# # This script controls the Roslyn build process. This encompasess everything from build, testing to # publishing of NuGet packages. The intent is to structure it to allow for a simple flow of logic # between the following phases: # # - restore # - build # - sign # - pack # - test # - publish # # Each of these phases has a separate command which can be executed independently. For instance # it's fine to call `build.ps1 -build -testDesktop` followed by repeated calls to # `.\build.ps1 -testDesktop`. [CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding=$false)] param ( # Configuration [switch]$restore = $false, [switch]$release = $false, [switch]$official = $false, [switch]$cibuild = $false, [switch]$build = $false, [switch]$buildAll = $false, [switch]$buildCoreClr = $false, [switch]$bootstrap = $false, [switch]$sign = $false, [switch]$pack = $false, [switch]$binaryLog = $false, [string]$signType = "", # Test options [switch]$test32 = $false, [switch]$test64 = $false, [switch]$testVsi = $false, [switch]$testVsiNetCore = $false, [switch]$testDesktop = $false, [switch]$testCoreClr = $false, [switch]$testIOperation = $false, # Special test options [switch]$testDeterminism = $false, [switch]$testBuildCorrectness = $false, [switch]$testPerfCorrectness = $false, [switch]$testPerfRun = $false, [parameter(ValueFromRemainingArguments=$true)] $badArgs) Set-StrictMode -version 2.0 $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" function Print-Usage() { Write-Host "Usage: build.ps1" Write-Host " -release Perform release build (default is debug)" Write-Host " -restore Restore packages" Write-Host " -build Build Roslyn.sln" Write-Host " -buildAll Build all Roslyn source items" Write-Host " -official Perform an official build" Write-Host " -bootstrap Build using a bootstrap Roslyn" Write-Host " -sign Sign our binaries" Write-Host " -signType Type of sign: real, test, verify" Write-Host " -pack Create our NuGet packages" Write-Host " -binaryLog Create binary log for every MSBuild invocation" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Test options" Write-Host " -test32 Run unit tests in the 32-bit runner" Write-Host " -test64 Run units tests in the 64-bit runner" Write-Host " -testDesktop Run desktop unit tests" Write-Host " -testCoreClr Run CoreClr unit tests" Write-Host " -testVsi Run all integration tests" Write-Host " -testVsiNetCore Run just dotnet core integration tests" Write-Host " -testIOperation Run extra checks to validate IOperations" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Special Test options" Write-Host " -testBuildCorrectness Run build correctness tests" Write-Host " -testDeterminism Run determinism tests" Write-Host " -testPerfCorrectness Run perf correctness tests" Write-Host " -testPerfCorrectness Run perf tests" } # Process the command line arguments and establish defaults for the values which are not # specified. # # In this function it's okay to use two arguments to extend the effect of another. For # example it's okay to look at $buildAll and infer $build. It's not okay though to infer # $build based on say $testDesktop. It's possible the developer wanted only for testing # to execute, not any build. function Process-Arguments() { if ($badArgs -ne $null) { Write-Host "Unsupported argument $badArgs" Print-Usage exit 1 } if ($test32 -and $test64) { Write-Host "Cannot combine -test32 and -test64" exit 1 } $anyVsi = $testVsi -or $testVsiNetCore $anyUnit = $testDesktop -or $testCoreClr if ($anyUnit -and $anyVsi) { Write-Host "Cannot combine unit and VSI testing" exit 1 } $script:isAnyTestSpecial = $testBuildCorrectness -or $testDeterminism -or $testPerfCorrectness -or $testPerfRun if ($isAnyTestSpecial -and ($anyUnit -or $anyVsi)) { Write-Host "Cannot combine special testing