// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System.Linq; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text; using Roslyn.Test.Utilities; using Xunit; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests { public class RoundTrippingTests { #region Helper internal static void ParseAndRoundTripping(string text, int errorCount = 0, int memberCount = 0) { ParseAndRoundTripping(text, TestOptions.RegularWithDocumentationComments, errorCount, memberCount); } internal static void ParseAndRoundTripping(string text, CSharpParseOptions options, int errorCount = 0, int memberCount = 0) { var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(SourceText.From(text), options); var toText = tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().ToFullString(); Assert.Equal(text, toText); // -1 mean there are errors but actual number of errors is not important. // it makes the test more robust in case error count changes if (errorCount == -1) { Assert.NotEqual(0, tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().ErrorsAndWarnings().Length); } else { Assert.Equal(errorCount, tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().ErrorsAndWarnings().Length); } // check member count only if > 0 if (memberCount > 0) { Assert.Equal(memberCount, tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().Members.Count); } ParentChecker.CheckParents(tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot(), tree); } private static void ParseAndCheckTerminalSpans(string text) { var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(text); var toText = tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().ToFullString(); Assert.Equal(text, toText); var nodes = tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().DescendantTokens(tk => tk.FullWidth > 0).ToList(); if (nodes.Count > 0) { var prevSpan = nodes[0].FullSpan; for (int i = 1; i < nodes.Count; i++) { var span = nodes[i].FullSpan; Assert.Equal(prevSpan.End, span.Start); prevSpan = span; } } } #endregion [Fact] public void AutoPropInitializers() { var parseOptions = TestOptions.Regular; ParseAndRoundTripping("class C { int GetInt { get; } = 0; }", parseOptions, memberCount: 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("class C { int GetInt { get; } = 0 }", parseOptions, 1, 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("class C { public int GetInt { get; } = 0; }", parseOptions, memberCount: 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("class C { int GetInt { get; } = 0;; }", parseOptions, 1, 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("class C { int GetInt { get;; } = 0;; }", parseOptions, 2, 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("interface I { int GetInt { get; } = 0; }", parseOptions, memberCount: 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("interface I { int GetInt { get; } = 0 }", parseOptions, 1, 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("interface I { public int GetInt { get; } = 0; }", parseOptions, memberCount: 1); } [Fact()] [WorkItem(530410, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530410")] public void NullChar() { ParseAndRoundTripping("\0", 1); ParseAndRoundTripping("abc\0def", 3); ParseAndRoundTripping("\0abc", 2); ParseAndRoundTripping("class C { string s = \"\0\"; }", 0); } [Fact()] [WorkItem(530410, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/530410")] public void CharMaxValue() { string text = "abc" + char.MaxValue + "def"; var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(SourceText.From(text), path: ""); var toText = tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().ToFullString(); Assert.Equal(text, toText); } [Fact] public void TestOptionalFloat() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.OptionalFloat); } [Fact] public void TestOptionalParamsArray() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.OptionalParamsArray); } [WorkItem(862632, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestNegInvalidExternAlias01() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.InvalidExternAlias01, -1); } [WorkItem(901348, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestNegPartialAliasedName() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.PartialAliasedName, -1); } [WorkItem(894884, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestNegPartialInKeyword() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.PartialInKeyword, -1); } [WorkItem(901493, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestNegPartialAttribute() { // although this code snippet has multiple statements on top level we report that as semantic errors, not parse errors: ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.PartialNewAttributeArray, 0); } [WorkItem(901498, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestNegPartialPreProcessorExpression() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.PartialPreprocessorExpression, -1); } [WorkItem(901508, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestNegPartialUnicodeIdentifier() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.PartialUnicodeIdentifier, -1); } [WorkItem(901516, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestNegIncompleteSwitchBlock() { ParseAndRoundTripping(Resources.PartialSwitchBlock, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug862116() { var text = @" namespace x { public class a { public int hiddenMember2; } public class b : a { public