未验证 提交 68b54eef 编写于 作者: T Tomáš Matoušek 提交者: GitHub

Use Arcade VS IBC training infrastructure (#33133)

上级 d62685dc
......@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ x64/
# Enable "build/" folder in the NuGet Packages folder since NuGet packages use it for MSBuild targets
......@@ -28,20 +28,14 @@ jobs:
versionSpec: '4.9.2'
- task: NuGetCommand@2
displayName: 'Clear NuGet caches'
command: custom
arguments: 'locals all -clear'
- task: NuGetCommand@2
displayName: Restore internal tools
command: restore
feedsToUse: config
restoreSolution: 'eng\internal\Toolset.csproj'
restoreSolution: 'eng\common\internal\Tools.csproj'
nugetConfigPath: 'NuGet.config'
restoreDirectory: '$(UserProfile)\.nuget\packages'
restoreDirectory: '$(Build.SourcesDirectory)\.packages'
- task: ms-vseng.MicroBuildTasks.30666190-6959-11e5-9f96-f56098202fef.MicroBuildSigningPlugin@1
......@@ -65,8 +59,10 @@ jobs:
-officialBuildId $(Build.BuildNumber)
-officialSkipTests $(SkipTests)
-officialSkipApplyOptimizationData $(SkipApplyOptimizationData)
-vsDropName $(VisualStudio.DropName)
-vsDropAccessToken $(System.AccessToken)
......@@ -74,6 +70,8 @@ jobs:
displayName: Build
condition: succeeded()
......@@ -81,7 +79,7 @@ jobs:
displayName: Publish Assets
filePath: 'eng\publish-assets.ps1'
arguments: '-configuration $(BuildConfiguration) -branchName "$(Build.SourceBranch)" -mygetApiKey $(Roslyn.MyGetApiKey) -nugetApiKey $(Roslyn.NuGetApiKey) -gitHubUserName $(Roslyn.GitHubUserName) -gitHubToken $(Roslyn.GitHubToken) -gitHubEmail $(Roslyn.GitHubEmail)'
arguments: '-configuration $(BuildConfiguration) -branchName "$(Build.SourceBranchName)" -mygetApiKey $(Roslyn.MyGetApiKey) -nugetApiKey $(Roslyn.NuGetApiKey) -gitHubUserName $(Roslyn.GitHubUserName) -gitHubToken $(Roslyn.GitHubToken) -gitHubEmail $(Roslyn.GitHubEmail)'
condition: succeeded()
# Publish OptProf configuration files
......@@ -109,12 +107,12 @@ jobs:
# Publish run settings
- task: PowerShell@2
filePath: eng\generate-optprof-run-settings.ps1
filePath: eng\common\sdk-task.ps1
arguments: -configuration $(BuildConfiguration)
-vsDropName $(VisualStudio.DropName)
-bootstrapperInfo $(Build.StagingDirectory)\MicroBuild\Output\BootstrapperInfo.json
failOnStderr: true
displayName: 'OptProf - Generate runsettings file'
-task VisualStudio.BuildIbcTrainingSettings
displayName: 'OptProf - Build IBC training settings'
condition: succeeded()
# Publish bootstrapper info
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -->
Packages used during CI build infrastructure.
Do not list packages that are used during developer inner-loop build (building Roslyn.sln or Compilers.sln).
