using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.EmbeddedLanguages.RegularExpressions { /// /// Minimal copy of /// Used to accurately determine if something is a WordChar according to the .Net regex engine. /// internal static class RegexCharClass { private const int FLAGS = 0; private const int SETLENGTH = 1; private const int CATEGORYLENGTH = 2; private const int SETSTART = 3; private const short SpaceConst = 100; private const short NotSpaceConst = -100; private const char ZeroWidthJoiner = '\u200D'; private const char ZeroWidthNonJoiner = '\u200C'; private const string WordClass = "\u0000\u0000\u000A\u0000\u0002\u0004\u0005\u0003\u0001\u0006\u0009\u0013\u0000"; private static readonly HashSet s_escapeCategories = new HashSet { // Others "Cc", "Cf", "Cn", "Co", "Cs", "C", // Letters "Ll", "Lm", "Lo", "Lt", "Lu", "L", // Marks "Mc", "Me", "Mn", "M", // Numbers "Nd", "Nl", "No", "N", // Punctuation "Pc", "Pd", "Pe", "Po", "Ps", "Pf", "Pi", "P", // Symbols "Sc", "Sk", "Sm", "So", "S", // Separators "Zl", "Zp", "Zs", "Z", "IsAlphabeticPresentationForms", "IsArabic", "IsArabicPresentationForms-A", "IsArabicPresentationForms-B", "IsArmenian", "IsArrows", "IsBasicLatin", "IsBengali", "IsBlockElements", "IsBopomofo", "IsBopomofoExtended", "IsBoxDrawing", "IsBraillePatterns", "IsBuhid", "IsCJKCompatibility", "IsCJKCompatibilityForms", "IsCJKCompatibilityIdeographs", "IsCJKRadicalsSupplement", "IsCJKSymbolsandPunctuation", "IsCJKUnifiedIdeographs", "IsCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA", "IsCherokee", "IsCombiningDiacriticalMarks", "IsCombiningDiacriticalMarksforSymbols", "IsCombiningHalfMarks", "IsCombiningMarksforSymbols", "IsControlPictures", "IsCurrencySymbols", "IsCyrillic", "IsCyrillicSupplement", "IsDevanagari", "IsDingbats", "IsEnclosedAlphanumerics", "IsEnclosedCJKLettersandMonths", "IsEthiopic", "IsGeneralPunctuation", "IsGeometricShapes", "IsGeorgian", "IsGreek", "IsGreekExtended", "IsGreekandCoptic", "IsGujarati", "IsGurmukhi", "IsHalfwidthandFullwidthForms", "IsHangulCompatibilityJamo", "IsHangulJamo", "IsHangulSyllables", "IsHanunoo", "IsHebrew", "IsHighPrivateUseSurrogates", "IsHighSurrogates", "IsHiragana", "IsIPAExtensions", "IsIdeographicDescriptionCharacters", "IsKanbun", "IsKangxiRadicals", "IsKannada", "IsKatakana", "IsKatakanaPhoneticExtensions", "IsKhmer", "IsKhmerSymbols", "IsLao", "IsLatin-1Supplement", "IsLatinExtended-A", "IsLatinExtended-B", "IsLatinExtendedAdditional", "IsLetterlikeSymbols", "IsLimbu", "IsLowSurrogates", "IsMalayalam", "IsMathematicalOperators", "IsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-A", "IsMiscellaneousMathematicalSymbols-B", "IsMiscellaneousSymbols", "IsMiscellaneousSymbolsandArrows", "IsMiscellaneousTechnical", "IsMongolian", "IsMyanmar", "IsNumberForms", "IsOgham", "IsOpticalCharacterRecognition", "IsOriya", "IsPhoneticExtensions", "IsPrivateUse", "IsPrivateUseArea", "IsRunic", "IsSinhala", "IsSmallFormVariants", "IsSpacingModifierLetters", "IsSpecials", "IsSuperscriptsandSubscripts", "IsSupplementalArrows-A", "IsSupplementalArrows-B", "IsSupplementalMathematicalOperators", "IsSyriac", "IsTagalog", "IsTagbanwa", "IsTaiLe", "IsTamil", "IsTelugu", "IsThaana", "IsThai", "IsTibetan", "IsUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics", "IsVariationSelectors", "IsYiRadicals", "IsYiSyllables", "IsYijingHexagramSymbols", "_xmlC", "_xmlD", "_xmlI", "_xmlW", }; public static bool IsEscapeCategory(string value) { return s_escapeCategories.Contains(value); } public static bool IsWordChar(char ch) { // According to UTS#18 Unicode Regular Expressions ( // RL 1.4 Simple Word Boundaries The class of includes all Alphabetic // values from the Unicode character database, from UnicodeData.txt [UData], plus the U+200C // ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER and U+200D ZERO WIDTH JOINER. return