// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text; using Roslyn.Utilities; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp { /// /// This portion of the binder converts an into a . /// internal partial class Binder { /// /// Determines whether "this" reference is available within the current context. /// /// The reference was explicitly specified in syntax. /// True if "this" is not available due to the current method/property/field initializer being static. /// True if a reference to "this" is available. internal bool HasThis(bool isExplicit, out bool inStaticContext) { var memberOpt = this.ContainingMemberOrLambda?.ContainingNonLambdaMember(); if (memberOpt?.IsStatic == true) { inStaticContext = memberOpt.Kind == SymbolKind.Field || memberOpt.Kind == SymbolKind.Method || memberOpt.Kind == SymbolKind.Property; return false; } inStaticContext = false; if (InConstructorInitializer || InAttributeArgument) { return false; } var containingType = memberOpt?.ContainingType; bool inTopLevelScriptMember = (object)containingType != null && containingType.IsScriptClass; // "this" is not allowed in field initializers (that are not script variable initializers): if (InFieldInitializer && !inTopLevelScriptMember) { return false; } // top-level script code only allows implicit "this" reference: return !inTopLevelScriptMember || !isExplicit; } internal bool InFieldInitializer { get { return this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.FieldInitializer); } } internal bool InParameterDefaultValue { get { return this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.ParameterDefaultValue); } } protected bool InConstructorInitializer { get { return this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.ConstructorInitializer); } } internal bool InAttributeArgument { get { return this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.AttributeArgument); } } internal bool InCref { get { return this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.Cref); } } protected bool InCrefButNotParameterOrReturnType { get { return InCref && !this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.CrefParameterOrReturnType); } } /// /// Returns true if the node is in a position where an unbound type /// such as (C<,>) is allowed. /// protected virtual bool IsUnboundTypeAllowed(GenericNameSyntax syntax) { return _next.IsUnboundTypeAllowed(syntax); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type /// private BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax) { return BadExpression(syntax, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type, and the given bound child. /// private BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression childNode) { return BadExpression(syntax, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, childNode); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type, and the given bound children. /// private BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, ImmutableArray childNodes) { return BadExpression(syntax, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, childNodes); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type, given lookup resultKind. /// protected BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, LookupResultKind lookupResultKind) { return BadExpression(syntax, lookupResultKind, ImmutableArray.Empty); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type, given lookup resultKind and the given bound child. /// protected BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, LookupResultKind lookupResultKind, BoundExpression childNode) { return BadExpression(syntax, lookupResultKind, ImmutableArray.Empty, childNode); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type, given lookupResultKind and given symbols for GetSemanticInfo API. /// private BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, LookupResultKind resultKind, ImmutableArray symbols) { return new BoundBadExpression(syntax, resultKind, symbols, ImmutableArray.Empty, CreateErrorType()); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type, given lookupResultKind and given symbols for GetSemanticInfo API, /// and the given bound child. /// private BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, LookupResultKind resultKind, ImmutableArray symbols, BoundExpression childNode) { return new BoundBadExpression(syntax, resultKind, symbols, ImmutableArray.Create(childNode), CreateErrorType()); } /// /// Generates a new with no known type, given lookupResultKind and given symbols for GetSemanticInfo API, /// and the given bound children. /// private BoundBadExpression BadExpression(SyntaxNode syntax, LookupResultKind resultKind, ImmutableArray symbols, ImmutableArray childNodes) { return new BoundBadExpression(syntax, resultKind, symbols, childNodes, CreateErrorType()); } /// /// Helper method to generate a bound expression with HasErrors set to true. /// Returned bound expression is guaranteed to have a non-null type, except when is an unbound lambda. /// If already has errors and meets the above type requirements, then it is returned unchanged. /// Otherwise, if is a BoundBadExpression, then it is updated with the and non-null type. /// Otherwise, a new wrapping is returned. /// /// /// Returned expression need not be a , but is guaranteed to have HasErrors set to true. /// private BoundExpression ToBadExpression(BoundExpression expr, LookupResultKind resultKind = LookupResultKind.Empty) { Debug.Assert(expr != null); Debug.Assert(resultKind != LookupResultKind.Viable); TypeSymbol resultType = expr.Type; BoundKind exprKind = expr.Kind; if (expr.HasAnyErrors && ((object)resultType != null || exprKind == BoundKind.UnboundLambda)) { return expr; } if (exprKind == BoundKind.BadExpression) { var badExpression = (BoundBadExpression)expr; return badExpression.Update(resultKind, badExpression.Symbols, badExpression.ChildBoundNodes, resultType); } else { ArrayBuilder symbols = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); expr.GetExpressionSymbols(symbols, parent: null, binder: this); return new BoundBadExpression( expr.Syntax, resultKind, symbols.ToImmutableAndFree(), ImmutableArray.Create(expr), resultType ?? CreateErrorType()); } } internal TypeSymbol CreateErrorType(string name = "") { return new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(this.Compilation, name, arity: 0, errorInfo: null, unreported: false); } /// /// Bind the expression and verify the expression matches the combination of lvalue and /// rvalue requirements given by valueKind. If the expression was bound successfully, but /// did not meet the requirements, the return value will be a that /// (typically) wraps the subexpression. /// internal BoundExpression BindValue(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BindValueKind valueKind) { var result = this.BindExpression(node, diagnostics: diagnostics, invoked: false, indexed: false); return CheckValue(result, valueKind, diagnostics); } internal BoundExpression BindValueAllowArgList(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BindValueKind valueKind) { var result = this.BindExpressionAllowArgList(node, diagnostics: diagnostics); return CheckValue(result, valueKind, diagnostics); } internal BoundFieldEqualsValue BindFieldInitializer( FieldSymbol field, EqualsValueClauseSyntax initializerOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert((object)this.ContainingMemberOrLambda == field); if (initializerOpt == null) { return null; } Binder initializerBinder = this.GetBinder(initializerOpt); Debug.Assert(initializerBinder != null); BoundExpression result = initializerBinder.BindVariableOrAutoPropInitializerValue(initializerOpt, RefKind.None, field.GetFieldType(initializerBinder.FieldsBeingBound).Type, diagnostics); return new BoundFieldEqualsValue(initializerOpt, field, initializerBinder.GetDeclaredLocalsForScope(initializerOpt), result); } internal BoundExpression BindVariableOrAutoPropInitializerValue( EqualsValueClauseSyntax initializerOpt, RefKind refKind, TypeSymbol varType, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (initializerOpt == null) { return null; } BindValueKind valueKind; ExpressionSyntax value; IsInitializerRefKindValid(initializerOpt, initializerOpt, refKind, diagnostics, out valueKind, out value); BoundExpression initializer = BindPossibleArrayInitializer(value, varType, valueKind, diagnostics); initializer = GenerateConversionForAssignment(varType, initializer, diagnostics); return initializer; } internal Binder CreateBinderForParameterDefaultValue( ParameterSymbol parameter, EqualsValueClauseSyntax defaultValueSyntax) { var binder = new LocalScopeBinder(this.WithContainingMemberOrLambda(parameter.ContainingSymbol).WithAdditionalFlags(BinderFlags.ParameterDefaultValue)); return new ExecutableCodeBinder(defaultValueSyntax, parameter.ContainingSymbol, binder); } internal BoundParameterEqualsValue BindParameterDefaultValue( EqualsValueClauseSyntax defaultValueSyntax, ParameterSymbol parameter, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out BoundExpression valueBeforeConversion) { Debug.Assert(this.InParameterDefaultValue); Debug.Assert(this.ContainingMemberOrLambda.Kind == SymbolKind.Method || this.ContainingMemberOrLambda.Kind == SymbolKind.Property); // UNDONE: The binding and conversion has to be executed in a checked context. Binder defaultValueBinder = this.GetBinder(defaultValueSyntax); Debug.Assert(defaultValueBinder != null); valueBeforeConversion = defaultValueBinder.BindValue(defaultValueSyntax.Value, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); // Always generate the conversion, even if the expression is not convertible to the given type. // We want the erroneous conversion in the tree. return new BoundParameterEqualsValue(defaultValueSyntax, parameter, defaultValueBinder.GetDeclaredLocalsForScope(defaultValueSyntax), defaultValueBinder.GenerateConversionForAssignment(parameter.Type, valueBeforeConversion, diagnostics, isDefaultParameter: true)); } internal BoundFieldEqualsValue BindEnumConstantInitializer( SourceEnumConstantSymbol symbol, EqualsValueClauseSyntax equalsValueSyntax, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Binder initializerBinder = this.GetBinder(equalsValueSyntax); Debug.Assert(initializerBinder != null); var initializer = initializerBinder.BindValue(equalsValueSyntax.Value, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); initializer = initializerBinder.GenerateConversionForAssignment(symbol.ContainingType.EnumUnderlyingType, initializer, diagnostics); return new BoundFieldEqualsValue(equalsValueSyntax, symbol, initializerBinder.GetDeclaredLocalsForScope(equalsValueSyntax), initializer); } public BoundExpression BindExpression(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { return BindExpression(node, diagnostics: diagnostics, invoked: false, indexed: false); } protected BoundExpression BindExpression(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool invoked, bool indexed) { BoundExpression expr = BindExpressionInternal(node, diagnostics, invoked, indexed); VerifyUnchecked(node, diagnostics, expr); if (expr.Kind == BoundKind.ArgListOperator) { // CS0226: An __arglist expression may only appear inside of a call or new expression Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_IllegalArglist, node); expr = ToBadExpression(expr); } return expr; } // PERF: allowArgList is not a parameter because it is fairly uncommon case where arglists are allowed // so we do not want to pass that argument to every BindExpression which is often recursive // and extra arguments contribute to the stack size. protected BoundExpression BindExpressionAllowArgList(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression expr = BindExpressionInternal(node, diagnostics, invoked: false, indexed: false); VerifyUnchecked(node, diagnostics, expr); return expr; } private void VerifyUnchecked(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BoundExpression expr) { if (!expr.HasAnyErrors && !IsInsideNameof) { TypeSymbol exprType = expr.Type; if ((object)exprType != null && exprType.IsUnsafe()) { ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(node, diagnostics); //CONSIDER: Return a bad expression so that HasErrors is true? } } } private BoundExpression BindExpressionInternal(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool invoked, bool indexed) { if (IsEarlyAttributeBinder && !EarlyWellKnownAttributeBinder.CanBeValidAttributeArgument(node, this)) { return BadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.NotAValue); } Debug.Assert(node != null); switch (node.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression: case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression: case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression: return BindAnonymousFunction(node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ThisExpression: return BindThis((ThisExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.BaseExpression: return BindBase((BaseExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression: return BindInvocationExpression((InvocationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ArrayInitializerExpression: return BindUnexpectedArrayInitializer((InitializerExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArrayInitInBadPlace); case SyntaxKind.ArrayCreationExpression: return BindArrayCreationExpression((ArrayCreationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ImplicitArrayCreationExpression: return BindImplicitArrayCreationExpression((ImplicitArrayCreationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.StackAllocArrayCreationExpression: return BindStackAllocArrayCreationExpression((StackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ImplicitStackAllocArrayCreationExpression: return BindImplicitStackAllocArrayCreationExpression((ImplicitStackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression: return BindObjectCreationExpression((ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName: case SyntaxKind.GenericName: return BindIdentifier((SimpleNameSyntax)node, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.PointerMemberAccessExpression: return BindMemberAccess((MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)node, invoked, indexed, diagnostics: diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentExpression: return BindAssignment((AssignmentExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.CastExpression: return BindCast((CastExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression: return BindElementAccess((ElementAccessExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.AddExpression: case SyntaxKind.MultiplyExpression: case SyntaxKind.SubtractExpression: case SyntaxKind.DivideExpression: case SyntaxKind.ModuloExpression: case SyntaxKind.EqualsExpression: case SyntaxKind.NotEqualsExpression: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanExpression: case SyntaxKind.LessThanExpression: case SyntaxKind.GreaterThanOrEqualExpression: case SyntaxKind.LessThanOrEqualExpression: case SyntaxKind.BitwiseAndExpression: case SyntaxKind.BitwiseOrExpression: case SyntaxKind.ExclusiveOrExpression: case SyntaxKind.LeftShiftExpression: case SyntaxKind.RightShiftExpression: return BindSimpleBinaryOperator((BinaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.LogicalAndExpression: case SyntaxKind.LogicalOrExpression: return BindConditionalLogicalOperator((BinaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.CoalesceExpression: return BindNullCoalescingOperator((BinaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ConditionalAccessExpression: return BindConditionalAccessExpression((ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.MemberBindingExpression: return BindMemberBindingExpression((MemberBindingExpressionSyntax)node, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ElementBindingExpression: return BindElementBindingExpression((ElementBindingExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.IsExpression: return BindIsOperator((BinaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.AsExpression: return BindAsOperator((BinaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.UnaryPlusExpression: case SyntaxKind.UnaryMinusExpression: case SyntaxKind.LogicalNotExpression: case SyntaxKind.BitwiseNotExpression: return BindUnaryOperator((PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.IndexExpression: return BindFromEndIndexExpression((PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.RangeExpression: return BindRangeExpression((RangeExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.AddressOfExpression: return BindAddressOfExpression((PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.PointerIndirectionExpression: return BindPointerIndirectionExpression((PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.PostIncrementExpression: case SyntaxKind.PostDecrementExpression: return BindIncrementOperator(node, ((PostfixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node).Operand, ((PostfixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node).OperatorToken, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.PreIncrementExpression: case SyntaxKind.PreDecrementExpression: return BindIncrementOperator(node, ((PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node).Operand, ((PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node).OperatorToken, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression: return BindConditionalOperator((ConditionalExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.SwitchExpression: return BindSwitchExpression((SwitchExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.NumericLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.CharacterLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.TrueLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.FalseLiteralExpression: case SyntaxKind.NullLiteralExpression: return BindLiteralConstant((LiteralExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.DefaultLiteralExpression: return BindDefaultLiteral(node); case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression: // Parenthesis tokens are ignored, and operand is bound in the context of parent // expression. return BindParenthesizedExpression(((ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax)node).Expression, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.UncheckedExpression: case SyntaxKind.CheckedExpression: return BindCheckedExpression((CheckedExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.DefaultExpression: return BindDefaultExpression((DefaultExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.TypeOfExpression: return BindTypeOf((TypeOfExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.SizeOfExpression: return BindSizeOf((SizeOfExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.AddAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.AndAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.DivideAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.ExclusiveOrAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.LeftShiftAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.ModuloAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.MultiplyAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.OrAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.RightShiftAssignmentExpression: case SyntaxKind.SubtractAssignmentExpression: return BindCompoundAssignment((AssignmentExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.CoalesceAssignmentExpression: return BindNullCoalescingAssignmentOperator((AssignmentExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.AliasQualifiedName: case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType: return this.BindNamespaceOrType(node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.QueryExpression: return this.BindQuery((QueryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.AnonymousObjectCreationExpression: return BindAnonymousObjectCreation((AnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.QualifiedName: return BindQualifiedName((QualifiedNameSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ComplexElementInitializerExpression: return BindUnexpectedComplexElementInitializer((InitializerExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ArgListExpression: return BindArgList(node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.RefTypeExpression: return BindRefType((RefTypeExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.MakeRefExpression: return BindMakeRef((MakeRefExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.RefValueExpression: return BindRefValue((RefValueExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression: return BindAwait((AwaitExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.OmittedArraySizeExpression: case SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument: case SyntaxKind.ObjectInitializerExpression: // Not reachable during method body binding, but // may be used by SemanticModel for error cases. return BadExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.NullableType: // Not reachable during method body binding, but // may be used by SemanticModel for error cases. // NOTE: This happens when there's a problem with the Nullable type (e.g. it's missing). // There is no corresponding problem for array or pointer types (which seem analogous), since // they are not constructed types; the element type can be an error type, but the array/pointer // type cannot. return BadExpression(node); case SyntaxKind.InterpolatedStringExpression: return BindInterpolatedString((InterpolatedStringExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.IsPatternExpression: return BindIsPatternExpression((IsPatternExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.TupleExpression: return BindTupleExpression((TupleExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.ThrowExpression: return BindThrowExpression((ThrowExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.RefType: return BindRefType(node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.RefExpression: return BindRefExpression(node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.DeclarationExpression: return BindDeclarationExpression((DeclarationExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); case SyntaxKind.SuppressNullableWarningExpression: return BindSuppressNullableWarningExpression((PostfixUnaryExpressionSyntax)node, diagnostics); default: // NOTE: We could probably throw an exception here, but it's conceivable // that a non-parser syntax tree could reach this point with an unexpected // SyntaxKind and we don't want to throw if that occurs. Debug.Assert(false, "Unexpected SyntaxKind " + node.Kind()); return BadExpression(node); } } private static BoundExpression BindDefaultLiteral(ExpressionSyntax node) { return new BoundDefaultExpression(node, type: null); } internal virtual BoundSwitchExpressionArm BindSwitchExpressionArm(SwitchExpressionArmSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { return this.Next.BindSwitchExpressionArm(node, diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BindRefExpression(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var firstToken = node.GetFirstToken(); diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnexpectedToken, firstToken.GetLocation(), firstToken.ValueText); return new BoundBadExpression( node, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, CreateErrorType("ref")); } private BoundExpression BindRefType(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var firstToken = node.GetFirstToken(); diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnexpectedToken, firstToken.GetLocation(), firstToken.ValueText); return new BoundTypeExpression(node, null, CreateErrorType("ref")); } private BoundExpression BindThrowExpression(ThrowExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { bool hasErrors = node.HasErrors; if (!IsThrowExpressionInProperContext(node)) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ThrowMisplaced, node.ThrowKeyword.GetLocation()); hasErrors = true; } var thrownExpression = BindThrownExpression(node.Expression, diagnostics, ref hasErrors); return new BoundThrowExpression(node, thrownExpression, null, hasErrors); } private static bool IsThrowExpressionInProperContext(ThrowExpressionSyntax node) { var parent = node.Parent; if (parent == null || node.HasErrors) { return true; } switch (parent.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.ConditionalExpression: // ?: { var conditionalParent = (ConditionalExpressionSyntax)parent; return node == conditionalParent.WhenTrue || node == conditionalParent.WhenFalse; } case SyntaxKind.CoalesceExpression: // ?? { var binaryParent = (BinaryExpressionSyntax)parent; return node == binaryParent.Right; } case SyntaxKind.SwitchExpressionArm: case SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause: case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression: case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression: return true; // We do not support && and || because // 1. The precedence would not syntactically allow it // 2. It isn't clear what the semantics should be // 3. It isn't clear what use cases would motivate us to change the precedence to support it default: return false; } } // Bind a declaration expression where it isn't permitted. private BoundExpression BindDeclarationExpression(DeclarationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // This is an error, as declaration expressions are handled specially in every context in which // they are permitted. So we have a context in which they are *not* permitted. Nevertheless, we // bind it and then give one nice message. bool isVar; bool isConst = false; AliasSymbol alias; var declType = BindVariableTypeWithAnnotations(node.Designation, diagnostics, node.Type, ref isConst, out isVar, out alias); Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_DeclarationExpressionNotPermitted, node); return BindDeclarationVariables(declType, node.Designation, node, diagnostics); } /// /// Bind a declaration variable where it isn't permitted. The caller is expected to produce a diagnostic. /// private BoundExpression BindDeclarationVariables(TypeWithAnnotations declTypeWithAnnotations, VariableDesignationSyntax node, CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { declTypeWithAnnotations = declTypeWithAnnotations.HasType ? declTypeWithAnnotations : TypeWithAnnotations.Create(CreateErrorType("var")); switch (node.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation: { var single = (SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)node; var result = BindDeconstructionVariable(declTypeWithAnnotations, single, syntax, diagnostics); return result; } case SyntaxKind.DiscardDesignation: { return BindDiscardExpression(syntax, declTypeWithAnnotations); } case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedVariableDesignation: { var tuple = (ParenthesizedVariableDesignationSyntax)node; int count = tuple.Variables.Count; var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(count); var namesBuilder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(count); foreach (var n in tuple.Variables) { builder.Add(BindDeclarationVariables(declTypeWithAnnotations, n, n, diagnostics)); namesBuilder.Add(InferTupleElementName(n)); } ImmutableArray subExpressions = builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); var uniqueFieldNames = PooledHashSet.GetInstance(); RemoveDuplicateInferredTupleNamesAndFreeIfEmptied(ref namesBuilder, uniqueFieldNames); uniqueFieldNames.Free(); ImmutableArray tupleNames = namesBuilder is null ? default : namesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(); ImmutableArray inferredPositions = tupleNames.IsDefault ? default : tupleNames.SelectAsArray(n => n != null); bool disallowInferredNames = this.Compilation.LanguageVersion.DisallowInferredTupleElementNames(); // We will not check constraints at this point as this code path // is failure-only and the caller is expected to produce a diagnostic. var tupleType = TupleTypeSymbol.Create( locationOpt: null, subExpressions.SelectAsArray(e => TypeWithAnnotations.Create(e.Type)), elementLocations: default, tupleNames, Compilation, shouldCheckConstraints: false, includeNullability: false, errorPositions: disallowInferredNames ? inferredPositions : default); return new BoundTupleLiteral(syntax, argumentNamesOpt: default, inferredPositions, subExpressions, tupleType); } default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(node.Kind()); } } private BoundExpression BindTupleExpression(TupleExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { SeparatedSyntaxList arguments = node.Arguments; int numElements = arguments.Count; if (numElements < 2) { // this should be a parse error already. var args = numElements == 1 ? ImmutableArray.Create(BindValue(arguments[0].Expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue)) : ImmutableArray.Empty; return BadExpression(node, args); } bool hasNaturalType = true; var boundArguments = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(arguments.Count); var elementTypesWithAnnotations = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(arguments.Count); var elementLocations = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(arguments.Count); // prepare names var (elementNames, inferredPositions, hasErrors) = ExtractTupleElementNames(arguments, diagnostics); // prepare types and locations for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { ArgumentSyntax argumentSyntax = arguments[i]; IdentifierNameSyntax nameSyntax = argumentSyntax.NameColon?.Name; if (nameSyntax != null) { elementLocations.Add(nameSyntax.Location); } else { elementLocations.Add(argumentSyntax.Location); } BoundExpression boundArgument = BindValue(argumentSyntax.Expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); if (boundArgument.Type?.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Void) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_VoidInTuple, argumentSyntax.Location); boundArgument = new BoundBadExpression( argumentSyntax, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(boundArgument), CreateErrorType("void")); } boundArguments.Add(boundArgument); var elementTypeWithAnnotations = TypeWithAnnotations.Create(boundArgument.Type); elementTypesWithAnnotations.Add(elementTypeWithAnnotations); if (!elementTypeWithAnnotations.HasType) { hasNaturalType = false; } } NamedTypeSymbol tupleTypeOpt = null; var elements = elementTypesWithAnnotations.ToImmutableAndFree(); var locations = elementLocations.ToImmutableAndFree(); if (hasNaturalType) { bool disallowInferredNames = this.Compilation.LanguageVersion.DisallowInferredTupleElementNames(); tupleTypeOpt = TupleTypeSymbol.Create(node.Location, elements, locations, elementNames, this.Compilation, syntax: node, diagnostics: diagnostics, shouldCheckConstraints: true, includeNullability: false, errorPositions: disallowInferredNames ? inferredPositions : default(ImmutableArray)); } else { TupleTypeSymbol.VerifyTupleTypePresent(elements.Length, node, this.Compilation, diagnostics); } // Always track the inferred positions in the bound node, so that conversions don't produce a warning // for "dropped names" on tuple literal when the name was inferred. return new BoundTupleLiteral(node, elementNames, inferredPositions, boundArguments.ToImmutableAndFree(), tupleTypeOpt, hasErrors); } private static (ImmutableArray elementNamesArray, ImmutableArray inferredArray, bool hasErrors) ExtractTupleElementNames( SeparatedSyntaxList arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { bool hasErrors = false; int numElements = arguments.Count; var uniqueFieldNames = PooledHashSet.GetInstance(); ArrayBuilder elementNames = null; ArrayBuilder inferredElementNames = null; for (int i = 0; i < numElements; i++) { ArgumentSyntax argumentSyntax = arguments[i]; IdentifierNameSyntax nameSyntax = argumentSyntax.NameColon?.Name; string name = null; string inferredName = null; if (nameSyntax != null) { name = nameSyntax.Identifier.ValueText; if (diagnostics != null && !CheckTupleMemberName(name, i, argumentSyntax.NameColon.Name, diagnostics, uniqueFieldNames)) { hasErrors = true; } } else { inferredName = InferTupleElementName(argumentSyntax.Expression); } CollectTupleFieldMemberName(name, i, numElements, ref elementNames); CollectTupleFieldMemberName(inferredName, i, numElements, ref inferredElementNames); } RemoveDuplicateInferredTupleNamesAndFreeIfEmptied(ref inferredElementNames, uniqueFieldNames); uniqueFieldNames.Free(); var result = MergeTupleElementNames(elementNames, inferredElementNames); elementNames?.Free(); inferredElementNames?.Free(); return (result.names, result.inferred, hasErrors); } private static (ImmutableArray names, ImmutableArray inferred) MergeTupleElementNames( ArrayBuilder elementNames, ArrayBuilder inferredElementNames) { if (elementNames == null) { if (inferredElementNames == null) { return (default(ImmutableArray), default(ImmutableArray)); } else { var finalNames = inferredElementNames.ToImmutable(); return (finalNames, finalNames.SelectAsArray(n => n != null)); } } if (inferredElementNames == null) { return (elementNames.ToImmutable(), default(ImmutableArray)); } Debug.Assert(elementNames.Count == inferredElementNames.Count); var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(elementNames.Count); for (int i = 0; i < elementNames.Count; i++) { string inferredName = inferredElementNames[i]; if (elementNames[i] == null && inferredName != null) { elementNames[i] = inferredName; builder.Add(true); } else { builder.Add(false); } } return (elementNames.ToImmutable(), builder.ToImmutableAndFree()); } /// /// Removes duplicate entries in and frees it if only nulls remain. /// private static void RemoveDuplicateInferredTupleNamesAndFreeIfEmptied(ref ArrayBuilder inferredElementNames, HashSet uniqueFieldNames) { if (inferredElementNames == null) { return; } // Inferred names that duplicate an explicit name or a previous inferred name are tagged for removal var toRemove = PooledHashSet.GetInstance(); foreach (var name in inferredElementNames) { if (name != null && !uniqueFieldNames.Add(name)) { toRemove.Add(name); } } for (int i = 0; i < inferredElementNames.Count; i++) { var inferredName = inferredElementNames[i]; if (inferredName != null && toRemove.Contains(inferredName)) { inferredElementNames[i] = null; } } toRemove.Free(); if (inferredElementNames.All(n => n is null)) { inferredElementNames.Free(); inferredElementNames = null; } } private static string InferTupleElementName(SyntaxNode syntax) { string name = syntax.TryGetInferredMemberName(); // Reserved names are never candidates to be inferred names, at any position if (name == null || TupleTypeSymbol.IsElementNameReserved(name) != -1) { return null; } return name; } private BoundExpression BindRefValue(RefValueExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // __refvalue(tr, T) requires that tr be a TypedReference and T be a type. // The result is a *variable* of type T. BoundExpression argument = BindValue(node.Expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); bool hasErrors = argument.HasAnyErrors; TypeSymbol typedReferenceType = this.Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_TypedReference); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(argument, typedReferenceType, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!conversion.IsImplicit || !conversion.IsValid) { hasErrors = true; GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, node, conversion, argument, typedReferenceType); } argument = CreateConversion(argument, conversion, typedReferenceType, diagnostics); TypeWithAnnotations typeWithAnnotations = BindType(node.Type, diagnostics); return new BoundRefValueOperator(node, typeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation, argument, typeWithAnnotations.Type, hasErrors); } private BoundExpression BindMakeRef(MakeRefExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // __makeref(x) requires that x be a variable, and not be of a restricted type. BoundExpression argument = this.BindValue(node.Expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RefOrOut); bool hasErrors = argument.HasAnyErrors; TypeSymbol typedReferenceType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_TypedReference, diagnostics, node); if ((object)argument.Type != null && argument.Type.IsRestrictedType()) { // CS1601: Cannot make reference to variable of type '{0}' Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MethodArgCantBeRefAny, node, argument.Type); hasErrors = true; } // UNDONE: We do not yet implement warnings anywhere for: // UNDONE: * taking a ref to a volatile field // UNDONE: * taking a ref to a "non-agile" field // UNDONE: We should do so here when we implement this feature for regular out/ref parameters. return new BoundMakeRefOperator(node, argument, typedReferenceType, hasErrors); } private BoundExpression BindRefType(RefTypeExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // __reftype(x) requires that x be implicitly convertible to TypedReference. BoundExpression argument = BindValue(node.Expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); bool hasErrors = argument.HasAnyErrors; TypeSymbol typedReferenceType = this.Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_TypedReference); TypeSymbol typeType = this.Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Type); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(argument, typedReferenceType, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!conversion.IsImplicit || !conversion.IsValid) { hasErrors = true; GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, node, conversion, argument, typedReferenceType); } argument = CreateConversion(argument, conversion, typedReferenceType, diagnostics); return new BoundRefTypeOperator(node, argument, null, typeType, hasErrors); } private BoundExpression BindArgList(CSharpSyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // There are two forms of __arglist expression. In a method with an __arglist parameter, // it is legal to use __arglist as an expression of type RuntimeArgumentHandle. In // a call to such a method, it is legal to use __arglist(x, y, z) as the final argument. // This method only handles the first usage; the second usage is parsed as a call syntax. // The native compiler allows __arglist in a lambda: // // class C // { // delegate int D(RuntimeArgumentHandle r); // static void M(__arglist) // { // D f = null; // f = r=>f(__arglist); // } // } // // This is clearly wrong. Either the developer intends __arglist to refer to the // arg list of the *lambda*, or to the arg list of *M*. The former makes no sense; // lambdas cannot have an arg list. The latter we have no way to generate code for; // you cannot hoist the arg list to a field of a closure class. // // The native compiler allows this and generates code as though the developer // was attempting to access the arg list of the lambda! We should simply disallow it. TypeSymbol runtimeArgumentHandleType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_RuntimeArgumentHandle, diagnostics, node); MethodSymbol method = this.ContainingMember() as MethodSymbol; bool hasError = false; if ((object)method == null || !method.IsVararg) { // CS0190: The __arglist construct is valid only within a variable argument method Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArgsInvalid, node); hasError = true; } else { // We're in a varargs method; are we also inside a lambda? Symbol container = this.ContainingMemberOrLambda; if (container != method) { // We also need to report this any time a local variable of a restricted type // would be hoisted into a closure for an anonymous function, iterator or async method. // We do that during the actual rewrites. // CS4013: Instance of type '{0}' cannot be used inside an anonymous function, query expression, iterator block or async method Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_SpecialByRefInLambda, node, runtimeArgumentHandleType); hasError = true; } } return new BoundArgList(node, runtimeArgumentHandleType, hasError); } /// /// This can be reached for the qualified name on the right-hand-side of an `is` operator. /// For compatibility we parse it as a qualified name, as the is-type expression only permitted /// a type on the right-hand-side in C# 6. But the same syntax now, in C# 7 and later, can /// refer to a constant, which would normally be represented as a *simple member access expression*. /// Since the parser cannot distinguish, it parses it as before and depends on the binder /// to handle a qualified name appearing as an expression. /// private BoundExpression BindQualifiedName(QualifiedNameSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { return BindMemberAccessWithBoundLeft(node, this.BindLeftOfPotentialColorColorMemberAccess(node.Left, diagnostics), node.Right, node.DotToken, invoked: false, indexed: false, diagnostics: diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BindParenthesizedExpression(ExpressionSyntax innerExpression, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var result = BindExpression(innerExpression, diagnostics); // A parenthesized expression may not be a namespace or a type. If it is a parenthesized // namespace or type then report the error but let it go; we'll just ignore the // parenthesis and keep on trucking. CheckNotNamespaceOrType(result, diagnostics); return result; } private BoundExpression BindTypeOf(TypeOfExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { ExpressionSyntax typeSyntax = node.Type; TypeofBinder typeofBinder = new TypeofBinder(typeSyntax, this); //has special handling for unbound types AliasSymbol alias; TypeWithAnnotations typeWithAnnotations = typeofBinder.BindType(typeSyntax, diagnostics, out alias); TypeSymbol type = typeWithAnnotations.Type; bool hasError = false; // NB: Dev10 has an error for typeof(dynamic), but allows typeof(dynamic[]), // typeof(C), etc. if (type.IsDynamic()) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadDynamicTypeof, node.Location); hasError = true; } else if (typeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation.IsAnnotated() && type.IsReferenceType) { // error: cannot take the `typeof` a nullable reference type. diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadNullableTypeof, node.Location); hasError = true; } BoundTypeExpression boundType = new BoundTypeExpression(typeSyntax, alias, typeWithAnnotations, type.IsErrorType()); return new BoundTypeOfOperator(node, boundType, null, this.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Type, diagnostics, node), hasError); } private BoundExpression BindSizeOf(SizeOfExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { ExpressionSyntax typeSyntax = node.Type; AliasSymbol alias; TypeWithAnnotations typeWithAnnotations = this.BindType(typeSyntax, diagnostics, out alias); TypeSymbol type = typeWithAnnotations.Type; bool typeHasErrors = type.IsErrorType() || CheckManagedAddr(type, node, diagnostics); BoundTypeExpression boundType = new BoundTypeExpression(typeSyntax, alias, typeWithAnnotations, typeHasErrors); ConstantValue constantValue = GetConstantSizeOf(type); bool hasErrors = ReferenceEquals(constantValue, null) && ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(node, diagnostics, type); return new BoundSizeOfOperator(node, boundType, constantValue, this.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, node), hasErrors); } /// true if managed type-related errors were found, otherwise false. private static bool CheckManagedAddr(TypeSymbol type, SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var managedKind = type.ManagedKind; if (managedKind == ManagedKind.Managed) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ManagedAddr, node.Location, type); return true; } else if (managedKind == ManagedKind.UnmanagedWithGenerics) { var supported = CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureUnmanagedConstructedTypes, diagnostics); return !supported; } return false; } internal static ConstantValue GetConstantSizeOf(TypeSymbol type) { return ConstantValue.CreateSizeOf((type.GetEnumUnderlyingType() ?? type).SpecialType); } private BoundExpression BindDefaultExpression(DefaultExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { TypeWithAnnotations typeWithAnnotations = this.BindType(node.Type, diagnostics, out AliasSymbol alias); var typeExpression = new BoundTypeExpression(node.Type, aliasOpt: alias, typeWithAnnotations); TypeSymbol type = typeWithAnnotations.Type; return new BoundDefaultExpression(node, typeExpression, constantValueOpt: type.GetDefaultValue(), type); } /// /// Binds a simple identifier. /// private BoundExpression BindIdentifier( SimpleNameSyntax node, bool invoked, bool indexed, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); // If the syntax tree is ill-formed and the identifier is missing then we've already // given a parse error. Just return an error local and continue with analysis. if (node.IsMissing) { return BadExpression(node); } // A simple-name is either of the form I or of the form I, where I is a // single identifier and is an optional type-argument-list. When no // type-argument-list is specified, consider K to be zero. The simple-name is evaluated // and classified as follows: // If K is zero and the simple-name appears within a block and if the block's (or an // enclosing block's) local variable declaration space contains a local variable, // parameter or constant with name I, then the simple-name refers to that local // variable, parameter or constant and is classified as a variable or value. // If K is zero and the simple-name appears within the body of a generic method // declaration and if that declaration includes a type parameter with name I, then the // simple-name refers to that type parameter. BoundExpression expression; // It's possible that the argument list is malformed; if so, do not attempt to bind it; // just use the null array. int arity = node.Arity; bool hasTypeArguments = arity > 0; SeparatedSyntaxList typeArgumentList = node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.GenericName ? ((GenericNameSyntax)node).TypeArgumentList.Arguments : default(SeparatedSyntaxList); Debug.Assert(arity == typeArgumentList.Count); var typeArgumentsWithAnnotations = hasTypeArguments ? BindTypeArguments(typeArgumentList, diagnostics) : default(ImmutableArray); var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); LookupOptions options = LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero; if (invoked) { options |= LookupOptions.MustBeInvocableIfMember; } if (!IsInMethodBody && !IsInsideNameof) { Debug.Assert((options & LookupOptions.NamespacesOrTypesOnly) == 0); options |= LookupOptions.MustNotBeMethodTypeParameter; } var name = node.Identifier.ValueText; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupSymbolsWithFallback(lookupResult, name, arity: arity, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics, options: options); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (lookupResult.Kind != LookupResultKind.Empty) { // have we detected an error with the current node? bool isError = false; bool wasError; var members = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); Symbol symbol = GetSymbolOrMethodOrPropertyGroup(lookupResult, node, name, node.Arity, members, diagnostics, out wasError); // reports diagnostics in result. isError |= wasError; if ((object)symbol == null) { Debug.Assert(members.Count > 0); var receiver = SynthesizeMethodGroupReceiver(node, members); expression = ConstructBoundMemberGroupAndReportOmittedTypeArguments( node, typeArgumentList, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, receiver, name, members, lookupResult, receiver != null ? BoundMethodGroupFlags.HasImplicitReceiver : BoundMethodGroupFlags.None, isError, diagnostics); } else { bool isNamedType = (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType) || (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.ErrorType); if (hasTypeArguments && isNamedType) { symbol = ConstructNamedTypeUnlessTypeArgumentOmitted(node, (NamedTypeSymbol)symbol, typeArgumentList, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, diagnostics); } expression = BindNonMethod(node, symbol, diagnostics, lookupResult.Kind, indexed, isError); if (!isNamedType && (hasTypeArguments || node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.GenericName)) { Debug.Assert(isError); // Should have been reported by GetSymbolOrMethodOrPropertyGroup. expression = new BoundBadExpression( syntax: node, resultKind: LookupResultKind.WrongArity, symbols: ImmutableArray.Create(symbol), childBoundNodes: ImmutableArray.Create(expression), type: expression.Type, hasErrors: isError); } } members.Free(); } else { if (node.IsKind(SyntaxKind.IdentifierName) && FallBackOnDiscard((IdentifierNameSyntax)node, diagnostics)) { lookupResult.Free(); return new BoundDiscardExpression(node, type: null); } // Otherwise, the simple-name is undefined and a compile-time error occurs. expression = BadExpression(node); if (lookupResult.Error != null) { Error(diagnostics, lookupResult.Error, node); } else if (IsJoinRangeVariableInLeftKey(node)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_QueryOuterKey, node, name); } else if (IsInJoinRightKey(node)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_QueryInnerKey, node, name); } else { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NameNotInContext, node, name); } } lookupResult.Free(); return expression; } /// /// Is this is an _ identifier in a context where discards are allowed? /// private static bool FallBackOnDiscard(IdentifierNameSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (node.Identifier.ContextualKind() != SyntaxKind.UnderscoreToken) { return false; } CSharpSyntaxNode containingDeconstruction = node.GetContainingDeconstruction(); bool isDiscard = containingDeconstruction != null || IsOutVarDiscardIdentifier(node); if (isDiscard) { CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureTuples, diagnostics); } return isDiscard; } private static bool IsOutVarDiscardIdentifier(SimpleNameSyntax node) { Debug.Assert(node.Identifier.ContextualKind() == SyntaxKind.UnderscoreToken); CSharpSyntaxNode parent = node.Parent; return (parent?.Kind() == SyntaxKind.Argument && ((ArgumentSyntax)parent).RefOrOutKeyword.Kind() == SyntaxKind.OutKeyword); } private BoundExpression SynthesizeMethodGroupReceiver(CSharpSyntaxNode syntax, ArrayBuilder members) { // SPEC: For each instance type T starting with the instance type of the immediately // SPEC: enclosing type declaration, and continuing with the instance type of each // SPEC: enclosing class or struct declaration, [do a lot of things to find a match]. // SPEC: ... // SPEC: If T is the instance type of the immediately enclosing class or struct type // SPEC: and the lookup identifies one or more methods, the result is a method group // SPEC: with an associated instance expression of this. // Explanation of spec: // // We are looping over a set of types, from inner to outer, attempting to resolve the // meaning of a simple name; for example "M(123)". // // There are a number of possibilities: // // If the lookup finds M in an outer class: // // class Outer { // static void M(int x) {} // class Inner { // void X() { M(123); } // } // } // // or the base class of an outer class: // // class Base { // public static void M(int x) {} // } // class Outer : Base { // class Inner { // void X() { M(123); } // } // } // // Then there is no "associated instance expression" of the method group. That is, there // is no possibility of there being an "implicit this". // // If the lookup finds M on the class that triggered the lookup on the other hand, or // one of its base classes: // // class Base { // public static void M(int x) {} // } // class Derived : Base { // void X() { M(123); } // } // // Then the associated instance expression is "this" *even if one or more methods in the // method group are static*. If it turns out that the method was static, then we'll // check later to determine if there was a receiver actually present in the source code // or not. (That happens during the "final validation" phase of overload resolution. // Implementation explanation: // // If we're here, then lookup has identified one or more methods. Debug.Assert(members.Count > 0); // The lookup implementation loops over the set of types from inner to outer, and stops // when it makes a match. (This is correct because any matches found on more-outer types // would be hidden, and discarded.) This means that we only find members associated with // one containing class or struct. The method is possibly on that type directly, or via // inheritance from a base type of the type. // // The question then is what the "associated instance expression" is; is it "this" or // nothing at all? If the type that we found the method on is the current type, or is a // base type of the current type, then there should be a "this" associated with the // method group. Otherwise, it should be null. var currentType = this.ContainingType; if ((object)currentType == null) { // This may happen if there is no containing type, // e.g. we are binding an expression in an assembly-level attribute return null; } var declaringType = members[0].ContainingType; HashSet unused = null; if (currentType.IsEqualToOrDerivedFrom(declaringType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything, useSiteDiagnostics: ref unused) || (currentType.IsInterface && (declaringType.IsObjectType() || currentType.AllInterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics.Contains(declaringType)))) { return ThisReference(syntax, currentType, wasCompilerGenerated: true); } else { return TryBindInteractiveReceiver(syntax, ContainingMember(), currentType, declaringType); } } private bool IsBadLocalOrParameterCapture(Symbol symbol, TypeSymbol type, RefKind refKind) { if (refKind != RefKind.None || type.IsRefLikeType) { var containingMethod = this.ContainingMemberOrLambda as MethodSymbol; if ((object)containingMethod != null && (object)symbol.ContainingSymbol != (object)containingMethod) { // Not expecting symbol from constructed method. Debug.Assert(!symbol.ContainingSymbol.Equals(containingMethod)); // Captured in a lambda. return (containingMethod.MethodKind == MethodKind.AnonymousFunction || containingMethod.MethodKind == MethodKind.LocalFunction) && !IsInsideNameof; // false in EE evaluation method } } return false; } private BoundExpression BindNonMethod(SimpleNameSyntax node, Symbol symbol, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, LookupResultKind resultKind, bool indexed, bool isError) { // Events are handled later as we don't know yet if we are binding to the event or it's backing field. if (symbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Event) { ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, symbol, node, hasBaseReceiver: false); } switch (symbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Local: { var localSymbol = (LocalSymbol)symbol; Location localSymbolLocation = localSymbol.Locations[0]; TypeSymbol type; bool isNullableUnknown; if (node.SyntaxTree == localSymbolLocation.SourceTree && node.SpanStart < localSymbolLocation.SourceSpan.Start) { // Here we report a local variable being used before its declaration // // There are two possible diagnostics for this: // // CS0841: ERR_VariableUsedBeforeDeclaration // Cannot use local variable 'x' before it is declared // // CS0844: ERR_VariableUsedBeforeDeclarationAndHidesField // Cannot use local variable 'x' before it is declared. The // declaration of the local variable hides the field 'C.x'. // // There are two situations in which we give these errors. // // First, the scope of a local variable -- that is, the region of program // text in which it can be looked up by name -- is throughout the entire // block which declares it. It is therefore possible to use a local // before it is declared, which is an error. // // As an additional help to the user, we give a special error for this // scenario: // // class C { // int x; // void M() { // Print(x); // int x = 5; // } } // // Because a too-clever C++ user might be attempting to deliberately // bind to "this.x" in the "Print". (In C++ the local does not come // into scope until its declaration.) // FieldSymbol possibleField = null; var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupMembersInType( lookupResult, ContainingType, localSymbol.Name, arity: 0, basesBeingResolved: null, options: LookupOptions.Default, originalBinder: this, diagnose: false, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); possibleField = lookupResult.SingleSymbolOrDefault as FieldSymbol; lookupResult.Free(); if ((object)possibleField != null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_VariableUsedBeforeDeclarationAndHidesField, node, node, possibleField); } else { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_VariableUsedBeforeDeclaration, node, node); } type = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol( this.Compilation, name: "var", arity: 0, errorInfo: null, variableUsedBeforeDeclaration: true); isNullableUnknown = true; } else if ((localSymbol as SourceLocalSymbol)?.IsVar == true && localSymbol.ForbiddenZone?.Contains(node) == true) { // A var (type-inferred) local variable has been used in its own initialization (the "forbidden zone"). // There are many cases where this occurs, including: // // 1. var x = M(out x); // 2. M(out var x, out x); // 3. var (x, y) = (y, x); // // localSymbol.ForbiddenDiagnostic provides a suitable diagnostic for whichever case applies. // diagnostics.Add(localSymbol.ForbiddenDiagnostic, node.Location, node); type = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol( this.Compilation, name: "var", arity: 0, errorInfo: null, variableUsedBeforeDeclaration: true); isNullableUnknown = true; } else { type = localSymbol.Type; isNullableUnknown = false; if (IsBadLocalOrParameterCapture(localSymbol, type, localSymbol.RefKind)) { isError = true; Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonDelegateCantUseLocal, node, localSymbol); } } var constantValueOpt = localSymbol.IsConst && !IsInsideNameof && !type.IsErrorType() ? localSymbol.GetConstantValue(node, this.LocalInProgress, diagnostics) : null; return new BoundLocal(node, localSymbol, BoundLocalDeclarationKind.None, constantValueOpt: constantValueOpt, isNullableUnknown: isNullableUnknown, type: type, hasErrors: isError); } case SymbolKind.Parameter: { var parameter = (ParameterSymbol)symbol; if (IsBadLocalOrParameterCapture(parameter, parameter.Type, parameter.RefKind)) { isError = true; Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_AnonDelegateCantUse, node, parameter.Name); } return new BoundParameter(node, parameter, hasErrors: isError); } case SymbolKind.NamedType: case SymbolKind.ErrorType: case SymbolKind.TypeParameter: // If I identifies a type, then the result is that type constructed with the // given type arguments. UNDONE: Construct the child type if it is generic! return new BoundTypeExpression(node, null, (TypeSymbol)symbol, hasErrors: isError); case SymbolKind.Property: { BoundExpression receiver = SynthesizeReceiver(node, symbol, diagnostics); return BindPropertyAccess(node, receiver, (PropertySymbol)symbol, diagnostics, resultKind, hasErrors: isError); } case SymbolKind.Event: { BoundExpression receiver = SynthesizeReceiver(node, symbol, diagnostics); return BindEventAccess(node, receiver, (EventSymbol)symbol, diagnostics, resultKind, hasErrors: isError); } case SymbolKind.Field: { BoundExpression receiver = SynthesizeReceiver(node, symbol, diagnostics); return BindFieldAccess(node, receiver, (FieldSymbol)symbol, diagnostics, resultKind, indexed, hasErrors: isError); } case SymbolKind.Namespace: return new BoundNamespaceExpression(node, (NamespaceSymbol)symbol, hasErrors: isError); case SymbolKind.Alias: { var alias = (AliasSymbol)symbol; symbol = alias.Target; switch (symbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.NamedType: case SymbolKind.ErrorType: return new BoundTypeExpression(node, alias, (NamedTypeSymbol)symbol, hasErrors: isError); case SymbolKind.Namespace: return new BoundNamespaceExpression(node, (NamespaceSymbol)symbol, alias, hasErrors: isError); default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol.Kind); } } case SymbolKind.RangeVariable: return BindRangeVariable(node, (RangeVariableSymbol)symbol, diagnostics); default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol.Kind); } } protected virtual BoundExpression BindRangeVariable(SimpleNameSyntax node, RangeVariableSymbol qv, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { return Next.BindRangeVariable(node, qv, diagnostics); } private BoundExpression SynthesizeReceiver(SyntaxNode node, Symbol member, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // SPEC: Otherwise, if T is the instance type of the immediately enclosing class or // struct type, if the lookup identifies an instance member, and if the reference occurs // within the block of an instance constructor, an instance method, or an instance // accessor, the result is the same as a member access of the form this.I. This can only // happen when K is zero. if (!member.RequiresInstanceReceiver()) { return null; } var currentType = this.ContainingType; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; NamedTypeSymbol declaringType = member.ContainingType; if (currentType.IsEqualToOrDerivedFrom(declaringType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics) || (currentType.IsInterface && (declaringType.IsObjectType() || currentType.AllInterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics.Contains(declaringType)))) { bool hasErrors = false; if (EnclosingNameofArgument != node) { if (InFieldInitializer && !currentType.IsScriptClass) { //can't access "this" in field initializers Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_FieldInitRefNonstatic, node, member); hasErrors = true; } else if (InConstructorInitializer || InAttributeArgument) { //can't access "this" in constructor initializers or attribute arguments Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired, node, member); hasErrors = true; } else { // not an instance member if the container is a type, like when binding default parameter values. var containingMember = ContainingMember(); bool locationIsInstanceMember = !containingMember.IsStatic && (containingMember.Kind != SymbolKind.NamedType || currentType.IsScriptClass); if (!locationIsInstanceMember) { // error CS0120: An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property '{0}' Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired, node, member); hasErrors = true; } } hasErrors = hasErrors || IsRefOrOutThisParameterCaptured(node, diagnostics); } return ThisReference(node, currentType, hasErrors, wasCompilerGenerated: true); } else { return TryBindInteractiveReceiver(node, ContainingMember(), currentType, declaringType); } } internal Symbol ContainingMember() { // We skip intervening lambdas and local functions to find the actual member. var containingMember = this.ContainingMemberOrLambda; while (containingMember.Kind != SymbolKind.NamedType && (object)containingMember.ContainingSymbol != null && containingMember.ContainingSymbol.Kind != SymbolKind.NamedType) { containingMember = containingMember.ContainingSymbol; } return containingMember; } private BoundExpression TryBindInteractiveReceiver(SyntaxNode syntax, Symbol currentMember, NamedTypeSymbol currentType, NamedTypeSymbol memberDeclaringType) { if (currentType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Submission && currentMember.RequiresInstanceReceiver()) { if (memberDeclaringType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Submission) { return new BoundPreviousSubmissionReference(syntax, memberDeclaringType) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; } else { TypeSymbol hostObjectType = Compilation.GetHostObjectTypeSymbol(); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; if ((object)hostObjectType != null && hostObjectType.IsEqualToOrDerivedFrom(memberDeclaringType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics)) { return new BoundHostObjectMemberReference(syntax, hostObjectType) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; } } } return null; } public BoundExpression BindNamespaceOrTypeOrExpression(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.PredefinedType) { return this.BindNamespaceOrType(node, diagnostics); } if (SyntaxFacts.IsName(node.Kind())) { if (SyntaxFacts.IsNamespaceAliasQualifier(node)) { return this.BindNamespaceAlias((IdentifierNameSyntax)node, diagnostics); } else if (SyntaxFacts.IsInNamespaceOrTypeContext(node)) { return this.BindNamespaceOrType(node, diagnostics); } } else if (SyntaxFacts.IsTypeSyntax(node.Kind())) { return this.BindNamespaceOrType(node, diagnostics); } return this.BindExpression(node, diagnostics, SyntaxFacts.IsInvoked(node), SyntaxFacts.IsIndexed(node)); } public BoundExpression BindLabel(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var name = node as IdentifierNameSyntax; if (name == null) { Debug.Assert(node.ContainsDiagnostics); return BadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.NotLabel); } var result = LookupResult.GetInstance(); string labelName = name.Identifier.ValueText; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupSymbolsWithFallback(result, labelName, arity: 0, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics, options: LookupOptions.LabelsOnly); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!result.IsMultiViable) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_LabelNotFound, node, labelName); result.Free(); return BadExpression(node, result.Kind); } Debug.Assert(result.IsSingleViable, "If this happens, we need to deal with multiple label definitions."); var symbol = (LabelSymbol)result.Symbols.First(); result.Free(); return new BoundLabel(node, symbol, null); } public BoundExpression BindNamespaceOrType(ExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var symbol = this.BindNamespaceOrTypeOrAliasSymbol(node, diagnostics, null, false); return CreateBoundNamespaceOrTypeExpression(node, symbol.Symbol); } public BoundExpression BindNamespaceAlias(IdentifierNameSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var symbol = this.BindNamespaceAliasSymbol(node, diagnostics); return CreateBoundNamespaceOrTypeExpression(node, symbol); } private static BoundExpression CreateBoundNamespaceOrTypeExpression(ExpressionSyntax node, Symbol symbol) { var alias = symbol as AliasSymbol; if ((object)alias != null) { symbol = alias.Target; } var type = symbol as TypeSymbol; if ((object)type != null) { return new BoundTypeExpression(node, alias, type); } var namespaceSymbol = symbol as NamespaceSymbol; if ((object)namespaceSymbol != null) { return new BoundNamespaceExpression(node, namespaceSymbol, alias); } throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol); } private BoundThisReference BindThis(ThisExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); bool hasErrors = true; bool inStaticContext; if (!HasThis(isExplicit: true, inStaticContext: out inStaticContext)) { //this error is returned in the field initializer case Error(diagnostics, inStaticContext ? ErrorCode.ERR_ThisInStaticMeth : ErrorCode.ERR_ThisInBadContext, node); } else { hasErrors = IsRefOrOutThisParameterCaptured(node.Token, diagnostics); } return ThisReference(node, this.ContainingType, hasErrors); } private BoundThisReference ThisReference(SyntaxNode node, NamedTypeSymbol thisTypeOpt, bool hasErrors = false, bool wasCompilerGenerated = false) { return new BoundThisReference(node, thisTypeOpt ?? CreateErrorType(), hasErrors) { WasCompilerGenerated = wasCompilerGenerated }; } private bool IsRefOrOutThisParameterCaptured(SyntaxNodeOrToken thisOrBaseToken, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { ParameterSymbol thisSymbol = this.ContainingMemberOrLambda.EnclosingThisSymbol(); // If there is no this parameter, then it is definitely not captured and // any diagnostic would be cascading. if ((object)thisSymbol != null && thisSymbol.ContainingSymbol != ContainingMemberOrLambda && thisSymbol.RefKind != RefKind.None) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ThisStructNotInAnonMeth, thisOrBaseToken); return true; } return false; } private BoundBaseReference BindBase(BaseExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { bool hasErrors = false; TypeSymbol baseType = this.ContainingType is null ? null : this.ContainingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics; bool inStaticContext; if (!HasThis(isExplicit: true, inStaticContext: out inStaticContext)) { //this error is returned in the field initializer case Error(diagnostics, inStaticContext ? ErrorCode.ERR_BaseInStaticMeth : ErrorCode.ERR_BaseInBadContext, node.Token); hasErrors = true; } else if ((object)baseType == null) // e.g. in System.Object { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoBaseClass, node); hasErrors = true; } else if (this.ContainingType is null || node.Parent is null || (node.Parent.Kind() != SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression && node.Parent.Kind() != SyntaxKind.ElementAccessExpression)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BaseIllegal, node.Token); hasErrors = true; } else if (IsRefOrOutThisParameterCaptured(node.Token, diagnostics)) { // error has been reported by IsRefOrOutThisParameterCaptured hasErrors = true; } return new BoundBaseReference(node, baseType, hasErrors); } private BoundExpression BindCast(CastExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression operand = this.BindValue(node.Expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); TypeWithAnnotations targetTypeWithAnnotations = this.BindType(node.Type, diagnostics); TypeSymbol targetType = targetTypeWithAnnotations.Type; if (targetType.IsNullableType() && !operand.HasAnyErrors && (object)operand.Type != null && !operand.Type.IsNullableType() && !TypeSymbol.Equals(targetType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(), operand.Type, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2)) { return BindExplicitNullableCastFromNonNullable(node, operand, targetTypeWithAnnotations, diagnostics); } return BindCastCore(node, operand, targetTypeWithAnnotations, wasCompilerGenerated: operand.WasCompilerGenerated, diagnostics: diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BindFromEndIndexExpression(PrefixUnaryExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node.OperatorToken.IsKind(SyntaxKind.CaretToken)); CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureIndexOperator, diagnostics); // Used in lowering as the second argument to the constructor. Example: new Index(value, fromEnd: true) GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean, diagnostics, node); BoundExpression boundOperand = BindValue(node.Operand, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); TypeSymbol intType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, node); TypeSymbol indexType = GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Index, diagnostics, node); if ((object)boundOperand.Type != null && boundOperand.Type.IsNullableType()) { // Used in lowering to construct the nullable GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor, diagnostics, node); NamedTypeSymbol nullableType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T, diagnostics, node); if (!indexType.IsNonNullableValueType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ValConstraintNotSatisfied, node, nullableType, nullableType.TypeParameters.Single(), indexType); } intType = nullableType.Construct(intType); indexType = nullableType.Construct(indexType); } HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversionFromExpression(boundOperand, intType, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!conversion.IsValid) { GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, node, conversion, boundOperand, intType); } BoundExpression boundConversion = CreateConversion(boundOperand, conversion, intType, diagnostics); MethodSymbol symbolOpt = GetWellKnownTypeMember(Compilation, WellKnownMember.System_Index__ctor, diagnostics, syntax: node) as MethodSymbol; return new BoundFromEndIndexExpression(node, boundConversion, symbolOpt, indexType); } private BoundExpression BindRangeExpression(RangeExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureRangeOperator, diagnostics); TypeSymbol rangeType = GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Range, diagnostics, node); MethodSymbol symbolOpt = null; if (!rangeType.IsErrorType()) { // Depending on the available arguments to the range expression, there are four // possible well-known members we could bind to. The constructor is always the // fallback member, usable in any situation. However, if any of the other members // are available and applicable, we will prefer that. WellKnownMember? memberOpt = null; if (node.LeftOperand is null && node.RightOperand is null) { memberOpt = WellKnownMember.System_Range__get_All; } else if (node.LeftOperand is null) { memberOpt = WellKnownMember.System_Range__EndAt; } else if (node.RightOperand is null) { memberOpt = WellKnownMember.System_Range__StartAt; } if (!