// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. using System.Linq; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Symbols; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Test.Utilities; using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities; using Roslyn.Test.Utilities; using Xunit; namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UnitTests.Symbols { public class SymbolDistinguisherTests : CSharpTestBase { [Fact] public void TestSimpleDeclarations() { var source = @" public class C { public void M() { } public int P { get; set; } public int F; public event System.Action E { add { } remove { } } } "; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); SymbolDistinguisher distinguisher; var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); Assert.Equal("C [file.cs(2)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); var sourceMethod = sourceType.GetMember("M"); var referencedMethod = referencedType.GetMember("M"); distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceMethod, referencedMethod); Assert.Equal("C.M() [file.cs(4)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C.M() [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); var sourceProperty = sourceType.GetMember("P"); var referencedProperty = referencedType.GetMember("P"); distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceProperty, referencedProperty); Assert.Equal("C.P [file.cs(5)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C.P [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); var sourceField = sourceType.GetMember("F"); var referencedField = referencedType.GetMember("F"); distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceField, referencedField); Assert.Equal("C.F [file.cs(6)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C.F [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); var sourceEvent = sourceType.GetMember("E"); var referencedEvent = referencedType.GetMember("E"); distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceEvent, referencedEvent); Assert.Equal("C.E [file.cs(7)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C.E [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestCompilationReferenceLocation() { var source = @"public class C { }"; var libRef = new CSharpCompilationReference(CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file1.cs"), assemblyName: "Metadata")); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file2.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); Assert.Equal("C [file2.cs(1)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C [file1.cs(1)]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestFileReferenceLocation() { var source = @"public class C { }"; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libComp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata"); var libRef = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(libComp.EmitToArray(), filePath: "Metadata.dll"); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); Assert.Equal("C [file.cs(1)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal(string.Format("C [Metadata.dll]"), distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestDistinctSymbolsWithSameLocation() { var source = @"public class C { }"; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libRef = new CSharpCompilationReference(CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata")); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); Assert.Equal("C [Source, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestPathLocationsWithoutCompilation() { var source = @"public class C { }"; var tree = Parse(source, @"a\..\file.cs"); var libComp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata"); var libRef = MetadataReference.CreateFromImage(libComp.EmitToArray(), filePath: "Metadata.dll"); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(null, sourceType, referencedType); Assert.Equal(@"C [a\..\file.cs(1)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); // File path comes out of tree. Assert.Equal("C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestSourceLocationWithoutPath() { var source = @"public class C { }"; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C"); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); Assert.Equal("C [Source, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestParameterLocation() { var source = @" public class C { public void M(ref C c) { } } "; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceParameter = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").GetMember("M").Parameters.Single(); var referencedParameter = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").GetMember("M").Parameters.Single(); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceParameter, referencedParameter); // NOTE: Locations come from parameter *types*. // NOTE: RefKind retained. Assert.Equal("ref C [file.cs(2)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("ref C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestArrayLocation() { var source = @" public class C { public C[] F; } "; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").GetMember("F").Type; var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").GetMember("F").Type; var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); // NOTE: Locations come from element types. Assert.Equal("C[] [file.cs(2)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("C[] [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestPointerLocation() { var source = @" unsafe public struct S { public S* F; } "; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata", options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll).EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source", options: TestOptions.UnsafeReleaseDll); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("S").GetMember("F").Type; var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("S").GetMember("F").Type; var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); // NOTE: