' Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. Imports System Imports System.Collections.Concurrent Imports System.Collections.Immutable Imports System.Threading Imports System.Threading.Tasks Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeGen Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Diagnostics Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Emit Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Emit Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic Friend NotInheritable Class MethodCompiler Inherits VisualBasicSymbolVisitor Private ReadOnly _compilation As VisualBasicCompilation Private ReadOnly _cancellationToken As CancellationToken Private ReadOnly _emittingPdb As Boolean Private ReadOnly _diagnostics As DiagnosticBag Private ReadOnly _hasDeclarationErrors As Boolean Private ReadOnly _namespaceScopeBuilder As NamespaceScopeBuilder Private ReadOnly _moduleBeingBuiltOpt As PEModuleBuilder ' Nothing if compiling for diagnostics Private ReadOnly _filterOpt As Predicate(Of Symbol) ' If not Nothing, limit analysis to specific symbols Private ReadOnly _debugDocumentProvider As DebugDocumentProvider ' GetDiagnostics only needs to Bind. If we need to go further, _doEmitPhase needs to be set. ' It normally happens during actual compile, but also happens when getting emit diagnostics for ' testing purposes. Private ReadOnly _doEmitPhase As Boolean ' MethodCompiler employs concurrency by following flattened fork/join pattern. ' ' For every item that we want to compile in parallel a new task is forked. ' compileTaskQueue is used to track and observe all the tasks. ' Once compileTaskQueue is empty, we know that there are no more tasks (and no more can be created) ' and that means we are done compiling. WaitForWorkers ensures this condition. ' ' Note that while tasks may fork more tasks (nested types, lambdas, whatever else that may introduce more types), ' we do not want any child/parent relationship between spawned tasks and their creators. ' Creator has no real dependencies on the completion of its children and should finish and release any resources ' as soon as it can regardless of the tasks it may have spawned. ' ' Stack is used so that the wait would observe the most recently added task and have ' more chances to do inlined execution. Private ReadOnly _compilerTasks As ConcurrentStack(Of Task) ' Tracks whether any method body has hasErrors set, and used to avoid ' emitting if there are errors without corresponding diagnostics. ' NOTE: once the flag is set to true, it should never go back to false!!! Private _globalHasErrors As Boolean Private ReadOnly Property GlobalHasErrors As Boolean Get Return _globalHasErrors End Get End Property Private Sub SetGlobalErrorIfTrue(arg As Boolean) ' NOTE: this is not a volatile write ' for correctness we need only single threaded consistency. ' Within a single task - if we have got an error it may not be safe to continue with some lowerings. ' It is ok if other tasks will see the change after some delay or does not observe at all. ' Such races are unavoidable and will just result in performing some work that is safe to do ' but may no longer be needed. ' The final Join of compiling tasks cannot happen without interlocked operations and that ' will that the final state of the flag is synchronized after we are done compiling. If arg Then _globalHasErrors = True End If End Sub ' moduleBeingBuilt can be Nothing in order to just analyze methods for errors. Private Sub New(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, moduleBeingBuiltOpt As PEModuleBuilder, emittingPdb As Boolean, doEmitPhase As Boolean, hasDeclarationErrors As Boolean, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, filter As Predicate(Of Symbol), cancellationToken As CancellationToken) _compilation = compilation _moduleBeingBuiltOpt = moduleBeingBuiltOpt _diagnostics = diagnostics _hasDeclarationErrors = hasDeclarationErrors _cancellationToken = cancellationToken _doEmitPhase = doEmitPhase _emittingPdb = emittingPdb _filterOpt = filter If emittingPdb Then _debugDocumentProvider = Function(path As String, basePath As String) moduleBeingBuiltOpt.GetOrAddDebugDocument(path, basePath, AddressOf CreateDebugDocumentForFile) End If If compilation.Options.ConcurrentBuild Then _compilerTasks = New ConcurrentStack(Of Task)() End If End Sub Private Shared Function IsDefinedOrImplementedInSourceTree(symbol As Symbol, tree As SyntaxTree, span As TextSpan?) As Boolean If symbol.IsDefinedInSourceTree(tree, span) Then Return True End If Dim method = TryCast(symbol, SourceMemberMethodSymbol) If method IsNot Nothing AndAlso method.IsPartialDefinition Then Dim implementationPart = method.PartialImplementationPart If implementationPart IsNot Nothing Then Return implementationPart.IsDefinedInSourceTree(tree, span) End If End If If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Method AndAlso symbol.IsImplicitlyDeclared AndAlso DirectCast(symbol, MethodSymbol).MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor Then ' Include implicitly declared constructor if containing type is included Return IsDefinedOrImplementedInSourceTree(symbol.ContainingType, tree, span) End If Return False End Function ''' ''' Completes binding and performs analysis of bound trees for the purpose of obtaining diagnostics. ''' ''' NOTE: This method does not perform lowering/rewriting/emit. ''' Errors from those stages require complete compile, ''' but generally are not interesting during editing. ''' ''' NOTE: the bound tree produced by this method are not stored anywhere ''' and immediately lost after diagnostics of a particular tree is done. ''' ''' Public Shared Sub GetCompileDiagnostics(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, root As NamespaceSymbol, tree As SyntaxTree, filterSpanWithinTree As TextSpan?, hasDeclarationErrors As Boolean, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, doEmitPhase As Boolean, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) Dim filter As Predicate(Of Symbol) = Nothing If tree IsNot Nothing Then filter = Function(sym) IsDefinedOrImplementedInSourceTree(sym, tree, filterSpanWithinTree) End If Dim compiler = New MethodCompiler(compilation, moduleBeingBuiltOpt:=Nothing, emittingPdb:=False, doEmitPhase:=doEmitPhase, hasDeclarationErrors:=hasDeclarationErrors, diagnostics:=diagnostics, filter:=filter, cancellationToken:=cancellationToken) root.Accept(compiler) If tree Is Nothing Then ' include entry point diagnostics if we are compiling the entire compilation, not just a single tree: Dim entryPointAndDiagnostics = compilation.GetEntryPointAndDiagnostics(cancellationToken) If entryPointAndDiagnostics IsNot Nothing Then diagnostics.AddRange(entryPointAndDiagnostics.Diagnostics) End If End If compiler.WaitForWorkers() End Sub ''' ''' Compiles given compilation into provided module. ''' ''' NOTE: it is ok for moduleBeingBuiltOpt to be Nothing. ''' In such case the only results of this method would be diagnostics for complete compile. ''' ''' NOTE: the bound/lowered trees produced by this method are not stored anywhere and ''' immediately lost after obtaining method bodies and diagnostics for a particular ''' tree. ''' Friend Shared Sub CompileMethodBodies(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, moduleBeingBuiltOpt As PEModuleBuilder, emittingPdb As Boolean, hasDeclarationErrors As Boolean, filter As Predicate(Of Symbol), diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) If compilation.PreviousSubmission IsNot Nothing Then ' In case there is a previous submission, we should ensure ' it has already created anonymous type/delegates templates ' NOTE: if there are any errors, we will pick up what was created anyway compilation.PreviousSubmission.EnsureAnonymousTypeTemplates(cancellationToken) ' TODO: revise to use a loop instead of a recursion End If #If DEBUG Then compilation.EmbeddedSymbolManager.AssertMarkAllDeferredSymbolsAsReferencedIsCalled() #End If Dim compiler = New MethodCompiler(compilation, moduleBeingBuiltOpt, emittingPdb, doEmitPhase:=True, hasDeclarationErrors:=hasDeclarationErrors, diagnostics:=diagnostics, filter:=filter, cancellationToken:=cancellationToken) compilation.SourceModule.GlobalNamespace.Accept(compiler) compiler.WaitForWorkers() If moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing Then Dim additionalTypes = moduleBeingBuiltOpt.GetAdditionalTopLevelTypes() If Not additionalTypes.IsEmpty Then compiler.CompileSynthesizedMethods(additionalTypes) End If compilation.AnonymousTypeManager.AssignTemplatesNamesAndCompile(compiler, moduleBeingBuiltOpt, diagnostics) compiler.WaitForWorkers() ' Process symbols from embedded code if needed. If compilation.EmbeddedSymbolManager.Embedded <> EmbeddedSymbolKind.None Then compiler.ProcessEmbeddedMethods() End If Dim privateImplClass = moduleBeingBuiltOpt.PrivateImplClass If privateImplClass IsNot Nothing Then ' all threads that were adding methods must be finished now, we can freeze the class: