/* global DropLab */ (() => { class FilteredSearchDropdownManager { constructor() { this.tokenizer = gl.FilteredSearchTokenizer; this.filteredSearchInput = document.querySelector('.filtered-search'); this.setupMapping(); this.cleanupWrapper = this.cleanup.bind(this); document.addEventListener('beforeunload', this.cleanupWrapper); } cleanup() { if (this.droplab) { this.droplab.destroy(); this.droplab = null; } this.setupMapping(); document.removeEventListener('beforeunload', this.cleanupWrapper); } setupMapping() { this.mapping = { author: { reference: null, gl: 'DropdownUser', element: document.querySelector('#js-dropdown-author'), }, assignee: { reference: null, gl: 'DropdownUser', element: document.querySelector('#js-dropdown-assignee'), }, milestone: { reference: null, gl: 'DropdownNonUser', extraArguments: ['milestones.json', '%'], element: document.querySelector('#js-dropdown-milestone'), }, label: { reference: null, gl: 'DropdownNonUser', extraArguments: ['labels.json', '~'], element: document.querySelector('#js-dropdown-label'), }, hint: { reference: null, gl: 'DropdownHint', element: document.querySelector('#js-dropdown-hint'), }, }; } static addWordToInput(tokenName, tokenValue = '') { const input = document.querySelector('.filtered-search'); const inputValue = input.value; const word = `${tokenName}:${tokenValue}`; // Get the string to replace let newCaretPosition = input.selectionStart; const { left, right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition(input); input.value = `${inputValue.substr(0, left)}${word}${inputValue.substr(right)}`; // If we have added a tokenValue at the end of the input, // add a space and set selection to the end if (right >= inputValue.length && tokenValue !== '') { input.value += ' '; newCaretPosition = input.value.length; } gl.FilteredSearchDropdownManager.updateInputCaretPosition(newCaretPosition, input); } static updateInputCaretPosition(selectionStart, input) { // Reset the position // Sometimes can end up at end of input input.setSelectionRange(selectionStart, selectionStart); const { right } = gl.DropdownUtils.getInputSelectionPosition(input); input.setSelectionRange(right, right); } updateCurrentDropdownOffset() { this.updateDropdownOffset(this.currentDropdown); } updateDropdownOffset(key) { if (!this.font) { this.font = window.getComputedStyle(this.filteredSearchInput).font; } const input = this.filteredSearchInput; const inputText = input.value.slice(0, input.selectionStart); const filterIconPadding = 27; let offset = gl.text.getTextWidth(inputText, this.font) + filterIconPadding; const currentDropdownWidth = this.mapping[key].element.clientWidth === 0 ? 200 : this.mapping[key].element.clientWidth; const offsetMaxWidth = this.filteredSearchInput.clientWidth - currentDropdownWidth; if (offsetMaxWidth < offset) { offset = offsetMaxWidth; } this.mapping[key].reference.setOffset(offset); } load(key, firstLoad = false) { const mappingKey = this.mapping[key]; const glClass = mappingKey.gl; const element = mappingKey.element; let forceShowList = false; if (!mappingKey.reference) { const dl = this.droplab; const defaultArguments = [null, dl, element, this.filteredSearchInput, key]; const glArguments = defaultArguments.concat(mappingKey.extraArguments || []); // Passing glArguments to `new gl[glClass]()` mappingKey.reference = new (Function.prototype.bind.apply(gl[glClass], glArguments))(); } if (firstLoad) { mappingKey.reference.init(); } if (this.currentDropdown === 'hint') { // Force the dropdown to show if it was clicked from the hint dropdown forceShowList = true; } this.updateDropdownOffset(key); mappingKey.reference.render(firstLoad, forceShowList); this.currentDropdown = key; } loadDropdown(dropdownName = '') { let firstLoad = false; if (!this.droplab) { firstLoad = true; this.droplab = new DropLab(); } const match = gl.FilteredSearchTokenKeys.searchByKey(dropdownName.toLowerCase()); const shouldOpenFilterDropdown = match && this.currentDropdown !== match.key && this.mapping[match.key]; const shouldOpenHintDropdown = !match && this.currentDropdown !== 'hint'; if (shouldOpenFilterDropdown || shouldOpenHintDropdown) { const key = match && match.key ? match.key : 'hint'; this.load(key, firstLoad); } } setDropdown() { const { lastToken, searchToken } = this.tokenizer .processTokens(gl.DropdownUtils.getSearchInput(this.filteredSearchInput)); if (this.currentDropdown) { this.updateCurrentDropdownOffset(); } if (lastToken === searchToken && lastToken !== null) { // Token is not fully initialized yet because it has no value // Eg. token = 'label:' const split = lastToken.split(':'); const dropdownName = split[0].split(' ').last(); this.loadDropdown(split.length > 1 ? dropdownName : ''); } else if (lastToken) { // Token has been initialized into an object because it has a value this.loadDropdown(lastToken.key); } else { this.loadDropdown('hint'); } } resetDropdowns() { // Force current dropdown to hide this.mapping[this.currentDropdown].reference.hideDropdown(); // Re-Load dropdown this.setDropdown(); // Reset filters for current dropdown this.mapping[this.currentDropdown].reference.resetFilters(); // Reposition dropdown so that it is aligned with cursor this.updateDropdownOffset(this.currentDropdown); } destroyDroplab() { this.droplab.destroy(); } } window.gl = window.gl || {}; gl.FilteredSearchDropdownManager = FilteredSearchDropdownManager; })();