An error occurred while reading the specified configuration file: {0} 讀取指定的組態檔時發生錯誤: {0} Symbol "{0}" is not from source. 符號 "{0}" 非來自來源。 Documentation comment id must start with E, F, M, N, P or T 文件註解 ID 必須以 E、F、M、N、P 或 T 開頭 Cycle detected in extensions 在擴充功能中偵測到循環 Destination type must be a {0}, but given one is {1}. 目的地類型必須是 {0},但提供的是 {1}。 Destination type must be a {0} or a {1}, but given one is {2}. 目的地類型必須是 {0} 或 {1},但提供的是 {2}。 Destination type must be a {0}, {1} or {2}, but given one is {3}. 目的地類型必須是 {0}、{1} 或 {2},但提供的是 {3}。 Could not find location to generation symbol into. 找不到產生符號目的地位置。 No location provided to add statements to. 未提供加入陳述式的位置。 Destination location was not in source. 目的地位置不在來源中。 Destination location was from a different tree. 目的地位置來自不同的樹狀目錄。 Node is of the wrong type. 節點類型不正確。 Location must be null or from source. 位置必須是 null 或源自來源。 Duplicate source file '{0}' in project '{1}' 複製專案 '{1}' 中的原始程式檔 '{0}' Removing projects is not supported. 不支援移除專案。 Adding projects is not supported. 不支援新增專案。 Workspace is not empty. 工作區不是空的。 '{0}' is not part of the workspace. '{0}' 不是工作區的一部分。 '{0}' is already part of the workspace. '{0}' 已經是工作區的一部分。 '{0}' is not referenced. '未參考 '{0}'。 '{0}' is already referenced. '已經參考 '{0}'。 Adding project reference from '{0}' to '{1}' will cause a circular reference. 將專案參考從 '{0}' 加入 '{1}' 會造成循環參考。 Metadata is not referenced. 未參考中繼資料。 Metadata is already referenced. 已參考中繼資料。 {0} is not present. {0} 不存在。 {0} is already present. {0} 已經存在。 The specified document is not a version of this document. 指定的文件不是此文件的版本。 The language '{0}' is not supported. 不支援語言 '{0}'。 The solution already contains the specified project. 此方案已經含有指定的專案。 The solution does not contain the specified project. 此方案不包含指定的專案。 The project already references the target project. 此專案已經參考目標專案。 The project already transitively references the target project. 此專案已經以可轉移方式參考目標專案。 The solution already contains the specified document. 此方案已含有指定的文件。 The solution does not contain the specified document. 此方案不包含指定的文件。 Temporary storage cannot be written more than once. 無法多次寫入暫時儲存區。 '{0}' is not open. '{0}' 未開啟。 A language name cannot be specified for this option. 無法指定此選項的語言名稱。 A language name must be specified for this option. 必須指定此選項的語言名稱。 File was externally modified: {0}. 已在外部修改檔案: {0}。 Unrecognized language name. 無法辨認的語言名稱。 Can't resolve metadata reference: '{0}'. 無法解析中繼資料參考: '{0}'。 Can't resolve analyzer reference: '{0}'. 無法解析分析器參考: '{0}'。 Invalid project block, expected "=" after Project. 專案區塊無效,專案之後必須是 "="。 Invalid project block, expected "," after project name. 專案區塊無效,專案名稱之後必須是 ","。 Invalid project block, expected "," after project path. 專案區塊無效,專案路徑之後必須是 ","。 Expected {0}. 必須是 {0}。 "{0}" must be a non-null and non-empty string. "{0}" 必須是非 null 和非空白的字串。 Expected header: "{0}". 預期的標頭: "{0}"。 Expected end-of-file. 預期的檔案結尾。 Expected {0} line. 必須要有 {0} 行。 This submission already references another submission project. 此提交作業已參考其他提交專案。 {0} still contains open documents. {0} 仍包含開啟中的文件。 {0} is still open. {0} 仍在開啟中。 An element with the same key but a different value already exists. 已經有相同索引鍵但不同值的項目。 Arrays with more than one dimension cannot be serialized. 無法序列化包含多個維度的陣列。 Value too large to be represented as a 30 bit unsigned integer. 值太大,無法呈現為 30 位元不帶正負號的整數。 Specified path must be absolute. 指定的路徑必須是絕對路徑。 Cast is redundant. 多餘的 Cast。 Name can be simplified. 可以簡化名稱。 Unknown identifier. 未知的識別項。 Cannot generate code for unsupported operator '{0}' 無法產生不受支援之運算子 '{0}' 的程式碼 Invalid number of parameters for binary operator. 二元運算子的參數數目無效。 Invalid number of parameters for unary operator. 一元運算子的參數數目無效。 Absolute path expected. 必須是絕對路徑。 Cannot open project '{0}' because the file extension '{1}' is not associated with a language. 無法開啟專案 '{0}',因為副檔名 '{1}' 未與語言相關聯。 Cannot open project '{0}' because the language '{1}' is not supported. 無法開啟專案 '{0}',因為不支援語言 '{1}'。 