提交 f2f61ce8 编写于 作者: P Petr Houska

PR feedback + cleanup and reorg.

上级 9380d197
......@@ -105,7 +105,6 @@ static void Main()
await TestMissingInRegularAndScriptAsync(code);
public async Task TestForeachInsideLocalDeclaration()
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using ICSharpCode.Decompiler.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.Syntax;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.RefactoringHelpers;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.UnitTests.Workspaces;
using Roslyn.Test.Utilities;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
using Xunit;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.CSharp.UnitTests.RefactoringHelpers
......@@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ private static string GetSelectionAndResultSpans(string text, out TextSpan selec
private async Task<TNode> GetNodeForSelection<TNode>(string text, TextSpan selection, Func<TNode, bool> predicate) where TNode : SyntaxNode
var document = fixture.UpdateDocument(text, SourceCodeKind.Regular);
var resultNode = await document.TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TNode>(selection, predicate, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
var relevantNodes = await document.TryGetRelevantNodesAsync<TNode>(selection, CancellationToken.None).ConfigureAwait(false);
return resultNode;
return relevantNodes.FirstOrDefault(predicate);
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.CodeRefactorings
[ExportLanguageService(typeof(IRefactoringHelpersService), LanguageNames.CSharp), Shared]
internal class CSharpRefactoringHelpersService : AbstractRefactoringHelpersService<ExpressionSyntax, ArgumentSyntax>
internal class CSharpRefactoringHelpersService : AbstractRefactoringHelpersService<ExpressionSyntax>
protected override IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> ExtractNodesSimple(SyntaxNode node, ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts)
......@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.NameTupleElement
[ExtensionOrder(After = PredefinedCodeRefactoringProviderNames.IntroduceVariable)]
[ExportCodeRefactoringProvider(LanguageNames.CSharp, Name = nameof(CSharpNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider)), Shared]
internal class CSharpNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider : AbstractNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider<ArgumentSyntax, TupleExpressionSyntax>
internal class CSharpNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider : AbstractNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider<ArgumentSyntax, TupleExpressionSyntax, ExpressionSyntax>
public CSharpNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider()
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp.UseNamedArguments
[ExportCodeRefactoringProvider(LanguageNames.CSharp, Name = nameof(CSharpUseNamedArgumentsCodeRefactoringProvider)), Shared]
internal class CSharpUseNamedArgumentsCodeRefactoringProvider : AbstractUseNamedArgumentsCodeRefactoringProvider
private abstract class BaseAnalyzer<TSyntax, TSyntaxList> : Analyzer<TSyntax, TSyntax, TSyntaxList>
private abstract class BaseAnalyzer<TSyntax, TSyntaxList> : Analyzer<TSyntax, TSyntax, TSyntaxList, ExpressionSyntax>
where TSyntax : SyntaxNode
where TSyntaxList : SyntaxNode
......@@ -4,26 +4,23 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings
internal abstract class AbstractRefactoringHelpersService<TExpressionSyntax, TArgumentSyntax> : IRefactoringHelpersService
internal abstract class AbstractRefactoringHelpersService<TExpressionSyntax> : IRefactoringHelpersService
where TExpressionSyntax : SyntaxNode
where TArgumentSyntax : SyntaxNode
public async Task<ImmutableArray<TSyntaxNode>> GetRelevantNodesAsync<TSyntaxNode>(
Document document, TextSpan selectionRaw,
CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
var relevantNodesBuilder = ArrayBuilder<TSyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
// Given selection is trimmed first to enable over-selection that spans multiple lines. Since trailing whitespace ends
// at newline boundary over-selection to e.g. a line after LocalFunctionStatement would cause FindNode to find enclosing
// block's Node. That is because in addition to LocalFunctionStatement the selection would also contain trailing trivia
......@@ -43,82 +40,91 @@ internal abstract class AbstractRefactoringHelpersService<TExpressionSyntax, TAr
return ImmutableArray<TSyntaxNode>.Empty;
// Every time a Node is considered an extractNodes method is called to add all nodes around the original one
// that should also be considered.
