提交 ce48bcdd 编写于 作者: C CyrusNajmabadi

Add another test that validats overwrite behavior.

上级 43dfbb1b
......@@ -3016,31 +3016,94 @@ class C
End Function
<WpfFact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)>
Public Async Function TestLargeChangeBrokenUpIntoSmallTextChanges() As Task
Public Sub TestLargeChangeBrokenUpIntoSmallTextChanges()
Dim provider = New MultipleChangeCompletionProvider()
Using state = TestState.CreateCSharpTestState(
using System;
class C
void foo() {
return $$
}]]></Document>, {New MultipleChangeCompletionProvider()})
}]]></Document>, {provider})
Dim testDocument = state.Workspace.Documents(0)
Dim textBuffer = testDocument.TextBuffer
Dim snapshotBeforeCommit = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot
provider.SetInfo(snapshotBeforeCommit.GetText(), testDocument.CursorPosition.Value)
' First send a space to trigger out special completion provider.
state.SendTypeChars(" ")
' Verify that we see the entire change
Dim finalText = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText()
"using NewUsing;
using System;
class C
void foo() {
return InsertedItem
}", finalText)
' This should have happened as two text changes to the buffer.
Dim changes = snapshotBeforeCommit.Version.Changes
Assert.Equal(2, changes.Count)
Dim actualChanges = changes.ToArray()
Dim firstChange = actualChanges(0)
Assert.Equal(New Span(0, 0), firstChange.OldSpan)
Assert.Equal("using NewUsing;", firstChange.NewText)
Dim secondChange = actualChanges(1)
Assert.Equal(New Span(testDocument.CursorPosition.Value, 0), secondChange.OldSpan)
Assert.Equal("InsertedItem", secondChange.NewText)
' Make sure new edits happen after the text that was inserted.
finalText = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText()
"using NewUsing;
using System;
class C
void foo() {
return InsertedItem1
}", finalText)
End Using
End Sub
<WpfFact, Trait(Traits.Feature, Traits.Features.Completion)>
Public Sub TestLargeChangeBrokenUpIntoSmallTextChanges2()
Dim provider = New MultipleChangeCompletionProvider()
Using state = TestState.CreateCSharpTestState(
using System;
class C
void foo() {
return Custom$$
}]]></Document>, {provider})
Dim testDocument = state.Workspace.Documents(0)
Dim textBuffer = testDocument.TextBuffer
Dim snapshotBeforeCommit = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot
Await state.WaitForAsynchronousOperationsAsync()
provider.SetInfo(snapshotBeforeCommit.GetText(), testDocument.CursorPosition.Value)
' Commit the item
' First send a space to trigger out special completion provider.
Dim positionAfterSpace = testDocument.CursorPosition.Value + 1
' Verify that we see the entire change
Dim finalText = textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot.GetText()
......@@ -3063,7 +3126,7 @@ class C
Assert.Equal("using NewUsing;", firstChange.NewText)
Dim secondChange = actualChanges(1)
Assert.Equal(New Span(positionAfterSpace, 0), secondChange.OldSpan)
Assert.Equal(New Span(testDocument.CursorPosition.Value - "Custom".Length, "Custom".Length), secondChange.OldSpan)
Assert.Equal("InsertedItem", secondChange.NewText)
' Make sure new edits happen after the text that was inserted.
......@@ -3080,11 +3143,19 @@ class C
}", finalText)
End Using
End Function
End Sub
Private Class MultipleChangeCompletionProvider
Inherits CompletionProvider
Private _text As String
Private _caretPosition As Integer
Public Sub SetInfo(text As String, caretPosition As Integer)
_text = text
_caretPosition = caretPosition
End Sub
Public Overrides Function ProvideCompletionsAsync(context As CompletionContext) As Task
......@@ -3097,13 +3168,6 @@ class C
End Function
Public Overrides Function GetChangeAsync(document As Document, item As CompletionItem, commitKey As Char?, cancellationToken As CancellationToken) As Task(Of CompletionChange)
Dim text =
using System;
class C
void foo() {
return "
Dim newText =
"using NewUsing;
using System;
......@@ -3113,7 +3177,7 @@ class C
return InsertedItem"
Dim change = CompletionChange.Create(
New TextChange(New TextSpan(0, text.Length), newText))
New TextChange(New TextSpan(0, _caretPosition), newText))
Return Task.FromResult(change)
End Function
End Class
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