privateImplClass.Freeze() compiler.CompileSynthesizedMethods(privateImplClass) End If End If Dim entryPoint = GetEntryPoint(compilation, moduleBeingBuiltOpt, diagnostics, cancellationToken) If moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing Then moduleBeingBuiltOpt.SetEntryPoint(entryPoint) If (compiler.GlobalHasErrors OrElse moduleBeingBuiltOpt.SourceModule.HasBadAttributes) AndAlso Not hasDeclarationErrors AndAlso Not diagnostics.HasAnyErrors Then ' If there were errors but no diagnostics, explicitly add ' a "Failed to emit module" error to prevent emitting. diagnostics.Add(ERRID.ERR_ModuleEmitFailure, NoLocation.Singleton, moduleBeingBuiltOpt.SourceModule.Name) End If End If End Sub Private Shared Function GetEntryPoint(compilation As VisualBasicCompilation, moduleBeingBuilt As PEModuleBuilder, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As MethodSymbol Dim entryPointAndDiagnostics = compilation.GetEntryPointAndDiagnostics(cancellationToken) If entryPointAndDiagnostics Is Nothing Then Return Nothing End If Debug.Assert(Not entryPointAndDiagnostics.Diagnostics.IsDefault) diagnostics.AddRange(entryPointAndDiagnostics.Diagnostics) Dim entryPoint = entryPointAndDiagnostics.MethodSymbol Dim synthesizedEntryPoint = TryCast(entryPoint, SynthesizedEntryPointSymbol) If synthesizedEntryPoint IsNot Nothing AndAlso moduleBeingBuilt IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not diagnostics.HasAnyErrors Then Dim compilationState = New TypeCompilationState(compilation, moduleBeingBuilt, initializeComponentOpt:=Nothing) Dim body = synthesizedEntryPoint.CreateBody() Dim emittedBody = GenerateMethodBody(moduleBeingBuilt, synthesizedEntryPoint, methodOrdinal:=DebugId.UndefinedOrdinal, block:=body, lambdaDebugInfo:=ImmutableArray(Of LambdaDebugInfo).Empty, closureDebugInfo:=ImmutableArray(Of ClosureDebugInfo).Empty, stateMachineTypeOpt:=Nothing, variableSlotAllocatorOpt:=Nothing, debugDocumentProvider:=Nothing, diagnostics:=diagnostics, emittingPdb:=False) moduleBeingBuilt.SetMethodBody(synthesizedEntryPoint, emittedBody) End If Debug.Assert(entryPoint IsNot Nothing OrElse entryPointAndDiagnostics.Diagnostics.HasAnyErrors() OrElse Not compilation.Options.Errors.IsDefaultOrEmpty) Return entryPoint End Function Private Sub WaitForWorkers() Dim tasks As ConcurrentStack(Of Task) = Me._compilerTasks If tasks Is Nothing Then Return End If Dim curTask As Task = Nothing While tasks.TryPop(curTask) curTask.GetAwaiter().GetResult() End While End Sub #Region "Embedded symbols processing" Private Sub ProcessEmbeddedMethods() Dim manager = _compilation.EmbeddedSymbolManager Dim processedSymbols As New ConcurrentSet(Of Symbol)(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance) Dim methodOrdinal = 0 Dim builder = ArrayBuilder(Of Symbol).GetInstance Do ' We iterate all the symbols for embedded code that are CURRENTLY known ' to be referenced by user code or already emitted embedded code. ' ' If this the first full emit of the current compilation and there are no ' concurrent emits this collection will consist of embedded symbols referenced ' from attributes on compilation source symbols (by directly using embedded ' attributes OR referencing embedded types from attributes' arguments via ' 'GetType(EmbeddedTypeName)' expressions). ' ' The consecutive iterations may also see new embedded symbols referenced ' as we compile and emit embedded methods. ' ' If there are concurrent emits in place more referenced symbols may be returned ' by GetCurrentReferencedSymbolsSnapshot than in simple case described above, ' thus reducing the number of iterations of the outer Do loop. ' ' Note that GetCurrentReferencedSymbolsSnapshot actually makes a snapshot ' of the referenced symbols. manager.GetCurrentReferencedSymbolsSnapshot(builder, processedSymbols) If builder.Count = 0 Then Exit Do End If For index = 0 To builder.Count - 1 Dim symbol As Symbol = builder(index) processedSymbols.Add(symbol) #If DEBUG Then ' In DEBUG assert that the type does not have ' field initializers except those in const fields If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType Then Dim embeddedType = DirectCast(symbol, EmbeddedSymbolManager.EmbeddedNamedTypeSymbol) AssertAllInitializersAreConstants(embeddedType.StaticInitializers) AssertAllInitializersAreConstants(embeddedType.InstanceInitializers) End If #End If ' Compile method If symbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Method Then Dim embeddedMethod = DirectCast(symbol, MethodSymbol) EmbeddedSymbolManager.ValidateMethod(embeddedMethod) VisitEmbeddedMethod(embeddedMethod) End If Next builder.Clear() Loop builder.Free() ' Seal the referenced symbol collection manager.SealCollection() End Sub Private Sub VisitEmbeddedMethod(method As MethodSymbol) ' Lazily created collection of synthetic methods which ' may be created during compilation of methods Dim compilationState As TypeCompilationState = New TypeCompilationState(_compilation, _moduleBeingBuiltOpt, initializeComponentOpt:=Nothing) ' Containing type binder ' NOTE: we need to provide type binder for the constructor compilation, ' so we create it for each constructor, but it does not seem to be a ' problem since current embedded types have only one constructor per ' type; this might need to be revised later if this assumption changes Dim sourceTypeBinder As Binder = If(method.MethodKind = MethodKind.Ordinary, Nothing, BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForType( DirectCast(method.ContainingModule, SourceModuleSymbol), method.ContainingType.Locations(0).PossiblyEmbeddedOrMySourceTree(), method.ContainingType)) ' Since embedded method bodies don't produce synthesized methods (see the assertion below) ' there is no need to assign an ordinal to embedded methods. Const methodOrdinal As Integer = -1 Dim withEventPropertyIdDispenser = 0 Dim delegateRelaxationIdDispenser = 0 Dim referencedConstructor As MethodSymbol = Nothing CompileMethod(method, methodOrdinal, withEventPropertyIdDispenser, delegateRelaxationIdDispenser, filter:=Nothing, compilationState:=compilationState, processedInitializers:=Binder.ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers.Empty, containingTypeBinder:=sourceTypeBinder, previousSubmissionFields:=Nothing, referencedConstructor:=referencedConstructor) ' Do not expect WithEvents Debug.Assert(withEventPropertyIdDispenser = 0) ' Do not expect delegate relaxation stubs Debug.Assert(delegateRelaxationIdDispenser = 0) ' Do not expect constructor --> constructor calls for embedded types Debug.Assert(referencedConstructor Is Nothing OrElse Not referencedConstructor.ContainingType.Equals(method.ContainingType)) ' Don't expect any synthetic methods created for embedded types Debug.Assert(Not compilationState.HasSynthesizedMethods) End Sub Private Sub AssertAllInitializersAreConstants(initializers As ImmutableArray(Of ImmutableArray(Of FieldOrPropertyInitializer))) If Not initializers.IsDefaultOrEmpty Then For Each initializerGroup In initializers If Not initializerGroup.IsEmpty Then For Each initializer In initializerGroup For Each fieldOrProperty In initializer.FieldsOrProperty Debug.Assert(fieldOrProperty.Kind = SymbolKind.Field) Debug.Assert(DirectCast(fieldOrProperty, FieldSymbol).IsConst) Next Next End If Next End If End Sub #End Region Private ReadOnly Property DoEmitPhase() As Boolean Get Return _doEmitPhase End Get End Property Public Overrides Sub VisitNamespace(symbol As NamespaceSymbol) _cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested() If Me._compilation.Options.ConcurrentBuild Then Dim worker As Task = CompileNamespaceAsTask(symbol) _compilerTasks.Push(worker) Else CompileNamespace(symbol) End If End Sub Private Function CompileNamespaceAsTask(symbol As NamespaceSymbol) As Task Return Task.Run( UICultureUtilities.WithCurrentUICulture( Sub() Try CompileNamespace(symbol) Catch e As Exception When FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e) Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable End Try End Sub), Me._cancellationToken) End Function Private Sub CompileNamespace(symbol As NamespaceSymbol) If PassesFilter(_filterOpt, symbol) Then For Each member In symbol.GetMembersUnordered() member.Accept(Me) Next End If End Sub Public Overrides Sub VisitNamedType(symbol As NamedTypeSymbol) _cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested() If PassesFilter(_filterOpt, symbol) Then If Me._compilation.Options.ConcurrentBuild Then Dim worker As Task = CompileNamedTypeAsTask(symbol, _filterOpt) _compilerTasks.Push(worker) Else CompileNamedType(symbol, _filterOpt) End If End If End Sub Private Function CompileNamedTypeAsTask(symbol As NamedTypeSymbol, filter As Predicate(Of Symbol)) As Task Return Task.Run( UICultureUtilities.WithCurrentUICulture( Sub() Try CompileNamedType(symbol, filter) Catch e As Exception When FatalError.ReportUnlessCanceled(e) Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable End Try End Sub), Me._cancellationToken) End Function Private Sub CompileNamedType(containingType As NamedTypeSymbol, filter As Predicate(Of Symbol)) If containingType.IsEmbedded Then ' Don't process embedded types Return End If ' Find the constructor of a script class. Dim scriptCtor As SynthesizedConstructorBase = Nothing Dim scriptInitializer As SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod = Nothing Dim scriptEntryPoint As SynthesizedEntryPointSymbol = Nothing Dim scriptCtorOrdinal = -1 If containingType.IsScriptClass Then scriptCtor = containingType.GetScriptConstructor() scriptInitializer = containingType.GetScriptInitializer() scriptEntryPoint = containingType.GetScriptEntryPoint() Debug.Assert(scriptCtor IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(scriptInitializer IsNot Nothing) End If Dim processedStaticInitializers = Binder.ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers.Empty Dim processedInstanceInitializers = Binder.ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers.Empty Dim synthesizedSubmissionFields = If(containingType.IsSubmissionClass, New SynthesizedSubmissionFields(_compilation, containingType), Nothing) ' if this is a type symbol from source we'll try to bind the field initializers as well Dim sourceTypeSymbol = TryCast(containingType, SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol) Dim initializeComponent As MethodSymbol = Nothing If sourceTypeSymbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso DoEmitPhase Then initializeComponent = GetDesignerInitializeComponentMethod(sourceTypeSymbol) End If ' Lazily created collection of synthetic methods which ' may be created during compilation of methods Dim compilationState As TypeCompilationState = New TypeCompilationState(_compilation, _moduleBeingBuiltOpt, initializeComponent) ' Containing type binder Dim sourceTypeBinder As Binder = Nothing If sourceTypeSymbol IsNot Nothing Then Debug.Assert(sourceTypeSymbol.Locations.Length > 0) sourceTypeBinder = BinderBuilder.CreateBinderForType( DirectCast(sourceTypeSymbol.ContainingModule, SourceModuleSymbol), sourceTypeSymbol.Locations(0).PossiblyEmbeddedOrMySourceTree, sourceTypeSymbol) Binder.BindFieldAndPropertyInitializers(sourceTypeSymbol, sourceTypeSymbol.StaticInitializers, scriptInitializer, processedStaticInitializers, _diagnostics) Binder.BindFieldAndPropertyInitializers(sourceTypeSymbol, sourceTypeSymbol.InstanceInitializers, scriptInitializer, processedInstanceInitializers, _diagnostics) ' TODO: any flow analysis for initializers? ' const fields of type date or decimal require a shared constructor. We decided that this constructor ' should not be part of the type's member list. If there is not already a shared constructor, we're ' creating one and call CompileMethod to rewrite the field initializers. Dim sharedDefaultConstructor = sourceTypeSymbol.CreateSharedConstructorsForConstFieldsIfRequired(sourceTypeBinder, _diagnostics) If sharedDefaultConstructor IsNot Nothing AndAlso PassesFilter(filter, sharedDefaultConstructor) Then Dim sharedConstructorWithEventPropertyIdDispenser = 0 Dim sharedConstructorDelegateRelaxationIdDispenser = 0 CompileMethod(sharedDefaultConstructor, -1, sharedConstructorWithEventPropertyIdDispenser, sharedConstructorDelegateRelaxationIdDispenser, filter, compilationState, processedStaticInitializers, sourceTypeBinder, synthesizedSubmissionFields) ' Default shared constructor shall not have any Handles clause Debug.Assert(sharedConstructorWithEventPropertyIdDispenser = 0) ' Default shared constructor shall not produce delegate relaxation stubs Debug.Assert(sharedConstructorDelegateRelaxationIdDispenser = 0) If _moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing Then _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AddSynthesizedDefinition(sourceTypeSymbol, sharedDefaultConstructor) End If End If End If ' Constructor --> Constructor calls to be used in cycles detection Dim constructorCallMap As Dictionary(Of MethodSymbol, MethodSymbol) = Nothing Dim members = containingType.GetMembers() ' Unique ids assigned to synthesized overrides of WithEvents properties. Dim withEventPropertyIdDispenser = 0 ' Unique ids assigned to synthesized delegate relaxation stubs. Dim delegateRelaxationIdDispenser = 0 For memberOrdinal = 0 To members.Length - 1 Dim member = members(memberOrdinal) If Not PassesFilter(filter, member) Then Continue For End If Select Case member.Kind Case SymbolKind.NamedType member.Accept(Me) Case SymbolKind.Method Dim method = DirectCast(member, MethodSymbol) If method.IsScriptConstructor Then Debug.Assert(scriptCtorOrdinal = -1) Debug.Assert(scriptCtor Is method) scriptCtorOrdinal = memberOrdinal Continue For End If If method Is scriptEntryPoint Then Continue For End If If method.IsPartial() Then Dim impl = method.PartialImplementationPart If impl IsNot method Then If CType(method, SourceMethodSymbol).SetDiagnostics(ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic).Empty) Then method.DeclaringCompilation.SymbolDeclaredEvent(method) End If If impl Is Nothing Then Continue For End If method = impl End If End If ' pass correct processed initializers for the static or instance constructors, ' otherwise pass nothing Dim processedInitializers = Binder.ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers.Empty If method.MethodKind = MethodKind.SharedConstructor Then processedInitializers = processedStaticInitializers ElseIf method.MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor OrElse method.IsScriptInitializer Then processedInitializers = processedInstanceInitializers End If Dim referencedConstructor As MethodSymbol = Nothing CompileMethod(method, memberOrdinal, withEventPropertyIdDispenser, delegateRelaxationIdDispenser, filter, compilationState, processedInitializers, sourceTypeBinder, synthesizedSubmissionFields, referencedConstructor) ' If 'referencedConstructor' is returned by 'CompileMethod', the method just compiled ' was a constructor which references the returned symbol. We might want to store ' some of those constructors in 'constructorCallMap' to process later for cycle detection If referencedConstructor IsNot Nothing Then ' If base class constructor is called, the constructor cannot be part of a cycle If referencedConstructor.ContainingType.Equals(containingType) Then If constructorCallMap Is Nothing Then constructorCallMap = New Dictionary(Of MethodSymbol, MethodSymbol) End If constructorCallMap.Add(method, referencedConstructor) End If End If ' Create exact signature stubs for interface implementations. If DoEmitPhase AndAlso _moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing Then CreateExplicitInterfaceImplementationStubs(compilationState, method) End If End Select Next Debug.Assert(containingType.IsScriptClass = (scriptCtorOrdinal >= 0)) ' Detect and report cycles in constructor calls If constructorCallMap IsNot Nothing Then DetectAndReportCyclesInConstructorCalls(constructorCallMap, _diagnostics) End If ' Compile submission constructor last so that synthesized submission fields are collected from all script methods: If scriptCtor IsNot Nothing Then Debug.Assert(scriptCtorOrdinal >= 0) CompileMethod(scriptCtor, scriptCtorOrdinal, withEventPropertyIdDispenser, delegateRelaxationIdDispenser, filter, compilationState, Binder.ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers.Empty, sourceTypeBinder, synthesizedSubmissionFields) If synthesizedSubmissionFields IsNot Nothing AndAlso _moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing Then synthesizedSubmissionFields.AddToType(containingType, _moduleBeingBuiltOpt) End If End If ' Report warnings for constructors that do not call InitializeComponent If initializeComponent IsNot Nothing Then For Each member In containingType.GetMembers() If member.IsShared OrElse Not member.IsFromCompilation(_compilation) OrElse member.Kind <> SymbolKind.Method Then Continue For End If Dim sourceMethod = TryCast(member, SourceMemberMethodSymbol) If sourceMethod IsNot Nothing AndAlso sourceMethod.MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor AndAlso Not compilationState.CallsInitializeComponent(sourceMethod) Then Dim location As Location = sourceMethod.NonMergedLocation Debug.Assert(location IsNot Nothing) If location IsNot Nothing Then Binder.ReportDiagnostic(_diagnostics, location, ERRID.WRN_ExpectedInitComponentCall2, sourceMethod, sourceTypeSymbol) End If End If Next End If ' Add synthetic methods created for this type in above calls to CompileMethod If _moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing Then CompileSynthesizedMethods(compilationState) End If compilationState.Free() End Sub Private Sub CreateExplicitInterfaceImplementationStubs(compilationState As TypeCompilationState, method As MethodSymbol) ' It is not common to have signature mismatch, let's avoid any extra work ' and allocations until we know that we have a mismatch. Dim stubs As ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedInterfaceImplementationStubSymbol) = Nothing For Each implemented In method.ExplicitInterfaceImplementations If Not