// That enables us to e.g. return node `b` when Node `var a = b;` is being considered without a complex (and potentially
// lang. & situation dependent) into Children descending code here. We can't just try extracted Node because we might
// want the whole node `var a = b;`
// In addition to per-node extractions we also check if current location (if selection is empty) is in a header of higher level
// desired node once. We do that only for locations because otherwise `[|int|] A { get; set; }) would trigger all refactorings for
// Property Decl.
// Handle selections:
// - The smallest node whose FullSpan includes the whole (trimmed) selection
// - Using FullSpan is important because it handles over-selection with comments
// - Travels upwards through same-sized (FullSpan) nodes, extracting
// - Handles situations where:
// - Token with wanted Node as direct parent is selected (e.g. IdentifierToken for LocalFunctionStatement: `C [|Fun|]() {}`)
// - Most/the whole wanted Node is selected (e.g. `C [|Fun() {}|]`
// Note: Whether we have selection or location has to be checked against original selection because selecting just
// whitespace could collapse selectionTrimmed into and empty Location. But we don't want `[| |]token`
// registering as ` [||]token`.
if (!selectionTrimmed.IsEmpty)
var relevantNodesBuilder = ArrayBuilder<TSyntaxNode>.GetInstance();
var selectionNode = root.FindNode(selectionTrimmed, getInnermostNodeForTie: true);
var prevNode = selectionNode;
// Every time a Node is considered an extractNodes method is called to add all nodes around the original one
// that should also be considered.
// That enables us to e.g. return node `b` when Node `var a = b;` is being considered without a complex (and potentially
// lang. & situation dependent) into Children descending code here. We can't just try extracted Node because we might
// want the whole node `var a = b;`
// Handle selections:
// - The smallest node whose FullSpan includes the whole (trimmed) selection
// - Using FullSpan is important because it handles over-selection with comments
// - Travels upwards through same-sized (FullSpan) nodes, extracting
// - Handles situations where:
// - Token with wanted Node as direct parent is selected (e.g. IdentifierToken for LocalFunctionStatement: `C [|Fun|]() {}`)
// - Most/the whole wanted Node is selected (e.g. `C [|Fun() {}|]`
// Note: Whether we have selection or location has to be checked against original selection because selecting just
// whitespace could collapse selectionTrimmed into and empty Location. But we don't want `[| |]token`
// registering as ` [||]token`.
if (!selectionTrimmed.IsEmpty)
var nonHiddenExtractedSelectedNodes = ExtractNodesSimple(selectionNode, syntaxFacts).OfType<TSyntaxNode>().Where(n => !n.OverlapsHiddenPosition(cancellationToken));
foreach (var selectedNode in nonHiddenExtractedSelectedNodes)
AddRelevantNodesForSelection(syntaxFacts, root, selectionTrimmed, relevantNodesBuilder, cancellationToken);
// No more selection -> Handle what current selection is touching:
// Consider touching only for empty selections. Otherwise `[|C|] methodName(){}` would be considered as
// touching the Method's Node (through the left edge, see below) which is something the user probably
// didn't want since they specifically selected only the return type.
// What the selection is touching is used in two ways.
// - Firstly, it is used to handle situation where it touches a Token whose direct ancestor is wanted Node.
// While having the (even empty) selection inside such token or to left of such Token is already handle
// by code above touching it from right `C methodName[||](){}` isn't (the FindNode for that returns Args node).
// - Secondly, it is used for left/right edge climbing. E.g. `[||]C methodName(){}` the touching token's direct
// ancestor is TypeNode for the return type but it is still reasonable to expect that the user might want to
// be given refactorings for the whole method (as he has caret on the edge of it). Therefore we travel the
// Node tree upwards and as long as we're on the left edge of a Node's span we consider such node & potentially
// continue traveling upwards. The situation for right edge (`C methodName(){}[||]`) is analogical.