with any other action" exit 1 } if ($buildCoreClr -and $buildAll) { Write-Host "Cannot combine coreclr build with full Roslyn build" exit 1 } if ($buildAll -or $buildCoreClr) { $script:build = $true } $script:test32 = -not $test64 $script:debug = -not $release } function Run-MSBuild([string]$projectFilePath, [string]$buildArgs = "", [string]$logFileName = "", [switch]$parallel = $true, [switch]$useDotnetBuild = $false) { # Because we override the C#/VB toolset to build against our LKG package, it is important # that we do not reuse MSBuild nodes from other jobs/builds on the machine. Otherwise, # we'll run into issues such as https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/6211. # MSBuildAdditionalCommandLineArgs= $args = "/p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true /warnaserror /nologo /nodeReuse:false /consoleloggerparameters:Verbosity=minimal;summary /p:Configuration=$buildConfiguration"; if ($parallel) { $args += " /m" } if ($binaryLog) { if ($logFileName -eq "") { $logFileName = [IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($projectFilePath) } $logFileName = [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($logFileName, ".binlog") $logDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Logs" Create-Directory $logDir $logFilePath = Join-Path $logDir $logFileName $args += " /bl:$logFilePath" } if ($official) { $args += " /p:OfficialBuild=true" } if ($bootstrapDir -ne "") { $args += " /p:BootstrapBuildPath=$bootstrapDir" } if ($testIOperation) { $args += " /p:TestIOperationInterface=true" } $args += " $buildArgs" $args += " $projectFilePath" if ($useDotnetBuild) { $args = " build --no-restore " + $args $args += " -m:1" Exec-Console $dotnet $args } else { Exec-Console $msbuild $args } } # Create a bootstrap build of the compiler. Returns the directory where the bootstrap buil # is located. # # Important to not set $script:bootstrapDir here yet as we're actually in the process of # building the bootstrap. function Make-BootstrapBuild() { $dir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Bootstrap" Write-Host "Building Bootstrap compiler" $bootstrapArgs = "/p:UseShippingAssemblyVersion=true /p:InitialDefineConstants=BOOTSTRAP" Remove-Item -re $dir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Create-Directory $dir if ($buildCoreClr) { $bootstrapFramework = "netcoreapp2.0" $logDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Logs" Create-Directory $logDir Exec-Console "dotnet" "publish --no-restore src/Compilers/CSharp/csc -o `"$dir/bincore`" --framework $bootstrapFramework $bootstrapArgs -bl:$logDir/BootstrapCsc.binlog" Exec-Console "dotnet" "publish --no-restore src/Compilers/VisualBasic/vbc -o `"$dir/bincore`" --framework $bootstrapFramework $bootstrapArgs -bl:$logDir/BootstrapVbc.binlog" Exec-Console "dotnet" "publish --no-restore src/Compilers/Server/VBCSCompiler -o `"$dir/bincore`" --framework $bootstrapFramework $bootstrapArgs -bl:$logDir/BootstrapVBCSCompiler.binlog" Exec-Console "dotnet" "publish --no-restore src/Compilers/Core/MSBuildTask -o `"$dir`" $bootstrapArgs -bl:$binariesDir/BootstrapMSBuildTask.binlog" Stop-BuildProcesses } else { Run-MSBuild "build\Toolset\Toolset.csproj" $bootstrapArgs -logFileName "Bootstrap" Remove-Item -re $dir -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Create-Directory $dir Move-Item "$configDir\Exes\Toolset\*" $dir Write-Host "Cleaning Bootstrap compiler artifacts" Run-MSBuild "build\Toolset\Toolset.csproj" "/t:Clean" -logFileName "BootstrapClean" Stop-BuildProcesses } return $dir } function Build-Artifacts() { if ($buildCoreClr) { Run-MSBuild "Compilers.sln" -useDotnetBuild } elseif ($build) { Run-MSBuild "Roslyn.sln" "/p:DeployExtension=false" } if ($buildAll) { Build-ExtraSignArtifacts } if ($pack) { Build-NuGetPackages } if ($sign) { Run-SignTool } if ($pack -and ($cibuild -or $official)) { Build-DeployToSymStore } if ($buildAll) { Build-InsertionItems } } # Not all of our artifacts needed for signing are included inside Roslyn.sln. Need to # finish building these before we can run signing. function Build-ExtraSignArtifacts() { Push-Location (Join-Path $repoDir "src\Setup") try { # Publish the CoreClr projects (CscCore and VbcCore) and dependencies for later NuGet packaging. Write-Host "Publishing csc" Run-MSBuild "..