using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Globalization; using System.Text; using System.Threading; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { internal static partial class NullableExtensions { [DebuggerDisplay("{WrappedSymbol,nq}, Nullability = {Nullability,nq}")] private abstract class TypeSymbolWithNullableAnnotation : ITypeSymbol { internal ITypeSymbol WrappedSymbol { get; } internal NullableAnnotation Nullability { get; } protected TypeSymbolWithNullableAnnotation(ITypeSymbol wrappedSymbol, NullableAnnotation nullability) { Debug.Assert(!(wrappedSymbol is TypeSymbolWithNullableAnnotation)); WrappedSymbol = wrappedSymbol; Nullability = nullability; } bool IEquatable.Equals(ISymbol other) { return Equals(other, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default); } public bool Equals(ISymbol other, SymbolEqualityComparer equalityComparer) { if (other is TypeSymbolWithNullableAnnotation otherWrappingSymbol) { return this.Nullability == otherWrappingSymbol.Nullability && this.WrappedSymbol.Equals(otherWrappingSymbol.WrappedSymbol, equalityComparer); } else if (other is ITypeSymbol) { // Somebody is trying to compare a nullable-wrapped symbol with a regular compiler symbol. By rule Equals must be reflexive, // and since the compiler's Equals won't respect us as being equal, we can't return anything other than false. Flagging this with an assert // is helpful while moving features over, because this comparison might be the reason a feature isn't working right. However, for now disabling // the assert is easiest because we can't update the whole codebase at once. Enabling the assert is tracked in // Debug.Fail($"A {nameof(TypeSymbolWithNullableAnnotation)} was compared to a regular symbol. This comparison is disallowed."); // We are also going to cheat further: for now, we'll just throw away nullability and compare, because if a core feature (like the type inferrerr) is updated // but other features aren't, we want to keep those working. return this.WrappedSymbol.Equals(other); } else { return false; } } public override bool Equals(object obj) { return this.Equals(obj as ISymbol, SymbolEqualityComparer.Default); } public override int GetHashCode() { // As a transition mechanism, we allow ourselves to be compared to non-wrapped // symbols and we compare with the existing compiler equality and just throw away our // top-level nullability. Because of that, we can't incorporate the top-level nullability // into our hash code, because if we did we couldn't be both simultaneously equal to // something that has top level nullability and something that doesn't. return this.WrappedSymbol.GetHashCode(); } #region ITypeSymbol Implementation Forwards public TypeKind TypeKind => WrappedSymbol.TypeKind; public INamedTypeSymbol BaseType => WrappedSymbol.BaseType; public ImmutableArray Interfaces => WrappedSymbol.Interfaces; public ImmutableArray AllInterfaces => WrappedSymbol.AllInterfaces; public bool IsReferenceType => WrappedSymbol.IsReferenceType; public bool IsValueType => WrappedSymbol.IsValueType; public bool IsAnonymousType => WrappedSymbol.IsAnonymousType; public bool IsTupleType => WrappedSymbol.IsTupleType; public ITypeSymbol OriginalDefinition => WrappedSymbol.OriginalDefinition; public SpecialType SpecialType => WrappedSymbol.SpecialType; public bool IsRefLikeType => WrappedSymbol.IsRefLikeType; public bool IsUnmanagedType => WrappedSymbol.IsUnmanagedType; public bool IsReadOnly => WrappedSymbol.IsReadOnly; public bool IsNamespace => WrappedSymbol.IsNamespace; public bool IsType => WrappedSymbol.IsType; public SymbolKind Kind => WrappedSymbol.Kind; public string Language => WrappedSymbol.Language; public string Name => WrappedSymbol.Name; public string MetadataName => WrappedSymbol.MetadataName; public ISymbol ContainingSymbol => WrappedSymbol.ContainingSymbol; public IAssemblySymbol ContainingAssembly => WrappedSymbol.ContainingAssembly; public IModuleSymbol ContainingModule => WrappedSymbol.ContainingModule; public INamedTypeSymbol ContainingType => WrappedSymbol.ContainingType; public INamespaceSymbol ContainingNamespace => WrappedSymbol.ContainingNamespace; public bool IsDefinition => WrappedSymbol.IsDefinition; public bool IsStatic => WrappedSymbol.IsStatic; public bool IsVirtual => WrappedSymbol.IsVirtual; public bool IsOverride => WrappedSymbol.IsOverride; public bool IsAbstract => WrappedSymbol.IsAbstract; public bool IsSealed => WrappedSymbol.IsSealed; public bool IsExtern => WrappedSymbol.IsExtern; public bool IsImplicitlyDeclared => WrappedSymbol.IsImplicitlyDeclared; public bool CanBeReferencedByName => WrappedSymbol.CanBeReferencedByName; public ImmutableArray Locations => WrappedSymbol.Locations; public ImmutableArray DeclaringSyntaxReferences => WrappedSymbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences; public Accessibility DeclaredAccessibility => WrappedSymbol.DeclaredAccessibility; public bool HasUnsupportedMetadata => WrappedSymbol.HasUnsupportedMetadata; ISymbol ISymbol.OriginalDefinition => WrappedSymbol.OriginalDefinition; public abstract void Accept(SymbolVisitor visitor); public abstract TResult Accept(SymbolVisitor visitor); public ISymbol FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(ISymbol interfaceMember) { return WrappedSymbol.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(interfaceMember); } public ImmutableArray GetAttributes() { return WrappedSymbol.GetAttributes(); } public string GetDocumentationCommentId() { return WrappedSymbol.GetDocumentationCommentId(); } public string GetDocumentationCommentXml(CultureInfo preferredCulture = null, bool expandIncludes = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { return WrappedSymbol.GetDocumentationCommentXml(preferredCulture, expandIncludes, cancellationToken); } public ImmutableArray GetMembers() { return WrappedSymbol.GetMembers(); } public ImmutableArray GetMembers(string name) { return WrappedSymbol.GetMembers(name); } public ImmutableArray GetTypeMembers() { return WrappedSymbol.GetTypeMembers(); } public ImmutableArray GetTypeMembers(string name) { return WrappedSymbol.GetTypeMembers(name); } public ImmutableArray GetTypeMembers(string name, int arity) { return WrappedSymbol.GetTypeMembers(name, arity); } public ImmutableArray ToDisplayParts(NullableFlowState topLevelNullability, SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { return WrappedSymbol.ToDisplayParts(topLevelNullability, format); } public ImmutableArray ToDisplayParts(SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { return WrappedSymbol.ToDisplayParts(format); } public string ToDisplayString(NullableFlowState topLevelNullability, SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { return WrappedSymbol.ToDisplayString(topLevelNullability, format); } public string ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { return WrappedSymbol.ToDisplayString(format); } public ImmutableArray ToMinimalDisplayParts(SemanticModel semanticModel, NullableFlowState topLevelNullability, int position, SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { return WrappedSymbol.ToMinimalDisplayParts(semanticModel, topLevelNullability, position, format); } public ImmutableArray ToMinimalDisplayParts(SemanticModel semanticModel, int position, SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { // Call the right API once is merged var convertedFlowState = Nullability == NullableAnnotation.Annotated ? NullableFlowState.MaybeNull : NullableFlowState.None; return WrappedSymbol.ToMinimalDisplayParts(semanticModel, convertedFlowState, position, format); } public string ToMinimalDisplayString(SemanticModel semanticModel, NullableFlowState topLevelNullability, int position, SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { return WrappedSymbol.ToMinimalDisplayString(semanticModel, topLevelNullability, position, format); } public string ToMinimalDisplayString(SemanticModel semanticModel, int position, SymbolDisplayFormat format = null) { return WrappedSymbol.ToMinimalDisplayString(semanticModel, position, format); } #endregion } } }