// E.g. for right edge `C methodName(){}[||]`: CloseBraceToken -> BlockSyntax -> LocalFunctionStatement -> null (higher
// node doesn't end on position anymore)
// Note: left-edge climbing needs to handle AttributeLists explicitly, see below for more information.
// - Thirdly, if location isn't touching anything, we move the location to the token in whose trivia location is in.
// more about that below.
// - Fourthly, if we're in an expression / argument we consider touching a parent expression whenever we're within it
// as long as it is on the first line of such expression (arbitrary heuristic).
// First we need to get tokens we might potentially be touching, tokenToRightOrIn and tokenToLeft.
var (tokenToRightOrIn, tokenToLeft, location) = await GetTokensToRightOrInToLeftAndUpdatedLocation(
document, root, selectionTrimmed, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// In addition to per-node extr also check if current location (if selection is empty) is in a header of higher level
// desired node once. We do that only for locations because otherwise `[|int|] A { get; set; }) would trigger all refactorings for
// Property Decl.
// We cannot check this any sooner because the above code could've changed current location.
AddNonHiddenCorrectTypeNodes(ExtractNodesInHeader(root, location, syntaxFacts), relevantNodesBuilder, cancellationToken);
// Add Nodes for touching tokens as described above.
AddNodesForTokenToRightOrIn(syntaxFacts, root, relevantNodesBuilder, location, tokenToRightOrIn, cancellationToken);
AddNodesForTokenToLeft(syntaxFacts, relevantNodesBuilder, location, tokenToLeft, cancellationToken);
// If the wanted node is an expression syntax -> traverse upwards even if location is deep within a SyntaxNode.
if (typeof(TSyntaxNode).IsSubclassOf(typeof(TExpressionSyntax)) || typeof(TSyntaxNode) == typeof(TExpressionSyntax))
// For selections we need to handle an edge case where only AttributeLists are within selection (e.g. `Func([|[in][out]|] arg1);`).
// In that case the smallest encompassing node is still the whole argument node but it's hard to justify showing refactorings for it
// if user selected only its attributes.
// Selection contains only AttributeLists -> don't consider current Node
var spanWithoutAttributes = GetSpanWithoutAttributes(selectedNode, root, syntaxFacts);
if (!selectionTrimmed.IntersectsWith(spanWithoutAttributes))
await AddNodesDeepInExpression(document, location, relevantNodesBuilder, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
prevNode = selectionNode;
selectionNode = selectionNode.Parent;
while (selectionNode != null && prevNode.FullWidth() == selectionNode.FullWidth());
return relevantNodesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
return relevantNodesBuilder.ToImmutable();
// Handle what current selection is touching:
// Consider touching only for empty selections. Otherwise `[|C|] methodName(){}` would be considered as
// touching the Method's Node (through the left edge, see below) which is something the user probably
// didn't want since they specifically selected only the return type.
// What the selection is touching is used in two ways.
// - Firstly, it is used to handle situation where it touches a Token whose direct ancestor is wanted Node.
// While having the (even empty) selection inside such token or to left of such Token is already handle
// by code above touching it from right `C methodName[||](){}` isn't (the FindNode for that returns Args node).
// - Secondly, it is used for left/right edge climbing. E.g. `[||]C methodName(){}` the touching token's direct
// ancestor is TypeNode for the return type but it is still reasonable to expect that the user might want to
// be given refactorings for the whole method (as he has caret on the edge of it). Therefore we travel the
// Node tree upwards and as long as we're on the left edge of a Node's span we consider such node & potentially
// continue traveling upwards. The situation for right edge (`C methodName(){}[||]`) is analogical.
// E.g. for right edge `C methodName(){}[||]`: CloseBraceToken -> BlockSyntax -> LocalFunctionStatement -> null (higher
// node doesn't end on position anymore)
// Note: left-edge climbing needs to handle AttributeLists explicitly, see below for more information.
// - Thirdly, if location isn't touching anything, we move the location to the token in whose trivia location is in.
// more about that below.