<PackageReference Include="RoslynTools.OptProf" Version="$(RoslynToolsOptProfVersion)" ExcludeAssets="all" />
<PackageReference Include="Roslyn.OptProf.RunSettings.Generator" Version="$(RoslynOptProfRunSettingsGeneratorVersion)" ExcludeAssets="all" />
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@
......@@ -73,6 +72,7 @@
......@@ -280,6 +280,7 @@
......@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@ $ErrorActionPreference="Stop"
$VSSetupDir = Join-Path $ArtifactsDir "VSSetup\$configuration"
$PackagesDir = Join-Path $ArtifactsDir "packages\$configuration"
# Use very short directory name to avoid long path issues (build machines, ibcmerge.exe)
$IbcOptimizationDataDir = Join-Path $RepoRoot ".o"
$binaryLog = if (Test-Path variable:binaryLog) { $binaryLog } else { $false }
$nodeReuse = if (Test-Path variable:nodeReuse) { $nodeReuse } else { $false }
$bootstrapDir = if (Test-Path variable:bootstrapDir) { $bootstrapDir } else { "" }
......@@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ param (
[string]$officialBuildId = "",
[string]$officialSkipApplyOptimizationData = "",
[string]$officialSkipTests = "",
[string]$vsDropName = "",
[string]$vsDropAccessToken = "",
# Test actions
......@@ -102,8 +100,6 @@ function Print-Usage() {
Write-Host " -officialBuildId An official build id, e.g. 20190102.3"
Write-Host " -officialSkipTests <bool> Pass 'true' to not run tests"
Write-Host " -officialSkipApplyOptimizationData <bool> Pass 'true' to not apply optimization data"
Write-Host " -vsDropName Visual Studio product drop name"
Write-Host " -vsDropAccessToken Visual Studio drop access token"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Command line arguments starting with '/p:' are passed through to MSBuild."
......@@ -135,19 +131,20 @@ function Process-Arguments() {
exit 0
OfficialBuildOnly "vsDropName"
OfficialBuildOnly "vsDropAccessToken"
OfficialBuildOnly "officialSkipTests"
OfficialBuildOnly "officialSkipApplyOptimizationData"
if ($officialBuildId) {
$script:useGlobalNuGetCache = $false
$script:procdump = $true
$script:testDesktop = ![System.Boolean]::Parse($officialSkipTests)
$script:applyOptimizationData = ![System.Boolean]::Parse($officialSkipApplyOptimizationData)
$script:buildOptimizationData = $true
} else {
$script:vsDropName = "Products/DummyDrop"
$script:applyOptimizationData = $script:buildOptimizationData = $ci -and $configuration -eq "Release" -and $msbuildEngine -eq "vs"
$script:applyOptimizationData = $false
if ($ci) {
$script:binaryLog = $true
if ($test32 -and $test64) {
......@@ -196,10 +193,9 @@ function BuildSolution() {
$quietRestore = !$ci
$testTargetFrameworks = if ($testCoreClr) { "netcoreapp2.1" } else { "" }
# Do not set the property to true explicitly, since that would override value projects might set.
# Do not set these properties to true explicitly, since that would override values set in projects.
$suppressExtensionDeployment = if (!$deployExtensions) { "/p:DeployExtension=false" } else { "" }
$optDataDir = if ($applyOptimizationData) { $IbcOptimizationDataDir } else { "" }
$suppressPartialNgenOptimization = if (!$applyOptimizationData) { "/p:ApplyPartialNgenOptimization=false" } else { "" }
# Setting /p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true is a workaround for https://github.com/Microsoft/msbuild/issues/3062.
# We don't pass /warnaserror to msbuild ($warnAsError is set to $false by default above), but set
......@@ -224,89 +220,16 @@ function BuildSolution() {
/p:QuietRestore=$quietRestore `
/p:QuietRestoreBinaryLog=$binaryLog `
/p:TestTargetFrameworks=$testTargetFrameworks `
/p:VisualStudioDropName=$vsDropName `
/p:TreatWarningsAsErrors=true `
/p:IbcOptimizationDataDir=$optDataDir `
$suppressPartialNgenOptimization `
$suppressExtensionDeployment `
function Restore-OptProfData() {
$dropToolDir = Get-PackageDir "Drop.App"
$dropToolPath = Join-Path $dropToolDir "lib\net45\drop.exe"
