提交 d65c1308 编写于 作者: A Andy Gocke

Merge pull request #6004 from agocke/UsePortable50

Switch our CoreCLR projects to be ".NETPortable,v5.0"
......@@ -49,30 +49,6 @@
<!-- Work around mono + msbuild bug https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/191 -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'DNXCore' and '$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT'">
<!-- Manually set assembly search paths so they don't get mangled later -->
<AssemblySearchPaths Condition=" '$(AssemblySearchPaths)' == ''">
<!-- Work around issue in dotnet/roslyn issue #5213
Since MSBuild wants a reference assembly location and DNXCore doesn't have one,
trick MSBuild into using the .NETPortable,v5.0 reference assembly path which happens
to have the same set of reference assemblies as DNXCore (i.e., none). -->
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'DNXCore'">
<_TargetFrameworkDirectories>$([System.String]::Join(";", $([Microsoft.Build.Utilities.ToolLocationHelper]::GetPathToReferenceAssemblies(".NETPortable", "v5.0", ""))))</_TargetFrameworkDirectories>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == 'DNXCore'">
<BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT'">win7</BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier>
<BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Unix'">ubuntu.14.04</BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier>
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\Portable\$(TargetFrameworkVersion)\Microsoft.Portable.VisualBasic.targets"
Condition="'$(ProjectLanguage)' == 'VB' And '$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == '.NETPortable'"/>
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath32)\Microsoft\Portable\$(TargetFrameworkVersion)\Microsoft.Portable.CSharp.targets"
......@@ -89,6 +65,15 @@
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\Microsoft\NuGet\Microsoft.NuGet.targets"
Condition="'$(OS)' != 'Windows_NT'" />
<PropertyGroup Condition="
'$(TargetFrameworkIdentifier)' == '.NETPortable' AND
'$(TargetFrameworkVersion)' == 'v5.0' AND
'$(OutputType)' == 'Exe'">
<BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Windows_NT'">win7</BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier>
<BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier Condition="'$(OS)' == 'Unix'">ubuntu.14.04</BaseNuGetRuntimeIdentifier>
<!-- It looks like MSBuild has a bug on *nix where they aggressively
directory separators from '\' to '/', even when the '\'
is being used as an escape character in a define constant in VB.
......@@ -205,9 +205,9 @@ set_mono_path()
if [ "$OS_NAME" = "Darwin" ]; then
elif [ "$OS_NAME" = "Linux" ]; then
echo "Error: Unsupported OS $OS_NAME"
exit 1
......@@ -18,8 +18,10 @@
<!-- Misspelling, bug in NuGet targets -->
......@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
<!-- Misspelling, bug in NuGet targets -->
......@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
......@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@
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