypes((NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[0].Type, (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[1].Type, signed: true); method = comp.GetMember("I.F2"); Assert.Equal("void I.F2(System.UIntPtr x, nuint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); VerifyErrorTypes((NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[0].Type, (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[1].Type, signed: false); } } private static void VerifyErrorType(NamedTypeSymbol type, SpecialType specialType, bool isNativeInt) { Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, type.Kind); Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Error, type.TypeKind); Assert.Equal(isNativeInt, type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.Equal(specialType, type.SpecialType); } private static void VerifyErrorType(INamedTypeSymbol type, SpecialType specialType, bool isNativeInt) { Assert.Equal(SymbolKind.ErrorType, type.Kind); Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Error, type.TypeKind); Assert.Equal(isNativeInt, type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.Equal(specialType, type.SpecialType); } private static void VerifyErrorTypes(NamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, NamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, bool signed) { var specialType = signed ? SpecialType.System_IntPtr : SpecialType.System_UIntPtr; VerifyErrorType(underlyingType, SpecialType.None, isNativeInt: false); VerifyErrorType(nativeIntegerType, specialType, isNativeInt: true); Assert.Null(underlyingType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); VerifyErrorType(nativeIntegerType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType, specialType, isNativeInt: false); VerifyEqualButDistinct(nativeIntegerType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType, nativeIntegerType); VerifyErrorTypes(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), nativeIntegerType.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } private static void VerifyErrorTypes(INamedTypeSymbol underlyingType, INamedTypeSymbol nativeIntegerType, bool signed) { var specialType = signed ? SpecialType.System_IntPtr : SpecialType.System_UIntPtr; VerifyErrorType(underlyingType, SpecialType.None, isNativeInt: false); VerifyErrorType(nativeIntegerType, specialType, isNativeInt: true); Assert.Null(underlyingType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); VerifyErrorType(nativeIntegerType.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType, specialType, isNativeInt: false); } [Fact] public void Retargeting_01() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static nint F1 = int.MinValue; public static nuint F2 = int.MaxValue; public static nint F3 = -1; public static nuint F4 = 1; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Mscorlib40); var refA = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var typeA = comp.GetMember("A.F1").Type; var corLibA = comp.Assembly.CorLibrary; Assert.Equal(corLibA, typeA.ContainingAssembly); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine(""{0}, {1}, {2}, {3}"", F1, F2, F3, F4); } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Mscorlib45); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: $"{int.MinValue}, {int.MaxValue}, -1, 1"); var corLibB = comp.Assembly.CorLibrary; Assert.NotEqual(corLibA, corLibB); var f1 = comp.GetMember("A.F1"); verifyField(f1, "nint A.F1", corLibB); var f2 = comp.GetMember("A.F2"); verifyField(f2, "nuint A.F2", corLibB); var f3 = comp.GetMember("A.F3"); verifyField(f3, "nint A.F3", corLibB); var f4 = comp.GetMember("A.F4"); verifyField(f4, "nuint A.F4", corLibB); Assert.Same(f1.Type, f3.Type); Assert.Same(f2.Type, f4.Type); static void verifyField(FieldSymbol field, string expectedSymbol, AssemblySymbol expectedAssembly) { Assert.IsType(field); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, field.ToTestDisplayString()); var type = (NamedTypeSymbol)field.Type; Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.IsType(type); Assert.Equal(expectedAssembly, type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType.ContainingAssembly); } } [Fact] public void Retargeting_02() { var source1 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr { } public struct UIntPtr { } }"; var assemblyName = GetUniqueName(); var comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity(assemblyName, new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { source1 }, references: null); var ref1 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var sourceA = @"public class A { public static nint F1 = -1; public static nuint F2 = 1; public static nint F3 = -2; public static nuint F4 = 2; }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var typeA = comp.GetMember("A.F1").Type; var corLibA = comp.Assembly.CorLibrary; Assert.Equal(corLibA, typeA.ContainingAssembly); var source2 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity(assemblyName, new Version(2, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { source2 }, references: null); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { _ = F1; _ = F2; } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2, refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported // _ = F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "F1").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported // _ = F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "F2").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(6, 13)); var corLibB = comp.Assembly.CorLibrary; Assert.NotEqual(corLibA, corLibB); var f1 = comp.GetMember("A.F1"); verifyField(f1, "nint A.F1", corLibB); var f2 = comp.GetMember("A.F2"); verifyField(f2, "nuint A.F2", corLibB); var f3 = comp.GetMember("A.F3"); verifyField(f3, "nint A.F3", corLibB); var f4 = comp.GetMember("A.F4"); verifyField(f4, "nuint A.F4", corLibB); // MissingMetadataTypeSymbol.TopLevel instances are not reused. Assert.Equal(f1.Type, f3.Type); Assert.NotSame(f1.Type, f3.Type); Assert.Equal(f2.Type, f4.Type); Assert.NotSame(f2.Type, f4.Type); static void verifyField(FieldSymbol field, string expectedSymbol, AssemblySymbol expectedAssembly) { Assert.IsType(field); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, field.ToTestDisplayString()); var type = (NamedTypeSymbol)field.Type; Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.IsType(type); Assert.Equal(expectedAssembly, type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType.ContainingAssembly); } } [Fact] public void Retargeting_03() { var source1 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } }"; var assemblyName = GetUniqueName(); var comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity(assemblyName, new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { source1 }, references: null); var ref1 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var sourceA = @"public class A { public static nint F1 = -1; public static nuint F2 = 1; }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (3,19): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported // public static nint F1 = -1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "nint").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(3, 19), // (4,19): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported // public static nuint F2 = 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "nuint").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(4, 19)); var refA = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var typeA = comp.GetMember("A.F1").Type; var corLibA = comp.Assembly.CorLibrary; Assert.Equal(corLibA, typeA.ContainingAssembly); var source2 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr { } public struct UIntPtr { } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity(assemblyName, new Version(2, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { source2 }, references: null); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { _ = F1; _ = F2; } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2, refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported // _ = F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "F1").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.UIntPtr' is not defined or imported // _ = F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "F2").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(6, 13)); var corLibB = comp.Assembly.CorLibrary; Assert.NotEqual(corLibA, corLibB); var f1 = comp.GetMember("A.F1"); verifyField(f1, "nint A.F1", corLibA); var f2 = comp.GetMember("A.F2"); verifyField(f2, "nuint A.F2", corLibA); static void verifyField(FieldSymbol field, string expectedSymbol, AssemblySymbol expectedAssembly) { Assert.IsType(field); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, field.ToTestDisplayString()); var type = (NamedTypeSymbol)field.Type; Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.IsType(type); Assert.Equal(expectedAssembly, type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType.ContainingAssembly); } } [Fact] public void Retargeting_04() { var sourceA = @"public class A { }"; var assemblyName = GetUniqueName(); var references = TargetFrameworkUtil.GetReferences(TargetFramework.Standard).ToArray(); var comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity(assemblyName, new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { sourceA }, references: references); var refA1 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity(assemblyName, new Version(2, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { sourceA }, references: references); var refA2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var sourceB = @"public class B { public static A F0 = new A(); public static nint F1 = int.MinValue; public static nuint F2 = int.MaxValue; public static nint F3 = -1; public static nuint F4 = 1; }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Standard); var refB = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var f0B = comp.GetMember("B.F0"); var t1B = comp.GetMember("B.F1").Type; var t2B = comp.GetMember("B.F2").Type; var sourceC = @"class C : B { static void Main() { _ = F0; _ = F1; _ = F2; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceC, references: new[] { refA2, refB }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, targetFramework: TargetFramework.Standard); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var f0 = comp.GetMember("B.F0"); Assert.NotEqual(f0B.Type.ContainingAssembly, f0.Type.ContainingAssembly); Assert.IsType(f0); var f1 = comp.GetMember("B.F1"); verifyField(f1, "nint B.F1"); var f2 = comp.GetMember("B.F2"); verifyField(f2, "nuint B.F2"); var f3 = comp.GetMember("B.F3"); verifyField(f3, "nint B.F3"); var f4 = comp.GetMember("B.F4"); verifyField(f4, "nuint B.F4"); Assert.Same(t1B, f1.Type); Assert.Same(t2B, f2.Type); Assert.Same(f1.Type, f3.Type); Assert.Same(f2.Type, f4.Type); static void verifyField(FieldSymbol field, string expectedSymbol) { Assert.IsType(field); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, field.ToTestDisplayString()); var type = (NamedTypeSymbol)field.Type; Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.IsType(type); } } [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void Retargeting_05(bool useCompilationReference) { var source1 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Enum { } public class Attribute { } public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute { public AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets validOn) { } public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; } public bool Inherited { get; set; } } public enum AttributeTargets { } public struct IntPtr { } public struct UIntPtr { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity("9ef8b1e0-1ae0-4af6-b9a1-00f2078f299e", new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { source1 }, references: null); var ref1 = comp.EmitToImageReference(EmitOptions.Default.WithRuntimeMetadataVersion("")); var sourceA = @"public abstract class A { public abstract void F() where U : T; } public class B : A { public override void F() { } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var type1 = getConstraintType(comp); Assert.True(type1.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.False(type1.IsErrorType()); var sourceB = @"class C : B { }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (1,7): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.Void' is not defined or imported // class C : B Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "C").WithArguments("System.Void").WithLocation(1, 7), // (1,11): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.IntPtr' is not defined or imported // class C : B Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "B").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(1, 11), // (1,11): error CS0012: The type 'Object' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly '9ef8b1e0-1ae0-4af6-b9a1-00f2078f299e, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. // class C : B Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoTypeDef, "B").WithArguments("System.Object", "9ef8b1e0-1ae0-4af6-b9a1-00f2078f299e, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null").WithLocation(1, 11)); var type2 = getConstraintType(comp); Assert.True(type2.ContainingAssembly.IsMissing); Assert.False(type2.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.True(type2.IsErrorType()); static TypeSymbol getConstraintType(CSharpCompilation comp) => comp.GetMember("B.F").TypeParameters[0].ConstraintTypesNoUseSiteDiagnostics[0].Type; } [Fact] public void Retargeting_06() { var source1 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public class IntPtr { } public class UIntPtr { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(new AssemblyIdentity("c804cc09-8f73-44a1-9cfe-9567bed1def6", new Version(1, 0, 0, 0)), new[] { source1 }, references: null); var ref1 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var sourceA = @"public class A : nint { }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var typeA = comp.GetMember("A").BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics; Assert.True(typeA.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.False(typeA.IsErrorType()); var sourceB = @"class B : A { }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (1,7): error CS0518: Predefined type 'System.Void' is not defined or imported // class B : A Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_PredefinedTypeNotFound, "B").WithArguments("System.Void").WithLocation(1, 7), // (1,11): error CS0012: The type 'IntPtr' is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must add a reference to assembly 'c804cc09-8f73-44a1-9cfe-9567bed1def6, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. // class B : A Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoTypeDef, "A").WithArguments("System.IntPtr", "c804cc09-8f73-44a1-9cfe-9567bed1def6, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null").WithLocation(1, 11)); var typeB = comp.GetMember("A").BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics; Assert.True(typeB.ContainingAssembly.IsMissing); Assert.False(typeB.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.True(typeB.IsErrorType()); } [Fact] public void Interfaces() { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public interface ISerializable { } public interface IEquatable { bool Equals(T other); } public interface IOther { } public struct IntPtr : ISerializable, IEquatable, IOther { bool IEquatable.Equals(IntPtr other) => false; } }"; var sourceB = @"using System; class Program { static void F0(ISerializable i) { } static object F1(IEquatable i) => default; static void F2(IEquatable i) { } static void F3(IOther i) { } static void Main() { nint n = 42; F0(n); F1(n); F2(n); F3(n); F3(n); F3((IntPtr)n); } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void IEquatable() { // Minimal definitions. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: true, @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public interface IEquatable { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable in global namespace. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"public interface IEquatable { } namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable in other namespace. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"namespace Other { public interface IEquatable { } } namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr : Other.IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : Other.IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable nested in "System" type. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public class System { public interface IEquatable { } } public struct IntPtr : System.IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : System.IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable nested in other type. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public class Other { public interface IEquatable { } } public struct IntPtr : Other.IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : Other.IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public interface IEquatable { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public interface IEquatable { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable and IEquatable verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public interface IEquatable { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable and IEquatable. verifyAll(includesIEquatable: false, @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public interface IEquatable { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }"); // IEquatable and IEquatable. var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation( @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Enum { } public class Attribute { } public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute { public AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets validOn) { } public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; } public bool Inherited { get; set; } } public enum AttributeTargets { } public interface IEquatable { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }", parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); verifyReference(comp.EmitToImageReference(EmitOptions.Default.WithRuntimeMetadataVersion("")), includesIEquatable: true); // IEquatable and IEquatable. comp = CreateEmptyCompilation( @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Enum { } public class Attribute { } public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute { public AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets validOn) { } public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; } public bool Inherited { get; set; } } public enum AttributeTargets { } public interface IEquatable { } public struct IntPtr : IEquatable { } public struct UIntPtr : IEquatable { } }", parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); verifyReference(comp.EmitToImageReference(EmitOptions.Default.WithRuntimeMetadataVersion("")), includesIEquatable: false); static void verifyAll(bool includesIEquatable, string sourceA) { var sourceB = @"interface I { nint F1(); nuint F2(); }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyCompilation(comp, includesIEquatable); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyCompilation(comp, includesIEquatable); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyCompilation(comp, includesIEquatable); } static void verifyReference(MetadataReference reference, bool includesIEquatable) { var sourceB = @"interface I { nint F1(); nuint F2(); }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { reference }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyCompilation(comp, includesIEquatable); } static void verifyCompilation(CSharpCompilation comp, bool includesIEquatable) { verifyInterfaces(comp, (NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("I.F1").ReturnType, SpecialType.System_IntPtr, includesIEquatable); verifyInterfaces(comp, (NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("I.F2").ReturnType, SpecialType.System_UIntPtr, includesIEquatable); } static void verifyInterfaces(CSharpCompilation comp, NamedTypeSymbol type, SpecialType specialType, bool includesIEquatable) { var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.Equal(specialType, underlyingType.SpecialType); var interfaces = type.InterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics(null); Assert.Equal(interfaces, type.GetDeclaredInterfaces(null)); VerifyInterfaces(underlyingType, underlyingType.InterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics(null), type, interfaces); Assert.Equal(1, interfaces.Length); if (includesIEquatable) { var @interface = interfaces.Single(); var def = comp.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_IEquatable_T); Assert.NotNull(def); Assert.Equal(def, @interface.OriginalDefinition); Assert.Equal(type, @interface.TypeArgumentsWithAnnotationsNoUseSiteDiagnostics[0].Type); } } } [Fact] public void CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol_FromMetadata() { var comp = CreateCompilation(""); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); VerifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(comp); } [Fact] public void CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol_FromSource() { var source0 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr { } public struct UIntPtr { } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(source0, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); VerifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(comp); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation("", references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); VerifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(comp); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation("", references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); VerifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(comp); } private static void VerifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(CSharpCompilation comp) { verifyInternalType(comp, signed: true); verifyInternalType(comp, signed: false); verifyPublicType(comp, signed: true); verifyPublicType(comp, signed: false); static void verifyInternalType(CSharpCompilation comp, bool signed) { var type = comp.CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(signed); VerifyType(type, signed, isNativeInt: true); } static void verifyPublicType(Compilation comp, bool signed) { var type = comp.CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(signed); VerifyType(type, signed, isNativeInt: true); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; Assert.NotNull(underlyingType); Assert.Equal(CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated, underlyingType.NullableAnnotation); Assert.Same(underlyingType, ((INamedTypeSymbol)type.WithNullableAnnotation(CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation.None)).NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); Assert.Same(underlyingType, ((INamedTypeSymbol)type.WithNullableAnnotation(CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation.Annotated)).NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); Assert.Same(underlyingType, ((INamedTypeSymbol)type.WithNullableAnnotation(CodeAnalysis.NullableAnnotation.NotAnnotated)).NativeIntegerUnderlyingType); } } [Fact] public void CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol_Missing() { var source0 = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(source0, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(comp); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation("", references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(comp); comp = CreateEmptyCompilation("", references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(comp); static void verifyCreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(CSharpCompilation comp) { VerifyErrorType(comp.CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(signed: true), SpecialType.System_IntPtr, isNativeInt: true); VerifyErrorType(comp.CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(signed: false), SpecialType.System_UIntPtr, isNativeInt: true); VerifyErrorType(((Compilation)comp).CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(signed: true), SpecialType.System_IntPtr, isNativeInt: true); VerifyErrorType(((Compilation)comp).CreateNativeIntegerTypeSymbol(signed: false), SpecialType.System_UIntPtr, isNativeInt: true); } } /// /// Static members Zero, Size, Add(), Subtract() are explicitly excluded from nint and nuint. /// Other static members are implicitly included on nint and nuint. /// [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void StaticMembers(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr { public static readonly IntPtr Zero; public static int Size => 0; public static IntPtr MaxValue => default; public static IntPtr MinValue => default; public static IntPtr Add(IntPtr ptr, int offset) => default; public static IntPtr Subtract(IntPtr ptr, int offset) => default; public static IntPtr Parse(string s) => default; public static bool TryParse(string s, out IntPtr value) { value = default; return false; } } public struct UIntPtr { public static readonly UIntPtr Zero; public static int Size => 0; public static UIntPtr MaxValue => default; public static UIntPtr MinValue => default; public static UIntPtr Add(UIntPtr ptr, int offset) => default; public static UIntPtr Subtract(UIntPtr ptr, int offset) => default; public static UIntPtr Parse(string s) => default; public static bool TryParse(string s, out UIntPtr value) { value = default; return false; } } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class Program { static nint F1() { _ = nint.Zero; _ = nint.Size; var x1 = nint.MaxValue; var x2 = nint.MinValue; _ = nint.Add(x1, 2); _ = nint.Subtract(x1, 3); var x3 = nint.Parse(null); _ = nint.TryParse(null, out var x4); return 0; } static nuint F2() { _ = nuint.Zero; _ = nuint.Size; var y1 = nuint.MaxValue; var y2 = nuint.MinValue; _ = nuint.Add(y1, 2); _ = nuint.Subtract(y1, 3); var y3 = nuint.Parse(null); _ = nuint.TryParse(null, out var y4); return 0; } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,18): error CS0117: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'Zero' // _ = nint.Zero; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Zero").WithArguments("nint", "Zero").WithLocation(5, 18), // (6,18): error CS0117: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'Size' // _ = nint.Size; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Size").WithArguments("nint", "Size").WithLocation(6, 18), // (9,18): error CS0117: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'Add' // _ = nint.Add(x1, x2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Add").WithArguments("nint", "Add").WithLocation(9, 18), // (10,18): error CS0117: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'Subtract' // _ = nint.Subtract(x1, x2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Subtract").WithArguments("nint", "Subtract").WithLocation(10, 18), // (17,19): error CS0117: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'Zero' // _ = nuint.Zero; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Zero").WithArguments("nuint", "Zero").WithLocation(17, 19), // (18,19): error CS0117: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'Size' // _ = nuint.Size; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Size").WithArguments("nuint", "Size").WithLocation(18, 19), // (21,19): error CS0117: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'Add' // _ = nuint.Add(y1, y2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Add").WithArguments("nuint", "Add").WithLocation(21, 19), // (22,19): error CS0117: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'Subtract' // _ = nuint.Subtract(y1, y2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "Subtract").WithArguments("nuint", "Subtract").WithLocation(22, 19)); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F1").ReturnType, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F2").ReturnType, signed: false); var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var actualLocals = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType().Select(d => model.GetDeclaredSymbol(d).ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedLocals = new[] { "nint x1", "nint x2", "nint x3", "nuint y1", "nuint y2", "nuint y3", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedLocals, actualLocals); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"System.Boolean {type}.TryParse(System.String s, out {type} value)", $"{type} {type}.MaxValue {{ get; }}", $"{type} {type}.MaxValue.get", $"{type} {type}.MinValue {{ get; }}", $"{type} {type}.MinValue.get", $"{type} {type}.Parse(System.String s)", $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); var property = (PropertySymbol)members.Single(m => m.Name == "MaxValue"); var getMethod = (MethodSymbol)members.Single(m => m.Name == "get_MaxValue"); Assert.Same(getMethod, property.GetMethod); Assert.Null(property.SetMethod); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } /// /// Instance members ToInt32(), ToInt64(), ToPointer() are explicitly excluded from nint and nuint. /// Other instance members are implicitly included on nint and nuint. /// [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void InstanceMembers(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Int64 { } public struct UInt32 { } public struct UInt64 { } public interface IFormatProvider { } public struct IntPtr { public int ToInt32() => default; public long ToInt64() => default; public uint ToUInt32() => default; public ulong ToUInt64() => default; unsafe public void* ToPointer() => default; public int CompareTo(object other) => default; public int CompareTo(IntPtr other) => default; public bool Equals(IntPtr other) => default; public string ToString(string format) => default; public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider) => default; public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider) => default; } public struct UIntPtr { public int ToInt32() => default; public long ToInt64() => default; public uint ToUInt32() => default; public ulong ToUInt64() => default; unsafe public void* ToPointer() => default; public int CompareTo(object other) => default; public int CompareTo(UIntPtr other) => default; public bool Equals(UIntPtr other) => default; public string ToString(string format) => default; public string ToString(IFormatProvider provider) => default; public string ToString(string format, IFormatProvider provider) => default; } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"using System; class Program { unsafe static void F1(nint i) { _ = i.ToInt32(); _ = i.ToInt64(); _ = i.ToUInt32(); _ = i.ToUInt64(); _ = i.ToPointer(); _ = i.CompareTo(null); _ = i.CompareTo(i); _ = i.Equals(i); _ = i.ToString((string)null); _ = i.ToString((IFormatProvider)null); _ = i.ToString((string)null, (IFormatProvider)null); } unsafe static void F2(nuint u) { _ = u.ToInt32(); _ = u.ToInt64(); _ = u.ToUInt32(); _ = u.ToUInt64(); _ = u.ToPointer(); _ = u.CompareTo(null); _ = u.CompareTo(u); _ = u.Equals(u); _ = u.ToString((string)null); _ = u.ToString((IFormatProvider)null); _ = u.ToString((string)null, (IFormatProvider)null); } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (6,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'ToInt32' and no accessible extension method 'ToInt32' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = i.ToInt32(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToInt32").WithArguments("nint", "ToInt32").WithLocation(6, 15), // (7,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'ToInt64' and no accessible extension method 'ToInt64' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = i.ToInt64(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToInt64").WithArguments("nint", "ToInt64").WithLocation(7, 15), // (8,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'ToUInt32' and no accessible extension method 'ToUInt32' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = i.ToUInt32(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToUInt32").WithArguments("nint", "ToUInt32").WithLocation(8, 15), // (9,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'ToUInt64' and no accessible extension method 'ToUInt64' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = i.ToUInt64(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToUInt64").WithArguments("nint", "ToUInt64").WithLocation(9, 15), // (10,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'ToPointer' and no accessible extension method 'ToPointer' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = i.ToPointer(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToPointer").WithArguments("nint", "ToPointer").WithLocation(10, 15), // (20,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'ToInt32' and no accessible extension method 'ToInt32' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = u.ToInt32(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToInt32").WithArguments("nuint", "ToInt32").WithLocation(20, 15), // (21,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'ToInt64' and no accessible extension method 'ToInt64' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = u.ToInt64(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToInt64").WithArguments("nuint", "ToInt64").WithLocation(21, 15), // (22,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'ToUInt32' and no accessible extension method 'ToUInt32' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = u.ToUInt32(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToUInt32").WithArguments("nuint", "ToUInt32").WithLocation(22, 15), // (23,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'ToUInt64' and no accessible extension method 'ToUInt64' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = u.ToUInt64(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToUInt64").WithArguments("nuint", "ToUInt64").WithLocation(23, 15), // (24,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'ToPointer' and no accessible extension method 'ToPointer' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = u.ToPointer(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "ToPointer").WithArguments("nuint", "ToPointer").WithLocation(24, 15)); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"System.Boolean {type}.Equals({type} other)", $"System.Int32 {type}.CompareTo(System.Object other)", $"System.Int32 {type}.CompareTo({type} other)", $"System.String {type}.ToString(System.IFormatProvider provider)", $"System.String {type}.ToString(System.String format)", $"System.String {type}.ToString(System.String format, System.IFormatProvider provider)", $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } /// /// Instance members ToInt32(), ToInt64(), ToPointer() are explicitly excluded from nint and nuint. /// Other instance members are implicitly included on nint and nuint. /// [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void ConstructorsAndOperators(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Int64 { } public struct UInt32 { } public struct UInt64 { } public unsafe struct IntPtr { public IntPtr(int i) { } public IntPtr(long l) { } public IntPtr(void* p) { } public static explicit operator IntPtr(int i) => default; public static explicit operator IntPtr(long l) => default; public static explicit operator IntPtr(void* p) => default; public static explicit operator int(IntPtr i) => default; public static explicit operator long(IntPtr i) => default; public static explicit operator void*(IntPtr i) => default; public static IntPtr operator+(IntPtr x, int y) => default; public static IntPtr operator-(IntPtr x, int y) => default; public static bool operator==(IntPtr x, IntPtr y) => default; public static bool operator!=(IntPtr x, IntPtr y) => default; } public unsafe struct UIntPtr { public UIntPtr(uint i) { } public UIntPtr(ulong l) { } public UIntPtr(void* p) { } public static explicit operator UIntPtr(uint i) => default; public static explicit operator UIntPtr(ulong l) => default; public static explicit operator UIntPtr(void* p) => default; public static explicit operator uint(UIntPtr i) => default; public static explicit operator ulong(UIntPtr i) => default; public static explicit operator void*(UIntPtr i) => default; public static UIntPtr operator+(UIntPtr x, int y) => default; public static UIntPtr operator-(UIntPtr x, int y) => default; public static bool operator==(UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y) => default; public static bool operator!=(UIntPtr x, UIntPtr y) => default; } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (12,26): warning CS0660: 'IntPtr' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals(object o) // public unsafe struct IntPtr Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_EqualityOpWithoutEquals, "IntPtr").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(12, 26), // (12,26): warning CS0661: 'IntPtr' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.GetHashCode() // public unsafe struct IntPtr Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_EqualityOpWithoutGetHashCode, "IntPtr").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(12, 26), // (28,26): warning CS0660: 'UIntPtr' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals(object o) // public unsafe struct UIntPtr Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_EqualityOpWithoutEquals, "UIntPtr").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(28, 26), // (28,26): warning CS0661: 'UIntPtr' defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.GetHashCode() // public unsafe struct UIntPtr Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_EqualityOpWithoutGetHashCode, "UIntPtr").