提交 feb0866a 编写于 作者: C Cyrus Najmabadi

Add faster 'ContainsName' helpers as well.

上级 a6628b50
......@@ -3038,7 +3038,29 @@ public override IEnumerable<ISymbol> GetSymbolsWithName(Func<string, bool> predi
/// <summary>
/// Return source declaration symbols whose name matches the provided name
/// Return true if there is a source declaration symbol name that matches the provided name.
/// This will be faster than <see cref="ContainsSymbolsWithName(Func{string, bool}, SymbolFilter, CancellationToken)"/>
/// when predicate is just a simple string check.
/// </summary>
internal override bool ContainsSymbolsWithName(string name, SymbolFilter filter = SymbolFilter.TypeAndMember, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
if (name == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(name));
if (filter == SymbolFilter.None)
throw new ArgumentException(CSharpResources.NoNoneSearchCriteria, nameof(filter));
return DeclarationTable.ContainsName(this.MergedRootDeclaration, name, filter, cancellationToken);
/// <summary>
/// Return source declaration symbols whose name matches the provided name. This will be
/// faster than <see cref="GetSymbolsWithName(Func{string, bool}, SymbolFilter, CancellationToken)"/>
/// when predicate is just a simple string check.
/// </summary>
internal override IEnumerable<ISymbol> GetSymbolsWithName(string name, SymbolFilter filter = SymbolFilter.TypeAndMember, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken))
......@@ -264,11 +264,48 @@ public IEnumerable<ReferenceDirective> ReferenceDirectives
public static bool ContainsName(
MergedNamespaceDeclaration mergedRoot,
string name,
SymbolFilter filter,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return ContainsNameHelper(
n => n == name,
t => t.MemberNames.Contains(name),
public static bool ContainsName(
MergedNamespaceDeclaration mergedRoot,
Func<string, bool> predicate,
SymbolFilter filter,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
return ContainsNameHelper(
mergedRoot, predicate, filter,
t =>
foreach (var name in t.MemberNames)
if (predicate(name))
return true;
return false;
}, cancellationToken);
private static bool ContainsNameHelper(
MergedNamespaceDeclaration mergedRoot,
Func<string, bool> predicate,
SymbolFilter filter,
Func<SingleTypeDeclaration, bool> typePredicate,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var includeNamespace = (filter & SymbolFilter.Namespace) == SymbolFilter.Namespace;
var includeType = (filter & SymbolFilter.Type) == SymbolFilter.Type;
......@@ -304,9 +341,9 @@ public IEnumerable<ReferenceDirective> ReferenceDirectives
if (includeMember)
var mergedType = (MergedTypeDeclaration)current;
foreach (var name in mergedType.MemberNames)
foreach (var typeDecl in mergedType.Declarations)
if (predicate(name))
if (typePredicate(typeDecl))
return true;
......@@ -314,17 +351,14 @@ public IEnumerable<ReferenceDirective> ReferenceDirectives
foreach (var child in current.Children.OfType<MergedNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration>())
foreach (var child in current.Children)
if (includeMember || includeType)
if (child is MergedNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration childNamespaceOrType)
if (child.Kind == DeclarationKind.Namespace)
if (includeMember || includeType || childNamespaceOrType.Kind == DeclarationKind.Namespace)
......@@ -2908,7 +2908,16 @@ internal string GetMessage(ITypeSymbol source, ITypeSymbol destination)
public abstract IEnumerable<ISymbol> GetSymbolsWithName(Func<string, bool> predicate, SymbolFilter filter = SymbolFilter.TypeAndMember, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Return source declaration symbols whose name matches the provided name
/// Return true if there is a source declaration symbol name that matches the provided name.
/// This will be faster than <see cref="ContainsSymbolsWithName(Func{string, bool}, SymbolFilter, CancellationToken)"/>
/// when predicate is just a simple string check.
/// </summary>
internal abstract bool ContainsSymbolsWithName(string name, SymbolFilter filter = SymbolFilter.TypeAndMember, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
/// <summary>
/// Return source declaration symbols whose name matches the provided name. This will be
/// faster than <see cref="GetSymbolsWithName(Func{string, bool}, SymbolFilter, CancellationToken)"/>
/// when predicate is just a simple string check.
/// </summary>
internal abstract IEnumerable<ISymbol> GetSymbolsWithName(string name, SymbolFilter filter = SymbolFilter.TypeAndMember, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default(CancellationToken));
......@@ -2729,6 +2729,18 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Return New PredicateSymbolSearcher(Me, filter, predicate, cancellationToken).GetSymbolsWithName()
End Function
Friend Overrides Function ContainsSymbolsWithName(name As String, Optional filter As SymbolFilter = SymbolFilter.TypeAndMember, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) As Boolean
If name Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(name))
End If
If filter = SymbolFilter.None Then
Throw New ArgumentException(VBResources.NoNoneSearchCriteria, NameOf(filter))
End If
Return DeclarationTable.ContainsName(MergedRootDeclaration, name, filter, cancellationToken)
End Function
Friend Overrides Function GetSymbolsWithName(name As String, Optional filter As SymbolFilter = SymbolFilter.TypeAndMember, Optional cancellationToken As CancellationToken = Nothing) As IEnumerable(Of ISymbol)
If name Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException(NameOf(name))
......@@ -279,12 +279,49 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
End Get
End Property
Public Shared Function ContainsName(
mergedRoot As MergedNamespaceDeclaration,
name As String,
filter As SymbolFilter,
cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Boolean
Return ContainsNameHelper(
Function(n) IdentifierComparison.Equals(n, name),
Function(t) t.MemberNames.Contains(name),
End Function
Public Shared Function ContainsName(
mergedRoot As MergedNamespaceDeclaration,
predicate As Func(Of String, Boolean),
filter As SymbolFilter,
cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Boolean
Return ContainsNameHelper(
For Each name In t.MemberNames
If predicate(name) Then
Return True
End If
Return False
End Function,
End Function
Private Shared Function ContainsNameHelper(
mergedRoot As MergedNamespaceDeclaration,
predicate As Func(Of String, Boolean),
filter As SymbolFilter,
typePredicate As Func(Of SingleTypeDeclaration, Boolean),
cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Boolean
Dim includeNamespace = (filter And SymbolFilter.Namespace) = SymbolFilter.Namespace
Dim includeType = (filter And SymbolFilter.Type) = SymbolFilter.Type
Dim includeMember = (filter And SymbolFilter.Member) = SymbolFilter.Member
......@@ -311,22 +348,19 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Symbols
If includeMember Then
Dim mergedType = DirectCast(current, MergedTypeDeclaration)
For Each name In mergedType.MemberNames
If predicate(name) Then
For Each childType In mergedType.Declarations
If typePredicate(childType) Then
Return True
End If
End If
End If
For Each child In current.Children.OfType(Of MergedNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration)()
If includeMember OrElse includeType Then
Continue For
End If
For Each child In current.Children
Dim childNamespaceOrType = DirectCast(child, MergedNamespaceOrTypeDeclaration)
If child.Kind = DeclarationKind.Namespace Then
If includeMember OrElse includeType OrElse childNamespaceOrType.Kind = DeclarationKind.Namespace Then
End If
End While
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