if (!(Test-Path $dropToolPath)) {
# Only report error when running in an official build.
# Allows to test optimization data operations locally by running
# cibuild.cmd after manually restoring internal tools project.
if (!$officialBuildId) {
$script:applyOptimizationData = $false
Write-Host "Internal tool not found: '$dropToolPath'." -ForegroundColor Red
Write-Host "Run nuget restore `"$EngRoot\internal\Toolset.csproj`"." -ForegroundColor DarkGray
ExitWithExitCode 1
function find-latest-drop($drops) {
$result = $null
[DateTime]$latest = [DateTime]::New(0)
foreach ($drop in $drops) {
$dt = [DateTime]::Parse($drop.CreatedDateUtc)
if ($result -eq $null -or ($drop.UploadComplete -and !$drop.DeletePending -and ($dt -gt $latest))) {
$result = $drop
$latest = $dt
return $result
Write-Host "Acquiring optimization data"
Create-Directory $IbcOptimizationDataDir
$dropServiceUrl = "https://devdiv.artifacts.visualstudio.com"
$dropNamePrefix = "OptimizationData/dotnet/roslyn/master-vs-deps"
$patAuth = if ($officialBuildId) { "--patAuth `"$vsDropAccessToken`"" } else { "" }
$dropsJsonPath = Join-Path $LogDir "OptimizationDataDrops.json"
$logFile = Join-Path $LogDir "OptimizationDataAcquisition.log"
Exec-Console $dropToolPath "list --dropservice `"$dropServiceUrl`" $patAuth --pathPrefixFilter `"$dropNamePrefix`" --toJsonFile `"$dropsJsonPath`" --traceto `"$logFile`""
$dropsJson = Get-Content -Raw -Path $dropsJsonPath | ConvertFrom-Json
$latestDrop = find-latest-drop($dropsJson)
if ($latestDrop -eq $null) {
Write-Host "No drop matching given name found: $dropServiceUrl/$dropNamePrefix/*" -ForegroundColor Red
ExitWithExitCode 1
# Temporarily hardcoding the drop location name to the last good Preview2 drop. The pipeline that generates new new OptProf drops is generating incomplete data.
#$latestDropName = $($latestDrop.Name)
$latestDropName = "OptimizationData/dotnet/roslyn/master-vs-deps/75e3797e1105a4da4c10dddda76c3b9398f7725a/223453/935479/1"
Write-Host "Downloading optimization data from service $dropServiceUrl drop $latestDropName"
Exec-Console $dropToolPath "get --dropservice `"$dropServiceUrl`" $patAuth --name `"$latestDropName`" --dest `"$IbcOptimizationDataDir`" --traceto `"$logFile`""
function Build-OptProfData() {
# Set VSO variables used by MicroBuildBuildVSBootstrapper pipeline task
function Set-OptProfVariables() {
$insertionDir = Join-Path $VSSetupDir "Insertion"
$optProfDataDir = Join-Path $ArtifactsDir "OptProf\$configuration\Data"
$optProfConfigFile = Join-Path $EngRoot "config\OptProf.json"
$optProfToolDir = Get-PackageDir "RoslynTools.OptProf"
$optProfToolExe = Join-Path $optProfToolDir "tools\roslyn.optprof.exe"
Write-Host "Generating optimization data using '$optProfConfigFile' into '$optProfDataDir'"
Exec-Console $optProfToolExe "--configFile $optProfConfigFile --insertionFolder $insertionDir --outputFolder $optProfDataDir"
# Set VSO variables used by MicroBuildBuildVSBootstrapper pipeline task
$manifestList = [string]::Join(',', (Get-ChildItem "$insertionDir\*.vsman"))
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=VisualStudio.SetupManifestList;]$manifestList"
......@@ -511,10 +434,6 @@ try {
if ($applyOptimizationData -and $restore) {
if ($bootstrap) {
$bootstrapDir = Make-BootstrapBuild
......@@ -523,8 +442,8 @@ try {
if ($buildOptimizationData -and $build) {
if ($ci -and $build -and $msbuildEngine -eq "vs") {
if ($testDesktop -or $testVsi -or $testIOperation) {
@echo off