(memberOpt is null)) { symbolOpt = (MethodSymbol)GetWellKnownTypeMember( Compilation, memberOpt.GetValueOrDefault(), diagnostics, syntax: node, isOptional: true); } if (symbolOpt is null) { symbolOpt = (MethodSymbol)GetWellKnownTypeMember( Compilation, WellKnownMember.System_Range__ctor, diagnostics, syntax: node); } } BoundExpression left = BindRangeExpressionOperand(node.LeftOperand, diagnostics); BoundExpression right = BindRangeExpressionOperand(node.RightOperand, diagnostics); if (left?.Type.IsNullableType() == true || right?.Type.IsNullableType() == true) { // Used in lowering to construct the nullable GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Boolean, diagnostics, node); GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor, diagnostics, node); NamedTypeSymbol nullableType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T, diagnostics, node); if (!rangeType.IsNonNullableValueType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ValConstraintNotSatisfied, node, nullableType, nullableType.TypeParameters.Single(), rangeType); } rangeType = nullableType.Construct(rangeType); } return new BoundRangeExpression(node, left, right, symbolOpt, rangeType); } private BoundExpression BindRangeExpressionOperand(ExpressionSyntax operand, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (operand is null) { return null; } BoundExpression boundOperand = BindValue(operand, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); TypeSymbol indexType = GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Index, diagnostics, operand); if (boundOperand.Type?.IsNullableType() == true) { // Used in lowering to construct the nullable GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_Nullable_T__ctor, diagnostics, operand); NamedTypeSymbol nullableType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T, diagnostics, operand); if (!indexType.IsNonNullableValueType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ValConstraintNotSatisfied, operand, nullableType, nullableType.TypeParameters.Single(), indexType); } indexType = nullableType.Construct(indexType); } HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversionFromExpression(boundOperand, indexType, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(operand, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!conversion.IsValid) { GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, operand, conversion, boundOperand, indexType); } return CreateConversion(boundOperand, conversion, indexType, diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BindCastCore(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression operand, TypeWithAnnotations targetTypeWithAnnotations, bool wasCompilerGenerated, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { TypeSymbol targetType = targetTypeWithAnnotations.Type; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(operand, targetType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast: true); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); var conversionGroup = new ConversionGroup(conversion, targetTypeWithAnnotations); if (operand.HasAnyErrors || targetType.IsErrorType() || !conversion.IsValid || targetType.IsStatic) { GenerateExplicitConversionErrors(diagnostics, node, conversion, operand, targetType); return new BoundConversion( node, operand, conversion, @checked: CheckOverflowAtRuntime, explicitCastInCode: true, conversionGroup, constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable, type: targetType, hasErrors: true); } return CreateConversion(node, operand, conversion, isCast: true, conversionGroup, wasCompilerGenerated: wasCompilerGenerated, destination: targetType, diagnostics: diagnostics); } private void GenerateExplicitConversionErrors( DiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax, Conversion conversion, BoundExpression operand, TypeSymbol targetType) { // Make sure that errors within the unbound lambda don't get lost. if (operand.Kind == BoundKind.UnboundLambda) { GenerateAnonymousFunctionConversionError(diagnostics, operand.Syntax, (UnboundLambda)operand, targetType); return; } if (operand.HasAnyErrors || targetType.IsErrorType()) { // an error has already been reported elsewhere return; } if (targetType.IsStatic) { // The specification states in the section titled "Referencing Static // Class Types" that it is always illegal to have a static class in a // cast operator. diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ConvertToStaticClass, syntax.Location, targetType); return; } if (!targetType.IsReferenceType && !targetType.IsNullableType() && operand.IsLiteralNull()) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ValueCantBeNull, syntax.Location, targetType); return; } if (conversion.ResultKind == LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure) { Debug.Assert(conversion.IsUserDefined); ImmutableArray originalUserDefinedConversions = conversion.OriginalUserDefinedConversions; if (originalUserDefinedConversions.Length > 1) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AmbigUDConv, syntax.Location, originalUserDefinedConversions[0], originalUserDefinedConversions[1], operand.Display, targetType); } else { Debug.Assert(originalUserDefinedConversions.Length == 0, "How can there be exactly one applicable user-defined conversion if the conversion doesn't exist?"); SymbolDistinguisher distinguisher1 = new SymbolDistinguisher(this.Compilation, operand.Type, targetType); diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, syntax.Location, distinguisher1.First, distinguisher1.Second); } return; } switch (operand.Kind) { case BoundKind.MethodGroup: { if (targetType.TypeKind != TypeKind.Delegate || !MethodGroupConversionDoesNotExistOrHasErrors((BoundMethodGroup)operand, (NamedTypeSymbol)targetType, syntax.Location, diagnostics, out _)) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, syntax.Location, MessageID.IDS_SK_METHOD.Localize(), targetType); } return; } case BoundKind.TupleLiteral: { var tuple = (BoundTupleLiteral)operand; var targetElementTypesWithAnnotations = default(ImmutableArray); // If target is a tuple or compatible type with the same number of elements, // report errors for tuple arguments that failed to convert, which would be more useful. if (targetType.TryGetElementTypesWithAnnotationsIfTupleOrCompatible(out targetElementTypesWithAnnotations) && targetElementTypesWithAnnotations.Length == tuple.Arguments.Length) { GenerateExplicitConversionErrorsForTupleLiteralArguments(diagnostics, tuple.Arguments, targetElementTypesWithAnnotations); return; } // target is not compatible with source and source does not have a type if ((object)tuple.Type == null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ConversionNotTupleCompatible, syntax, tuple.Arguments.Length, targetType); return; } // Otherwise it is just a regular conversion failure from T1 to T2. break; } case BoundKind.StackAllocArrayCreation: { var stackAllocExpression = (BoundStackAllocArrayCreation)operand; Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_StackAllocConversionNotPossible, syntax, stackAllocExpression.ElementType, targetType); return; } } Debug.Assert((object)operand.Type != null); SymbolDistinguisher distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(this.Compilation, operand.Type, targetType); diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, syntax.Location, distinguisher.First, distinguisher.Second); } private void GenerateExplicitConversionErrorsForTupleLiteralArguments( DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ImmutableArray tupleArguments, ImmutableArray targetElementTypesWithAnnotations) { // report all leaf elements of the tuple literal that failed to convert // NOTE: we are not responsible for reporting use site errors here, just the failed leaf conversions. // By the time we get here we have done analysis and know we have failed the cast in general, and diagnostics collected in the process is already in the bag. // The only thing left is to form a diagnostics about the actually failing conversion(s). // This whole method does not itself collect any usesite diagnostics. Its only purpose is to produce an error better than "conversion failed here" HashSet usDiagsUnused = null; for (int i = 0; i < targetElementTypesWithAnnotations.Length; i++) { var argument = tupleArguments[i]; var targetElementType = targetElementTypesWithAnnotations[i].Type; var elementConversion = Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(argument, targetElementType, ref usDiagsUnused); if (!elementConversion.IsValid) { GenerateExplicitConversionErrors(diagnostics, argument.Syntax, elementConversion, argument, targetElementType); } } } /// /// This implements the casting behavior described in section 6.2.3 of the spec: /// /// - If the nullable conversion is from S to T?, the conversion is evaluated as the underlying conversion /// from S to T followed by a wrapping from T to T?. /// /// This particular check is done in the binder because it involves conversion processing rules (like overflow /// checking and constant folding) which are not handled by Conversions. /// private BoundExpression BindExplicitNullableCastFromNonNullable(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression operand, TypeWithAnnotations targetTypeWithAnnotations, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(targetTypeWithAnnotations.HasType && targetTypeWithAnnotations.IsNullableType()); Debug.Assert((object)operand.Type != null && !operand.Type.IsNullableType()); // Section 6.2.3 of the spec only applies when the non-null version of the types involved have a // built in conversion. HashSet unused = null; TypeWithAnnotations underlyingTargetTypeWithAnnotations = targetTypeWithAnnotations.Type.GetNullableUnderlyingTypeWithAnnotations(); var underlyingConversion = Conversions.ClassifyBuiltInConversion(operand.Type, underlyingTargetTypeWithAnnotations.Type, ref unused); if (!underlyingConversion.Exists) { return BindCastCore(node, operand, targetTypeWithAnnotations, wasCompilerGenerated: operand.WasCompilerGenerated, diagnostics: diagnostics); } var bag = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); try { var underlyingExpr = BindCastCore(node, operand, underlyingTargetTypeWithAnnotations, wasCompilerGenerated: false, diagnostics: bag); if (underlyingExpr.HasErrors || bag.HasAnyErrors()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, node, operand.Type, targetTypeWithAnnotations.Type); return new BoundConversion( node, operand, Conversion.NoConversion, @checked: CheckOverflowAtRuntime, explicitCastInCode: true, conversionGroupOpt: new ConversionGroup(Conversion.NoConversion, explicitType: targetTypeWithAnnotations), constantValueOpt: ConstantValue.NotAvailable, type: targetTypeWithAnnotations.Type, hasErrors: true); } // It's possible for the S -> T conversion to produce a 'better' constant value. If this // constant value is produced place it in the tree so that it gets emitted. This maintains // parity with the native compiler which also evaluated the conversion at compile time. if (underlyingExpr.ConstantValue != null) { underlyingExpr.WasCompilerGenerated = true; return BindCastCore(node, underlyingExpr, targetTypeWithAnnotations, wasCompilerGenerated: operand.WasCompilerGenerated, diagnostics: diagnostics); } return BindCastCore(node, operand, targetTypeWithAnnotations, wasCompilerGenerated: operand.WasCompilerGenerated, diagnostics: diagnostics); } finally { bag.Free(); } } private static NameSyntax GetNameSyntax(SyntaxNode syntax) { string nameString; return GetNameSyntax(syntax, out nameString); } /// /// Gets the NameSyntax associated with the syntax node /// If no syntax is attached it sets the nameString to plain text /// name and returns a null NameSyntax /// /// Syntax node /// Plain text name internal static NameSyntax GetNameSyntax(SyntaxNode syntax, out string nameString) { nameString = string.Empty; while (true) { switch (syntax.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.PredefinedType: nameString = ((PredefinedTypeSyntax)syntax).Keyword.ValueText; return null; case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression: nameString = MessageID.IDS_Lambda.Localize().ToString(); return null; case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression: syntax = ((ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax)syntax).Expression; continue; case SyntaxKind.CastExpression: syntax = ((CastExpressionSyntax)syntax).Expression; continue; case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression: case SyntaxKind.PointerMemberAccessExpression: return ((MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)syntax).Name; case SyntaxKind.MemberBindingExpression: return ((MemberBindingExpressionSyntax)syntax).Name; default: return syntax as NameSyntax; } } } /// /// Gets the plain text name associated with the expression syntax node /// /// Expression syntax node /// Plain text name private static string GetName(ExpressionSyntax syntax) { string nameString; var nameSyntax = GetNameSyntax(syntax, out nameString); if (nameSyntax != null) { return nameSyntax.GetUnqualifiedName().Identifier.ValueText; } return nameString; } // Given a list of arguments, create arrays of the bound arguments and the names of those // arguments. private void BindArgumentsAndNames(ArgumentListSyntax argumentListOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, AnalyzedArguments result, bool allowArglist = false, bool isDelegateCreation = false) { if (argumentListOpt != null) { BindArgumentsAndNames(argumentListOpt.Arguments, diagnostics, result, allowArglist, isDelegateCreation: isDelegateCreation); } } private void BindArgumentsAndNames(BracketedArgumentListSyntax argumentListOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, AnalyzedArguments result) { if (argumentListOpt != null) { BindArgumentsAndNames(argumentListOpt.Arguments, diagnostics, result, allowArglist: false); } } private void BindArgumentsAndNames( SeparatedSyntaxList arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, AnalyzedArguments result, bool allowArglist, bool isDelegateCreation = false) { // Only report the first "duplicate name" or "named before positional" error, // so as to avoid "cascading" errors. bool hadError = false; // Only report the first "non-trailing named args required C# 7.2" error, // so as to avoid "cascading" errors. bool hadLangVersionError = false; foreach (var argumentSyntax in arguments) { BindArgumentAndName(result, diagnostics, ref hadError, ref hadLangVersionError, argumentSyntax, allowArglist, isDelegateCreation: isDelegateCreation); } } private bool RefMustBeObeyed(bool isDelegateCreation, ArgumentSyntax argumentSyntax) { if (Compilation.FeatureStrictEnabled || !isDelegateCreation) { return true; } switch (argumentSyntax.Expression.Kind()) { // The next 3 cases should never be allowed as they cannot be ref/out. Assuming a bug in legacy compiler. case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression: case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression: case SyntaxKind.AnonymousMethodExpression: case SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression: case SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression: case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression: // this is never allowed in legacy compiler case SyntaxKind.DeclarationExpression: // A property/indexer is also invalid as it cannot be ref/out, but cannot be checked here. Assuming a bug in legacy compiler. return true; default: // The only ones that concern us here for compat is: locals, params, fields // BindArgumentAndName correctly rejects all other cases, except for properties and indexers. // They are handled after BindArgumentAndName returns and the binding can be checked. return false; } } private void BindArgumentAndName( AnalyzedArguments result, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ref bool hadError, ref bool hadLangVersionError, ArgumentSyntax argumentSyntax, bool allowArglist, bool isDelegateCreation = false) { RefKind origRefKind = argumentSyntax.RefOrOutKeyword.Kind().GetRefKind(); // The old native compiler ignores ref/out in a delegate creation expression. // For compatibility we implement the same bug except in strict mode. // Note: Some others should still be rejected when ref/out present. See RefMustBeObeyed. RefKind refKind = origRefKind == RefKind.None || RefMustBeObeyed(isDelegateCreation, argumentSyntax) ? origRefKind : RefKind.None; BoundExpression boundArgument = BindArgumentValue(diagnostics, argumentSyntax, allowArglist, refKind); BindArgumentAndName( result, diagnostics, ref hadLangVersionError, argumentSyntax, boundArgument, argumentSyntax.NameColon, refKind); // check for ref/out property/indexer, only needed for 1 parameter version if (!hadError && isDelegateCreation && origRefKind != RefKind.None && result.Arguments.Count == 1) { var arg = result.Argument(0); switch (arg.Kind) { case BoundKind.PropertyAccess: case BoundKind.IndexerAccess: var requiredValueKind = origRefKind == RefKind.In ? BindValueKind.ReadonlyRef : BindValueKind.RefOrOut; hadError = !CheckValueKind(argumentSyntax, arg, requiredValueKind, false, diagnostics); return; } } if (argumentSyntax.RefOrOutKeyword.Kind() != SyntaxKind.None) { argumentSyntax.Expression.CheckDeconstructionCompatibleArgument(diagnostics); } } private BoundExpression BindArgumentValue(DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ArgumentSyntax argumentSyntax, bool allowArglist, RefKind refKind) { if (argumentSyntax.Expression.Kind() == SyntaxKind.DeclarationExpression) { var declarationExpression = (DeclarationExpressionSyntax)argumentSyntax.Expression; if (declarationExpression.IsOutDeclaration()) { return BindOutDeclarationArgument(declarationExpression, diagnostics); } } return BindArgumentExpression(diagnostics, argumentSyntax.Expression, refKind, allowArglist); } private BoundExpression BindOutDeclarationArgument(DeclarationExpressionSyntax declarationExpression, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { TypeSyntax typeSyntax = declarationExpression.Type; VariableDesignationSyntax designation = declarationExpression.Designation; if (typeSyntax.GetRefKind() != RefKind.None) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_OutVariableCannotBeByRef, declarationExpression.Type.Location); } switch (designation.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.DiscardDesignation: { bool isVar; bool isConst = false; AliasSymbol alias; var declType = BindVariableTypeWithAnnotations(designation, diagnostics, typeSyntax, ref isConst, out isVar, out alias); Debug.Assert(isVar != declType.HasType); return new BoundDiscardExpression(declarationExpression, declType.Type); } case SyntaxKind.SingleVariableDesignation: return BindOutVariableDeclarationArgument(declarationExpression, diagnostics); default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(designation.Kind()); } } private BoundExpression BindOutVariableDeclarationArgument( DeclarationExpressionSyntax declarationExpression, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(declarationExpression.IsOutVarDeclaration()); bool isVar; var designation = (SingleVariableDesignationSyntax)declarationExpression.Designation; TypeSyntax typeSyntax = declarationExpression.Type; // Is this a local? SourceLocalSymbol localSymbol = this.LookupLocal(designation.Identifier); if ((object)localSymbol != null) { Debug.Assert(localSymbol.DeclarationKind == LocalDeclarationKind.OutVariable); if ((InConstructorInitializer || InFieldInitializer) && ContainingMemberOrLambda.ContainingSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType) { CheckFeatureAvailability(declarationExpression, MessageID.IDS_FeatureExpressionVariablesInQueriesAndInitializers, diagnostics); } bool isConst = false; AliasSymbol alias; var declType = BindVariableTypeWithAnnotations(declarationExpression, diagnostics, typeSyntax, ref isConst, out isVar, out alias); localSymbol.ScopeBinder.ValidateDeclarationNameConflictsInScope(localSymbol, diagnostics); if (isVar) { return new OutVariablePendingInference(declarationExpression, localSymbol, null); } CheckRestrictedTypeInAsync(this.ContainingMemberOrLambda, declType.Type, diagnostics, typeSyntax); return new BoundLocal(declarationExpression, localSymbol, BoundLocalDeclarationKind.WithExplicitType, constantValueOpt: null, isNullableUnknown: false, type: declType.Type); } // Is this a field? GlobalExpressionVariable expressionVariableField = LookupDeclaredField(designation); if ((object)expressionVariableField == null) { // We should have the right binder in the chain, cannot continue otherwise. throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable; } BoundExpression receiver = SynthesizeReceiver(designation, expressionVariableField, diagnostics); if (typeSyntax.IsVar) { var ignored = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); BindTypeOrAliasOrVarKeyword(typeSyntax, ignored, out isVar); ignored.Free(); if (isVar) { return new OutVariablePendingInference(declarationExpression, expressionVariableField, receiver); } } TypeSymbol fieldType = expressionVariableField.GetFieldType(this.FieldsBeingBound).Type; return new BoundFieldAccess(declarationExpression, receiver, expressionVariableField, null, LookupResultKind.Viable, isDeclaration: true, type: fieldType); } /// /// Returns true if a bad special by ref local was found. /// internal static bool CheckRestrictedTypeInAsync(Symbol containingSymbol, TypeSymbol type, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, SyntaxNode syntax) { if (containingSymbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method && ((MethodSymbol)containingSymbol).IsAsync && type.IsRestrictedType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadSpecialByRefLocal, syntax, type); return true; } return false; } internal GlobalExpressionVariable LookupDeclaredField(SingleVariableDesignationSyntax variableDesignator) { return LookupDeclaredField(variableDesignator, variableDesignator.Identifier.ValueText); } internal GlobalExpressionVariable LookupDeclaredField(SyntaxNode node, string identifier) { foreach (Symbol member in ContainingType?.GetMembers(identifier) ?? ImmutableArray.Empty) { GlobalExpressionVariable field; if (member.Kind == SymbolKind.Field && (field = member as GlobalExpressionVariable)?.SyntaxTree == node.SyntaxTree && field.SyntaxNode == node) { return field; } } return null; } // Bind a named/positional argument. // Prevent cascading diagnostic by considering the previous // error state and returning the updated error state. private void BindArgumentAndName( AnalyzedArguments result, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ref bool hadLangVersionError, CSharpSyntaxNode argumentSyntax, BoundExpression boundArgumentExpression, NameColonSyntax nameColonSyntax, RefKind refKind) { Debug.Assert(argumentSyntax is ArgumentSyntax || argumentSyntax is AttributeArgumentSyntax); bool hasRefKinds = result.RefKinds.Any(); if (refKind != RefKind.None) { // The common case is no ref or out arguments. So we defer all work until the first one is seen. if (!hasRefKinds) { hasRefKinds = true; int argCount = result.Arguments.Count; for (int i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) { result.RefKinds.Add(RefKind.None); } } } if (hasRefKinds) { result.RefKinds.Add(refKind); } bool hasNames = result.Names.Any(); if (nameColonSyntax != null) { // The common case is no named arguments. So we defer all work until the first named argument is seen. if (!hasNames) { hasNames = true; int argCount = result.Arguments.Count; for (int i = 0; i < argCount; ++i) { result.Names.Add(null); } } result.Names.Add(nameColonSyntax.Name); } else if (hasNames) { // We just saw a fixed-position argument after a named argument. if (!hadLangVersionError && !Compilation.LanguageVersion.AllowNonTrailingNamedArguments()) { // CS1738: Named argument specifications must appear after all fixed arguments have been specified Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NamedArgumentSpecificationBeforeFixedArgument, argumentSyntax, new CSharpRequiredLanguageVersion(MessageID.IDS_FeatureNonTrailingNamedArguments.RequiredVersion())); hadLangVersionError = true; } result.Names.Add(null); } result.Arguments.Add(boundArgumentExpression); } /// /// Bind argument and verify argument matches rvalue or out param requirements. /// private BoundExpression BindArgumentExpression(DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ExpressionSyntax argumentExpression, RefKind refKind, bool allowArglist) { BindValueKind valueKind = refKind == RefKind.None ? BindValueKind.RValue : refKind == RefKind.In ? BindValueKind.ReadonlyRef : BindValueKind.RefOrOut; BoundExpression argument; if (allowArglist) { argument = this.BindValueAllowArgList(argumentExpression, diagnostics, valueKind); } else { argument = this.BindValue(argumentExpression, diagnostics, valueKind); } return argument; } private void CoerceArguments( MemberResolutionResult methodResult, ArrayBuilder arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) where TMember : Symbol { var result = methodResult.Result; // Parameter types should be taken from the least overridden member: var parameters = methodResult.LeastOverriddenMember.GetParameters(); for (int arg = 0; arg < arguments.Count; ++arg) { var kind = result.ConversionForArg(arg); BoundExpression argument = arguments[arg]; if (!kind.IsIdentity || argument.Kind == BoundKind.TupleLiteral) { TypeWithAnnotations typeWithAnnotations = GetCorrespondingParameterTypeWithAnnotations(ref result, parameters, arg); // NOTE: for some reason, dev10 doesn't report this for indexer accesses. if (!methodResult.Member.IsIndexer() && !argument.HasAnyErrors && typeWithAnnotations.Type.IsUnsafe()) { // CONSIDER: dev10 uses the call syntax, but this seems clearer. ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(argument.Syntax, diagnostics); //CONSIDER: Return a bad expression so that HasErrors is true? } arguments[arg] = CreateConversion(argument.Syntax, argument, kind, isCast: false, conversionGroupOpt: null, typeWithAnnotations.Type, diagnostics); } else if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference) { TypeWithAnnotations parameterTypeWithAnnotations = GetCorrespondingParameterTypeWithAnnotations(ref result, parameters, arg); arguments[arg] = ((OutVariablePendingInference)argument).SetInferredTypeWithAnnotations(parameterTypeWithAnnotations, diagnostics); } else if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.OutDeconstructVarPendingInference) { TypeWithAnnotations parameterTypeWithAnnotations = GetCorrespondingParameterTypeWithAnnotations(ref result, parameters, arg); arguments[arg] = ((OutDeconstructVarPendingInference)argument).SetInferredTypeWithAnnotations(parameterTypeWithAnnotations, this, success: true); } else if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.DiscardExpression && !argument.HasExpressionType()) { TypeWithAnnotations parameterTypeWithAnnotations = GetCorrespondingParameterTypeWithAnnotations(ref result, parameters, arg); Debug.Assert(parameterTypeWithAnnotations.HasType); arguments[arg] = ((BoundDiscardExpression)argument).SetInferredTypeWithAnnotations(parameterTypeWithAnnotations); } } } private TypeWithAnnotations GetCorrespondingParameterTypeWithAnnotations(ref MemberAnalysisResult result, ImmutableArray parameters, int arg) { int paramNum = result.ParameterFromArgument(arg); var type = parameters[paramNum].TypeWithAnnotations; if (paramNum == parameters.Length - 1 && result.Kind == MemberResolutionKind.ApplicableInExpandedForm) { type = ((ArrayTypeSymbol)type.Type).ElementTypeWithAnnotations; } return type; } private BoundExpression BindArrayCreationExpression(ArrayCreationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // SPEC begins // // An array-creation-expression is used to create a new instance of an array-type. // // array-creation-expression: // new non-array-type[expression-list] rank-specifiersopt array-initializeropt // new array-type array-initializer // new rank-specifier array-initializer // // An array creation expression of the first form allocates an array instance of the // type that results from deleting each of the individual expressions from the // expression list. For example, the array creation expression new int[10, 20] produces // an array instance of type int[,], and the array creation expression new int[10][,] // produces an array of type int[][,]. Each expression in the expression list must be of // type int, uint, long, or ulong, or implicitly convertible to one or more of these // types. The value of each expression determines the length of the corresponding // dimension in the newly allocated array instance. Since the length of an array // dimension must be nonnegative, it is a compile-time error to have a // constant-expression with a negative value in the expression list. // // If an array creation expression of the first form includes an array initializer, each // expression in the expression list must be a constant and the rank and dimension // lengths specified by the expression list must match those of the array initializer. // // In an array creation expression of the second or third form, the rank of the // specified array type or rank specifier must match that of the array initializer. The // individual dimension lengths are inferred from the number of elements in each of the // corresponding nesting levels of the array initializer. Thus, the expression new // int[,] {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5}} exactly corresponds to new int[3, 2] {{0, 1}, {2, 3}, // {4, 5}} // // An array creation expression of the third form is referred to as an implicitly typed // array creation expression. It is similar to the second form, except that the element // type of the array is not explicitly given, but determined as the best common type // ( of the set of expressions in the array initializer. For a multidimensional // array, i.e., one where the rank-specifier contains at least one comma, this set // comprises all expressions found in nested array-initializers. // // An array creation expression permits instantiation of an array with elements of an // array type, but the elements of such an array must be manually initialized. For // example, the statement // // int[][] a = new int[100][]; // // creates a single-dimensional array with 100 elements of type int[]. The initial value // of each element is null. It is not possible for the same array creation expression to // also instantiate the sub-arrays, and the statement // // int[][] a = new int[100][5]; // Error // // results in a compile-time error. // // The following are examples of implicitly typed array creation expressions: // // var a = new[] { 1, 10, 100, 1000 }; // int[] // var b = new[] { 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5 }; // double[] // var c = new[,] { { "hello", null }, { "world", "!" } }; // string[,] // var d = new[] { 1, "one", 2, "two" }; // Error // // The last expression causes a compile-time error because neither int nor string is // implicitly convertible to the other, and so there is no best common type. An // explicitly typed array creation expression must be used in this case, for example // specifying the type to be object[]. Alternatively, one of the elements can be cast to // a common base type, which would then become the inferred element type. // // SPEC ends var type = (ArrayTypeSymbol)BindArrayType(node.Type, diagnostics, permitDimensions: true, basesBeingResolved: null, disallowRestrictedTypes: true).Type; // CONSIDER: // // There may be erroneous rank specifiers in the source code, for example: // // int y = 123; // int[][] z = new int[10][y]; // // The "10" is legal but the "y" is not. If we are in such a situation we do have the // "y" expression syntax stashed away in the syntax tree. However, we do *not* perform // semantic analysis. This means that "go to definition" on "y" does not work, and so // on. We might consider doing a semantic analysis here (with error suppression; a parse // error has already been reported) so that "go to definition" works. ArrayBuilder sizes = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); ArrayRankSpecifierSyntax firstRankSpecifier = node.Type.RankSpecifiers[0]; bool hasErrors = false; foreach (var arg in firstRankSpecifier.Sizes) { var size = BindArrayDimension(arg, diagnostics, ref hasErrors); if (size != null) { sizes.Add(size); } else if (node.Initializer is null && arg == firstRankSpecifier.Sizes[0]) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MissingArraySize, firstRankSpecifier); hasErrors = true; } } // produce errors for additional sizes in the ranks for (int additionalRankIndex = 1; additionalRankIndex < node.Type.RankSpecifiers.Count; additionalRankIndex++) { var rank = node.Type.RankSpecifiers[additionalRankIndex]; var dimension = rank.Sizes; foreach (var arg in dimension) { if (arg.Kind() != SyntaxKind.OmittedArraySizeExpression) { var size = BindValue(arg, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidArray, dimension[0]); hasErrors = true; // Capture the invalid sizes for `SemanticModel` and `IOperation` sizes.Add(size); } } } ImmutableArray arraySizes = sizes.ToImmutableAndFree(); return node.Initializer == null ? new BoundArrayCreation(node, arraySizes, null, type, hasErrors) : BindArrayCreationWithInitializer(diagnostics, node, node.Initializer, type, arraySizes, hasErrors: hasErrors); } private BoundExpression BindArrayDimension(ExpressionSyntax dimension, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ref bool hasErrors) { // These make the parse tree nicer, but they shouldn't actually appear in the bound tree. if (dimension.Kind() != SyntaxKind.OmittedArraySizeExpression) { var size = BindValue(dimension, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); if (!size.HasAnyErrors) { size = ConvertToArrayIndex(size, dimension, diagnostics, allowIndexAndRange: false); if (IsNegativeConstantForArraySize(size)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NegativeArraySize, dimension); hasErrors = true; } } return size; } return null; } private BoundExpression BindImplicitArrayCreationExpression(ImplicitArrayCreationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // See BindArrayCreationExpression method above for implicitly typed array creation SPEC. InitializerExpressionSyntax initializer = node.Initializer; int rank = node.Commas.Count + 1; ImmutableArray boundInitializerExpressions = BindArrayInitializerExpressions(initializer, diagnostics, dimension: 1, rank: rank); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; TypeSymbol bestType = BestTypeInferrer.InferBestType(boundInitializerExpressions, this.Conversions, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if ((object)bestType == null || bestType.IsVoidType()) // Dev10 also reports ERR_ImplicitlyTypedArrayNoBestType for void. { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ImplicitlyTypedArrayNoBestType, node); bestType = CreateErrorType(); } if (bestType.IsRestrictedType()) { // CS0611: Array elements cannot be of type '{0}' Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArrayElementCantBeRefAny, node, bestType); } // Element type nullability will be inferred in flow analysis and does not need to be set here. var arrayType = ArrayTypeSymbol.CreateCSharpArray(Compilation.Assembly, TypeWithAnnotations.Create(bestType), rank); return BindArrayCreationWithInitializer(diagnostics, node, initializer, arrayType, sizes: ImmutableArray.Empty, boundInitExprOpt: boundInitializerExpressions); } private BoundExpression BindImplicitStackAllocArrayCreationExpression(ImplicitStackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { InitializerExpressionSyntax initializer = node.Initializer; ImmutableArray boundInitializerExpressions = BindArrayInitializerExpressions(initializer, diagnostics, dimension: 1, rank: 1); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; TypeSymbol bestType = BestTypeInferrer.InferBestType(boundInitializerExpressions, this.Conversions, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if ((object)bestType == null || bestType.IsVoidType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ImplicitlyTypedArrayNoBestType, node); bestType = CreateErrorType(); } if (!bestType.IsErrorType()) { CheckManagedAddr(bestType, node, diagnostics); } return BindStackAllocWithInitializer( node, initializer, type: GetStackAllocType(node, TypeWithAnnotations.Create(bestType), diagnostics, out bool hasErrors), elementType: bestType, sizeOpt: null, diagnostics, hasErrors: hasErrors, boundInitializerExpressions); } // This method binds all the array initializer expressions. // NOTE: It doesn't convert the bound initializer expressions to array's element type. // NOTE: This is done separately in ConvertAndBindArrayInitialization method below. private ImmutableArray BindArrayInitializerExpressions(InitializerExpressionSyntax initializer, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, int dimension, int rank) { var exprBuilder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); BindArrayInitializerExpressions(initializer, exprBuilder, diagnostics, dimension, rank); return exprBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(); } /// /// This method walks through the array's InitializerExpressionSyntax and binds all the initializer expressions recursively. /// NOTE: It doesn't convert the bound initializer expressions to array's element type. /// NOTE: This is done separately in ConvertAndBindArrayInitialization method below. /// /// Initializer Syntax. /// Bound expression builder. /// Diagnostics. /// Current array dimension being processed. /// Rank of the array type. private void BindArrayInitializerExpressions(InitializerExpressionSyntax initializer, ArrayBuilder exprBuilder, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, int dimension, int rank) { Debug.Assert(rank > 0); Debug.Assert(dimension > 0 && dimension <= rank); Debug.Assert(exprBuilder != null); if (dimension == rank) { // We are processing the nth dimension of a rank-n array. We expect that these will // only be values, not array initializers. foreach (var expression in initializer.Expressions) { var boundExpression = BindValue(expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); exprBuilder.Add(boundExpression); } } else { // Inductive case; we'd better have another array initializer foreach (var expression in initializer.Expressions) { if (expression.