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(28, 26)); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class Program { unsafe static void F1(nint x, nint y) { void* p = default; _ = new nint(); _ = new nint(1); _ = new nint(2L); _ = new nint(p); _ = (nint)1; _ = (nint)2L; _ = (nint)p; _ = (int)x; _ = (long)x; _ = (void*)x; _ = x + 1; _ = x - 2; _ = x == y; _ = x != y; } unsafe static void F2(nuint x, nuint y) { void* p = default; _ = new nuint(); _ = new nuint(1); _ = new nuint(2UL); _ = new nuint(p); _ = (nuint)1; _ = (nuint)2UL; _ = (nuint)p; _ = (uint)x; _ = (ulong)x; _ = (void*)x; _ = x + 1; _ = x - 2; _ = x == y; _ = x != y; } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (7,17): error CS1729: 'nint' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments // _ = new nint(1); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, "nint").WithArguments("nint", "1").WithLocation(7, 17), // (8,17): error CS1729: 'nint' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments // _ = new nint(2L); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, "nint").WithArguments("nint", "1").WithLocation(8, 17), // (9,17): error CS1729: 'nint' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments // _ = new nint(p); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, "nint").WithArguments("nint", "1").WithLocation(9, 17), // (25,17): error CS1729: 'nuint' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments // _ = new nuint(1); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, "nuint").WithArguments("nuint", "1").WithLocation(25, 17), // (26,17): error CS1729: 'nuint' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments // _ = new nuint(2UL); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, "nuint").WithArguments("nuint", "1").WithLocation(26, 17), // (27,17): error CS1729: 'nuint' does not contain a constructor that takes 1 arguments // _ = new nuint(p); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, "nuint").WithArguments("nuint", "1").WithLocation(27, 17)); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } /// /// Overrides from IntPtr and UIntPtr are implicitly included on nint and nuint. /// [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void OverriddenMembers(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { public virtual string ToString() => null; public virtual int GetHashCode() => 0; public virtual bool Equals(object obj) => false; } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { public override string ToString() => null; public override int GetHashCode() => 0; public override bool Equals(object obj) => false; } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr { public override string ToString() => null; public override int GetHashCode() => 0; public override bool Equals(object obj) => false; } public struct UIntPtr { public override string ToString() => null; public override int GetHashCode() => 0; public override bool Equals(object obj) => false; } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class Program { static void F1(nint x, nint y) { _ = x.ToString(); _ = x.GetHashCode(); _ = x.Equals(y); } static void F2(nuint x, nuint y) { _ = x.ToString(); _ = x.GetHashCode(); _ = x.Equals(y); } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"System.Boolean {type}.Equals(System.Object obj)", $"System.Int32 {type}.GetHashCode()", $"System.String {type}.ToString()", $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void ExplicitImplementations_01(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Int64 { } public struct UInt32 { } public struct UInt64 { } public interface I { T P { get; } T F(); } public struct IntPtr : I { IntPtr I.P => this; IntPtr I.F() => this; } public struct UIntPtr : I { UIntPtr I.P => this; UIntPtr I.F() => this; } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"using System; class Program { static T F1(I t) { return default; } static I F2(I t) { return t; } static void M1(nint x) { var x1 = F1(x); var x2 = F2(x).P; _ = x.P; _ = x.F(); } static void M2(nuint y) { var y1 = F1(y); var y2 = F2(y).P; _ = y.P; _ = y.F(); } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (16,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'P' and no accessible extension method 'P' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = x.P; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "P").WithArguments("nint", "P").WithLocation(16, 15), // (17,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'F' and no accessible extension method 'F' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = x.F(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "F").WithArguments("nint", "F").WithLocation(17, 15), // (23,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'P' and no accessible extension method 'P' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = y.P; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "P").WithArguments("nuint", "P").WithLocation(23, 15), // (24,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'F' and no accessible extension method 'F' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = y.F(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "F").WithArguments("nuint", "F").WithLocation(24, 15)); var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var actualLocals = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType().Select(d => model.GetDeclaredSymbol(d).ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedLocals = new[] { "nint x1", "nint x2", "nuint y1", "nuint y2", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedLocals, actualLocals); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.M1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.M2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } [Fact] public void ExplicitImplementations_02() { var sourceA = @"Namespace System Public Class [Object] End Class Public Class [String] End Class Public MustInherit Class ValueType End Class Public Structure Void End Structure Public Structure [Boolean] End Structure Public Structure Int32 End Structure Public Structure Int64 End Structure Public Structure UInt32 End Structure Public Structure UInt64 End Structure Public Interface I(Of T) ReadOnly Property P As T Function F() As T End Interface Public Structure IntPtr Implements I(Of IntPtr) Public ReadOnly Property P As IntPtr Implements I(Of IntPtr).P Get Return Nothing End Get End Property Public Function F() As IntPtr Implements I(Of IntPtr).F Return Nothing End Function End Structure Public Structure UIntPtr Implements I(Of UIntPtr) Public ReadOnly Property P As UIntPtr Implements I(Of UIntPtr).P Get Return Nothing End Get End Property Public Function F() As UIntPtr Implements I(Of UIntPtr).F Return Nothing End Function End Structure End Namespace"; var compA = CreateVisualBasicCompilation(sourceA, referencedAssemblies: Array.Empty()); compA.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = compA.EmitToImageReference(); var sourceB = @"using System; class Program { static T F1(I t) { return default; } static I F2(I t) { return t; } static void M1(nint x) { var x1 = F1(x); var x2 = F2(x).P; _ = x.P; _ = x.F(); } static void M2(nuint y) { var y1 = F1(y); var y2 = F2(y).P; _ = y.P; _ = y.F(); } }"; var compB = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); compB.VerifyDiagnostics(); var tree = compB.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = compB.GetSemanticModel(tree); var actualLocals = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType().Select(d => model.GetDeclaredSymbol(d).ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedLocals = new[] { "nint x1", "nint x2", "nuint y1", "nuint y2", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedLocals, actualLocals); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)compB.GetMember("Program.M1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)compB.GetMember("Program.M2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); foreach (var member in members) { Assert.True(member.GetExplicitInterfaceImplementations().IsEmpty); } var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"{type} {type}.F()", $"{type} {type}.P {{ get; }}", $"{type} {type}.P.get", $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } [Fact] public void NonPublicMembers_InternalUse() { var source = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr { private static IntPtr F1() => default; internal IntPtr F2() => default; public static IntPtr F3() { nint i = 0; _ = nint.F1(); _ = i.F2(); return nint.F3(); } } public struct UIntPtr { private static UIntPtr F1() => default; internal UIntPtr F2() => default; public static UIntPtr F3() { nuint i = 0; _ = nuint.F1(); _ = i.F2(); return nuint.F3(); } } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (16,22): error CS0117: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'F1' // _ = nint.F1(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "F1").WithArguments("nint", "F1").WithLocation(16, 22), // (17,19): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'F2' and no accessible extension method 'F2' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = i.F2(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "F2").WithArguments("nint", "F2").WithLocation(17, 19), // (28,23): error CS0117: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'F1' // _ = nuint.F1(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "F1").WithArguments("nuint", "F1").WithLocation(28, 23), // (29,19): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'F2' and no accessible extension method 'F2' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = i.F2(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "F2").WithArguments("nuint", "F2").WithLocation(29, 19)); } [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void NonPublicMembers(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct IntPtr { private static IntPtr F1() => default; internal IntPtr F2() => default; public static IntPtr F3() => default; } public struct UIntPtr { private static UIntPtr F1() => default; internal UIntPtr F2() => default; public static UIntPtr F3() => default; } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class Program { static void F1(nint x) { _ = nint.F1(); _ = x.F2(); _ = nint.F3(); } static void F2(nuint y) { _ = nuint.F1(); _ = y.F2(); _ = nuint.F3(); } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,18): error CS0117: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'F1' // _ = nint.F1(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "F1").WithArguments("nint", "F1").WithLocation(5, 18), // (6,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'F2' and no accessible extension method 'F2' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = x.F2(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "F2").WithArguments("nint", "F2").WithLocation(6, 15), // (11,19): error CS0117: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'F1' // _ = nuint.F1(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, "F1").WithArguments("nuint", "F1").WithLocation(11, 19), // (12,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'F2' and no accessible extension method 'F2' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = y.F2(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "F2").WithArguments("nuint", "F2").WithLocation(12, 15)); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"{type} {type}.F3()", $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void OtherMembers(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Int64 { } public struct UInt32 { } public struct UInt64 { } public struct IntPtr { public static T M(T t) => t; public IntPtr this[int index] => default; } public struct UIntPtr { public static T M(T t) => t; public UIntPtr this[int index] => default; } public class Attribute { } } namespace System.Reflection { public class DefaultMemberAttribute : Attribute { public DefaultMemberAttribute(string member) { } } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class Program { static void F1(nint x) { _ = x.M(); _ = x[0]; } static void F2(nuint y) { _ = y.M(); _ = y[0]; } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,15): error CS1061: 'nint' does not contain a definition for 'M' and no accessible extension method 'M' accepting a first argument of type 'nint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = x.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "M").WithArguments("nint", "M").WithLocation(5, 15), // (6,13): error CS0021: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'nint' // _ = x[0]; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadIndexLHS, "x[0]").WithArguments("nint").WithLocation(6, 13), // (10,15): error CS1061: 'nuint' does not contain a definition for 'M' and no accessible extension method 'M' accepting a first argument of type 'nuint' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) // _ = y.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, "M").WithArguments("nuint", "M").WithLocation(10, 15), // (11,13): error CS0021: Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type 'nuint' // _ = y[0]; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadIndexLHS, "y[0]").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(11, 13)); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"{type}..ctor()", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } // Custom modifiers are copied to native integer types but not substituted. [Fact] public void CustomModifiers() { var sourceA = @".assembly mscorlib { .ver 0:0:0:0 } .class public System.Object { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance string ToString() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance bool Equals(object obj) cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig newslot virtual instance int32 GetHashCode() cil managed { ldnull throw } } .class public abstract System.ValueType extends System.Object { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } } .class public System.String extends System.Object { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } } .class public sealed System.Void extends System.ValueType { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } } .class public sealed System.Boolean extends System.ValueType { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } } .class public sealed System.Int32 extends System.ValueType { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } } .class public interface System.IComparable`1 { } .class public sealed System.IntPtr extends System.ValueType { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig static native int modopt(native int) F1() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig static native int& modopt(native int) F2() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig static void F3(native int modopt(native int) i) cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig static void F4(native int& modopt(native int) i) cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig instance class System.IComparable`1 F5() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig instance void F6(native int modopt(class System.IComparable`1) i) cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig instance native int modopt(native int) get_P() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig instance native int& modopt(native int) get_Q() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig instance void set_P(native int modopt(native int) i) cil managed { ret } .property instance native int modopt(native int) P() { .get instance native int modopt(native int) System.IntPtr::get_P() .set instance void System.IntPtr::set_P(native int modopt(native int)) } .property instance native int& modopt(native int) Q() { .get instance native int& modopt(native int) System.IntPtr::get_Q() } } .class public sealed System.UIntPtr extends System.ValueType { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig static native uint modopt(native uint) F1() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig static native uint& modopt(native uint) F2() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig static void F3(native uint modopt(native uint) i) cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig static void F4(native uint& modopt(native uint) i) cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig instance class System.IComparable`1 F5() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig instance void F6(native uint modopt(class System.IComparable`1) i) cil managed { ret } .method public hidebysig instance native uint modopt(native uint) get_P() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig instance native uint& modopt(native uint) get_Q() cil managed { ldnull throw } .method public hidebysig instance void set_P(native uint modopt(native uint) i) cil managed { ret } .property instance native uint modopt(native uint) P() { .get instance native uint modopt(native uint) System.UIntPtr::get_P() .set instance void System.UIntPtr::set_P(native uint modopt(native uint)) } .property instance native uint& modopt(native uint) Q() { .get instance native uint& modopt(native uint) System.UIntPtr::get_Q() } }"; var refA = CompileIL(sourceA, prependDefaultHeader: false, autoInherit: false); var sourceB = @"class Program { static void F1(nint i) { _ = nint.F1(); _ = nint.F2(); nint.F3(i); nint.F4(ref i); _ = i.F5(); i.F6(i); _ = i.P; _ = i.Q; i.P = i; } static void F2(nuint u) { _ = nuint.F1(); _ = nuint.F2(); nuint.F3(u); nuint.F4(ref u); _ = u.F5(); u.F6(u); _ = u.P; _ = u.Q; u.P = u; } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F1").Parameters[0].Type, signed: true); verifyType((NamedTypeSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.F2").Parameters[0].Type, signed: false); static void verifyType(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool signed) { Assert.True(type.IsNativeIntegerType); VerifyType(type, signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); VerifyType(type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed: signed, isNativeInt: true); var underlyingType = type.NativeIntegerUnderlyingType; var members = type.GetMembers().Sort(SymbolComparison); var actualMembers = members.SelectAsArray(m => m.ToTestDisplayString()); var expectedMembers = new[] { $"System.IComparable<{type} modopt({underlyingType})> {type}.F5()", $"{type} modopt({underlyingType}) {type}.F1()", $"{type} modopt({underlyingType}) {type}.P {{ get; set; }}", $"{type} modopt({underlyingType}) {type}.P.get", $"{type}..ctor()", $"ref modopt({underlyingType}) {type} {type}.F2()", $"ref modopt({underlyingType}) {type} {type}.Q {{ get; }}", $"ref modopt({underlyingType}) {type} {type}.Q.get", $"void {type}.F3({type} modopt({underlyingType}) i)", $"void {type}.F4(ref modopt({underlyingType}) {type} i)", $"void {type}.F6({type} modopt(System.IComparable<{underlyingType}>) i)", $"void {type}.P.set", }; AssertEx.Equal(expectedMembers, actualMembers); VerifyMembers(underlyingType, type, signed); VerifyMembers(underlyingType.GetPublicSymbol(), type.GetPublicSymbol(), signed); } } [Fact] public void DefaultConstructors() { var source = @"class Program { static void Main() { F(new nint()); F(new nuint()); } static void F(object o) { System.Console.WriteLine(o); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,15): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F(new nint()); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 15), // (6,15): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F(new nuint()); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nuint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 15)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"0 0"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Main", @"{ // Code size 25 (0x19) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldc.i4.0 IL_0001: conv.i IL_0002: box ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0007: call ""void Program.F(object)"" IL_000c: ldc.i4.0 IL_000d: conv.i IL_000e: box ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0013: call ""void Program.F(object)"" IL_0018: ret }"); } [Fact] public void NewConstraint() { var source = @"class Program { static void Main() { F(); F(); } static void F() where T : new() { System.Console.WriteLine(new T()); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,11): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 11), // (6,11): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nuint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 11)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"0 0"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Main", @"{ // Code size 11 (0xb) .maxstack 0 IL_0000: call ""void Program.F()"" IL_0005: call ""void Program.F()"" IL_000a: ret }"); } [Fact] public void ArrayInitialization() { var source = @"class Program { static void Main() { Report(new nint[] { int.MinValue, -1, 0, 1, int.MaxValue }); Report(new nuint[] { 0, 1, 2, int.MaxValue, uint.MaxValue }); } static void Report(T[] items) { foreach (var item in items) System.Console.WriteLine($""{item.GetType().FullName}: {item}""); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"System.IntPtr: -2147483648 System.IntPtr: -1 System.IntPtr: 0 System.IntPtr: 1 System.IntPtr: 2147483647 System.UIntPtr: 0 System.UIntPtr: 1 System.UIntPtr: 2 System.UIntPtr: 2147483647 System.UIntPtr: 4294967295"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Main", @"{ // Code size 75 (0x4b) .maxstack 4 IL_0000: ldc.i4.5 IL_0001: newarr ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: dup IL_0007: ldc.i4.0 IL_0008: ldc.i4 0x80000000 IL_000d: conv.i IL_000e: stelem.i IL_000f: dup IL_0010: ldc.i4.1 IL_0011: ldc.i4.m1 IL_0012: conv.i IL_0013: stelem.i IL_0014: dup IL_0015: ldc.i4.3 IL_0016: ldc.i4.1 IL_0017: conv.i IL_0018: stelem.i IL_0019: dup IL_001a: ldc.i4.4 IL_001b: ldc.i4 0x7fffffff IL_0020: conv.i IL_0021: stelem.i IL_0022: call ""void Program.Report(nint[])"" IL_0027: ldc.i4.5 IL_0028: newarr ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_002d: dup IL_002e: ldc.i4.1 IL_002f: ldc.i4.1 IL_0030: conv.i IL_0031: stelem.i IL_0032: dup IL_0033: ldc.i4.2 IL_0034: ldc.i4.2 IL_0035: conv.i IL_0036: stelem.i IL_0037: dup IL_0038: ldc.i4.3 IL_0039: ldc.i4 0x7fffffff IL_003e: conv.i IL_003f: stelem.i IL_0040: dup IL_0041: ldc.i4.4 IL_0042: ldc.i4.m1 IL_0043: conv.u IL_0044: stelem.i IL_0045: call ""void Program.Report(nuint[])"" IL_004a: ret }"); } [Fact] public void Overrides_01() { var sourceA = @"public interface IA { void F1(nint x, System.UIntPtr y); } public abstract class A { public abstract void F2(System.IntPtr x, nuint y); }"; var sourceB = @"class B1 : A, IA { public void F1(nint x, System.UIntPtr y) { } public override void F2(System.IntPtr x, nuint y) { } } class B2 : A, IA { public void F1(System.IntPtr x, nuint y) { } public override void F2(nint x, System.UIntPtr y) { } } class A3 : IA { void IA.F1(nint x, System.UIntPtr y) { } } class A4 : IA { void IA.F1(System.IntPtr x, nuint y) { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void Overrides_02() { var sourceA = @"public interface IA { void F1(System.IntPtr x, System.UIntPtr y); } public abstract class A { public abstract void F2(System.IntPtr x, System.UIntPtr y); }"; var sourceB = @"class B1 : A, IA { public void F1(nint x, System.UIntPtr y) { } public override void F2(nint x, System.UIntPtr y) { } } class B2 : A, IA { public void F1(System.IntPtr x, nuint y) { } public override void F2(System.IntPtr x, nuint y) { } } class A3 : IA { void IA.F1(nint x, System.UIntPtr y) { } } class A4 : IA { void IA.F1(System.IntPtr x, nuint y) { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void Overrides_03() { var sourceA = @"public interface IA { void F1(nint x, System.UIntPtr y); } public abstract class A { public abstract void F2(System.IntPtr x, nuint y); }"; var sourceB = @"class B1 : A, IA { public void F1(System.IntPtr x, System.UIntPtr y) { } public override void F2(System.IntPtr x, System.UIntPtr y) { } } class A2 : IA { void IA.F1(System.IntPtr x, System.UIntPtr y) { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void Overloads_01() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public void F1(System.IntPtr x) { } public void F2(nuint y) { } }"; var sourceB = @"class B1 : A { public void F1(nuint x) { } public void F2(System.IntPtr y) { } } class B2 : A { public void F1(nint x) { base.F1(x); } public void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { base.F2(y); } } class B3 : A { public new void F1(nuint x) { } public new void F2(System.IntPtr y) { } } class B4 : A { public new void F1(nint x) { base.F1(x); } public new void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { base.F2(y); } }"; var diagnostics = new[] { // (8,17): warning CS0108: 'B2.F1(nint)' hides inherited member 'A.F1(IntPtr)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F1(nint x) { base.F1(x); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F1").WithArguments("B2.F1(nint)", "A.F1(System.IntPtr)").WithLocation(8, 17), // (9,17): warning CS0108: 'B2.F2(UIntPtr)' hides inherited member 'A.F2(nuint)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { base.F2(y); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F2").WithArguments("B2.F2(System.UIntPtr)", "A.F2(nuint)").WithLocation(9, 17), // (13,21): warning CS0109: The member 'B3.F1(nuint)' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. // public new void F1(nuint x) { } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewNotRequired, "F1").WithArguments("B3.F1(nuint)").WithLocation(13, 21), // (14,21): warning CS0109: The member 'B3.F2(IntPtr)' does not hide an accessible member. The new keyword is not required. // public new void F2(System.IntPtr y) { } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewNotRequired, "F2").WithArguments("B3.F2(System.IntPtr)").WithLocation(14, 21) }; var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); } [Fact] public void Overloads_02() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public void F1(System.IntPtr x) { } public void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { } }"; var sourceB = @"class B1 : A { public void F1(nint x) { base.F1(x); } public void F2(nuint y) { base.F2(y); } } class B2 : A { public void F1(nuint x) { } public void F2(nint y) { } } class B3 : A { public void F1(nint x) { base.F1(x); } public void F2(nuint y) { base.F2(y); } } class B4 : A { public void F1(nuint x) { } public void F2(nint y) { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var diagnostics = new[] { // (3,17): warning CS0108: 'B1.F1(nint)' hides inherited member 'A.F1(IntPtr)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F1(nint x) { base.F1(x); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F1").WithArguments("B1.F1(nint)", "A.F1(System.IntPtr)").WithLocation(3, 17), // (4,17): warning CS0108: 'B1.F2(nuint)' hides inherited member 'A.F2(UIntPtr)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F2(nuint y) { base.F2(y); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F2").WithArguments("B1.F2(nuint)", "A.F2(System.UIntPtr)").WithLocation(4, 17), // (13,17): warning CS0108: 'B3.F1(nint)' hides inherited member 'A.F1(IntPtr)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F1(nint x) { base.F1(x); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F1").WithArguments("B3.F1(nint)", "A.F1(System.IntPtr)").WithLocation(13, 17), // (14,17): warning CS0108: 'B3.F2(nuint)' hides inherited member 'A.F2(UIntPtr)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F2(nuint y) { base.F2(y); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F2").WithArguments("B3.F2(nuint)", "A.F2(System.UIntPtr)").WithLocation(14, 17) }; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); } [Fact] public void Overloads_03() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public void F1(nint x) { } public void F2(nuint y) { } }"; var sourceB = @"class B1 : A { public void F1(System.UIntPtr x) { } public void F2(System.IntPtr y) { } } class B2 : A { public void F1(System.IntPtr x) { base.F1(x); } public void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { base.F2(y); } } class B3 : A { public void F1(System.UIntPtr x) { } public void F2(System.IntPtr y) { } } class B4 : A { public void F1(System.IntPtr x) { base.F1(x); } public void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { base.F2(y); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var diagnostics = new[] { // (8,17): warning CS0108: 'B2.F1(IntPtr)' hides inherited member 'A.F1(nint)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F1(System.IntPtr x) { base.F1(x); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F1").WithArguments("B2.F1(System.IntPtr)", "A.F1(nint)").WithLocation(8, 17), // (9,17): warning CS0108: 'B2.F2(UIntPtr)' hides inherited member 'A.F2(nuint)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { base.F2(y); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F2").WithArguments("B2.F2(System.UIntPtr)", "A.F2(nuint)").WithLocation(9, 17), // (18,17): warning CS0108: 'B4.F1(IntPtr)' hides inherited member 'A.F1(nint)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F1(System.IntPtr x) { base.F1(x); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F1").WithArguments("B4.F1(System.IntPtr)", "A.F1(nint)").WithLocation(18, 17), // (19,17): warning CS0108: 'B4.F2(UIntPtr)' hides inherited member 'A.F2(nuint)'. Use the new keyword if hiding was intended. // public void F2(System.UIntPtr y) { base.F2(y); } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_NewRequired, "F2").WithArguments("B4.F2(System.UIntPtr)", "A.F2(nuint)").WithLocation(19, 17) }; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); } [Fact] public void Overloads_04() { var source = @"interface I { void F(System.IntPtr x); void F(System.UIntPtr x); void F(nint y); } class C { static void F(System.UIntPtr x) { } static void F(nint y) { } static void F(nuint y) { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,10): error CS0111: Type 'I' already defines a member called 'F' with the same parameter types // void F(nint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MemberAlreadyExists, "F").WithArguments("F", "I").WithLocation(5, 10), // (11,17): error CS0111: Type 'C' already defines a member called 'F' with the same parameter types // static void F(nuint y) { } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MemberAlreadyExists, "F").WithArguments("F", "C").WithLocation(11, 17)); } [Fact] public void Overloads_05() { var source = @"interface I { object this[System.IntPtr x] { get; } object this[nint y] { get; set; } } class C { object this[nuint x] => null; object this[System.UIntPtr y] { get { return null; } set { } } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (4,12): error CS0111: Type 'I' already defines a member called 'this' with the same parameter types // object this[nint y] { get; set; } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MemberAlreadyExists, "this").WithArguments("this", "I").WithLocation(4, 12), // (9,12): error CS0111: Type 'C' already defines a member called 'this' with the same parameter types // object this[System.UIntPtr y] { get { return null; } set { } } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_MemberAlreadyExists, "this").WithArguments("this", "C").WithLocation(9, 12)); } [Fact] public void Overloads_06() { var source1 = @"public interface IA { void F1(nint i); void F2(nuint i); } public interface IB { void F1(System.IntPtr i); void F2(System.UIntPtr i); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source1, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var ref1 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var source2 = @"class C : IA, IB { public void F1(System.IntPtr i) { } public void F2(System.UIntPtr i) { } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(source2, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var source3 = @"class C1 : IA, IB { public void F1(nint i) { } public void F2(System.UIntPtr i) { } } class C2 : IA, IB { public void F1(System.IntPtr i) { } public void F2(nuint i) { } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(source3, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] [WorkItem(45519, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45519")] public void Partial_01() { var source = @"partial class Program { static partial void F1(System.IntPtr x); static partial void F2(System.UIntPtr x) { } static partial void F1(nint x) { } static partial void F2(nuint x); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseDllWithWarningLevel5, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (4,25): warning CS8824: Partial method declarations 'void Program.F2(nuint x)' and 'void Program.F2(UIntPtr x)' have differences in parameter or return types. // static partial void F2(System.UIntPtr x) { } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_PartialMethodTypeDifference, "F2").WithArguments("void Program.F2(nuint x)", "void Program.F2(UIntPtr x)").WithLocation(4, 25), // (5,25): warning CS8824: Partial method declarations 'void Program.F1(IntPtr x)' and 'void Program.F1(nint x)' have differences in parameter or return types. // static partial void F1(nint x) { } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_PartialMethodTypeDifference, "F1").WithArguments("void Program.F1(IntPtr x)", "void Program.F1(nint x)").WithLocation(5, 25)); } [Fact] public void Constraints_01() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static void F() where U : T { } } public class B1 : A { } public class B2 : A { } public class B3 : A { } public class B4 : A { } "; var sourceB = @"class Program { static void Main() { B1.F(); B2.F(); B3.F(); B4.F(); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void Constraints_02() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static void F() where U : T { } } public class B1 : A { } public class B2 : A { } "; var sourceB = @"class Program { static void Main() { B1.F(); B2.F(); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void Constraints_03() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static void F() where U : T { } } public class B1 : A { } public class B2 : A { } "; var sourceB = @"class Program { static void Main() { B1.F(); B2.F(); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void ClassName() { var source = @"class nint { } interface I { nint Add(nint x, nuint y); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (6,22): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // nint Add(nint x, nuint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nuint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 22)); verify(comp); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify(comp); static void verify(CSharpCompilation comp) { var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var nodes = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().ToArray(); var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var underlyingType = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(nodes.OfType().Single()); Assert.Equal("nint", underlyingType.ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal(SpecialType.None, underlyingType.SpecialType); var method = model.GetDeclaredSymbol(nodes.OfType().Single()); Assert.Equal("nint I.Add(nint x, nuint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); var underlyingType0 = method.Parameters[0].Type.GetSymbol(); var underlyingType1 = method.Parameters[1].Type.GetSymbol(); Assert.Equal(SpecialType.None, underlyingType0.SpecialType); Assert.False(underlyingType0.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.Equal(SpecialType.System_UIntPtr, underlyingType1.SpecialType); Assert.True(underlyingType1.IsNativeIntegerType); } } [Fact] public void AliasName_01() { var source = @"using nint = System.Int16; interface I { nint Add(nint x, nuint y); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (4,22): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // nint Add(nint x, nuint y); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nuint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(4, 22)); verify(comp); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify(comp); static void verify(CSharpCompilation comp) { var method = comp.GetMember("I.Add"); Assert.Equal("System.Int16 I.Add(System.Int16 x, nuint y)", method.ToTestDisplayString()); var underlyingType0 = (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[0].Type; var underlyingType1 = (NamedTypeSymbol)method.Parameters[1].Type; Assert.Equal(SpecialType.System_Int16, underlyingType0.SpecialType); Assert.False(underlyingType0.IsNativeIntegerType); Assert.Equal(SpecialType.System_UIntPtr, underlyingType1.SpecialType); Assert.True(underlyingType1.IsNativeIntegerType); } } [WorkItem(42975, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42975")] [Fact] public void AliasName_02() { var source = @"using N = nint; class Program { N F() => default; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (1,11): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // using N = nint; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(1, 11)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void MemberName_01() { var source = @"namespace N { class nint { } class Program { internal static object nuint; static void Main() { _ = new nint(); _ = new @nint(); _ = new N.nint(); @nint i = null; _ = i; @nuint = null; _ = nuint; _ = @nuint; _ = Program.nuint; } } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify(comp); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify(comp); static void verify(CSharpCompilation comp) { var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var nodes = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType().ToArray(); Assert.Equal(3, nodes.Length); foreach (var node in nodes) { var type = model.GetTypeInfo(node).Type; Assert.Equal("N.nint", type.ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal(SpecialType.None, type.SpecialType); Assert.False(type.IsNativeIntegerType); } } } [Fact] public void MemberName_02() { var source = @"class Program { static void Main() { _ = nint.Equals(0, 0); _ = nuint.Equals(0, 0); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = nint.Equals(0, 0); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = nuint.Equals(0, 0); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nuint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 13)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void NameOf_01() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(nameof(nint)); Console.WriteLine(nameof(nuint)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (6,34): error CS0103: The name 'nint' does not exist in the current context // Console.WriteLine(nameof(nint)); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "nint").WithArguments("nint").WithLocation(6, 34), // (7,34): error CS0103: The name 'nuint' does not exist in the current context // Console.WriteLine(nameof(nuint)); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "nuint").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(7, 34)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (6,34): error CS0103: The name 'nint' does not exist in the current context // Console.WriteLine(nameof(nint)); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "nint").WithArguments("nint").WithLocation(6, 34), // (7,34): error CS0103: The name 'nuint' does not exist in the current context // Console.WriteLine(nameof(nuint)); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "nuint").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(7, 34)); } [Fact] public void NameOf_02() { var source = @"class Program { static void F(nint nint) { _ = nameof(nint); _ = nameof(nuint); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (3,19): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // static void F(nint nint) Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(3, 19), // (6,20): error CS0103: The name 'nuint' does not exist in the current context // _ = nameof(nuint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "nuint").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(6, 20)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (6,20): error CS0103: The name 'nuint' does not exist in the current context // _ = nameof(nuint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "nuint").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(6, 20)); } [Fact] public void NameOf_03() { var source = @"class Program { static void F() { _ = nameof(@nint); _ = nameof(@nuint); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,20): error CS0103: The name 'nint' does not exist in the current context // _ = nameof(@nint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "@nint").WithArguments("nint").WithLocation(5, 20), // (6,20): error CS0103: The name 'nuint' does not exist in the current context // _ = nameof(@nuint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "@nuint").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(6, 20)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,20): error CS0103: The name 'nint' does not exist in the current context // _ = nameof(@nint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "@nint").WithArguments("nint").WithLocation(5, 20), // (6,20): error CS0103: The name 'nuint' does not exist in the current context // _ = nameof(@nuint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, "@nuint").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(6, 20)); } [Fact] public void NameOf_04() { var source = @"class Program { static void F(int @nint, uint @nuint) { _ = nameof(@nint); _ = nameof(@nuint); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } [Fact] public void NameOf_05() { var source = @"class Program { static void F() { _ = nameof(nint.Equals); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,20): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = nameof(nint.Equals); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "nint").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 20)); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); } /// /// sizeof(IntPtr) and sizeof(nint) require compiling with /unsafe. /// [Fact] public void SizeOf_01() { var source = @"class Program { static void Main() { _ = sizeof(System.IntPtr); _ = sizeof(System.UIntPtr); _ = sizeof(nint); _ = sizeof(nuint); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS0233: 'IntPtr' does not have a predefined size, therefore sizeof can only be used in an unsafe context // _ = sizeof(System.IntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SizeofUnsafe, "sizeof(System.IntPtr)").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS0233: 'UIntPtr' does not have a predefined size, therefore sizeof can only be used in an unsafe context // _ = sizeof(System.UIntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SizeofUnsafe, "sizeof(System.UIntPtr)").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(6, 13), // (7,13): error CS0233: 'nint' does not have a predefined size, therefore sizeof can only be used in an unsafe context // _ = sizeof(nint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SizeofUnsafe, "sizeof(nint)").WithArguments("nint").WithLocation(7, 13), // (8,13): error CS0233: 'nuint' does not have a predefined size, therefore sizeof can only be used in an unsafe context // _ = sizeof(nuint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_SizeofUnsafe, "sizeof(nuint)").WithArguments("nuint").WithLocation(8, 13)); } [Fact] public void SizeOf_02() { var source = @"using System; class Program { unsafe static void Main() { Console.Write(sizeof(System.IntPtr)); Console.Write(sizeof(System.UIntPtr)); Console.Write(sizeof(nint)); Console.Write(sizeof(nuint)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); int size = IntPtr.Size; var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: $"{size}{size}{size}{size}"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Main", @"{ // Code size 45 (0x2d) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: sizeof ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: call ""void System.Console.Write(int)"" IL_000b: sizeof ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0011: call ""void System.Console.Write(int)"" IL_0016: sizeof ""System.IntPtr"" IL_001c: call ""void System.Console.Write(int)"" IL_0021: sizeof ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0027: call ""void System.Console.Write(int)"" IL_002c: ret }"); } [Fact] public void SizeOf_03() { var source = @"using System.Collections.Generic; unsafe class Program { static IEnumerable F() { yield return sizeof(nint); yield return sizeof(nuint); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (6,22): error CS1629: Unsafe code may not appear in iterators // yield return sizeof(nint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_IllegalInnerUnsafe, "sizeof(nint)").WithLocation(6, 22), // (7,22): error CS1629: Unsafe code may not appear in iterators // yield return sizeof(nuint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_IllegalInnerUnsafe, "sizeof(nuint)").WithLocation(7, 22)); } [Fact] public void SizeOf_04() { var source = @"unsafe class Program { const int A = sizeof(System.IntPtr); const int B = sizeof(System.UIntPtr); const int C = sizeof(nint); const int D = sizeof(nuint); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (3,19): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'Program.A' must be constant // const int A = sizeof(System.IntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "sizeof(System.IntPtr)").WithArguments("Program.A").WithLocation(3, 19), // (4,19): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'Program.B' must be constant // const int B = sizeof(System.UIntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "sizeof(System.UIntPtr)").WithArguments("Program.B").WithLocation(4, 19), // (5,19): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'Program.C' must be constant // const int C = sizeof(nint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "sizeof(nint)").WithArguments("Program.C").WithLocation(5, 19), // (6,19): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'Program.D' must be constant // const int D = sizeof(nuint); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "sizeof(nuint)").WithArguments("Program.D").WithLocation(6, 19)); } // PEVerify should succeed. Previously, PEVerify reported duplicate // TypeRefs for System.IntPtr in i.ToString() and (object)i. [Fact] public void MultipleTypeRefs_01() { string source = @"class Program { static string F1(nint i) { return i.ToString(); } static object F2(nint i) { return i; } static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine(F1(-42)); System.Console.WriteLine(F2(42)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"-42 42"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.F1", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""string System.IntPtr.ToString()"" IL_0007: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.F2", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); } // PEVerify should succeed. Previously, PEVerify reported duplicate // TypeRefs for System.UIntPtr in UIntPtr.get_MaxValue and (object)u. [Fact] public void MultipleTypeRefs_02() { var sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct UInt64 { } public struct UIntPtr { public static UIntPtr MaxValue => default; public static UIntPtr MinValue => default; } }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceA); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = comp.EmitToImageReference(options: EmitOptions.Default.WithRuntimeMetadataVersion("")); var sourceB = @"class Program { static ulong F1() { return nuint.MaxValue; } static object F2() { nuint u = 42; return u; } }"; comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); // PEVerify is skipped because it reports "Type load failed" because of the above corlib, // not because of duplicate TypeRefs in this assembly. Replace the above corlib with the // actual corlib when that assembly contains UIntPtr.MaxValue or if we decide to support // nuint.MaxValue (since MaxValue could be used in this test instead). var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.F1", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.MaxValue.get"" IL_0005: conv.u8 IL_0006: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.F2", @"{ // Code size 9 (0x9) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldc.i4.s 42 IL_0002: conv.i IL_0003: box ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0008: ret }"); } [WorkItem(42453, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42453")] [Fact] public void ReadOnlyField_VirtualMethods() { string source = @"using System; using System.Linq.Expressions; class MyInt { private readonly nint _i; internal MyInt(nint i) { _i = i; } public override string ToString() { return _i.ToString(); } public override int GetHashCode() { return ((Func)_i.GetHashCode)(); } public override bool Equals(object other) { return _i.Equals((other as MyInt)?._i); } internal string ToStringFromExpr() { Expression> e = () => ((Func)_i.ToString)(); return e.Compile()(); } internal int GetHashCodeFromExpr() { Expression> e = () => _i.GetHashCode(); return e.Compile()(); } } class Program { static void Main() { var m = new MyInt(42); Console.WriteLine(m); Console.WriteLine(m.GetHashCode()); Console.WriteLine(m.Equals(null)); Console.WriteLine(m.ToStringFromExpr()); Console.WriteLine(m.GetHashCodeFromExpr()); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: $@"42 {42.GetHashCode()} False 42 {42.GetHashCode()}"); verifier.VerifyIL("MyInt.ToString", @"{ // Code size 15 (0xf) .maxstack 1 .locals init (System.IntPtr V_0) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldfld ""nint MyInt._i"" IL_0006: stloc.0 IL_0007: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0009: call ""string System.IntPtr.ToString()"" IL_000e: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("MyInt.GetHashCode", @"{ // Code size 29 (0x1d) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldfld ""nint MyInt._i"" IL_0006: box ""System.IntPtr"" IL_000b: dup IL_000c: ldvirtftn ""int object.GetHashCode()"" IL_0012: newobj ""System.Func..ctor(object, System.IntPtr)"" IL_0017: callvirt ""int System.Func.Invoke()"" IL_001c: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("MyInt.Equals", @"{ // Code size 51 (0x33) .maxstack 3 .locals init (System.IntPtr V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldfld ""nint MyInt._i"" IL_0006: stloc.0 IL_0007: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0009: ldarg.1 IL_000a: isinst ""MyInt"" IL_000f: dup IL_0010: brtrue.s IL_001e IL_0012: pop IL_0013: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0015: initobj ""nint?"" IL_001b: ldloc.1 IL_001c: br.s IL_0028 IL_001e: ldfld ""nint MyInt._i"" IL_0023: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0028: box ""nint?"" IL_002d: call ""bool System.IntPtr.Equals(object)"" IL_0032: ret }"); } /// /// Verify there is the number of built in operators for { nint, nuint, nint?, nuint? } /// for each operator kind. /// [Fact] public void BuiltInOperators() { var source = ""; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyOperators(comp); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verifyOperators(comp); static void verifyOperators(CSharpCompilation comp) { var unaryOperators = new[] { UnaryOperatorKind.PostfixIncrement, UnaryOperatorKind.PostfixDecrement, UnaryOperatorKind.PrefixIncrement, UnaryOperatorKind.PrefixDecrement, UnaryOperatorKind.UnaryPlus, UnaryOperatorKind.UnaryMinus, UnaryOperatorKind.BitwiseComplement, }; var binaryOperators = new[] { BinaryOperatorKind.Addition, BinaryOperatorKind.Subtraction, BinaryOperatorKind.Multiplication, BinaryOperatorKind.Division, BinaryOperatorKind.Remainder, BinaryOperatorKind.LessThan, BinaryOperatorKind.LessThanOrEqual, BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThan, BinaryOperatorKind.GreaterThanOrEqual, BinaryOperatorKind.LeftShift, BinaryOperatorKind.RightShift, BinaryOperatorKind.Equal, BinaryOperatorKind.NotEqual, BinaryOperatorKind.Or, BinaryOperatorKind.And, BinaryOperatorKind.Xor, }; foreach (var operatorKind in unaryOperators) { verifyUnaryOperators(comp, operatorKind, skipNativeIntegerOperators: true); verifyUnaryOperators(comp, operatorKind, skipNativeIntegerOperators: false); } foreach (var operatorKind in binaryOperators) { verifyBinaryOperators(comp, operatorKind, skipNativeIntegerOperators: true); verifyBinaryOperators(comp, operatorKind, skipNativeIntegerOperators: false); } static void verifyUnaryOperators(CSharpCompilation comp, UnaryOperatorKind operatorKind, bool skipNativeIntegerOperators) { var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); comp.builtInOperators.GetSimpleBuiltInOperators(operatorKind, builder, skipNativeIntegerOperators); var operators = builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); int expectedSigned = skipNativeIntegerOperators ? 0 : 1; int expectedUnsigned = skipNativeIntegerOperators ? 0 : (operatorKind == UnaryOperatorKind.UnaryMinus) ? 0 : 1; verifyOperators(operators, (op, signed) => isNativeInt(op.OperandType, signed), expectedSigned, expectedUnsigned); verifyOperators(operators, (op, signed) => isNullableNativeInt(op.OperandType, signed), expectedSigned, expectedUnsigned); } static void verifyBinaryOperators(CSharpCompilation comp, BinaryOperatorKind operatorKind, bool skipNativeIntegerOperators) { var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); comp.builtInOperators.GetSimpleBuiltInOperators(operatorKind, builder, skipNativeIntegerOperators); var operators = builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); int expected = skipNativeIntegerOperators ? 0 : 1; verifyOperators(operators, (op, signed) => isNativeInt(op.LeftType, signed), expected, expected); verifyOperators(operators, (op, signed) => isNullableNativeInt(op.LeftType, signed), expected, expected); } static void verifyOperators(ImmutableArray operators, Func predicate, int expectedSigned, int expectedUnsigned) { Assert.Equal(expectedSigned, operators.Count(op => predicate(op, true))); Assert.Equal(expectedUnsigned, operators.Count(op => predicate(op, false))); } static bool isNativeInt(TypeSymbol type, bool signed) { return type.IsNativeIntegerType && type.SpecialType == (signed ? SpecialType.System_IntPtr : SpecialType.System_UIntPtr); } static bool isNullableNativeInt(TypeSymbol type, bool signed) { return type.IsNullableType() && isNativeInt(type.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), signed); } } } [WorkItem(3259, "https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/3259")] [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void BuiltInConversions_CSharp8(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static nint F1; public static nuint F2; public static nint? F3; public static nuint? F4; }"; var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void M1() { long x = F1; ulong y = F2; long? z = F3; ulong? w = F4; } static void M2(int x, uint y, int? z, uint? w) { F1 = x; F2 = y; F3 = z; F4 = w; } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp); verifier.VerifyIL("B.M1", @"{ // Code size 59 (0x3b) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0005: pop IL_0006: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_000b: pop IL_000c: ldsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0011: stloc.0 IL_0012: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0014: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0019: brfalse.s IL_0023 IL_001b: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001d: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0022: pop IL_0023: ldsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_0028: stloc.1 IL_0029: ldloca.s V_1 IL_002b: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0030: brfalse.s IL_003a IL_0032: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0034: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0039: pop IL_003a: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("B.M2", @"{ // Code size 95 (0x5f) .maxstack 1 .locals init (int? V_0, nint? V_1, uint? V_2, nuint? V_3) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.i IL_0002: stsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0007: ldarg.1 IL_0008: conv.u IL_0009: stsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_000e: ldarg.2 IL_000f: stloc.0 IL_0010: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0012: call ""bool int?.HasValue.get"" IL_0017: brtrue.s IL_0024 IL_0019: ldloca.s V_1 IL_001b: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0021: ldloc.1 IL_0022: br.s IL_0031 IL_0024: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0026: call ""int int?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_002b: conv.i IL_002c: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0031: stsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0036: ldarg.3 IL_0037: stloc.2 IL_0038: ldloca.s V_2 IL_003a: call ""bool uint?.HasValue.get"" IL_003f: brtrue.s IL_004c IL_0041: ldloca.s V_3 IL_0043: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0049: ldloc.3 IL_004a: br.s IL_0059 IL_004c: ldloca.s V_2 IL_004e: call ""uint uint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0053: conv.u IL_0054: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0059: stsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_005e: ret }"); } [WorkItem(3259, "https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/3259")] [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void BuiltInOperators_CSharp8(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static nint F1; public static nuint F2; public static nint? F3; public static nuint? F4; }"; var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { _ = -F1; _ = +F2; _ = -F3; _ = +F4; _ = F1 * F1; _ = F2 / F2; _ = F3 * F1; _ = F4 / F2; } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp); verifier.VerifyIL("B.Main", @"{ // Code size 143 (0x8f) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nint? V_0, nuint? V_1, System.IntPtr V_2, System.UIntPtr V_3) IL_0000: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0005: pop IL_0006: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_000b: pop IL_000c: ldsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0011: stloc.0 IL_0012: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0014: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0019: brfalse.s IL_0023 IL_001b: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001d: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0022: pop IL_0023: ldsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_0028: stloc.1 IL_0029: ldloca.s V_1 IL_002b: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0030: brfalse.s IL_003a IL_0032: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0034: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0039: pop IL_003a: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_003f: pop IL_0040: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0045: pop IL_0046: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_004b: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_0050: div.un IL_0051: pop IL_0052: ldsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0057: stloc.0 IL_0058: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_005d: stloc.2 IL_005e: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0060: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0065: brfalse.s IL_006f IL_0067: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0069: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_006e: pop IL_006f: ldsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_0074: stloc.1 IL_0075: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_007a: stloc.3 IL_007b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_007d: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0082: brfalse.s IL_008e IL_0084: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0086: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_008b: ldloc.3 IL_008c: div.un IL_008d: pop IL_008e: ret }"); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = -F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "-F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = +F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "+F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 13), // (7,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = -F3; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "-F3").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(7, 13), // (8,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = +F4; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "+F4").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(8, 13), // (9,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 * F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 * F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(9, 13), // (10,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F2 / F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F2 / F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(10, 13), // (11,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F3 * F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F3 * F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(11, 13), // (12,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F4 / F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F4 / F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(12, 13)); } [Fact] public void BuiltInConversions_UnderlyingTypes() { var source = @"class A { static System.IntPtr F1; static System.UIntPtr F2; static System.IntPtr? F3; static System.UIntPtr? F4; static void M1() { long x = F1; ulong y = F2; long? z = F3; ulong? w = F4; } static void M2(int x, uint y, int? z, uint? w) { F1 = x; F2 = y; F3 = z; F4 = w; } }"; var diagnostics = new[] { // (9,18): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.IntPtr' to 'long'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // long x = F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "F1").WithArguments("System.IntPtr", "long").WithLocation(9, 18), // (10,19): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.UIntPtr' to 'ulong'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // ulong y = F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "F2").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr", "ulong").WithLocation(10, 19), // (11,19): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.IntPtr?' to 'long?'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // long? z = F3; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "F3").WithArguments("System.IntPtr?", "long?").WithLocation(11, 19), // (12,20): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.UIntPtr?' to 'ulong?'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // ulong? w = F4; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "F4").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr?", "ulong?").WithLocation(12, 20), // (16,14): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int' to 'System.IntPtr'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // F1 = x; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "x").WithArguments("int", "System.IntPtr").WithLocation(16, 14), // (17,14): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'uint' to 'System.UIntPtr'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // F2 = y; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "y").WithArguments("uint", "System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(17, 14), // (18,14): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'int?' to 'System.IntPtr?'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // F3 = z; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "z").WithArguments("int?", "System.IntPtr?").WithLocation(18, 14), // (19,14): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'uint?' to 'System.UIntPtr?'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // F4 = w; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "w").WithArguments("uint?", "System.UIntPtr?").WithLocation(19, 14) }; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); } [WorkItem(3259, "https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/3259")] [Fact] public void BuiltInOperators_UnderlyingTypes() { var source = @"#pragma warning disable 649 class A { static System.IntPtr F1; static System.UIntPtr F2; static System.IntPtr? F3; static System.UIntPtr? F4; static void Main() { F1 = -F1; F2 = +F2; F3 = -F3; F4 = +F4; F1 = F1 * F1; F2 = F2 / F2; F3 = F3 * F1; F4 = F4 / F2; } }"; var diagnostics = new[] { // (10,14): error CS0023: Operator '-' cannot be applied to operand of type 'IntPtr' // F1 = -F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "-F1").WithArguments("-", "System.IntPtr").WithLocation(10, 14), // (11,14): error CS0023: Operator '+' cannot be applied to operand of type 'UIntPtr' // F2 = +F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "+F2").WithArguments("+", "System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(11, 14), // (12,14): error CS0023: Operator '-' cannot be applied to operand of type 'IntPtr?' // F3 = -F3; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "-F3").WithArguments("-", "System.IntPtr?").WithLocation(12, 14), // (13,14): error CS0023: Operator '+' cannot be applied to operand of type 'UIntPtr?' // F4 = +F4; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "+F4").WithArguments("+", "System.UIntPtr?").WithLocation(13, 14), // (14,14): error CS0019: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'IntPtr' and 'IntPtr' // F1 = F1 * F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "F1 * F1").WithArguments("*", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr").WithLocation(14, 14), // (15,14): error CS0019: Operator '/' cannot be applied to operands of type 'UIntPtr' and 'UIntPtr' // F2 = F2 / F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "F2 / F2").WithArguments("/", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(15, 14), // (16,14): error CS0019: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'IntPtr?' and 'IntPtr' // F3 = F3 * F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "F3 * F1").WithArguments("*", "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr").WithLocation(16, 14), // (17,14): error CS0019: Operator '/' cannot be applied to operands of type 'UIntPtr?' and 'UIntPtr' // F4 = F4 / F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "F4 / F2").WithArguments("/", "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(17, 14) }; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(diagnostics); } [WorkItem(3259, "https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/3259")] [Theory] [InlineData(false, false)] [InlineData(true, false)] [InlineData(false, true)] [InlineData(true, true)] public void BuiltInConversions_NativeIntegers(bool useCompilationReference, bool useLatest) { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static nint F1; public static nuint F2; public static nint? F3; public static nuint? F4; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void M1() { long x = F1; ulong y = F2; long? z = F3; ulong? w = F4; } static void M2(int x, uint y, int? z, uint? w) { F1 = x; F2 = y; F3 = z; F4 = w; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference) }, parseOptions: useLatest ? TestOptions.Regular9 : TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp); verifier.VerifyIL("B.M1", @"{ // Code size 59 (0x3b) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0005: pop IL_0006: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_000b: pop IL_000c: ldsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0011: stloc.0 IL_0012: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0014: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0019: brfalse.s IL_0023 IL_001b: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001d: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0022: pop IL_0023: ldsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_0028: stloc.1 IL_0029: ldloca.s V_1 IL_002b: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0030: brfalse.s IL_003a IL_0032: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0034: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0039: pop IL_003a: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("B.M2", @"{ // Code size 95 (0x5f) .maxstack 1 .locals init (int? V_0, nint? V_1, uint? V_2, nuint? V_3) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.i IL_0002: stsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0007: ldarg.1 IL_0008: conv.u IL_0009: stsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_000e: ldarg.2 IL_000f: stloc.0 IL_0010: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0012: call ""bool int?.HasValue.get"" IL_0017: brtrue.s IL_0024 IL_0019: ldloca.s V_1 IL_001b: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0021: ldloc.1 IL_0022: br.s IL_0031 IL_0024: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0026: call ""int int?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_002b: conv.i IL_002c: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0031: stsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0036: ldarg.3 IL_0037: stloc.2 IL_0038: ldloca.s V_2 IL_003a: call ""bool uint?.HasValue.get"" IL_003f: brtrue.s IL_004c IL_0041: ldloca.s V_3 IL_0043: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0049: ldloc.3 IL_004a: br.s IL_0059 IL_004c: ldloca.s V_2 IL_004e: call ""uint uint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0053: conv.u IL_0054: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0059: stsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_005e: ret }"); } [WorkItem(3259, "https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/3259")] [Theory] [InlineData(false)] [InlineData(true)] public void BuiltInOperators_NativeIntegers(bool useCompilationReference) { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static nint F1; public static nuint F2; public static nint? F3; public static nuint? F4; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { F1 = -F1; F2 = +F2; F3 = -F3; F4 = +F4; F1 = F1 * F1; F2 = F2 / F2; F3 = F3 * F1; F4 = F4 / F2; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp); verifier.VerifyIL("B.Main", @"{ // Code size 247 (0xf7) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1, nuint? V_2, nuint? V_3, System.IntPtr V_4, System.UIntPtr V_5) IL_0000: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0005: neg IL_0006: stsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_000b: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_0010: stsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_0015: ldsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_001a: stloc.0 IL_001b: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001d: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0022: brtrue.s IL_002f IL_0024: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0026: initobj ""nint?"" IL_002c: ldloc.1 IL_002d: br.s IL_003c IL_002f: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0031: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0036: neg IL_0037: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_003c: stsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0041: ldsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_0046: stloc.2 IL_0047: ldloca.s V_2 IL_0049: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_004e: brtrue.s IL_005b IL_0050: ldloca.s V_3 IL_0052: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0058: ldloc.3 IL_0059: br.s IL_0067 IL_005b: ldloca.s V_2 IL_005d: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0062: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0067: stsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_006c: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0071: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0076: mul IL_0077: stsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_007c: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_0081: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_0086: div.un IL_0087: stsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_008c: ldsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_0091: stloc.0 IL_0092: ldsfld ""nint A.F1"" IL_0097: stloc.s V_4 IL_0099: ldloca.s V_0 IL_009b: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_00a0: brtrue.s IL_00ad IL_00a2: ldloca.s V_1 IL_00a4: initobj ""nint?"" IL_00aa: ldloc.1 IL_00ab: br.s IL_00bc IL_00ad: ldloca.s V_0 IL_00af: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_00b4: ldloc.s V_4 IL_00b6: mul IL_00b7: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_00bc: stsfld ""nint? A.F3"" IL_00c1: ldsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_00c6: stloc.2 IL_00c7: ldsfld ""nuint A.F2"" IL_00cc: stloc.s V_5 IL_00ce: ldloca.s V_2 IL_00d0: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_00d5: brtrue.s IL_00e2 IL_00d7: ldloca.s V_3 IL_00d9: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_00df: ldloc.3 IL_00e0: br.s IL_00f1 IL_00e2: ldloca.s V_2 IL_00e4: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_00e9: ldloc.s V_5 IL_00eb: div.un IL_00ec: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_00f1: stsfld ""nuint? A.F4"" IL_00f6: ret }"); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F1 = -F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "-F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 14), // (6,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F2 = +F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "+F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 14), // (7,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F3 = -F3; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "-F3").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(7, 14), // (8,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F4 = +F4; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "+F4").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(8, 14), // (9,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F1 = F1 * F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 * F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(9, 14), // (10,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F2 = F2 / F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F2 / F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(10, 14), // (11,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F3 = F3 * F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F3 * F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(11, 14), // (12,14): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F4 = F4 / F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F4 / F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(12, 14)); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerOperatorsCSharp8_01(bool useCompilationReference, bool lifted) { string typeSuffix = lifted ? "?" : ""; var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static nint{typeSuffix} F1; public static nuint{typeSuffix} F2; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { _ = +F1; _ = -F1; _ = ~F1; _ = +F2; _ = ~F2; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = +F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "+F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = -F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "-F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 13), // (7,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = ~F1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "~F1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(7, 13), // (8,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = +F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "+F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(8, 13), // (9,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = ~F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "~F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(9, 13)); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerOperatorsCSharp8_02(bool useCompilationReference, [CombinatorialValues("nint", "nint?", "nuint", "nuint?")] string type) { var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { ++F; F++; --F; F--; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics( // (5,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // ++F; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "++F").