powershell -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -NoProfile -command "& """%~dp0Build.ps1""" -msbuildEngine dotnet -restore -execute -binaryLog /p:PublishBuildAssets=true /p:SdkTaskProjects=PublishBuildAssets.proj %*"
exit /b %ErrorLevel%
......@@ -10,25 +10,38 @@
<Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedVersion.props" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)DefaultVersions.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)DefaultVersions.props')" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Versions.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)Versions.props')" />
<Import Project="$(NuGetPackageRoot)microsoft.dotnet.build.tasks.feed\$(MicrosoftDotNetBuildTasksFeedVersion)\build\Microsoft.DotNet.Build.Tasks.Feed.targets" />
<Target Name="PublishToFeed">
<Error Condition="'$(TargetStaticFeed)' == ''" Text="TargetStaticFeed: Target feed for publishing assets wasn't provided." />
<Error Condition="'$(AccountKeyToStaticFeed)' == ''" Text="AccountKeyToStaticFeed: Account key for target feed wasn't provided." />
<Error Condition="'$(FullPathAssetManifest)' == ''" Text="Full path to asset manifest wasn't provided." />
<Error Condition="'$(FullPathBlobBasePath)' == '' AND '$(FullPathPackageBasePath)' == ''" Text="A valid full path to BlobBasePath of PackageBasePath is required." />
<Error Condition="'$(ManifestsBasePath)' == ''" Text="Full path to asset manifests directory wasn't provided." />
<Error Condition="'$(BlobBasePath)' == '' AND '$(PackageBasePath)' == ''" Text="A valid full path to BlobBasePath of PackageBasePath is required." />
<!-- Include all manifests found in the manifest folder. -->
<ManifestFiles Include="$(ManifestsBasePath)*.xml" />
<Error Condition="'@(ManifestFiles)' == ''" Text="No manifest file was found in the provided path: $(ManifestsBasePath)" />
<!-- Iterate publishing assets from each manifest file. -->
PackageAssetsBasePath="$(FullPathPackageBasePath)" />
PackageAssetsBasePath="$(PackageBasePath)" />
......@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ Param(
[string] $msbuildEngine = $null,
[bool] $warnAsError = $true,
[bool] $nodeReuse = $true,
[switch] $execute,
[switch] $deployDeps,
......@@ -18,7 +17,6 @@ Param(
[switch] $sign,
[switch] $pack,
[switch] $publish,
[switch] $publishBuildAssets,
[switch] $ci,
[switch] $prepareMachine,
......@@ -48,7 +46,6 @@ function Print-Usage() {
Write-Host " -performanceTest Run all performance tests in the solution"
Write-Host " -sign Sign build outputs"
Write-Host " -publish Publish artifacts (e.g. symbols)"
Write-Host " -publishBuildAssets Push assets to BAR"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Advanced settings:"
......@@ -61,7 +58,6 @@ function Print-Usage() {
Write-Host "The above arguments can be shortened as much as to be unambiguous (e.g. -co for configuration, -t for test, etc.)."
function InitializeCustomToolset {
if (-not $restore) {
......@@ -77,6 +73,7 @@ function InitializeCustomToolset {
function Build {
$toolsetBuildProj = InitializeToolset
$bl = if ($binaryLog) { "/bl:" + (Join-Path $LogDir "Build.binlog") } else { "" }
if ($projects) {
......@@ -102,7 +99,6 @@ function Build {
/p:PerformanceTest=$performanceTest `
/p:Sign=$sign `
/p:Publish=$publish `
/p:Execute=$execute `
/p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=$ci `
......@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function InstallDarcCli ($darcVersion) {