MethodSignatureComparer.CustomModifiersAndParametersAndReturnTypeSignatureComparer.Equals(method, implemented) Then If stubs Is Nothing Then stubs = ArrayBuilder(Of SynthesizedInterfaceImplementationStubSymbol).GetInstance() End If Dim matchingStub As SynthesizedInterfaceImplementationStubSymbol = Nothing For Each candidate In stubs If MethodSignatureComparer.CustomModifiersAndParametersAndReturnTypeSignatureComparer.Equals(candidate, implemented) Then matchingStub = candidate Exit For End If Next If matchingStub Is Nothing Then matchingStub = New SynthesizedInterfaceImplementationStubSymbol(method, implemented) stubs.Add(matchingStub) Dim f = New SyntheticBoundNodeFactory(matchingStub, matchingStub, method.Syntax, compilationState, New DiagnosticBag()) Dim methodToInvoke As MethodSymbol If method.IsGenericMethod Then methodToInvoke = method.Construct(matchingStub.TypeArguments) Else methodToInvoke = method End If Dim arguments = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundExpression).GetInstance(matchingStub.ParameterCount) For Each param In matchingStub.Parameters Dim parameterExpression = f.Parameter(param) If Not param.IsByRef Then parameterExpression = parameterExpression.MakeRValue() End If arguments.Add(parameterExpression) Next Dim invocation = f.Call(f.Me, methodToInvoke, arguments.ToImmutableAndFree()) Dim body As BoundBlock If method.IsSub Then body = f.Block(f.ExpressionStatement(invocation), f.Return()) Else body = f.Block(f.Return(invocation)) End If f.CloseMethod(body) _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AddSynthesizedDefinition(method.ContainingType, DirectCast(matchingStub, Microsoft.Cci.IMethodDefinition)) End If matchingStub.AddImplementedMethod(implemented) End If Next If stubs IsNot Nothing Then For Each stub In stubs stub.Seal() Next stubs.Free() End If End Sub Private Shared Function GetDesignerInitializeComponentMethod(sourceTypeSymbol As SourceMemberContainerTypeSymbol) As MethodSymbol If sourceTypeSymbol.TypeKind = TypeKind.Class AndAlso sourceTypeSymbol.GetAttributes().IndexOfAttribute(sourceTypeSymbol, AttributeDescription.DesignerGeneratedAttribute) > -1 Then For Each member As Symbol In sourceTypeSymbol.GetMembers("InitializeComponent") If member.Kind = SymbolKind.Method Then Dim method = DirectCast(member, MethodSymbol) If method.IsSub AndAlso Not method.IsShared AndAlso Not method.IsGenericMethod AndAlso method.ParameterCount = 0 Then Return method End If End If Next End If Return Nothing End Function Private Sub CompileSynthesizedMethods(privateImplClass As PrivateImplementationDetails) Debug.Assert(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing) For Each method As MethodSymbol In privateImplClass.GetMethods(Nothing) Dim diagnosticsThisMethod = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance() Dim boundBody = method.GetBoundMethodBody(diagnosticsThisMethod) Dim emittedBody = GenerateMethodBody(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt, method, methodOrdinal:=DebugId.UndefinedOrdinal, block:=boundBody, lambdaDebugInfo:=ImmutableArray(Of LambdaDebugInfo).Empty, closureDebugInfo:=ImmutableArray(Of ClosureDebugInfo).Empty, stateMachineTypeOpt:=Nothing, variableSlotAllocatorOpt:=Nothing, debugDocumentProvider:=Nothing, diagnostics:=diagnosticsThisMethod, emittingPdb:=False) _diagnostics.AddRange(diagnosticsThisMethod) diagnosticsThisMethod.Free() ' error while generating IL If emittedBody Is Nothing Then Exit For End If _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.SetMethodBody(method, emittedBody) Next End Sub Private Sub CompileSynthesizedMethods(additionalTypes As ImmutableArray(Of NamedTypeSymbol)) Debug.Assert(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing) Dim compilationState As New TypeCompilationState(_compilation, _moduleBeingBuiltOpt, initializeComponentOpt:=Nothing) For Each additionalType In additionalTypes Dim methodOrdinal As Integer = 0 For Each method In additionalType.GetMethodsToEmit() Dim diagnosticsThisMethod = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance() Dim boundBody = method.GetBoundMethodBody(diagnosticsThisMethod) Dim emittedBody As MethodBody = Nothing If Not diagnosticsThisMethod.HasAnyErrors Then Dim lazyVariableSlotAllocator As VariableSlotAllocator = Nothing Dim statemachineTypeOpt As StateMachineTypeSymbol = Nothing Dim lambdaDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of LambdaDebugInfo).GetInstance() Dim closureDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of ClosureDebugInfo).GetInstance() Dim delegateRelaxationIdDispenser = 0 Dim rewrittenBody = Rewriter.LowerBodyOrInitializer( method, methodOrdinal, boundBody, previousSubmissionFields:=Nothing, compilationState:=compilationState, diagnostics:=diagnosticsThisMethod, lazyVariableSlotAllocator:=lazyVariableSlotAllocator, lambdaDebugInfoBuilder:=lambdaDebugInfoBuilder, closureDebugInfoBuilder:=closureDebugInfoBuilder, delegateRelaxationIdDispenser:=delegateRelaxationIdDispenser, stateMachineTypeOpt:=statemachineTypeOpt, allowOmissionOfConditionalCalls:=_moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AllowOmissionOfConditionalCalls, isBodySynthesized:=True) If Not diagnosticsThisMethod.HasAnyErrors Then ' Synthesized methods have no ordinal stored in custom debug information ' (only user-defined methods have ordinals). emittedBody = GenerateMethodBody(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt, method, DebugId.UndefinedOrdinal, rewrittenBody, lambdaDebugInfoBuilder.ToImmutable(), closureDebugInfoBuilder.ToImmutable(), statemachineTypeOpt, lazyVariableSlotAllocator, debugDocumentProvider:=Nothing, diagnostics:=diagnosticsThisMethod, emittingPdb:=False) End If lambdaDebugInfoBuilder.Free() closureDebugInfoBuilder.Free() End If _diagnostics.AddRange(diagnosticsThisMethod) diagnosticsThisMethod.Free() ' error while generating IL If emittedBody Is Nothing Then Exit For End If _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.SetMethodBody(method, emittedBody) methodOrdinal += 1 Next Next If Not _diagnostics.HasAnyErrors() Then CompileSynthesizedMethods(compilationState) End If compilationState.Free() End Sub Private Sub CompileSynthesizedMethods(compilationState As TypeCompilationState) Debug.Assert(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt IsNot Nothing) If Not compilationState.HasSynthesizedMethods Then Return End If For Each methodWithBody In compilationState.SynthesizedMethods If Not methodWithBody.Body.HasErrors Then Dim method = methodWithBody.Method Dim diagnosticsThisMethod As DiagnosticBag = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance() Dim emittedBody = GenerateMethodBody(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt, method, methodOrdinal:=DebugId.UndefinedOrdinal, block:=methodWithBody.Body, lambdaDebugInfo:=ImmutableArray(Of LambdaDebugInfo).Empty, closureDebugInfo:=ImmutableArray(Of ClosureDebugInfo).Empty, stateMachineTypeOpt:=Nothing, variableSlotAllocatorOpt:=Nothing, debugDocumentProvider:=_debugDocumentProvider, diagnostics:=diagnosticsThisMethod, emittingPdb:=_emittingPdb) _diagnostics.AddRange(diagnosticsThisMethod) diagnosticsThisMethod.Free() ' error while generating IL If emittedBody Is Nothing Then Exit For End If _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.SetMethodBody(method, emittedBody) End If Next End Sub ''' ''' Detects cycles in constructor invocations based on the 'constructor-calls-constructor' ''' map provided in 'constructorCallMap', reports errors if found. ''' ''' NOTE: 'constructorCallMap' is being mutated by this method ''' Private Sub DetectAndReportCyclesInConstructorCalls(constructorCallMap As Dictionary(Of MethodSymbol, MethodSymbol), diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) Debug.Assert(constructorCallMap.Count > 0) Dim constructorsInPath As New Dictionary(Of MethodSymbol, Integer) Dim constructorsPath = ArrayBuilder(Of MethodSymbol).GetInstance() Dim currentMethod As MethodSymbol = constructorCallMap.Keys.First() ' Cycle constructor calls Do ' Where this constructor points to? Dim currentMethodPointTo As MethodSymbol = Nothing If Not constructorCallMap.TryGetValue(currentMethod, currentMethodPointTo) Then ' We didn't find anything, which means we maybe already processed 'currentMethod' ' or it does not reference another constructor of this type, or there is something wrong with it; ' In any case we can restart iteration, none of the constructors in path are part of cycles Else ' 'currentMethod' references another constructor; we may safely remove 'currentMethod' ' from 'constructorCallMap' because we won't need to process it again constructorCallMap.Remove(currentMethod) constructorsInPath.Add(currentMethod, constructorsPath.Count) constructorsPath.Add(currentMethod) Dim foundAt As Integer If constructorsInPath.TryGetValue(currentMethodPointTo, foundAt) Then ' We found a cycle which starts at 'foundAt' and goes to the end of constructorsPath constructorsPath.Add(currentMethodPointTo) ReportConstructorCycles(foundAt, constructorsPath.Count - 1, constructorsPath, diagnostics) ' We can restart iteration, none of the constructors ' in path may be part of other cycles Else ' No cycles so far, just move to the next constructor currentMethod = currentMethodPointTo Continue Do End If End If ' Restart iteration constructorsInPath.Clear() constructorsPath.Clear() If constructorCallMap.Count = 0 Then ' Nothing left constructorsPath.Free() Exit Sub End If currentMethod = constructorCallMap.Keys.First() Loop Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable End Sub ''' All the constructors in the cycle will be reported Private Sub ReportConstructorCycles(startsAt As Integer, endsAt As Integer, path As ArrayBuilder(Of MethodSymbol), diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) ' Cycle is: constructorsCycle(startsAt) --> ' constructorsCycle(startsAt + 1) --> ' .... ' constructorsCycle(endsAt) = constructorsCycle(startsAt) ' ' In case the constructor constructorsCycle(startsAt) calls itself, startsAt = endsAt + 1 Debug.Assert(startsAt <= endsAt) Debug.Assert(path(startsAt).Equals(path(endsAt))) ' Generate cycle info Dim diagnosticInfos = ArrayBuilder(Of DiagnosticInfo).GetInstance() Dim referencingMethod As MethodSymbol = path(startsAt) For i = startsAt + 1 To endsAt Dim referencedMethod As MethodSymbol = path(i) diagnosticInfos.Add(ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_SubNewCycle2, referencingMethod, referencedMethod)) referencingMethod = referencedMethod Next ' Report Errors for all constructors in the cycle For i = startsAt To endsAt - 1 referencingMethod = path(i) ' Report an error diagnostics.Add( New VBDiagnostic(ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_SubNewCycle1, referencingMethod, New CompoundDiagnosticInfo(diagnosticInfos.ToArray())), referencingMethod.Locations(0))) ' Rotate 'diagnosticInfos' for the next constructor If diagnosticInfos.Count > 1 Then Dim diagnostic = diagnosticInfos(0) diagnosticInfos.RemoveAt(0) diagnosticInfos.Add(diagnostic) End If Next diagnosticInfos.Free() End Sub Friend Shared Function CanBindMethod(method As MethodSymbol) As Boolean If method.IsExternalMethod OrElse method.IsMustOverride Then Return False End If ' Synthesized struct constructors are not emitted. If method.IsDefaultValueTypeConstructor() Then Return False End If If method.IsPartialWithoutImplementation Then ' Exclude partial methods without implementation Return False End If If Not method.IsImplicitlyDeclared Then ' Only compile the method if the method has a body. Dim sourceMethod = TryCast(method, SourceMethodSymbol) If sourceMethod Is Nothing OrElse sourceMethod.BlockSyntax Is Nothing Then Return False End If End If Return True End Function ''' ''' Compiles the method. ''' ''' ''' If the method being compiled is a constructor, CompileMethod returns in this parameter ''' the symbol of the constructor called from the one being compiled either explicitly or implicitly. ''' For structure constructors calling parameterless constructor returns the synthesized constructor symbol. ''' Private Sub CompileMethod( method As MethodSymbol, methodOrdinal As Integer, ByRef withEventPropertyIdDispenser As Integer, ByRef delegateRelaxationIdDispenser As Integer, filter As Predicate(Of Symbol), compilationState As TypeCompilationState, processedInitializers As Binder.ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers, containingTypeBinder As Binder, previousSubmissionFields As SynthesizedSubmissionFields, Optional ByRef referencedConstructor As MethodSymbol = Nothing ) '' TODO: add filtering as follows 'If filter IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not filter(method) Then ' Return 'End If _cancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested() Dim sourceMethod = TryCast(method, SourceMethodSymbol) 'get cached diagnostics if not building and we have 'em If Not DoEmitPhase AndAlso (sourceMethod IsNot Nothing) Then Dim cachedDiagnostics = sourceMethod.Diagnostics If Not cachedDiagnostics.IsDefault Then Me._diagnostics.AddRange(cachedDiagnostics) Return End If End If If Not CanBindMethod(method) Then If sourceMethod IsNot Nothing AndAlso sourceMethod.SetDiagnostics(ImmutableArray(Of Diagnostic).Empty) Then sourceMethod.DeclaringCompilation.SymbolDeclaredEvent(method) End If Return End If ' In order to avoid generating code for methods with errors, we create a diagnostic bag just for this method. Dim diagsForCurrentMethod As DiagnosticBag = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance() Dim methodBinderOpt As Binder = Nothing Dim injectConstructorCall As Boolean Dim block = BindAndAnalyzeMethodBody(method, compilationState, diagsForCurrentMethod, containingTypeBinder, referencedConstructor, injectConstructorCall, methodBinderOpt) ' Initializers need to be flow-analyzed for warnings like 'Function '??' doesn't ' return a value on all code paths' or unreferenced variables. ' Because if there are any initializers they will eventually get to one or more constructors ' it does not matter which constructor is being used as a method symbol for their analysis, ' so we don't perform any analysis of which constructor symbol to pass to EnsureInitializersAnalyzed, ' but call this method for on all constructor symbols making sure instance/static initializers ' are analyzed on the first instance/static constructor processed processedInitializers.EnsureInitializersAnalyzed(method, diagsForCurrentMethod) Dim hasErrors = _hasDeclarationErrors OrElse diagsForCurrentMethod.HasAnyErrors() OrElse processedInitializers.HasAnyErrors OrElse block.HasErrors SetGlobalErrorIfTrue(hasErrors) If sourceMethod IsNot Nothing AndAlso sourceMethod.SetDiagnostics(diagsForCurrentMethod.ToReadOnly()) Then Dim compilation = compilationState.Compilation If compilation.ShouldAddEvent(method) Then If block Is Nothing Then compilation.SymbolDeclaredEvent(sourceMethod) Else 'create a compilation event that caches the already-computed bound tree Dim lazySemanticModel = New Lazy(Of SemanticModel)( Function() Dim syntax = block.Syntax Dim semanticModel = CType(compilation.GetSemanticModel(syntax.SyntaxTree), SyntaxTreeSemanticModel) Dim memberModel = CType(semanticModel.GetMemberSemanticModel(syntax), MethodBodySemanticModel) If memberModel IsNot Nothing Then memberModel.CacheBoundNodes(block, syntax) End If Return semanticModel End Function) compilation.EventQueue.Enqueue(New SymbolDeclaredCompilationEvent(compilation, method, lazySemanticModel)) End If End If End If If Not DoEmitPhase AndAlso sourceMethod IsNot Nothing Then _diagnostics.AddRange(sourceMethod.Diagnostics) Return End If If DoEmitPhase AndAlso Not hasErrors Then LowerAndEmitMethod(method, methodOrdinal, block, If(methodBinderOpt, containingTypeBinder), compilationState, diagsForCurrentMethod, processedInitializers, previousSubmissionFields, If(injectConstructorCall, referencedConstructor, Nothing), delegateRelaxationIdDispenser) ' if method happen to handle events of a base WithEvents, ensure that we have an overriding WithEvents property Dim handledEvents = method.HandledEvents If Not handledEvents.IsEmpty Then CreateSyntheticWithEventOverridesIfNeeded(handledEvents, delegateRelaxationIdDispenser, withEventPropertyIdDispenser, compilationState, containingTypeBinder, diagsForCurrentMethod, previousSubmissionFields) End If End If ' Add the generated diagnostics into the full diagnostic bag. _diagnostics.AddRange(diagsForCurrentMethod) diagsForCurrentMethod.Free() End Sub ''' ''' If any of the "Handles" in the list have synthetic WithEvent override ''' as a container, then this method will (if not done already) inject ''' property/accessors symbol into the emit module and assign bodies to the accessors. ''' Private Sub CreateSyntheticWithEventOverridesIfNeeded(handledEvents As ImmutableArray(Of HandledEvent), ByRef delegateRelaxationIdDispenser As Integer, ByRef withEventPropertyIdDispenser As Integer, compilationState As TypeCompilationState, containingTypeBinder As Binder, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, previousSubmissionFields As SynthesizedSubmissionFields) Debug.Assert(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt Is Nothing OrElse _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AllowOmissionOfConditionalCalls) For Each handledEvent In handledEvents If handledEvent.HandlesKind <> HandledEventKind.WithEvents Then Continue For End If Dim prop = TryCast(handledEvent.hookupMethod.AssociatedSymbol, SynthesizedOverridingWithEventsProperty) If prop Is Nothing Then Continue For End If Dim getter = prop.GetMethod If compilationState.HasMethodWrapper(getter) Then Continue For End If Dim setter = prop.SetMethod Dim containingType = prop.ContainingType Debug.Assert(containingType Is getter.ContainingType AndAlso containingType Is setter.ContainingType) Dim getterBody = getter.GetBoundMethodBody(diagnostics, containingTypeBinder) ' no need to rewrite getter, they are pretty simple and ' are already in a lowered