CharInClass(ch, WordClass) || ch == ZeroWidthJoiner || ch == ZeroWidthNonJoiner; } internal static bool CharInClass(char ch, string set) { return CharInClassRecursive(ch, set, 0); } internal static bool CharInClassRecursive(char ch, string set, int start) { int mySetLength = set[start + SETLENGTH]; int myCategoryLength = set[start + CATEGORYLENGTH]; int myEndPosition = start + SETSTART + mySetLength + myCategoryLength; bool subtracted = false; if (set.Length > myEndPosition) { subtracted = CharInClassRecursive(ch, set, myEndPosition); } bool b = CharInClassInternal(ch, set, start, mySetLength, myCategoryLength); // Note that we apply the negation *before* performing the subtraction. This is because // the negation only applies to the first char class, not the entire subtraction. if (set[start + FLAGS] == 1) b = !b; return b && !subtracted; } /// /// Determines a character's membership in a character class (via the /// string representation of the class). /// private static bool CharInClassInternal(char ch, string set, int start, int mySetLength, int myCategoryLength) { int min; int max; int mid; min = start + SETSTART; max = min + mySetLength; while (min != max) { mid = (min + max) / 2; if (ch < set[mid]) max = mid; else min = mid + 1; } // The starting position of the set within the character class determines // whether what an odd or even ending position means. If the start is odd, // an *even* ending position means the character was in the set. With recursive // subtractions in the mix, the starting position = start+SETSTART. Since we know that // SETSTART is odd, we can simplify it out of the equation. But if it changes we need to // reverse this check. Debug.Assert((SETSTART & 0x1) == 1, "If SETSTART is not odd, the calculation below this will be reversed"); if ((min & 0x1) == (start & 0x1)) return true; else { if (myCategoryLength == 0) return false; return CharInCategory(ch, set, start, mySetLength, myCategoryLength); } } private static bool CharInCategory(char ch, string set, int start, int mySetLength, int myCategoryLength) { UnicodeCategory chcategory = CharUnicodeInfo.GetUnicodeCategory(ch); int i = start + SETSTART + mySetLength; int end = i + myCategoryLength; while (i < end) { int curcat = unchecked((short)set[i]); if (curcat == 0) { // zero is our marker for a group of categories - treated as a unit if (CharInCategoryGroup(ch, chcategory, set, ref i)) return true; } else if (curcat > 0) { // greater than zero is a positive case if (curcat == SpaceConst) { if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) return true; else { i++; continue; } } --curcat; if (chcategory == (UnicodeCategory)curcat) return true; } else { // less than zero is a negative case if (curcat == NotSpaceConst) { if (!char.IsWhiteSpace(ch)) return true; else { i++; continue; } } //curcat = -curcat; //--curcat; curcat = -1 - curcat; if (chcategory != (UnicodeCategory)curcat) return true; } i++; } return false; } /// /// This is used for categories which are composed of other categories - L, N, Z, W... /// These groups need special treatment when they are negated /// private static bool CharInCategoryGroup(char ch, UnicodeCategory chcategory, string category, ref int i) { i++; int curcat = unchecked((short)category[i]); if (curcat > 0) { // positive case - the character must be in ANY of the categories in the group bool answer = false; while (curcat != 0) { if (!answer) { --curcat; if (chcategory == (UnicodeCategory)curcat) answer = true; } i++; curcat = (short)category[i]; } return answer; } else { // negative case - the character must be in NONE of the categories in the group bool answer = true; while (curcat != 0) { if (answer) { //curcat = -curcat; //--curcat; curcat = -1 - curcat; if (chcategory == (UnicodeCategory)curcat) answer = false; } i++; curcat = unchecked((short)category[i]); } return answer; } } } }