\Compilers\CSharp\csc\csc.csproj" "/p:TargetFramework=netcoreapp2.0 /t:PublishWithoutBuilding" Write-Host "Publishing vbc" Run-MSBuild "..\Compilers\VisualBasic\vbc\vbc.csproj" "/p:TargetFramework=netcoreapp2.0 /t:PublishWithoutBuilding" Write-Host "Publishing VBCSCompiler" Run-MSBuild "..\Compilers\Server\VBCSCompiler\VBCSCompiler.csproj" "/p:TargetFramework=netcoreapp2.0 /t:PublishWithoutBuilding" Write-Host "Publishing MSBuildTask" Run-MSBuild "..\Compilers\Core\MSBuildTask\MSBuildTask.csproj" "/p:TargetFramework=netstandard1.3 /t:PublishWithoutBuilding" $dest = @( $configDir) foreach ($dir in $dest) { Copy-Item "PowerShell\*.ps1" $dir } Run-MSBuild "DevDivInsertionFiles\DevDivInsertionFiles.sln" -buildArgs "" Copy-Item -Force "Vsix\myget_org-extensions.config" $configDir } finally { Pop-Location } } function Build-InsertionItems() { # Create the PerfTests directory under Binaries\$(Configuration). There are still a number # of tools (in roslyn and roslyn-internal) that depend on this combined directory. function Create-PerfTests() { $target = Join-Path $configDir "PerfTests" Write-Host "PerfTests: $target" Create-Directory $target Push-Location $configDir foreach ($subDir in @("Dlls", "UnitTests")) { Push-Location $subDir foreach ($path in Get-ChildItem -re -in "PerfTests") { Write-Host "`tcopying $path" Copy-Item -force -recurse "$path\*" $target } Pop-Location } Pop-Location } $setupDir = Join-Path $repoDir "src\Setup" Push-Location $setupDir try { Create-PerfTests Exec-Console (Join-Path $configDir "Exes\DevDivInsertionFiles\Roslyn.BuildDevDivInsertionFiles.exe") "$configDir $repoDir $(Get-PackagesDir)" # In non-official builds need to supply values for a few MSBuild properties. The actual value doesn't # matter, just that it's provided some value. $extraArgs = "" if (-not $official) { $extraArgs = " /p:FinalizeValidate=false /p:ManifestPublishUrl=https://vsdrop.corp.microsoft.com/file/v1/Products/DevDiv/dotnet/roslyn/master/20160729.6" } Run-MSBuild "DevDivPackages\Roslyn.proj" -logFileName "RoslynPackagesProj" Run-MSBuild "DevDivVsix\PortableFacades\PortableFacades.vsmanproj" -buildArgs $extraArgs Run-MSBuild "DevDivVsix\CompilersPackage\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Compilers.vsmanproj" -buildArgs $extraArgs Run-MSBuild "DevDivVsix\MicrosoftCodeAnalysisLanguageServices\Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServices.vsmanproj" -buildArgs "$extraArgs" Run-MSBuild "..\Dependencies\Microsoft.NetFX20\Microsoft.NetFX20.nuget.proj" } finally { Pop-Location } } function Build-NuGetPackages() { $buildArgs = "" if (-not $official) { $buildArgs = '/p:SkipReleaseVersion=true /p:SkipPreReleaseVersion=true' } Ensure-NuGet | Out-Null Run-MSBuild "src\NuGet\NuGet.proj" $buildArgs } function Build-DeployToSymStore() { Run-MSBuild "Roslyn.sln" "/t:DeployToSymStore" -logFileName "RoslynDeployToSymStore" } # These are tests that don't follow our standard restore, build, test pattern. They customize # the processes in order to test specific elements of our build and hence are handled # separately from our other tests function Test-Special() { if ($testBuildCorrectness) { Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-build-correctness.ps1" -config $buildConfiguration } | Out-Host } elseif ($testDeterminism) { $bootstrapDir = Make-BootstrapBuild Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\test-determinism.ps1" -bootstrapDir $bootstrapDir } | Out-Host } elseif ($testPerfCorrectness) { Test-PerfCorrectness } elseif ($testPerfRun) { Test-PerfRun } else { throw "Not a special test" } } function Test-PerfCorrectness() { Run-MSBuild "Roslyn.sln" "/p:DeployExtension=false" -logFileName "RoslynPerfCorrectness" Exec-Block { & ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\Exes\Perf.Runner\Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe" --ci-test } | Out-Host } function Test-PerfRun() { Run-MSBuild "Roslyn.sln" "/p:DeployExtension=false" -logFileName "RoslynPerfRun" # Check if we have credentials to upload to benchview $extraArgs = @() if ((Test-Path env:\GIT_BRANCH) -and (Test-Path env:\BV_UPLOAD_SAS_TOKEN)) { $extraArgs += "--report-benchview" $extraArgs += "--branch=$env:GIT_BRANCH" # Check if we are in a PR or this is a rolling submission if (Test-Path env:\ghprbPullTitle) { $submissionName = $env:ghprbPullTitle.Replace(" ", "_") $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-name=""$submissionName""" $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-type=private" } else { $extraArgs += "--benchview-submission-type=rolling" } Create-Directory ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\tools\" # Get the benchview tools - Place alongside Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe Exec-Block { & ".\build\scripts\install_benchview_tools.cmd" ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\tools\" } | Out-Host } Stop-BuildProcesses & ".\Binaries\$buildConfiguration\Exes\Perf.Runner\Roslyn.Test.Performance.Runner.exe" $extraArgs --search-directory=".\\Binaries\\$buildConfiguration\\Dlls\\" --no-trace-upload if (-not $?) { throw "Perf run failed" } } function Test-XUnitCoreClr() { Write-Host "Publishing ILAsm.csproj" $toolsDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Tools" $ilasmDir = Join-Path $toolsDir "ILAsm" Exec-Console $dotnet "publish src\Tools\ILAsm --no-restore --runtime win-x64 --self-contained -o $ilasmDir" $unitDir = Join-Path $configDir "UnitTests" $tf = "netcoreapp2.0" $logDir = Join-Path $unitDir "xUnitResults" Create-Directory $logDir $xunitConsole = Join-Path (Get-PackageDir "xunit.runner.console") "tools\$tf\xunit.console.dll" $dlls = @() $allGood = $true foreach ($dir in Get-ChildItem $unitDir) { $testDir = Join-Path $unitDir (Join-Path $dir $tf) if (Test-Path $testDir) { $dllName = Get-ChildItem -name "*.UnitTests.dll" -path $testDir $dllPath = Join-Path $testDir $dllName $args = "exec" $args += " --depsfile " + [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($dllPath, ".deps.json") $args += " --runtimeconfig " + [IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($dllPath, ".runtimeconfig.json") $args += " $xunitConsole" $args += " $dllPath" $args += " -xml " + (Join-Path $logDir ([IO.Path]::ChangeExtension($dllName, ".xml"))) try { Write-Host "Running $dllName" Exec-Console $dotnet $args } catch { Write-Host "Failed" $allGood = $false } } } if (-not $allGood) { throw "Unit tests failed" } } # Core function for running our unit / integration tests tests function Test-XUnit() { if ($testCoreClr) { Test-XUnitCoreClr return } if ($testVsi -or $testVsiNetCore) { Deploy-VsixViaTool } $logFilePath = Join-Path $configDir "runtests.log" $unitDir = Join-Path $configDir "UnitTests" $runTests = Join-Path $configDir "Exes\RunTests\RunTests.exe" $xunitDir = Join-Path (Get-PackageDir "xunit.runner.console") "tools\net452" $args = "$xunitDir" $args += " -log:$logFilePath" $args += " -nocache" if ($testDesktop) { if ($test32) { $dlls = Get-ChildItem -re -in "*.UnitTests.dll" $unitDir } else { $dlls = Get-ChildItem -re -in "*.UnitTests.dll" -ex "*Roslyn.Interactive*" $unitDir } } elseif ($testVsi) { $dlls = Get-ChildItem -re -in "*.IntegrationTests.dll" $unitDir } else { $dlls = Get-ChildItem -re -in "*.IntegrationTests.dll" $unitDir $args += " -trait:Feature=NetCore" } # Exclude out the multi-targetted netcore app projects $dlls = $dlls | ?