// - Fourthly, if we're in an expression / argument we consider touching a parent expression whenever we're within it
// as long as it is on the first line of such expression (arbitrary heuristic).
private async Task<(SyntaxToken tokenToRightOrIn, SyntaxToken tokenToLeft, int location)> GetTokensToRightOrInToLeftAndUpdatedLocation(
Document document,
SyntaxNode root,
TextSpan selectionTrimmed,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// get Token for current location
var location = selectionTrimmed.Start;
var tokenOnLocation = root.FindToken(location);
......@@ -175,14 +181,41 @@ internal abstract class AbstractRefactoringHelpersService<TExpressionSyntax, TAr
// We add all nodes we're in a header of.
// We can't check any sooner because the code above (that figures out tokenToLeft, ...) can change current
// `location`.
AddNonHiddenCorrectTypeNodes(ExtractNodesInHeader(root, location, syntaxFacts), relevantNodesBuilder, cancellationToken);
return (tokenToRightOrIn, tokenToLeft, location);
private void AddNodesForTokenToLeft<TSyntaxNode>(ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts, ArrayBuilder<TSyntaxNode> relevantNodesBuilder, int location, SyntaxToken tokenToLeft, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
// there could be multiple (n) tokens to the left if first n-1 are Empty -> iterate over all of them
while (tokenToLeft != default)
var leftNode = tokenToLeft.Parent;
// Consider either a Node that is:
// - Ancestor Node of such Token as long as their span ends on location (it's still on the edge)
AddNonHiddenCorrectTypeNodes(ExtractNodesSimple(leftNode, syntaxFacts), relevantNodesBuilder, cancellationToken);
leftNode = leftNode.Parent;
if (leftNode == null || !(leftNode.GetLastToken().Span.End == location || leftNode.Span.End == location))
while (true);
// as long as current tokenToLeft is empty -> its previous token is also tokenToLeft
tokenToLeft = tokenToLeft.Span.IsEmpty
? tokenToLeft.GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth: true)
: default;
private void AddNodesForTokenToRightOrIn<TSyntaxNode>(ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode root, ArrayBuilder<TSyntaxNode> relevantNodesBuilder, int location, SyntaxToken tokenToRightOrIn, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
if (tokenToRightOrIn != default)
var rightNode = tokenOnLocation.Parent;
var rightNode = tokenToRightOrIn.Parent;
// Consider either a Node that is:
......@@ -214,71 +247,35 @@ internal abstract class AbstractRefactoringHelpersService<TExpressionSyntax, TAr
while (true);
// there could be multiple (n) tokens to the left if first n-1 are Empty -> iterate over all of them
while (tokenToLeft != default)
private void AddRelevantNodesForSelection<TSyntaxNode>(ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts, SyntaxNode root, TextSpan selectionTrimmed, ArrayBuilder<TSyntaxNode> relevantNodesBuilder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
var selectionNode = root.FindNode(selectionTrimmed, getInnermostNodeForTie: true);
var prevNode = selectionNode;
var leftNode = tokenToLeft.Parent;
var nonHiddenExtractedSelectedNodes = ExtractNodesSimple(selectionNode, syntaxFacts).OfType<TSyntaxNode>().Where(n => !n.OverlapsHiddenPosition(cancellationToken));
foreach (var selectedNode in nonHiddenExtractedSelectedNodes)
// Consider either a Node that is:
// - Ancestor Node of such Token as long as their span ends on location (it's still on the edge)
AddNonHiddenCorrectTypeNodes(ExtractNodesSimple(leftNode, syntaxFacts), relevantNodesBuilder, cancellationToken);
// For selections we need to handle an edge case where only AttributeLists are within selection (e.g. `Func([|[in][out]|] arg1);`).