form. compilationState.AddMethodWrapper(getter, getter, getterBody) _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AddSynthesizedDefinition(containingType, getter) ' setter needs to rewritten as it may require lambda conversions Dim setterBody = setter.GetBoundMethodBody(diagnostics, containingTypeBinder) Dim lambdaDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of LambdaDebugInfo).GetInstance() Dim closureDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of ClosureDebugInfo).GetInstance() setterBody = Rewriter.LowerBodyOrInitializer(setter, withEventPropertyIdDispenser, setterBody, previousSubmissionFields, compilationState, diagnostics, lazyVariableSlotAllocator:=Nothing, lambdaDebugInfoBuilder:=lambdaDebugInfoBuilder, closureDebugInfoBuilder:=closureDebugInfoBuilder, delegateRelaxationIdDispenser:=delegateRelaxationIdDispenser, stateMachineTypeOpt:=Nothing, allowOmissionOfConditionalCalls:=True, isBodySynthesized:=True) ' There shall be no lambdas in the synthesized accessor but delegate relaxation conversions: Debug.Assert(Not lambdaDebugInfoBuilder.Any()) Debug.Assert(Not closureDebugInfoBuilder.Any()) lambdaDebugInfoBuilder.Free() closureDebugInfoBuilder.Free() compilationState.AddMethodWrapper(setter, setter, setterBody) _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AddSynthesizedDefinition(containingType, setter) ' add property too _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AddSynthesizedDefinition(containingType, prop) withEventPropertyIdDispenser += 1 Next End Sub ''' ''' Assuming the statement is a constructor call wrapped in bound expression ''' statement, get the method symbol being called ''' Private Shared Function TryGetMethodCalledInBoundExpressionStatement(stmt As BoundExpressionStatement) As MethodSymbol ' No statement provided or has errors If stmt Is Nothing OrElse stmt.HasErrors Then Return Nothing End If ' Statement is not a call Dim expression As BoundExpression = stmt.Expression If expression.Kind <> BoundKind.Call Then Return Nothing End If Return DirectCast(expression, BoundCall).Method End Function Private Sub LowerAndEmitMethod( method As MethodSymbol, methodOrdinal As Integer, block As BoundBlock, binderOpt As Binder, compilationState As TypeCompilationState, diagsForCurrentMethod As DiagnosticBag, processedInitializers As Binder.ProcessedFieldOrPropertyInitializers, previousSubmissionFields As SynthesizedSubmissionFields, constructorToInject As MethodSymbol, ByRef delegateRelaxationIdDispenser As Integer ) Dim constructorInitializerOpt = If(constructorToInject Is Nothing, Nothing, BindDefaultConstructorInitializer(method, constructorToInject, diagsForCurrentMethod, binderOpt)) If diagsForCurrentMethod.HasAnyErrors Then Return End If If constructorInitializerOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso constructorInitializerOpt.HasErrors Then Return End If Dim body As BoundBlock If method.MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor OrElse method.MethodKind = MethodKind.SharedConstructor Then If method.IsScriptConstructor Then body = block Else ' Turns field initializers into bound assignment statements and top-level script statements into bound statements in the beginning the body. body = InitializerRewriter.BuildConstructorBody(compilationState, method, constructorInitializerOpt, processedInitializers, block) End If ElseIf method.IsScriptInitializer Then ' The body only includes bound initializers and a return statement. The rest is filled in later in this method. body = InitializerRewriter.BuildScriptInitializerBody(DirectCast(method, SynthesizedInteractiveInitializerMethod), processedInitializers, block) Else body = block End If Dim diagnostics As DiagnosticBag = diagsForCurrentMethod If method.IsImplicitlyDeclared AndAlso method.AssociatedSymbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso method.AssociatedSymbol.IsMyGroupCollectionProperty Then diagnostics = DiagnosticBag.GetInstance() End If Dim lazyVariableSlotAllocator As VariableSlotAllocator = Nothing Dim stateMachineTypeOpt As StateMachineTypeSymbol = Nothing Dim allowOmissionOfConditionalCalls = _moduleBeingBuiltOpt Is Nothing OrElse _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.AllowOmissionOfConditionalCalls Dim lambdaDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of LambdaDebugInfo).GetInstance() Dim closureDebugInfoBuilder = ArrayBuilder(Of ClosureDebugInfo).GetInstance() body = Rewriter.LowerBodyOrInitializer(method, methodOrdinal, body, previousSubmissionFields, compilationState, diagnostics, lazyVariableSlotAllocator, lambdaDebugInfoBuilder, closureDebugInfoBuilder, delegateRelaxationIdDispenser, stateMachineTypeOpt, allowOmissionOfConditionalCalls, isBodySynthesized:=False) ' The submission initializer has to be constructed after the body is rewritten (all previous submission references are visited): Dim submissionInitialization = If(method.IsSubmissionConstructor, SynthesizedSubmissionConstructorSymbol.MakeSubmissionInitialization(block.Syntax, method, previousSubmissionFields, _compilation, diagnostics), ImmutableArray(Of BoundStatement).Empty) Dim hasErrors = body.HasErrors OrElse diagsForCurrentMethod.HasAnyErrors OrElse (diagnostics IsNot diagsForCurrentMethod AndAlso diagnostics.HasAnyErrors) SetGlobalErrorIfTrue(hasErrors) ' Actual emitting is only done if we have a module in which to emit and no errors so far. If _moduleBeingBuiltOpt Is Nothing OrElse hasErrors Then If diagnostics IsNot diagsForCurrentMethod Then DirectCast(method.AssociatedSymbol, SynthesizedMyGroupCollectionPropertySymbol).RelocateDiagnostics(diagnostics, diagsForCurrentMethod) diagnostics.Free() End If Return End If ' now we have everything we need to build complete submission If method.IsScriptConstructor Then Dim boundStatements = ArrayBuilder(Of BoundStatement).GetInstance() boundStatements.Add(constructorInitializerOpt) boundStatements.AddRange(submissionInitialization) boundStatements.Add(body) body = New BoundBlock(body.Syntax, Nothing, ImmutableArray(Of LocalSymbol).Empty, boundStatements.ToImmutableAndFree(), body.HasErrors).MakeCompilerGenerated() End If ' NOTE: additional check for statement.HasErrors is needed to identify parse errors which didn't get into diagsForCurrentMethod Dim methodBody As MethodBody = GenerateMethodBody(_moduleBeingBuiltOpt, method, methodOrdinal, body, lambdaDebugInfoBuilder.ToImmutable(), closureDebugInfoBuilder.ToImmutable(), stateMachineTypeOpt, lazyVariableSlotAllocator, _debugDocumentProvider, diagnostics, emittingPdb:=_emittingPdb) If diagnostics IsNot diagsForCurrentMethod Then DirectCast(method.AssociatedSymbol, SynthesizedMyGroupCollectionPropertySymbol).RelocateDiagnostics(diagnostics, diagsForCurrentMethod) diagnostics.Free() End If _moduleBeingBuiltOpt.SetMethodBody(If(method.PartialDefinitionPart, method), methodBody) lambdaDebugInfoBuilder.Free() closureDebugInfoBuilder.Free() End Sub Friend Shared Function GenerateMethodBody(moduleBuilder As PEModuleBuilder, method As MethodSymbol, methodOrdinal As Integer, block As BoundStatement, lambdaDebugInfo As ImmutableArray(Of LambdaDebugInfo), closureDebugInfo As ImmutableArray(Of ClosureDebugInfo), stateMachineTypeOpt As StateMachineTypeSymbol, variableSlotAllocatorOpt As VariableSlotAllocator, debugDocumentProvider As DebugDocumentProvider, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, emittingPdb As Boolean) As MethodBody Dim compilation = moduleBuilder.Compilation Dim localSlotManager = New LocalSlotManager(variableSlotAllocatorOpt) Dim optimizations = compilation.Options.OptimizationLevel If method.IsEmbedded Then optimizations = OptimizationLevel.Release End If Dim builder As ILBuilder = New ILBuilder(moduleBuilder, localSlotManager, optimizations) Try Debug.Assert(Not diagnostics.HasAnyErrors) Dim asyncDebugInfo As Cci.AsyncMethodBodyDebugInfo = Nothing Dim codeGen = New CodeGen.CodeGenerator(method, block, builder, moduleBuilder, diagnostics, optimizations, emittingPdb) ' We need to save additional debugging information for MoveNext of an async state machine. Dim stateMachineMethod = TryCast(method, SynthesizedStateMachineMethod) Dim isStateMachineMoveNextMethod As Boolean = stateMachineMethod IsNot Nothing AndAlso method.Name = WellKnownMemberNames.MoveNextMethodName If isStateMachineMoveNextMethod AndAlso stateMachineMethod.StateMachineType.KickoffMethod.IsAsync Then Dim asyncCatchHandlerOffset As Integer = -1 Dim asyncYieldPoints As ImmutableArray(Of Integer) = Nothing Dim asyncResumePoints As ImmutableArray(Of Integer) = Nothing codeGen.Generate(asyncCatchHandlerOffset, asyncYieldPoints, asyncResumePoints) Dim kickoffMethod = stateMachineMethod.StateMachineType.KickoffMethod ' In VB async method may be partial. Debug info needs to be associated with the emitted definition, ' but the kickoff method is the method implementation (the part with body). ' The exception handler IL offset is used by the debugger to treat exceptions caught by the marked catch block as "user unhandled". ' This is important for async void because async void exceptions generally