Locations come from element types. Assert.Equal("S* [file.cs(2)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("S* [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestArrayParameterLocation() { var source = @" public class C { public void M(params C[] c) { } } "; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceParameter = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").GetMember("M").Parameters.Single(); var referencedParameter = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").GetMember("M").Parameters.Single(); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceParameter, referencedParameter); // NOTE: Locations come from parameter element types. // NOTE: 'params' retained. Assert.Equal("params C[] [file.cs(2)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("params C[] [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestTypeParameterLocation() { var source = @"public class C { }"; var tree = Parse(source, "file.cs"); var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(tree, new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); var sourceType = sourceAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").TypeParameters.Single(); var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("C").TypeParameters.Single(); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); // NOTE: Locations come from element types. Assert.Equal("T [file.cs(1)]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("T [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestDynamicLocation() { var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib("public class dynamic { }", assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); var comp = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib("", new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source"); var sourceAssembly = comp.SourceAssembly; var referencedAssembly = (AssemblySymbol)comp.GetAssemblyOrModuleSymbol(libRef); // I don't see how these types be reported as ambiguous, but we shouldn't blow up. var sourceType = DynamicTypeSymbol.Instance; var referencedType = referencedAssembly.GlobalNamespace.GetMember("dynamic"); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(comp, sourceType, referencedType); Assert.Equal("dynamic", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("dynamic [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void TestMissingTypeLocation() { var dummyComp = CreateCompilation("", assemblyName: "Error"); var errorType = dummyComp.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32); var validType = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib("").GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32); Assert.NotEqual(TypeKind.Error, validType.TypeKind); Assert.Equal(TypeKind.Error, errorType.TypeKind); var distinguisher = new SymbolDistinguisher(dummyComp, errorType, validType); Assert.Equal("int [Error, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", distinguisher.First.ToString()); Assert.Equal("int [mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089]", distinguisher.Second.ToString()); } [Fact] public void ERR_NoImplicitConvCast() { var libSource = @" public interface I { } public static class Lib { public static I M() { return null; } } "; var source = @" public interface I { } public class C { public static void Main() { I i = Lib.M(); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(8,9): warning CS0436: The type 'I' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'I' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // I i = Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "I").WithArguments("file.cs", "I", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "I").WithLocation(8, 9), // file.cs(8,15): error CS0266: Cannot implicitly convert type 'I [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' to 'I [file.cs(2)]'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?) // I i = Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConvCast, "Lib.M()").WithArguments("I [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "I [file.cs(2)]").WithLocation(8, 15)); } [Fact] public void ERR_NoImplicitConv() { var libSource = @" public struct S { } public static class Lib { public static S M() { return default(S); } } "; var source = @" public struct S { } public class C { public static void Main() { S s = Lib.M(); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(8,9): warning CS0436: The type 'S' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'S' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // S s = Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "S").WithArguments("file.cs", "S", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "S").WithLocation(8, 9), // file.cs(8,15): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type 'S [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' to 'S [file.cs(2)]' // S s = Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoImplicitConv, "Lib.M()").WithArguments("S [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "S [file.cs(2)]").WithLocation(8, 15)); } [Fact] public void ERR_NoExplicitConv() { var libSource = @" public struct S { } public static class Lib { public static S M() { return default(S); } } "; var source = @" public struct S { } public class C { public static void Main() { var s = (S)Lib.M(); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(8,18): warning CS0436: The type 'S' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'S' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // var s = (S)Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "S").WithArguments("file.cs", "S", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "S").WithLocation(8, 18), // file.cs(8,17): error CS0030: Cannot convert type 'S [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' to 'S [file.cs(2)]' // var s = (S)Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitConv, "(S)Lib.M()").WithArguments("S [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "S [file.cs(2)]").WithLocation(8, 17)); } [Fact] public void ERR_NoExplicitBuiltinConv() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public static class Lib { public static C M() { return default(C); } } "; var source = @" public class C { public static void Main() { var c = Lib.M() as C; } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(6,28): warning CS0436: The type 'C' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'C' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // var c = Lib.M() as C; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "C").WithArguments("file.cs", "C", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "C").WithLocation(6, 28), // file.cs(6,17): error CS0039: Cannot convert type 'C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' to 'C [file.cs(2)]' via a reference conversion, boxing conversion, unboxing conversion, wrapping conversion, or null type conversion // var c = Lib.M() as C; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_NoExplicitBuiltinConv, "Lib.M() as C").WithArguments("C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "C [file.cs(2)]").WithLocation(6, 17)); } [Fact] public void ERR_InvalidQM() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public static class Lib { public static C M() { return default(C); } } "; var source = @" public class C { public static void Main(string[] args) { var c = args == null ? new C() : Lib.M(); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(6,36): warning CS0436: The type 'C' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'C' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // var c = args == null ? new C() : Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "C").WithArguments("file.cs", "C", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "C").WithLocation(6, 36), // file.cs(6,17): error CS0173: Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implicit conversion between 'C [file.cs(2)]' and 'C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' // var c = args == null ? new C() : Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_InvalidQM, "args == null ? new C() : Lib.M()").WithArguments("C [file.cs(2)]", "C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]").WithLocation(6, 17)); } [Fact] public void ERR_BadParamType() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public delegate void D(C c); "; var source = @" public class C { public static void Main() { D d = (C c) => { }; } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(7,16): warning CS0436: The type 'C' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'C' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // D d = (C c) => { }; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "C").WithArguments("file.cs", "C", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "C").WithLocation(7, 16), // file.cs(7,15): error CS1661: Cannot convert lambda expression to delegate type 'D' because the parameter types do not match the delegate parameter types // D d = (C c) => { }; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_CantConvAnonMethParams, "(C c) => { }").WithArguments("lambda expression", "D").WithLocation(7, 15), // file.cs(7,18): error CS1678: Parameter 1 is declared as type 'C [file.cs(3)]' but should be 'C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' // D d = (C c) => { }; Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadParamType, "c").WithArguments("1", "", "C [file.cs(3)]", "", "C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]").WithLocation(7, 18)); } [Fact] public void ERR_BadArgType() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public static class Lib { public static void M(C c) { } } "; var source = @" public class C { public static void Main() { Lib.M(new C()); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(6,19): warning CS0436: The type 'C' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'C' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // Lib.M(new C()); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "C").WithArguments("file.cs", "C", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "C").WithLocation(6, 19), // file.cs(6,15): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'C [file.cs(2)]' to 'C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' // Lib.M(new C()); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "new C()").WithArguments("1", "C [file.cs(2)]", "C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]").WithLocation(6, 15)); } [Fact] public void ERR_BadArgType_SameSourceLocation() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public static class Lib { public static void M(ref C c) { } } "; var source = @" public class C { public static void Main() { var c = new C(); Lib.M(ref c); } } "; var libRef = new CSharpCompilationReference(CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(libSource, "file.cs"), assemblyName: "Metadata")); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(6,21): warning CS0436: The type 'C' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'C' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // var c = new C(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "C").WithArguments("file.cs", "C", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "C").WithLocation(6, 21), // file.cs(7,19): error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'ref C [Source, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' to 'ref C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]' // Lib.M(ref c); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_BadArgType, "c").WithArguments("1", "ref C [Source, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "ref C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]").WithLocation(7, 19)); } [Fact] public void ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedRefType() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public static class Lib { public static void M() where T : C { } } "; var source = @" public class C { public static void