# Until we can anonymously query the BAR API for the latest arcade-services
# build applied to the PROD channel, this is hardcoded.
if (-not $darcVersion) {
$darcVersion = '1.1.0-beta.19057.9'
$darcVersion = '1.1.0-beta.19081.1'
$arcadeServicesSource = 'https://dotnetfeed.blob.core.windows.net/dotnet-arcade/index.json'
<!-- Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. -->
<Import Project="Sdk.props" Sdk="Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk" />
<!-- Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements. The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information. -->
......@@ -5,8 +5,10 @@
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.DotNet.IBCMerge" Version="$(MicrosoftDotNetIBCMergeVersion)" />
<PackageReference Include="Drop.App" Version="$(DropAppVersion)" ExcludeAssets="all" />
<!-- Clear references, the SDK may add some depending on UsuingToolXxx settings, but we only want to restore the following -->
<PackageReference Remove="@(PackageReference)"/>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.DotNet.IBCMerge" Version="$(MicrosoftDotNetIBCMergeVersion)" Condition="'$(UsingToolIbcOptimization)' == 'true'" />
<PackageReference Include="Drop.App" Version="$(DropAppVersion)" ExcludeAssets="all" Condition="'$(UsingToolVisualStudioIbcTraining)' == 'true'"/>
[string] $configuration = "Debug",
[string] $task,
[string] $verbosity = "minimal",
[string] $msbuildEngine = $null,
[switch] $restore,
[switch] $prepareMachine,
[switch] $help,
$ci = $true
$binaryLog = $true
$warnAsError = $true
. $PSScriptRoot\tools.ps1
function Print-Usage() {
Write-Host "Common settings:"
Write-Host " -task <value> Name of Arcade task (name of a project in SdkTasks directory of the Arcade SDK package)"
Write-Host " -restore Restore dependencies"
Write-Host " -verbosity <value> Msbuild verbosity: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]"
Write-Host " -help Print help and exit"
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Advanced settings:"
Write-Host " -prepareMachine Prepare machine for CI run"
Write-Host " -msbuildEngine <value> Msbuild engine to use to run build ('dotnet', 'vs', or unspecified)."
Write-Host ""
Write-Host "Command line arguments not listed above are passed thru to msbuild."
function Build([string]$target) {
$logSuffix = if ($target -eq "Execute") { "" } else { ".$target" }
$log = Join-Path $LogDir "$task$logSuffix.binlog"
$outputPath = Join-Path $ToolsetDir "$task\\"
MSBuild $taskProject `
/bl:$log `
/t:$target `
/p:Configuration=$configuration `
/p:RepoRoot=$RepoRoot `
/p:BaseIntermediateOutputPath=$outputPath `
try {
if ($help -or (($null -ne $properties) -and ($properties.Contains("/help") -or $properties.Contains("/?")))) {
exit 0
if ($task -eq "") {
Write-Host "Missing required parameter '-task <value>'" -ForegroundColor Red
ExitWithExitCode 1
$taskProject = GetSdkTaskProject $task
if (!(Test-Path $taskProject)) {
Write-Host "Unknown task: $task" -ForegroundColor Red
ExitWithExitCode 1
if ($restore) {
Build "Restore"
Build "Execute"
catch {
Write-Host $_
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
ExitWithExitCode 1
ExitWithExitCode 0
......@@ -44,12 +44,15 @@ jobs:
downloadPath: '$(Build.StagingDirectory)/Download'
condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- script: eng\common\publishbuildassets.cmd
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: Publish Build Assets
filePath: eng\common\sdk-task.ps1
arguments: -task PublishBuildAssets -restore -msbuildEngine dotnet
displayName: Publish Build Assets
condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- ${{ if eq(parameters.enablePublishBuildArtifacts, 'true') }}:
......@@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ phases:
condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- script: eng\common\publishbuildassets.cmd
-configuration $(_BuildConfig)
displayName: Publish Build Assets
condition: ${{ parameters.condition }}
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
......@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ parameters:
continueOnError: false # optional -- determines whether to continue the build if the step errors; defaults to false
- powershell: 'powershell "$env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY\eng\common\msbuild.ps1 $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY\eng\common\helixpublish.proj /bl:$env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY\artifacts\log\$env:BuildConfig\SendToHelix.binlog"'
- powershell: 'powershell "$env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY\eng\common\msbuild.ps1 $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY\eng\common\helixpublish.proj /restore /t:Test /bl:$env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY\artifacts\log\$env:BuildConfig\SendToHelix.binlog"'
displayName: Send job to Helix (Windows)
BuildConfig: $(_BuildConfig)
......@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ steps:
Creator: ${{ parameters.Creator }}
condition: and(${{ parameters.condition }}, eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
continueOnError: ${{ parameters.continueOnError }}
- script: $BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY/eng/common/msbuild.sh $BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY/eng/common/helixpublish.proj /bl:$BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY/artifacts/log/$BuildConfig/SendToHelix.binlog
- script: $BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY/eng/common/msbuild.sh $BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY/eng/common/helixpublish.proj /restore /t:Test /bl:$BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY/artifacts/log/$BuildConfig/SendToHelix.binlog
displayName: Send job to Helix (Unix)
BuildConfig: $(_BuildConfig)
maxRetries: 5
retryDelay: 10 # in seconds
- bash: |
if [ "$AGENT_JOBSTATUS" = "Succeeded" ] || [ "$AGENT_JOBSTATUS" = "PartiallySucceeded" ]; then
......@@ -7,6 +11,17 @@ steps:
# retry loop to harden against spotty telemetry connections
# we don't retry successes and 4xx client errors
until [[ $curlStatus -eq 0 || ( $curlStatus -ge 400 && $curlStatus -le 499 ) || $retryCount -ge $MaxRetries ]]
if [ $retryCount -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to send telemetry to Helix; waiting $RetryDelay seconds before retrying..."