// In that case the smallest encompassing node is still the whole argument node but it's hard to justify showing refactorings for it
// if user selected only its attributes.
leftNode = leftNode.Parent;
if (leftNode == null || !(leftNode.GetLastToken().Span.End == location || leftNode.Span.End == location))
// Selection contains only AttributeLists -> don't consider current Node
var spanWithoutAttributes = GetSpanWithoutAttributes(selectedNode, root, syntaxFacts);
if (!selectionTrimmed.IntersectsWith(spanWithoutAttributes))
while (true);
// as long as current tokenToLeft is empty -> its previous token is also tokenToLeft
tokenToLeft = tokenToLeft.Span.IsEmpty
? tokenToLeft.GetPreviousToken(includeZeroWidth: true)
: default;
// If the wanted node is an expression syntax -> traverse upwards even if location is deep within a SyntaxNode
// ArgumentSyntax isn't an "expression" syntax but we want to treat it as such
if (typeof(TSyntaxNode).IsSubclassOf(typeof(TExpressionSyntax)) || typeof(TSyntaxNode) == typeof(TArgumentSyntax))
await AddNodesDeepInExpression(document, location, relevantNodesBuilder, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return relevantNodesBuilder.ToImmutableAndFree();
static void AddNonHiddenCorrectTypeNodes(IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> nodes, ArrayBuilder<TSyntaxNode> resultBuilder, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var correctTypeNonHiddenNodes = nodes.OfType<TSyntaxNode>().Where(n => !n.OverlapsHiddenPosition(cancellationToken));
foreach (var nodeToBeAdded in correctTypeNonHiddenNodes)
private static TextSpan GetSpanWithoutAttributes(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode root, ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts)
// Span without AttributeLists
// - No AttributeLists -> original .Span
// - Some AttributeLists -> (first non-trivia/comment Token.Span.Begin, original.Span.End)
// - We need to be mindful about comments due to:
// // [Test1]
// //Comment1
// [||]object Property1 { get; set; }
// the comment node being part of the next token's (`object`) leading trivia and not the AttributeList's node.
var attributeList = syntaxFacts.GetAttributeLists(node);
if (attributeList.Any())
var endOfAttributeLists = attributeList.Last().Span.End;
var afterAttributesToken = root.FindTokenOnRightOfPosition(endOfAttributeLists);
return TextSpan.FromBounds(afterAttributesToken.Span.Start, node.Span.End);
prevNode = selectionNode;
selectionNode = selectionNode.Parent;
return node.Span;
while (selectionNode != null && prevNode.FullWidth() == selectionNode.FullWidth());
/// <summary>
......@@ -441,5 +438,37 @@ protected virtual IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> ExtractNodesInHeader(SyntaxNode root,
ancestor = ancestor.Parent;
private static TextSpan GetSpanWithoutAttributes(SyntaxNode node, SyntaxNode root, ISyntaxFactsService syntaxFacts)
// Span without AttributeLists
// - No AttributeLists -> original .Span
// - Some AttributeLists -> (first non-trivia/comment Token.Span.Begin, original.Span.End)
// - We need to be mindful about comments due to:
// // [Test1]
// //Comment1
// [||]object Property1 { get; set; }
// the comment node being part of the next token's (`object`) leading trivia and not the AttributeList's node.
