# == Schema Information # # Table name: services # # id :integer not null, primary key # type :string(255) # title :string(255) # project_id :integer # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # active :boolean default(FALSE), not null # properties :text # template :boolean default(FALSE) # To add new service you should build a class inherited from Service # and implement a set of methods class Service < ActiveRecord::Base include Sortable serialize :properties, JSON default_value_for :active, false after_initialize :initialize_properties belongs_to :project has_one :service_hook validates :project_id, presence: true, unless: Proc.new { |service| service.template? } scope :visible, -> { where.not(type: 'GitlabIssueTrackerService') } def activated? active end def template? template end def category :common end def initialize_properties self.properties = {} if properties.nil? end def title # implement inside child end def description # implement inside child end def help # implement inside child end def to_param # implement inside child end def fields # implement inside child [] end def execute # implement inside child end def can_test? !project.empty_repo? end # Provide convenient accessor methods # for each serialized property. def self.prop_accessor(*args) args.each do |arg| class_eval %{ def #{arg} properties['#{arg}'] end def #{arg}=(value) self.properties['#{arg}'] = value end } end end def async_execute(data) Sidekiq::Client.enqueue(ProjectServiceWorker, id, data) end def issue_tracker? self.category == :issue_tracker end def self.available_services_names %w(gitlab_ci campfire hipchat pivotaltracker flowdock assembla asana emails_on_push gemnasium slack pushover buildbox bamboo teamcity jira redmine custom_issue_tracker irker) end def self.create_from_template(project_id, template) service = template.dup service.template = false service.project_id = project_id service if service.save end end