sleep $RetryDelay
# create a temporary file for curl output
......@@ -26,8 +41,11 @@ steps:
let retryCount++
if [ $curlStatus -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to Send Build Finish information"
echo "Failed to Send Build Finish information after $retryCount retries"
vstsLogOutput="vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=templates/steps/telemetry-end.yml;code=1;]Failed to Send Build Finish information: $curlStatus"
echo "##$vstsLogOutput"
exit 1
......@@ -37,6 +55,8 @@ steps:
# defined via VSTS variables in start-job.sh
Helix_JobToken: $(Helix_JobToken)
Helix_WorkItemId: $(Helix_WorkItemId)
MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }}
RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }}
condition: and(always(), ne(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- powershell: |
if (($env:Agent_JobStatus -eq 'Succeeded') -or ($env:Agent_JobStatus -eq 'PartiallySucceeded')) {
......@@ -46,13 +66,30 @@ steps:
$WarningCount = 0
# Basic retry loop to harden against server flakiness
$retryCount = 0
while ($retryCount -lt $env:MaxRetries) {
try {
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://helix.dot.net/api/2018-03-14/telemetry/job/build/$env:Helix_WorkItemId/finish?errorCount=$ErrorCount&warningCount=$WarningCount" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body "" `
-Headers @{ 'X-Helix-Job-Token'=$env:Helix_JobToken }
catch {
Write-Error $_
Write-Error $_.Exception
$statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
if ($statusCode -ge 400 -and $statusCode -le 499) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); not retrying (4xx client error)"
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error ", $_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message
exit 1
Write-Host "Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); waiting $env:RetryDelay seconds before retrying..."
sleep $env:RetryDelay
if ($retryCount -ge $env:MaxRetries) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix after $retryCount retries."
exit 1
displayName: Send Windows Build End Telemetry
......@@ -60,4 +97,6 @@ steps:
# defined via VSTS variables in start-job.ps1
Helix_JobToken: $(Helix_JobToken)
Helix_WorkItemId: $(Helix_WorkItemId)
MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }}
RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }}
condition: and(always(),eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
......@@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ parameters:
helixType: 'undefined_defaulted_in_telemetry.yml'
buildConfig: ''
runAsPublic: false
maxRetries: 5
retryDelay: 10 # in seconds
- ${{ if and(eq(parameters.runAsPublic, 'false'), not(eq(variables['System.TeamProject'], 'public'))) }}:
......@@ -38,6 +40,17 @@ steps:
# retry loop to harden against spotty telemetry connections
# we don't retry successes and 4xx client errors
until [[ $curlStatus -eq 0 || ( $curlStatus -ge 400 && $curlStatus -le 499 ) || $retryCount -ge $MaxRetries ]]
if [ $retryCount -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to send telemetry to Helix; waiting $RetryDelay seconds before retrying..."
