// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.Immutable; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editing; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Utilities; using Roslyn.Utilities; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions { internal static partial class ISymbolExtensions { public static string ToNameDisplayString(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormats.NameFormat); } public static string ToSignatureDisplayString(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormats.SignatureFormat); } public static bool IsExternallyVisible(this ISymbol symbol) => symbol.GetResultantVisibility() == SymbolVisibility.Public; public static SymbolVisibility GetResultantVisibility(this ISymbol symbol) { // Start by assuming it's visible. var visibility = SymbolVisibility.Public; switch (symbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Alias: // Aliases are uber private. They're only visible in the same file that they // were declared in. return SymbolVisibility.Private; case SymbolKind.Parameter: // Parameters are only as visible as their containing symbol return GetResultantVisibility(symbol.ContainingSymbol); case SymbolKind.TypeParameter: // Type Parameters are private. return SymbolVisibility.Private; } while (symbol != null && symbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Namespace) { switch (symbol.DeclaredAccessibility) { // If we see anything private, then the symbol is private. case Accessibility.NotApplicable: case Accessibility.Private: return SymbolVisibility.Private; // If we see anything internal, then knock it down from public to // internal. case Accessibility.Internal: case Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal: visibility = SymbolVisibility.Internal; break; // For anything else (Public, Protected, ProtectedOrInternal), the // symbol stays at the level we've gotten so far. } symbol = symbol.ContainingSymbol; } return visibility; } public static ISymbol OverriddenMember(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Event: return ((IEventSymbol)symbol).OverriddenEvent; case SymbolKind.Method: return ((IMethodSymbol)symbol).OverriddenMethod; case SymbolKind.Property: return ((IPropertySymbol)symbol).OverriddenProperty; } return null; } public static ImmutableArray ExplicitInterfaceImplementations(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol) { case IEventSymbol @event: return ImmutableArray.CastUp(@event.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations); case IMethodSymbol method: return ImmutableArray.CastUp(method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations); case IPropertySymbol property: return ImmutableArray.CastUp(property.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations); default: return ImmutableArray.Create(); } } public static ImmutableArray ExplicitOrImplicitInterfaceImplementations(this TSymbol symbol) where TSymbol : ISymbol { var containingType = symbol.ContainingType; var allMembersInAllInterfaces = containingType.AllInterfaces.SelectMany(i => i.GetMembers().OfType()); var membersImplementingAnInterfaceMember = allMembersInAllInterfaces.Where( memberInInterface => symbol.Equals(containingType.FindImplementationForInterfaceMember(memberInInterface))); return membersImplementingAnInterfaceMember.Cast().ToImmutableArrayOrEmpty(); } public static bool IsOverridable(this ISymbol symbol) { // Members can only have overrides if they are virtual, abstract or override and is not // sealed. return symbol?.ContainingType?.TypeKind == TypeKind.Class && (symbol.IsVirtual || symbol.IsAbstract || symbol.IsOverride) && !symbol.IsSealed; } public static bool IsImplementableMember(this ISymbol symbol) { if (symbol != null && symbol.ContainingType != null && symbol.ContainingType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Interface) { if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Event) { return true; } if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Property) { return true; } if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method) { var methodSymbol = (IMethodSymbol)symbol; if (methodSymbol.MethodKind == MethodKind.Ordinary || methodSymbol.MethodKind == MethodKind.PropertyGet || methodSymbol.MethodKind == MethodKind.PropertySet) { return true; } } } return false; } public static