{ -not ($_.FullName -match ".*netcoreapp.*") } # Exclude out the ref assemblies $dlls = $dlls | ?{ -not ($_.FullName -match ".*\\ref\\.*") } $dlls = $dlls | ?{ -not ($_.FullName -match ".*/ref/.*") } if ($cibuild) { # Use a 50 minute timeout on CI $args += " -xml -timeout:50" $procdumpPath = Ensure-ProcDump $args += " -procdumppath:$procDumpPath" } if ($test64) { $args += " -test64" } foreach ($dll in $dlls) { $args += " $dll" } try { Exec-Console $runTests $args } finally { Get-Process "xunit*" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process } } # Deploy our core VSIX libraries to Visual Studio via the Roslyn VSIX tool. This is an alternative to # deploying at build time. function Deploy-VsixViaTool() { $vsixDir = Get-PackageDir "RoslynTools.Microsoft.VSIXExpInstaller" $vsixExe = Join-Path $vsixDir "tools\VsixExpInstaller.exe" $both = Get-VisualStudioDirAndId $vsDir = $both[0].Trim("\") $vsId = $both[1] $hive = "RoslynDev" Write-Host "Using VS Instance $vsId at `"$vsDir`"" $baseArgs = "/rootSuffix:$hive /vsInstallDir:`"$vsDir`"" $all = @( "Vsix\CompilerExtension\Roslyn.Compilers.Extension.vsix", "Vsix\VisualStudioSetup\Roslyn.VisualStudio.Setup.vsix", "Vsix\VisualStudioSetup.Next\Roslyn.VisualStudio.Setup.Next.vsix", "Vsix\VisualStudioInteractiveComponents\Roslyn.VisualStudio.InteractiveComponents.vsix", "Vsix\ExpressionEvaluatorPackage\ExpressionEvaluatorPackage.vsix", "Vsix\VisualStudioDiagnosticsWindow\Roslyn.VisualStudio.DiagnosticsWindow.vsix", "Vsix\VisualStudioIntegrationTestSetup\Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntegrationTest.Setup.vsix") Write-Host "Uninstalling old Roslyn VSIX" # Actual uninstall is failing at the moment using the uninstall options. Temporarily using # wildfire to uninstall our VSIX extensions $extDir = Join-Path ${env:USERPROFILE} "AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_$($vsid)$($hive)" if (Test-Path $extDir) { foreach ($dir in Get-ChildItem -Directory $extDir) { $name = Split-Path -leaf $dir Write-Host "`tUninstalling $name" } Remove-Item -re -fo $extDir } Write-Host "Installing all Roslyn VSIX" foreach ($e in $all) { $name = Split-Path -leaf $e $filePath = Join-Path $configDir $e $fullArg = "$baseArgs $filePath" Write-Host "`tInstalling $name" Exec-Console $vsixExe $fullArg } } # Sign all of our binaries that need to be signed function Run-SignTool() { Push-Location $repoDir try { $signTool = Join-Path (Get-PackageDir "RoslynTools.Microsoft.SignTool") "tools\SignTool.exe" $signToolArgs = "-msbuildPath `"$msbuild`"" switch ($signType) { "real" { break; } "test" { $signToolArgs += " -testSign"; break; } default { $signToolArgs += " -test"; break; } } $signToolArgs += " `"$configDir`"" Exec-Console $signTool $signToolArgs } finally { Pop-Location } } # Ensure that procdump is available on the machine. Returns the path to the directory that contains # the procdump binaries (both 32 and 64 bit) function Ensure-ProcDump() { # Jenkins images default to having procdump installed in the root. Use that if available to avoid # an unnecessary download. if (Test-Path "c:\SysInternals\procdump.exe") { return "c:\SysInternals"; } $toolsDir = Join-Path $binariesDir "Tools" $outDir = Join-Path $toolsDir "ProcDump" $filePath = Join-Path $outDir "procdump.exe" if (-not (Test-Path $filePath)) { Remove-Item -Re $filePath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Create-Directory $outDir $zipFilePath = Join-Path $toolsDir "procdump.zip" Invoke-WebRequest "https://download.sysinternals.com/files/Procdump.zip" -UseBasicParsing -outfile $zipFilePath | Out-Null Add-Type -AssemblyName System.IO.Compression.FileSystem [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory($zipFilePath, $outDir) } return $outDir } # The Jenkins images used to execute our tests can live for a very long time. Over the course # of hundreds of runs this can cause the %TEMP% folder to fill up. To avoid this we redirect # %TEMP% into the binaries folder which is deleted at the end of every run as a part of cleaning # up the workspace. function Redirect-Temp() { $temp = Join-Path $binariesDir "Temp" Create-Directory $temp Copy-Item (Join-Path $repoDir "src\Workspaces\CoreTestUtilities\TestFiles\Directory.Build.props") $temp Copy-Item (Join-Path $repoDir "src\Workspaces\CoreTestUtilities\TestFiles\Directory.Build.targets") $temp ${env:TEMP} = $temp ${env:TMP} = $temp } function List-BuildProcesses() { Write-Host "Listing running build processes..." Get-Process -Name "msbuild" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Host Get-Process -Name "vbcscompiler" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Host Get-Process -Name "dotnet" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where { $_.Modules | select { $_.ModuleName -eq "VBCSCompiler.dll" } } | Out-Host } function List-VSProcesses() { Write-Host "Listing running vs processes..." Get-Process -Name "devenv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Host } # Kill any instances VBCSCompiler.exe to release locked files, ignoring stderr if process is not open # This prevents future CI runs from failing while trying to delete those files. # Kill any instances of msbuild.exe to ensure that we never reuse nodes (e.g. if a non-roslyn CI run # left some floating around). function Stop-BuildProcesses() { Write-Host "Killing running build processes..." Get-Process -Name "msbuild" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process Get-Process -Name "vbcscompiler" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process Get-Process -Name "dotnet" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | where { $_.Modules | select { $_.ModuleName -eq "VBCSCompiler.dll" } } | Stop-Process } # Kill any instances of devenv.exe to ensure VSIX install/uninstall works in future runs and to ensure # that any locked files don't prevent future CI runs from failing. # Also call Stop-BuildProcesses function Stop-VSProcesses() { Write-Host "Killing running vs processes..." Get-Process -Name "devenv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Stop-Process } try { . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "build-utils.ps1") Push-Location $repoDir Write-Host "Repo Dir $repoDir" Write-Host "Binaries Dir $binariesDir" Process-Arguments $msbuild = Ensure-MSBuild $dotnet = Ensure-DotnetSdk $buildConfiguration = if ($release) { "Release" } else { "Debug" } $configDir = Join-Path $binariesDir $buildConfiguration $bootstrapDir = "" # Ensure the main output directories exist as a number of tools will fail when they don't exist. Create-Directory $binariesDir Create-Directory $configDir if ($cibuild) { List-VSProcesses List-BuildProcesses Redirect-Temp } if ($restore) { Write-Host "Running restore" Restore-All $dotnet } if ($isAnyTestSpecial) { Test-Special exit 0 } if ($bootstrap) { $bootstrapDir = Make-BootstrapBuild } if ($build -or $pack) { Build-Artifacts } if ($testDesktop -or $testCoreClr -or $testVsi -or $testVsiNetCore) { Test-XUnit } exit 0 } catch { Write-Host $_ Write-Host $_.Exception Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace exit 1 } finally { Pop-Location if ($cibuild) { Stop-VSProcesses Stop-BuildProcesses } }