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ArrayInitializerExpression) { BindArrayInitializerExpressions((InitializerExpressionSyntax)expression, exprBuilder, diagnostics, dimension + 1, rank); } else { // We have non-array initializer expression, but we expected an array initializer expression. var boundExpression = BindValue(expression, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); if ((object)boundExpression.Type == null || !boundExpression.Type.IsErrorType()) { if (!boundExpression.HasAnyErrors) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArrayInitializerExpected, expression); } // Wrap the expression with a bound bad expression with error type. boundExpression = BadExpression( expression, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Create(boundExpression.ExpressionSymbol), ImmutableArray.Create(boundExpression)); } exprBuilder.Add(boundExpression); } } } } /// /// Given an array of bound initializer expressions, this method converts these bound expressions /// to array's element type and generates a BoundArrayInitialization with the converted initializers. /// /// Diagnostics. /// Initializer Syntax. /// Array type. /// Known array bounds. /// Current array dimension being processed. /// Array of bound initializer expressions. /// /// Index into the array of bound initializer expressions to fetch the next bound expression. /// /// private BoundArrayInitialization ConvertAndBindArrayInitialization( DiagnosticBag diagnostics, InitializerExpressionSyntax node, ArrayTypeSymbol type, int?[] knownSizes, int dimension, ImmutableArray boundInitExpr, ref int boundInitExprIndex) { Debug.Assert(!boundInitExpr.IsDefault); ArrayBuilder initializers = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); if (dimension == type.Rank) { // We are processing the nth dimension of a rank-n array. We expect that these will // only be values, not array initializers. TypeSymbol elemType = type.ElementType; foreach (var expressionSyntax in node.Expressions) { Debug.Assert(boundInitExprIndex >= 0 && boundInitExprIndex < boundInitExpr.Length); BoundExpression boundExpression = boundInitExpr[boundInitExprIndex]; boundInitExprIndex++; BoundExpression convertedExpression = GenerateConversionForAssignment(elemType, boundExpression, diagnostics); initializers.Add(convertedExpression); } } else { // Inductive case; we'd better have another array initializer foreach (var expr in node.Expressions) { BoundExpression init = null; if (expr.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ArrayInitializerExpression) { init = ConvertAndBindArrayInitialization(diagnostics, (InitializerExpressionSyntax)expr, type, knownSizes, dimension + 1, boundInitExpr, ref boundInitExprIndex); } else { // We have non-array initializer expression, but we expected an array initializer expression. // We have already generated the diagnostics during binding, so just fetch the bound expression. Debug.Assert(boundInitExprIndex >= 0 && boundInitExprIndex < boundInitExpr.Length); init = boundInitExpr[boundInitExprIndex]; Debug.Assert(init.HasAnyErrors); Debug.Assert(init.Type.IsErrorType()); boundInitExprIndex++; } initializers.Add(init); } } bool hasErrors = false; var knownSizeOpt = knownSizes[dimension - 1]; if (knownSizeOpt == null) { knownSizes[dimension - 1] = initializers.Count; } else if (knownSizeOpt != initializers.Count) { // No need to report an error if the known size is negative // since we've already reported CS0248 earlier and it's // expected that the number of initializers won't match. if (knownSizeOpt >= 0) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArrayInitializerIncorrectLength, node, knownSizeOpt.Value); hasErrors = true; } } return new BoundArrayInitialization(node, initializers.ToImmutableAndFree(), hasErrors: hasErrors); } private BoundArrayInitialization BindArrayInitializerList( DiagnosticBag diagnostics, InitializerExpressionSyntax node, ArrayTypeSymbol type, int?[] knownSizes, int dimension, ImmutableArray boundInitExprOpt = default(ImmutableArray)) { // Bind the array initializer expressions, if not already bound. // NOTE: Initializer expressions might already be bound for implicitly type array creation // NOTE: during array's element type inference. if (boundInitExprOpt.IsDefault) { boundInitExprOpt = BindArrayInitializerExpressions(node, diagnostics, dimension, type.Rank); } // Convert the bound array initializer expressions to array's element type and // generate BoundArrayInitialization with the converted initializers. int boundInitExprIndex = 0; return ConvertAndBindArrayInitialization(diagnostics, node, type, knownSizes, dimension, boundInitExprOpt, ref boundInitExprIndex); } private BoundArrayInitialization BindUnexpectedArrayInitializer( InitializerExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ErrorCode errorCode, CSharpSyntaxNode errorNode = null) { var result = BindArrayInitializerList( diagnostics, node, this.Compilation.CreateArrayTypeSymbol(GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object, diagnostics, node)), new int?[1], dimension: 1); if (!result.HasAnyErrors) { result = new BoundArrayInitialization(node, result.Initializers, hasErrors: true); } Error(diagnostics, errorCode, errorNode ?? node); return result; } // We could be in the cases // // (1) int[] x = { a, b } // (2) new int[] { a, b } // (3) new int[2] { a, b } // (4) new [] { a, b } // // In case (1) there is no creation syntax. // In cases (2) and (3) creation syntax is an ArrayCreationExpression. // In case (4) creation syntax is an ImplicitArrayCreationExpression. // // In cases (1), (2) and (4) there are no sizes. // // The initializer syntax is always provided. // // If we are in case (3) and sizes are provided then the number of sizes must match the rank // of the array type passed in. // For case (4), i.e. ImplicitArrayCreationExpression, we must have already bound the // initializer expressions for best type inference. // These bound expressions are stored in boundInitExprOpt and reused in creating // BoundArrayInitialization to avoid binding them twice. private BoundArrayCreation BindArrayCreationWithInitializer( DiagnosticBag diagnostics, ExpressionSyntax creationSyntax, InitializerExpressionSyntax initSyntax, ArrayTypeSymbol type, ImmutableArray sizes, ImmutableArray boundInitExprOpt = default(ImmutableArray), bool hasErrors = false) { Debug.Assert(creationSyntax == null || creationSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ArrayCreationExpression || creationSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ImplicitArrayCreationExpression); Debug.Assert(initSyntax != null); Debug.Assert((object)type != null); Debug.Assert(boundInitExprOpt.IsDefault || creationSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ImplicitArrayCreationExpression); // NOTE: In error scenarios, it may be the case sizes.Count > type.Rank. // For example, new int[1 2] has 2 sizes, but rank 1 (since there are 0 commas). int rank = type.Rank; int numSizes = sizes.Length; int?[] knownSizes = new int?[Math.Max(rank, numSizes)]; // If there are sizes given and there is an array initializer, then every size must be a // constant. (We'll check later that it matches) for (int i = 0; i < numSizes; ++i) { // Here we are being bug-for-bug compatible with C# 4. When you have code like // byte[] b = new[uint.MaxValue] { 2 }; // you might expect an error that says that the number of elements in the initializer does // not match the size of the array. But in C# 4 if the constant does not fit into an integer // then we confusingly give the error "that's not a constant". // NOTE: in the example above, GetIntegerConstantForArraySize is returning null because the // size doesn't fit in an int - not because it doesn't match the initializer length. var size = sizes[i]; knownSizes[i] = GetIntegerConstantForArraySize(size); if (!size.HasAnyErrors && knownSizes[i] == null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ConstantExpected, size.Syntax); hasErrors = true; } } // KnownSizes is further mutated by BindArrayInitializerList as it works out more // information about the sizes. BoundArrayInitialization initializer = BindArrayInitializerList(diagnostics, initSyntax, type, knownSizes, 1, boundInitExprOpt); hasErrors = hasErrors || initializer.HasAnyErrors; bool hasCreationSyntax = creationSyntax != null; CSharpSyntaxNode nonNullSyntax = (CSharpSyntaxNode)creationSyntax ?? initSyntax; // Construct a set of size expressions if we were not given any. // // It is possible in error scenarios that some of the bounds were not determined. Substitute // zeroes for those. if (numSizes == 0) { BoundExpression[] sizeArray = new BoundExpression[rank]; for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) { sizeArray[i] = new BoundLiteral( nonNullSyntax, ConstantValue.Create(knownSizes[i] ?? 0), GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, nonNullSyntax)) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; } sizes = sizeArray.AsImmutableOrNull(); } else if (!hasErrors && rank != numSizes) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadIndexCount, nonNullSyntax, type.Rank); hasErrors = true; } return new BoundArrayCreation(nonNullSyntax, sizes, initializer, type, hasErrors: hasErrors) { WasCompilerGenerated = !hasCreationSyntax && (initSyntax.Parent == null || initSyntax.Parent.Kind() != SyntaxKind.EqualsValueClause || ((EqualsValueClauseSyntax)initSyntax.Parent).Value != initSyntax) }; } private BoundExpression BindStackAllocArrayCreationExpression( StackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { TypeSyntax typeSyntax = node.Type; if (typeSyntax.Kind() != SyntaxKind.ArrayType) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadStackAllocExpr, typeSyntax); return new BoundBadExpression( node, LookupResultKind.NotCreatable, //in this context, anyway ImmutableArray.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, new PointerTypeSymbol(BindType(typeSyntax, diagnostics))); } ArrayTypeSyntax arrayTypeSyntax = (ArrayTypeSyntax)typeSyntax; var elementTypeSyntax = arrayTypeSyntax.ElementType; var arrayType = (ArrayTypeSymbol)BindArrayType(arrayTypeSyntax, diagnostics, permitDimensions: true, basesBeingResolved: null, disallowRestrictedTypes: false).Type; var elementType = arrayType.ElementTypeWithAnnotations; TypeSymbol type = GetStackAllocType(node, elementType, diagnostics, out bool hasErrors); if (!elementType.Type.IsErrorType()) { hasErrors = hasErrors || CheckManagedAddr(elementType.Type, elementTypeSyntax, diagnostics); } SyntaxList rankSpecifiers = arrayTypeSyntax.RankSpecifiers; if (rankSpecifiers.Count != 1 || rankSpecifiers[0].Sizes.Count != 1) { // NOTE: Dev10 reported several parse errors here. Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadStackAllocExpr, typeSyntax); var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); var discardedDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); foreach (ArrayRankSpecifierSyntax rankSpecifier in rankSpecifiers) { foreach (ExpressionSyntax size in rankSpecifier.Sizes) { if (size.Kind() != SyntaxKind.OmittedArraySizeExpression) { builder.Add(BindExpression(size, discardedDiagnostics)); } } } discardedDiagnostics.Free(); return new BoundBadExpression( node, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, builder.ToImmutableAndFree(), new PointerTypeSymbol(elementType)); } ExpressionSyntax countSyntax = rankSpecifiers[0].Sizes[0]; BoundExpression count = null; if (countSyntax.Kind() != SyntaxKind.OmittedArraySizeExpression) { count = BindValue(countSyntax, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); if (!count.HasAnyErrors) { // NOTE: this is different from how we would bind an array size (in which case we would allow uint, long, or ulong). count = GenerateConversionForAssignment(GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, node), count, diagnostics); if (!count.HasAnyErrors && IsNegativeConstantForArraySize(count)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NegativeStackAllocSize, countSyntax); hasErrors = true; } } } else if (node.Initializer == null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MissingArraySize, rankSpecifiers[0]); count = BadExpression(countSyntax); hasErrors = true; } return node.Initializer == null ? new BoundStackAllocArrayCreation(node, elementType.Type, count, initializerOpt: null, type, hasErrors: hasErrors) : BindStackAllocWithInitializer(node, node.Initializer, type, elementType.Type, count, diagnostics, hasErrors); } private bool ReportBadStackAllocPosition(SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node is StackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax || node is ImplicitStackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax); bool inLegalPosition = true; // If we are using a language version that does not restrict the position of a stackalloc expression, skip that test. LanguageVersion requiredVersion = MessageID.IDS_FeatureNestedStackalloc.RequiredVersion(); if (requiredVersion > Compilation.LanguageVersion) { inLegalPosition = (IsInMethodBody || IsLocalFunctionsScopeBinder) && node.IsLegalCSharp73SpanStackAllocPosition(); if (!inLegalPosition) { MessageID.IDS_FeatureNestedStackalloc.CheckFeatureAvailability(diagnostics, node.GetFirstToken().GetLocation()); } } // Check if we're syntactically within a catch or finally clause. if (this.Flags.IncludesAny(BinderFlags.InCatchBlock | BinderFlags.InCatchFilter | BinderFlags.InFinallyBlock)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_StackallocInCatchFinally, node); } return inLegalPosition; } private TypeSymbol GetStackAllocType(SyntaxNode node, TypeWithAnnotations elementTypeWithAnnotations, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool hasErrors) { var inLegalPosition = ReportBadStackAllocPosition(node, diagnostics); hasErrors = !inLegalPosition; if (inLegalPosition && !node.IsLocalVariableDeclarationInitializationForPointerStackalloc()) { CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureRefStructs, diagnostics); var spanType = GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Span_T, diagnostics, node); if (!spanType.IsErrorType()) { return ConstructNamedType( type: spanType, typeSyntax: node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.StackAllocArrayCreationExpression ? ((StackAllocArrayCreationExpressionSyntax)node).Type : node, typeArgumentsSyntax: default, typeArguments: ImmutableArray.Create(elementTypeWithAnnotations), basesBeingResolved: null, diagnostics: diagnostics); } } return null; } private BoundExpression BindStackAllocWithInitializer( SyntaxNode node, InitializerExpressionSyntax initSyntax, TypeSymbol type, TypeSymbol elementType, BoundExpression sizeOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool hasErrors, ImmutableArray boundInitExprOpt = default) { if (boundInitExprOpt.IsDefault) { boundInitExprOpt = BindArrayInitializerExpressions(initSyntax, diagnostics, dimension: 1, rank: 1); } boundInitExprOpt = boundInitExprOpt.SelectAsArray((expr, t) => GenerateConversionForAssignment(t.elementType, expr, t.diagnostics), (elementType, diagnostics)); if (sizeOpt != null) { if (!sizeOpt.HasAnyErrors) { int? constantSizeOpt = GetIntegerConstantForArraySize(sizeOpt); if (constantSizeOpt == null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ConstantExpected, sizeOpt.Syntax); hasErrors = true; } else if (boundInitExprOpt.Length != constantSizeOpt) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ArrayInitializerIncorrectLength, node, constantSizeOpt.Value); hasErrors = true; } } } else { sizeOpt = new BoundLiteral( node, ConstantValue.Create(boundInitExprOpt.Length), GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, node)) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; } return new BoundStackAllocArrayCreation(node, elementType, sizeOpt, new BoundArrayInitialization(initSyntax, boundInitExprOpt), type, hasErrors); } private static int? GetIntegerConstantForArraySize(BoundExpression expression) { // If the bound could have been converted to int, then it was. If it could not have been // converted to int, and it was a constant, then it was out of range. Debug.Assert(expression != null); if (expression.HasAnyErrors) { return null; } var constantValue = expression.ConstantValue; if (constantValue == null || constantValue.IsBad || expression.Type.SpecialType != SpecialType.System_Int32) { return null; } return constantValue.Int32Value; } private static bool IsNegativeConstantForArraySize(BoundExpression expression) { Debug.Assert(expression != null); if (expression.HasAnyErrors) { return false; } var constantValue = expression.ConstantValue; if (constantValue == null || constantValue.IsBad) { return false; } var type = expression.Type.SpecialType; if (type == SpecialType.System_Int32) { return constantValue.Int32Value < 0; } if (type == SpecialType.System_Int64) { return constantValue.Int64Value < 0; } // By the time we get here we definitely have int, long, uint or ulong. Obviously the // latter two are never negative. Debug.Assert(type == SpecialType.System_UInt32 || type == SpecialType.System_UInt64); return false; } /// /// Bind the (implicit or explicit) constructor initializer of a constructor symbol (in source). /// /// /// Null for implicit, /// BaseConstructorInitializerSyntax.ArgumentList, or /// ThisConstructorInitializerSyntax.ArgumentList, or /// BaseClassWithArgumentsSyntax.ArgumentList for explicit. /// Constructor containing the initializer. /// Accumulates errors (e.g. unable to find constructor to invoke). /// A bound expression for the constructor initializer call. /// /// This method should be kept consistent with Compiler.BindConstructorInitializer (e.g. same error codes). /// internal BoundExpression BindConstructorInitializer( ArgumentListSyntax initializerArgumentListOpt, MethodSymbol constructor, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Binder argumentListBinder = null; if (initializerArgumentListOpt != null) { argumentListBinder = this.GetBinder(initializerArgumentListOpt); } var result = (argumentListBinder ?? this).BindConstructorInitializerCore(initializerArgumentListOpt, constructor, diagnostics); if (argumentListBinder != null) { // This code is reachable only for speculative SemanticModel. Debug.Assert(argumentListBinder.IsSemanticModelBinder); result = argumentListBinder.WrapWithVariablesIfAny(initializerArgumentListOpt, result); } return result; } private BoundExpression BindConstructorInitializerCore( ArgumentListSyntax initializerArgumentListOpt, MethodSymbol constructor, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // Either our base type is not object, or we have an initializer syntax, or both. We're going to // need to do overload resolution on the set of constructors of the base type, either on // the provided initializer syntax, or on an implicit ": base()" syntax. // SPEC ERROR: The specification states that if you have the situation // SPEC ERROR: class B { ... } class D1 : B {} then the default constructor // SPEC ERROR: generated for D1 must call an accessible *parameterless* constructor // SPEC ERROR: in B. However, it also states that if you have // SPEC ERROR: class B { ... } class D2 : B { D2() {} } or // SPEC ERROR: class B { ... } class D3 : B { D3() : base() {} } then // SPEC ERROR: the compiler performs *overload resolution* to determine // SPEC ERROR: which accessible constructor of B is called. Since B might have // SPEC ERROR: a ctor with all optional parameters, overload resolution might // SPEC ERROR: succeed even if there is no parameterless constructor. This // SPEC ERROR: is unintentionally inconsistent, and the native compiler does not // SPEC ERROR: implement this behavior. Rather, we should say in the spec that // SPEC ERROR: if there is no ctor in D1, then a ctor is created for you exactly // SPEC ERROR: as though you'd said "D1() : base() {}". // SPEC ERROR: This is what we now do in Roslyn. Debug.Assert((object)constructor != null); Debug.Assert(constructor.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor || constructor.MethodKind == MethodKind.StaticConstructor); // error scenario: constructor initializer on static constructor Debug.Assert(diagnostics != null); NamedTypeSymbol containingType = constructor.ContainingType; // Structs and enums do not have implicit constructor initializers. if ((containingType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Enum || containingType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Struct) && initializerArgumentListOpt == null) { return null; } AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); try { TypeSymbol constructorReturnType = constructor.ReturnType; Debug.Assert(constructorReturnType.IsVoidType()); //true of all constructors // Get the bound arguments and the argument names. // : this(__arglist()) is legal if (initializerArgumentListOpt != null) { this.BindArgumentsAndNames(initializerArgumentListOpt, diagnostics, analyzedArguments, allowArglist: true); } NamedTypeSymbol initializerType = containingType; bool isBaseConstructorInitializer = initializerArgumentListOpt == null || initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.BaseConstructorInitializer; if (isBaseConstructorInitializer) { initializerType = initializerType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics; // Soft assert: we think this is the case, and we're asserting to catch scenarios that violate our expectations Debug.Assert((object)initializerType != null || containingType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object || containingType.IsInterface); if ((object)initializerType == null || containingType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object) //e.g. when defining System.Object in source { // If the constructor initializer is implicit and there is no base type, we're done. // Otherwise, if the constructor initializer is explicit, we're in an error state. if (initializerArgumentListOpt == null) { return null; } else { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectCallingBaseConstructor, constructor.Locations[0], containingType); return new BoundBadExpression( syntax: initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent, resultKind: LookupResultKind.Empty, symbols: ImmutableArray.Empty, childBoundNodes: BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments), type: constructorReturnType); } } else if (initializerArgumentListOpt != null && containingType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Struct) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_StructWithBaseConstructorCall, constructor.Locations[0], containingType); return new BoundBadExpression( syntax: initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent, resultKind: LookupResultKind.Empty, symbols: ImmutableArray.Empty, //CONSIDER: we could look for a matching constructor on System.ValueType childBoundNodes: BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments), type: constructorReturnType); } } else { Debug.Assert(initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ThisConstructorInitializer); } if (initializerArgumentListOpt != null && analyzedArguments.HasDynamicArgument) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoDynamicPhantomOnBaseCtor, ((ConstructorInitializerSyntax)initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent).ThisOrBaseKeyword.GetLocation()); return new BoundBadExpression( syntax: initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent, resultKind: LookupResultKind.Empty, symbols: ImmutableArray.Empty, //CONSIDER: we could look for a matching constructor on System.ValueType childBoundNodes: BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments), type: constructorReturnType); } CSharpSyntaxNode nonNullSyntax; Location errorLocation; if (initializerArgumentListOpt != null) { nonNullSyntax = initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent; errorLocation = ((ConstructorInitializerSyntax)nonNullSyntax).ThisOrBaseKeyword.GetLocation(); } else { // Note: use syntax node of constructor with initializer, not constructor invoked by initializer (i.e. methodResolutionResult). nonNullSyntax = constructor.GetNonNullSyntaxNode(); errorLocation = constructor.Locations[0]; } BoundExpression receiver = ThisReference(nonNullSyntax, initializerType, wasCompilerGenerated: true); MemberResolutionResult memberResolutionResult; ImmutableArray candidateConstructors; if (TryPerformConstructorOverloadResolution( initializerType, analyzedArguments, WellKnownMemberNames.InstanceConstructorName, errorLocation, false, // Don't suppress result diagnostics diagnostics, out memberResolutionResult, out candidateConstructors, allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType: true)) { bool hasErrors = false; MethodSymbol resultMember = memberResolutionResult.Member; if (resultMember == constructor) { Debug.Assert(initializerType.IsErrorType() || (initializerArgumentListOpt != null && initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ThisConstructorInitializer)); diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_RecursiveConstructorCall, ((ConstructorInitializerSyntax)initializerArgumentListOpt.Parent).ThisOrBaseKeyword.GetLocation(), constructor); hasErrors = true; // prevent recursive constructor from being emitted } else if (resultMember.HasUnsafeParameter()) { // What if some of the arguments are implicit? Dev10 reports unsafe errors // if the implied argument would have an unsafe type. We need to check // the parameters explicitly, since there won't be bound nodes for the implied // arguments until lowering. // Don't worry about double reporting (i.e. for both the argument and the parameter) // because only one unsafe diagnostic is allowed per scope - the others are suppressed. hasErrors = ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(errorLocation, diagnostics); } ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, resultMember, nonNullSyntax, hasBaseReceiver: isBaseConstructorInitializer); var arguments = analyzedArguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); var refKinds = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); var argsToParamsOpt = memberResolutionResult.Result.ArgsToParamsOpt; if (!hasErrors) { hasErrors = !CheckInvocationArgMixing( nonNullSyntax, resultMember, receiver, resultMember.Parameters, arguments, argsToParamsOpt, this.LocalScopeDepth, diagnostics); } return new BoundCall( nonNullSyntax, receiver, resultMember, arguments, analyzedArguments.GetNames(), refKinds, isDelegateCall: false, expanded: memberResolutionResult.Result.Kind == MemberResolutionKind.ApplicableInExpandedForm, invokedAsExtensionMethod: false, argsToParamsOpt: argsToParamsOpt, resultKind: LookupResultKind.Viable, binderOpt: this, type: constructorReturnType, hasErrors: hasErrors) { WasCompilerGenerated = initializerArgumentListOpt == null }; } else { var result = CreateBadCall( node: nonNullSyntax, name: WellKnownMemberNames.InstanceConstructorName, receiver: receiver, methods: candidateConstructors, resultKind: LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations: ImmutableArray.Empty, analyzedArguments: analyzedArguments, invokedAsExtensionMethod: false, isDelegate: false); result.WasCompilerGenerated = initializerArgumentListOpt == null; return result; } } finally { analyzedArguments.Free(); } } protected BoundExpression BindObjectCreationExpression(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var typeWithAnnotations = BindType(node.Type, diagnostics); var type = typeWithAnnotations.Type; var originalType = type; if (typeWithAnnotations.NullableAnnotation.IsAnnotated() && !type.IsNullableType()) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_AnnotationDisallowedInObjectCreation, node.Location, type); } switch (type.TypeKind) { case TypeKind.Struct: case TypeKind.Class: case TypeKind.Enum: case TypeKind.Error: return BindClassCreationExpression(node, (NamedTypeSymbol)type, GetName(node.Type), diagnostics, originalType); case TypeKind.Delegate: return BindDelegateCreationExpression(node, (NamedTypeSymbol)type, diagnostics); case TypeKind.Interface: return BindInterfaceCreationExpression(node, (NamedTypeSymbol)type, diagnostics); case TypeKind.TypeParameter: return BindTypeParameterCreationExpression(node, (TypeParameterSymbol)type, diagnostics); case TypeKind.Submission: // script class is synthesized and should not be used as a type of a new expression: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(type.TypeKind); case TypeKind.Pointer: type = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(type, LookupResultKind.NotCreatable, diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_UnsafeTypeInObjectCreation, node.Location, type)); goto case TypeKind.Class; case TypeKind.Dynamic: // we didn't find any type called "dynamic" so we are using the builtin dynamic type, which has no constructors: case TypeKind.Array: // ex: new ref[] type = new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(type, LookupResultKind.NotCreatable, diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidObjectCreation, node.Type.Location, type)); goto case TypeKind.Class; default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(type.TypeKind); } } private BoundExpression BindDelegateCreationExpression(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, NamedTypeSymbol type, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // Get the bound arguments and the argument names. AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); try { BindArgumentsAndNames(node.ArgumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments, isDelegateCreation: true); bool hasErrors = false; if (analyzedArguments.HasErrors) { // Let's skip this part of further error checking without marking hasErrors = true here, // as the argument could be an unbound lambda, and the error could come from inside. // We'll check analyzedArguments.HasErrors again after we find if this is not the case. } else if (node.ArgumentList == null || analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count == 0) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, node.Location, type, 0); hasErrors = true; } else if (analyzedArguments.Names.Count != 0 || analyzedArguments.RefKinds.Count != 0 || analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count != 1) { // Use a smaller span that excludes the parens. var argSyntax = analyzedArguments.Arguments[0].Syntax; var start = argSyntax.SpanStart; var end = analyzedArguments.Arguments[analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count - 1].Syntax.Span.End; var errorSpan = new TextSpan(start, end - start); var loc = new SourceLocation(argSyntax.SyntaxTree, errorSpan); diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MethodNameExpected, loc); hasErrors = true; } if (node.Initializer != null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectOrCollectionInitializerWithDelegateCreation, node); hasErrors = true; } BoundExpression argument = analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count >= 1 ? analyzedArguments.Arguments[0] : null; if (hasErrors) { // skip the rest of this binding } // There are four cases for a delegate creation expression ( // 1. An anonymous function is treated as a conversion from the anonymous function to the delegate type. else if (argument is UnboundLambda) { // analyzedArguments.HasErrors could be true, // but here the argument is an unbound lambda, the error comes from inside // eg: new Action(x => x.) // We should try to bind it anyway in order for intellisense to work. UnboundLambda unboundLambda = (UnboundLambda)argument; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; var conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(unboundLambda, type, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); // Attempting to make the conversion caches the diagnostics and the bound state inside // the unbound lambda. Fetch the result from the cache. BoundLambda boundLambda = unboundLambda.Bind(type); if (!conversion.IsImplicit || !conversion.IsValid) { GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, unboundLambda.Syntax, conversion, unboundLambda, type); } else { // We're not going to produce an error, but it is possible that the conversion from // the lambda to the delegate type produced a warning, which we have not reported. // Instead, we've cached it in the bound lambda. Report it now. diagnostics.AddRange(boundLambda.Diagnostics); } // Just stuff the bound lambda into the delegate creation expression. When we lower the lambda to // its method form we will rewrite this expression to refer to the method. return new BoundDelegateCreationExpression(node, boundLambda, methodOpt: null, isExtensionMethod: false, type: type, hasErrors: !conversion.IsImplicit); } else if (analyzedArguments.HasErrors) { // There is no hope, skip. } // 2. A method group else if (argument.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup) { Conversion conversion; BoundMethodGroup methodGroup = (BoundMethodGroup)argument; hasErrors = MethodGroupConversionDoesNotExistOrHasErrors(methodGroup, type, node.Location, diagnostics, out conversion); methodGroup = FixMethodGroupWithTypeOrValue(methodGroup, conversion, diagnostics); return new BoundDelegateCreationExpression(node, methodGroup, conversion.Method, conversion.IsExtensionMethod, type, hasErrors); } else if ((object)argument.Type == null) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MethodNameExpected, argument.Syntax.Location); } // 3. A value of the compile-time type dynamic (which is dynamically case 4), or else if (argument.HasDynamicType()) { return new BoundDelegateCreationExpression(node, argument, methodOpt: null, isExtensionMethod: false, type: type); } // 4. A delegate type. else if (argument.Type.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate) { var sourceDelegate = (NamedTypeSymbol)argument.Type; MethodGroup methodGroup = MethodGroup.GetInstance(); try { if (ReportDelegateInvokeUseSiteDiagnostic(diagnostics, argument.Type, node: node)) { // We want failed "new" expression to use the constructors as their symbols. return new BoundBadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.NotInvocable, StaticCast.From(type.InstanceConstructors), ImmutableArray.Create(argument), type); } methodGroup.PopulateWithSingleMethod(argument, sourceDelegate.DelegateInvokeMethod); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conv = Conversions.MethodGroupConversion(argument.Syntax, methodGroup, type, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!conv.Exists) { var boundMethodGroup = new BoundMethodGroup( argument.Syntax, default, WellKnownMemberNames.DelegateInvokeName, ImmutableArray.Create(sourceDelegate.DelegateInvokeMethod), sourceDelegate.DelegateInvokeMethod, null, BoundMethodGroupFlags.None, argument, LookupResultKind.Viable); if (!Conversions.ReportDelegateMethodGroupDiagnostics(this, boundMethodGroup, type, diagnostics)) { // If we could not produce a more specialized diagnostic, we report // No overload for '{0}' matches delegate '{1}' diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MethDelegateMismatch, node.Location, sourceDelegate.DelegateInvokeMethod, type); } } else { Debug.Assert(!conv.IsExtensionMethod); Debug.Assert(conv.IsValid); // i.e. if it exists, then it is valid. if (!this.MethodGroupConversionHasErrors(argument.Syntax, conv, argument, conv.IsExtensionMethod, type, diagnostics)) { // we do not place the "Invoke" method in the node, indicating that it did not appear in source. return new BoundDelegateCreationExpression(node, argument, methodOpt: null, isExtensionMethod: false, type: type); } } } finally { methodGroup.Free(); } } // Not a valid delegate creation expression else { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_MethodNameExpected, argument.Syntax.Location); } // Note that we want failed "new" expression to use the constructors as their symbols. var childNodes = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments); return new BoundBadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure, StaticCast.From(type.InstanceConstructors), childNodes, type); } finally { analyzedArguments.Free(); } } private BoundExpression BindClassCreationExpression(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, NamedTypeSymbol type, string typeName, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, TypeSymbol initializerType = null) { // Get the bound arguments and the argument names. AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); try { // new C(__arglist()) is legal BindArgumentsAndNames(node.ArgumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments, allowArglist: true); // No point in performing overload resolution if the type is static or a tuple literal. // Just return a bad expression containing the arguments. if (type.IsStatic) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_InstantiatingStaticClass, node.Location, type); return MakeBadExpressionForObjectCreation(node, type, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); } else if (node.Type.Kind() == SyntaxKind.TupleType) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NewWithTupleTypeSyntax, node.Type.GetLocation()); return MakeBadExpressionForObjectCreation(node, type, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); } return BindClassCreationExpression(node, typeName, node.Type, type, analyzedArguments, diagnostics, node.Initializer, initializerType); } finally { analyzedArguments.Free(); } } private BoundExpression MakeBadExpressionForObjectCreation(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, TypeSymbol type, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var children = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); children.AddRange(BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments)); if (node.Initializer != null) { var boundInitializer = BindInitializerExpression(syntax: node.Initializer, type: type, typeSyntax: node.Type, diagnostics: diagnostics); children.Add(boundInitializer); } return new BoundBadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.NotCreatable, ImmutableArray.Create(type), children.ToImmutableAndFree(), type); } private BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase BindInitializerExpression( InitializerExpressionSyntax syntax, TypeSymbol type, SyntaxNode typeSyntax, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(syntax != null); Debug.Assert((object)type != null); switch (syntax.