INamedTypeSymbol GetContainingTypeOrThis(this ISymbol symbol) { if (symbol is INamedTypeSymbol namedType) { return namedType; } return symbol.ContainingType; } public static bool IsPointerType(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol is IPointerTypeSymbol; } public static bool IsErrorType(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as ITypeSymbol)?.IsErrorType() == true; } public static bool IsModuleType(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as ITypeSymbol)?.IsModuleType() == true; } public static bool IsInterfaceType(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as ITypeSymbol)?.IsInterfaceType() == true; } public static bool IsArrayType(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol?.Kind == SymbolKind.ArrayType; } public static bool IsTupleType(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as ITypeSymbol)?.IsTupleType ?? false; } public static bool IsAnonymousFunction(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind == MethodKind.AnonymousFunction; } public static bool IsKind(this ISymbol symbol, SymbolKind kind) { return symbol.MatchesKind(kind); } public static bool MatchesKind(this ISymbol symbol, SymbolKind kind) { return symbol?.Kind == kind; } public static bool MatchesKind(this ISymbol symbol, SymbolKind kind1, SymbolKind kind2) { return symbol != null && (symbol.Kind == kind1 || symbol.Kind == kind2); } public static bool MatchesKind(this ISymbol symbol, SymbolKind kind1, SymbolKind kind2, SymbolKind kind3) { return symbol != null && (symbol.Kind == kind1 || symbol.Kind == kind2 || symbol.Kind == kind3); } public static bool MatchesKind(this ISymbol symbol, params SymbolKind[] kinds) { return symbol != null && kinds.Contains(symbol.Kind); } public static bool IsReducedExtension(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol is IMethodSymbol && ((IMethodSymbol)symbol).MethodKind == MethodKind.ReducedExtension; } public static bool IsExtensionMethod(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method && ((IMethodSymbol)symbol).IsExtensionMethod; } public static bool IsLocalFunction(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol != null && symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Method && ((IMethodSymbol)symbol).MethodKind == MethodKind.LocalFunction; } public static bool IsModuleMember(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol != null && symbol.ContainingSymbol is INamedTypeSymbol && symbol.ContainingType.TypeKind == TypeKind.Module; } public static bool IsConstructor(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind == MethodKind.Constructor; } public static bool IsStaticConstructor(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind == MethodKind.StaticConstructor; } public static bool IsDestructor(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind == MethodKind.Destructor; } public static bool IsUserDefinedOperator(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind == MethodKind.UserDefinedOperator; } public static bool IsConversion(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind == MethodKind.Conversion; } public static bool IsOrdinaryMethod(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind == MethodKind.Ordinary; } public static bool IsOrdinaryMethodOrLocalFunction(this ISymbol symbol) { if (!(symbol is IMethodSymbol method)) { return false; } return method.MethodKind == MethodKind.Ordinary || method.MethodKind == MethodKind.LocalFunction; } public static bool IsDelegateType(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol is ITypeSymbol && ((ITypeSymbol)symbol).TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate; } public static bool IsAnonymousType(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol is INamedTypeSymbol && ((INamedTypeSymbol)symbol).IsAnonymousType; } public static bool IsNormalAnonymousType(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol.IsAnonymousType() && !symbol.IsDelegateType(); } public static bool IsAnonymousDelegateType(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol.IsAnonymousType() && symbol.IsDelegateType(); } public static bool IsAnonymousTypeProperty(this ISymbol symbol) => symbol is IPropertySymbol && symbol.ContainingType.IsNormalAnonymousType(); public static bool IsTupleField(this ISymbol symbol) => symbol is IFieldSymbol && symbol.ContainingType.IsTupleType; public static bool IsIndexer(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IPropertySymbol)?.IsIndexer == true; } public static bool IsWriteableFieldOrProperty(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol) { case IFieldSymbol fieldSymbol: return !fieldSymbol.IsReadOnly && !fieldSymbol.IsConst; case IPropertySymbol propertySymbol: return !propertySymbol.IsReadOnly; } return false; } public static ITypeSymbol GetMemberType(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.Field: return ((IFieldSymbol)symbol).Type; case SymbolKind.Property: return ((IPropertySymbol)symbol).Type; case SymbolKind.Method: return ((IMethodSymbol)symbol).ReturnType; case SymbolKind.Event: return ((IEventSymbol)symbol).Type; } return null; } public static int GetArity(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol.Kind) { case SymbolKind.NamedType: return ((INamedTypeSymbol)symbol).Arity; case SymbolKind.Method: return ((IMethodSymbol)symbol).Arity; default: return 0; } } public static ISymbol GetOriginalUnreducedDefinition(this ISymbol symbol) { if (symbol.IsReducedExtension()) { // note: ReducedFrom is only a method definition and includes no type arguments. symbol = ((IMethodSymbol)symbol).GetConstructedReducedFrom(); } if (symbol.IsFunctionValue()) { if (symbol.ContainingSymbol is IMethodSymbol method) { symbol = method; if (method.AssociatedSymbol != null) { symbol = method.AssociatedSymbol; } } } if (symbol.IsNormalAnonymousType() || symbol.IsAnonymousTypeProperty()) { return symbol; } if (symbol is IParameterSymbol parameter) { var method = parameter.ContainingSymbol as IMethodSymbol; if (method?.IsReducedExtension() == true) { symbol = method.GetConstructedReducedFrom().Parameters[parameter.Ordinal + 1]; } } return symbol?.OriginalDefinition; } public static bool IsFunctionValue(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol is ILocalSymbol && ((ILocalSymbol)symbol).IsFunctionValue; } public static bool IsThisParameter(this ISymbol symbol) => symbol?.Kind == SymbolKind.Parameter && ((IParameterSymbol)symbol).IsThis; public static ISymbol ConvertThisParameterToType(this ISymbol symbol) { if (symbol.IsThisParameter()) { return ((IParameterSymbol)symbol).Type; } return symbol; } public static bool IsParams(this ISymbol symbol) { var parameters = symbol.GetParameters(); return parameters.Length > 0 && parameters[parameters.Length - 1].IsParams; } public static ImmutableArray GetParameters(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol) { case IMethodSymbol m: return m.Parameters; case IPropertySymbol nt: return nt.Parameters; default: return ImmutableArray.Empty; } } public static ImmutableArray GetTypeParameters(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol) { case IMethodSymbol m: return m.TypeParameters; case INamedTypeSymbol nt: return nt.TypeParameters; default: return ImmutableArray.Empty; } } public static ImmutableArray GetAllTypeParameters(this ISymbol symbol) { var results = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); while (symbol != null) { results.AddRange(symbol.GetTypeParameters()); symbol = symbol.ContainingType; } return results.ToImmutableAndFree(); } public static ImmutableArray GetTypeArguments(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol) { case IMethodSymbol m: return m.TypeArguments; case INamedTypeSymbol nt: return nt.TypeArguments; default: return ImmutableArray.Create(); } } public static ImmutableArray GetAllTypeArguments(this ISymbol symbol) { var results = ArrayBuilder.GetInstance(); results.AddRange(symbol.GetTypeArguments()); var containingType = symbol.ContainingType; while (containingType != null) { results.AddRange(containingType.GetTypeArguments()); containingType = containingType.ContainingType; } return results.ToImmutableAndFree(); } public static bool IsAttribute(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as ITypeSymbol)?.IsAttribute() == true; } /// /// Returns true if this symbol contains anything unsafe within it. for example /// List<int*[]> is unsafe, as it "int* Goo { get; }" /// public static bool IsUnsafe(this ISymbol member) { // TODO(cyrusn): Defer to compiler code to handle this once it can. return member?.Accept(new IsUnsafeVisitor()) == true; } public static ITypeSymbol ConvertToType( this ISymbol symbol, Compilation compilation, bool extensionUsedAsInstance = false) { if (symbol is ITypeSymbol type) { return type; } if (symbol is IMethodSymbol method && method.Parameters.All(p => p.RefKind == RefKind.None)) { var count = extensionUsedAsInstance ? Math.Max(0, method.Parameters.Length - 1) : method.Parameters.Length; var skip = extensionUsedAsInstance ? 