import Vue from 'vue'; import MRWidgetRelatedLinks from '~/vue_merge_request_widget/components/mr_widget_related_links'; describe('MRWidgetRelatedLinks', () => { let vm; beforeEach(() => { const Component = Vue.extend(MRWidgetRelatedLinks); vm = new Component({ el: document.createElement('div'), propsData: { isMerged: false, relatedLinks: {}, }, }); }); afterEach(() => { vm.$destroy(); }); describe('props', () => { it('should have props', () => { const { isMerged, relatedLinks } = MRWidgetRelatedLinks.props; expect(isMerged).toBeDefined(); expect(isMerged.type).toBe(Boolean); expect(isMerged.required).toBeTruthy(); expect(relatedLinks).toBeDefined(); expect(relatedLinks.type instanceof Object).toBeTruthy(); expect(relatedLinks.required).toBeTruthy(); }); }); describe('computed', () => { describe('closingText', () => { const dummyIssueLabel = 'dummy label'; beforeEach(() => { spyOn(vm, 'issueLabel').and.returnValue(dummyIssueLabel); }); it('outputs text for closing issues', () => { vm.isMerged = false; const text = vm.closingText; expect(text).toBe(`Closes ${dummyIssueLabel}`); }); it('outputs text for closed issues', () => { vm.isMerged = true; const text = vm.closingText; expect(text).toBe(`Closed ${dummyIssueLabel}`); }); }); describe('hasLinks', () => { it('should return correct value when we have links reference', () => { vm.relatedLinks = { closing: '/foo', mentioned: '/foo', assignToMe: '/foo', }; expect(vm.hasLinks).toBeTruthy(); vm.relatedLinks.closing = null; expect(vm.hasLinks).toBeTruthy(); vm.relatedLinks.mentioned = null; expect(vm.hasLinks).toBeTruthy(); vm.relatedLinks.assignToMe = null; expect(vm.hasLinks).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('mentionedText', () => { it('outputs text for one mentioned issue before merging', () => { vm.isMerged = false; spyOn(vm, 'hasMultipleIssues').and.returnValue(false); const text = vm.mentionedText; expect(text).toBe('is mentioned but will not be closed'); }); it('outputs text for one mentioned issue after merging', () => { vm.isMerged = true; spyOn(vm, 'hasMultipleIssues').and.returnValue(false); const text = vm.mentionedText; expect(text).toBe('is mentioned but was not closed'); }); it('outputs text for multiple mentioned issue before merging', () => { vm.isMerged = false; spyOn(vm, 'hasMultipleIssues').and.returnValue(true); const text = vm.mentionedText; expect(text).toBe('are mentioned but will not be closed'); }); it('outputs text for multiple mentioned issue after merging', () => { vm.isMerged = true; spyOn(vm, 'hasMultipleIssues').and.returnValue(true); const text = vm.mentionedText; expect(text).toBe('are mentioned but were not closed'); }); }); }); describe('methods', () => { const relatedLinks = { oneIssue: '#7', twoIssues: '#23 and #42', threeIssues: '#1, #2, and #3', }; beforeEach(() => { vm.relatedLinks = relatedLinks; }); describe('hasMultipleIssues', () => { it('should return true if the given text has multiple issues', () => { expect(vm.hasMultipleIssues(relatedLinks.twoIssues)).toBeTruthy(); expect(vm.hasMultipleIssues(relatedLinks.threeIssues)).toBeTruthy(); }); it('should return false if the given text has one issue', () => { expect(vm.hasMultipleIssues(relatedLinks.oneIssue)).toBeFalsy(); }); }); describe('issueLabel', () => { it('should return true if the given text has multiple issues', () => { expect(vm.issueLabel('twoIssues')).toEqual('issues'); expect(vm.issueLabel('threeIssues')).toEqual('issues'); }); it('should return false if the given text has one issue', () => { expect(vm.issueLabel('oneIssue')).toEqual('issue'); }); }); }); describe('template', () => { it('should have only have closing issues text', (done) => { vm.relatedLinks = { closing: '#23 and #42', }; Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { const content = vm.$el.textContent.replace(/\n(\s)+/g, ' ').trim(); expect(content).toContain('Closes issues #23 and #42'); expect(content).not.toContain('mentioned'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('should have only have mentioned issues text', (done) => { vm.relatedLinks = { mentioned: '#7', }; Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { expect(vm.$el.innerText).toContain('issue #7'); expect(vm.$el.innerText).toContain('is mentioned but will not be closed'); expect(vm.$el.innerText).not.toContain('Closes'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('should have closing and mentioned issues at the same time', (done) => { vm.relatedLinks = { closing: '#7', mentioned: '#23 and #42', }; Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { const content = vm.$el.textContent.replace(/\n(\s)+/g, ' ').trim(); expect(content).toContain('Closes issue #7.'); expect(content).toContain('issues #23 and #42'); expect(content).toContain('are mentioned but will not be closed'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('should have assing issues link', (done) => { vm.relatedLinks = { assignToMe: 'Assign yourself to these issues', }; Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { expect(vm.$el.innerText).toContain('Assign yourself to these issues'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); it('should use different wording after merging', (done) => { vm.isMerged = true; vm.relatedLinks = { closing: '#7', mentioned: '#23 and #42', }; Vue.nextTick() .then(() => { const content = vm.$el.textContent.replace(/\n(\s)+/g, ' ').trim(); expect(content).toContain('Closed issue #7.'); expect(content).toContain('issues #23 and #42'); expect(content).toContain('are mentioned but were not closed'); }) .then(done) .catch(; }); }); });