override int hiddenMember2 { public static void Main() { } } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug862635() { var text = @" class Test { static void Main() { ::Console.WriteLine(""Missing identifier before :: ""); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug862637() { var text = @" using System; public class Test { static void Main() { Console.WriteLine(dDep.GetType().Assembly.FullName); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug862640() { var text = @" public class Production { public Production() { ((VoidDelegate)delegate { this.someType.Iterate(delegate(object o) { System.Console.WriteLine(((BoolDelegate)delegate { return object.Equals(o, this.epsilon); })()); }); })(); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug862642() { var text = @" alias myAlias; class myClass { } "; // top-level field declaration is a semantic error ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug862643() { var text = @" using System; [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)] public class Foo : Attribute { public int Name; public Foo (int sName) {Name = sName;} } public class Class1 { int Meth2 ([event:Foo(5)]int parm) {return 0;} public int IP { get {return 0;} set {}} } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug862644() { var text = @" using System; public class Test { [method:MyAttribute(TypeObject = new int[1].GetType())] public void foo() { } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug862646() { var text = @" // C# compiler emits Void& type "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug862648() { var text = @" class TestClass { static void Main() { int partial; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug870754() { var text = @"class C{ C(){ int y = 3; (y).ToString(); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug875711() { var text = @" using System; public class A { public static operator ++ A(int i) { } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug876359() { var text = @" class C { fixed x; } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug876363() { var text = @" class X { void f() { int a = 1; \u000a int b = (int)2.3; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug876565() { var text = @" public class C { public static int Main() { int result = 0; Func f1 = (int? x) => x; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug876573() { var text = @" [partial] partial class partial { } partial class partial { public partial() { fld1 = fld2 = fld3 = fld4 = -1; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug876575() { var text = @"partial enum E{}"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, errorCount: 0); } [Fact] public void Bug877232() { var text = @" class MyClass : MyBase { MyClass() : base() { } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug877242() { var text = @" private namespace test { } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug877246() { var text = @" public struct Test { static int Main() { test.emptyStructGenNullableArr = new EmptyStructGen?[++i]; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug877251() { var text = @" static class Test { static void Main() { A a = new A { 5, { 1, 2, {1, 2} }, 3 }; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug877256() { var text = @" using System; public static class Extensions { static ~Extensions(this Struct s) {} static ~Extensions(this Struct? s) {} } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug877313() { var text = @" partial class ConstraintsDef { partial void PM(T1 v1, ref T2 v2, params T2[] v3) where T2 : new() where T1 : System.IComparable, System.Collections.IEnumerable; partial void PM(T1 v1, ref T2 v2, params T2[] v3) { v2 = v3[0]; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug877318() { var text = @" partial class PartialPartial { int i = 1; partial partial void PM(); partial partial void PM() { i = 0; } static int Main() { PartialPartial t = new PartialPartial(); t.PM(); return t.i; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug879395() { var text = @" module m1 end module "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, 2); } [Fact] public void Bug880479() { var text = @" class c1 { void foo(int a, int b, int c) { } } "; ParseAndCheckTerminalSpans(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug881436() { var text = @" public class Test { public static void Main() { var v1 = new { X = x; Y = y, Z = z }; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug881480() { var text = @" // public static class SubGenericClass : GenericClass { public SubGenericClass() : base() { } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug881485() { var text = @" class Test { public static int Test2() { var testResult = testFunc((long?)