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 9), // (6,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F++; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F++").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 9), // (7,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // --F; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "--F").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(7, 9), // (8,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F--; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F--").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(8, 9)); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerOperatorsCSharp8_03(bool useCompilationReference, [CombinatorialValues("nint", "nint?", "nuint", "nuint?")] string type) { var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F1, F2; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { _ = F1 + F2; _ = F1 - F2; _ = F1 * F2; _ = F1 / F2; _ = F1 % F2; _ = F1 < F2; _ = F1 <= F2; _ = F1 > F2; _ = F1 >= F2; _ = F1 == F2; _ = F1 != F2; _ = F1 & F2; _ = F1 | F2; _ = F1 ^ F2; _ = F1 << 1; _ = F1 >> 1; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 + F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 + F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 - F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 - F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 13), // (7,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 * F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 * F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(7, 13), // (8,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 / F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 / F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(8, 13), // (9,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 % F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 % F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(9, 13), // (10,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 < F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 < F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(10, 13), // (11,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 <= F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 <= F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(11, 13), // (12,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 > F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 > F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(12, 13), // (13,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 >= F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 >= F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(13, 13), // (14,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 == F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 == F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(14, 13), // (15,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 != F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 != F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(15, 13), // (16,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 & F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 & F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(16, 13), // (17,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 | F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 | F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(17, 13), // (18,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 ^ F2; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 ^ F2").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(18, 13), // (19,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 << 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 << 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(19, 13), // (20,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = F1 >> 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F1 >> 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(20, 13)); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerOperatorsCSharp8_04(bool useCompilationReference, [CombinatorialValues("nint", "nint?", "nuint", "nuint?")] string type) { var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F1, F2; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { _ = (F1, F1) == (F2, F2); _ = (F1, F1) != (F2, F2); } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics( // (5,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = (F1, F1) == (F2, F2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "(F1, F1) == (F2, F2)").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 13), // (5,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = (F1, F1) == (F2, F2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "(F1, F1) == (F2, F2)").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 13), // (6,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = (F1, F1) != (F2, F2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "(F1, F1) != (F2, F2)").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 13), // (6,13): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // _ = (F1, F1) != (F2, F2); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "(F1, F1) != (F2, F2)").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 13)); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerOperatorsCSharp8_05(bool useCompilationReference, [CombinatorialValues("nint", "nint?", "nuint", "nuint?")] string type) { var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { F += 1; F -= 1; F *= 1; F /= 1; F %= 1; F &= 1; F |= 1; F ^= 1; F <<= 1; F >>= 1; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics( // (5,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F += 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F += 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(5, 9), // (6,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F -= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F -= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(6, 9), // (7,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F *= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F *= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(7, 9), // (8,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F /= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F /= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(8, 9), // (9,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F %= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F %= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(9, 9), // (10,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F &= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F &= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(10, 9), // (11,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F |= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F |= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(11, 9), // (12,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F ^= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F ^= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(12, 9), // (13,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F <<= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F <<= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(13, 9), // (14,9): error CS8400: Feature 'native-sized integers' is not available in C# 8.0. Please use language version 9.0 or greater. // F >>= 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_FeatureNotAvailableInVersion8, "F >>= 1").WithArguments("native-sized integers", "9.0").WithLocation(14, 9)); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerConversionsCSharp8_01(bool useCompilationReference, [CombinatorialValues("nint", "nuint")] string type) { var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F1; public static {type}? F2; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = @"class B : A { static void Main() { F1 = sbyte.MaxValue; F1 = byte.MaxValue; F1 = char.MaxValue; F1 = short.MaxValue; F1 = ushort.MaxValue; F1 = int.MaxValue; F2 = sbyte.MaxValue; F2 = byte.MaxValue; F2 = char.MaxValue; F2 = short.MaxValue; F2 = ushort.MaxValue; F2 = int.MaxValue; } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerConversionsCSharp8_02(bool useCompilationReference, bool signed) { string type = signed ? "nint" : "nuint"; string underlyingType = signed ? "System.IntPtr" : "System.UIntPtr"; var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F1; public static {type}? F2; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = $@"class B : A {{ static T F() => throw null; static void Main() {{ F1 = F(); F1 = F(); F1 = F(); F1 = F<{underlyingType}>(); F2 = F(); F2 = F(); F2 = F(); F2 = F(); F2 = F(); F2 = F(); F2 = F<{underlyingType}>(); F2 = F<{underlyingType}?>(); }} }}"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerConversionsCSharp8_03(bool useCompilationReference, bool signed) { string type = signed ? "nint" : "nuint"; string underlyingType = signed ? "System.IntPtr" : "System.UIntPtr"; var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F1; public static {type}? F2; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = $@"class B : A {{ static void M0() {{ object o; o = F1; o = (object)F1; o = F2; o = (object)F2; }} static void M1() {{ {underlyingType} ptr; sbyte sb; byte b; char c; short s; ushort us; int i; uint u; long l; ulong ul; float f; double d; decimal dec; ptr = F1; f = F1; d = F1; dec = F1; ptr = ({underlyingType})F1; sb = (sbyte)F1; b = (byte)F1; c = (char)F1; s = (short)F1; us = (ushort)F1; i = (int)F1; u = (uint)F1; l = (long)F1; ul = (ulong)F1; f = (float)F1; d = (double)F1; dec = (decimal)F1; ptr = ({underlyingType})F2; sb = (sbyte)F2; b = (byte)F2; c = (char)F2; s = (short)F2; us = (ushort)F2; i = (int)F2; u = (uint)F2; l = (long)F2; ul = (ulong)F2; f = (float)F2; d = (double)F2; dec = (decimal)F2; }} static void M2() {{ {underlyingType}? ptr; sbyte? sb; byte? b; char? c; short? s; ushort? us; int? i; uint? u; long? l; ulong? ul; float? f; double? d; decimal? dec; ptr = F1; f = F1; d = F1; dec = F1; ptr = ({underlyingType}?)F1; sb = (sbyte?)F1; b = (byte?)F1; c = (char?)F1; s = (short?)F1; us = (ushort?)F1; i = (int?)F1; u = (uint?)F1; l = (long?)F1; ul = (ulong?)F1; f = (float?)F1; d = (double?)F1; dec = (decimal?)F1; ptr = F2; f = F2; d = F2; dec = F2; ptr = ({underlyingType}?)F2; sb = (sbyte?)F2; b = (byte?)F2; c = (char?)F2; s = (short?)F2; us = (ushort?)F2; i = (int?)F2; u = (uint?)F2; l = (long?)F2; ul = (ulong?)F2; f = (float?)F2; d = (double?)F2; dec = (decimal?)F2; }} }}"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); } [Theory] [CombinatorialData] [WorkItem(42941, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42941")] public void NativeIntegerConversionsCSharp8_04(bool useCompilationReference, [CombinatorialValues("nint", "nuint")] string type) { var sourceA = $@"public class A {{ public static {type} F1, F2; public static {type}? F3, F4; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var refA = AsReference(comp, useCompilationReference); var sourceB = $@"class B : A {{ static void Main() {{ F2 = F1; F4 = F1; F4 = F3; }} }}"; comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); } [Theory] [InlineData("")] [InlineData("unchecked")] [InlineData("checked")] public void ConstantConversions_ToNativeInt(string context) { var source = $@"#pragma warning disable 219 class Program {{ static void F1() {{ nint i; {context} {{ i = sbyte.MaxValue; i = byte.MaxValue; i = char.MaxValue; i = short.MaxValue; i = ushort.MaxValue; i = int.MaxValue; i = uint.MaxValue; i = long.MaxValue; i = ulong.MaxValue; i = float.MaxValue; i = double.MaxValue; i = (decimal)int.MaxValue; i = (nint)int.MaxValue; i = (nuint)uint.MaxValue; }} }} static void F2() {{ nuint u; {context} {{ u = sbyte.MaxValue; u = byte.MaxValue; u = char.MaxValue; u = short.MaxValue; u = ushort.MaxValue; u = int.MaxValue; u = uint.MaxValue; u = long.MaxValue; u = ulong.MaxValue; u = float.MaxValue; u = double.MaxValue; u = (decimal)uint.MaxValue; u = (nint)int.MaxValue; u = (nuint)uint.MaxValue; }} }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (15,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'uint' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // i = uint.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "uint.MaxValue").WithArguments("uint", "nint").WithLocation(15, 17), // (16,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'long' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // i = long.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "long.MaxValue").WithArguments("long", "nint").WithLocation(16, 17), // (17,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'ulong' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // i = ulong.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "ulong.MaxValue").WithArguments("ulong", "nint").WithLocation(17, 17), // (18,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'float' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // i = float.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "float.MaxValue").WithArguments("float", "nint").WithLocation(18, 17), // (19,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // i = double.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "double.MaxValue").WithArguments("double", "nint").WithLocation(19, 17), // (20,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'decimal' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // i = (decimal)int.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "(decimal)int.MaxValue").WithArguments("decimal", "nint").WithLocation(20, 17), // (22,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // i = (nuint)uint.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "(nuint)uint.MaxValue").WithArguments("nuint", "nint").WithLocation(22, 17), // (37,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'long' to 'nuint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // u = long.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "long.MaxValue").WithArguments("long", "nuint").WithLocation(37, 17), // (38,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'ulong' to 'nuint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // u = ulong.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "ulong.MaxValue").WithArguments("ulong", "nuint").WithLocation(38, 17), // (39,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'float' to 'nuint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // u = float.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "float.MaxValue").WithArguments("float", "nuint").WithLocation(39, 17), // (40,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'double' to 'nuint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // u = double.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "double.MaxValue").WithArguments("double", "nuint").WithLocation(40, 17), // (41,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'decimal' to 'nuint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // u = (decimal)uint.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "(decimal)uint.MaxValue").WithArguments("decimal", "nuint").WithLocation(41, 17), // (42,17): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'nuint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // u = (nint)int.MaxValue; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "(nint)int.MaxValue").WithArguments("nint", "nuint").WithLocation(42, 17)); } [Theory] [InlineData("")] [InlineData("unchecked")] [InlineData("checked")] public void ConstantConversions_FromNativeInt(string context) { var source = $@"#pragma warning disable 219 class Program {{ static void F1() {{ const nint n = (nint)int.MaxValue; {context} {{ sbyte sb = n; byte b = n; char c = n; short s = n; ushort us = n; int i = n; uint u = n; long l = n; ulong ul = n; float f = n; double d = n; decimal dec = n; nuint nu = n; }} }} static void F2() {{ const nuint nu = (nuint)uint.MaxValue; {context} {{ sbyte sb = nu; byte b = nu; char c = nu; short s = nu; ushort us = nu; int i = nu; uint u = nu; long l = nu; ulong ul = nu; float f = nu; double d = nu; decimal dec = nu; nint n = nu; }} }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (9,24): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'sbyte'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // sbyte sb = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "sbyte").WithLocation(9, 24), // (10,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'byte'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // byte b = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "byte").WithLocation(10, 22), // (11,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'char'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // char c = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "char").WithLocation(11, 22), // (12,23): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'short'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // short s = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "short").WithLocation(12, 23), // (13,25): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'ushort'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // ushort us = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "ushort").WithLocation(13, 25), // (14,21): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // int i = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "int").WithLocation(14, 21), // (15,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'uint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // uint u = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "uint").WithLocation(15, 22), // (17,24): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'ulong'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // ulong ul = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "ulong").WithLocation(17, 24), // (21,24): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nint' to 'nuint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // nuint nu = n; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "n").WithArguments("nint", "nuint").WithLocation(21, 24), // (29,24): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'sbyte'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // sbyte sb = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "sbyte").WithLocation(29, 24), // (30,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'byte'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // byte b = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "byte").WithLocation(30, 22), // (31,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'char'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // char c = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "char").WithLocation(31, 22), // (32,23): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'short'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // short s = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "short").WithLocation(32, 23), // (33,25): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'ushort'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // ushort us = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "ushort").WithLocation(33, 25), // (34,21): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'int'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // int i = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "int").WithLocation(34, 21), // (35,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'uint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // uint u = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "uint").WithLocation(35, 22), // (36,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'long'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // long l = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "long").WithLocation(36, 22), // (41,22): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'nuint' to 'nint'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // nint n = nu; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "nu").WithArguments("nuint", "nint").WithLocation(41, 22)); } [WorkItem(42955, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42955")] [WorkItem(45525, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45525")] [Fact] public void ConstantConversions_01() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static void Main() { const long x = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; const nint y = checked((nint)x); Console.WriteLine(y); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (7,24): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'y' must be constant // const nint y = checked((nint)x); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "checked((nint)x)").WithArguments("y").WithLocation(7, 24), // (7,32): warning CS8778: Constant value '1152921504606846975' may overflow 'nint' at runtime (use 'unchecked' syntax to override) // const nint y = checked((nint)x); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ConstOutOfRangeChecked, "(nint)x").WithArguments("1152921504606846975", "nint").WithLocation(7, 32)); source = @"using System; class Program { static void Main() { const long x = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; try { nint y = checked((nint)x); Console.WriteLine(y); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.GetType()); } } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (9,30): warning CS8778: Constant value '1152921504606846975' may overflow 'nint' at runtime (use 'unchecked' syntax to override) // nint y = checked((nint)x); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ConstOutOfRangeChecked, "(nint)x").WithArguments("1152921504606846975", "nint").WithLocation(9, 30)); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "1152921504606846975"); } [WorkItem(45531, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45531")] [Fact] public void ConstantConversions_02() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static void Main() { const long x = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; const nint y = unchecked((nint)x); Console.WriteLine(y); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (7,24): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'y' must be constant // const nint y = unchecked((nint)x); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "unchecked((nint)x)").WithArguments("y").WithLocation(7, 24)); source = @"using System; class Program { static void Main() { const long x = 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL; nint y = unchecked((nint)x); Console.WriteLine(y); } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-1" : "1152921504606846975"); } [WorkItem(42955, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42955")] [WorkItem(45525, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45525")] [WorkItem(45531, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/45531")] [Fact] public void ConstantConversions_03() { using var _ = new EnsureInvariantCulture(); constantConversions("sbyte", "nint", "-1", null, "-1", "-1", null, "-1", "-1"); constantConversions("sbyte", "nint", "sbyte.MinValue", null, "-128", "-128", null, "-128", "-128"); constantConversions("sbyte", "nint", "sbyte.MaxValue", null, "127", "127", null, "127", "127"); constantConversions("byte", "nint", "byte.MaxValue", null, "255", "255", null, "255", "255"); constantConversions("short", "nint", "-1", null, "-1", "-1", null, "-1", "-1"); constantConversions("short", "nint", "short.MinValue", null, "-32768", "-32768", null, "-32768", "-32768"); constantConversions("short", "nint", "short.MaxValue", null, "32767", "32767", null, "32767", "32767"); constantConversions("ushort", "nint", "ushort.MaxValue", null, "65535", "65535", null, "65535", "65535"); constantConversions("char", "nint", "char.MaxValue", null, "65535", "65535", null, "65535", "65535"); constantConversions("int", "nint", "int.MinValue", null, "-2147483648", "-2147483648", null, "-2147483648", "-2147483648"); constantConversions("int", "nint", "int.MaxValue", null, "2147483647", "2147483647", null, "2147483647", "2147483647"); constantConversions("uint", "nint", "(int.MaxValue + 1U)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "2147483648"), "System.OverflowException", "2147483648", null, "-2147483648", "2147483648"); constantConversions("uint", "nint", "uint.MaxValue", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "4294967295"), "System.OverflowException", "4294967295", null, "-1", "4294967295"); constantConversions("long", "nint", "(int.MinValue - 1L)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "-2147483649"), "System.OverflowException", "-2147483649", null, "2147483647", "-2147483649"); constantConversions("long", "nint", "(int.MaxValue + 1L)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "2147483648"), "System.OverflowException", "2147483648", null, "-2147483648", "2147483648"); constantConversions("long", "nint", "long.MinValue", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "-9223372036854775808"), "System.OverflowException", "-9223372036854775808", null, "0", "-9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("long", "nint", "long.MaxValue", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "9223372036854775807"), "System.OverflowException", "9223372036854775807", null, "-1", "9223372036854775807"); constantConversions("ulong", "nint", "(int.MaxValue + 1UL)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "2147483648"), "System.OverflowException", "2147483648", null, "-2147483648", "2147483648"); constantConversions("ulong", "nint", "ulong.MaxValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "18446744073709551615"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "-1", "-1"); constantConversions("decimal", "nint", "(int.MinValue - 1M)", errorOutOfRange("nint", "-2147483649M"), "System.OverflowException", "-2147483649", errorOutOfRange("nint", "-2147483649M"), "2147483647", "-2147483649"); constantConversions("decimal", "nint", "(int.MaxValue + 1M)", errorOutOfRange("nint", "2147483648M"), "System.OverflowException", "2147483648", errorOutOfRange("nint", "2147483648M"), "-2147483648", "2147483648"); constantConversions("decimal", "nint", "decimal.MinValue", errorOutOfRange("nint", "-79228162514264337593543950335M"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", errorOutOfRange("nint", "-79228162514264337593543950335M"), "-1", "-1"); constantConversions("decimal", "nint", "decimal.MaxValue", errorOutOfRange("nint", "79228162514264337593543950335M"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", errorOutOfRange("nint", "79228162514264337593543950335M"), "-1", "-1"); constantConversions("nint", "nint", "int.MinValue", null, "-2147483648", "-2147483648", null, "-2147483648", "-2147483648"); constantConversions("nint", "nint", "int.MaxValue", null, "2147483647", "2147483647", null, "2147483647", "2147483647"); constantConversions("nuint", "nint", "(int.MaxValue + (nuint)1)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "2147483648"), "System.OverflowException", "2147483648", null, "-2147483648", "2147483648"); constantConversions("sbyte", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("sbyte", "nuint", "sbyte.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-128"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967168", "18446744073709551488"); constantConversions("sbyte", "nuint", "sbyte.MaxValue", null, "127", "127", null, "127", "127"); constantConversions("byte", "nuint", "byte.MaxValue", null, "255", "255", null, "255", "255"); constantConversions("short", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("short", "nuint", "short.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-32768"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294934528", "18446744073709518848"); constantConversions("short", "nuint", "short.MaxValue", null, "32767", "32767", null, "32767", "32767"); constantConversions("ushort", "nuint", "ushort.MaxValue", null, "65535", "65535", null, "65535", "65535"); constantConversions("char", "nuint", "char.MaxValue", null, "65535", "65535", null, "65535", "65535"); constantConversions("int", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("int", "nuint", "int.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-2147483648"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "2147483648", "18446744071562067968"); constantConversions("int", "nuint", "int.MaxValue", null, "2147483647", "2147483647", null, "2147483647", "2147483647"); constantConversions("uint", "nuint", "uint.MaxValue", null, "4294967295", "4294967295", null, "4294967295", "4294967295"); constantConversions("long", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("long", "nuint", "uint.MaxValue + 1L", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "4294967296"), "System.OverflowException", "4294967296", null, "0", "4294967296"); constantConversions("long", "nuint", "long.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-9223372036854775808"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "0", "9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("long", "nuint", "long.MaxValue", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "9223372036854775807"), "System.OverflowException", "9223372036854775807", null, "4294967295", "9223372036854775807"); constantConversions("ulong", "nuint", "uint.MaxValue + 1UL", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "4294967296"), "System.OverflowException", "4294967296", null, "0", "4294967296"); constantConversions("ulong", "nuint", "ulong.MaxValue", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "18446744073709551615"), "System.OverflowException", "18446744073709551615", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("decimal", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "-1M"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "-1M"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException"); constantConversions("decimal", "nuint", "(uint.MaxValue + 1M)", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "4294967296M"), "System.OverflowException", "4294967296", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "4294967296M"), "-1", "4294967296"); constantConversions("decimal", "nuint", "decimal.MinValue", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "-79228162514264337593543950335M"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "-79228162514264337593543950335M"), "-1", "-1"); constantConversions("decimal", "nuint", "decimal.MaxValue", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "79228162514264337593543950335M"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", errorOutOfRange("nuint", "79228162514264337593543950335M"), "-1", "-1"); constantConversions("nint", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("nuint", "nuint", "uint.MaxValue", null, "4294967295", "4294967295", null, "4294967295", "4294967295"); if (!ExecutionConditionUtil.IsWindowsDesktop) { // There are differences in floating point precision across platforms // so floating point tests are limited to one platform. return; } constantConversions("float", "nint", "(int.MinValue - 10000F)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "-2.147494E+09"), "System.OverflowException", "-2147493632", null, "-2147483648", "-2147493632"); constantConversions("float", "nint", "(int.MaxValue + 10000F)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "2.147494E+09"), "System.OverflowException", "2147493632", null, "-2147483648", "2147493632"); constantConversions("float", "nint", "float.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "-3.402823E+38"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "-2147483648", "-9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("float", "nint", "float.MaxValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "3.402823E+38"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "-2147483648", "-9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("double", "nint", "(int.MinValue - 1D)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "-2147483649"), "System.OverflowException", "-2147483649", null, "-2147483648", "-2147483649"); constantConversions("double", "nint", "(int.MaxValue + 1D)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "2147483648"), "System.OverflowException", "2147483648", null, "-2147483648", "2147483648"); constantConversions("double", "nint", "double.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "-1.79769313486232E+308"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "-2147483648", "-9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("double", "nint", "double.MaxValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nint", "1.79769313486232E+308"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "-2147483648", "-9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("float", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("float", "nuint", "(uint.MaxValue + 1F)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "4.294967E+09"), "System.OverflowException", "4294967296", null, "0", "4294967296"); constantConversions("float", "nuint", "float.