// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. // The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. // See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. using System.Resources; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis { // This class exists as a way to load resources from the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeAnalysisResources class from // the Microsoft.CodeAnalysis assembly. Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeAnalysisResources is internal but we can't add // InternalsVisibleTo(this-assembly) because there are numerous shared (linked) files common to both // Microsoft.CodeAnalysis and Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Workspaces and that gives us major issues with duplicate // internal types that suddenly become visible (e.g., SpecializedCollections) and that leads down a rabbit hole // of requiring assembly aliasing that would make many tests in this project unreadable. The decision was made to // manually load the few resources we need from the CodeAnalysis assembly at the cost of Find All References and // Rename not working as expected. internal static class CodeAnalysisResources { public static string InMemoryAssembly => GetString("InMemoryAssembly"); private static ResourceManager s_codeAnalysisResourceManager; private static string GetString(string resourceName) { if (s_codeAnalysisResourceManager == null) { s_codeAnalysisResourceManager = new ResourceManager(typeof(CodeAnalysisResources).FullName, typeof(Compilation).Assembly); } return s_codeAnalysisResourceManager.GetString(resourceName); } } }