text/microsoft-resx 2.0 System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 Output kind not supported. Path returned by {0}.ResolveMetadataFile must be absolute: '{1}' Assembly must have at least one module. Module copy can't be used to create an assembly metadata. Unresolved: assembly class constructor delegate enum event field type parameter interface method module parameter property, indexer return struct Can't create a reference to a submission. Can't create a reference to a module. <in-memory assembly> <in-memory module> Size has to be positive. Assembly file not found Can't embed interop types from module. Can't alias a module. Invalid alias. {0}.GetMetadata() must return an instance of {1}. Value too large to be represented as a 30 bit unsigned integer. Arrays with more than one dimension cannot be serialized. Invalid assembly name: '{0}' Absolute path expected. Compilation options must not have errors. Return type can't be a value type, pointer, by-ref or open generic type Return type can't be void, by-ref or open generic type Type must be same as host object type of previous submission. Previous submission has errors. Invalid output kind for submission. DynamicallyLinkedLibrary expected. Invalid compilation options -- submission can't be signed. Resource stream provider should return non-null stream. Reference resolver should return readable non-null stream. Empty or invalid resource name Empty or invalid file name Resource data provider should return non-null stream File not found. Path returned by {0}.ResolveStrongNameKeyFile must be absolute: '{1}' type must be a subclass of SyntaxAnnotation. Invalid module name specified in metadata module '{0}': '{1}' File size exceeds maximum allowed size of a valid metadata file. Name cannot be empty. Name cannot start with whitespace. Name contains invalid characters. The span does not include the start of a line. Then span does not include the end of a line. 'start' must not be negative 'end' must not be less than 'start' Invalid content type Expected non-empty public key Invalid size of public key token. Invalid characters in assembly name Invalid characters in assembly culture name Stream must support read and seek operations. Stream must be writable. Invalid hash. Unsupported hash algorithm. Win32 resources, assumed to be in COFF object format, have one or more invalid relocation header values. Win32 resources, assumed to be in COFF object format, have an invalid section size. Win32 resources, assumed to be in COFF object format, have one or more invalid symbol values. Win32 resources, assumed to be in COFF object format, are missing one or both of sections '.rsrc$01' and '.rsrc$02' Icon stream is not in the expected format. Invalid culture name: '{0}' WindowsRuntime identity can't be retargetable PE image not available. Assembly signing not supported. References to XML documents are not supported. The file does not conform to the rule set schema - {0} Could not locate the rule set file '{0}'. An error occurred while loading the included rule set file {0} - {1} Compiler Analyzer Failure The Compiler Analyzer '{0}' threw an exception with message '{1}'. The DiagnosticDescriptor with ID '{0}' threw an exception with message '{1}'. PE image doesn't contain managed metadata. The changes must be ordered and not overlapping. A DiagnosticDescriptor must have an Id that is neiter null nor an empty string nor a string that only contains white space. The rule set file has duplicate rules for '{0}' with differing actions '{1}' and '{2}'. Can't create a module reference to an assembly. Can't create a metadata reference to a dynamic assembly. error hidden info warning Argument cannot be empty. Argument cannot have a null element. Reported diagnostic with ID '{0}' is not supported by the analyzer. Cannot deserialize type '{0}', no binder supplied. Cannot deserialize type '{0}', it has no deserialization reader. The type '{0}' cannot be written, it does not implement IObjectWritable Node to track is not a descendant of the root. A node or token is out of sequence. A node in the list is not of the expected type. The item specified is not the element of a list. Invalid public key. Invalid public key token. Invalid data at offset {0}: {1}{2}*{3}{4}