Invalid project file path: '{0}' 專案檔路徑無效: '{0}' Invalid solution file path: '{0}' 方案檔路徑無效: '{0}' Project file not found: '{0}' 找不到專案檔: '{0}' Solution file not found: '{0}' 找不到方案檔: '{0}' Unmerged change from project '{0}' 取消合併專案 '{0}' 的變更 Added: 已加入: Fix all '{0}' 修正所有 '{0}' Fix all '{0}' in '{1}' 修正 '{1}' 中的所有 '{0}' Fix all '{0}' in Solution 修正方案中的所有 '{0}' After: 之後: Before: 之前: Removed: 已移除: Invalid CodePage value: {0} 無效的字碼頁值: {0} Adding additional documents is not supported. 不支援新增其他文件。 Adding analyzer references is not supported. 不支援新增分析器參考。 Adding documents is not supported. 不支援新增文件。 Adding metadata references is not supported. 不支援新增中繼資料參考。 Adding project references is not supported. 不支援新增專案參考。 Changing additional documents is not supported. 不支援變更其他文件。 Changing documents is not supported. 不支援變更文件。 Changing project properties is not supported. 不支援變更專案屬性。 Removing additional documents is not supported. 不支援移除其他文件。 Removing analyzer references is not supported. 不支援移除分析器參考。 Removing documents is not supported. 不支援移除文件。 Removing metadata references is not supported. 不支援移除中繼資料參考。 Removing project references is not supported. 不支援移除專案參考。 Service of type '{0}' is required to accomplish the task but is not available from the workspace. 完成工作需要 '{0}' 類型的服務,但是無法從工作區取得。 Supplied diagnostic cannot be null. 提供的診斷不可為 null。 At least one diagnostic must be supplied. 至少必須提供一項診斷。 Diagnostic must have span '{0}' 診斷範圍必須涵蓋 '{0}' Cannot deserialize type '{0}'. 無法將類型 '{0}' 還原序列化。 Cannot serialize type '{0}'. 無法將類型 '{0}' 序列化。 The type '{0}' is not understood by the serialization binder. 序列化繫結器無法辨識類型 '{0}'。 Label for node '{0}' is invalid, it must be within [0, {1}). 節點 '{0}' 的標籤無效,它必須位於 [0, {1}) 內。 Matching nodes '{0}' and '{1}' must have the same label. 相符節點 '{0}' 與 '{1}' 必須具有相同標籤。 Node '{0}' must be contained in the new tree. 新的樹狀結構中必須包含節點 '{0}'。 Node '{0}' must be contained in the old tree. 舊的樹狀結構中必須包含節點 '{0}' The member '{0}' is not declared within the declaration of the symbol. 符號的宣告中並未宣告成員 '{0}'。 The position is not within the symbol's declaration 位置不在符號的宣告中。 The symbol '{0}' cannot be located within the current solution. 在目前的方案中找不到符號 '{0}'。 Changing compilation options is not supported. 不支援變更編譯選項。 Changing parse options is not supported. 不支援變更剖析選項。 The node is not part of the tree. 這個節點不屬於樹狀結構的一部分。 This workspace does not support opening and closing documents. 這個工作區不支援開啟及關閉文件。 Usage: 使用方式: Exceptions: 例外狀況: '{0}' returned an uninitialized ImmutableArray '{0}' 傳回未初始化的 ImmutableArray Failure 失敗 Warning 警告 Populate switch 填入切換 Member access should be qualified. 必須限定成員存取。 Add braces to '{0}' statement. 為 '{0}' 陳述式加入大括號。 Options did not come from Workspace 選項並非來自工作工作區 Enable 啟用 Enable and ignore future errors 啟用並忽略未來的錯誤 '{0}' encountered an error and has been disabled. '{0}' 發生錯誤並已停用。 Show Stack Trace 顯示堆疊追蹤 Stream is too long. 資料流過長。 Deserialization reader for '{0}' read incorrect number of values. {0}' 的還原序列化讀取器所讀取的值數目不正確。 Pascal Case Pascal 命名法的大小寫 Abstract Method 抽象方法 {locked: abstract}{locked: method} These are keywords (unless the order of words or capitalization should be handled differently) Async Method 非同步方法 {locked: async}{locked: method} These are keywords (unless the order of words or capitalization should be handled differently) Begins with I 以 I 開頭 {locked:I} Class 類別 {locked} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Delegate 委派 {locked} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Enum 列舉 {locked} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Event 事件 {locked} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Interface 介面 {locked} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Non-Field Members 非欄位成員 {locked:field} Private Method 私人方法 {locked: private}{locked: method} These are keywords (unless the order of words or capitalization should be handled differently) Private or Internal Field 私人或內部欄位 {locked: private}{locked: internal}{locked:field} Private or Internal Static Field 私人或內部靜態欄位 {locked: private}{locked: internal}{locked:static}{locked:field} Property 屬性 {locked} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Public or Protected Field 公用或受保護欄位 {locked: public}{locked: protected}{locked:field} Static