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-3.402823E+38"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "0", "9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("float", "nuint", "float.MaxValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "3.402823E+38"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "0", "0"); constantConversions("double", "nuint", "-1", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "4294967295", "18446744073709551615"); constantConversions("double", "nuint", "(uint.MaxValue + 1D)", warningOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "4294967296"), "System.OverflowException", "4294967296", null, "0", "4294967296"); constantConversions("double", "nuint", "double.MinValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "-1.79769313486232E+308"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "0", "9223372036854775808"); constantConversions("double", "nuint", "double.MaxValue", errorOutOfRangeChecked("nuint", "1.79769313486232E+308"), "System.OverflowException", "System.OverflowException", null, "0", "0"); static DiagnosticDescription errorOutOfRangeChecked(string destinationType, string value) => Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConstOutOfRangeChecked, $"({destinationType})x").WithArguments(value, destinationType); static DiagnosticDescription errorOutOfRange(string destinationType, string value) => Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_ConstOutOfRange, $"({destinationType})x").WithArguments(value, destinationType); static DiagnosticDescription warningOutOfRangeChecked(string destinationType, string value) => Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_ConstOutOfRangeChecked, $"({destinationType})x").WithArguments(value, destinationType); void constantConversions(string sourceType, string destinationType, string sourceValue, DiagnosticDescription checkedError, string checked32, string checked64, DiagnosticDescription uncheckedError, string unchecked32, string unchecked64) { constantConversion(sourceType, destinationType, sourceValue, useChecked: true, checkedError, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? checked32 : checked64); constantConversion(sourceType, destinationType, sourceValue, useChecked: false, uncheckedError, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? unchecked32 : unchecked64); } void constantConversion(string sourceType, string destinationType, string sourceValue, bool useChecked, DiagnosticDescription expectedError, string expectedOutput) { var source = $@"using System; class Program {{ static void Main() {{ const {sourceType} x = {sourceValue}; object y; try {{ y = {(useChecked ? "checked" : "unchecked")}(({destinationType})x); }} catch (Exception e) {{ y = e.GetType(); }} Console.Write(y); }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedError is null ? Array.Empty() : new[] { expectedError }); if (expectedError == null || ErrorFacts.IsWarning((ErrorCode)expectedError.Code)) { CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); } } } [Fact] public void Constants_NInt() { string source = $@"class Program {{ static void Main() {{ F(default); F(int.MinValue); F({short.MinValue - 1}); F(short.MinValue); F(sbyte.MinValue); F(-2); F(-1); F(0); F(1); F(2); F(3); F(4); F(5); F(6); F(7); F(8); F(9); F(sbyte.MaxValue); F(byte.MaxValue); F(short.MaxValue); F(char.MaxValue); F(ushort.MaxValue); F({ushort.MaxValue + 1}); F(int.MaxValue); }} static void F(nint n) {{ System.Console.WriteLine(n); }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); string expectedOutput = @"0 -2147483648 -32769 -32768 -128 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 127 255 32767 65535 65535 65536 2147483647"; var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); string expectedIL = @"{ // Code size 209 (0xd1) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldc.i4.0 IL_0001: conv.i IL_0002: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0007: ldc.i4 0x80000000 IL_000c: conv.i IL_000d: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0012: ldc.i4 0xffff7fff IL_0017: conv.i IL_0018: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_001d: ldc.i4 0xffff8000 IL_0022: conv.i IL_0023: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0028: ldc.i4.s -128 IL_002a: conv.i IL_002b: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0030: ldc.i4.s -2 IL_0032: conv.i IL_0033: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0038: ldc.i4.m1 IL_0039: conv.i IL_003a: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_003f: ldc.i4.0 IL_0040: conv.i IL_0041: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0046: ldc.i4.1 IL_0047: conv.i IL_0048: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_004d: ldc.i4.2 IL_004e: conv.i IL_004f: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0054: ldc.i4.3 IL_0055: conv.i IL_0056: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_005b: ldc.i4.4 IL_005c: conv.i IL_005d: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0062: ldc.i4.5 IL_0063: conv.i IL_0064: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0069: ldc.i4.6 IL_006a: conv.i IL_006b: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0070: ldc.i4.7 IL_0071: conv.i IL_0072: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0077: ldc.i4.8 IL_0078: conv.i IL_0079: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_007e: ldc.i4.s 9 IL_0080: conv.i IL_0081: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0086: ldc.i4.s 127 IL_0088: conv.i IL_0089: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_008e: ldc.i4 0xff IL_0093: conv.i IL_0094: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_0099: ldc.i4 0x7fff IL_009e: conv.i IL_009f: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_00a4: ldc.i4 0xffff IL_00a9: conv.i IL_00aa: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_00af: ldc.i4 0xffff IL_00b4: conv.i IL_00b5: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_00ba: ldc.i4 0x10000 IL_00bf: conv.i IL_00c0: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_00c5: ldc.i4 0x7fffffff IL_00ca: conv.i IL_00cb: call ""void Program.F(nint)"" IL_00d0: ret }"; verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Main", expectedIL); } [Fact] public void Constants_NUInt() { string source = $@"class Program {{ static void Main() {{ F(default); F(0); F(1); F(2); F(3); F(4); F(5); F(6); F(7); F(8); F(9); F(sbyte.MaxValue); F(byte.MaxValue); F(short.MaxValue); F(char.MaxValue); F(ushort.MaxValue); F(int.MaxValue); F({(uint)int.MaxValue + 1}); F(uint.MaxValue); }} static void F(nuint n) {{ System.Console.WriteLine(n); }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); string expectedOutput = @"0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 127 255 32767 65535 65535 2147483647 2147483648 4294967295"; var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); string expectedIL = @"{ // Code size 160 (0xa0) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldc.i4.0 IL_0001: conv.i IL_0002: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0007: ldc.i4.0 IL_0008: conv.i IL_0009: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_000e: ldc.i4.1 IL_000f: conv.i IL_0010: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0015: ldc.i4.2 IL_0016: conv.i IL_0017: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_001c: ldc.i4.3 IL_001d: conv.i IL_001e: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0023: ldc.i4.4 IL_0024: conv.i IL_0025: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_002a: ldc.i4.5 IL_002b: conv.i IL_002c: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0031: ldc.i4.6 IL_0032: conv.i IL_0033: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0038: ldc.i4.7 IL_0039: conv.i IL_003a: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_003f: ldc.i4.8 IL_0040: conv.i IL_0041: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0046: ldc.i4.s 9 IL_0048: conv.i IL_0049: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_004e: ldc.i4.s 127 IL_0050: conv.i IL_0051: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0056: ldc.i4 0xff IL_005b: conv.i IL_005c: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0061: ldc.i4 0x7fff IL_0066: conv.i IL_0067: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_006c: ldc.i4 0xffff IL_0071: conv.i IL_0072: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0077: ldc.i4 0xffff IL_007c: conv.i IL_007d: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0082: ldc.i4 0x7fffffff IL_0087: conv.i IL_0088: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_008d: ldc.i4 0x80000000 IL_0092: conv.u IL_0093: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_0098: ldc.i4.m1 IL_0099: conv.u IL_009a: call ""void Program.F(nuint)"" IL_009f: ret }"; verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Main", expectedIL); } [Fact] public void Constants_Locals() { var source = @"#pragma warning disable 219 class Program { static void Main() { const System.IntPtr a = default; const nint b = default; const System.UIntPtr c = default; const nuint d = default; } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (6,15): error CS0283: The type 'IntPtr' cannot be declared const // const System.IntPtr a = default; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadConstType, "System.IntPtr").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(6, 15), // (8,15): error CS0283: The type 'UIntPtr' cannot be declared const // const System.UIntPtr c = default; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadConstType, "System.UIntPtr").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(8, 15)); } [Fact] public void Constants_Fields_01() { var source = @"class Program { const System.IntPtr A = default(System.IntPtr); const nint B = default(nint); const System.UIntPtr C = default(System.UIntPtr); const nuint D = default(nuint); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (3,5): error CS0283: The type 'IntPtr' cannot be declared const // const System.IntPtr A = default(System.IntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadConstType, "const").WithArguments("System.IntPtr").WithLocation(3, 5), // (3,29): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'Program.A' must be constant // const System.IntPtr A = default(System.IntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "default(System.IntPtr)").WithArguments("Program.A").WithLocation(3, 29), // (5,5): error CS0283: The type 'UIntPtr' cannot be declared const // const System.UIntPtr C = default(System.UIntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadConstType, "const").WithArguments("System.UIntPtr").WithLocation(5, 5), // (5,30): error CS0133: The expression being assigned to 'Program.C' must be constant // const System.UIntPtr C = default(System.UIntPtr); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, "default(System.UIntPtr)").WithArguments("Program.C").WithLocation(5, 30)); } [Fact] public void Constants_Fields_02() { var source0 = @"public class A { public const nint C1 = -42; public const nuint C2 = 42; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source0, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var ref0 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var source1 = @"using System; class B { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(A.C1); Console.WriteLine(A.C2); } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(source1, references: new[] { ref0 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"-42 42"); } [Fact] public void Constants_ParameterDefaults() { var source0 = @"public class A { public static System.IntPtr F1(System.IntPtr i = default) => i; public static nint F2(nint i = -42) => i; public static System.UIntPtr F3(System.UIntPtr u = default) => u; public static nuint F4(nuint u = 42) => u; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source0, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var ref0 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var source1 = @"using System; class B { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(A.F1()); Console.WriteLine(A.F2()); Console.WriteLine(A.F3()); Console.WriteLine(A.F4()); } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(source1, references: new[] { ref0 }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"0 -42 0 42"); } [Fact] public void Constants_FromMetadata() { var source0 = @"public class Constants { public const nint NIntMin = int.MinValue; public const nint NIntMax = int.MaxValue; public const nuint NUIntMin = uint.MinValue; public const nuint NUIntMax = uint.MaxValue; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source0, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var ref0 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); var source1 = @"using System; class Program { static void Main() { const nint nintMin = Constants.NIntMin; const nint nintMax = Constants.NIntMax; const nuint nuintMin = Constants.NUIntMin; const nuint nuintMax = Constants.NUIntMax; Console.WriteLine(nintMin); Console.WriteLine(nintMax); Console.WriteLine(nuintMin); Console.WriteLine(nuintMax); } }"; comp = CreateCompilation(source1, references: new[] { ref0 }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"-2147483648 2147483647 0 4294967295"); } [Fact] public void ConstantValue_Properties() { var source = @"class Program { const nint A = int.MinValue; const nint B = 0; const nint C = int.MaxValue; const nuint D = 0; const nuint E = uint.MaxValue; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); verify((FieldSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.A"), int.MinValue, signed: true, negative: true); verify((FieldSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.B"), 0, signed: true, negative: false); verify((FieldSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.C"), int.MaxValue, signed: true, negative: false); verify((FieldSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.D"), 0U, signed: false, negative: false); verify((FieldSymbol)comp.GetMember("Program.E"), uint.MaxValue, signed: false, negative: false); static void verify(FieldSymbol field, object expectedValue, bool signed, bool negative) { var value = field.GetConstantValue(ConstantFieldsInProgress.Empty, earlyDecodingWellKnownAttributes: false); Assert.Equal(signed ? ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.NInt : ConstantValueTypeDiscriminator.NUInt, value.Discriminator); Assert.Equal(expectedValue, value.Value); Assert.True(value.IsIntegral); Assert.True(value.IsNumeric); Assert.Equal(negative, value.IsNegativeNumeric); Assert.Equal(!signed, value.IsUnsigned); } } /// /// Native integers cannot be used as attribute values. /// [Fact] public void AttributeValue_01() { var source0 = @"class A : System.Attribute { public A() { } public A(object value) { } public object Value; } [A((nint)1)] [A(new nuint[0])] [A(Value = (nint)3)] [A(Value = new[] { (nuint)4 })] class B { }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source0, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (7,4): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type // [A((nint)1)] Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "(nint)1").WithLocation(7, 4), // (8,4): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type // [A(new nuint[0])] Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "new nuint[0]").WithLocation(8, 4), // (9,12): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type // [A(Value = (nint)3)] Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "(nint)3").WithLocation(9, 12), // (10,12): error CS0182: An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array creation expression of an attribute parameter type // [A(Value = new[] { (nuint)4 })] Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeArgument, "new[] { (nuint)4 }").WithLocation(10, 12)); } /// /// Native integers cannot be used as attribute values. /// [Fact] public void AttributeValue_02() { var source0 = @"class A : System.Attribute { public A() { } public A(nint value) { } public nuint[] Value; } [A(1)] [A(Value = default)] class B { }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source0, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (7,2): error CS0181: Attribute constructor parameter 'value' has type 'nint', which is not a valid attribute parameter type // [A(1)] Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAttributeParamType, "A").WithArguments("value", "nint").WithLocation(7, 2), // (8,4): error CS0655: 'Value' is not a valid named attribute argument because it is not a valid attribute parameter type // [A(Value = default)] Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadNamedAttributeArgumentType, "Value").WithArguments("Value").WithLocation(8, 4)); } [Fact] public void ParameterDefaultValue_01() { var source = @"using System; class A { static void F0(IntPtr x = default, UIntPtr y = default) { } static void F1(IntPtr x = (IntPtr)(-1), UIntPtr y = (UIntPtr)2) { } static void F2(IntPtr? x = null, UIntPtr? y = null) { } static void F3(IntPtr? x = (IntPtr)(-3), UIntPtr? y = (UIntPtr)4) { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (7,31): error CS1736: Default parameter value for 'x' must be a compile-time constant // static void F1(IntPtr x = (IntPtr)(-1), UIntPtr y = (UIntPtr)2) Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DefaultValueMustBeConstant, "(IntPtr)(-1)").WithArguments("x").WithLocation(7, 31), // (7,57): error CS1736: Default parameter value for 'y' must be a compile-time constant // static void F1(IntPtr x = (IntPtr)(-1), UIntPtr y = (UIntPtr)2) Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DefaultValueMustBeConstant, "(UIntPtr)2").WithArguments("y").WithLocation(7, 57), // (13,32): error CS1736: Default parameter value for 'x' must be a compile-time constant // static void F3(IntPtr? x = (IntPtr)(-3), UIntPtr? y = (UIntPtr)4) Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DefaultValueMustBeConstant, "(IntPtr)(-3)").WithArguments("x").WithLocation(13, 32), // (13,59): error CS1736: Default parameter value for 'y' must be a compile-time constant // static void F3(IntPtr? x = (IntPtr)(-3), UIntPtr? y = (UIntPtr)4) Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_DefaultValueMustBeConstant, "(UIntPtr)4").WithArguments("y").WithLocation(13, 59)); } [Fact] public void ParameterDefaultValue_02() { var sourceA = @"public class A { public static void F0(nint x = default, nuint y = default) { Report(x); Report(y); } public static void F1(nint x = -1, nuint y = 2) { Report(x); Report(y); } public static void F2(nint? x = null, nuint? y = null) { Report(x); Report(y); } public static void F3(nint? x = -3, nuint? y = 4) { Report(x); Report(y); } static void Report(object o) { System.Console.WriteLine(o ?? ""null""); } }"; var sourceB = @"class B { static void Main() { A.F0(); A.F1(); A.F2(); A.F3(); } }"; var expectedOutput = @"0 0 -1 2 null null -3 4"; var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var ref1 = comp.ToMetadataReference(); var ref2 = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref1 }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { ref2 }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular8); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); } [Fact] public void SwitchStatement_01() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static nint M(nint ret) { switch (ret) { case 0: ret--; // 2 Report(""case 0: "", ret); goto case 9999; case 2: ret--; // 4 Report(""case 2: "", ret); goto case 255; case 6: // start here ret--; // 5 Report(""case 6: "", ret); goto case 2; case 9999: ret--; // 1 Report(""case 9999: "", ret); goto default; case 0xff: ret--; // 3 Report(""case 0xff: "", ret); goto case 0; default: ret--; Report(""default: "", ret); if (ret > 0) { goto case -1; } break; case -1: ret = 999; Report(""case -1: "", ret); break; } return(ret); } static void Report(string prefix, nint value) { Console.WriteLine(prefix + value); } static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(M(6)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"case 6: 5 case 2: 4 case 0xff: 3 case 0: 2 case 9999: 1 default: 0 0"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.M", @" { // Code size 201 (0xc9) .maxstack 3 .locals init (long V_0) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.i8 IL_0002: stloc.0 IL_0003: ldloc.0 IL_0004: ldc.i4.6 IL_0005: conv.i8 IL_0006: bgt.s IL_0031 IL_0008: ldloc.0 IL_0009: ldc.i4.m1 IL_000a: conv.i8 IL_000b: sub IL_000c: dup IL_000d: ldc.i4.3 IL_000e: conv.i8 IL_000f: ble.un.s IL_0014 IL_0011: pop IL_0012: br.s IL_002a IL_0014: conv.u4 IL_0015: switch ( IL_00b4, IL_0045, IL_009f, IL_0057) IL_002a: ldloc.0 IL_002b: ldc.i4.6 IL_002c: conv.i8 IL_002d: beq.s IL_0069 IL_002f: br.s IL_009f IL_0031: ldloc.0 IL_0032: ldc.i4 0xff IL_0037: conv.i8 IL_0038: beq.s IL_008d IL_003a: ldloc.0 IL_003b: ldc.i4 0x270f IL_0040: conv.i8 IL_0041: beq.s IL_007b IL_0043: br.s IL_009f IL_0045: ldarg.0 IL_0046: ldc.i4.1 IL_0047: sub IL_0048: starg.s V_0 IL_004a: ldstr ""case 0: "" IL_004f: ldarg.0 IL_0050: call ""void Program.Report(string, nint)"" IL_0055: br.s IL_007b IL_0057: ldarg.0 IL_0058: ldc.i4.1 IL_0059: sub IL_005a: starg.s V_0 IL_005c: ldstr ""case 2: "" IL_0061: ldarg.0 IL_0062: call ""void Program.Report(string, nint)"" IL_0067: br.s IL_008d IL_0069: ldarg.0 IL_006a: ldc.i4.1 IL_006b: sub IL_006c: starg.s V_0 IL_006e: ldstr ""case 6: "" IL_0073: ldarg.0 IL_0074: call ""void Program.Report(string, nint)"" IL_0079: br.s IL_0057 IL_007b: ldarg.0 IL_007c: ldc.i4.1 IL_007d: sub IL_007e: starg.s V_0 IL_0080: ldstr ""case 9999: "" IL_0085: ldarg.0 IL_0086: call ""void Program.Report(string, nint)"" IL_008b: br.s IL_009f IL_008d: ldarg.0 IL_008e: ldc.i4.1 IL_008f: sub IL_0090: starg.s V_0 IL_0092: ldstr ""case 0xff: "" IL_0097: ldarg.0 IL_0098: call ""void Program.Report(string, nint)"" IL_009d: br.s IL_0045 IL_009f: ldarg.0 IL_00a0: ldc.i4.1 IL_00a1: sub IL_00a2: starg.s V_0 IL_00a4: ldstr ""default: "" IL_00a9: ldarg.0 IL_00aa: call ""void Program.Report(string, nint)"" IL_00af: ldarg.0 IL_00b0: ldc.i4.0 IL_00b1: conv.i IL_00b2: ble.s IL_00c7 IL_00b4: ldc.i4 0x3e7 IL_00b9: conv.i IL_00ba: starg.s V_0 IL_00bc: ldstr ""case -1: "" IL_00c1: ldarg.0 IL_00c2: call ""void Program.Report(string, nint)"" IL_00c7: ldarg.0 IL_00c8: ret } "); } [Fact] public void SwitchStatement_02() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static nuint M(nuint ret) { switch (ret) { case 0: ret--; // 2 Report(""case 0: "", ret); goto case 9999; case 2: ret--; // 4 Report(""case 2: "", ret); goto case 255; case 6: // start here ret--; // 5 Report(""case 6: "", ret); goto case 2; case 9999: ret--; // 1 Report(""case 9999: "", ret); goto default; case 0xff: ret--; // 3 Report(""case 0xff: "", ret); goto case 0; default: ret--; Report(""default: "", ret); if (ret > 0) { goto case int.MaxValue; } break; case int.MaxValue: ret = 999; Report(""case int.MaxValue: "", ret); break; } return(ret); } static void Report(string prefix, nuint value) { Console.WriteLine(prefix + value); } static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(M(6)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"case 6: 5 case 2: 4 case 0xff: 3 case 0: 2 case 9999: 1 default: 0 0"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.M", @" { // Code size 184 (0xb8) .maxstack 2 .locals init (ulong V_0) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.u8 IL_0002: stloc.0 IL_0003: ldloc.0 IL_0004: ldc.i4.6 IL_0005: conv.i8 IL_0006: bgt.un.s IL_0017 IL_0008: ldloc.0 IL_0009: brfalse.s IL_0034 IL_000b: ldloc.0 IL_000c: ldc.i4.2 IL_000d: conv.i8 IL_000e: beq.s IL_0046 IL_0010: ldloc.0 IL_0011: ldc.i4.6 IL_0012: conv.i8 IL_0013: beq.s IL_0058 IL_0015: br.s IL_008e IL_0017: ldloc.0 IL_0018: ldc.i4 0xff IL_001d: conv.i8 IL_001e: beq.s IL_007c IL_0020: ldloc.0 IL_0021: ldc.i4 0x270f IL_0026: conv.i8 IL_0027: beq.s IL_006a IL_0029: ldloc.0 IL_002a: ldc.i4 0x7fffffff IL_002f: conv.i8 IL_0030: beq.s IL_00a3 IL_0032: br.s IL_008e IL_0034: ldarg.0 IL_0035: ldc.i4.1 IL_0036: sub IL_0037: starg.s V_0 IL_0039: ldstr ""case 0: "" IL_003e: ldarg.0 IL_003f: call ""void Program.Report(string, nuint)"" IL_0044: br.s IL_006a IL_0046: ldarg.0 IL_0047: ldc.i4.1 IL_0048: sub IL_0049: starg.s V_0 IL_004b: ldstr ""case 2: "" IL_0050: ldarg.0 IL_0051: call ""void Program.Report(string, nuint)"" IL_0056: br.s IL_007c IL_0058: ldarg.0 IL_0059: ldc.i4.1 IL_005a: sub IL_005b: starg.s V_0 IL_005d: ldstr ""case 6: "" IL_0062: ldarg.0 IL_0063: call ""void Program.Report(string, nuint)"" IL_0068: br.s IL_0046 IL_006a: ldarg.0 IL_006b: ldc.i4.1 IL_006c: sub IL_006d: starg.s V_0 IL_006f: ldstr ""case 9999: "" IL_0074: ldarg.0 IL_0075: call ""void Program.Report(string, nuint)"" IL_007a: br.s IL_008e IL_007c: ldarg.0 IL_007d: ldc.i4.1 IL_007e: sub IL_007f: starg.s V_0 IL_0081: ldstr ""case 0xff: "" IL_0086: ldarg.0 IL_0087: call ""void Program.Report(string, nuint)"" IL_008c: br.s IL_0034 IL_008e: ldarg.0 IL_008f: ldc.i4.1 IL_0090: sub IL_0091: starg.s V_0 IL_0093: ldstr ""default: "" IL_0098: ldarg.0 IL_0099: call ""void Program.Report(string, nuint)"" IL_009e: ldarg.0 IL_009f: ldc.i4.0 IL_00a0: conv.i IL_00a1: ble.un.s IL_00b6 IL_00a3: ldc.i4 0x3e7 IL_00a8: conv.i IL_00a9: starg.s V_0 IL_00ab: ldstr ""case int.MaxValue: "" IL_00b0: ldarg.0 IL_00b1: call ""void Program.Report(string, nuint)"" IL_00b6: ldarg.0 IL_00b7: ret } "); } [Fact] public void Conversions() { const string convNone = @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"; static string conv(string conversion) => $@"{{ // Code size 3 (0x3) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: {conversion} IL_0002: ret }}"; static string convFromNullableT(string conversion, string sourceType) => $@"{{ // Code size 9 (0x9) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.Value.get"" IL_0007: {conversion} IL_0008: ret }}"; static string convToNullableT(string conversion, string destType) => $@"{{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: {conversion} IL_0002: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_0007: ret }}"; static string convFromToNullableT(string conversion, string sourceType, string destType) => $@"{{ // Code size 35 (0x23) .maxstack 1 .locals init ({sourceType}? V_0, {destType}? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool {sourceType}?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""{destType}?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: {conversion} IL_001d: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_0022: ret }}"; static string convAndExplicit(string method, string conv = null) => conv is null ? $@"{{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""{method}"" IL_0006: ret }}" : $@"{{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""{method}"" IL_0006: {conv} IL_0007: ret }}"; static string convAndExplicitFromNullableT(string sourceType, string method, string conv = null) => conv is null ? $@"{{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""{method}"" IL_000c: ret }}" : $@"{{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""{method}"" IL_000c: {conv} IL_000d: ret }}"; static string convAndExplicitToNullableT(string destType, string method, string conv = null) => conv is null ? $@"{{ // Code size 12 (0xc) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""{method}"" IL_0006: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_000b: ret }}" : $@"{{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""{method}"" IL_0006: {conv} IL_0007: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_000c: ret }}"; // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42834: Invalid code generated for nullable conversions // involving System.[U]IntPtr: the conversion is dropped. static string convAndExplicitFromToNullableT(string sourceType, string destType, string method, string conv = null) => $@"{{ // Code size 39 (0x27) .maxstack 1 .locals init ({sourceType}? V_0, {destType}? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool {sourceType}?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""{destType}?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""{method}"" IL_0021: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_0026: ret }}"; static string explicitAndConv(string method, string conv = null) => conv is null ? $@"{{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""{method}"" IL_0006: ret }}" : $@"{{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: {conv} IL_0002: call ""{method}"" IL_0007: ret }}"; static string explicitAndConvFromNullableT(string sourceType, string method, string conv = null) => conv is null ? $@"{{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""{method}"" IL_000c: ret }}" : $@"{{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.Value.get"" IL_0007: {conv} IL_0008: call ""{method}"" IL_000d: ret }}"; static string explicitAndConvToNullableT(string destType, string method, string conv = null) => conv is null ? $@"{{ // Code size 12 (0xc) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""{method}"" IL_0006: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_000b: ret }}" : $@"{{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: {conv} IL_0002: call ""{method}"" IL_0007: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_000c: ret }}"; // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42834: Invalid code generated for nullable conversions // involving System.[U]IntPtr: the conversion is dropped. static string explicitAndConvFromToNullableT(string sourceType, string destType, string method, string conv = null) => $@"{{ // Code size 39 (0x27) .maxstack 1 .locals init ({sourceType}? V_0, {destType}? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool {sourceType}?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""{destType}?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""{sourceType} {sourceType}?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""{method}"" IL_0021: newobj ""{destType}?..ctor({destType})"" IL_0026: ret }}"; void conversions(string sourceType, string destType, string expectedImplicitIL, string expectedExplicitIL, string expectedCheckedIL = null) { // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42834: Invalid code generated for nullable conversions // involving System.[U]IntPtr: the conversion is dropped. And when converting from System.[U]IntPtr, // an assert in LocalRewriter.MakeLiftedUserDefinedConversionConsequence fails. bool verify = !(sourceType.EndsWith("?") && destType.EndsWith("?") && (usesIntPtrOrUIntPtr(sourceType) || usesIntPtrOrUIntPtr(destType))); #if DEBUG if (!verify) return; #endif convert( sourceType, destType, expectedImplicitIL, // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42454: TypeInfo.ConvertedType does not include identity conversion between underlying type and native int. skipTypeChecks: usesIntPtrOrUIntPtr(sourceType) || usesIntPtrOrUIntPtr(destType), useExplicitCast: false, useChecked: false, verify: verify, expectedImplicitIL is null ? expectedExplicitIL is null ? ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConv : ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast : 0); convert( sourceType, destType, expectedExplicitIL, skipTypeChecks: true, useExplicitCast: true, useChecked: false, verify: verify, expectedExplicitIL is null ? ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv : 0); expectedCheckedIL ??= expectedExplicitIL; convert( sourceType, destType, expectedCheckedIL, skipTypeChecks: true, useExplicitCast: true, useChecked: true, verify: verify, expectedCheckedIL is null ? ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv : 0); static bool usesIntPtrOrUIntPtr(string underlyingType) => underlyingType.Contains("IntPtr"); } conversions(sourceType: "object", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: unbox.any ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "string", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "void*", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone, expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i.un")); conversions(sourceType: "delegate*", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone, expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i.un")); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i.un")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i.un")); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.i IL_0007: ret }", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.ovf.i IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "char")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "sbyte")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "byte")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "short")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "ushort")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "int")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "uint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "uint")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "long"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "long")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "ulong"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "ulong")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""nint nint?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "float"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "float")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "double"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "double")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_000c: conv.i IL_000d: ret }", @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_000c: conv.ovf.i IL_000d: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "nint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "object", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: unbox.any ""nint?"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "string", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "void*", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.ovf.i.un IL_0002: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "delegate*", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.ovf.i.un IL_0002: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "nint?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.i IL_0007: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_000c: ret }", @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.ovf.i IL_0007: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_000c: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "nint?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "char", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "char", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "sbyte", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "sbyte", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "byte", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "byte", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "short", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "short", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "ushort", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "ushort", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "int", "nint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "int", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "uint", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "uint", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "long", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "long", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "ulong", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "ulong", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "nuint", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i.un", "nuint", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "float", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "float", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "double", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i", "double", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "nint?", null, @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (decimal? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool decimal?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""decimal decimal?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0021: conv.i IL_0022: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0027: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (decimal? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool decimal?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""decimal decimal?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0021: conv.ovf.i IL_0022: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0027: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "nint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "object", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "string", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "void*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone, expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "delegate*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone, expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i1")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u1")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i2")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i4"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i4")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u4"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u4")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.i8"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i8")); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42457: Investigate why this conversion (and other conversions from nint to ulong and from nuint to long) // use differently signed opcodes for unchecked and checked conversions. (Why conv.i8 but conv.ovf.u8 here for instance?) conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.r4"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.r4")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.r8"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.r8")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "decimal", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.i8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_0007: ret }", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.i8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nint to UIntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u2", "char"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2", "char")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i1", "sbyte"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i1", "sbyte")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u1", "byte"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u1", "byte")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i2", "short"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i2", "short")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u2", "ushort"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2", "ushort")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i4", "int"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i4", "int")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u4", "uint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u4", "uint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i8", "long"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i8", "long")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i8", "ulong"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u8", "ulong")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r4", "float"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r4", "float"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r8", "double"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r8", "double"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "decimal?", @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.i8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_0007: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_000c: ret }", @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.i8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_0007: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_000c: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "System.IntPtr?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.IntPtr?..ctor(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.IntPtr?..ctor(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nint to UIntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "object", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""nint?"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""nint?"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "string", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "void*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "delegate*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u2", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u2", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i1", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i1", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u1", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u1", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i2", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i2", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u2", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u2", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i4", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i4", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u4", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u4", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i8", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i8", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u8", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.r4", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.r8", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "decimal", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""nint nint?.Value.get"" IL_0007: conv.i8 IL_0008: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_000d: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""nint nint?