var attributeList = syntaxFacts.GetAttributeLists(node);
if (attributeList.Any())
var endOfAttributeLists = attributeList.Last().Span.End;
var afterAttributesToken = root.FindTokenOnRightOfPosition(endOfAttributeLists);
return TextSpan.FromBounds(afterAttributesToken.Span.Start, node.Span.End);
return node.Span;
void AddNonHiddenCorrectTypeNodes<TSyntaxNode>(IEnumerable<SyntaxNode> nodes, ArrayBuilder<TSyntaxNode> resultBuilder, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
var correctTypeNonHiddenNodes = nodes.OfType<TSyntaxNode>().Where(n => !n.OverlapsHiddenPosition(cancellationToken));
foreach (var nodeToBeAdded in correctTypeNonHiddenNodes)
......@@ -8,7 +8,6 @@
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeActions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CodeRefactorings
......@@ -30,29 +29,28 @@ internal static class CodeRefactoringContextExtensions
internal static async Task<TSyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TSyntaxNode>(this CodeRefactoringContext context)
internal static Task<TSyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TSyntaxNode>(this CodeRefactoringContext context)
where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
(var document, var span, var cancellationToken) = context;
var potentialNodes = await GetRelevantNodes<TSyntaxNode>(document, span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return potentialNodes.FirstOrDefault();
=> TryGetRelevantNodeAsync<TSyntaxNode>(context.Document, context.Span, context.CancellationToken);
internal static async Task<TSyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TSyntaxNode>(this Document document, TextSpan span, Func<TSyntaxNode, bool> predicate, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
var potentialNodes = await GetRelevantNodes<TSyntaxNode>(document, span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return potentialNodes.FirstOrDefault(predicate);
internal static Task<ImmutableArray<TSyntaxNode>> TryGetSelectedNodesAsync<TSyntaxNode>(this CodeRefactoringContext context)
where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
=> TryGetRelevantNodesAsync<TSyntaxNode>(context.Document, context.Span, context.CancellationToken);
internal static async Task<TSyntaxNode> TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TSyntaxNode>(this Document document, TextSpan span, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
internal static async Task<TSyntaxNode> TryGetRelevantNodeAsync<TSyntaxNode>(
this Document document,
TextSpan span,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
var potentialNodes = await GetRelevantNodes<TSyntaxNode>(document, span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var potentialNodes = await TryGetRelevantNodesAsync<TSyntaxNode>(document, span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
return potentialNodes.FirstOrDefault();
private static async Task<ImmutableArray<TSyntaxNode>> GetRelevantNodes<TSyntaxNode>(Document document, TextSpan span, CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
internal static async Task<ImmutableArray<TSyntaxNode>> TryGetRelevantNodesAsync<TSyntaxNode>(
this Document document,
TextSpan span,
CancellationToken cancellationToken) where TSyntaxNode : SyntaxNode
var helpers = document.GetLanguageService<IRefactoringHelpersService>();
var potentialNodes = await helpers.GetRelevantNodesAsync<TSyntaxNode>(document, span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
......@@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ public override async Task ComputeRefactoringsAsync(CodeRefactoringContext conte
// Due to the way `TryGetSelectedNodeAsync` works and how `TAnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax` is e.g. for C# constructed
// it matches even when caret is next to some tokens within the anonymous object creation node.
// E.g.: `var a = new [||]{ b=1,[||] c=2 };` both match due to the caret being next to `,` and `{`.
var helper = document.GetLanguageService<IRefactoringHelpersService>();
var anonymousObject = await document.TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TAnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax>(span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var anonymousObject = await document.TryGetRelevantNodeAsync<TAnonymousObjectCreationExpressionSyntax>(
span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (anonymousObject == null)
return default;
......@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ public override async Task ComputeRefactoringsAsync(CodeRefactoringContext conte
private async Task<TLocalDeclarationSyntax> FindDisposableLocalDeclaration(Document document, TextSpan selection, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var refactoringHelperService = document.GetLanguageService<IRefactoringHelpersService>();