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.ObjectInitializerExpression: { var implicitReceiver = new BoundImplicitReceiver(typeSyntax, type) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; return BindObjectInitializerExpression(syntax, type, diagnostics, implicitReceiver); } case SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializerExpression: { var implicitReceiver = new BoundImplicitReceiver(typeSyntax, type) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; return BindCollectionInitializerExpression(syntax, type, diagnostics, implicitReceiver); } default: throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable; } } private BoundExpression BindInitializerExpressionOrValue( ExpressionSyntax syntax, TypeSymbol type, SyntaxNode typeSyntax, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(syntax != null); Debug.Assert((object)type != null); switch (syntax.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.ObjectInitializerExpression: case SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializerExpression: return BindInitializerExpression((InitializerExpressionSyntax)syntax, type, typeSyntax, diagnostics); default: return BindValue(syntax, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); } } private BoundObjectInitializerExpression BindObjectInitializerExpression( InitializerExpressionSyntax initializerSyntax, TypeSymbol initializerType, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver) { // SPEC: Object initializers // // SPEC: An object initializer consists of a sequence of member initializers, enclosed by { and } tokens and separated by commas. // SPEC: Each member initializer must name an accessible field or property of the object being initialized, followed by an equals sign and // SPEC: an expression or an object initializer or collection initializer. Debug.Assert(initializerSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ObjectInitializerExpression); Debug.Assert((object)initializerType != null); var initializerBuilder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); // Member name map to report duplicate assignments to a field/property. var memberNameMap = new HashSet(); // We use a location specific binder for binding object initializer field/property access to generate object initializer specific diagnostics: // 1) CS1914 (ERR_StaticMemberInObjectInitializer) // 2) CS1917 (ERR_ReadonlyValueTypeInObjectInitializer) // 3) CS1918 (ERR_ValueTypePropertyInObjectInitializer) // Note that this is only used for the LHS of the assignment - these diagnostics do not apply on the RHS. // For this reason, we will actually need two binders: this and this.WithAdditionalFlags. var objectInitializerMemberBinder = this.WithAdditionalFlags(BinderFlags.ObjectInitializerMember); foreach (var memberInitializer in initializerSyntax.Expressions) { BoundExpression boundMemberInitializer = BindObjectInitializerMemberAssignment( memberInitializer, initializerType, objectInitializerMemberBinder, diagnostics, implicitReceiver); initializerBuilder.Add(boundMemberInitializer); ReportDuplicateObjectMemberInitializers(boundMemberInitializer, memberNameMap, diagnostics); } return new BoundObjectInitializerExpression(initializerSyntax, initializerBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), initializerType); } private BoundExpression BindObjectInitializerMemberAssignment( ExpressionSyntax memberInitializer, TypeSymbol initializerType, Binder objectInitializerMemberBinder, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver) { // SPEC: A member initializer that specifies an expression after the equals sign is processed in the same way as an assignment (spec 7.17.1) to the field or property. if (memberInitializer.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentExpression) { var initializer = (AssignmentExpressionSyntax)memberInitializer; // Bind member initializer identifier, i.e. left part of assignment BoundExpression boundLeft = null; var leftSyntax = initializer.Left; if (initializerType.IsDynamic() && leftSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierName) { { // D = { ..., = , ... }, where D : dynamic var memberName = ((IdentifierNameSyntax)leftSyntax).Identifier.Text; boundLeft = new BoundDynamicObjectInitializerMember(leftSyntax, memberName, implicitReceiver.Type, initializerType, hasErrors: false); } } else { // We use a location specific binder for binding object initializer field/property access to generate object initializer specific diagnostics: // 1) CS1914 (ERR_StaticMemberInObjectInitializer) // 2) CS1917 (ERR_ReadonlyValueTypeInObjectInitializer) // 3) CS1918 (ERR_ValueTypePropertyInObjectInitializer) // See comments in BindObjectInitializerExpression for more details. Debug.Assert(objectInitializerMemberBinder != null); Debug.Assert(objectInitializerMemberBinder.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.ObjectInitializerMember)); boundLeft = objectInitializerMemberBinder.BindObjectInitializerMember(initializer, implicitReceiver, diagnostics); } if (boundLeft != null) { Debug.Assert((object)boundLeft.Type != null); // Bind member initializer value, i.e. right part of assignment BoundExpression boundRight = BindInitializerExpressionOrValue( syntax: initializer.Right, type: boundLeft.Type, typeSyntax: boundLeft.Syntax, diagnostics: diagnostics); // Bind member initializer assignment expression return BindAssignment(initializer, boundLeft, boundRight, isRef: false, diagnostics); } } var boundExpression = BindValue(memberInitializer, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidInitializerElementInitializer, memberInitializer); return ToBadExpression(boundExpression, LookupResultKind.NotAValue); } // returns BadBoundExpression or BoundObjectInitializerMember private BoundExpression BindObjectInitializerMember( AssignmentExpressionSyntax namedAssignment, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression boundMember; LookupResultKind resultKind; bool hasErrors; if (namedAssignment.Left.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierName) { var memberName = (IdentifierNameSyntax)namedAssignment.Left; // SPEC: Each member initializer must name an accessible field or property of the object being initialized, followed by an equals sign and // SPEC: an expression or an object initializer or collection initializer. // SPEC: A member initializer that specifies an expression after the equals sign is processed in the same way as an assignment (7.17.1) to the field or property. // SPEC VIOLATION: Native compiler also allows initialization of field-like events in object initializers, so we allow it as well. boundMember = BindInstanceMemberAccess( node: memberName, right: memberName, boundLeft: implicitReceiver, rightName: memberName.Identifier.ValueText, rightArity: 0, typeArgumentsSyntax: default(SeparatedSyntaxList), typeArgumentsWithAnnotations: default(ImmutableArray), invoked: false, indexed: false, diagnostics: diagnostics); resultKind = boundMember.ResultKind; hasErrors = boundMember.HasAnyErrors || implicitReceiver.HasAnyErrors; if (boundMember.Kind == BoundKind.PropertyGroup) { boundMember = BindIndexedPropertyAccess((BoundPropertyGroup)boundMember, mustHaveAllOptionalParameters: true, diagnostics: diagnostics); if (boundMember.HasAnyErrors) { hasErrors = true; } } } else if (namedAssignment.Left.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ImplicitElementAccess) { var implicitIndexing = (ImplicitElementAccessSyntax)namedAssignment.Left; boundMember = BindElementAccess(implicitIndexing, implicitReceiver, implicitIndexing.ArgumentList, diagnostics); resultKind = boundMember.ResultKind; hasErrors = boundMember.HasAnyErrors || implicitReceiver.HasAnyErrors; } else { return null; } // SPEC: A member initializer that specifies an object initializer after the equals sign is a nested object initializer, // SPEC: i.e. an initialization of an embedded object. Instead of assigning a new value to the field or property, // SPEC: the assignments in the nested object initializer are treated as assignments to members of the field or property. // SPEC: Nested object initializers cannot be applied to properties with a value type, or to read-only fields with a value type. // NOTE: The dev11 behavior does not match the spec that was current at the time (quoted above). However, in the roslyn // NOTE: timeframe, the spec will be updated to apply the same restriction to nested collection initializers. Therefore, // NOTE: roslyn will implement the dev11 behavior and it will be spec-compliant. // NOTE: In the roslyn timeframe, an additional restriction will (likely) be added to the spec - it is not sufficient for the // NOTE: type of the member to not be a value type - it must actually be a reference type (i.e. unconstrained type parameters // NOTE: should be prohibited). To avoid breaking existing code, roslyn will not implement this new spec clause. // TODO: If/when we have a way to version warnings, we should add a warning for this. BoundKind boundMemberKind = boundMember.Kind; SyntaxKind rhsKind = namedAssignment.Right.Kind(); bool isRhsNestedInitializer = rhsKind == SyntaxKind.ObjectInitializerExpression || rhsKind == SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializerExpression; BindValueKind valueKind = isRhsNestedInitializer ? BindValueKind.RValue : BindValueKind.Assignable; ImmutableArray arguments = ImmutableArray.Empty; ImmutableArray argumentNamesOpt = default(ImmutableArray); ImmutableArray argsToParamsOpt = default(ImmutableArray); ImmutableArray argumentRefKindsOpt = default(ImmutableArray); bool expanded = false; switch (boundMemberKind) { case BoundKind.FieldAccess: { var fieldSymbol = ((BoundFieldAccess)boundMember).FieldSymbol; if (isRhsNestedInitializer && fieldSymbol.IsReadOnly && fieldSymbol.Type.IsValueType) { if (!hasErrors) { // TODO: distinct error code for collection initializers? (Dev11 doesn't have one.) Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ReadonlyValueTypeInObjectInitializer, namedAssignment.Left, fieldSymbol, fieldSymbol.Type); hasErrors = true; } resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotAValue; } break; } case BoundKind.EventAccess: break; case BoundKind.PropertyAccess: hasErrors |= isRhsNestedInitializer && !CheckNestedObjectInitializerPropertySymbol(((BoundPropertyAccess)boundMember).PropertySymbol, namedAssignment.Left, diagnostics, hasErrors, ref resultKind); break; case BoundKind.IndexerAccess: { var indexer = (BoundIndexerAccess)boundMember; hasErrors |= isRhsNestedInitializer && !CheckNestedObjectInitializerPropertySymbol(indexer.Indexer, namedAssignment.Left, diagnostics, hasErrors, ref resultKind); arguments = indexer.Arguments; argumentNamesOpt = indexer.ArgumentNamesOpt; argsToParamsOpt = indexer.ArgsToParamsOpt; argumentRefKindsOpt = indexer.ArgumentRefKindsOpt; expanded = indexer.Expanded; break; } case BoundKind.DynamicIndexerAccess: { var indexer = (BoundDynamicIndexerAccess)boundMember; arguments = indexer.Arguments; argumentNamesOpt = indexer.ArgumentNamesOpt; argumentRefKindsOpt = indexer.ArgumentRefKindsOpt; } break; case BoundKind.ArrayAccess: case BoundKind.PointerElementAccess: return boundMember; default: return BadObjectInitializerMemberAccess(boundMember, implicitReceiver, namedAssignment.Left, diagnostics, valueKind, hasErrors); } if (!hasErrors) { // CheckValueKind to generate possible diagnostics for invalid initializers non-viable member lookup result: // 1) CS0154 (ERR_PropertyLacksGet) // 2) CS0200 (ERR_AssgReadonlyProp) Debug.Assert(Flags.Includes(CSharp.BinderFlags.ObjectInitializerMember)); if (!CheckValueKind(boundMember.Syntax, boundMember, valueKind, checkingReceiver: false, diagnostics: diagnostics)) { hasErrors = true; resultKind = isRhsNestedInitializer ? LookupResultKind.NotAValue : LookupResultKind.NotAVariable; } } return new BoundObjectInitializerMember( namedAssignment.Left, boundMember.ExpressionSymbol, arguments, argumentNamesOpt, argumentRefKindsOpt, expanded, argsToParamsOpt, resultKind, implicitReceiver.Type, binderOpt: this, type: boundMember.Type, hasErrors: hasErrors); } private static bool CheckNestedObjectInitializerPropertySymbol( PropertySymbol propertySymbol, ExpressionSyntax memberNameSyntax, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool suppressErrors, ref LookupResultKind resultKind) { bool hasErrors = false; if (propertySymbol.Type.IsValueType) { if (!suppressErrors) { // TODO: distinct error code for collection initializers? (Dev11 doesn't have one.) Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ValueTypePropertyInObjectInitializer, memberNameSyntax, propertySymbol, propertySymbol.Type); hasErrors = true; } resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotAValue; } return !hasErrors; } private BoundExpression BadObjectInitializerMemberAccess( BoundExpression boundMember, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver, ExpressionSyntax memberNameSyntax, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BindValueKind valueKind, bool suppressErrors) { if (!suppressErrors) { string member; var identName = memberNameSyntax as IdentifierNameSyntax; if (identName != null) { member = identName.Identifier.ValueText; } else { member = memberNameSyntax.ToString(); } switch (boundMember.ResultKind) { case LookupResultKind.Empty: Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, memberNameSyntax, implicitReceiver.Type, member); break; case LookupResultKind.Inaccessible: boundMember = CheckValue(boundMember, valueKind, diagnostics); Debug.Assert(boundMember.HasAnyErrors); break; default: Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MemberCannotBeInitialized, memberNameSyntax, member); break; } } return ToBadExpression(boundMember, (valueKind == BindValueKind.RValue) ? LookupResultKind.NotAValue : LookupResultKind.NotAVariable); } private static void ReportDuplicateObjectMemberInitializers(BoundExpression boundMemberInitializer, HashSet memberNameMap, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(memberNameMap != null); // SPEC: It is an error for an object initializer to include more than one member initializer for the same field or property. if (!boundMemberInitializer.HasAnyErrors) { // SPEC: A member initializer that specifies an expression after the equals sign is processed in the same way as an assignment (7.17.1) to the field or property. var memberInitializerSyntax = boundMemberInitializer.Syntax; Debug.Assert(memberInitializerSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentExpression); var namedAssignment = (AssignmentExpressionSyntax)memberInitializerSyntax; var memberNameSyntax = namedAssignment.Left as IdentifierNameSyntax; if (memberNameSyntax != null) { var memberName = memberNameSyntax.Identifier.ValueText; if (!memberNameMap.Add(memberName)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MemberAlreadyInitialized, memberNameSyntax, memberName); } } } } private BoundCollectionInitializerExpression BindCollectionInitializerExpression( InitializerExpressionSyntax initializerSyntax, TypeSymbol initializerType, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver) { // SPEC: Collection initializers // // SPEC: A collection initializer consists of a sequence of element initializers, enclosed by { and } tokens and separated by commas. // SPEC: The following is an example of an object creation expression that includes a collection initializer: // SPEC: List digits = new List { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; // SPEC: The collection object to which a collection initializer is applied must be of a type that implements System.Collections.IEnumerable or // SPEC: a compile-time error occurs. For each specified element in order, the collection initializer invokes an Add method on the target object // SPEC: with the expression list of the element initializer as argument list, applying normal overload resolution for each invocation. // SPEC: Thus, the collection object must contain an applicable Add method for each element initializer. Debug.Assert(initializerSyntax.Kind() == SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializerExpression); Debug.Assert(initializerSyntax.Expressions.Any()); Debug.Assert((object)initializerType != null); var initializerBuilder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); // SPEC: The collection object to which a collection initializer is applied must be of a type that implements System.Collections.IEnumerable or // SPEC: a compile-time error occurs. bool hasEnumerableInitializerType = CollectionInitializerTypeImplementsIEnumerable(initializerType, initializerSyntax, diagnostics); if (!hasEnumerableInitializerType && !initializerSyntax.HasErrors && !initializerType.IsErrorType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_CollectionInitRequiresIEnumerable, initializerSyntax, initializerType); } // We use a location specific binder for binding collection initializer Add method to generate specific overload resolution diagnostics: // 1) CS1921 (ERR_InitializerAddHasWrongSignature) // 2) CS1950 (ERR_BadArgTypesForCollectionAdd) // 3) CS1954 (ERR_InitializerAddHasParamModifiers) var collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder = this.WithAdditionalFlags(BinderFlags.CollectionInitializerAddMethod); foreach (var elementInitializer in initializerSyntax.Expressions) { // NOTE: collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder is used only for binding the Add method invocation expression, but not the entire initializer. // NOTE: Hence it is being passed as a parameter to BindCollectionInitializerElement(). // NOTE: Ideally we would want to avoid this and bind the entire initializer with the collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder. // NOTE: However, this approach has few issues. These issues also occur when binding object initializer member assignment. // NOTE: See comments for objectInitializerMemberBinder in BindObjectInitializerExpression method for details about the pitfalls of alternate approaches. BoundExpression boundElementInitializer = BindCollectionInitializerElement(elementInitializer, initializerType, hasEnumerableInitializerType, collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder, diagnostics, implicitReceiver); initializerBuilder.Add(boundElementInitializer); } return new BoundCollectionInitializerExpression(initializerSyntax, initializerBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), initializerType); } private bool CollectionInitializerTypeImplementsIEnumerable(TypeSymbol initializerType, CSharpSyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // SPEC: The collection object to which a collection initializer is applied must be of a type that implements System.Collections.IEnumerable or // SPEC: a compile-time error occurs. if (initializerType.IsDynamic()) { // We cannot determine at compile time if initializerType implements System.Collections.IEnumerable, we must assume that it does. return true; } else if (!initializerType.IsErrorType()) { TypeSymbol collectionsIEnumerableType = this.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Collections_IEnumerable, diagnostics, node); // NOTE: Ideally, to check if the initializer type implements System.Collections.IEnumerable we can walk through // NOTE: its implemented interfaces. However the native compiler checks to see if there is conversion from initializer // NOTE: type to the predefined System.Collections.IEnumerable type, so we do the same. HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; var result = Conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversionFromType(initializerType, collectionsIEnumerableType, ref useSiteDiagnostics).IsValid; diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); return result; } else { return false; } } private BoundExpression BindCollectionInitializerElement( ExpressionSyntax elementInitializer, TypeSymbol initializerType, bool hasEnumerableInitializerType, Binder collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver) { // SPEC: Each element initializer specifies an element to be added to the collection object being initialized, and consists of // SPEC: a list of expressions enclosed by { and } tokens and separated by commas. // SPEC: A single-expression element initializer can be written without braces, but cannot then be an assignment expression, // SPEC: to avoid ambiguity with member initializers. The non-assignment-expression production is defined in 7.18. if (elementInitializer.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ComplexElementInitializerExpression) { return BindComplexElementInitializerExpression( (InitializerExpressionSyntax)elementInitializer, diagnostics, hasEnumerableInitializerType, collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder, implicitReceiver); } else { // Must be a non-assignment expression. if (SyntaxFacts.IsAssignmentExpression(elementInitializer.Kind())) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidInitializerElementInitializer, elementInitializer); } var boundElementInitializer = BindInitializerExpressionOrValue(elementInitializer, initializerType, implicitReceiver.Syntax, diagnostics); BoundExpression result = BindCollectionInitializerElementAddMethod( elementInitializer, ImmutableArray.Create(boundElementInitializer), hasEnumerableInitializerType, collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder, diagnostics, implicitReceiver); result.WasCompilerGenerated = true; return result; } } private BoundExpression BindComplexElementInitializerExpression( InitializerExpressionSyntax elementInitializer, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool hasEnumerableInitializerType, Binder collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder = null, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver = null) { var elementInitializerExpressions = elementInitializer.Expressions; if (elementInitializerExpressions.Any()) { var exprBuilder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); foreach (var childElementInitializer in elementInitializerExpressions) { exprBuilder.Add(BindValue(childElementInitializer, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue)); } return BindCollectionInitializerElementAddMethod( elementInitializer, exprBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree(), hasEnumerableInitializerType, collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder, diagnostics, implicitReceiver); } else { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_EmptyElementInitializer, elementInitializer); return BadExpression(elementInitializer, LookupResultKind.NotInvocable); } } private BoundExpression BindUnexpectedComplexElementInitializer(InitializerExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.ComplexElementInitializerExpression); return BindComplexElementInitializerExpression(node, diagnostics, hasEnumerableInitializerType: false); } private BoundExpression BindCollectionInitializerElementAddMethod( ExpressionSyntax elementInitializer, ImmutableArray boundElementInitializerExpressions, bool hasEnumerableInitializerType, Binder collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, BoundImplicitReceiver implicitReceiver) { // SPEC: For each specified element in order, the collection initializer invokes an Add method on the target object // SPEC: with the expression list of the element initializer as argument list, applying normal overload resolution for each invocation. // SPEC: Thus, the collection object must contain an applicable Add method for each element initializer. // We use a location specific binder for binding collection initializer Add method to generate specific overload resolution diagnostics. // 1) CS1921 (ERR_InitializerAddHasWrongSignature) // 2) CS1950 (ERR_BadArgTypesForCollectionAdd) // 3) CS1954 (ERR_InitializerAddHasParamModifiers) // See comments in BindCollectionInitializerExpression for more details. Debug.Assert(!boundElementInitializerExpressions.IsEmpty); if (!hasEnumerableInitializerType) { return BadExpression(elementInitializer, LookupResultKind.NotInvocable, ImmutableArray.Empty, boundElementInitializerExpressions); } Debug.Assert(collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder != null); Debug.Assert(collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.CollectionInitializerAddMethod)); Debug.Assert(implicitReceiver != null); Debug.Assert((object)implicitReceiver.Type != null); if (implicitReceiver.Type.IsDynamic()) { var hasErrors = ReportBadDynamicArguments(elementInitializer, boundElementInitializerExpressions, refKinds: default, diagnostics, queryClause: null); return new BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer( elementInitializer, applicableMethods: ImmutableArray.Empty, implicitReceiver, arguments: boundElementInitializerExpressions, type: GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Void, diagnostics, elementInitializer), hasErrors: hasErrors); } // Receiver is early bound, find method Add and invoke it (may still be a dynamic invocation): var addMethodInvocation = collectionInitializerAddMethodBinder.MakeInvocationExpression( elementInitializer, implicitReceiver, methodName: WellKnownMemberNames.CollectionInitializerAddMethodName, args: boundElementInitializerExpressions, diagnostics: diagnostics); if (addMethodInvocation.Kind == BoundKind.DynamicInvocation) { var dynamicInvocation = (BoundDynamicInvocation)addMethodInvocation; return new BoundDynamicCollectionElementInitializer( elementInitializer, dynamicInvocation.ApplicableMethods, implicitReceiver, dynamicInvocation.Arguments, dynamicInvocation.Type, hasErrors: dynamicInvocation.HasAnyErrors); } else if (addMethodInvocation.Kind == BoundKind.Call) { var boundCall = (BoundCall)addMethodInvocation; // Either overload resolution succeeded for this call or it did not. If it // did not succeed then we've stashed the original method symbols from the // method group, and we should use those as the symbols displayed for the // call. If it did succeed then we did not stash any symbols. if (boundCall.HasErrors && !boundCall.OriginalMethodsOpt.IsDefault) { return boundCall; } return new BoundCollectionElementInitializer( elementInitializer, boundCall.Method, boundCall.Arguments, boundCall.ReceiverOpt, boundCall.Expanded, boundCall.ArgsToParamsOpt, boundCall.InvokedAsExtensionMethod, boundCall.ResultKind, binderOpt: boundCall.BinderOpt, boundCall.Type, boundCall.HasAnyErrors) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; } else { Debug.Assert(addMethodInvocation.Kind == BoundKind.BadExpression); return addMethodInvocation; } } internal ImmutableArray FilterInaccessibleConstructors(ImmutableArray constructors, bool allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics) { ArrayBuilder builder = null; for (int i = 0; i < constructors.Length; i++) { MethodSymbol constructor = constructors[i]; if (!IsConstructorAccessible(constructor, ref useSiteDiagnostics, allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType)) { if (builder == null) { builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); builder.AddRange(constructors, i); } } else { builder?.Add(constructor); } } return builder == null ? constructors : builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); } private bool IsConstructorAccessible(MethodSymbol constructor, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics, bool allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType = false) { Debug.Assert((object)constructor != null); Debug.Assert(constructor.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor || constructor.MethodKind == MethodKind.StaticConstructor); NamedTypeSymbol containingType = this.ContainingType; if ((object)containingType != null) { // SPEC VIOLATION: The specification implies that when considering // SPEC VIOLATION: instance methods or instance constructors, we first // SPEC VIOLATION: do overload resolution on the accessible members, and // SPEC VIOLATION: then if the best method chosen is protected and accessed // SPEC VIOLATION: through the wrong type, then an error occurs. The native // SPEC VIOLATION: compiler however does it in the opposite order. First it // SPEC VIOLATION: filters out the protected methods that cannot be called // SPEC VIOLATION: through the given type, and then it does overload resolution // SPEC VIOLATION: on the rest. // // That said, it is somewhat odd that the same rule applies to constructors // as instance methods. A protected constructor is never going to be called // via an instance of a *more derived but different class* the way a // virtual method might be. Nevertheless, that's what we do. // // A constructor is accessed through an instance of the type being constructed: return allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType ? this.IsAccessible(constructor, ref useSiteDiagnostics, null) : this.IsSymbolAccessibleConditional(constructor, containingType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, constructor.ContainingType); } else { Debug.Assert((object)this.Compilation.Assembly != null); return IsSymbolAccessibleConditional(constructor, this.Compilation.Assembly, ref useSiteDiagnostics); } } protected BoundExpression BindClassCreationExpression( CSharpSyntaxNode node, string typeName, CSharpSyntaxNode typeNode, NamedTypeSymbol type, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, InitializerExpressionSyntax initializerSyntaxOpt = null, TypeSymbol initializerTypeOpt = null) { BoundExpression result = null; bool hasErrors = type.IsErrorType(); if (type.IsAbstract) { // Report error for new of abstract type. diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoNewAbstract, node.Location, type); hasErrors = true; } HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase boundInitializerOpt = null; // If we have a dynamic argument then do overload resolution to see if there are one or more // applicable candidates. If there are, then this is a dynamic object creation; we'll work out // which ctor to call at runtime. If we have a dynamic argument but no applicable candidates // then we do the analysis again for error reporting purposes. if (analyzedArguments.HasDynamicArgument) { OverloadResolutionResult overloadResolutionResult = OverloadResolutionResult.GetInstance(); this.OverloadResolution.ObjectCreationOverloadResolution(GetAccessibleConstructorsForOverloadResolution(type, ref useSiteDiagnostics), analyzedArguments, overloadResolutionResult, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); useSiteDiagnostics = null; if (overloadResolutionResult.HasAnyApplicableMember) { var argArray = BuildArgumentsForDynamicInvocation(analyzedArguments, diagnostics); var refKindsArray = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); hasErrors &= ReportBadDynamicArguments(node, argArray, refKindsArray, diagnostics, queryClause: null); boundInitializerOpt = makeBoundInitializerOpt(); result = new BoundDynamicObjectCreationExpression( node, typeName, argArray, analyzedArguments.GetNames(), refKindsArray, boundInitializerOpt, overloadResolutionResult.GetAllApplicableMembers(), type, hasErrors); } overloadResolutionResult.Free(); if (result != null) { return result; } } MemberResolutionResult memberResolutionResult; ImmutableArray candidateConstructors; if (TryPerformConstructorOverloadResolution( type, analyzedArguments, typeName, typeNode.Location, hasErrors, //don't cascade in these cases diagnostics, out memberResolutionResult, out candidateConstructors, allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType: false)) { var method = memberResolutionResult.Member; bool hasError = false; // What if some of the arguments are implicit? Dev10 reports unsafe errors // if the implied argument would have an unsafe type. We need to check // the parameters explicitly, since there won't be bound nodes for the implied // arguments until lowering. if (method.HasUnsafeParameter()) { // Don't worry about double reporting (i.e. for both the argument and the parameter) // because only one unsafe diagnostic is allowed per scope - the others are suppressed. hasError = ReportUnsafeIfNotAllowed(node, diagnostics) || hasError; } ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, method, node, hasBaseReceiver: false); // NOTE: Use-site diagnostics were reported during overload resolution. ConstantValue constantValueOpt = (initializerSyntaxOpt == null && method.IsDefaultValueTypeConstructor()) ? FoldParameterlessValueTypeConstructor(type) : null; var arguments = analyzedArguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); var refKinds = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); var argToParams = memberResolutionResult.Result.ArgsToParamsOpt; if (!hasError) { hasError = !CheckInvocationArgMixing( node, method, null, method.Parameters, arguments, argToParams, this.LocalScopeDepth, diagnostics); } boundInitializerOpt = makeBoundInitializerOpt(); result = new BoundObjectCreationExpression( node, method, candidateConstructors, arguments, analyzedArguments.GetNames(), refKinds, memberResolutionResult.Result.Kind == MemberResolutionKind.ApplicableInExpandedForm, argToParams, constantValueOpt, boundInitializerOpt, this, type, hasError); // CONSIDER: Add ResultKind field to BoundObjectCreationExpression to avoid wrapping result with BoundBadExpression. if (type.IsAbstract) { result = BadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.NotCreatable, result); } return result; } LookupResultKind resultKind; if (type.IsAbstract) { resultKind = LookupResultKind.NotCreatable; } else if (memberResolutionResult.IsValid && !IsConstructorAccessible(memberResolutionResult.Member, ref useSiteDiagnostics)) { resultKind = LookupResultKind.Inaccessible; } else { resultKind = LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure; } diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); ArrayBuilder symbols = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); symbols.AddRange(candidateConstructors); // NOTE: The use site diagnostics of the candidate constructors have already been reported (in PerformConstructorOverloadResolution). var childNodes = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); childNodes.AddRange(BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments, candidateConstructors)); if (initializerSyntaxOpt != null) { childNodes.Add(boundInitializerOpt ?? makeBoundInitializerOpt()); } return new BoundBadExpression(node, resultKind, symbols.ToImmutableAndFree(), childNodes.ToImmutableAndFree(), type); BoundObjectInitializerExpressionBase makeBoundInitializerOpt() { if (initializerSyntaxOpt != null) { return BindInitializerExpression(syntax: initializerSyntaxOpt, type: initializerTypeOpt ?? type, typeSyntax: typeNode, diagnostics: diagnostics); } return null; } } private BoundExpression BindInterfaceCreationExpression(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, NamedTypeSymbol type, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert((object)type != null); // COM interfaces which have ComImportAttribute and CoClassAttribute can be instantiated with "new". // CoClassAttribute contains the type information of the original CoClass for the interface. // We replace the interface creation with CoClass object creation for this case. // NOTE: We don't attempt binding interface creation to CoClass creation if we are within an attribute argument. // NOTE: This is done to prevent a cycle in an error scenario where we have a "new InterfaceType" expression in an attribute argument. // NOTE: Accessing IsComImport/ComImportCoClass properties on given type symbol would attempt ForceCompeteAttributes, which would again try binding all attributes on the symbol. // NOTE: causing infinite recursion. We avoid this cycle by checking if we are within in context of an Attribute argument. if (!this.InAttributeArgument && type.IsComImport) { NamedTypeSymbol coClassType = type.ComImportCoClass; if ((object)coClassType != null) { return BindComImportCoClassCreationExpression(node, type, coClassType, diagnostics); } } // interfaces can't be instantiated in C# diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoNewAbstract, node.Location, type); return BindBadInterfaceCreationExpression(node, type, diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BindBadInterfaceCreationExpression(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, NamedTypeSymbol type, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); BindArgumentsAndNames(node.ArgumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments); ImmutableArray childNodes = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments); BoundExpression result = new BoundBadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.NotCreatable, ImmutableArray.Create(type), childNodes, type); analyzedArguments.Free(); return result; } private BoundExpression BindComImportCoClassCreationExpression(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, NamedTypeSymbol interfaceType, NamedTypeSymbol coClassType, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert((object)interfaceType != null); Debug.Assert(interfaceType.IsInterfaceType()); Debug.Assert((object)coClassType != null); Debug.Assert(TypeSymbol.Equals(interfaceType.ComImportCoClass, coClassType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2)); Debug.Assert(coClassType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Class || coClassType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Error); if (coClassType.IsErrorType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_MissingCoClass, node, coClassType, interfaceType); } else if (coClassType.IsUnboundGenericType) { // BREAKING CHANGE: Dev10 allows the following code to compile, even though the output assembly is not verifiable and generates a runtime exception: // // [ComImport, Guid("00020810-0000-0000-C000-000000000046")] // [CoClass(typeof(GenericClass<>))] // public interface InterfaceType {} // public class GenericClass: InterfaceType {} // // public class Program // { // public static void Main() { var i = new InterfaceType(); } // } // // We disallow CoClass creation if coClassType is an unbound generic type and report a compile time error. Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadCoClassSig, node, coClassType, interfaceType); } else { // NoPIA support if (interfaceType.ContainingAssembly.IsLinked) { return BindNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node, interfaceType, coClassType, diagnostics); } var classCreation = BindClassCreationExpression(node, coClassType, coClassType.Name, diagnostics, interfaceType); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(classCreation, interfaceType, ref useSiteDiagnostics, forCast: true); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!conversion.IsValid) { SymbolDistinguisher distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(this.Compilation, coClassType, interfaceType); Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, node, distinguisher.First, distinguisher.Second); } // Bind the conversion, but drop the conversion node. CreateConversion(classCreation, conversion, interfaceType, diagnostics); // Override result type to be the interface type. switch (classCreation.Kind) { case BoundKind.ObjectCreationExpression: var creation = (BoundObjectCreationExpression)classCreation; return creation.Update(creation.Constructor, creation.ConstructorsGroup, creation.Arguments, creation.ArgumentNamesOpt, creation.ArgumentRefKindsOpt, creation.Expanded, creation.ArgsToParamsOpt, creation.ConstantValueOpt, creation.InitializerExpressionOpt, creation.BinderOpt, interfaceType); case BoundKind.BadExpression: var bad = (BoundBadExpression)classCreation; return bad.Update(bad.ResultKind, bad.Symbols, bad.ChildBoundNodes, interfaceType); default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(classCreation.Kind); } } return BindBadInterfaceCreationExpression(node, interfaceType, diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BindNoPiaObjectCreationExpression( ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, NamedTypeSymbol interfaceType, NamedTypeSymbol coClassType, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { string guidString; if (!coClassType.GetGuidString(out guidString)) { // At this point, VB reports ERRID_NoPIAAttributeMissing2 if guid isn't there. // C# doesn't complain and instead uses zero guid. guidString = System.Guid.Empty.ToString("D"); } var boundInitializerOpt = node.Initializer == null ? null : BindInitializerExpression(syntax: node.Initializer, type: interfaceType, typeSyntax: node.Type, diagnostics: diagnostics); var creation = new BoundNoPiaObjectCreationExpression(node, guidString, boundInitializerOpt, interfaceType); // Get the bound arguments and the argument names, it is an error if any are present. AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); try { BindArgumentsAndNames(node.ArgumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments, allowArglist: false); if (analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count > 0) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadCtorArgCount, node.ArgumentList.Location, interfaceType, analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count); var children = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments).Add(creation); return new BoundBadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.OverloadResolutionFailure, ImmutableArray.Empty, children, creation.Type); } } finally { analyzedArguments.Free(); } return creation; } private BoundExpression BindTypeParameterCreationExpression(ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax node, TypeParameterSymbol typeParameter, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); BindArgumentsAndNames(node.ArgumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments); bool hasArguments = analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count > 0; try { if (!typeParameter.HasConstructorConstraint && !typeParameter.IsValueType) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NoNewTyvar, node.Location, typeParameter); } else if (hasArguments) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_NewTyvarWithArgs, node.Location, typeParameter); } else { var boundInitializerOpt = node.Initializer == null ? null : BindInitializerExpression( syntax: node.Initializer, type: typeParameter, typeSyntax: node.Type, diagnostics: diagnostics); return new BoundNewT(node, boundInitializerOpt, typeParameter); } return MakeBadExpressionForObjectCreation(node, typeParameter, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); } finally { analyzedArguments.Free(); } } /// /// Given the type containing constructors, gets the list of candidate instance constructors and uses overload resolution to determine which one should be called. /// /// The containing type of the constructors. /// The already bound arguments to the constructor. /// The name to use in diagnostics if overload resolution fails. /// The location at which to report overload resolution result diagnostics. /// True to suppress overload resolution result diagnostics (but not argument diagnostics). /// Where diagnostics will be reported. /// If this method returns true, then it will contain a valid MethodResolutionResult. /// Otherwise, it may contain a MethodResolutionResult for an inaccessible constructor (in which case, it will incorrectly indicate success) or nothing at all. /// Candidate instance constructors of type used for overload resolution. /// It is always legal to access a protected base class constructor /// via a constructor initializer, but not from an object creation expression. /// True if overload resolution successfully chose an accessible constructor. /// /// The two-pass algorithm (accessible constructors, then all constructors) is the reason for the unusual signature /// of this method (i.e. not populating a pre-existing ). /// Presently, rationalizing this behavior is not worthwhile. /// private bool TryPerformConstructorOverloadResolution( NamedTypeSymbol typeContainingConstructors, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, string errorName, Location errorLocation, bool suppressResultDiagnostics, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out MemberResolutionResult memberResolutionResult, out ImmutableArray candidateConstructors, bool allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType) // Last to make named arguments more convenient. { // Get accessible constructors for performing overload resolution. ImmutableArray allInstanceConstructors; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; candidateConstructors = GetAccessibleConstructorsForOverloadResolution(typeContainingConstructors, allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType, out allInstanceConstructors, ref useSiteDiagnostics); OverloadResolutionResult result = OverloadResolutionResult.GetInstance(); // Indicates whether overload resolution successfully chose an accessible constructor. bool succeededConsideringAccessibility = false; // Indicates whether overload resolution resulted in a single best match, even though it might be inaccessible. bool succeededIgnoringAccessibility = false; if (candidateConstructors.Any()) { // We have at least one accessible candidate constructor, perform overload resolution with accessible candidateConstructors. this.OverloadResolution.ObjectCreationOverloadResolution(candidateConstructors, analyzedArguments, result, ref useSiteDiagnostics); if (result.Succeeded) { succeededConsideringAccessibility = true; succeededIgnoringAccessibility = true; } } if (!succeededConsideringAccessibility && allInstanceConstructors.Length > candidateConstructors.Length) { // Overload resolution failed on the accessible candidateConstructors, but we have at least one inaccessible constructor. // We might have a best match constructor which is inaccessible. // Try overload resolution with all instance constructors to generate correct diagnostics and semantic info for this case. OverloadResolutionResult inaccessibleResult = OverloadResolutionResult.GetInstance(); this.OverloadResolution.ObjectCreationOverloadResolution(allInstanceConstructors, analyzedArguments, inaccessibleResult, ref useSiteDiagnostics); if (inaccessibleResult.Succeeded) { succeededIgnoringAccessibility = true; candidateConstructors = allInstanceConstructors; result.Free(); result = inaccessibleResult; } else { inaccessibleResult.Free(); } } diagnostics.Add(errorLocation, useSiteDiagnostics); useSiteDiagnostics = null; if (succeededIgnoringAccessibility) { this.CoerceArguments(result.ValidResult, analyzedArguments.Arguments, diagnostics); } // Fill in the out parameter with the result, if there was one; it might be inaccessible. memberResolutionResult = succeededIgnoringAccessibility ? result.ValidResult : default(MemberResolutionResult); // Invalid results are not interesting - we have enough info in candidateConstructors. // If something failed and we are reporting errors, then report the right errors. // * If the failure was due to inaccessibility, just report that. // * If the failure was not due to inaccessibility then only report an error // on the constructor if there were no errors on the arguments. if (!succeededConsideringAccessibility && !suppressResultDiagnostics) { if (succeededIgnoringAccessibility) { // It is not legal to directly call a protected constructor on a base class unless // the "this" of the call is known to be of the current type. That is, it is // perfectly legal to say ": base()" to call a protected base class ctor, but // it is not legal to say "new MyBase()" if the ctor is protected. // // The native compiler produces the error CS1540: // // Cannot access protected member 'MyBase.MyBase' via a qualifier of type 'MyBase'; // the qualifier must be of type 'Derived' (or derived from it) // // Though technically correct, this is a very confusing error message for this scenario; // one does not typically think of the constructor as being a method that is // called with an implicit "this" of a particular receiver type, even though of course // that is exactly what it is. // // The better error message here is to simply say that the best possible ctor cannot // be accessed because it is not accessible. // // CONSIDER: We might consider making up a new error message for this situation. // // CS0122: 'MyBase.MyBase' is inaccessible due to its protection level diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadAccess, errorLocation, result.ValidResult.Member); } else { result.ReportDiagnostics( binder: this, location: errorLocation, nodeOpt: null, diagnostics, name: errorName, receiver: null, invokedExpression: null, analyzedArguments, memberGroup: candidateConstructors, typeContainingConstructors, delegateTypeBeingInvoked: null); } } result.Free(); return succeededConsideringAccessibility; } private ImmutableArray GetAccessibleConstructorsForOverloadResolution(NamedTypeSymbol type, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics) { ImmutableArray allInstanceConstructors; return GetAccessibleConstructorsForOverloadResolution(type, false, out allInstanceConstructors, ref useSiteDiagnostics); } private ImmutableArray GetAccessibleConstructorsForOverloadResolution(NamedTypeSymbol type, bool allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType, out ImmutableArray allInstanceConstructors, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics) { if (type.IsErrorType()) { // For Caas, we want to supply the constructors even in error cases // We may end up supplying the constructors of an unconstructed symbol, // but that's better than nothing. type = type.GetNonErrorGuess() as NamedTypeSymbol ?? type; } allInstanceConstructors = type.InstanceConstructors; return FilterInaccessibleConstructors(allInstanceConstructors, allowProtectedConstructorsOfBaseType, ref useSiteDiagnostics); } private static ConstantValue FoldParameterlessValueTypeConstructor(NamedTypeSymbol type) { // DELIBERATE SPEC VIOLATION: // // Object creation expressions like "new int()" are not considered constant expressions // by the specification but they are by the native compiler; we maintain compatibility // with this bug. // // Additionally, it also treats "new X()", where X is an enum type, as a // constant expression with default value 0, we maintain compatibility with it. var specialType = type.SpecialType; if (type.TypeKind == TypeKind.Enum) { specialType = type.EnumUnderlyingType.SpecialType; } switch (specialType) { case SpecialType.System_SByte: case SpecialType.System_Int16: case SpecialType.System_Int32: case SpecialType.System_Int64: case SpecialType.System_Byte: case SpecialType.System_UInt16: case SpecialType.System_UInt32: case SpecialType.System_UInt64: case SpecialType.System_Single: case SpecialType.System_Double: case SpecialType.System_Decimal: case SpecialType.System_Boolean: case SpecialType.System_Char: return ConstantValue.Default(specialType); } return null; } private BoundLiteral BindLiteralConstant(LiteralExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // bug.Assert(node.Kind == SyntaxKind.LiteralExpression); var value = node.Token.Value; ConstantValue cv; TypeSymbol type = null; if (value == null) { cv = ConstantValue.Null; } else { Debug.Assert(!value.GetType().GetTypeInfo().IsEnum); var specialType = SpecialTypeExtensions.FromRuntimeTypeOfLiteralValue(value); // C# literals can't be of type byte, sbyte, short, ushort: Debug.Assert( specialType != SpecialType.None && specialType != SpecialType.System_Byte && specialType != SpecialType.System_SByte && specialType != SpecialType.System_Int16 && specialType != SpecialType.System_UInt16); cv = ConstantValue.Create(value, specialType); type = GetSpecialType(specialType, diagnostics, node); } return new BoundLiteral(node, cv, type); } private BoundExpression BindCheckedExpression(CheckedExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // the binder is not cached since we only cache statement level binders return this.WithCheckedOrUncheckedRegion(node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.CheckedExpression). BindParenthesizedExpression(node.Expression, diagnostics); } /// /// Binds a member access expression /// private BoundExpression BindMemberAccess( MemberAccessExpressionSyntax node, bool invoked, bool indexed, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); BoundExpression boundLeft; ExpressionSyntax exprSyntax = node.Expression; if (node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression) { // NOTE: CheckValue will be called explicitly in BindMemberAccessWithBoundLeft. boundLeft = BindLeftOfPotentialColorColorMemberAccess(exprSyntax, diagnostics); } else { Debug.Assert(node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.PointerMemberAccessExpression); boundLeft = this.BindExpression(exprSyntax, diagnostics); // Not Color Color issues with -> // CONSIDER: another approach would be to construct a BoundPointerMemberAccess (assuming such a type existed), // but that would be much more cumbersome because we'd be unable to build upon the BindMemberAccess infrastructure, // which expects a receiver. // Dereference before binding member; TypeSymbol pointedAtType; bool hasErrors; BindPointerIndirectionExpressionInternal(node, boundLeft, diagnostics, out pointedAtType, out hasErrors); // If there is no pointed-at type, fall back on the actual type (i.e. assume the user meant "." instead of "->"). if (ReferenceEquals(pointedAtType, null)) { boundLeft = ToBadExpression(boundLeft); } else { boundLeft = new BoundPointerIndirectionOperator(exprSyntax, boundLeft, pointedAtType, hasErrors) { WasCompilerGenerated = true, // don't interfere with the type info for exprSyntax. }; } } return BindMemberAccessWithBoundLeft(node, boundLeft, node.Name, node.OperatorToken, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); } /// /// Attempt to bind the LHS of a member access expression. If this is a Color Color case (spec, /// then return a BoundExpression if we can easily disambiguate or a BoundTypeOrValueExpression if we /// cannot. If this is not a Color Color case, then return null. /// private BoundExpression BindLeftOfPotentialColorColorMemberAccess(ExpressionSyntax left, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // SPEC: Identical simple names and type names // SPEC: In a member access of the form E.I, if E is a single identifier, and if the meaning of E as // SPEC: a simple-name (spec 7.6.2) is a constant, field, property, local variable, or parameter with the // SPEC: same type as the meaning of E as a type-name (spec 3.8), then both possible meanings of E are // SPEC: permitted. The two possible meanings of E.I are never ambiguous, since I must necessarily be // SPEC: a member of the type E in both cases. In other words, the rule simply permits access to the // SPEC: static members and nested types of E where a compile-time error would otherwise have occurred. if (left.Kind() == SyntaxKind.IdentifierName) { var node = (IdentifierNameSyntax)left; var valueDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); var boundValue = BindIdentifier(node, invoked: false, indexed: false, diagnostics: valueDiagnostics); Symbol leftSymbol; if (boundValue.Kind == BoundKind.Conversion) { // BindFieldAccess may insert a conversion if binding occurs // within an enum member initializer. leftSymbol = ((BoundConversion)boundValue).Operand.ExpressionSymbol; } else { leftSymbol = boundValue.ExpressionSymbol; } if ((object)leftSymbol != null) { switch (leftSymbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Field: case SymbolKind.Local: case SymbolKind.Parameter: case SymbolKind.Property: case SymbolKind.RangeVariable: var leftType = boundValue.Type; Debug.Assert((object)leftType != null); var leftName = node.Identifier.ValueText; if (leftType.Name == leftName || IsUsingAliasInScope(leftName)) { var typeDiagnostics = new DiagnosticBag(); var boundType = BindNamespaceOrType(node, typeDiagnostics); if (TypeSymbol.Equals(boundType.Type, leftType, TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2)) { // NOTE: ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver will call CheckValue explicitly. var newValueDiagnostics = new DiagnosticBag(); newValueDiagnostics.AddRangeAndFree(valueDiagnostics); return new BoundTypeOrValueExpression(left, new BoundTypeOrValueData(leftSymbol, boundValue, newValueDiagnostics, boundType, typeDiagnostics), leftType); } } break; // case SymbolKind.Event: //SPEC: (a.k.a. Color Color) doesn't cover events } } // Not a Color Color case; return the bound member. // NOTE: it is up to the caller to call CheckValue on the result. diagnostics.AddRangeAndFree(valueDiagnostics); return boundValue; } // NOTE: it is up to the caller to call CheckValue on the result. return BindExpression(left, diagnostics); } // returns true if name matches a using alias in scope // NOTE: when true is returned, the corresponding using is also marked as "used" private bool IsUsingAliasInScope(string name) { var isSemanticModel = this.IsSemanticModelBinder; for (var chain = this.ImportChain; chain != null; chain = chain.ParentOpt) { if (chain.Imports.IsUsingAlias(name, isSemanticModel)) { return true; } } return false; } private BoundExpression BindDynamicMemberAccess( ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression boundLeft, SimpleNameSyntax right, bool invoked, bool indexed, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // We have an expression of the form "dynExpr.Name" or "dynExpr.Name" SeparatedSyntaxList typeArgumentsSyntax = right.Kind() == SyntaxKind.GenericName ? ((GenericNameSyntax)right).TypeArgumentList.Arguments : default(SeparatedSyntaxList); bool rightHasTypeArguments = typeArgumentsSyntax.Count > 0; ImmutableArray typeArgumentsWithAnnotations = rightHasTypeArguments ? BindTypeArguments(typeArgumentsSyntax, diagnostics) : default(ImmutableArray); bool hasErrors = false; if (!invoked && rightHasTypeArguments) { // error CS0307: The property 'P' cannot be used with type arguments Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_TypeArgsNotAllowed, right, right.Identifier.Text, SymbolKind.Property.Localize()); hasErrors = true; } if (rightHasTypeArguments) { for (int i = 0; i < typeArgumentsWithAnnotations.Length; ++i) { var typeArgument = typeArgumentsWithAnnotations[i]; if ((typeArgument.Type.IsPointerType()) || typeArgument.Type.IsRestrictedType()) { // "The type '{0}' may not be used as a type argument" Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadTypeArgument, typeArgumentsSyntax[i], typeArgument.Type); hasErrors = true; } } } return new BoundDynamicMemberAccess( syntax: node, receiver: boundLeft, typeArgumentsOpt: typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, name: right.Identifier.ValueText, invoked: invoked, indexed: indexed, type: Compilation.DynamicType, hasErrors: hasErrors); } /// /// Bind the RHS of a member access expression, given the bound LHS. /// It is assumed that CheckValue has not been called on the LHS. /// private BoundExpression BindMemberAccessWithBoundLeft( ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression boundLeft, SimpleNameSyntax right, SyntaxToken operatorToken, bool invoked, bool indexed, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(boundLeft != null); boundLeft = MakeMemberAccessValue(boundLeft, diagnostics); TypeSymbol leftType = boundLeft.Type; if ((object)leftType != null && leftType.IsDynamic()) { // There are some sources of a `dynamic` typed value that can be known before runtime // to be invalid. For example, accessing a set-only property whose type is dynamic: // dynamic Goo { set; } // If Goo itself is a dynamic thing (e.g. in `x.Goo.Bar`, `x` is dynamic, and we're // currently checking Bar), then CheckValue will do nothing. boundLeft = CheckValue(boundLeft, BindValueKind.RValue, diagnostics); return BindDynamicMemberAccess(node, boundLeft, right, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); } // No member accesses on void if ((object)leftType != null && leftType.IsVoidType()) { diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, operatorToken.GetLocation(), SyntaxFacts.GetText(operatorToken.Kind()), leftType); return BadExpression(node, boundLeft); } // No member accesses on default if (boundLeft.IsLiteralDefault()) { DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, SyntaxFacts.GetText(operatorToken.Kind()), "default"); diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(diagnosticInfo, operatorToken.GetLocation())); return BadExpression(node, boundLeft); } if (boundLeft.Kind == BoundKind.UnboundLambda) { Debug.Assert((object)leftType == null); var msgId = ((UnboundLambda)boundLeft).MessageID; diagnostics.Add(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, node.Location, SyntaxFacts.GetText(operatorToken.Kind()), msgId.Localize()); return BadExpression(node, boundLeft); } var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); try { LookupOptions options = LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero; if (invoked) { options |= LookupOptions.MustBeInvocableIfMember; } var typeArgumentsSyntax = right.Kind() == SyntaxKind.GenericName ? ((GenericNameSyntax)right).TypeArgumentList.Arguments : default(SeparatedSyntaxList); bool rightHasTypeArguments = typeArgumentsSyntax.Count > 0; var typeArguments = rightHasTypeArguments ? BindTypeArguments(typeArgumentsSyntax, diagnostics) : default(ImmutableArray); // A member-access consists of a primary-expression, a predefined-type, or a // qualified-alias-member, followed by a "." token, followed by an identifier, // optionally followed by a type-argument-list. // A member-access is either of the form E.I or of the form E.I, where // E is a primary-expression, I is a single identifier and is an // optional type-argument-list. When no type-argument-list is specified, consider K // to be zero. // UNDONE: A member-access with a primary-expression of type dynamic is dynamically bound. // UNDONE: In this case the compiler classifies the member access as a property access of // UNDONE: type dynamic. The rules below to determine the meaning of the member-access are // UNDONE: then applied at run-time, using the run-time type instead of the compile-time // UNDONE: type of the primary-expression. If this run-time classification leads to a method // UNDONE: group, then the member access must be the primary-expression of an invocation-expression. // The member-access is evaluated and classified as follows: var rightName = right.Identifier.ValueText; var rightArity = right.Arity; switch (boundLeft.Kind) { case BoundKind.NamespaceExpression: { // If K is zero and E is a namespace and E contains a nested namespace with name I, // then the result is that namespace. var ns = ((BoundNamespaceExpression)boundLeft).NamespaceSymbol; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupMembersWithFallback(lookupResult, ns, rightName, rightArity, ref useSiteDiagnostics, options: options); diagnostics.Add(right, useSiteDiagnostics); ArrayBuilder symbols = lookupResult.Symbols; if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable) { bool wasError; Symbol sym = ResultSymbol(lookupResult, rightName, rightArity, node, diagnostics, false, out wasError, ns, options); if (wasError) { return new BoundBadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.Ambiguous, lookupResult.Symbols.AsImmutable(), ImmutableArray.Create(boundLeft), CreateErrorType(rightName), hasErrors: true); } else if (sym.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace) { return new BoundNamespaceExpression(node, (NamespaceSymbol)sym); } else { Debug.Assert(sym.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType); var type = (NamedTypeSymbol)sym; if (rightHasTypeArguments) { type = ConstructNamedTypeUnlessTypeArgumentOmitted(right, type, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArguments, diagnostics); } ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, type, node, hasBaseReceiver: false); return new BoundTypeExpression(node, null, type); } } else if (lookupResult.Kind == LookupResultKind.WrongArity) { Debug.Assert(symbols.Count > 0); Debug.Assert(symbols[0].Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType); Error(diagnostics, lookupResult.Error, right); return new BoundTypeExpression(node, null, new ExtendedErrorTypeSymbol(GetContainingNamespaceOrType(symbols[0]), symbols.ToImmutable(), lookupResult.Kind, lookupResult.Error, rightArity)); } else if (lookupResult.Kind == LookupResultKind.Empty) { Debug.Assert(lookupResult.IsClear, "If there's a legitimate reason for having candidates without a reason, then we should produce something intelligent in such cases."); Debug.Assert(lookupResult.Error == null); NotFound(node, rightName, rightArity, rightName, diagnostics, aliasOpt: null, qualifierOpt: ns, options: options); return new BoundBadExpression(node, lookupResult.Kind, symbols.AsImmutable(), ImmutableArray.Create(boundLeft), CreateErrorType(rightName), hasErrors: true); } break; } case BoundKind.TypeExpression: { Debug.Assert((object)leftType != null); if (leftType.TypeKind == TypeKind.TypeParameter) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadSKunknown, boundLeft.Syntax, leftType, MessageID.IDS_SK_TYVAR.Localize()); return BadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.NotAValue, boundLeft); } else if (this.EnclosingNameofArgument == node) { // Support selecting an extension method from a type name in nameof(.) return BindInstanceMemberAccess(node, right, boundLeft, rightName, rightArity, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArguments, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); } else { HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupMembersWithFallback(lookupResult, leftType, rightName, rightArity, ref useSiteDiagnostics, basesBeingResolved: null, options: options); diagnostics.Add(right, useSiteDiagnostics); if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable) { return BindMemberOfType(node, right, rightName, rightArity, indexed, boundLeft, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArguments, lookupResult, BoundMethodGroupFlags.None, diagnostics: diagnostics); } } break; } case BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression: { // CheckValue call will occur in ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver. // NOTE: This means that we won't get CheckValue diagnostics in error scenarios, // but they would be cascading anyway. return BindInstanceMemberAccess(node, right, boundLeft, rightName, rightArity, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArguments, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); } default: { // Can't dot into the null literal if (boundLeft.Kind == BoundKind.Literal && ((BoundLiteral)boundLeft).ConstantValueOpt == ConstantValue.Null) { if (!boundLeft.HasAnyErrors) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, node, operatorToken.Text, boundLeft.Display); } return BadExpression(node, boundLeft); } else if ((object)leftType != null) { // NB: We don't know if we really only need RValue access, or if we are actually // passing the receiver implicitly by ref (e.g. in a struct instance method invocation). // These checks occur later. boundLeft = CheckValue(boundLeft, BindValueKind.RValue, diagnostics); return BindInstanceMemberAccess(node, right, boundLeft, rightName, rightArity, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArguments, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); } break; } } this.BindMemberAccessReportError(node, right, rightName, boundLeft, lookupResult.Error, diagnostics); return BindMemberAccessBadResult(node, rightName, boundLeft, lookupResult.Error, lookupResult.Symbols.ToImmutable(), lookupResult.Kind); } finally { lookupResult.Free(); } } private void WarnOnAccessOfOffDefault(SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression boundLeft, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (boundLeft != null && boundLeft.Kind == BoundKind.DefaultExpression && boundLeft.ConstantValue == ConstantValue.Null && Compilation.LanguageVersion < MessageID.IDS_FeatureNullableReferenceTypes.RequiredVersion()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.WRN_DotOnDefault, node, boundLeft.Type); } } /// /// Create a value from the expression that can be used as a left-hand-side /// of a member access. This method special-cases method and property /// groups only. All other expressions are returned as is. /// private BoundExpression MakeMemberAccessValue(BoundExpression expr, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { switch (expr.Kind) { case BoundKind.MethodGroup: { var methodGroup = (BoundMethodGroup)expr; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; var resolution = this.ResolveMethodGroup(methodGroup, analyzedArguments: null, isMethodGroupConversion: false, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(expr.Syntax, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!expr.HasAnyErrors) { diagnostics.AddRange(resolution.Diagnostics); if (resolution.MethodGroup != null && !resolution.HasAnyErrors) { Debug.Assert(!resolution.IsEmpty); var method = resolution.MethodGroup.Methods[0]; Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadSKunknown, methodGroup.NameSyntax, method, MessageID.IDS_SK_METHOD.Localize()); } } expr = this.BindMemberAccessBadResult(methodGroup); resolution.Free(); return expr; } case BoundKind.PropertyGroup: return BindIndexedPropertyAccess((BoundPropertyGroup)expr, mustHaveAllOptionalParameters: false, diagnostics: diagnostics); default: return expr; } } private BoundExpression BindInstanceMemberAccess( SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode right, BoundExpression boundLeft, string rightName, int rightArity, SeparatedSyntaxList typeArgumentsSyntax, ImmutableArray typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, bool invoked, bool indexed, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(rightArity == (typeArgumentsWithAnnotations.IsDefault ? 0 : typeArgumentsWithAnnotations.Length)); var leftType = boundLeft.Type; LookupOptions options = LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero; if (invoked) { options |= LookupOptions.MustBeInvocableIfMember; } var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); try { // If E is a property access, indexer access, variable, or value, the type of // which is T, and a member lookup of I in T with K type arguments produces a // match, then E.I is evaluated and classified as follows: // UNDONE: Classify E as prop access, indexer access, variable or value bool leftIsBaseReference = boundLeft.