1 : 0; string WithArity(string typeName, int arity) => arity > 0 ? typeName + '`' + arity : typeName; // Convert the symbol to Func<...> or Action<...> var delegateType = compilation.GetTypeByMetadataName(method.ReturnsVoid ? WithArity("System.Action", count) : WithArity("System.Func", count + 1)); if (delegateType != null) { var types = method.Parameters .Skip(skip) .Select(p => p.Type ?? compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object)); if (!method.ReturnsVoid) { // +1 for the return type. types = types.Concat(method.ReturnType ?? compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object)); } return delegateType.TryConstruct(types.ToArray()); } } // Otherwise, just default to object. return compilation.ObjectType; } public static bool IsStaticType(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol != null && symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.NamedType && symbol.IsStatic; } public static bool IsNamespace(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol?.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace; } public static bool IsOrContainsAccessibleAttribute( this ISymbol symbol, ISymbol withinType, IAssemblySymbol withinAssembly, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var namespaceOrType = symbol is IAliasSymbol alias ? alias.Target : symbol as INamespaceOrTypeSymbol; if (namespaceOrType == null) { return false; } // PERF: Avoid allocating a lambda capture foreach (var type in namespaceOrType.GetAllTypes(cancellationToken)) { if (type.IsAttribute() && type.IsAccessibleWithin(withinType ?? withinAssembly)) { return true; } } return false; } public static IEnumerable GetValidAnonymousTypeProperties(this ISymbol symbol) { Contract.ThrowIfFalse(symbol.IsNormalAnonymousType()); return ((INamedTypeSymbol)symbol).GetMembers().OfType().Where(p => p.CanBeReferencedByName); } public static Accessibility ComputeResultantAccessibility(this ISymbol symbol, ITypeSymbol finalDestination) { if (symbol == null) { return Accessibility.Private; } switch (symbol.DeclaredAccessibility) { default: return symbol.DeclaredAccessibility; case Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal: return symbol.ContainingAssembly.GivesAccessTo(finalDestination.ContainingAssembly) ? Accessibility.ProtectedAndInternal : Accessibility.Internal; case Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal: return symbol.ContainingAssembly.GivesAccessTo(finalDestination.ContainingAssembly) ? Accessibility.ProtectedOrInternal : Accessibility.Protected; } } /// /// Returns true if symbol is a local variable and its declaring syntax node is /// after the current position, false otherwise (including for non-local symbols) /// public static bool IsInaccessibleLocal(this ISymbol symbol, int position) { if (symbol.Kind != SymbolKind.Local) { return false; } // Implicitly declared locals (with Option Explicit Off in VB) are scoped to the entire // method and should always be considered accessible from within the same method. if (symbol.IsImplicitlyDeclared) { return false; } var declarationSyntax = symbol.DeclaringSyntaxReferences.Select(r => r.GetSyntax()).FirstOrDefault(); return declarationSyntax != null && position < declarationSyntax.SpanStart; } /// /// Checks a given symbol for browsability based on its declaration location, attributes /// explicitly limiting browsability, and whether showing of advanced members is enabled. /// The optional attribute constructor parameters may be used to specify the symbols of the /// constructors of the various browsability limiting attributes because finding these /// repeatedly over a large list of symbols can be slow. If providing these constructor /// symbols, they should be in the format provided by /// EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecial*AttributeConstructor(). If these are not provided, /// they will be found in the compilation. /// public static bool IsEditorBrowsable( this ISymbol symbol, bool