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nint to UIntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u2", "nint", "char"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2", "nint", "char")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i1", "nint", "sbyte"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i1", "nint", "sbyte")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u1", "nint", "byte"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u1", "nint", "byte")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i2", "nint", "short"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i2", "nint", "short")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u2", "nint", "ushort"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2", "nint", "ushort")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i4", "nint", "int"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i4", "nint", "int")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u4", "nint", "uint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u4", "nint", "uint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i8", "nint", "long"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i8", "nint", "long")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i8", "nint", "ulong"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u8", "nint", "ulong")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r4", "nint", "float"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r4", "nint", "float"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r8", "nint", "double"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r8", "nint", "double"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "decimal?", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nint? V_0, decimal? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""decimal?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: conv.i8 IL_001d: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_0022: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0027: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nint? V_0, decimal? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""decimal?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: conv.i8 IL_001d: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_0022: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0027: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nint to UIntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "object", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: unbox.any ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "string", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "void*", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "delegate*", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.u IL_0007: ret }", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.ovf.u.un IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "char")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "sbyte"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "sbyte")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "byte")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "short"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "short")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "ushort")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i", "int"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "int")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "uint")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "long"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "long")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "ulong"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u.un", "ulong")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "nint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""nuint nuint?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "float"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "float")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u", "double"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "double")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_000c: conv.u IL_000d: ret }", @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_000c: conv.ovf.u.un IL_000d: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "nuint", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "object", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: unbox.any ""nuint?"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "string", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "void*", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "delegate*", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "nuint?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.u IL_0007: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_000c: ret }", @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: conv.ovf.u.un IL_0007: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_000c: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "nuint?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "char", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "char", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "sbyte", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "sbyte", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "sbyte", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "byte", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "byte", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "short", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "short", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "short", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "ushort", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "ushort", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i", "int", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "int", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "uint", "nuint"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "uint", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "long", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "long", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "ulong", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u.un", "ulong", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nint?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "nint", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "nint", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "float", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "float", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u", "double", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u", "double", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "nuint?", null, @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (decimal? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool decimal?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""decimal decimal?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0021: conv.u IL_0022: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0027: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (decimal? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool decimal?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""decimal decimal?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0021: conv.ovf.u.un IL_0022: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0027: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "nuint?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "object", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "string", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "void*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "delegate*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.i4"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i4.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u4"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.u4.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: conv("conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.u8"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.r4"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.r4")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: conv("conv.r8"), expectedExplicitIL: conv("conv.r8")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "decimal", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.u8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_0007: ret }", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.u8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nuint to IntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u2", "char"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2.un", "char")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i1", "sbyte"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i1.un", "sbyte")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u1", "byte"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u1.un", "byte")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i2", "short"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i2.un", "short")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u2", "ushort"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2.un", "ushort")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.i4", "int"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i4.un", "int")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u4", "uint"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.u4.un", "uint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u8", "long"), expectedCheckedIL: convToNullableT("conv.ovf.i8.un", "long")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u8", "ulong"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.u8", "ulong")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r4", "float"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r4", "float"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r8", "double"), expectedExplicitIL: convToNullableT("conv.r8", "double"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "decimal?", @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.u8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_0007: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_000c: ret }", @"{ // Code size 13 (0xd) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.u8 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_0007: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_000c: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nuint to IntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "nuint", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.UIntPtr?..ctor(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.UIntPtr?..ctor(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "object", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""nuint?"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""nuint?"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "string", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "void*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "delegate*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u2", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u2.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i1", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i1.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u1", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u1.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i2", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i2.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u2", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u2.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.i4", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i4.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u4", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.u4.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u8", "nuint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromNullableT("conv.ovf.i8.un", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.u8", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.r4", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromNullableT("conv.r8", "nuint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "decimal", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""nuint nuint?.Value.get"" IL_0007: conv.u8 IL_0008: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_000d: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nuint to IntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""nuint nuint?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u2", "nuint", "char"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2.un", "nuint", "char")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i1", "nuint", "sbyte"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i1.un", "nuint", "sbyte")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u1", "nuint", "byte"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u1.un", "nuint", "byte")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i2", "nuint", "short"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i2.un", "nuint", "short")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u2", "nuint", "ushort"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u2.un", "nuint", "ushort")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.i4", "nuint", "int"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i4.un", "nuint", "int")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u4", "nuint", "uint"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.u4.un", "nuint", "uint")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u8", "nuint", "long"), expectedCheckedIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.ovf.i8.un", "nuint", "long")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u8", "nuint", "ulong"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.u8", "nuint", "ulong")); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r4", "nuint", "float"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r4", "nuint", "float"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r8", "nuint", "double"), expectedExplicitIL: convFromToNullableT("conv.r8", "nuint", "double"), null); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "decimal?", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nuint? V_0, decimal? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""decimal?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: conv.u8 IL_001d: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_0022: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0027: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nuint? V_0, decimal? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""decimal?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: conv.u8 IL_001d: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_0022: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0027: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42560: Allow explicitly casting nuint to IntPtr. conversions(sourceType: "nuint?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "object", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "string", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "void*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("void* System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "delegate*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("void* System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "decimal", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 12 (0xc) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0006: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_000b: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("char", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("char", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("sbyte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("sbyte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("byte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("byte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("short", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("short", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("ushort", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("ushort", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("int", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("uint", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("uint", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("long", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("ulong", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("ulong", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("float", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("double", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "decimal?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 17 (0x11) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0006: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_000b: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0010: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "System.IntPtr?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.IntPtr?..ctor(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.IntPtr?..ctor(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.IntPtr", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "decimal", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 18 (0x12) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"" IL_000c: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(long)"" IL_0011: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "char", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "char", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "sbyte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "sbyte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "byte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "byte", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "short", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "short", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "ushort", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "ushort", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "int", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "uint", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "uint", "int System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "long", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "ulong", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "ulong", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "float", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "double", "long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)", "conv.r8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "decimal?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 39 (0x27) .maxstack 1 .locals init (System.IntPtr? V_0, decimal? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool System.IntPtr?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""decimal?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""long System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0021: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0026: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "System.IntPtr?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "object", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: unbox.any ""System.IntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "string", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "void*", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(void*)")); conversions(sourceType: "delegate*", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(void*)")); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 12 (0xc) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"" IL_000b: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 17 (0x11) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"" IL_000b: newobj ""System.IntPtr?..ctor(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0010: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("char", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("sbyte", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("byte", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("short", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("ushort", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("int", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("uint", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("long", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("ulong", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("ulong", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("float", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("float", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("double", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("double", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 18 (0x12) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""long decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_000c: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"" IL_0011: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("char", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("sbyte", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("byte", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("short", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("ushort", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("int", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(int)")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("uint", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("long", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("ulong", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("ulong", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("float", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("float", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("double", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("double", "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)", "conv.ovf.i8")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 39 (0x27) .maxstack 1 .locals init (decimal? V_0, System.IntPtr? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool decimal?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""System.IntPtr?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""decimal decimal?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_Explicit(long)"" IL_0021: newobj ""System.IntPtr?..ctor(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0026: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "object", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: box ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "string", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "void*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("void* System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "delegate*", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("void* System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i4.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicit("ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicit("ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 9 (0x9) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: conv.r.un IL_0007: conv.r4 IL_0008: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 9 (0x9) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: conv.r.un IL_0007: conv.r8 IL_0008: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "decimal", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 12 (0xc) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_000b: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("char", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("char", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("sbyte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("sbyte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("byte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("byte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("short", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("short", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("ushort", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("ushort", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("int", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("int", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i4.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("uint", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("long", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("long", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitToNullableT("ulong", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: conv.r.un IL_0007: conv.r4 IL_0008: newobj ""float?..ctor(float)"" IL_000d: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 14 (0xe) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: conv.r.un IL_0007: conv.r8 IL_0008: newobj ""double?..ctor(double)"" IL_000d: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "decimal?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 17 (0x11) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_000b: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0010: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.UIntPtr?..ctor(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: newobj ""System.UIntPtr?..ctor(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "bool", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "char", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "sbyte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "byte", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "short", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "ushort", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "int", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i4.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "uint", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "long", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "ulong", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "float", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 15 (0xf) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_000c: conv.r.un IL_000d: conv.r4 IL_000e: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "double", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 15 (0xf) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_000c: conv.r.un IL_000d: conv.r8 IL_000e: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "decimal", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 18 (0x12) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_000c: call ""decimal decimal.op_Implicit(ulong)"" IL_0011: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "System.IntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr?.Value.get"" IL_0007: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "bool?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "char?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "char", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "char", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "sbyte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "sbyte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "sbyte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "byte?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "byte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u1"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "byte", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u1.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "short?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "short", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.i2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "short", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "ushort?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "ushort", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.u2"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "ushort", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.u2.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "int?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "int", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "int", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i4.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "uint?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "uint", "uint System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "long?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "long", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"), expectedCheckedIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "long", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.ovf.i8.un")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "ulong?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "ulong", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "float?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "float", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.r4")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "double?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: convAndExplicitFromToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "double", "ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)", "conv.r8")); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "decimal?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 39 (0x27) .maxstack 1 .locals init (System.UIntPtr? V_0, decimal? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool System.UIntPtr?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""decimal?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""ulong System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0021: newobj ""decimal?..ctor(decimal)"" IL_0026: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "System.IntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "System.UIntPtr?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: convNone, expectedExplicitIL: convNone); conversions(sourceType: "object", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: unbox.any ""System.UIntPtr"" IL_0006: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "string", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "void*", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(void*)")); conversions(sourceType: "delegate*", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(void*)")); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)")); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConv("System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 12 (0xc) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)"" IL_000b: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "byte", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "short", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "int", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "uint", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "long", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)")); conversions(sourceType: "float", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "double", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvToNullableT("System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 17 (0x11) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_0006: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)"" IL_000b: newobj ""System.UIntPtr?..ctor(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0010: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("char", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("sbyte", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("sbyte", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("byte", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("short", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("short", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("ushort", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("int", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("int", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("uint", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("long", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("long", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("ulong", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)")); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("float", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("float", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("double", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromNullableT("double", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "System.UIntPtr", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 18 (0x12) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarga.s V_0 IL_0002: call ""decimal decimal?.Value.get"" IL_0007: call ""ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal)"" IL_000c: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)"" IL_0011: ret }"); conversions(sourceType: "bool?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: null); conversions(sourceType: "char?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("char", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "sbyte?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("sbyte", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("sbyte", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "byte?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("byte", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "short?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("short", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("short", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ushort?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("ushort", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "int?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("int", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("int", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "uint?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("uint", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(uint)")); conversions(sourceType: "long?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("long", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.i8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("long", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "ulong?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("ulong", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)")); conversions(sourceType: "float?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("float", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("float", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); conversions(sourceType: "double?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, expectedExplicitIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("double", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.u8"), expectedCheckedIL: explicitAndConvFromToNullableT("double", "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)", "conv.ovf.u8")); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42834: Invalid code generated for nullable conversions // involving System.[U]IntPtr: the conversion ulong decimal.op_Explicit(decimal) is dropped. conversions(sourceType: "decimal?", destType: "System.UIntPtr?", expectedImplicitIL: null, @"{ // Code size 39 (0x27) .maxstack 1 .locals init (decimal? V_0, System.UIntPtr? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool decimal?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""System.UIntPtr?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""decimal decimal?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: call ""System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.op_Explicit(ulong)"" IL_0021: newobj ""System.UIntPtr?..ctor(System.UIntPtr)"" IL_0026: ret }"); void convert(string sourceType, string destType, string expectedIL, bool skipTypeChecks, bool useExplicitCast, bool useChecked, bool verify, ErrorCode expectedErrorCode) { bool useUnsafeContext = useUnsafe(sourceType) || useUnsafe(destType); string value = "value"; if (useExplicitCast) { value = $"({destType})value"; } var expectedDiagnostics = expectedErrorCode == 0 ? Array.Empty() : new[] { Diagnostic(expectedErrorCode, value).WithArguments(sourceType, destType) }; if (useChecked) { value = $"checked({value})"; } string source = $@"class Program {{ static {(useUnsafeContext ? "unsafe " : "")}{destType} Convert({sourceType} value) {{ return {value}; }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseDll.WithAllowUnsafe(useUnsafeContext), parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics); var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var expr = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType().Single().Expression; var typeInfo = model.GetTypeInfo(expr); if (!skipTypeChecks) { Assert.Equal(sourceType, typeInfo.Type.ToString()); Assert.Equal(destType, typeInfo.ConvertedType.ToString()); } if (expectedIL != null) { var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: useUnsafeContext || !verify ? Verification.Skipped : Verification.Passes); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Convert", expectedIL); } static bool useUnsafe(string type) => type == "void*" || type == "delegate*"; } } [Fact] public void UnaryOperators() { static string getComplement(uint value) { object result = (IntPtr.Size == 4) ? (object)~value : (object)~(ulong)value; return result.ToString(); } void unaryOp(string op, string opType, string expectedSymbol = null, string operand = null, string expectedResult = null, string expectedIL = "", DiagnosticDescription diagnostic = null) { operand ??