require('../spec_helper'); require('vue'); require('environments/components/environment_actions'); describe('Actions Component', () => { preloadFixtures('static/environments/element.html.raw'); beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures('static/environments/element.html.raw'); }); it('should render a dropdown with the provided actions', () => { const actionsMock = [ { name: 'bar', play_path: '', }, { name: 'foo', play_path: '#', }, ]; const component = new{ el: document.querySelector('.test-dom-element'), propsData: { actions: actionsMock, playIconSvg: '', }, }); expect( component.$el.querySelectorAll('.dropdown-menu li').length, ).toEqual(actionsMock.length); expect( component.$el.querySelector('.dropdown-menu li a').getAttribute('href'), ).toEqual(actionsMock[0].play_path); }); it('should render a dropdown with the provided svg', () => { const actionsMock = [ { name: 'bar', play_path: '', }, { name: 'foo', play_path: '#', }, ]; const component = new{ el: document.querySelector('.test-dom-element'), propsData: { actions: actionsMock, playIconSvg: '', }, }); expect( component.$el.querySelector('.js-dropdown-play-icon-container').children, ).toContain('svg'); expect( component.$el.querySelector('.js-action-play-icon-container').children, ).toContain('svg'); }); });