sleep $RetryDelay
cat $jobInfo |\
curl --trace - --verbose --output $res --write-out "%{http_code}" \
......@@ -51,11 +64,14 @@ steps:
let retryCount++
curlResult=`cat $res`
# validate status of curl command
if [ $curlStatus -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed To Send Job Start information"
echo "Failed To Send Job Start information after $retryCount retries"
# We have to append the ## vso prefix or vso will pick up the command when it dumps the inline script into the shell
vstsLogOutput="vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=telemetry/start-job.sh;code=1;]Failed to Send Job Start information: $curlStatus"
echo "##$vstsLogOutput"
......@@ -75,8 +91,21 @@ steps:
Attempt: 1
OperatingSystem: $(Agent.Os)
Configuration: ${{ parameters.buildConfig }}
MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }}
RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }}
condition: and(always(), ne(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- bash: |
# retry loop to harden against spotty telemetry connections
# we don't retry successes and 4xx client errors
until [[ $curlStatus -eq 0 || ( $curlStatus -ge 400 && $curlStatus -le 499 ) || $retryCount -ge $MaxRetries ]]
if [ $retryCount -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to send telemetry to Helix; waiting $RetryDelay seconds before retrying..."
sleep $RetryDelay
curl --verbose --output $res --write-out "%{http_code}"\
......@@ -94,10 +123,12 @@ steps:
curlResult=`cat $res`
let retryCount++
# validate status of curl command
if [ $curlStatus -ne 0 ]; then
echo "Failed to Send Build Start information"
echo "Failed to Send Build Start information after $retryCount retries"
vstsLogOutput="vso[task.logissue type=error;sourcepath=telemetry/build/start.sh;code=1;]Failed to Send Build Start information: $curlStatus"
echo "##$vstsLogOutput"
exit 1
......@@ -109,6 +140,8 @@ steps:
BuildUri: $(System.TaskDefinitionsUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build/index?buildId=$(Build.BuildId)&_a=summary
Helix_JobToken: $(Helix_JobToken)
MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }}
RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }}
condition: and(always(), ne(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- powershell: |
......@@ -127,10 +160,35 @@ steps:
Write-Host "Job Info: $jobInfoJson"
# Basic retry loop to harden against server flakiness
$retryCount = 0
while ($retryCount -lt $env:MaxRetries) {
try {
$jobToken = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://helix.dot.net/api/2018-03-14/telemetry/job$($accessTokenParameter)" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body $jobInfoJson
catch {
$statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
if ($statusCode -ge 400 -and $statusCode -le 499) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); not retrying (4xx client error)"
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error ", $_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message
exit 1
Write-Host "Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); waiting $env:RetryDelay seconds before retrying..."
sleep $env:RetryDelay
if ($retryCount -ge $env:MaxRetries) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix after $retryCount retries."
exit 1
$env:Helix_JobToken = $jobToken
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Helix_JobToken;issecret=true;]$env:Helix_JobToken"
displayName: Send Windows Job Start Telemetry
HelixApiAccessToken: $(HelixApiAccessToken)
Source: ${{ parameters.helixSource }}
......@@ -140,10 +198,36 @@ steps:
Attempt: 1
OperatingSystem: $(Agent.Os)
Configuration: ${{ parameters.buildConfig }}
MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }}
RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }}
condition: and(always(), eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
- powershell: |
# Basic retry loop to harden against server flakiness
$retryCount = 0
while ($retryCount -lt $env:MaxRetries) {
try {
$workItemId = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://helix.dot.net/api/2018-03-14/telemetry/job/build?buildUri=$([Net.WebUtility]::UrlEncode($env:BuildUri))" -Method Post -ContentType "application/json" -Body "" `
-Headers @{ 'X-Helix-Job-Token'=$env:Helix_JobToken }
catch {
$statusCode = $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
if ($statusCode -ge 400 -and $statusCode -le 499) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); not retrying (4xx client error)"
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error ", $_.Exception.GetType().FullName, $_.Exception.Message
exit 1
Write-Host "Failed to send telemetry to Helix (status code $statusCode); waiting $env:RetryDelay seconds before retrying..."
sleep $env:RetryDelay
if ($retryCount -ge $env:MaxRetries) {
Write-Host "##vso[task.logissue]error Failed to send telemetry to Helix after $retryCount retries."