= "default"; if (expectedSymbol == null && diagnostic == null) { diagnostic = Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, $"{op}operand").WithArguments(op, opType); } unaryOperator(op, opType, opType, expectedSymbol, operand, expectedResult, expectedIL, diagnostic != null ? new[] { diagnostic } : Array.Empty()); } unaryOp("+", "nint", "nint nint.op_UnaryPlus(nint value)", "3", "3", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); unaryOp(" + ", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_UnaryPlus(nuint value)", "3", "3", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); unaryOp("+", "System.IntPtr"); unaryOp("+", "System.UIntPtr"); unaryOp("-", "nint", "nint nint.op_UnaryNegation(nint value)", "3", "-3", @"{ // Code size 3 (0x3) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: neg IL_0002: ret }"); unaryOp("-", "nuint"); unaryOp("-", "System.IntPtr"); unaryOp("-", "System.UIntPtr"); unaryOp("!", "nint"); unaryOp("!", "nuint"); unaryOp("!", "System.IntPtr"); unaryOp("!", "System.UIntPtr"); unaryOp("~", "nint", "nint nint.op_OnesComplement(nint value)", "3", "-4", @"{ // Code size 3 (0x3) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: not IL_0002: ret }"); unaryOp("~", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_OnesComplement(nuint value)", "3", getComplement(3), @"{ // Code size 3 (0x3) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: not IL_0002: ret }"); unaryOp("~", "System.IntPtr"); unaryOp("~", "System.UIntPtr"); unaryOp("+", "nint?", "nint nint.op_UnaryPlus(nint value)", "3", "3", @"{ // Code size 34 (0x22) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0021: ret }"); unaryOp("+", "nuint?", "nuint nuint.op_UnaryPlus(nuint value)", "3", "3", @"{ // Code size 34 (0x22) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0021: ret }"); unaryOp("+", "System.IntPtr?"); unaryOp("+", "System.UIntPtr?"); unaryOp("-", "nint?", "nint nint.op_UnaryNegation(nint value)", "3", "-3", @"{ // Code size 35 (0x23) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: neg IL_001d: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0022: ret }"); // Reporting ERR_AmbigUnaryOp for `-(nuint?)value` is inconsistent with the ERR_BadUnaryOp reported // for `-(nuint)value`, but that difference in behavior is consistent with the pair of errors reported for // `-(ulong?)value` and `-(ulong)value`. See the "Special case" in Binder.UnaryOperatorOverloadResolution() // which handles ulong but not ulong?. unaryOp("-", "nuint?", null, null, null, null, Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUnaryOp, "-operand").WithArguments("-", "nuint?")); unaryOp("-", "System.IntPtr?"); unaryOp("-", "System.UIntPtr?"); unaryOp("!", "nint?"); unaryOp("!", "nuint?"); unaryOp("!", "System.IntPtr?"); unaryOp("!", "System.UIntPtr?"); unaryOp("~", "nint?", "nint nint.op_OnesComplement(nint value)", "3", "-4", @"{ // Code size 35 (0x23) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: not IL_001d: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0022: ret }"); unaryOp("~", "nuint?", "nuint nuint.op_OnesComplement(nuint value)", "3", getComplement(3), @"{ // Code size 35 (0x23) .maxstack 1 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0015 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: ret IL_0015: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0017: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001c: not IL_001d: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0022: ret }"); unaryOp("~", "System.IntPtr?"); unaryOp("~", "System.UIntPtr?"); void unaryOperator(string op, string opType, string resultType, string expectedSymbol, string operand, string expectedResult, string expectedIL, DiagnosticDescription[] expectedDiagnostics) { string source = $@"class Program {{ static {resultType} Evaluate({opType} operand) {{ return {op}operand; }} static void Main() {{ System.Console.WriteLine(Evaluate({operand})); }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics); var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var expr = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType().Single(); var symbolInfo = model.GetSymbolInfo(expr); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, symbolInfo.Symbol?.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat.WithMiscellaneousOptions(SymbolDisplayMiscellaneousOptions.UseSpecialTypes))); if (expectedDiagnostics.Length == 0) { var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedResult); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Evaluate", expectedIL); } } } [Fact] public void IncrementOperators() { void incrementOps(string op, string opType, string expectedSymbol = null, bool useChecked = false, string values = null, string expectedResult = null, string expectedIL = "", string expectedLiftedIL = "", DiagnosticDescription diagnostic = null) { incrementOperator(op, opType, isPrefix: true, expectedSymbol, useChecked, values, expectedResult, expectedIL, getDiagnostics(opType, isPrefix: true, diagnostic)); incrementOperator(op, opType, isPrefix: false, expectedSymbol, useChecked, values, expectedResult, expectedIL, getDiagnostics(opType, isPrefix: false, diagnostic)); opType += "?"; incrementOperator(op, opType, isPrefix: true, expectedSymbol, useChecked, values, expectedResult, expectedLiftedIL, getDiagnostics(opType, isPrefix: true, diagnostic)); incrementOperator(op, opType, isPrefix: false, expectedSymbol, useChecked, values, expectedResult, expectedLiftedIL, getDiagnostics(opType, isPrefix: false, diagnostic)); DiagnosticDescription[] getDiagnostics(string opType, bool isPrefix, DiagnosticDescription diagnostic) { if (expectedSymbol == null && diagnostic == null) { diagnostic = Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, isPrefix ? op + "operand" : "operand" + op).WithArguments(op, opType); } return diagnostic != null ? new[] { diagnostic } : Array.Empty(); } } incrementOps("++", "nint", "nint nint.op_Increment(nint value)", useChecked: false, values: $"{int.MinValue}, -1, 0, {int.MaxValue - 1}, {int.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"-2147483647, 0, 1, 2147483647, {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-2147483648" : "2147483648")}", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: add IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: add IL_001f: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("++", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_Increment(nuint value)", useChecked: false, values: $"0, {int.MaxValue}, {uint.MaxValue - 1}, {uint.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"1, 2147483648, 4294967295, {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "0" : "4294967296")}", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: add IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: add IL_001f: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("++", "System.IntPtr"); incrementOps("++", "System.UIntPtr"); incrementOps("--", "nint", "nint nint.op_Decrement(nint value)", useChecked: false, values: $"{int.MinValue}, {int.MinValue + 1}, 0, 1, {int.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"{(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "2147483647" : "-2147483649")}, -2147483648, -1, 0, 2147483646", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: sub IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: sub IL_001f: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("--", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_Decrement(nuint value)", useChecked: false, values: $"0, 1, {uint.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"{(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? uint.MaxValue.ToString() : ulong.MaxValue.ToString())}, 0, 4294967294", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: sub IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: sub IL_001f: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("--", "System.IntPtr"); incrementOps("--", "System.UIntPtr"); incrementOps("++", "nint", "nint nint.op_Increment(nint value)", useChecked: true, values: $"{int.MinValue}, -1, 0, {int.MaxValue - 1}, {int.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"-2147483647, 0, 1, 2147483647, {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "2147483648")}", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: add.ovf IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: add.ovf IL_001f: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("++", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_Increment(nuint value)", useChecked: true, values: $"0, {int.MaxValue}, {uint.MaxValue - 1}, {uint.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"1, 2147483648, 4294967295, {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "4294967296")}", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: add.ovf.un IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: add.ovf.un IL_001f: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("++", "System.IntPtr", null, useChecked: true); incrementOps("++", "System.UIntPtr", null, useChecked: true); incrementOps("--", "nint", "nint nint.op_Decrement(nint value)", useChecked: true, values: $"{int.MinValue}, {int.MinValue + 1}, 0, 1, {int.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"{(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "-2147483649")}, -2147483648, -1, 0, 2147483646", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: sub.ovf IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: sub.ovf IL_001f: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("--", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_Decrement(nuint value)", useChecked: true, values: $"0, 1, {uint.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"System.OverflowException, 0, 4294967294", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldc.i4.1 IL_0002: sub.ovf.un IL_0003: starg.s V_0 IL_0005: ldarg.0 IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 40 (0x28) .maxstack 2 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: stloc.0 IL_0002: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0004: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_0009: brtrue.s IL_0016 IL_000b: ldloca.s V_1 IL_000d: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0013: ldloc.1 IL_0014: br.s IL_0024 IL_0016: ldloca.s V_0 IL_0018: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_001d: ldc.i4.1 IL_001e: sub.ovf.un IL_001f: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_0024: starg.s V_0 IL_0026: ldarg.0 IL_0027: ret }"); incrementOps("--", "System.IntPtr", null, useChecked: true); incrementOps("--", "System.UIntPtr", null, useChecked: true); void incrementOperator(string op, string opType, bool isPrefix, string expectedSymbol, bool useChecked, string values, string expectedResult, string expectedIL, DiagnosticDescription[] expectedDiagnostics) { var source = $@"using System; class Program {{ static {opType} Evaluate({opType} operand) {{ {(useChecked ? "checked" : "unchecked")} {{ {(isPrefix ? op + "operand" : "operand" + op)}; return operand; }} }} static void EvaluateAndReport({opType} operand) {{ object result; try {{ result = Evaluate(operand); }} catch (Exception e) {{ result = e.GetType(); }} Console.Write(result); }} static void Main() {{ bool separator = false; foreach (var value in new {opType}[] {{ {values} }}) {{ if (separator) Console.Write("", ""); separator = true; EvaluateAndReport(value); }} }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics); var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var kind = (op == "++") ? isPrefix ? SyntaxKind.PreIncrementExpression : SyntaxKind.PostIncrementExpression : isPrefix ? SyntaxKind.PreDecrementExpression : SyntaxKind.PostDecrementExpression; var expr = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().Single(n => n.Kind() == kind); var symbolInfo = model.GetSymbolInfo(expr); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, symbolInfo.Symbol?.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat.WithMiscellaneousOptions(SymbolDisplayMiscellaneousOptions.UseSpecialTypes))); if (expectedDiagnostics.Length == 0) { var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedResult); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Evaluate", expectedIL); } } } [Fact] public void IncrementOperators_RefOperand() { void incrementOps(string op, string opType, string expectedSymbol = null, string values = null, string expectedResult = null, string expectedIL = "", string expectedLiftedIL = "", DiagnosticDescription diagnostic = null) { incrementOperator(op, opType, expectedSymbol, values, expectedResult, expectedIL, getDiagnostics(opType, diagnostic)); opType += "?"; incrementOperator(op, opType, expectedSymbol, values, expectedResult, expectedLiftedIL, getDiagnostics(opType, diagnostic)); DiagnosticDescription[] getDiagnostics(string opType, DiagnosticDescription diagnostic) { if (expectedSymbol == null && diagnostic == null) { diagnostic = Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, op + "operand").WithArguments(op, opType); } return diagnostic != null ? new[] { diagnostic } : Array.Empty(); } } incrementOps("++", "nint", "nint nint.op_Increment(nint value)", values: $"{int.MinValue}, -1, 0, {int.MaxValue - 1}, {int.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"-2147483647, 0, 1, 2147483647, {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-2147483648" : "2147483648")}", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 3 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldind.i IL_0003: ldc.i4.1 IL_0004: add IL_0005: stind.i IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 48 (0x30) .maxstack 3 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldobj ""nint?"" IL_0007: stloc.0 IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0 IL_000a: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_000f: brtrue.s IL_001c IL_0011: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0013: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0019: ldloc.1 IL_001a: br.s IL_002a IL_001c: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001e: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0023: ldc.i4.1 IL_0024: add IL_0025: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_002a: stobj ""nint?"" IL_002f: ret }"); incrementOps("++", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_Increment(nuint value)", values: $"0, {int.MaxValue}, {uint.MaxValue - 1}, {uint.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"1, 2147483648, 4294967295, {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "0" : "4294967296")}", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 3 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldind.i IL_0003: ldc.i4.1 IL_0004: add IL_0005: stind.i IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 48 (0x30) .maxstack 3 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldobj ""nuint?"" IL_0007: stloc.0 IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0 IL_000a: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_000f: brtrue.s IL_001c IL_0011: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0013: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0019: ldloc.1 IL_001a: br.s IL_002a IL_001c: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001e: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0023: ldc.i4.1 IL_0024: add IL_0025: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_002a: stobj ""nuint?"" IL_002f: ret }"); incrementOps("--", "nint", "nint nint.op_Decrement(nint value)", values: $"{int.MinValue}, {int.MinValue + 1}, 0, 1, {int.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"{(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "2147483647" : "-2147483649")}, -2147483648, -1, 0, 2147483646", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 3 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldind.i IL_0003: ldc.i4.1 IL_0004: sub IL_0005: stind.i IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 48 (0x30) .maxstack 3 .locals init (nint? V_0, nint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldobj ""nint?"" IL_0007: stloc.0 IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0 IL_000a: call ""bool nint?.HasValue.get"" IL_000f: brtrue.s IL_001c IL_0011: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0013: initobj ""nint?"" IL_0019: ldloc.1 IL_001a: br.s IL_002a IL_001c: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001e: call ""nint nint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0023: ldc.i4.1 IL_0024: sub IL_0025: newobj ""nint?..ctor(nint)"" IL_002a: stobj ""nint?"" IL_002f: ret }"); incrementOps("--", "nuint", "nuint nuint.op_Decrement(nuint value)", values: $"0, 1, {uint.MaxValue}", expectedResult: $"{(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? uint.MaxValue.ToString() : ulong.MaxValue.ToString())}, 0, 4294967294", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 3 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldind.i IL_0003: ldc.i4.1 IL_0004: sub IL_0005: stind.i IL_0006: ret }", @"{ // Code size 48 (0x30) .maxstack 3 .locals init (nuint? V_0, nuint? V_1) IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.0 IL_0002: ldobj ""nuint?"" IL_0007: stloc.0 IL_0008: ldloca.s V_0 IL_000a: call ""bool nuint?.HasValue.get"" IL_000f: brtrue.s IL_001c IL_0011: ldloca.s V_1 IL_0013: initobj ""nuint?"" IL_0019: ldloc.1 IL_001a: br.s IL_002a IL_001c: ldloca.s V_0 IL_001e: call ""nuint nuint?.GetValueOrDefault()"" IL_0023: ldc.i4.1 IL_0024: sub IL_0025: newobj ""nuint?..ctor(nuint)"" IL_002a: stobj ""nuint?"" IL_002f: ret }"); void incrementOperator(string op, string opType, string expectedSymbol, string values, string expectedResult, string expectedIL, DiagnosticDescription[] expectedDiagnostics) { string source = $@"using System; class Program {{ static void Evaluate(ref {opType} operand) {{ {op}operand; }} static void EvaluateAndReport({opType} operand) {{ object result; try {{ Evaluate(ref operand); result = operand; }} catch (Exception e) {{ result = e.GetType(); }} Console.Write(result); }} static void Main() {{ bool separator = false; foreach (var value in new {opType}[] {{ {values} }}) {{ if (separator) Console.Write("", ""); separator = true; EvaluateAndReport(value); }} }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics); var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var kind = (op == "++") ? SyntaxKind.PreIncrementExpression : SyntaxKind.PreDecrementExpression; var expr = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().Single(n => n.Kind() == kind); var symbolInfo = model.GetSymbolInfo(expr); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, symbolInfo.Symbol?.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat.WithMiscellaneousOptions(SymbolDisplayMiscellaneousOptions.UseSpecialTypes))); if (expectedDiagnostics.Length == 0) { var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedResult); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Evaluate", expectedIL); } } } [Fact] public void UnaryOperators_UserDefined() { string sourceA = @"namespace System { public class Object { } public class String { } public abstract class ValueType { } public struct Void { } public struct Boolean { } public struct Int32 { } public struct Enum { } public class Attribute { } public class AttributeUsageAttribute : Attribute { public AttributeUsageAttribute(AttributeTargets validOn) { } public bool AllowMultiple { get; set; } public bool Inherited { get; set; } } public enum AttributeTargets { } public struct IntPtr { public static IntPtr operator-(IntPtr i) => i; } }"; string sourceB = @"class Program { static System.IntPtr F1(System.IntPtr i) => -i; static nint F2(nint i) => -i; }"; var comp = CreateEmptyCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, emitOptions: EmitOptions.Default.WithRuntimeMetadataVersion(""), verify: Verification.Skipped); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.F1", @"{ // Code size 7 (0x7) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call ""System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.op_UnaryNegation(System.IntPtr)"" IL_0006: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.F2", @"{ // Code size 3 (0x3) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: neg IL_0002: ret }"); } [Theory] [InlineData("nint")] [InlineData("nuint")] [InlineData("nint?")] [InlineData("nuint?")] public void UnaryAndBinaryOperators_UserDefinedConversions(string type) { string sourceA = $@"class MyInt {{ public static implicit operator {type}(MyInt i) => throw null; public static implicit operator MyInt({type} i) => throw null; }}"; string sourceB = @"class Program { static void F(MyInt x, MyInt y) { ++x; x++; --x; x--; _ = +x; _ = -x; _ = ~x; _ = x + y; _ = x * y; _ = x < y; _ = x & y; _ = x << 1; } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(new[] { sourceA, sourceB }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics( // (5,9): error CS0023: Operator '++' cannot be applied to operand of type 'MyInt' // ++x; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "++x").WithArguments("++", "MyInt").WithLocation(5, 9), // (6,9): error CS0023: Operator '++' cannot be applied to operand of type 'MyInt' // x++; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "x++").WithArguments("++", "MyInt").WithLocation(6, 9), // (7,9): error CS0023: Operator '--' cannot be applied to operand of type 'MyInt' // --x; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "--x").WithArguments("--", "MyInt").WithLocation(7, 9), // (8,9): error CS0023: Operator '--' cannot be applied to operand of type 'MyInt' // x--; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "x--").WithArguments("--", "MyInt").WithLocation(8, 9), // (9,13): error CS0023: Operator '+' cannot be applied to operand of type 'MyInt' // _ = +x; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "+x").WithArguments("+", "MyInt").WithLocation(9, 13), // (10,13): error CS0023: Operator '-' cannot be applied to operand of type 'MyInt' // _ = -x; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "-x").WithArguments("-", "MyInt").WithLocation(10, 13), // (11,13): error CS0023: Operator '~' cannot be applied to operand of type 'MyInt' // _ = ~x; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, "~x").WithArguments("~", "MyInt").WithLocation(11, 13), // (12,13): error CS0019: Operator '+' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyInt' and 'MyInt' // _ = x + y; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "x + y").WithArguments("+", "MyInt", "MyInt").WithLocation(12, 13), // (13,13): error CS0019: Operator '*' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyInt' and 'MyInt' // _ = x * y; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "x * y").WithArguments("*", "MyInt", "MyInt").WithLocation(13, 13), // (14,13): error CS0019: Operator '<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyInt' and 'MyInt' // _ = x < y; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "x < y").WithArguments("<", "MyInt", "MyInt").WithLocation(14, 13), // (15,13): error CS0019: Operator '&' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyInt' and 'MyInt' // _ = x & y; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "x & y").WithArguments("&", "MyInt", "MyInt").WithLocation(15, 13), // (16,13): error CS0019: Operator '<<' cannot be applied to operands of type 'MyInt' and 'int' // _ = x << 1; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, "x << 1").WithArguments("<<", "MyInt", "int").WithLocation(16, 13)); } [Fact] public void BinaryOperators() { void binaryOps(string op, string leftType, string rightType, string expectedSymbol1 = null, string expectedSymbol2 = "", DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics1 = null, DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics2 = null) { binaryOp(op, leftType, rightType, expectedSymbol1, diagnostics1); binaryOp(op, rightType, leftType, expectedSymbol2 == "" ? expectedSymbol1 : expectedSymbol2, diagnostics2 ?? diagnostics1); } void binaryOp(string op, string leftType, string rightType, string expectedSymbol, DiagnosticDescription[] diagnostics) { if (expectedSymbol == null && diagnostics == null) { diagnostics = getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(op, leftType, rightType); } binaryOperator(op, leftType, rightType, expectedSymbol, diagnostics ?? Array.Empty()); } static DiagnosticDescription[] getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(string op, string leftType, string rightType, bool includeBadBinaryOps = true, bool includeVoidError = false) { var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); if (includeBadBinaryOps) builder.Add(Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadBinaryOps, $"x {op} y").WithArguments(op, leftType, rightType)); if (includeVoidError) builder.Add(Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_VoidError, $"x {op} y")); return builder.ToArrayAndFree(); } static DiagnosticDescription[] getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(string op, string leftType, string rightType) { return new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigBinaryOps, $"x {op} y").WithArguments(op, leftType, rightType) }; } var arithmeticOperators = new[] { ("-", "op_Subtraction"), ("*", "op_Multiply"), ("/", "op_Division"), ("%", "op_Modulus"), }; var additionOperators = new[] { ("+", "op_Addition"), }; var comparisonOperators = new[] { ("<", "op_LessThan"), ("<=", "op_LessThanOrEqual"), (">", "op_GreaterThan"), (">=", "op_GreaterThanOrEqual"), }; var shiftOperators = new[] { ("<<", "op_LeftShift"), (">>", "op_RightShift"), }; var equalityOperators = new[] { ("==", "op_Equality"), ("!=", "op_Inequality"), }; var logicalOperators = new[] { ("&", "op_BitwiseAnd"), ("|", "op_BitwiseOr"), ("^", "op_ExclusiveOr"), }; foreach ((string symbol, string name) in arithmeticOperators) { bool includeBadBinaryOps = (symbol != "-"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "void*", null, (symbol == "-") ? $"void* void*.{name}(void* left, long right)" : null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint", includeBadBinaryOps: includeBadBinaryOps, includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "void*", null, (symbol == "-") ? $"void* void*.{name}(void* left, ulong right)" : null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint", includeBadBinaryOps: includeBadBinaryOps, includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong?", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong?", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int?", (symbol == "-") ? $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)" : null, null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); } foreach ((string symbol, string name) in comparisonOperators) { binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong?", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong?", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); } foreach ((string symbol, string name) in additionOperators) { binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "void*", $"void* void*.{name}(long left, void* right)", $"void* void*.{name}(void* left, long right)", new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_VoidError, "x + y") }); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "void*", $"void* void*.{name}(ulong left, void* right)", $"void* void*.{name}(void* left, ulong right)", new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_VoidError, "x + y") }); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong?", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong?", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float?", $"float float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double?", $"double double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal?", $"decimal decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int?", $"System.IntPtr System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "string", $"string string.{name}(object left, string right)", $"string string.{name}(string left, object right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int?", $"System.UIntPtr System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr pointer, int offset)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); } foreach ((string symbol, string name) in shiftOperators) { binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, int right)", null); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); } foreach ((string symbol, string name) in equalityOperators) { binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr?", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint?", $"bool nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long?", $"bool long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "ulong?", "nint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr?", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong?", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr?", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "void*"), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "int?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "int?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint?", $"bool nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long?", null, null, getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "long?"), getAmbiguousBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "long?", "nuint?")); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong?", $"bool ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float?", $"bool float.{name}(float left, float right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double?", $"bool double.{name}(double left, double right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal?", $"bool decimal.{name}(decimal left, decimal right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr?", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint?", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr?", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint?", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?", $"bool System.IntPtr.{name}(System.IntPtr value1, System.IntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint?", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint?", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?", $"bool System.UIntPtr.{name}(System.UIntPtr value1, System.UIntPtr value2)"); } foreach ((string symbol, string name) in logicalOperators) { binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "uint?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "long?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.IntPtr?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "char?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "sbyte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "byte?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "short?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ushort?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "int?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "uint?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "long?", $"long long.{name}(long left, long right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.IntPtr?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nint?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "uint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "ulong?", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint", "System.UIntPtr?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "nuint?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "nuint?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "char?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "sbyte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "byte?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "short?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ushort?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "uint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "ulong?", $"ulong ulong.{name}(ulong left, ulong right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "nuint?", "System.UIntPtr?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.IntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nint?", $"nint nint.{name}(nint left, nint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "nuint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.IntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "System.UIntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr", "object"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "string"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", null, null, getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "void*", includeVoidError: true), getBadBinaryOpsDiagnostics(symbol, "void*", "System.UIntPtr?", includeVoidError: true)); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "bool?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "char?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "sbyte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "byte?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "short?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ushort?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "int?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "uint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nint?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "nuint?", $"nuint nuint.{name}(nuint left, nuint right)"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "long?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "ulong?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "float?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "double?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "decimal?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.IntPtr?"); binaryOps(symbol, "System.UIntPtr?", "System.UIntPtr?"); } void binaryOperator(string op, string leftType, string rightType, string expectedSymbol, DiagnosticDescription[] expectedDiagnostics) { bool useUnsafeContext = useUnsafe(leftType) || useUnsafe(rightType); string source = $@"class Program {{ static {(useUnsafeContext ? "unsafe " : "")}object Evaluate({leftType} x, {rightType} y) {{ return x {op} y; }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseDll.WithAllowUnsafe(useUnsafeContext), parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics); var tree = comp.SyntaxTrees[0]; var model = comp.GetSemanticModel(tree); var expr = tree.GetRoot().DescendantNodes().OfType().Single(); var symbolInfo = model.GetSymbolInfo(expr); Assert.Equal(expectedSymbol, symbolInfo.Symbol?.