var declarationSyntax = await document.TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TLocalDeclarationSyntax>(selection, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var declarationSyntax = await document.TryGetRelevantNodeAsync<TLocalDeclarationSyntax>(selection, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (declarationSyntax is null || !CanRefactorToContainBlockStatements(declarationSyntax.Parent))
return default;
......@@ -9,13 +9,13 @@
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServices;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.NameTupleElement
abstract class AbstractNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider<TArgumentSyntax, TTupleExpressionSyntax> : CodeRefactoringProvider
abstract class AbstractNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider<TArgumentSyntax, TTupleExpressionSyntax, TExpresionSyntax> : CodeRefactoringProvider
where TArgumentSyntax : SyntaxNode
where TTupleExpressionSyntax : SyntaxNode
where TExpresionSyntax : SyntaxNode
where TTupleExpressionSyntax : TExpresionSyntax
protected abstract bool IsCloseParenOrComma(SyntaxToken token);
protected abstract TArgumentSyntax WithName(TArgumentSyntax argument, string argumentName);
......@@ -44,11 +44,10 @@ public override async Task ComputeRefactoringsAsync(CodeRefactoringContext conte
return default;
var helperService = document.GetLanguageService<IRefactoringHelpersService>();
var syntaxFacts = document.GetLanguageService<ISyntaxFactsService>();
Func<SyntaxNode, bool> isTupleArgumentExpression = n => n.Parent != null && syntaxFacts.IsTupleExpression(n.Parent);
var argument = await document.TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TArgumentSyntax>(span, isTupleArgumentExpression, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var expressions = await document.TryGetRelevantNodesAsync<TExpresionSyntax>(span, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
var argument = expressions.FirstOrDefault(
n => n.Parent is TArgumentSyntax && n.Parent.Parent is TTupleExpressionSyntax)?.Parent as TArgumentSyntax;
if (argument == null || !syntaxFacts.IsSimpleArgument(argument))
return default;
......@@ -20,17 +20,19 @@ protected interface IAnalyzer
Task ComputeRefactoringsAsync(CodeRefactoringContext context, SyntaxNode root);
protected abstract class Analyzer<TBaseArgumentSyntax, TSimpleArgumentSyntax, TArgumentListSyntax> : IAnalyzer
protected abstract class Analyzer<TBaseArgumentSyntax, TSimpleArgumentSyntax, TArgumentListSyntax, TExpressionSyntax> : IAnalyzer
where TBaseArgumentSyntax : SyntaxNode
where TSimpleArgumentSyntax : TBaseArgumentSyntax
where TArgumentListSyntax : SyntaxNode
where TExpressionSyntax : SyntaxNode
public async Task ComputeRefactoringsAsync(
CodeRefactoringContext context, SyntaxNode root)
var (document, textSpan, cancellationToken) = context;
var argument = await context.TryGetSelectedNodeAsync<TSimpleArgumentSyntax>().ConfigureAwait(false);
var expressions = await context.TryGetSelectedNodesAsync<TExpressionSyntax>().ConfigureAwait(false);
var argument = expressions.FirstOrDefault(n => n is TExpressionSyntax)?.Parent as TSimpleArgumentSyntax;
if (argument == null)
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.LanguageServices
Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.CodeRefactorings
<ExportLanguageService(GetType(IRefactoringHelpersService), LanguageNames.VisualBasic), [Shared]>
Friend Class VisualBasicRefactoringHelpersService
Inherits AbstractRefactoringHelpersService(Of ExpressionSyntax, ArgumentSyntax)
Inherits AbstractRefactoringHelpersService(Of ExpressionSyntax)
Protected Overrides Iterator Function ExtractNodesSimple(node As SyntaxNode, syntaxFacts As ISyntaxFactsService) As IEnumerable(Of SyntaxNode)
For Each baseExtraction In MyBase.ExtractNodesSimple(node, syntaxFacts)
......@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.NameTupleElement
<ExportCodeRefactoringProvider(LanguageNames.VisualBasic, Name:=NameOf(VisualBasicNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider)), [Shared]>
Friend Class VisualBasicNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider
Inherits AbstractNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider(Of SimpleArgumentSyntax, TupleExpressionSyntax)
Inherits AbstractNameTupleElementCodeRefactoringProvider(Of SimpleArgumentSyntax, TupleExpressionSyntax, ExpressionSyntax)
Public Sub New()
......@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.UseNamedArguments
Inherits AbstractUseNamedArgumentsCodeRefactoringProvider
Private Class ArgumentAnalyzer
Inherits Analyzer(Of ArgumentSyntax, SimpleArgumentSyntax, ArgumentListSyntax)
Inherits Analyzer(Of ArgumentSyntax, SimpleArgumentSyntax, ArgumentListSyntax, ExpressionSyntax)
Protected Overrides Function IsPositionalArgument(argument As SimpleArgumentSyntax) As Boolean
Return argument.NameColonEquals Is Nothing
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