-1); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug881488() { var text = @"partial class A { partial void C(T )=>{ t) { } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug882388() { var text = @" public class Class1 { public int Meth2(int i) { [return:Foo(5)] return 0; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug882417() { var text = @" [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public class HelpAttribute : Attribute { public HelpAttribute(byte b1) { b = b1; } byte b = 0; public byte Verify {get {return b;} } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug882424() { var text = @" public class MyClass { //invalid simple name int -foo(){ return 1; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug882432() { var text = @" public class Base1 { public static E1 {a, b, c, }; } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug882444() { var text = @" namespace nms { public class MyException : ApplicationException { public MyException(String str) : base ApplicationException (str) {} }; "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1, 1); } [Fact] public void Bug882459() { var text = @" public partial class Base { ViolateClassConstraint Fld01 = new Base().Meth(new ViolateClassConstraint()); //E:CS0315 } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug882463() { var text = @" public class Test { yield break; static int Main() { return 1; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug882465() { var text = @" public class Comments { // /* This is a comment This is a comment */ } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug882471() { var text = @" class Test { static int Main() { string \u0069f; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, 0, 1); } [Fact] public void Bug882481() { var text = @" #define \u0066oxbar #if foxbar class Foo { } #endif "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, 0, 1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug882482() { var text = @" using System; class main { public static void Main() { i\u0066 (true) Console.WriteLine(""This should not have worked!""); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void Bug882957() { var text = @" partial class CNExp { public static long? operator &(CNExp v1, long? v2) { return null; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug882984() { var text = @" unsafe partial class C { byte* buf; public byte* ubuf { set { buf = value;} } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug883177() { var text = @" unsafe struct Test { public fixed int i[1]; byte* myIntBuf; static int Main() { int retval = 0; Test t = new Test(); t.i[0] = 0; t.myIntBuf = (byte*) t.i; if (*t.myIntBuf !=0) retval = 1; if (retval != 0) System.Console.WriteLine(""Failed.""); return retval; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] [Trait("Regression", "Spans")] public void Bug884246() { var text = @" using System.Reflection; #if VER1 [assembly:AssemblyVersionAttribute("""")] #elif VER2 [assembly:AssemblyVersionAttribute("""")] #endif public class otherClass{}"; ParseAndCheckTerminalSpans(text); } [Fact] public void Bug890389() { var text = @"using System; class C { void Foo() { Func i = 3.ToString; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug892249() { var text = @"using System; class AAttribute : Attribute { public AAttribute(object o) { } } [A(new string[] is { ""hello"" })] class C { } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug892255() { var text = @"using System; public class Test { public static int Main(string [] args) { int ret = 1; switch (false) { case true: ret = 1; break; default false: ret = 1; } return(ret); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [WorkItem(894494, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void TestRegressNegExtraPublicKeyword() { var text = @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace ConsoleApplication1 { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { } } }   public class Class_1_L0 { /"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [Fact] public void TestNegBug894884() { var text = @" class C { public static int Main() { switch(str) { default: List { /// /// We use this to get the values we cannot get directly /// /// (T t) where T : class; } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909041b() { var text = @" public delegate void Del(T t) where T : IEnumerable; public class A {} "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909041c() { var text = @" class A { static extern bool Bar() where U : class; } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909045() { var text = @" public class A { public void M(T t, V v) where T : new() where V : class { } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(909049, "DevDiv/Personal")] [WorkItem(911392, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4AttributeWithTarget() { var text = @"using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; interface IFoo { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I2)] short M(); int Prop { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] get; [param: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I4)] set; } long this[[MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.BStr)] string s] { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.I8)] get; set; } } public class Foo { public delegate void MyDelegate(); public event MyDelegate eventMethod { [method: ComVisible(true)] add { } remove { } } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909063() { var text = @" class A { public int i, j; public static void Main() { var v = new A() { i=0, j=1, }; var vv = new[] { 1, 2, }; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909333() { var text = @" extern alias libAlias; class myClass { static int Main() { libAlias::otherClass oc = new libAlias.otherClass(); // '::' and '.' return 0; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909334() { var text = @" class Test { unsafe static int Main() { global::System.Int32* p = stackalloc global::System.Int32[5]; return 0; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909337() { var text = @" using System.Collections; public class Test { //ctor public Test(I i) { } // dtor ~Test() {} } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909338() { var text = @" class Test { static void Main() { var v = typeof(void); } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909350() { var text = @" [Author(""Brian Kernighan""), Author(""Dennis Ritchie""),] class Class1 { } enum E { One, Two, } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909371() { var text = @" class A { byte M(byte b) { return b; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909371b() { var text = @" [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class)] public class HelpAttribute : Attribute { byte b = 0; public HelpAttribute(byte b1) { b = b1; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(909372, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4ValidOperatorOverloading() { var text = @"using System; public class A { // unary public static bool operator true(A a) { return false; } public static bool operator false(A a) { return true; } public static A operator ++(A a) { return a; } public static A operator --(A a) { return a; } // binary public static bool operator <(A a, A b) { return true; } public static bool operator >(A a, A b) { return false; } public static bool operator <=(A a, A b) { return true; } public static bool operator >=(A a, A b) { return false; } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909419() { var text = @" class Test { static int Main() { int n1 = test is Test ? 0 : 1; int n2 = null == test as Test ? 0 : 1; return n1 + n2; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909425() { var text = @" public class MyClass { public static int Main() { float f1 = 0.7e-44f; double d1 = 5.0e-324; return M(0.0e+999); } static int M(double d) { return 0; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(909449, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressOverAggressiveWarningForUlongSuffix() { var text = @"class Program { static void Main() { ulong x1 = 7L; // ulong x2 = 7l; // should Warn ulong x4 = 7Ul; // should NOT warn ulong x6 = 7ul; // should NOT warn } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact] public void Bug909451() { var text = @" public class AnonymousTypeTest : ParentClass { public void Run() { var p1 = new { base.Number }; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(909828, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4ValidUlongLiteral() { var text = @"public class Test { public static int Main() { ulong n = 9223372036854775808U; //this should fit ulong ulong n1 = 9223372036854775808Ul; ulong n2 = 9223372036854775808uL; ulong n3 = 9223372036854775808u; return 0; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(922886, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4ValidNumericLiteral() { var text = @"public class Test { public static void Main() { sbyte min1 = -128, max1 = 127; short min2 = -32768, max2 = 32767; int min3 = -2147483648, max3 = 2147483647; long min4 = -9223372036854775808L, max4 = 9223372036854775807L; byte max5 = 255; ushort max6 = 65535; uint max7 = 4294967295; ulong max8 = 18446744073709551615; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(911058, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4IdentifierStartWithAt1() { var text = @"using System; [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All)] public class X : Attribute { } [@X] class A { } namespace @namespace { class C1 { } class @class : C1 { } } namespace N2 { class Test { static int Main() { global::@namespace.@class c1 = new global::@namespace.@class(); global::@namespace.C1 c2 = new global::@namespace.@C1(); return 0; } } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(911059, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4IdentifierStartWithAt2() { var text = @"public class A { public int @__namespace = 0; class @public // ok { private void M(int @int) { } // error } internal class @private // error { } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(911418, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressNegNoError4InvalidAttributeTarget() { var text = @"using System; using System.Reflection; public class foo { [method: method:A] public static void Main() { } } [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.All,AllowMultiple=true)] public class A : Attribute { }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); // Assert.Equal((int)ErrorCode.ERR_SyntaxError, tree.Errors()[0].Code); // CS1003 // Assert.Equal((int)ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidMemberDecl, tree.Errors()[1].Code); // CS1519 } [WorkItem(911477, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressWrongError4WarningExternOnCtor() { var text = @"using System; public class C { extern C(); public static int Main() { return 1; } }"; // The warning WRN_ExternCtorNoImplementation is given in semantic analysis. ParseAndRoundTripping(text); // , 1); // Assert.Equal((int)ErrorCode.WRN_ExternCtorNoImplementation, tree.Errors()[0].Code); // W CS0824 } [WorkItem(911488, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4MemberOnSimpleTypeAsKeyword() { var text = @"using System; public class Test { public void M() { var v = int.MaxValue; // error bool b = false; string s = ""true""; Boolean.TryParse(s, out b); // ok bool.TryParse(s, out b); // error } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(911505, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressWarning4EscapeCharInXmlDocAsText() { var text = @"using System; /// /// << A '&' B >> /// public class Test { bool Find() { return false; } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [WorkItem(911518, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4AnonymousTypeWithTailingComma() { var text = @"using System; public class Test { public static void Main() { int x = 0; var v1 = new { X = x, }; } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(911521, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4QueryWithVarInLet() { var text = @"class Q { static void Main() { var expr1 = new[] { 1, 2, 3, }; var expr2 = new[] { 3, 4, 5, }; var q = from i in (expr1) let j = expr2 select i; var qq = from x1 in new[] { 3, 9, 5, 5, 0, 8, 6, 8, 9, } orderby x1 descending let x47 = x1 select (x47) - (x1); } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(911525, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4AttributeWithNamedParam() { var text = @"using System; public class TestAttribute : Attribute { public TestAttribute(int i = 0, int j = 1) { } public int i { get; set; } } [Test(123, j:-1)] public class A { public static int Main() { return 0; } } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(917285, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressAssertForLFCRSequence() { var text = "class Test\r\n{\n\r}\r\n"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(917771, "DevDiv/Personal")] [WorkItem(918947, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressNotCheckNullRef() { var text = @"public struct MyStruct { public delegate void TypeName(ref T t, dynamic d); public delegate Y @dynamic(X u, params dynamic[] ary); public enum EM { }; } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [WorkItem(917771, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressNegNotCheckNullRef() { var text = @"class A { A a { 0, 1 }; } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, 2); } [WorkItem(922887, "DevDiv/Personal")] [Fact] public void RegressError4ExternOperator() { var text = @"public class A { public static extern int operator !(A a); public static extern int operator +(A a, int n); } "; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact, WorkItem(536922, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/536922")] public void RegressError4QueryWithNullable() { var text = @"using System.Linq; class A { static void Main() { object[] p = { 1, 2, 3 }; var q = from x in p where x is int? select x; } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text); } [Fact, WorkItem(537265, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/537265")] public void PartialMethodWithLanguageVersion2() { var text = @"partial class P { partial void M(); } "; CSharpParseOptions options = new CSharpParseOptions(languageVersion: LanguageVersion.CSharp2); var itext = SourceText.From(text); var tree = SyntaxFactory.ParseSyntaxTree(itext, options, ""); var newTest = tree.GetCompilationUnitRoot().ToFullString(); Assert.Equal(text, newTest); } [WorkItem(527490, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/527490")] [Fact] public void VariableDeclarationAsTypeOfArgument() { string text = "typeof(System.String value)"; var typeOfExpression = SyntaxFactory.ParseExpression(text, consumeFullText: true); Assert.Equal(text, typeOfExpression.ToFullString()); Assert.NotEmpty(typeOfExpression.GetDiagnostics()); typeOfExpression = SyntaxFactory.ParseExpression(text, consumeFullText: false); Assert.Equal("typeof(System.String ", typeOfExpression.ToFullString()); Assert.NotEmpty(typeOfExpression.GetDiagnostics()); } [WorkItem(540809, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/540809")] [Fact] public void IncompleteGlobalAlias() { var text = @"namespace N2 { [global:"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, errorCount: 3); } [WorkItem(542229, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542229")] [Fact] public void MethodCallWithQueryArgInsideQueryExpr() { var text = @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; class Program { public static bool Method1(IEnumerable f1) { return true; } static void Main(string[] args) { var numbers = new int[] { 4, 5 }; var f1 = from num1 in numbers where Method1(from num2 in numbers select num2) select num1; } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, 0); } [WorkItem(542229, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542229")] [Fact] public void MethodCallWithFromArgInsideQueryExpr() { var text = @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; class Program { public static bool Method1(IEnumerable f1) { return true; } static void Main(string[] args) { var numbers = new int[] { 4, 5 }; var f1 = from num1 in numbers where Method1(from) select num1; } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, -1); } [WorkItem(542229, "http://vstfdevdiv:8080/DevDiv2/DevDiv/_workitems/edit/542229")] [Fact] public void ArrayCreationWithQueryArgInsideQueryExpr() { var text = @" using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; class Program { public static bool Method1(IEnumerable f1) { return true; } static void Main(string[] args) { var numbers = new int[] { 4, 5 }; var f1 = from num1 in new int[from num2 in numbers select num2] select num1; //not valid but this is only a parser test } }"; ParseAndRoundTripping(text, 0); } } }