exit 1
$env:Helix_WorkItemId = $workItemId
Write-Host "##vso[task.setvariable variable=Helix_WorkItemId]$env:Helix_WorkItemId"
......@@ -151,4 +235,6 @@ steps:
BuildUri: $(System.TaskDefinitionsUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_build/index?buildId=$(Build.BuildId)&_a=summary
Helix_JobToken: $(Helix_JobToken)
MaxRetries: ${{ parameters.maxRetries }}
RetryDelay: ${{ parameters.retryDelay }}
condition: and(always(), eq(variables['Agent.Os'], 'Windows_NT'))
......@@ -376,6 +376,11 @@ function GetNuGetPackageCachePath() {
return $env:NUGET_PACKAGES
# Returns a full path to an Arcade SDK task project file.
function GetSdkTaskProject([string]$taskName) {
return Join-Path (Split-Path (InitializeToolset) -Parent) "SdkTasks\$taskName.proj"
function InitializeToolset() {
if (Test-Path variable:global:_ToolsetBuildProj) {
return $global:_ToolsetBuildProj
......@@ -394,7 +399,7 @@ function InitializeToolset() {
if (-not $restore) {
Write-Host "Toolset version $toolsetVersion has not been restored."
Write-Host "Toolset version $toolsetVersion has not been restored." -ForegroundColor Red
ExitWithExitCode 1
param (
Set-StrictMode -version 2.0
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
. (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "build-utils.ps1")
try {
$optProfToolDir = Get-PackageDir "Roslyn.OptProf.RunSettings.Generator"
$optProfToolExe = Join-Path $optProfToolDir "tools\roslyn.optprof.runsettings.generator.exe"
$configFile = Join-Path $EngRoot "config\OptProf.json"
$runSettingsFile = Join-Path $VSSetupDir "Insertion\OptProf\Training.runsettings"
Exec-Console $optProfToolExe "--config $configFile --vsDropName $vsDropName --bootstrapperInfo $bootstrapperInfo --out $runSettingsFile"
exit 0
catch {
Write-Host $_
Write-Host $_.Exception
Write-Host $_.ScriptStackTrace
exit 1
finally {
<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -->
<Import Project="..\Versions.props" />
\ No newline at end of file
<!-- Copyright (c) Microsoft. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information. -->
......@@ -131,17 +131,6 @@ function Test-Member($obj, [string]$name) {
return $value -ne $null
# This script is interested in the short branch name: master, dev15.x, etc ... But several
# of our publish operations specify fully branch names like /refs/heads/master. Normalizing
# those out to the short branch name here.
function Normalize-BranchName([string]$branchName) {
switch -regex ($branchName) {
"refs/heads/(.*)" { return $matches[1] }
"refs/pull/\d*/(.*)" { return $matches[1] }
default { return $branchName }
try {
if ($configuration -eq "") {
Write-Host "Must provide the build configuration with -configuration"
......@@ -161,7 +150,6 @@ try {
exit 1
elseif ($branchName -ne "") {
$branchName = Normalize-BranchName $branchName
if (-not (Test-Member $data.branches $branchName)) {
Write-Host "$branchName is not listed for publishing"
exit 0
......@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ try {
$bootstrapperInfoContent | Set-Content $bootstrapperInfoPath
# generate run settings
Exec-Block { & (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "generate-optprof-run-settings.ps1") -configuration:$configuration -vsDropName:"Products/DummyDrop" -bootstrapperInfo:$bootstrapperInfoPath }
Exec-Block { & (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot "common\sdk-task.ps1") -configuration:$configuration -task VisualStudio.BuildIbcTrainingSettings /p:VisualStudioDropName="Products/DummyDrop" /p:BootstrapperInfoPath=$bootstrapperInfoPath }
exit 0
......@@ -7,6 +7,6 @@
"xcopy-msbuild": "15.9.0-alpha"
"msbuild-sdks": {
"Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "1.0.0-beta.19064.4"
"Microsoft.DotNet.Arcade.Sdk": "1.0.0-beta.19104.18"
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