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference; if (leftIsBaseReference) { options |= LookupOptions.UseBaseReferenceAccessibility; } HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupMembersWithFallback(lookupResult, leftType, rightName, rightArity, ref useSiteDiagnostics, basesBeingResolved: null, options: options); diagnostics.Add(right, useSiteDiagnostics); // SPEC: Otherwise, an attempt is made to process E.I as an extension method invocation. // SPEC: If this fails, E.I is an invalid member reference, and a binding-time error occurs. var searchExtensionMethodsIfNecessary = !leftIsBaseReference; BoundMethodGroupFlags flags = 0; if (searchExtensionMethodsIfNecessary) { flags |= BoundMethodGroupFlags.SearchExtensionMethods; } if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable) { return BindMemberOfType(node, right, rightName, rightArity, indexed, boundLeft, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, lookupResult, flags, diagnostics); } if (searchExtensionMethodsIfNecessary) { var boundMethodGroup = new BoundMethodGroup( node, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, boundLeft, rightName, lookupResult.Symbols.All(s => s.Kind == SymbolKind.Method) ? lookupResult.Symbols.SelectAsArray(s_toMethodSymbolFunc) : ImmutableArray.Empty, lookupResult, flags); if (!boundMethodGroup.HasErrors && boundMethodGroup.ResultKind == LookupResultKind.Empty && typeArgumentsSyntax.Any(SyntaxKind.OmittedTypeArgument)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadArity, node, rightName, MessageID.IDS_MethodGroup.Localize(), typeArgumentsSyntax.Count); } return boundMethodGroup; } this.BindMemberAccessReportError(node, right, rightName, boundLeft, lookupResult.Error, diagnostics); return BindMemberAccessBadResult(node, rightName, boundLeft, lookupResult.Error, lookupResult.Symbols.ToImmutable(), lookupResult.Kind); } finally { lookupResult.Free(); } } private void BindMemberAccessReportError(BoundMethodGroup node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var nameSyntax = node.NameSyntax; var syntax = node.MemberAccessExpressionSyntax ?? nameSyntax; this.BindMemberAccessReportError(syntax, nameSyntax, node.Name, node.ReceiverOpt, node.LookupError, diagnostics); } /// /// Report the error from member access lookup. Or, if there /// was no explicit error from lookup, report "no such member". /// private void BindMemberAccessReportError( SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode name, string plainName, BoundExpression boundLeft, DiagnosticInfo lookupError, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (boundLeft.HasAnyErrors && boundLeft.Kind != BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression) { return; } if (lookupError != null) { // CONSIDER: there are some cases where Dev10 uses the span of "node", // rather than "right". diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(lookupError, name.Location)); } else if (node.IsQuery()) { ReportQueryLookupFailed(node, boundLeft, plainName, ImmutableArray.Empty, diagnostics); } else { if ((object)boundLeft.Type == null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, name, boundLeft.Display, plainName); } else if (boundLeft.Kind == BoundKind.TypeExpression || boundLeft.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference || node.Kind() == SyntaxKind.AwaitExpression && plainName == WellKnownMemberNames.GetResult) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMember, name, boundLeft.Type, plainName); } else if (WouldUsingSystemFindExtension(boundLeft.Type, plainName)) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtensionNeedUsing, name, boundLeft.Type, plainName, "System"); } else { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoSuchMemberOrExtension, name, boundLeft.Type, plainName); } } } private bool WouldUsingSystemFindExtension(TypeSymbol receiver, string methodName) { // we have a special case to make the diagnostic for await expressions more clear for Windows: // if the receiver type is a windows RT async interface and the method name is GetAwaiter, // then we would suggest a using directive for "System". // TODO: we should check if such a using directive would actually help, or if there is already one in scope. return methodName == WellKnownMemberNames.GetAwaiter && ImplementsWinRTAsyncInterface(receiver); } /// /// Return true if the given type is or implements a WinRTAsyncInterface. /// private bool ImplementsWinRTAsyncInterface(TypeSymbol type) { return IsWinRTAsyncInterface(type) || type.AllInterfacesNoUseSiteDiagnostics.Any(i => IsWinRTAsyncInterface(i)); } private bool IsWinRTAsyncInterface(TypeSymbol type) { if (!type.IsInterfaceType()) { return false; } var namedType = ((NamedTypeSymbol)type).ConstructedFrom; return TypeSymbol.Equals(namedType, Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Windows_Foundation_IAsyncAction), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) || TypeSymbol.Equals(namedType, Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Windows_Foundation_IAsyncActionWithProgress_T), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) || TypeSymbol.Equals(namedType, Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Windows_Foundation_IAsyncOperation_T), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2) || TypeSymbol.Equals(namedType, Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.Windows_Foundation_IAsyncOperationWithProgress_T2), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything2); } private BoundExpression BindMemberAccessBadResult(BoundMethodGroup node) { var nameSyntax = node.NameSyntax; var syntax = node.MemberAccessExpressionSyntax ?? nameSyntax; return this.BindMemberAccessBadResult(syntax, node.Name, node.ReceiverOpt, node.LookupError, StaticCast.From(node.Methods), node.ResultKind); } /// /// Return a BoundExpression representing the invalid member. /// private BoundExpression BindMemberAccessBadResult( SyntaxNode node, string nameString, BoundExpression boundLeft, DiagnosticInfo lookupError, ImmutableArray symbols, LookupResultKind lookupKind) { if (symbols.Length > 0 && symbols[0].Kind == SymbolKind.Method) { var builder = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); foreach (var s in symbols) { var m = s as MethodSymbol; if ((object)m != null) builder.Add(m); } var methods = builder.ToImmutableAndFree(); // Expose the invalid methods as a BoundMethodGroup. // Since we do not want to perform further method // lookup, searchExtensionMethods is set to false. // Don't bother calling ConstructBoundMethodGroupAndReportOmittedTypeArguments - // we've reported other errors. return new BoundMethodGroup( node, default(ImmutableArray), nameString, methods, methods.Length == 1 ? methods[0] : null, lookupError, flags: BoundMethodGroupFlags.None, receiverOpt: boundLeft, resultKind: lookupKind, hasErrors: true); } var symbolOpt = symbols.Length == 1 ? symbols[0] : null; return new BoundBadExpression( node, lookupKind, (object)symbolOpt == null ? ImmutableArray.Empty : ImmutableArray.Create(symbolOpt), boundLeft == null ? ImmutableArray.Empty : ImmutableArray.Create(boundLeft), GetNonMethodMemberType(symbolOpt)); } private TypeSymbol GetNonMethodMemberType(Symbol symbolOpt) { TypeSymbol resultType = null; if ((object)symbolOpt != null) { switch (symbolOpt.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Field: resultType = ((FieldSymbol)symbolOpt).GetFieldType(this.FieldsBeingBound).Type; break; case SymbolKind.Property: resultType = ((PropertySymbol)symbolOpt).Type; break; case SymbolKind.Event: resultType = ((EventSymbol)symbolOpt).Type; break; } } return resultType ?? CreateErrorType(); } /// /// Combine the receiver and arguments of an extension method /// invocation into a single argument list to allow overload resolution /// to treat the invocation as a static method invocation with no receiver. /// private static void CombineExtensionMethodArguments(BoundExpression receiver, AnalyzedArguments originalArguments, AnalyzedArguments extensionMethodArguments) { Debug.Assert(receiver != null); Debug.Assert(extensionMethodArguments.Arguments.Count == 0); Debug.Assert(extensionMethodArguments.Names.Count == 0); Debug.Assert(extensionMethodArguments.RefKinds.Count == 0); extensionMethodArguments.IsExtensionMethodInvocation = true; extensionMethodArguments.Arguments.Add(receiver); extensionMethodArguments.Arguments.AddRange(originalArguments.Arguments); if (originalArguments.Names.Count > 0) { extensionMethodArguments.Names.Add(null); extensionMethodArguments.Names.AddRange(originalArguments.Names); } if (originalArguments.RefKinds.Count > 0) { extensionMethodArguments.RefKinds.Add(RefKind.None); extensionMethodArguments.RefKinds.AddRange(originalArguments.RefKinds); } } /// /// Binds a static or instance member access. /// private BoundExpression BindMemberOfType( SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode right, string plainName, int arity, bool indexed, BoundExpression left, SeparatedSyntaxList typeArgumentsSyntax, ImmutableArray typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, LookupResult lookupResult, BoundMethodGroupFlags methodGroupFlags, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(left != null); Debug.Assert(lookupResult.IsMultiViable); Debug.Assert(lookupResult.Symbols.Any()); var members = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); BoundExpression result; bool wasError; Symbol symbol = GetSymbolOrMethodOrPropertyGroup(lookupResult, right, plainName, arity, members, diagnostics, out wasError); if ((object)symbol == null) { Debug.Assert(members.Count > 0); // If I identifies one or more methods, then the result is a method group with // no associated instance expression. If a type argument list was specified, it // is used in calling a generic method. // (Note that for static methods, we are stashing away the type expression in // the receiver of the method group, even though the spec notes that there is // no associated instance expression.) result = ConstructBoundMemberGroupAndReportOmittedTypeArguments( node, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, left, plainName, members, lookupResult, methodGroupFlags, wasError, diagnostics); } else { // methods are special because of extension methods. Debug.Assert(symbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Method); left = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(left, symbol.IsStatic || symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType, diagnostics); // Events are handled later as we don't know yet if we are binding to the event or it's backing field. if (symbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Event) { ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, symbol, node, hasBaseReceiver: left.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference); } switch (symbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.NamedType: case SymbolKind.ErrorType: if (IsInstanceReceiver(left) == true && !wasError) { // CS0572: 'B': cannot reference a type through an expression; try 'A.B' instead Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadTypeReference, right, plainName, symbol); wasError = true; } // If I identifies a type, then the result is that type constructed with // the given type arguments. var type = (NamedTypeSymbol)symbol; if (!typeArgumentsWithAnnotations.IsDefault) { type = ConstructNamedTypeUnlessTypeArgumentOmitted(right, type, typeArgumentsSyntax, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, diagnostics); } result = new BoundTypeExpression( syntax: node, aliasOpt: null, boundContainingTypeOpt: left as BoundTypeExpression, boundDimensionsOpt: ImmutableArray.Empty, typeWithAnnotations: TypeWithAnnotations.Create(type)); break; case SymbolKind.Property: // If I identifies a static property, then the result is a property // access with no associated instance expression. result = BindPropertyAccess(node, left, (PropertySymbol)symbol, diagnostics, lookupResult.Kind, hasErrors: wasError); break; case SymbolKind.Event: // If I identifies a static event, then the result is an event // access with no associated instance expression. result = BindEventAccess(node, left, (EventSymbol)symbol, diagnostics, lookupResult.Kind, hasErrors: wasError); break; case SymbolKind.Field: // If I identifies a static field: // UNDONE: If the field is readonly and the reference occurs outside the static constructor of // UNDONE: the class or struct in which the field is declared, then the result is a value, namely // UNDONE: the value of the static field I in E. // UNDONE: Otherwise, the result is a variable, namely the static field I in E. // UNDONE: Need a way to mark an expression node as "I am a variable, not a value". result = BindFieldAccess(node, left, (FieldSymbol)symbol, diagnostics, lookupResult.Kind, indexed, hasErrors: wasError); break; default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(symbol.Kind); } } members.Free(); return result; } private MethodGroupResolution BindExtensionMethod( SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, BoundExpression left, ImmutableArray typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, bool isMethodGroupConversion, RefKind returnRefKind, TypeSymbol returnType) { var firstResult = new MethodGroupResolution(); AnalyzedArguments actualArguments = null; foreach (var scope in new ExtensionMethodScopes(this)) { var methodGroup = MethodGroup.GetInstance(); var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); this.PopulateExtensionMethodsFromSingleBinder(scope, methodGroup, expression, left, methodName, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, diagnostics); // Arguments will be null if the caller is resolving to the first method group that can accept // that receiver, regardless of arguments, when the signature cannot // be inferred. (In the case of nameof(o.M) or the error case of o.M = null; for instance.) if (analyzedArguments == null && methodGroup.Methods.Count != 0) { return new MethodGroupResolution(methodGroup, diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree()); } if (methodGroup.Methods.Count == 0) { methodGroup.Free(); diagnostics.Free(); continue; } if (actualArguments == null) { // Create a set of arguments for overload resolution of the // extension methods that includes the "this" parameter. actualArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); CombineExtensionMethodArguments(left, analyzedArguments, actualArguments); } var overloadResolutionResult = OverloadResolutionResult.GetInstance(); bool allowRefOmittedArguments = methodGroup.Receiver.IsExpressionOfComImportType(); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; OverloadResolution.MethodInvocationOverloadResolution( methods: methodGroup.Methods, typeArguments: methodGroup.TypeArguments, receiver: methodGroup.Receiver, arguments: actualArguments, result: overloadResolutionResult, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics, isMethodGroupConversion: isMethodGroupConversion, allowRefOmittedArguments: allowRefOmittedArguments, returnRefKind: returnRefKind, returnType: returnType); diagnostics.Add(expression, useSiteDiagnostics); var sealedDiagnostics = diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree(); // Note: the MethodGroupResolution instance is responsible for freeing its copy of actual arguments var result = new MethodGroupResolution(methodGroup, null, overloadResolutionResult, AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(actualArguments), methodGroup.ResultKind, sealedDiagnostics); // If the search in the current scope resulted in any applicable method (regardless of whether a best // applicable method could be determined) then our search is complete. Otherwise, store aside the // first non-applicable result and continue searching for an applicable result. if (result.HasAnyApplicableMethod) { if (!firstResult.IsEmpty) { firstResult.MethodGroup.Free(); firstResult.OverloadResolutionResult.Free(); } return result; } else if (firstResult.IsEmpty) { firstResult = result; } else { // Neither the first result, nor applicable. No need to save result. overloadResolutionResult.Free(); methodGroup.Free(); } } Debug.Assert((actualArguments == null) || !firstResult.IsEmpty); actualArguments?.Free(); return firstResult; } private void PopulateExtensionMethodsFromSingleBinder( ExtensionMethodScope scope, MethodGroup methodGroup, SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression left, string rightName, ImmutableArray typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { int arity; LookupOptions options; if (typeArgumentsWithAnnotations.IsDefault) { arity = 0; options = LookupOptions.AllMethodsOnArityZero; } else { arity = typeArgumentsWithAnnotations.Length; options = LookupOptions.Default; } var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupExtensionMethodsInSingleBinder(scope, lookupResult, rightName, arity, options, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable) { Debug.Assert(lookupResult.Symbols.Any()); var members = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); bool wasError; Symbol symbol = GetSymbolOrMethodOrPropertyGroup(lookupResult, node, rightName, arity, members, diagnostics, out wasError); Debug.Assert((object)symbol == null); Debug.Assert(members.Count > 0); methodGroup.PopulateWithExtensionMethods(left, members, typeArgumentsWithAnnotations, lookupResult.Kind); members.Free(); } lookupResult.Free(); } protected BoundExpression BindFieldAccess( SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression receiver, FieldSymbol fieldSymbol, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, LookupResultKind resultKind, bool indexed, bool hasErrors) { bool hasError = false; NamedTypeSymbol type = fieldSymbol.ContainingType; var isEnumField = (fieldSymbol.IsStatic && type.IsEnumType()); if (isEnumField && !type.IsValidEnumType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BindToBogus, node, fieldSymbol); hasError = true; } if (!hasError) { hasError = this.CheckInstanceOrStatic(node, receiver, fieldSymbol, ref resultKind, diagnostics); } if (!hasError && fieldSymbol.IsFixedSizeBuffer && !IsInsideNameof) { // SPEC: In a member access of the form E.I, if E is of a struct type and a member lookup of I in // that struct type identifies a fixed size member, then E.I is evaluated an classified as follows: // * If the expression E.I does not occur in an unsafe context, a compile-time error occurs. // * If E is classified as a value, a compile-time error occurs. // * Otherwise, if E is a moveable variable and the expression E.I is not a fixed_pointer_initializer, // a compile-time error occurs. // * Otherwise, E references a fixed variable and the result of the expression is a pointer to the // first element of the fixed size buffer member I in E. The result is of type S*, where S is // the element type of I, and is classified as a value. TypeSymbol receiverType = receiver.Type; // Reflect errors that have been reported elsewhere... hasError = (object)receiverType == null || !receiverType.IsValueType; if (!hasError) { var isFixedStatementExpression = SyntaxFacts.IsFixedStatementExpression(node); if (IsMoveableVariable(receiver, out Symbol accessedLocalOrParameterOpt) != isFixedStatementExpression) { if (indexed) { // SPEC C# 7.3: If the fixed size buffer access is the receiver of an element_access_expression, // E may be either fixed or moveable CheckFeatureAvailability(node, MessageID.IDS_FeatureIndexingMovableFixedBuffers, diagnostics); } else { Error(diagnostics, isFixedStatementExpression ? ErrorCode.ERR_FixedNotNeeded : ErrorCode.ERR_FixedBufferNotFixed, node); hasErrors = hasError = true; } } } if (!hasError) { hasError = !CheckValueKind(node, receiver, BindValueKind.FixedReceiver, checkingReceiver: false, diagnostics: diagnostics); } } ConstantValue constantValueOpt = null; if (fieldSymbol.IsConst && !IsInsideNameof) { constantValueOpt = fieldSymbol.GetConstantValue(this.ConstantFieldsInProgress, this.IsEarlyAttributeBinder); if (constantValueOpt == ConstantValue.Unset) { // Evaluating constant expression before dependencies // have been evaluated. Treat this as a Bad value. constantValueOpt = ConstantValue.Bad; } } if (!fieldSymbol.IsStatic) { WarnOnAccessOfOffDefault(node, receiver, diagnostics); } if (!IsBadBaseAccess(node, receiver, fieldSymbol, diagnostics)) { CheckRuntimeSupportForSymbolAccess(node, receiver, fieldSymbol, diagnostics); } TypeSymbol fieldType = fieldSymbol.GetFieldType(this.FieldsBeingBound).Type; BoundExpression expr = new BoundFieldAccess(node, receiver, fieldSymbol, constantValueOpt, resultKind, fieldType, hasErrors: (hasErrors || hasError)); // Spec 14.3: "Within an enum member initializer, values of other enum members are // always treated as having the type of their underlying type" if (this.InEnumMemberInitializer()) { NamedTypeSymbol enumType = null; if (isEnumField) { // This is an obvious consequence of the spec. // It is for cases like: // enum E { // A, // B = A + 1, //A is implicitly converted to int (underlying type) // } enumType = type; } else if (constantValueOpt != null && fieldType.IsEnumType()) { // This seems like a borderline SPEC VIOLATION that we're preserving for back compat. // It is for cases like: // const E e = E.A; // enum E { // A, // B = e + 1, //e is implicitly converted to int (underlying type) // } enumType = (NamedTypeSymbol)fieldType; } if ((object)enumType != null) { NamedTypeSymbol underlyingType = enumType.EnumUnderlyingType; Debug.Assert((object)underlyingType != null); expr = new BoundConversion( node, expr, Conversion.ImplicitNumeric, @checked: true, explicitCastInCode: false, conversionGroupOpt: null, constantValueOpt: expr.ConstantValue, type: underlyingType); } } return expr; } private bool InEnumMemberInitializer() { var containingType = this.ContainingType; return this.InFieldInitializer && (object)containingType != null && containingType.IsEnumType(); } private BoundExpression BindPropertyAccess( SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression receiver, PropertySymbol propertySymbol, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, LookupResultKind lookupResult, bool hasErrors) { bool hasError = this.CheckInstanceOrStatic(node, receiver, propertySymbol, ref lookupResult, diagnostics); if (!propertySymbol.IsStatic) { WarnOnAccessOfOffDefault(node, receiver, diagnostics); } return new BoundPropertyAccess(node, receiver, propertySymbol, lookupResult, propertySymbol.Type, hasErrors: (hasErrors || hasError)); } private void CheckRuntimeSupportForSymbolAccess(SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression receiverOpt, Symbol symbol, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (symbol.ContainingType?.IsInterface == true && !Compilation.Assembly.RuntimeSupportsDefaultInterfaceImplementation && Compilation.SourceModule != symbol.ContainingModule) { if (!symbol.IsStatic && !(symbol is TypeSymbol) && !symbol.IsImplementableInterfaceMember()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportDefaultInterfaceImplementation, node); } else { switch (symbol.DeclaredAccessibility) { case Accessibility.Protected: case Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal: case Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal: Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_RuntimeDoesNotSupportProtectedAccessForInterfaceMember, node); break; } } } } private BoundExpression BindEventAccess( SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression receiver, EventSymbol eventSymbol, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, LookupResultKind lookupResult, bool hasErrors) { HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; bool isUsableAsField = eventSymbol.HasAssociatedField && this.IsAccessible(eventSymbol.AssociatedField, ref useSiteDiagnostics, (receiver != null) ? receiver.Type : null); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); bool hasError = this.CheckInstanceOrStatic(node, receiver, eventSymbol, ref lookupResult, diagnostics); if (!eventSymbol.IsStatic) { WarnOnAccessOfOffDefault(node, receiver, diagnostics); } return new BoundEventAccess(node, receiver, eventSymbol, isUsableAsField, lookupResult, eventSymbol.Type, hasErrors: (hasErrors || hasError)); } // Say if the receive is an instance or a type, or could be either (returns null). private static bool? IsInstanceReceiver(BoundExpression receiver) { if (receiver == null) { return false; } else { switch (receiver.Kind) { case BoundKind.PreviousSubmissionReference: // Could be either instance or static reference. return null; case BoundKind.TypeExpression: return false; case BoundKind.QueryClause: return IsInstanceReceiver(((BoundQueryClause)receiver).Value); default: return true; } } } private bool CheckInstanceOrStatic( SyntaxNode node, BoundExpression receiver, Symbol symbol, ref LookupResultKind resultKind, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { bool? instanceReceiver = IsInstanceReceiver(receiver); if (!symbol.RequiresInstanceReceiver()) { if (instanceReceiver == true) { ErrorCode errorCode = this.Flags.Includes(BinderFlags.ObjectInitializerMember) ? ErrorCode.ERR_StaticMemberInObjectInitializer : ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectProhibited; Error(diagnostics, errorCode, node, symbol); resultKind = LookupResultKind.StaticInstanceMismatch; return true; } } else { if (instanceReceiver == false && !IsInsideNameof) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_ObjectRequired, node, symbol); resultKind = LookupResultKind.StaticInstanceMismatch; return true; } } return false; } /// /// Given a viable LookupResult, report any ambiguity errors and return either a single /// non-method symbol or a method or property group. If the result set represents a /// collection of methods or a collection of properties where at least one of the properties /// is an indexed property, then 'methodOrPropertyGroup' is populated with the method or /// property group and the method returns null. Otherwise, the method returns a single /// symbol and 'methodOrPropertyGroup' is empty. (Since the result set is viable, there /// must be at least one symbol.) If the result set is ambiguous - either containing multiple /// members of different member types, or multiple properties but no indexed properties - /// then a diagnostic is reported for the ambiguity and a single symbol is returned. /// private Symbol GetSymbolOrMethodOrPropertyGroup(LookupResult result, SyntaxNode node, string plainName, int arity, ArrayBuilder methodOrPropertyGroup, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out bool wasError) { Debug.Assert(!methodOrPropertyGroup.Any()); node = GetNameSyntax(node) ?? node; wasError = false; Debug.Assert(result.Kind != LookupResultKind.Empty); Debug.Assert(!result.Symbols.Any(s => s.IsIndexer())); Symbol other = null; // different member type from 'methodOrPropertyGroup' // Populate 'methodOrPropertyGroup' with a set of methods if any, // or a set of properties if properties but no methods. If there are // other member types, 'other' will be set to one of those members. foreach (var symbol in result.Symbols) { var kind = symbol.Kind; if (methodOrPropertyGroup.Count > 0) { var existingKind = methodOrPropertyGroup[0].Kind; if (existingKind != kind) { // Mix of different member kinds. Prefer methods over // properties and properties over other members. if ((existingKind == SymbolKind.Method) || ((existingKind == SymbolKind.Property) && (kind != SymbolKind.Method))) { other = symbol; continue; } other = methodOrPropertyGroup[0]; methodOrPropertyGroup.Clear(); } } if ((kind == SymbolKind.Method) || (kind == SymbolKind.Property)) { // SPEC VIOLATION: The spec states "Members that include an override modifier are excluded from the set" // SPEC VIOLATION: However, we are not going to do that here; we will keep the overriding member // SPEC VIOLATION: in the method group. The reason is because for features like "go to definition" // SPEC VIOLATION: we wish to go to the overriding member, not to the member of the base class. // SPEC VIOLATION: Or, for code generation of a call to Int32.ToString() we want to generate // SPEC VIOLATION: code that directly calls the Int32.ToString method with an int on the stack, // SPEC VIOLATION: rather than making a virtual call to ToString on a boxed int. methodOrPropertyGroup.Add(symbol); } else { other = symbol; } } Debug.Assert(methodOrPropertyGroup.Any() || ((object)other != null)); if ((methodOrPropertyGroup.Count > 0) && IsMethodOrPropertyGroup(methodOrPropertyGroup)) { // Ambiguities between methods and non-methods are reported here, // but all other ambiguities, including those between properties and // non-methods, are reported in ResultSymbol. if ((methodOrPropertyGroup[0].Kind == SymbolKind.Method) || ((object)other == null)) { // Result will be treated as a method or property group. Any additional // checks, such as use-site errors, must be handled by the caller when // converting to method invocation or property access. if (result.Error != null) { Error(diagnostics, result.Error, node); wasError = (result.Error.Severity == DiagnosticSeverity.Error); } return null; } } methodOrPropertyGroup.Clear(); return ResultSymbol(result, plainName, arity, node, diagnostics, false, out wasError); } private static bool IsMethodOrPropertyGroup(ArrayBuilder members) { Debug.Assert(members.Count > 0); var member = members[0]; // Members should be a consistent type. Debug.Assert(members.All(m => m.Kind == member.Kind)); switch (member.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Method: return true; case SymbolKind.Property: Debug.Assert(members.All(m => !m.IsIndexer())); // Do not treat a set of non-indexed properties as a property group, to // avoid the overhead of a BoundPropertyGroup node and overload // resolution for the common property access case. If there are multiple // non-indexed properties (two properties P that differ by custom attributes // for instance), the expectation is that the caller will report an ambiguity // and choose one for error recovery. foreach (PropertySymbol property in members) { if (property.IsIndexedProperty) { return true; } } return false; default: throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(member.Kind); } } private BoundExpression BindElementAccess(ElementAccessExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression receiver = BindExpression(node.Expression, diagnostics: diagnostics, invoked: false, indexed: true); return BindElementAccess(node, receiver, node.ArgumentList, diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BindElementAccess(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression receiver, BracketedArgumentListSyntax argumentList, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); try { BindArgumentsAndNames(argumentList, diagnostics, analyzedArguments); if (receiver.Kind == BoundKind.PropertyGroup) { var propertyGroup = (BoundPropertyGroup)receiver; return BindIndexedPropertyAccess(node, propertyGroup.ReceiverOpt, propertyGroup.Properties, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); } receiver = CheckValue(receiver, BindValueKind.RValue, diagnostics); return BindElementOrIndexerAccess(node, receiver, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); } finally { analyzedArguments.Free(); } } private BoundExpression BindElementOrIndexerAccess(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression expr, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if ((object)expr.Type == null) { return BadIndexerExpression(node, expr, analyzedArguments, null, diagnostics); } WarnOnAccessOfOffDefault(node, expr, diagnostics); // Did we have any errors? if (analyzedArguments.HasErrors || expr.HasAnyErrors) { // At this point we definitely have reported an error, but we still might be // able to get more semantic analysis of the indexing operation. We do not // want to report cascading errors. DiagnosticBag tmp = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); BoundExpression result = BindElementAccessCore(node, expr, analyzedArguments, tmp); tmp.Free(); return result; } return BindElementAccessCore(node, expr, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); } private BoundExpression BadIndexerExpression(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression expr, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticInfo errorOpt, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { if (!expr.HasAnyErrors) { diagnostics.Add(errorOpt ?? new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BadIndexLHS, expr.Display), node.Location); } var childBoundNodes = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments).Add(expr); return new BoundBadExpression(node, LookupResultKind.Empty, ImmutableArray.Empty, childBoundNodes, CreateErrorType(), hasErrors: true); } private BoundExpression BindElementAccessCore( ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression expr, AnalyzedArguments arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(expr != null); Debug.Assert((object)expr.Type != null); Debug.Assert(arguments != null); var exprType = expr.Type; switch (exprType.TypeKind) { case TypeKind.Array: return BindArrayAccess(node, expr, arguments, diagnostics); case TypeKind.Dynamic: return BindDynamicIndexer(node, expr, arguments, ImmutableArray.Empty, diagnostics); case TypeKind.Pointer: return BindPointerElementAccess(node, expr, arguments, diagnostics); case TypeKind.Class: case TypeKind.Struct: case TypeKind.Interface: case TypeKind.TypeParameter: return BindIndexerAccess(node, expr, arguments, diagnostics); case TypeKind.Submission: // script class is synthesized and should not be used as a type of an indexer expression: default: return BadIndexerExpression(node, expr, arguments, null, diagnostics); } } private BoundExpression BindArrayAccess(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression expr, AnalyzedArguments arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(expr != null); Debug.Assert(arguments != null); // For an array access, the primary-no-array-creation-expression of the element-access // must be a value of an array-type. Furthermore, the argument-list of an array access // is not allowed to contain named arguments.The number of expressions in the // argument-list must be the same as the rank of the array-type, and each expression // must be of type int, uint, long, ulong, or must be implicitly convertible to one or // more of these types. if (arguments.Names.Count > 0) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NamedArgumentForArray, node); } bool hasErrors = ReportRefOrOutArgument(arguments, diagnostics); var arrayType = (ArrayTypeSymbol)expr.Type; // Note that the spec says to determine which of {int, uint, long, ulong} *each* index // expression is convertible to. That is not what C# 1 through 4 did; the // implementations instead determined which of those four types *all* of the index // expressions converted to. int rank = arrayType.Rank; if (arguments.Arguments.Count != rank) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadIndexCount, node, rank); return new BoundArrayAccess(node, expr, BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(arguments), arrayType.ElementType, hasErrors: true); } // Convert all the arguments to the array index type. BoundExpression[] convertedArguments = new BoundExpression[arguments.Arguments.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.Arguments.Count; ++i) { BoundExpression argument = arguments.Arguments[i]; BoundExpression index = ConvertToArrayIndex(argument, node, diagnostics, allowIndexAndRange: rank == 1); convertedArguments[i] = index; // NOTE: Dev10 only warns if rank == 1 // Question: Why do we limit this warning to one-dimensional arrays? // Answer: Because multidimensional arrays can have nonzero lower bounds in the CLR. if (rank == 1 && !index.HasAnyErrors) { ConstantValue constant = index.ConstantValue; if (constant != null && constant.IsNegativeNumeric) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.WRN_NegativeArrayIndex, index.Syntax); } } } TypeSymbol resultType = rank == 1 && TypeSymbol.Equals( convertedArguments[0].Type, Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Range), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything) ? arrayType : arrayType.ElementType; return new BoundArrayAccess(node, expr, convertedArguments.AsImmutableOrNull(), resultType, hasErrors); } private BoundExpression ConvertToArrayIndex(BoundExpression index, SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, bool allowIndexAndRange) { Debug.Assert(index != null); if (index.Kind == BoundKind.OutVariablePendingInference) { return ((OutVariablePendingInference)index).FailInference(this, diagnostics); } else if (index.Kind == BoundKind.DiscardExpression && !index.HasExpressionType()) { return ((BoundDiscardExpression)index).FailInference(this, diagnostics); } var result = TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(index, SpecialType.System_Int32, node, diagnostics) ?? TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(index, SpecialType.System_UInt32, node, diagnostics) ?? TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(index, SpecialType.System_Int64, node, diagnostics) ?? TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(index, SpecialType.System_UInt64, node, diagnostics); if (result is null && allowIndexAndRange) { result = TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(index, WellKnownType.System_Index, node, diagnostics); if (result is null) { result = TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(index, WellKnownType.System_Range, node, diagnostics); if (!(result is null)) { // This member is needed for lowering and should produce an error if not present _ = GetWellKnownTypeMember( Compilation, WellKnownMember.System_Runtime_CompilerServices_RuntimeHelpers__GetSubArray_T, diagnostics, syntax: node); } } else { // This member is needed for lowering and should produce an error if not present _ = GetWellKnownTypeMember( Compilation, WellKnownMember.System_Index__GetOffset, diagnostics, syntax: node); } } if (result is null) { // Give the error that would be given upon conversion to int32. NamedTypeSymbol int32 = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32, diagnostics, node); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion failedConversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyConversionFromExpression(index, int32, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); GenerateImplicitConversionError(diagnostics, node, failedConversion, index, int32); // Suppress any additional diagnostics return CreateConversion(index.Syntax, index, failedConversion, isCast: false, conversionGroupOpt: null, destination: int32, diagnostics: new DiagnosticBag()); } return result; } private BoundExpression TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(BoundExpression expr, WellKnownType wellKnownType, SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; TypeSymbol type = GetWellKnownType(wellKnownType, ref useSiteDiagnostics); if (type.IsErrorType()) { return null; } var attemptDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); var result = TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(expr, type, node, attemptDiagnostics); if (!