Main() { Lib.M(); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(6,15): warning CS0436: The type 'C' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'C' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "C").WithArguments("file.cs", "C", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "C").WithLocation(6, 15), // file.cs(6,9): error CS0311: The type 'C [file.cs(2)]' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Lib.M()'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'C [file.cs(2)]' to 'C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]'. // Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedRefType, "Lib.M").WithArguments("Lib.M()", "C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "T", "C [file.cs(2)]").WithLocation(6, 9)); } // Not relevant: will always have one nullable and one non-nullable. // public void ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedNullableEnum() // Not relevant: will always have one nullable and one interface. // public void ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedNullableInterface() [Fact] public void ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedTyVar() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public static class Lib { public static void M() where T : C { } } "; var source = @" public class Test where C : struct { public static void M() { Lib.M(); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(6,9): error CS0314: The type 'C [file.cs(2)]' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Lib.M()'. There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion from 'C [file.cs(2)]' to 'C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]'. // Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedTyVar, "Lib.M").WithArguments("Lib.M()", "C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "T", "C [file.cs(2)]").WithLocation(6, 9)); } [Fact] public void ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedValType() { var libSource = @" public class C { } public static class Lib { public static void M() where T : C { } } "; var source = @" public struct C { } // NOTE: struct, not class public class Test { public static void Main() { Lib.M(); } } "; var libRef = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(libSource, assemblyName: "Metadata").EmitToImageReference(); CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(Parse(source, "file.cs"), new[] { libRef }, assemblyName: "Source").VerifyDiagnostics( // file.cs(8,15): warning CS0436: The type 'C' in 'file.cs' conflicts with the imported type 'C' in 'Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'. Using the type defined in 'file.cs'. // Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.WRN_SameFullNameThisAggAgg, "C").WithArguments("file.cs", "C", "Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null", "C").WithLocation(8, 15), // file.cs(8,9): error CS0315: The type 'C [file.cs(2)]' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'Lib.M()'. There is no boxing conversion from 'C [file.cs(2)]' to 'C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]'. // Lib.M(); Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedValType, "Lib.M").WithArguments("Lib.M()", "C [Metadata, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]", "T", "C [file.cs(2)]").WithLocation(8, 9)); } [WorkItem(6262, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/6262")] [Fact] public void SymbolDistinguisherEquality() { var source = @"class A { } class B { } class C { }"; var compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source); var sA = compilation.GetMember("A"); var sB = compilation.GetMember("B"); var sC = compilation.GetMember("C"); Assert.True(AreEqual(new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, sA, sB), new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, sA, sB))); Assert.False(AreEqual(new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, sA, sB), new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, sA, sC))); Assert.False(AreEqual(new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, sA, sB), new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, sC, sB))); } private static bool AreEqual(SymbolDistinguisher a, SymbolDistinguisher b) { return a.First.Equals(b.First) && a.Second.Equals(b.Second); } [WorkItem(8470, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8470")] [Fact] public void DescriptionNoCompilation() { var source = @"class A { } class B { }"; var compilation = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source); var typeA = compilation.GetMember("A"); var typeB = compilation.GetMember("B"); var distinguisher1 = new SymbolDistinguisher(compilation, typeA, typeB); var distinguisher2 = new SymbolDistinguisher(null, typeA, typeB); var arg1A = distinguisher1.First; var arg2A = distinguisher2.First; Assert.False(arg1A.Equals(arg2A)); Assert.False(arg2A.Equals(arg1A)); int hashCode1A = arg1A.GetHashCode(); int hashCode2A = arg2A.GetHashCode(); } [WorkItem(8470, "https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/8470")] [Fact] public void CompareDiagnosticsNoCompilation() { var source1 = @"public class A { } public class B where T : A { }"; var compilation1 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source1); compilation1.VerifyDiagnostics(); var ref1 = compilation1.EmitToImageReference(); var source2 = @"class C : B { }"; var compilation2 = CreateCompilationWithMscorlib(source2, references: new[] { ref1 }); var diagnostics = compilation2.GetDiagnostics(); diagnostics.Verify( // (1,7): error CS0311: The type 'object' cannot be used as type parameter 'T' in the generic type or method 'B'. There is no implicit reference conversion from 'object' to 'A'. // class C : B { } Diagnostic(ErrorCode.ERR_GenericConstraintNotSatisfiedRefType, "C").WithArguments("B", "A", "T", "object").WithLocation(1, 7)); // Command-line compiler calls SymbolDistinguisher.Description.GetHashCode() // when adding diagnostics to a set. foreach (var diagnostic in diagnostics) { diagnostic.GetHashCode(); } } } }