result in the process being terminated, ' but without anything useful on the call stack. Async Task methods on the other hand return exceptions as the result of the Task. ' So it is undesirable to consider these exceptions "user unhandled" since there may well be user code that is awaiting the task. ' This is a heuristic since it's possible that there is no user code awaiting the task. asyncDebugInfo = New Cci.AsyncMethodBodyDebugInfo( If(kickoffMethod.PartialDefinitionPart, kickoffMethod), If(kickoffMethod.IsSub, asyncCatchHandlerOffset, -1), asyncYieldPoints, asyncResumePoints) Else codeGen.Generate() End If ' Translate the imports even if we are not writing PDBs. The translation has an impact on generated metadata ' and we don't want to emit different metadata depending on whether or we emit with PDB stream. ' TODO (https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/2846): This will need to change for member initializers in partial class. Dim importScopeOpt = If(method.Syntax IsNot Nothing AndAlso method.Syntax.SyntaxTree IsNot VisualBasicSyntaxTree.DummySyntaxTree.Dummy, moduleBuilder.SourceModule.GetSourceFile(method.Syntax.SyntaxTree).Translate(moduleBuilder, diagnostics), Nothing) If diagnostics.HasAnyErrors() Then Return Nothing End If ' We will only save the IL builders when running tests. If moduleBuilder.SaveTestData Then moduleBuilder.SetMethodTestData(method, builder.GetSnapshot()) End If Dim stateMachineHoistedLocalSlots As ImmutableArray(Of EncHoistedLocalInfo) = Nothing Dim stateMachineAwaiterSlots As ImmutableArray(Of Cci.ITypeReference) = Nothing If optimizations = OptimizationLevel.Debug AndAlso stateMachineTypeOpt IsNot Nothing Then Debug.Assert(method.IsAsync OrElse method.IsIterator) GetStateMachineSlotDebugInfo(moduleBuilder, moduleBuilder.GetSynthesizedFields(stateMachineTypeOpt), variableSlotAllocatorOpt, diagnostics, stateMachineHoistedLocalSlots, stateMachineAwaiterSlots) Debug.Assert(Not diagnostics.HasAnyErrors()) End If Dim localScopes = builder.GetAllScopes() Return New MethodBody(builder.RealizedIL, builder.MaxStack, If(method.PartialDefinitionPart, method), If(variableSlotAllocatorOpt?.MethodId, New DebugId(methodOrdinal, moduleBuilder.CurrentGenerationOrdinal)), builder.LocalSlotManager.LocalsInOrder(), builder.RealizedSequencePoints, debugDocumentProvider, builder.RealizedExceptionHandlers, localScopes, hasDynamicLocalVariables:=False, importScopeOpt:=importScopeOpt, lambdaDebugInfo:=lambdaDebugInfo, closureDebugInfo:=closureDebugInfo, stateMachineTypeNameOpt:=stateMachineTypeOpt?.Name, ' TODO: remove or update AddedOrChangedMethodInfo stateMachineHoistedLocalScopes:=Nothing, stateMachineHoistedLocalSlots:=stateMachineHoistedLocalSlots, stateMachineAwaiterSlots:=stateMachineAwaiterSlots, asyncMethodDebugInfo:=asyncDebugInfo) Finally ' Free resources used by the basic blocks in the builder. builder.FreeBasicBlocks() End Try End Function Private Shared Sub GetStateMachineSlotDebugInfo(moduleBuilder As PEModuleBuilder, fieldDefs As IEnumerable(Of Cci.IFieldDefinition), variableSlotAllocatorOpt As VariableSlotAllocator, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, ByRef hoistedVariableSlots As ImmutableArray(Of EncHoistedLocalInfo), ByRef awaiterSlots As ImmutableArray(Of Cci.ITypeReference)) Dim hoistedVariables = ArrayBuilder(Of EncHoistedLocalInfo).GetInstance() Dim awaiters = ArrayBuilder(Of Cci.ITypeReference).GetInstance() For Each field As StateMachineFieldSymbol In fieldDefs Dim index = field.SlotIndex If field.SlotDebugInfo.SynthesizedKind = SynthesizedLocalKind.AwaiterField Then Debug.Assert(index >= 0) While index >= awaiters.Count awaiters.Add(Nothing) End While awaiters(index) = moduleBuilder.EncTranslateLocalVariableType(field.Type, diagnostics) ElseIf Not field.SlotDebugInfo.Id.IsNone Then Debug.Assert(index >= 0 AndAlso field.SlotDebugInfo.SynthesizedKind.IsLongLived()) While index >= hoistedVariables.Count ' Empty slots may be present if variables were deleted during EnC. hoistedVariables.Add(New EncHoistedLocalInfo()) End While hoistedVariables(index) = New EncHoistedLocalInfo(field.SlotDebugInfo, moduleBuilder.EncTranslateLocalVariableType(field.Type, diagnostics)) End If Next ' Fill in empty slots for variables deleted during EnC that are not followed by an existing variable If variableSlotAllocatorOpt IsNot Nothing Then Dim previousAwaiterCount = variableSlotAllocatorOpt.PreviousAwaiterSlotCount While awaiters.Count < previousAwaiterCount awaiters.Add(Nothing) End While Dim previousAwaiterSlotCount = variableSlotAllocatorOpt.PreviousHoistedLocalSlotCount While hoistedVariables.Count < previousAwaiterSlotCount hoistedVariables.Add(New EncHoistedLocalInfo(True)) End While End If hoistedVariableSlots = hoistedVariables.ToImmutableAndFree() awaiterSlots = awaiters.ToImmutableAndFree() End Sub Private Shared Function BindAndAnalyzeMethodBody(method As MethodSymbol, compilationState As TypeCompilationState, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, containingTypeBinder As Binder, ByRef referencedConstructor As MethodSymbol, ByRef injectDefaultConstructorCall As Boolean, ByRef methodBodyBinder As Binder) As BoundBlock referencedConstructor = Nothing injectDefaultConstructorCall = False methodBodyBinder = Nothing Dim body = method.GetBoundMethodBody(diagnostics, methodBodyBinder) Debug.Assert(body IsNot Nothing) Analyzer.AnalyzeMethodBody(method, body, diagnostics) DiagnosticsPass.IssueDiagnostics(body, diagnostics, method) Debug.Assert(method.IsFromCompilation(compilationState.Compilation)) If Not method.IsShared AndAlso compilationState.InitializeComponentOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not method.IsImplicitlyDeclared Then InitializeComponentCallTreeBuilder.CollectCallees(compilationState, method, body) End If ' Instance constructor should return the referenced constructor in 'referencedConstructor' If method.MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor Then ' class constructors must inject call to the base injectDefaultConstructorCall = Not method.ContainingType.IsValueType ' Try find explicitly called constructor, it should be the first statement in the block If body IsNot Nothing AndAlso body.Statements.Length > 0 Then Dim theFirstStatement As BoundStatement = body.Statements(0) ' Must be BoundExpressionStatement/BoundCall If theFirstStatement.HasErrors Then injectDefaultConstructorCall = False ElseIf theFirstStatement.Kind = BoundKind.ExpressionStatement Then Dim referencedMethod As MethodSymbol = TryGetMethodCalledInBoundExpressionStatement(DirectCast(theFirstStatement, BoundExpressionStatement)) If referencedMethod IsNot Nothing AndAlso referencedMethod.MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor Then referencedConstructor = referencedMethod injectDefaultConstructorCall = False End If End If End If ' If we didn't find explicitly referenced constructor, use implicitly generated call If injectDefaultConstructorCall Then ' NOTE: We might generate an error in this call in case there is ' no parameterless constructor suitable for calling referencedConstructor = FindConstructorToCallByDefault(method, diagnostics, If(methodBodyBinder, containingTypeBinder)) End If End If Return body End Function Private Class InitializeComponentCallTreeBuilder Inherits BoundTreeWalker Private _calledMethods As HashSet(Of MethodSymbol) Private ReadOnly _containingType As NamedTypeSymbol Private Sub New(containingType As NamedTypeSymbol) _containingType = containingType End Sub Public Shared Sub CollectCallees(compilationState As TypeCompilationState, method As MethodSymbol, block As BoundBlock) Dim visitor As New InitializeComponentCallTreeBuilder(method.ContainingType) visitor.VisitBlock(block) If visitor._calledMethods IsNot Nothing Then compilationState.AddToInitializeComponentCallTree(method, visitor._calledMethods.ToArray().AsImmutableOrNull()) End If End Sub Public Overrides Function VisitCall(node As BoundCall) As BoundNode If node.ReceiverOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso (node.ReceiverOpt.Kind = BoundKind.MeReference OrElse node.ReceiverOpt.Kind = BoundKind.MyClassReference) AndAlso Not node.Method.IsShared AndAlso node.Method.OriginalDefinition.ContainingType Is _containingType Then If _calledMethods Is Nothing Then _calledMethods = New HashSet(Of MethodSymbol)(ReferenceEqualityComparer.Instance) End If _calledMethods.Add(node.Method.OriginalDefinition) End If Return MyBase.VisitCall(node) End Function End Class ' This method may force completion of attributes to calculate if a symbol is Obsolete. Since this method is only called during ' lowering of default constructors, this should not cause any cycles. Private Shared Function FindConstructorToCallByDefault(constructor As MethodSymbol, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, Optional binderForAccessibilityCheckOpt As Binder = Nothing) As MethodSymbol Debug.Assert(constructor IsNot Nothing) Debug.Assert(constructor.MethodKind = MethodKind.Constructor) Dim containingType As NamedTypeSymbol = constructor.ContainingType Debug.Assert(Not containingType.IsValueType) If containingType.IsSubmissionClass Then ' TODO (tomat): report errors if not available Dim objectType = constructor.ContainingAssembly.