(result is null)) { diagnostics.AddRange(attemptDiagnostics); } attemptDiagnostics.Free(); return result; } private BoundExpression TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(BoundExpression expr, SpecialType specialType, SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { DiagnosticBag attemptDiagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); TypeSymbol type = GetSpecialType(specialType, attemptDiagnostics, node); var result = TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(expr, type, node, attemptDiagnostics); if (!(result is null)) { diagnostics.AddRange(attemptDiagnostics); } attemptDiagnostics.Free(); return result; } private BoundExpression TryImplicitConversionToArrayIndex(BoundExpression expr, TypeSymbol targetType, SyntaxNode node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(expr != null); Debug.Assert((object)targetType != null); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; Conversion conversion = this.Conversions.ClassifyImplicitConversionFromExpression(expr, targetType, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); if (!conversion.Exists) { return null; } if (conversion.IsDynamic) { conversion = conversion.SetArrayIndexConversionForDynamic(); } BoundExpression result = CreateConversion(expr.Syntax, expr, conversion, isCast: false, conversionGroupOpt: null, destination: targetType, diagnostics); // UNDONE: was cast? Debug.Assert(result != null); // If this ever fails (it shouldn't), then put a null-check around the diagnostics update. return result; } private BoundExpression BindPointerElementAccess(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression expr, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(expr != null); Debug.Assert(analyzedArguments != null); bool hasErrors = false; if (analyzedArguments.Names.Count > 0) { // CONSIDER: the error text for this error code mentions "arrays". It might be nice if we had // a separate error code for pointer element access. Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NamedArgumentForArray, node); hasErrors = true; } hasErrors = hasErrors || ReportRefOrOutArgument(analyzedArguments, diagnostics); Debug.Assert(expr.Type.IsPointerType()); PointerTypeSymbol pointerType = (PointerTypeSymbol)expr.Type; TypeSymbol pointedAtType = pointerType.PointedAtType; ArrayBuilder arguments = analyzedArguments.Arguments; if (arguments.Count != 1) { if (!hasErrors) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_PtrIndexSingle, node); } return new BoundPointerElementAccess(node, expr, BadExpression(node, BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments)).MakeCompilerGenerated(), CheckOverflowAtRuntime, pointedAtType, hasErrors: true); } if (pointedAtType.IsVoidType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_VoidError, expr.Syntax); hasErrors = true; } BoundExpression index = arguments[0]; index = ConvertToArrayIndex(index, index.Syntax, diagnostics, allowIndexAndRange: false); return new BoundPointerElementAccess(node, expr, index, CheckOverflowAtRuntime, pointedAtType, hasErrors); } private static bool ReportRefOrOutArgument(AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { int numArguments = analyzedArguments.Arguments.Count; for (int i = 0; i < numArguments; i++) { RefKind refKind = analyzedArguments.RefKind(i); if (refKind != RefKind.None) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgExtraRef, analyzedArguments.Argument(i).Syntax, i + 1, refKind.ToArgumentDisplayString()); return true; } } return false; } private BoundExpression BindIndexerAccess(ExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression expr, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(expr != null); Debug.Assert((object)expr.Type != null); Debug.Assert(analyzedArguments != null); LookupResult lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); LookupOptions lookupOptions = expr.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference ? LookupOptions.UseBaseReferenceAccessibility : LookupOptions.Default; HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.LookupMembersWithFallback(lookupResult, expr.Type, WellKnownMemberNames.Indexer, arity: 0, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics, options: lookupOptions); diagnostics.Add(node, useSiteDiagnostics); // Store, rather than return, so that we can release resources. BoundExpression indexerAccessExpression; if (!lookupResult.IsMultiViable) { if (TryBindIndexOrRangeIndexer( node, expr, analyzedArguments.Arguments, diagnostics, out var patternIndexerAccess)) { indexerAccessExpression = patternIndexerAccess; } else { indexerAccessExpression = BadIndexerExpression(node, expr, analyzedArguments, lookupResult.Error, diagnostics); } } else { ArrayBuilder indexerGroup = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); foreach (Symbol symbol in lookupResult.Symbols) { Debug.Assert(symbol.IsIndexer()); indexerGroup.Add((PropertySymbol)symbol); } indexerAccessExpression = BindIndexerOrIndexedPropertyAccess(node, expr, indexerGroup, analyzedArguments, diagnostics); indexerGroup.Free(); } lookupResult.Free(); return indexerAccessExpression; } private static readonly Func s_isIndexedPropertyWithNonOptionalArguments = property => { if (property.IsIndexer || !property.IsIndexedProperty) { return false; } Debug.Assert(property.ParameterCount > 0); var parameter = property.Parameters[0]; return !parameter.IsOptional && !parameter.IsParams; }; private static readonly SymbolDisplayFormat s_propertyGroupFormat = new SymbolDisplayFormat( globalNamespaceStyle: SymbolDisplayGlobalNamespaceStyle.Omitted, memberOptions: SymbolDisplayMemberOptions.IncludeContainingType, miscellaneousOptions: SymbolDisplayMiscellaneousOptions.EscapeKeywordIdentifiers | SymbolDisplayMiscellaneousOptions.UseSpecialTypes); private BoundExpression BindIndexedPropertyAccess(BoundPropertyGroup propertyGroup, bool mustHaveAllOptionalParameters, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var syntax = propertyGroup.Syntax; var receiverOpt = propertyGroup.ReceiverOpt; var properties = propertyGroup.Properties; if (properties.All(s_isIndexedPropertyWithNonOptionalArguments)) { Error(diagnostics, mustHaveAllOptionalParameters ? ErrorCode.ERR_IndexedPropertyMustHaveAllOptionalParams : ErrorCode.ERR_IndexedPropertyRequiresParams, syntax, properties[0].ToDisplayString(s_propertyGroupFormat)); return BoundIndexerAccess.ErrorAccess( syntax, receiverOpt, CreateErrorPropertySymbol(properties), ImmutableArray.Empty, default(ImmutableArray), default(ImmutableArray), properties); } var arguments = AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(); var result = BindIndexedPropertyAccess(syntax, receiverOpt, properties, arguments, diagnostics); arguments.Free(); return result; } private BoundExpression BindIndexedPropertyAccess(SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, ImmutableArray propertyGroup, AnalyzedArguments arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { // TODO: We're creating an extra copy of the properties array in BindIndexerOrIndexedProperty // converting the ArrayBuilder to ImmutableArray. Avoid the extra copy. var properties = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); properties.AddRange(propertyGroup); var result = BindIndexerOrIndexedPropertyAccess(syntax, receiverOpt, properties, arguments, diagnostics); properties.Free(); return result; } private BoundExpression BindDynamicIndexer( SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, AnalyzedArguments arguments, ImmutableArray applicableProperties, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { bool hasErrors = false; if (receiverOpt != null) { BoundKind receiverKind = receiverOpt.Kind; if (receiverKind == BoundKind.BaseReference) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_NoDynamicPhantomOnBaseIndexer, syntax); hasErrors = true; } else if (receiverKind == BoundKind.TypeOrValueExpression) { var typeOrValue = (BoundTypeOrValueExpression)receiverOpt; // Unfortunately, the runtime binder doesn't have APIs that would allow us to pass both "type or value". // Ideally the runtime binder would choose between type and value based on the result of the overload resolution. // We need to pick one or the other here. Dev11 compiler passes the type only if the value can't be accessed. bool inStaticContext; bool useType = IsInstance(typeOrValue.Data.ValueSymbol) && !HasThis(isExplicit: false, inStaticContext: out inStaticContext); receiverOpt = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(typeOrValue, useType, diagnostics); } } var argArray = BuildArgumentsForDynamicInvocation(arguments, diagnostics); var refKindsArray = arguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); hasErrors &= ReportBadDynamicArguments(syntax, argArray, refKindsArray, diagnostics, queryClause: null); return new BoundDynamicIndexerAccess( syntax, receiverOpt, argArray, arguments.GetNames(), refKindsArray, applicableProperties, AssemblySymbol.DynamicType, hasErrors); } private BoundExpression BindIndexerOrIndexedPropertyAccess( SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, ArrayBuilder propertyGroup, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { OverloadResolutionResult overloadResolutionResult = OverloadResolutionResult.GetInstance(); bool allowRefOmittedArguments = receiverOpt.IsExpressionOfComImportType(); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; this.OverloadResolution.PropertyOverloadResolution(propertyGroup, receiverOpt, analyzedArguments, overloadResolutionResult, allowRefOmittedArguments, ref useSiteDiagnostics); diagnostics.Add(syntax, useSiteDiagnostics); BoundExpression propertyAccess; if (analyzedArguments.HasDynamicArgument && overloadResolutionResult.HasAnyApplicableMember) { // Note that the runtime binder may consider candidates that haven't passed compile-time final validation // and an ambiguity error may be reported. Also additional checks are performed in runtime final validation // that are not performed at compile-time. // Only if the set of final applicable candidates is empty we know for sure the call will fail at runtime. var finalApplicableCandidates = GetCandidatesPassingFinalValidation(syntax, overloadResolutionResult, receiverOpt, default(ImmutableArray), diagnostics); overloadResolutionResult.Free(); return BindDynamicIndexer(syntax, receiverOpt, analyzedArguments, finalApplicableCandidates, diagnostics); } ImmutableArray argumentNames = analyzedArguments.GetNames(); ImmutableArray argumentRefKinds = analyzedArguments.RefKinds.ToImmutableOrNull(); if (!overloadResolutionResult.Succeeded) { // If the arguments had an error reported about them then suppress further error // reporting for overload resolution. ImmutableArray candidates = propertyGroup.ToImmutable(); if (!analyzedArguments.HasErrors) { if (TryBindIndexOrRangeIndexer( syntax, receiverOpt, analyzedArguments.Arguments, diagnostics, out var patternIndexerAccess)) { return patternIndexerAccess; } else { // Dev10 uses the "this" keyword as the method name for indexers. var candidate = candidates[0]; var name = candidate.IsIndexer ? SyntaxFacts.GetText(SyntaxKind.ThisKeyword) : candidate.Name; overloadResolutionResult.ReportDiagnostics( binder: this, location: syntax.Location, nodeOpt: syntax, diagnostics: diagnostics, name: name, receiver: null, invokedExpression: null, arguments: analyzedArguments, memberGroup: candidates, typeContainingConstructor: null, delegateTypeBeingInvoked: null); } } ImmutableArray arguments = BuildArgumentsForErrorRecovery(analyzedArguments, candidates); // A bad BoundIndexerAccess containing an ErrorPropertySymbol will produce better flow analysis results than // a BoundBadExpression containing the candidate indexers. PropertySymbol property = (candidates.Length == 1) ? candidates[0] : CreateErrorPropertySymbol(candidates); propertyAccess = BoundIndexerAccess.ErrorAccess( syntax, receiverOpt, property, arguments, argumentNames, argumentRefKinds, candidates); } else { MemberResolutionResult resolutionResult = overloadResolutionResult.ValidResult; PropertySymbol property = resolutionResult.Member; this.CoerceArguments(resolutionResult, analyzedArguments.Arguments, diagnostics); var isExpanded = resolutionResult.Result.Kind == MemberResolutionKind.ApplicableInExpandedForm; var argsToParams = resolutionResult.Result.ArgsToParamsOpt; ReportDiagnosticsIfObsolete(diagnostics, property, syntax, hasBaseReceiver: receiverOpt != null && receiverOpt.Kind == BoundKind.BaseReference); // Make sure that the result of overload resolution is valid. var gotError = MemberGroupFinalValidationAccessibilityChecks(receiverOpt, property, syntax, diagnostics, invokedAsExtensionMethod: false); var receiver = ReplaceTypeOrValueReceiver(receiverOpt, property.IsStatic, diagnostics); if (!gotError && receiver != null && receiver.Kind == BoundKind.ThisReference && receiver.WasCompilerGenerated) { gotError = IsRefOrOutThisParameterCaptured(syntax, diagnostics); } var arguments = analyzedArguments.Arguments.ToImmutable(); if (!gotError) { gotError = !CheckInvocationArgMixing( syntax, property, receiver, property.Parameters, arguments, argsToParams, this.LocalScopeDepth, diagnostics); } propertyAccess = new BoundIndexerAccess( syntax, receiver, property, arguments, argumentNames, argumentRefKinds, isExpanded, argsToParams, this, false, property.Type, gotError); } overloadResolutionResult.Free(); return propertyAccess; } private bool TryBindIndexOrRangeIndexer( SyntaxNode syntax, BoundExpression receiverOpt, ArrayBuilder arguments, DiagnosticBag diagnostics, out BoundIndexOrRangePatternIndexerAccess patternIndexerAccess) { patternIndexerAccess = null; // Verify a few things up-front, namely that we have a single argument // to this indexer that has an Index or Range type and that there is // a real receiver with a known type if (arguments.Count != 1) { return false; } var argType = arguments[0].Type; bool argIsIndex = TypeSymbol.Equals(argType, Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Index), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything); bool argIsRange = !argIsIndex && TypeSymbol.Equals(argType, Compilation.GetWellKnownType(WellKnownType.System_Range), TypeCompareKind.ConsiderEverything); if ((!argIsIndex && !argIsRange) || !(receiverOpt?.Type is TypeSymbol receiverType)) { return false; } // SPEC: // An indexer invocation with a single argument of System.Index or System.Range will // succeed if the receiver type conforms to an appropriate pattern, namely // 1. The receiver type's original definition has an accessible property getter that returns // an int and has the name Length or Count // 2. For Index: Has an accessible indexer with a single int parameter // For Range: Has an accessible Slice method that takes two int parameters PropertySymbol lengthOrCountProperty; var lookupResult = LookupResult.GetInstance(); HashSet useSiteDiagnostics = null; // Look for Length first if (!tryLookupLengthOrCount(WellKnownMemberNames.LengthPropertyName, out lengthOrCountProperty) && !tryLookupLengthOrCount(WellKnownMemberNames.CountPropertyName, out lengthOrCountProperty)) { return false; } Debug.Assert(lengthOrCountProperty is { }); if (argIsIndex) { // Look for `T this[int i]` indexer LookupMembersInType( lookupResult, receiverType, WellKnownMemberNames.Indexer, arity: 0, basesBeingResolved: null, LookupOptions.Default, originalBinder: this, diagnose: false, ref useSiteDiagnostics); if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable) { foreach (var candidate in lookupResult.Symbols) { if (!candidate.IsStatic && candidate is PropertySymbol property && IsAccessible(property, ref useSiteDiagnostics) && property.OriginalDefinition is { ParameterCount: 1 } original && isIntNotByRef(original.Parameters[0])) { patternIndexerAccess = new BoundIndexOrRangePatternIndexerAccess( syntax, receiverOpt, lengthOrCountProperty, property, arguments[0], property.Type); break; } } } } else if (receiverType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_String) { Debug.Assert(argIsRange); // Look for Substring var substring = (MethodSymbol)Compilation.GetSpecialTypeMember(SpecialMember.System_String__Substring); if (substring is object) { patternIndexerAccess = new BoundIndexOrRangePatternIndexerAccess( syntax, receiverOpt, lengthOrCountProperty, substring, arguments[0], substring.ReturnType); checkWellKnown(WellKnownMember.System_Range__get_Start); checkWellKnown(WellKnownMember.System_Range__get_End); } } else { Debug.Assert(argIsRange); // Look for `T Slice(int, int)` indexer LookupMembersInType( lookupResult, receiverType, WellKnownMemberNames.SliceMethodName, arity: 0, basesBeingResolved: null, LookupOptions.Default, originalBinder: this, diagnose: false, ref useSiteDiagnostics); if (lookupResult.IsMultiViable) { foreach (var candidate in lookupResult.Symbols) { if (!candidate.IsStatic && IsAccessible(candidate, ref useSiteDiagnostics) && candidate is MethodSymbol method && method.OriginalDefinition is var original && original.ParameterCount == 2 && isIntNotByRef(original.Parameters[0]) && isIntNotByRef(original.Parameters[1])) { patternIndexerAccess = new BoundIndexOrRangePatternIndexerAccess( syntax, receiverOpt, lengthOrCountProperty, method, arguments[0], method.ReturnType); checkWellKnown(WellKnownMember.System_Range__get_Start); checkWellKnown(WellKnownMember.System_Range__get_End); break; } } } } cleanup(lookupResult, ref useSiteDiagnostics); if (patternIndexerAccess is null) { return false; } _ = MessageID.IDS_FeatureIndexOperator.CheckFeatureAvailability(diagnostics, syntax.Location); checkWellKnown(WellKnownMember.System_Index__GetOffset); return true; static void cleanup(LookupResult lookupResult, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics) { lookupResult.Free(); useSiteDiagnostics = null; } static bool isIntNotByRef(ParameterSymbol param) => param.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int32 && param.RefKind == RefKind.None; void checkWellKnown(WellKnownMember member) { // Check required well-known member. They may not be needed // during lowering, but it's simpler to always require them to prevent // the user from getting surprising errors when optimizations fail _ = GetWellKnownTypeMember(Compilation, member, diagnostics, syntax: syntax); } bool tryLookupLengthOrCount(string propertyName, out PropertySymbol valid) { LookupMembersInType( lookupResult, receiverType, propertyName, arity: 0, basesBeingResolved: null, LookupOptions.Default, originalBinder: this, diagnose: false, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics); if (lookupResult.IsSingleViable && lookupResult.Symbols[0] is PropertySymbol property && property.GetOwnOrInheritedGetMethod()?.OriginalDefinition is MethodSymbol getMethod && getMethod.ReturnType.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Int32 && getMethod.RefKind == RefKind.None && !getMethod.IsStatic && IsAccessible(getMethod, ref useSiteDiagnostics)) { lookupResult.Clear(); useSiteDiagnostics = null; valid = property; return true; } lookupResult.Clear(); useSiteDiagnostics = null; valid = null; return false; } } private ErrorPropertySymbol CreateErrorPropertySymbol(ImmutableArray propertyGroup) { TypeSymbol propertyType = GetCommonTypeOrReturnType(propertyGroup) ?? CreateErrorType(); var candidate = propertyGroup[0]; return new ErrorPropertySymbol(candidate.ContainingType, propertyType, candidate.Name, candidate.IsIndexer, candidate.IsIndexedProperty); } /// /// Perform lookup and overload resolution on methods defined directly on the class and any /// extension methods in scope. Lookup will occur for extension methods in all nested scopes /// as necessary until an appropriate method is found. If analyzedArguments is null, the first /// method group is returned, without overload resolution being performed. That method group /// will either be the methods defined on the receiver class directly (no extension methods) /// or the first set of extension methods. /// /// The node associated with the method group /// The arguments of the invocation (or the delegate type, if a method group conversion) /// True if it is a method group conversion /// /// /// If a method group conversion, the desired ref kind of the delegate /// If a method group conversion, the desired return type of the delegate. /// May be null during inference if the return type of the delegate needs to be computed. internal MethodGroupResolution ResolveMethodGroup( BoundMethodGroup node, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, bool isMethodGroupConversion, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics, bool inferWithDynamic = false, RefKind returnRefKind = default, TypeSymbol returnType = null) { return ResolveMethodGroup( node, node.Syntax, node.Name, analyzedArguments, isMethodGroupConversion, ref useSiteDiagnostics, inferWithDynamic: inferWithDynamic, returnRefKind: returnRefKind, returnType: returnType); } internal MethodGroupResolution ResolveMethodGroup( BoundMethodGroup node, SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, bool isMethodGroupConversion, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics, bool inferWithDynamic = false, bool allowUnexpandedForm = true, RefKind returnRefKind = default, TypeSymbol returnType = null) { var methodResolution = ResolveMethodGroupInternal( node, expression, methodName, analyzedArguments, isMethodGroupConversion, ref useSiteDiagnostics, inferWithDynamic: inferWithDynamic, allowUnexpandedForm: allowUnexpandedForm, returnRefKind: returnRefKind, returnType: returnType); if (methodResolution.IsEmpty && !methodResolution.HasAnyErrors) { Debug.Assert(node.LookupError == null); var diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); diagnostics.AddRange(methodResolution.Diagnostics); // Could still have use site warnings. BindMemberAccessReportError(node, diagnostics); // Note: no need to free `methodResolution`, we're transferring the pooled objects it owned return new MethodGroupResolution(methodResolution.MethodGroup, methodResolution.OtherSymbol, methodResolution.OverloadResolutionResult, methodResolution.AnalyzedArguments, methodResolution.ResultKind, diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree()); } return methodResolution; } private MethodGroupResolution ResolveMethodGroupInternal( BoundMethodGroup methodGroup, SyntaxNode expression, string methodName, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, bool isMethodGroupConversion, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics, bool inferWithDynamic = false, bool allowUnexpandedForm = true, RefKind returnRefKind = default, TypeSymbol returnType = null) { var methodResolution = ResolveDefaultMethodGroup( methodGroup, analyzedArguments, isMethodGroupConversion, ref useSiteDiagnostics, inferWithDynamic: inferWithDynamic, allowUnexpandedForm: allowUnexpandedForm, returnRefKind: returnRefKind, returnType: returnType); // If the method group's receiver is dynamic then there is no point in looking for extension methods; // it's going to be a dynamic invocation. if (!methodGroup.SearchExtensionMethods || methodResolution.HasAnyApplicableMethod || methodGroup.MethodGroupReceiverIsDynamic()) { return methodResolution; } var extensionMethodResolution = BindExtensionMethod( expression, methodName, analyzedArguments, methodGroup.ReceiverOpt, methodGroup.TypeArgumentsOpt, isMethodGroupConversion, returnRefKind: returnRefKind, returnType: returnType); bool preferExtensionMethodResolution = false; if (extensionMethodResolution.HasAnyApplicableMethod) { preferExtensionMethodResolution = true; } else if (extensionMethodResolution.IsEmpty) { preferExtensionMethodResolution = false; } else if (methodResolution.IsEmpty) { preferExtensionMethodResolution = true; } else { // At this point, both method group resolutions are non-empty but neither contains any applicable method. // Choose the MethodGroupResolution with the better (i.e. less worse) result kind. Debug.Assert(!methodResolution.HasAnyApplicableMethod); Debug.Assert(!extensionMethodResolution.HasAnyApplicableMethod); Debug.Assert(!methodResolution.IsEmpty); Debug.Assert(!extensionMethodResolution.IsEmpty); LookupResultKind methodResultKind = methodResolution.ResultKind; LookupResultKind extensionMethodResultKind = extensionMethodResolution.ResultKind; if (methodResultKind != extensionMethodResultKind && methodResultKind == extensionMethodResultKind.WorseResultKind(methodResultKind)) { preferExtensionMethodResolution = true; } } if (preferExtensionMethodResolution) { methodResolution.Free(); Debug.Assert(!extensionMethodResolution.IsEmpty); return extensionMethodResolution; //NOTE: the first argument of this MethodGroupResolution could be a BoundTypeOrValueExpression } extensionMethodResolution.Free(); return methodResolution; } private MethodGroupResolution ResolveDefaultMethodGroup( BoundMethodGroup node, AnalyzedArguments analyzedArguments, bool isMethodGroupConversion, ref HashSet useSiteDiagnostics, bool inferWithDynamic = false, bool allowUnexpandedForm = true, RefKind returnRefKind = default, TypeSymbol returnType = null) { var methods = node.Methods; if (methods.Length == 0) { var method = node.LookupSymbolOpt as MethodSymbol; if ((object)method != null) { methods = ImmutableArray.Create(method); } } ImmutableArray sealedDiagnostics = ImmutableArray.Empty; if (node.LookupError != null) { DiagnosticBag diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance(); Error(diagnostics, node.LookupError, node.NameSyntax); sealedDiagnostics = diagnostics.ToReadOnlyAndFree(); } if (methods.Length == 0) { return new MethodGroupResolution(node.LookupSymbolOpt, node.ResultKind, sealedDiagnostics); } var methodGroup = MethodGroup.GetInstance(); // NOTE: node.ReceiverOpt could be a BoundTypeOrValueExpression - users need to check. methodGroup.PopulateWithNonExtensionMethods(node.ReceiverOpt, methods, node.TypeArgumentsOpt, node.ResultKind, node.LookupError); if (node.LookupError != null) { return new MethodGroupResolution(methodGroup, sealedDiagnostics); } // Arguments will be null if the caller is resolving to the first available // method group, regardless of arguments, when the signature cannot // be inferred. (In the error case of o.M = null; for instance.) if (analyzedArguments == null) { return new MethodGroupResolution(methodGroup, sealedDiagnostics); } else { var result = OverloadResolutionResult.GetInstance(); bool allowRefOmittedArguments = methodGroup.Receiver.IsExpressionOfComImportType(); OverloadResolution.MethodInvocationOverloadResolution( methods: methodGroup.Methods, typeArguments: methodGroup.TypeArguments, receiver: methodGroup.Receiver, arguments: analyzedArguments, result: result, useSiteDiagnostics: ref useSiteDiagnostics, isMethodGroupConversion: isMethodGroupConversion, allowRefOmittedArguments: allowRefOmittedArguments, inferWithDynamic: inferWithDynamic, allowUnexpandedForm: allowUnexpandedForm, returnRefKind: returnRefKind, returnType: returnType); // Note: the MethodGroupResolution instance is responsible for freeing its copy of analyzed arguments return new MethodGroupResolution(methodGroup, null, result, AnalyzedArguments.GetInstance(analyzedArguments), methodGroup.ResultKind, sealedDiagnostics); } } internal static bool ReportDelegateInvokeUseSiteDiagnostic(DiagnosticBag diagnostics, TypeSymbol possibleDelegateType, Location location = null, SyntaxNode node = null) { Debug.Assert((location == null) ^ (node == null)); if (!possibleDelegateType.IsDelegateType()) { return false; } MethodSymbol invoke = possibleDelegateType.DelegateInvokeMethod(); if ((object)invoke == null) { diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidDelegateType, possibleDelegateType), location ?? node.Location); return true; } DiagnosticInfo info = invoke.GetUseSiteDiagnostic(); if (info == null) { return false; } if (location == null) { location = node.Location; } if (info.Code == (int)ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidDelegateType) { diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidDelegateType, possibleDelegateType), location)); return true; } return Symbol.ReportUseSiteDiagnostic(info, diagnostics, location); } private BoundConditionalAccess BindConditionalAccessExpression(ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression receiver = BindConditionalAccessReceiver(node, diagnostics); var conditionalAccessBinder = new BinderWithConditionalReceiver(this, receiver); var access = conditionalAccessBinder.BindValue(node.WhenNotNull, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); if (receiver.HasAnyErrors || access.HasAnyErrors) { return new BoundConditionalAccess(node, receiver, access, CreateErrorType(), hasErrors: true); } var receiverType = receiver.Type; Debug.Assert((object)receiverType != null); // access cannot be a method group if (access.Kind == BoundKind.MethodGroup) { return GenerateBadConditionalAccessNodeError(node, receiver, access, diagnostics); } var accessType = access.Type; // access cannot have no type if ((object)accessType == null) { return GenerateBadConditionalAccessNodeError(node, receiver, access, diagnostics); } // The resulting type must be either a reference type T or Nullable // Therefore we must reject cases resulting in types that are not reference types and cannot be lifted into nullable. // - access cannot have unconstrained generic type // - access cannot be a pointer // - access cannot be a restricted type if ((!accessType.IsReferenceType && !accessType.IsValueType) || accessType.IsPointerType() || accessType.IsRestrictedType()) { // Result type of the access is void when result value cannot be made nullable. // For improved diagnostics we detect the cases where the value will be used and produce a // more specific (though not technically correct) diagnostic here: // "Error CS0023: Operator '?' cannot be applied to operand of type 'T'" bool resultIsUsed = true; CSharpSyntaxNode parent = node.Parent; if (parent != null) { switch (parent.Kind()) { case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement: resultIsUsed = ((ExpressionStatementSyntax)parent).Expression != node; break; case SyntaxKind.SimpleLambdaExpression: resultIsUsed = (((SimpleLambdaExpressionSyntax)parent).Body != node) || ContainingMethodOrLambdaRequiresValue(); break; case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedLambdaExpression: resultIsUsed = (((ParenthesizedLambdaExpressionSyntax)parent).Body != node) || ContainingMethodOrLambdaRequiresValue(); break; case SyntaxKind.ArrowExpressionClause: resultIsUsed = (((ArrowExpressionClauseSyntax)parent).Expression != node) || ContainingMethodOrLambdaRequiresValue(); break; case SyntaxKind.ForStatement: // Incrementors and Initializers doesn't have to produce a value var loop = (ForStatementSyntax)parent; resultIsUsed = !loop.Incrementors.Contains(node) && !loop.Initializers.Contains(node); break; } } if (resultIsUsed) { return GenerateBadConditionalAccessNodeError(node, receiver, access, diagnostics); } accessType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Void, diagnostics, node); } // if access has value type, the type of the conditional access is nullable of that // https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/35075: The test `accessType.IsValueType && !accessType.IsNullableType()` // should probably be `accessType.IsNonNullableValueType()` if (accessType.IsValueType && !accessType.IsNullableType() && !accessType.IsVoidType()) { accessType = GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Nullable_T, diagnostics, node).Construct(accessType); } return new BoundConditionalAccess(node, receiver, access, accessType); } private bool ContainingMethodOrLambdaRequiresValue() { var containingMethod = ContainingMemberOrLambda as MethodSymbol; return (object)containingMethod == null || !containingMethod.ReturnsVoid && !containingMethod.IsTaskReturningAsync(this.Compilation); } private BoundConditionalAccess GenerateBadConditionalAccessNodeError(ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax node, BoundExpression receiver, BoundExpression access, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var operatorToken = node.OperatorToken; // TODO: need a special ERR for this. // conditional access is not really a binary operator. DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, SyntaxFacts.GetText(operatorToken.Kind()), access.Display); diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(diagnosticInfo, operatorToken.GetLocation())); access = BadExpression(access.Syntax, access); return new BoundConditionalAccess(node, receiver, access, CreateErrorType(), hasErrors: true); } private BoundExpression BindMemberBindingExpression(MemberBindingExpressionSyntax node, bool invoked, bool indexed, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression receiver = GetReceiverForConditionalBinding(node, diagnostics); var memberAccess = BindMemberAccessWithBoundLeft(node, receiver, node.Name, node.OperatorToken, invoked, indexed, diagnostics); return memberAccess; } private BoundExpression BindElementBindingExpression(ElementBindingExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { BoundExpression receiver = GetReceiverForConditionalBinding(node, diagnostics); var memberAccess = BindElementAccess(node, receiver, node.ArgumentList, diagnostics); return memberAccess; } private static CSharpSyntaxNode GetConditionalReceiverSyntax(ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax node) { Debug.Assert(node != null); Debug.Assert(node.Expression != null); var receiver = node.Expression; while (receiver.IsKind(SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression)) { receiver = ((ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax)receiver).Expression; Debug.Assert(receiver != null); } return receiver; } private BoundExpression GetReceiverForConditionalBinding(ExpressionSyntax binding, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var conditionalAccessNode = SyntaxFactory.FindConditionalAccessNodeForBinding(binding); Debug.Assert(conditionalAccessNode != null); BoundExpression receiver = this.ConditionalReceiverExpression; if (receiver?.Syntax != GetConditionalReceiverSyntax(conditionalAccessNode)) { // this can happen when semantic model binds parts of a Call or a broken access expression. // We may not have receiver available in such cases. // Not a problem - we only need receiver to get its type and we can bind it here. receiver = BindConditionalAccessReceiver(conditionalAccessNode, diagnostics); } // create surrogate receiver var receiverType = receiver.Type; if (receiverType?.IsNullableType() == true) { receiverType = receiverType.GetNullableUnderlyingType(); } receiver = new BoundConditionalReceiver(receiver.Syntax, 0, receiverType ?? CreateErrorType(), hasErrors: receiver.HasErrors) { WasCompilerGenerated = true }; return receiver; } private BoundExpression BindConditionalAccessReceiver(ConditionalAccessExpressionSyntax node, DiagnosticBag diagnostics) { var receiverSyntax = node.Expression; var receiver = BindValue(receiverSyntax, diagnostics, BindValueKind.RValue); receiver = MakeMemberAccessValue(receiver, diagnostics); if (receiver.HasAnyErrors) { return receiver; } var operatorToken = node.OperatorToken; if (receiver.Kind == BoundKind.UnboundLambda) { var msgId = ((UnboundLambda)receiver).MessageID; DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo = new CSDiagnosticInfo(ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, SyntaxFacts.GetText(operatorToken.Kind()), msgId.Localize()); diagnostics.Add(new CSDiagnostic(diagnosticInfo, node.Location)); return BadExpression(receiverSyntax, receiver); } var receiverType = receiver.Type; // Can't dot into the null literal or anything that has no type if ((object)receiverType == null) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, operatorToken.GetLocation(), operatorToken.Text, receiver.Display); return BadExpression(receiverSyntax, receiver); } // No member accesses on void if (receiverType.IsVoidType()) { Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, operatorToken.GetLocation(), operatorToken.Text, receiverType); return BadExpression(receiverSyntax, receiver); } if (receiverType.IsValueType && !receiverType.IsNullableType()) { // must be nullable or reference type Error(diagnostics, ErrorCode.ERR_BadUnaryOp, operatorToken.GetLocation(), operatorToken.Text, receiverType); return BadExpression(receiverSyntax, receiver); } return receiver; } } }