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.TestFormat.WithMiscellaneousOptions(SymbolDisplayMiscellaneousOptions.UseSpecialTypes))); if (expectedDiagnostics.Length == 0) { CompileAndVerify(comp); } static bool useUnsafe(string type) => type == "void*"; } } [Fact] public void BinaryOperators_NInt() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static nint Add(nint x, nint y) => x + y; static nint Subtract(nint x, nint y) => x - y; static nint Multiply(nint x, nint y) => x * y; static nint Divide(nint x, nint y) => x / y; static nint Mod(nint x, nint y) => x % y; static bool Equals(nint x, nint y) => x == y; static bool NotEquals(nint x, nint y) => x != y; static bool LessThan(nint x, nint y) => x < y; static bool LessThanOrEqual(nint x, nint y) => x <= y; static bool GreaterThan(nint x, nint y) => x > y; static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(nint x, nint y) => x >= y; static nint And(nint x, nint y) => x & y; static nint Or(nint x, nint y) => x | y; static nint Xor(nint x, nint y) => x ^ y; static nint ShiftLeft(nint x, int y) => x << y; static nint ShiftRight(nint x, int y) => x >> y; static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Add(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Subtract(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Multiply(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Divide(5, 2)); Console.WriteLine(Mod(5, 2)); Console.WriteLine(Equals(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(NotEquals(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(LessThan(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(LessThanOrEqual(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(GreaterThan(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(GreaterThanOrEqual(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(And(3, 5)); Console.WriteLine(Or(3, 5)); Console.WriteLine(Xor(3, 5)); Console.WriteLine(ShiftLeft(35, 4)); Console.WriteLine(ShiftRight(35, 4)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"7 -1 12 2 1 False True True True False False 1 7 6 560 2"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Add", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: add IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Subtract", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: sub IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Multiply", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: mul IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Divide", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: div IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Mod", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: rem IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Equals", @"{ // Code size 5 (0x5) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: ceq IL_0004: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.NotEquals", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: ceq IL_0004: ldc.i4.0 IL_0005: ceq IL_0007: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.LessThan", @"{ // Code size 5 (0x5) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: clt IL_0004: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.LessThanOrEqual", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: cgt IL_0004: ldc.i4.0 IL_0005: ceq IL_0007: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.GreaterThan", @"{ // Code size 5 (0x5) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: cgt IL_0004: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.GreaterThanOrEqual", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: clt IL_0004: ldc.i4.0 IL_0005: ceq IL_0007: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.And", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: and IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Or", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: or IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Xor", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: xor IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ShiftLeft", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: shl IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ShiftRight", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: shr IL_0003: ret }"); } [Fact] public void BinaryOperators_NUInt() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static nuint Add(nuint x, nuint y) => x + y; static nuint Subtract(nuint x, nuint y) => x - y; static nuint Multiply(nuint x, nuint y) => x * y; static nuint Divide(nuint x, nuint y) => x / y; static nuint Mod(nuint x, nuint y) => x % y; static bool Equals(nuint x, nuint y) => x == y; static bool NotEquals(nuint x, nuint y) => x != y; static bool LessThan(nuint x, nuint y) => x < y; static bool LessThanOrEqual(nuint x, nuint y) => x <= y; static bool GreaterThan(nuint x, nuint y) => x > y; static bool GreaterThanOrEqual(nuint x, nuint y) => x >= y; static nuint And(nuint x, nuint y) => x & y; static nuint Or(nuint x, nuint y) => x | y; static nuint Xor(nuint x, nuint y) => x ^ y; static nuint ShiftLeft(nuint x, int y) => x << y; static nuint ShiftRight(nuint x, int y) => x >> y; static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Add(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Subtract(4, 3)); Console.WriteLine(Multiply(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Divide(5, 2)); Console.WriteLine(Mod(5, 2)); Console.WriteLine(Equals(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(NotEquals(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(LessThan(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(LessThanOrEqual(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(GreaterThan(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(GreaterThanOrEqual(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(And(3, 5)); Console.WriteLine(Or(3, 5)); Console.WriteLine(Xor(3, 5)); Console.WriteLine(ShiftLeft(35, 4)); Console.WriteLine(ShiftRight(35, 4)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"7 1 12 2 1 False True True True False False 1 7 6 560 2"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Add", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: add IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Subtract", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: sub IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Multiply", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: mul IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Divide", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: div.un IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Mod", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: rem.un IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Equals", @"{ // Code size 5 (0x5) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: ceq IL_0004: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.NotEquals", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: ceq IL_0004: ldc.i4.0 IL_0005: ceq IL_0007: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.LessThan", @"{ // Code size 5 (0x5) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: clt.un IL_0004: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.LessThanOrEqual", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: cgt.un IL_0004: ldc.i4.0 IL_0005: ceq IL_0007: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.GreaterThan", @"{ // Code size 5 (0x5) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: cgt.un IL_0004: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.GreaterThanOrEqual", @"{ // Code size 8 (0x8) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: clt.un IL_0004: ldc.i4.0 IL_0005: ceq IL_0007: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.And", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: and IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Or", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: or IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Xor", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: xor IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ShiftLeft", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: shl IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ShiftRight", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: shr.un IL_0003: ret }"); } [Fact] public void BinaryOperators_NInt_Checked() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static nint Add(nint x, nint y) => checked(x + y); static nint Subtract(nint x, nint y) => checked(x - y); static nint Multiply(nint x, nint y) => checked(x * y); static nint Divide(nint x, nint y) => checked(x / y); static nint Mod(nint x, nint y) => checked(x % y); static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Add(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Subtract(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Multiply(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Divide(5, 2)); Console.WriteLine(Mod(5, 2)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"7 -1 12 2 1"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Add", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: add.ovf IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Subtract", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: sub.ovf IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Multiply", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: mul.ovf IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Divide", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: div IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Mod", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: rem IL_0003: ret }"); } [Fact] public void BinaryOperators_NUInt_Checked() { var source = @"using System; class Program { static nuint Add(nuint x, nuint y) => checked(x + y); static nuint Subtract(nuint x, nuint y) => checked(x - y); static nuint Multiply(nuint x, nuint y) => checked(x * y); static nuint Divide(nuint x, nuint y) => checked(x / y); static nuint Mod(nuint x, nuint y) => checked(x % y); static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Add(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Subtract(4, 3)); Console.WriteLine(Multiply(3, 4)); Console.WriteLine(Divide(5, 2)); Console.WriteLine(Mod(5, 2)); } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: @"7 1 12 2 1"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Add", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: add.ovf.un IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Subtract", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: sub.ovf.un IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Multiply", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: mul.ovf.un IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Divide", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: div.un IL_0003: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.Mod", @"{ // Code size 4 (0x4) .maxstack 2 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ldarg.1 IL_0002: rem.un IL_0003: ret }"); } [Fact] public void ConstantFolding() { const string intMinValue = "-2147483648"; const string intMaxValue = "2147483647"; const string uintMaxValue = "4294967295"; const string ulongMaxValue = "18446744073709551615"; unaryOperator("nint", "+", intMinValue, intMinValue); unaryOperator("nint", "+", intMaxValue, intMaxValue); unaryOperator("nuint", "+", "0", "0"); unaryOperator("nuint", "+", uintMaxValue, uintMaxValue); unaryOperator("nint", "-", "-1", "1"); unaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "-", intMinValue, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-2147483648" : "2147483648"); unaryOperator("nint", "-", "-2147483647", intMaxValue); unaryOperator("nint", "-", intMaxValue, "-2147483647"); unaryOperator("nuint", "-", "0", null, getBadUnaryOpDiagnostics); unaryOperator("nuint", "-", "1", null, getBadUnaryOpDiagnostics); unaryOperator("nuint", "-", uintMaxValue, null, getBadUnaryOpDiagnostics); unaryOperatorNotConstant("nint", "~", "0", "-1"); unaryOperatorNotConstant("nint", "~", "-1", "0"); unaryOperatorNotConstant("nint", "~", intMinValue, "2147483647"); unaryOperatorNotConstant("nint", "~", intMaxValue, "-2147483648"); unaryOperatorNotConstant("nuint", "~", "0", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? uintMaxValue : ulongMaxValue); unaryOperatorNotConstant("nuint", "~", uintMaxValue, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "0" : "18446744069414584320"); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "+", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "2147483647" : "-2147483649"); binaryOperator("nint", "+", "nint", "-2147483647", "nint", "-1", intMinValue); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "+", "nint", "1", "nint", intMaxValue, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-2147483648" : "2147483648"); binaryOperator("nint", "+", "nint", "1", "nint", "2147483646", intMaxValue); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nuint", "+", "nuint", "1", "nuint", uintMaxValue, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "0" : "4294967296"); binaryOperator("nuint", "+", "nuint", "1", "nuint", "4294967294", uintMaxValue); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "-", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "1", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "2147483647" : "-2147483649"); binaryOperator("nint", "-", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", "-2147483647"); binaryOperator("nint", "-", "nint", "-1", "nint", intMaxValue, intMinValue); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "-", "nint", "-2", "nint", intMaxValue, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "2147483647" : "-2147483649"); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nuint", "-", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "1", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? uintMaxValue : ulongMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "-", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, "0"); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "*", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "2", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "0" : "-4294967296"); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "*", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-2147483648" : "2147483648"); binaryOperator("nint", "*", "nint", "-1", "nint", intMaxValue, "-2147483647"); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "*", "nint", "2", "nint", intMaxValue, IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-2" : "4294967294"); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nuint", "*", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", "2", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "4294967294" : "8589934590"); binaryOperator("nuint", "*", "nuint", intMaxValue, "nuint", "2", "4294967294"); binaryOperator("nint", "/", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "1", intMinValue); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "/", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "2147483648"); binaryOperator("nint", "/", "nint", "1", "nint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("nint", "/", "nint", "0", "nint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("nuint", "/", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", "1", uintMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "/", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", "2", intMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "/", "nuint", "1", "nuint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("nuint", "/", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("nint", "%", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "2", "0"); binaryOperator("nint", "%", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-2", "0"); binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow("nint", "%", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "0"); binaryOperator("nint", "%", "nint", "1", "nint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("nint", "%", "nint", "0", "nint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("nuint", "%", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", "1", "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", "%", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", "2", "1"); binaryOperator("nuint", "%", "nuint", "1", "nuint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("nuint", "%", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", null, getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics); binaryOperator("bool", "<", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMinValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "<", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "<", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "<", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "<", "nuint", "0", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "<", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "<=", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMinValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "<=", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMinValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "<=", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "<=", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "<=", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", "0", "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "<=", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", ">", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMinValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", ">", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMinValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", ">", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", ">", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", "False"); binaryOperator("bool", ">", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", "0", "True"); binaryOperator("bool", ">", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", ">=", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMinValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", ">=", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", ">=", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", ">=", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", "True"); binaryOperator("bool", ">=", "nuint", "0", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", ">=", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "==", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMinValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "==", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "==", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "==", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "==", "nuint", "0", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "==", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "!=", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMinValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "!=", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "!=", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "!=", "nuint", "0", "nuint", "0", "False"); binaryOperator("bool", "!=", "nuint", "0", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "True"); binaryOperator("bool", "!=", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, "False"); // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42460: Results of `<<` should be dependent on platform. binaryOperator("nint", "<<", "nint", intMinValue, "int", "0", intMinValue); binaryOperator("nint", "<<", "nint", intMinValue, "int", "1", "0"); binaryOperator("nint", "<<", "nint", "-1", "int", "31", intMinValue); binaryOperator("nint", "<<", "nint", "-1", "int", "32", "-1"); binaryOperator("nuint", "<<", "nuint", "0", "int", "1", "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", "<<", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "int", "1", "4294967294"); binaryOperator("nuint", "<<", "nuint", "1", "int", "31", "2147483648"); binaryOperator("nuint", "<<", "nuint", "1", "int", "32", "1"); binaryOperator("nint", ">>", "nint", intMinValue, "int", "0", intMinValue); binaryOperator("nint", ">>", "nint", intMinValue, "int", "1", "-1073741824"); binaryOperator("nint", ">>", "nint", "-1", "int", "31", "-1"); binaryOperator("nint", ">>", "nint", "-1", "int", "32", "-1"); binaryOperator("nuint", ">>", "nuint", "0", "int", "1", "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", ">>", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "int", "1", intMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", ">>", "nuint", "1", "int", "31", "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", ">>", "nuint", "1", "int", "32", "1"); binaryOperator("nint", "&", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "0", "0"); binaryOperator("nint", "&", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", intMinValue); binaryOperator("nint", "&", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", "&", "nuint", "0", "nuint", uintMaxValue, "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", "&", "nuint", intMaxValue, "nuint", uintMaxValue, intMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "&", "nuint", intMaxValue, "nuint", "2147483648", "0"); binaryOperator("nint", "|", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "0", intMinValue); binaryOperator("nint", "|", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", "-1"); binaryOperator("nint", "|", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, intMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "|", "nuint", "0", "nuint", uintMaxValue, uintMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "|", "nuint", intMaxValue, "nuint", intMaxValue, intMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "|", "nuint", intMaxValue, "nuint", "2147483648", uintMaxValue); binaryOperator("nint", "^", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "0", intMinValue); binaryOperator("nint", "^", "nint", intMinValue, "nint", "-1", intMaxValue); binaryOperator("nint", "^", "nint", intMaxValue, "nint", intMaxValue, "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", "^", "nuint", "0", "nuint", uintMaxValue, uintMaxValue); binaryOperator("nuint", "^", "nuint", intMaxValue, "nuint", intMaxValue, "0"); binaryOperator("nuint", "^", "nuint", intMaxValue, "nuint", "2147483648", uintMaxValue); static DiagnosticDescription[] getNoDiagnostics(string opType, string op, string operand) => Array.Empty(); static DiagnosticDescription[] getBadUnaryOpDiagnostics(string opType, string op, string operand) => new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, operand).WithArguments(op, opType) }; static DiagnosticDescription[] getIntDivByZeroDiagnostics(string opType, string op, string operand) => new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_IntDivByZero, operand) }; void unaryOperator(string opType, string op, string operand, string expectedResult, Func getDiagnostics = null) { getDiagnostics ??= getNoDiagnostics; var declarations = $"const {opType} A = {operand};"; var expr = $"{op}A"; var diagnostics = getDiagnostics(opType, op, expr); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, expr, expectedResult, diagnostics); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"checked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"unchecked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); expr = $"{op}({opType})({operand})"; diagnostics = getDiagnostics(opType, op, expr); constantExpression(opType, expr, expectedResult, diagnostics); constantExpression(opType, $"checked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); constantExpression(opType, $"unchecked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); } void unaryOperatorCheckedOverflow(string opType, string op, string operand, string expectedResult) { var declarations = $"const {opType} A = {operand};"; var expr = $"{op}A"; constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, expr, null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"checked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"unchecked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, $"unchecked({expr})").WithArguments("Library.F") }); expr = $"{op}({opType})({operand})"; constantExpression(opType, expr, null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantExpression(opType, $"checked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantExpression(opType, $"unchecked({expr})", expectedResult, Array.Empty()); } void unaryOperatorNotConstant(string opType, string op, string operand, string expectedResult) { var declarations = $"const {opType} A = {operand};"; var expr = $"{op}A"; constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, expr, null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, expr).WithArguments("Library.F") }); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"checked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, $"checked({expr})").WithArguments("Library.F") }); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"unchecked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, $"unchecked({expr})").WithArguments("Library.F") }); expr = $"{op}({opType})({operand})"; constantExpression(opType, expr, expectedResult, Array.Empty()); constantExpression(opType, $"checked({expr})", expectedResult, Array.Empty()); constantExpression(opType, $"unchecked({expr})", expectedResult, Array.Empty()); } void binaryOperator(string opType, string op, string leftType, string leftOperand, string rightType, string rightOperand, string expectedResult, Func getDiagnostics = null) { getDiagnostics ??= getNoDiagnostics; var declarations = $"const {leftType} A = {leftOperand}; const {rightType} B = {rightOperand};"; var expr = $"A {op} B"; var diagnostics = getDiagnostics(opType, op, expr); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, expr, expectedResult, diagnostics); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"checked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"unchecked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); expr = $"(({leftType})({leftOperand})) {op} (({rightType})({rightOperand}))"; diagnostics = getDiagnostics(opType, op, expr); constantExpression(opType, expr, expectedResult, diagnostics); constantExpression(opType, $"checked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); constantExpression(opType, $"unchecked({expr})", expectedResult, diagnostics); } void binaryOperatorCheckedOverflow(string opType, string op, string leftType, string leftOperand, string rightType, string rightOperand, string expectedResult) { var declarations = $"const {leftType} A = {leftOperand}; const {rightType} B = {rightOperand};"; var expr = $"A {op} B"; constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, expr, null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"checked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantDeclaration(opType, declarations, $"unchecked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NotConstantExpression, $"unchecked({expr})").WithArguments("Library.F") }); expr = $"(({leftType})({leftOperand})) {op} (({rightType})({rightOperand}))"; constantExpression(opType, expr, null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantExpression(opType, $"checked({expr})", null, new[] { Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CheckedOverflow, expr) }); constantExpression(opType, $"unchecked({expr})", expectedResult, Array.Empty()); } void constantDeclaration(string opType, string declarations, string expr, string expectedResult, DiagnosticDescription[] expectedDiagnostics) { string sourceA = $@"public class Library {{ {declarations} public const {opType} F = {expr}; }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceA, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics); if (expectedDiagnostics.Length > 0) return; string sourceB = @"class Program { static void Main() { System.Console.WriteLine(Library.F); } }"; var refA = comp.EmitToImageReference(); comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, references: new[] { refA }, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedResult); } // https://github.com/dotnet/csharplang/issues/3259: Should ERR_CheckedOverflow cases be evaluated // at runtime rather than compile time to allow operations to succeed on 64-bit platforms? void constantExpression(string opType, string expr, string expectedResult, DiagnosticDescription[] expectedDiagnostics) { string source = $@"using System; class Program {{ static void Main() {{ object result; try {{ {opType} value = {expr}; result = value; }} catch (Exception e) {{ result = e.GetType().FullName; }} Console.WriteLine(result); }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyDiagnostics(expectedDiagnostics); if (expectedDiagnostics.Length > 0) return; CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: expectedResult); } } // OverflowException behavior is consistent with unchecked int division. [Fact] public void UncheckedIntegerDivision() { string source = @"using System; class Program { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => IntDivision(int.MinValue + 1, -1))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => IntDivision(int.MinValue, -1))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => IntRemainder(int.MinValue + 1, -1))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => IntRemainder(int.MinValue, -1))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => NativeIntDivision(int.MinValue + 1, -1))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => NativeIntDivision(int.MinValue, -1))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => NativeIntRemainder(int.MinValue + 1, -1))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => NativeIntRemainder(int.MinValue, -1))); } static object Execute(Func f) { try { return f(); } catch (Exception e) { return e.GetType().FullName; } } static int IntDivision(int x, int y) => unchecked(x / y); static int IntRemainder(int x, int y) => unchecked(x % y); static nint NativeIntDivision(nint x, nint y) => unchecked(x / y); static nint NativeIntRemainder(nint x, nint y) => unchecked(x % y); }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.ReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); CompileAndVerify(comp, expectedOutput: $@"2147483647 System.OverflowException 0 System.OverflowException 2147483647 {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "2147483648")} 0 {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "0")}"); } [WorkItem(42500, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42500")] [Fact] public void ExplicitImplementationReturnTypeDifferences() { string source = @"struct S { } interface I { S F1(); S F2(); S F3(); S F4(); } class C : I { S I.F1() => default; S I.F2() => default; S I.F3() => default; S I.F4() => default; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); var type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("I"); Assert.Equal("S I.F1()", type.GetMember("F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("S I.F2()", type.GetMember("F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("S I.F3()", type.GetMember("F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("S I.F4()", type.GetMember("F4").ToTestDisplayString()); type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("C"); Assert.Equal("S C.I.F1()", type.GetMember("I.F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("S C.I.F2()", type.GetMember("I.F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("S C.I.F3()", type.GetMember("I.F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("S C.I.F4()", type.GetMember("I.F4").ToTestDisplayString()); } [WorkItem(42500, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42500")] [WorkItem(44358, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44358")] [Fact] public void OverrideReturnTypeDifferences() { string source = @"class A { public virtual nint[] F1() => null; public virtual System.IntPtr[] F2() => null; public virtual nint[] F3() => null; public virtual System.IntPtr[] F4() => null; } class B : A { public override System.IntPtr[] F1() => null; public override nint[] F2() => null; public override nint[] F3() => null; public override System.IntPtr[] F4() => null; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); var type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("A"); Assert.Equal("nint[] A.F1()", type.GetMember("F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] A.F2()", type.GetMember("F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("nint[] A.F3()", type.GetMember("F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] A.F4()", type.GetMember("F4").ToTestDisplayString()); type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("B"); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] B.F1()", type.GetMember("F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("nint[] B.F2()", type.GetMember("F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("nint[] B.F3()", type.GetMember("F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] B.F4()", type.GetMember("F4").ToTestDisplayString()); } [WorkItem(42500, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42500")] [Fact] public void OverrideParameterTypeCustomModifierDifferences() { var sourceA = @".class private System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeIntegerAttribute extends [mscorlib]System.Attribute { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } } .class public A { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } .method public virtual void F1(native int modopt(int32) i) { .param [1] .custom instance void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeIntegerAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) ret } .method public virtual void F2(native int modopt(int32) i) { ret } .method public virtual void F3(native int modopt(int32) i) { .param [1] .custom instance void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeIntegerAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) ret } .method public virtual void F4(native int modopt(int32) i) { ret } }"; var refA = CompileIL(sourceA); var sourceB = @"class B : A { public override void F1(System.IntPtr i) { } public override void F2(nint i) { } public override void F3(nint i) { } public override void F4(System.IntPtr i) { } }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); var type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("A"); Assert.Equal("void A.F1(nint modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("void A.F2(System.IntPtr modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("void A.F3(nint modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("void A.F4(System.IntPtr modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F4").ToTestDisplayString()); type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("B"); Assert.Equal("void B.F1(System.IntPtr modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("void B.F2(nint modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("void B.F3(nint modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("void B.F4(System.IntPtr modopt(System.Int32) i)", type.GetMember("F4").ToTestDisplayString()); } [WorkItem(42500, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/42500")] [Fact] public void OverrideReturnTypeCustomModifierDifferences() { var sourceA = @".class private System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeIntegerAttribute extends [mscorlib]System.Attribute { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } } .class public A { .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname instance void .ctor() cil managed { ret } .method public virtual native int[] modopt(int32) F1() { .param [0] .custom instance void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeIntegerAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) ldnull throw } .method public virtual native int[] modopt(int32) F2() { ldnull throw } .method public virtual native int[] modopt(int32) F3() { .param [0] .custom instance void System.Runtime.CompilerServices.NativeIntegerAttribute::.ctor() = ( 01 00 00 00 ) ldnull throw } .method public virtual native int[] modopt(int32) F4() { ldnull throw } }"; var refA = CompileIL(sourceA); var sourceB = @"class B : A { public override System.IntPtr[] F1() => default; public override nint[] F2() => default; public override nint[] F3() => default; public override System.IntPtr[] F4() => default; }"; var comp = CreateCompilation(sourceB, new[] { refA }, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); comp.VerifyEmitDiagnostics(); var type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("A"); Assert.Equal("nint[] modopt(System.Int32) A.F1()", type.GetMember("F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] modopt(System.Int32) A.F2()", type.GetMember("F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("nint[] modopt(System.Int32) A.F3()", type.GetMember("F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] modopt(System.Int32) A.F4()", type.GetMember("F4").ToTestDisplayString()); type = comp.GetTypeByMetadataName("B"); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] modopt(System.Int32) B.F1()", type.GetMember("F1").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("nint[] modopt(System.Int32) B.F2()", type.GetMember("F2").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("nint[] modopt(System.Int32) B.F3()", type.GetMember("F3").ToTestDisplayString()); Assert.Equal("System.IntPtr[] modopt(System.Int32) B.F4()", type.GetMember("F4").ToTestDisplayString()); } [WorkItem(44810, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/44810")] [Theory] [InlineData("void*")] [InlineData("byte*")] [InlineData("delegate*")] public void PointerConversions(string pointerType) { string source = $@"using System; unsafe class Program {{ static {pointerType} ToPointer1(nint i) => ({pointerType})i; static {pointerType} ToPointer2(nuint u) => ({pointerType})u; static {pointerType} ToPointer3(nint i) => checked(({pointerType})i); static {pointerType} ToPointer4(nuint u) => checked(({pointerType})u); static nint FromPointer1({pointerType} p) => (nint)p; static nuint FromPointer2({pointerType} p) => (nuint)p; static nint FromPointer3({pointerType} p) => checked((nint)p); static nuint FromPointer4({pointerType} p) => checked((nuint)p); static object Execute(Func f) {{ try {{ return f(); }} catch (Exception e) {{ return e.GetType().FullName; }} }} static void Execute({pointerType} p) {{ Console.WriteLine((int)p); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => FromPointer1(p))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => FromPointer2(p))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => FromPointer3(p))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => FromPointer4(p))); }} static void Main() {{ Execute(ToPointer1(-42)); Execute(ToPointer2(42)); Execute(ToPointer1(int.MinValue)); Execute(ToPointer2(uint.MaxValue)); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => (ulong)ToPointer3(-42))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => (ulong)ToPointer4(42))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => (ulong)ToPointer3(int.MinValue))); Console.WriteLine(Execute(() => (ulong)ToPointer4(uint.MaxValue))); }} }}"; var comp = CreateCompilation(source, options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseExe, parseOptions: TestOptions.Regular9); string expectedOutput = $@"-42 -42 {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "4294967254" : "18446744073709551574")} System.OverflowException {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "4294967254" : "18446744073709551574")} 42 42 42 42 42 -2147483648 -2147483648 {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "2147483648" : "18446744071562067968")} System.OverflowException {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "2147483648" : "18446744071562067968")} -1 {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "-1" : "4294967295")} 4294967295 {(IntPtr.Size == 4 ? "System.OverflowException" : "4294967295")} 4294967295 System.OverflowException 42 System.OverflowException 4294967295"; var verifier = CompileAndVerify(comp, verify: Verification.Skipped, expectedOutput: expectedOutput); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ToPointer1", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ToPointer2", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ToPointer3", @"{ // Code size 3 (0x3) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.ovf.u IL_0002: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.ToPointer4", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.FromPointer1", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.FromPointer2", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.FromPointer3", @"{ // Code size 3 (0x3) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: conv.ovf.i.un IL_0002: ret }"); verifier.VerifyIL("Program.FromPointer4", @"{ // Code size 2 (0x2) .maxstack 1 IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: ret }"); } } }