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Object) Return objectType.InstanceConstructors.Single() End If ' If the type is a structure, then invoke the default constructor on the current type. ' Otherwise, invoke the default constructor on the base type. Dim defaultConstructorType As NamedTypeSymbol = containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics If defaultConstructorType Is Nothing OrElse defaultConstructorType.IsErrorType Then ' possible if class System.Object in source doesn't have an explicit constructor Return Nothing End If ' If 'binderForAccessibilityCheckOpt' is not specified, containing type must be System.Object If binderForAccessibilityCheckOpt Is Nothing Then Debug.Assert(defaultConstructorType.IsObjectType) End If Dim candidate As MethodSymbol = Nothing Dim atLeastOneAccessibleCandidateFound As Boolean = False For Each m In defaultConstructorType.InstanceConstructors ' NOTE: Generic constructors are disallowed, but in case they ' show up because of bad metadata, ignore them. If m.IsGenericMethod Then Continue For End If If binderForAccessibilityCheckOpt IsNot Nothing Then ' Use binder to check accessibility If Not binderForAccessibilityCheckOpt.IsAccessible(m, useSiteDiagnostics:=Nothing, accessThroughType:=containingType) Then Continue For End If Else ' If there is no binder, just check if the method is public If m.DeclaredAccessibility <> Accessibility.Public Then Continue For End If ' NOTE: if there is no binder, we will only be able to emit a call to parameterless ' constructor, but not for constructors with optional parameters and/or ParamArray If m.ParameterCount <> 0 Then atLeastOneAccessibleCandidateFound = True ' it is still accessible Continue For End If End If ' The constructor is accessible atLeastOneAccessibleCandidateFound = True ' Class constructors can be called with no parameters when the parameters are optional or paramarray. However, for structures ' there cannot be any parameters. Dim canBeCalledWithNoParameters = If(containingType.IsReferenceType, m.CanBeCalledWithNoParameters(), m.ParameterCount = 0) If canBeCalledWithNoParameters Then If candidate Is Nothing Then candidate = m Else ' Too many candidates, use different errors for synthesized and regular constructors If constructor.IsImplicitlyDeclared Then ' Synthesized constructor diagnostics.Add(New VBDiagnostic( ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_NoUniqueConstructorOnBase2, containingType, containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics), containingType.Locations(0))) Else ' Regular constructor diagnostics.Add(New VBDiagnostic( ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_RequiredNewCallTooMany2, defaultConstructorType, containingType), constructor.Locations(0))) End If Return candidate End If End If Next ' Generate an error If candidate Is Nothing Then If atLeastOneAccessibleCandidateFound Then ' Different errors for synthesized and regular constructors If constructor.IsImplicitlyDeclared Then ' Synthesized constructor diagnostics.Add(New VBDiagnostic( ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_NoConstructorOnBase2, containingType, containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics), containingType.Locations(0))) Else ' Regular constructor diagnostics.Add(New VBDiagnostic( ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_RequiredNewCall2, defaultConstructorType, containingType), constructor.Locations(0))) End If Else ' No accessible constructor ' NOTE: Dev10 generates this error in 'Inherits' clause of the type, but it is not available ' in *all* cases, so changing the error location to containingType's location diagnostics.Add(New VBDiagnostic( ErrorFactory.ErrorInfo(ERRID.ERR_NoAccessibleConstructorOnBase, containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics), containingType.Locations(0))) End If End If Debug.Assert(candidate <> constructor) ' If the candidate is Obsolete then report diagnostics. If candidate IsNot Nothing Then candidate.ForceCompleteObsoleteAttribute() If candidate.ObsoleteState = ThreeState.True Then Dim data = candidate.ObsoleteAttributeData ' If we have a synthesized constructor then give an error saying that there is no non-obsolete ' base constructor. If we have a user-defined constructor then ask the user to explicitly call a ' constructor so that they have a chance to call a non-obsolete base constructor. If constructor.IsImplicitlyDeclared Then ' Synthesized constructor. If String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Message) Then diagnostics.Add(If(data.IsError, ERRID.ERR_NoNonObsoleteConstructorOnBase3, ERRID.WRN_NoNonObsoleteConstructorOnBase3), containingType.Locations(0), containingType, candidate, containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics) Else diagnostics.Add(If(data.IsError, ERRID.ERR_NoNonObsoleteConstructorOnBase4, ERRID.WRN_NoNonObsoleteConstructorOnBase4), containingType.Locations(0), containingType, candidate, containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics, data.Message) End If Else ' Regular constructor. If String.IsNullOrEmpty(data.Message) Then diagnostics.Add(If(data.IsError, ERRID.ERR_RequiredNonObsoleteNewCall3, ERRID.WRN_RequiredNonObsoleteNewCall3), constructor.Locations(0), candidate, containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics, containingType) Else diagnostics.Add(If(data.IsError, ERRID.ERR_RequiredNonObsoleteNewCall4, ERRID.WRN_RequiredNonObsoleteNewCall4), constructor.Locations(0), candidate, containingType.BaseTypeNoUseSiteDiagnostics, containingType, data.Message) End If End If End If End If Return candidate End Function Private Shared Function BindDefaultConstructorInitializer(constructor As MethodSymbol, constructorToCall As MethodSymbol, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag, Optional binderOpt As Binder = Nothing) As BoundExpressionStatement Dim voidType As NamedTypeSymbol = constructor.ContainingAssembly.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Void) ' NOTE: we can ignore use site errors in this place because they should have already be reported ' either in real or synthesized constructor Dim syntaxNode As VisualBasicSyntaxNode = constructor.Syntax Dim thisRef As New BoundMeReference(syntaxNode, constructor.ContainingType) thisRef.SetWasCompilerGenerated() Dim baseInvocation As BoundExpression = Nothing If constructorToCall.ParameterCount = 0 Then ' If this is parameterless constructor, we can build a call directly baseInvocation = New BoundCall(syntaxNode, constructorToCall, Nothing, thisRef, ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty, Nothing, voidType) Else ' Otherwise we should bind invocation expression ' Binder must be passed in 'binderOpt' Debug.Assert(binderOpt IsNot Nothing) ' Build a method group Dim group As New BoundMethodGroup(constructor.Syntax, typeArgumentsOpt:=Nothing, methods:=ImmutableArray.Create(Of MethodSymbol)(constructorToCall), resultKind:=LookupResultKind.Good, receiverOpt:=thisRef, qualificationKind:=QualificationKind.QualifiedViaValue) baseInvocation = binderOpt.BindInvocationExpression(constructor.Syntax, Nothing, TypeCharacter.None, group, ImmutableArray(Of BoundExpression).Empty, Nothing, diagnostics, callerInfoOpt:=Nothing, allowConstructorCall:=True) End If baseInvocation.SetWasCompilerGenerated() Dim statement As New BoundExpressionStatement(syntaxNode, baseInvocation) statement.SetWasCompilerGenerated() Return statement End Function Friend Shared Function BindDefaultConstructorInitializer(constructor As MethodSymbol, diagnostics As DiagnosticBag) As BoundExpressionStatement ' NOTE: this method is only called from outside ' NOTE: Because we don't pass a binder into this method, we assume that (a) containing type of ' the constructor is a reference type inherited from System.Object (later is asserted ' in 'FindConstructorToCallByDefault'), and (b) System.Object must have Public parameterless ' constructor (asserted in 'BindDefaultConstructorInitializer') ' NOTE: We might generate an error in this call in case there is ' no parameterless constructor suitable for calling Dim baseConstructor As MethodSymbol = FindConstructorToCallByDefault(constructor, diagnostics) If baseConstructor Is Nothing Then Return Nothing End If Return BindDefaultConstructorInitializer(constructor, baseConstructor, diagnostics) End Function Private Shared Function CreateDebugDocumentForFile(normalizedPath As String) As Cci.DebugSourceDocument Return New Cci.DebugSourceDocument(normalizedPath, Cci.DebugSourceDocument.CorSymLanguageTypeBasic) End Function Private Shared Function PassesFilter(filterOpt As Predicate(Of Symbol), symbol As Symbol) As Boolean Return filterOpt Is Nothing OrElse filterOpt(symbol) End Function End Class End Namespace