text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Preprocessor Text Punctuation User Types - Classes User Types - Delegates User Types - Enums User Types - Interfaces User Types - Structures User Types - Type Parameters String - Verbatim XML Doc Comments - Attribute Name XML Doc Comments - CData Section XML Doc Comments - Text XML Doc Comments - Delimiter XML Doc Comments - Comment User Types - Modules VB XML Literals - Attribute Name VB XML Literals - Attribute Quotes VB XML Literals - Attribute Value VB XML Literals - CData Section VB XML Literals - Comment VB XML Literals - Delimiter VB XML Literals - Embedded Expression VB XML Literals - Entity Reference VB XML Literals - Name VB XML Literals - Processing Instruction VB XML Literals - Text XML Doc Comments - Attribute Quotes XML Doc Comments - Attribute Value Unnecessary Code Rude Edit found 1 reference in 1 file found {0} references in 1 file found {0} references in {1} files {0} conflict(s) will be resolved {0} unresolvable conflict(s) Applying "{0}"... Adding '{0}' to '{1}' with content: Adding project '{0}' Removing project '{0}' Changing project references for '{0}' Adding reference '{0}' to '{1}' Removing reference '{0}' from '{1}' Adding analyzer reference '{0}' to '{1}' Removing analyzer reference '{0}' from '{1}' XML End Tag Completion Completing Tag Encapsulate Field Applying "Encapsulate Field" refactoring... Please select the definition of the field to encapsulate. Given Workspace doesn't support Undo Document must be contained in the workspace that created this service Searching... Canceled. No information found. No usages found. Implements Implemented By Overrides Overridden By Directly Called In Indirectly Called In Called In Referenced In No references found. No derived types found. No implementations found. {0} - (Line {1}) Class Parts Struct Parts Interface Parts Type Parts Inherits Inherited By Already tracking document with identical key document is not currently being tracked Rename Tracking Computing Rename information... Updating files... Rename operation was cancelled or is not valid Rename Symbol Text Buffer Change Rename operation was not properly completed. Some file might not have been updated. Rename '{0}' to '{1}' Warning from metadata Automatic Line Ender Automatically completing... Automatic Pair Completion An active inline rename session is still active. Complete it before starting a new one. The buffer is not part of a workspace. The token is not contained in the workspace. You must rename an identifier. You cannot rename this element. Please resolve errors in your code before renaming this element. You cannot rename operators. You cannot rename elements that are defined in metadata. You cannot rename elements from previous submissions. Navigation Bars Refreshing navigation bars... Format Token Smart Indenting Find References Finding references... Finding references of "{0}"... Comment Selection Uncomment Selection Commenting currently selected text... Uncommenting currently selected text... Insert new line Documentation Comment Inserting documentation comment... Extract Method Applying "Extract Method" refactoring... Format Document Formatting document... Formatting Format Selection Formatting currently selected text... Cannot navigate to the symbol under the caret. Go to Definition Navigating to definition... project type Organize Document Organizing document... Highlighted Definition '{0}' is not a valid identifier Inline Rename Fixup Inline Rename Resolved Conflict Inline Rename Rename Start Rename Display conflict resolutions Finding token to rename... Conflict Text Navigation Finding word extent... Finding enclosing span... Finding span of next sibling... Finding span of previous sibling... Variadic SignatureHelpItem must have at least one parameter. Rename '{0}' Light bulb session is already dismissed. Automatic Pair Completion End Point Marker Color Renaming anonymous type members is not yet supported. Engine must be attached to an Interactive Window. Changes the current prompt settings. Unexpected text: '{0}' The triggerSpan is not included in the given workspace. This session has already been dismissed. The transaction is already complete. Not a source error, line/column unavailable Can't compare positions from different text snapshots XML Doc Comments - Entity Reference XML Doc Comments - Name XML Doc Comments - Processing Instruction Active Statement Loading Peek information... Peek 'symbol' cannot be a namespace. _Apply Include _overload(s) Include _comments Include _strings Apply Change Signature Preview Changes - {0} Preview Code Changes: Rename '{0}' to '{1}' with preview... with preview... Preview Changes Format Paste Formatting pasted text... The definition of the object is hidden. Automatic Formatting Extract method failed with following reasons : Do you still want to proceed? it will generate broken code. We can fix the error by not making struct "out/ref" parameter(s). Do you want to proceed? Change Signature: Rename '{0}' to '{1}': Encapsulate Field: Call Hierarchy Calls To '{0}' Calls To Base Member '{0}' Calls To Interface Implementation '{0}' Computing Call Hierarchy Information Implements '{0}' Initializers References To Field '{0}' Calls To Overrides _Preview changes Apply Cancel Computing fix all occurrences code fix... Changes Preview changes Intellisense Intellisense Commit Formatting Rename Tracking Removing '{0}' from '{1}' with content: '{0}' does not support the '{1}' operation. However, it may contain nested '{2}'s (see '{2}.{3}') that support this operation. Brace Completion Fix all occurrences in Fix all occurrences Cannot apply operation while a rename session is active.