hideAdvancedMembers, Compilation compilation, IMethodSymbol editorBrowsableAttributeConstructor = null, List typeLibTypeAttributeConstructors = null, List typeLibFuncAttributeConstructors = null, List typeLibVarAttributeConstructors = null, INamedTypeSymbol hideModuleNameAttribute = null) { // Namespaces can't have attributes, so just return true here. This also saves us a // costly check if this namespace has any locations in source (since a merged namespace // needs to go collect all the locations). if (symbol.Kind == SymbolKind.Namespace) { return true; } // check for IsImplicitlyDeclared so we don't spend time examining VB's embedded types. // This saves a few percent in typing scenarios. An implicitly declared symbol can't // have attributes, so it can't be hidden by them. if (symbol.IsImplicitlyDeclared) { return true; } // Ignore browsability limiting attributes if the symbol is declared in source. // Check all locations since some of VB's embedded My symbols are declared in // both source and the MyTemplateLocation. if (symbol.Locations.All(loc => loc.IsInSource)) { // The HideModuleNameAttribute still applies to Modules defined in source return !IsBrowsingProhibitedByHideModuleNameAttribute(symbol, compilation, hideModuleNameAttribute); } return !IsBrowsingProhibited( symbol, hideAdvancedMembers, compilation, editorBrowsableAttributeConstructor, typeLibTypeAttributeConstructors, typeLibFuncAttributeConstructors, typeLibVarAttributeConstructors, hideModuleNameAttribute); } private static bool IsBrowsingProhibited( ISymbol symbol, bool hideAdvancedMembers, Compilation compilation, IMethodSymbol editorBrowsableAttributeConstructor, List typeLibTypeAttributeConstructors, List typeLibFuncAttributeConstructors, List typeLibVarAttributeConstructors, INamedTypeSymbol hideModuleNameAttribute) { var attributes = symbol.GetAttributes(); if (attributes.Length == 0) { return false; } return IsBrowsingProhibitedByEditorBrowsableAttribute(symbol, attributes, hideAdvancedMembers, compilation, editorBrowsableAttributeConstructor) || IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibTypeAttribute(symbol, attributes, compilation, typeLibTypeAttributeConstructors) || IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibFuncAttribute(symbol, attributes, compilation, typeLibFuncAttributeConstructors) || IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibVarAttribute(symbol, attributes, compilation, typeLibVarAttributeConstructors) || IsBrowsingProhibitedByHideModuleNameAttribute(symbol, compilation, hideModuleNameAttribute, attributes); } private static bool IsBrowsingProhibitedByHideModuleNameAttribute( ISymbol symbol, Compilation compilation, INamedTypeSymbol hideModuleNameAttribute, ImmutableArray attributes = default) { if (!symbol.IsModuleType()) { return false; } attributes = attributes.IsDefault ? symbol.GetAttributes() : attributes; hideModuleNameAttribute = hideModuleNameAttribute ?? compilation.HideModuleNameAttribute(); foreach (var attribute in attributes) { if (attribute.AttributeClass == hideModuleNameAttribute) { return true; } } return false; } private static bool IsBrowsingProhibitedByEditorBrowsableAttribute( ISymbol symbol, ImmutableArray attributes, bool hideAdvancedMembers, Compilation compilation, IMethodSymbol constructor) { constructor = constructor ?? EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialEditorBrowsableAttributeConstructor(compilation); if (constructor == null) { return false; } foreach (var attribute in attributes) { if (attribute.AttributeConstructor == constructor && attribute.ConstructorArguments.Length == 1 && attribute.ConstructorArguments.First().Value is int) { var state = (EditorBrowsableState)attribute.ConstructorArguments.First().Value; if (EditorBrowsableState.Never == state || (hideAdvancedMembers && EditorBrowsableState.Advanced == state)) { return true; } } } return false; } private static bool IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibTypeAttribute( ISymbol symbol, ImmutableArray attributes, Compilation compilation, List constructors) { return IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibAttributeWorker( symbol, attributes, constructors ?? EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialTypeLibTypeAttributeConstructors(compilation), TypeLibTypeFlagsFHidden); } private static bool IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibFuncAttribute( ISymbol symbol, ImmutableArray attributes, Compilation compilation, List constructors) { return IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibAttributeWorker( symbol, attributes, constructors ?? EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialTypeLibFuncAttributeConstructors(compilation), TypeLibFuncFlagsFHidden); } private static bool IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibVarAttribute( ISymbol symbol, ImmutableArray attributes, Compilation compilation, List constructors) { return IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibAttributeWorker( symbol, attributes, constructors ?? EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialTypeLibVarAttributeConstructors(compilation), TypeLibVarFlagsFHidden); } private const int TypeLibTypeFlagsFHidden = 0x0010; private const int TypeLibFuncFlagsFHidden = 0x0040; private const int TypeLibVarFlagsFHidden = 0x0040; private static bool IsBrowsingProhibitedByTypeLibAttributeWorker( ISymbol symbol, ImmutableArray attributes, List attributeConstructors, int hiddenFlag) { foreach (var attribute in attributes) { if (attribute.ConstructorArguments.Length == 1) { foreach (var constructor in attributeConstructors) { if (attribute.AttributeConstructor == constructor) { var actualFlags = 0; // Check for both constructor signatures. The constructor that takes a TypeLib*Flags reports an int argument. var argumentValue = attribute.ConstructorArguments.First().Value; if (argumentValue is int i) { actualFlags = i; } else if (argumentValue is short sh) { actualFlags = sh; } else { continue; } if ((actualFlags & hiddenFlag) == hiddenFlag) { return true; } } } } } return false; } public static bool IsAccessor(this ISymbol symbol) { return symbol.IsPropertyAccessor() || symbol.IsEventAccessor(); } public static bool IsPropertyAccessor(this ISymbol symbol) { return (symbol as IMethodSymbol)?.MethodKind.IsPropertyAccessor() == true; } public static bool IsEventAccessor(this ISymbol symbol) { var method = symbol as IMethodSymbol; return method != null && (method.MethodKind == MethodKind.EventAdd || method.MethodKind == MethodKind.EventRaise || method.MethodKind == MethodKind.EventRemove); } public static bool IsFromSource(this ISymbol symbol) => symbol.Locations.Any() && symbol.Locations.All(location => location.IsInSource); public static bool IsNonImplicitAndFromSource(this ISymbol symbol) => !symbol.IsImplicitlyDeclared && symbol.IsFromSource(); public static DeclarationModifiers GetSymbolModifiers(this ISymbol symbol) { return new DeclarationModifiers( isStatic: symbol.IsStatic, isAbstract: symbol.IsAbstract, isUnsafe: symbol.IsUnsafe(), isVirtual: symbol.IsVirtual, isOverride: symbol.IsOverride, isSealed: symbol.IsSealed); } public static ITypeSymbol GetSymbolType(this ISymbol symbol) { switch (symbol) { case ILocalSymbol localSymbol: return localSymbol.Type; case IFieldSymbol fieldSymbol: return fieldSymbol.Type; case IPropertySymbol propertySymbol: return propertySymbol.Type; case IParameterSymbol parameterSymbol: return parameterSymbol.Type; case IAliasSymbol aliasSymbol: return aliasSymbol.Target as ITypeSymbol; } return symbol as ITypeSymbol; } public static DocumentationComment GetDocumentationComment(this ISymbol symbol, CultureInfo preferredCulture = null, bool expandIncludes = false, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { string xmlText = symbol.GetDocumentationCommentXml(preferredCulture, expandIncludes, cancellationToken); return string.IsNullOrEmpty(xmlText) ? DocumentationComment.Empty : DocumentationComment.FromXmlFragment(xmlText); } /// /// If the is a method symbol, returns if the method's return type is "awaitable", but not if it's . /// If the is a type symbol, returns if that type is "awaitable". /// An "awaitable" is any type that exposes a GetAwaiter method which returns a valid "awaiter". This GetAwaiter method may be an instance method or an extension method. /// public static bool IsAwaitableNonDynamic(this ISymbol symbol, SemanticModel semanticModel, int position) { IMethodSymbol methodSymbol = symbol as IMethodSymbol; ITypeSymbol typeSymbol = null; if (methodSymbol == null) { typeSymbol = symbol as ITypeSymbol; if (typeSymbol == null) { return false; } } else { if (methodSymbol.ReturnType == null) { return false; } } // otherwise: needs valid GetAwaiter var potentialGetAwaiters = semanticModel.LookupSymbols(position, container: typeSymbol ?? methodSymbol.ReturnType.OriginalDefinition, name: WellKnownMemberNames.GetAwaiter, includeReducedExtensionMethods: true); var getAwaiters = potentialGetAwaiters.OfType().Where(x => !x.Parameters.Any()); return getAwaiters.Any(VerifyGetAwaiter); } private static bool VerifyGetAwaiter(IMethodSymbol getAwaiter) { var returnType = getAwaiter.ReturnType; if (returnType == null) { return false; } // bool IsCompleted { get } if (!returnType.GetMembers().OfType().Any(p => p.Name == WellKnownMemberNames.IsCompleted && p.Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Boolean && p.GetMethod != null)) { return false; } var methods = returnType.GetMembers().OfType(); // NOTE: (vladres) The current version of C# Spec, § 'Runtime evaluation of await expressions', requires that // NOTE: the interface method INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted or ICriticalNotifyCompletion.UnsafeOnCompleted is invoked // NOTE: (rather than any OnCompleted method conforming to a certain pattern). // NOTE: Should this code be updated to match the spec? // void OnCompleted(Action) // Actions are delegates, so we'll just check for delegates. if (!methods.Any(x => x.Name == WellKnownMemberNames.OnCompleted && x.ReturnsVoid && x.Parameters.Length == 1 && x.Parameters.First().Type.TypeKind == TypeKind.Delegate)) { return false; } // void GetResult() || T GetResult() return methods.Any(m => m.Name == WellKnownMemberNames.GetResult && !m.Parameters.Any()); } /// /// First, remove symbols from the set if they are overridden by other symbols in the set. /// If a symbol is overridden only by symbols outside of the set, then it is not removed. /// This is useful for filtering out symbols that cannot be accessed in a given context due /// to the existence of overriding members. Second, remove remaining symbols that are /// unsupported (e.g. pointer types in VB) or not editor browsable based on the EditorBrowsable /// attribute. /// public static ImmutableArray FilterToVisibleAndBrowsableSymbols( this ImmutableArray symbols, bool hideAdvancedMembers, Compilation compilation) where T : ISymbol { symbols = symbols.RemoveOverriddenSymbolsWithinSet(); // Since all symbols are from the same compilation, find the required attribute // constructors once and reuse. var editorBrowsableAttributeConstructor = EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialEditorBrowsableAttributeConstructor(compilation); var typeLibTypeAttributeConstructors = EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialTypeLibTypeAttributeConstructors(compilation); var typeLibFuncAttributeConstructors = EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialTypeLibFuncAttributeConstructors(compilation); var typeLibVarAttributeConstructors = EditorBrowsableHelpers.GetSpecialTypeLibVarAttributeConstructors(compilation); var hideModuleNameAttribute = compilation.HideModuleNameAttribute(); // PERF: HasUnsupportedMetadata may require recreating the syntax tree to get the base class, so first // check to see if we're referencing a symbol defined in source. bool isSymbolDefinedInSource(Location l) => l.IsInSource; return symbols.WhereAsArray(s => (s.Locations.Any(isSymbolDefinedInSource) || !s.HasUnsupportedMetadata) && !s.IsDestructor() && s.IsEditorBrowsable( hideAdvancedMembers, compilation, editorBrowsableAttributeConstructor, typeLibTypeAttributeConstructors, typeLibFuncAttributeConstructors, typeLibVarAttributeConstructors, hideModuleNameAttribute)); } private static ImmutableArray RemoveOverriddenSymbolsWithinSet(this ImmutableArray symbols) where T : ISymbol { var overriddenSymbols = new HashSet(); foreach (var symbol in symbols) { if (symbol.OverriddenMember() != null && !overriddenSymbols.Contains(symbol.OverriddenMember())) { overriddenSymbols.Add(symbol.OverriddenMember()); } } return symbols.WhereAsArray(s => !overriddenSymbols.Contains(s)); } public static ImmutableArray FilterToVisibleAndBrowsableSymbolsAndNotUnsafeSymbols( this ImmutableArray symbols, bool hideAdvancedMembers, Compilation compilation) where T : ISymbol { return symbols.FilterToVisibleAndBrowsableSymbols(hideAdvancedMembers, compilation) .WhereAsArray(s => !s.IsUnsafe()); } } }