Field 靜態欄位 {locked:static}{locked:field} (unless the capitalization should be handled differently) Static Method 靜態方法 {locked: static}{locked: method} These are keywords (unless the order of words or capitalization should be handled differently) Struct 結構 {locked} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Types 類型 {locked:types} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Method 方法 {locked:method} unless the capitalization should be handled differently Missing prefix: '{0}' 遺漏前置詞: '{0}' Error 錯誤 None Missing suffix: '{0}' 遺漏尾碼: '{0}' These non-leading words must begin with an upper case letter: {0} 非前置字組必須以大寫字母開頭: {0} Suggestion 建議 These non-leading words must begin with a lowercase letter: {0} 非前置字組必須以小寫字母開頭: {0} These words cannot contain lower case characters: {0} 這些字組不可包含小寫字母: {0} These words cannot contain upper case characters: {0} 這些字組不可包含大寫字母: {0} These words must begin with upper case characters: {0} 這些字組必須包含大寫字母: {0} The first word, '{0}', must begin with an upper case character 第一個字組 '{0}' 必須以大寫字母開頭 The first word, '{0}', must begin with a lower case character 第一個字組 '{0}' 必須以小寫字母開頭 File '{0}' size of {1} exceeds maximum allowed size of {2} 檔案 '{0}' 的大小 {1} 超過允許的大小上限 {2} Changing document properties is not supported 不支援變更文件屬性 Alternation conditions cannot be comments Alternation conditions cannot be comments Alternation conditions do not capture and cannot be named Alternation conditions do not capture and cannot be named A subtraction must be the last element in a character class A subtraction must be the last element in a character class Cannot include class \{0} in character range Cannot include class \{0} in character range Capture group numbers must be less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue Capture group numbers must be less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue Capture number cannot be zero Capture number cannot be zero Illegal \ at end of pattern Illegal \ at end of pattern Illegal {x,y} with x > y Illegal {x,y} with x > y Incomplete \p{X} character escape Incomplete \p{X} character escape Insufficient hexadecimal digits Insufficient hexadecimal digits Invalid group name: Group names must begin with a word character Invalid group name: Group names must begin with a word character malformed malformed Malformed \p{X} character escape Malformed \p{X} character escape Malformed \k<...> named back reference Malformed \k<...> named back reference Missing control character Missing control character Nested quantifier {0} Nested quantifier {0} Not enough )'s Not enough )'s Quantifier {x,y} following nothing Quantifier {x,y} following nothing reference to undefined group reference to undefined group Reference to undefined group name {0} Reference to undefined group name {0} Reference to undefined group number {0} Reference to undefined group number {0} Too many | in (?()|) Too many | in (?()|) Too many )'s Too many )'s Unknown property Unknown property Unknown property '{0}' Unknown property '{0}' Unrecognized control character Unrecognized control character Unrecognized escape sequence \{0} Unrecognized escape sequence \{0} Unrecognized grouping construct Unrecognized grouping construct Unterminated [] set Unterminated [] set Unterminated (?#...) comment Unterminated (?#...) comment [x-y] range in reverse order [x-y] range in reverse order Invalid number Invalid number Only properties allowed in a json object Only properties allowed in a json object Property not allowed in a json array Property not allowed in a json array Unterminated comment Unterminated comment Unterminated string Unterminated string '{0}' expected '{0}' expected '{0}' unexpected '{0}' unexpected Invalid escape sequence Invalid escape sequence Error parsing comment Error parsing comment Syntax error Syntax error Invalid property name Invalid property name Missing property value Missing property value Nested properties not allowed Nested properties not allowed Name expected Name expected Invalid constructor name Invalid constructor name