//= require vue //= require environments/components/environment_item describe('Environment item', () => { fixture.preload('environments/table.html'); beforeEach(() => { fixture.load('environments/table.html'); }); describe('When item is folder', () => { let mockItem; beforeEach(() => { mockItem = { name: 'review', children: [ { name: 'review-app', id: 1, state: 'available', external_url: '', last_deployment: {}, created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z', updated_at: '2016-11-10T15:55:58.778Z', }, { name: 'production', id: 2, state: 'available', external_url: '', last_deployment: {}, created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z', updated_at: '2016-11-10T15:55:58.778Z', }, ], }; }); it('Should render clickable folder icon and name', () => { const component = new window.gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentItem({ el: document.querySelector('tr#environment-row'), propsData: { model: mockItem, toggleRow: () => {}, 'can-create-deployment': false, 'can-read-environment': true, }, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.folder-name').textContent).toContain(mockItem.name); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.folder-icon')).toBeDefined(); }); it('Should render the number of children in a badge', () => { const component = new window.gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentItem({ el: document.querySelector('tr#environment-row'), propsData: { model: mockItem, toggleRow: () => {}, 'can-create-deployment': false, 'can-read-environment': true, }, }); expect(component.$el.querySelector('.folder-name .badge').textContent).toContain(mockItem.children.length); }); describe('when clicked', () => { it('Should call the given prop', () => { const component = new window.gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentItem({ el: document.querySelector('tr#environment-row'), propsData: { model: mockItem, toggleRow: () => { console.log('here!'); }, 'can-create-deployment': false, 'can-read-environment': true, }, }); spyOn(component.$options.propsData, 'toggleRow'); component.$el.querySelector('.folder-name').click(); expect(component.$options.propsData.toggleRow).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('when item is not folder', () => { let environment; beforeEach(() => { environment = { id: 31, name: 'production', state: 'stopped', external_url: 'http://external.com', environment_type: null, last_deployment: { id: 66, iid: 6, sha: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd', ref: { name: 'master', ref_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root/ci-folders/tree/master', }, tag: true, 'last?': true, user: { name: 'Administrator', username: 'root', id: 1, state: 'active', avatar_url: 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80\u0026d=identicon', web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root', }, commit: { id: '500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd', short_id: '500aabcb', title: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml', author_name: 'Administrator', author_email: 'admin@example.com', created_at: '2016-11-07T18:28:13.000+00:00', message: 'Update .gitlab-ci.yml', author: { name: 'Administrator', username: 'root', id: 1, state: 'active', avatar_url: 'http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e64c7d89f26bd1972efa854d13d7dd61?s=80\u0026d=identicon', web_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root', }, commit_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root/ci-folders/tree/500aabcb17c97bdcf2d0c410b70cb8556f0362dd', }, deployable: { id: 1279, name: 'deploy', build_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root/ci-folders/builds/1279', retry_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root/ci-folders/builds/1279/retry', }, manual_actions: [ { name: 'action', play_url: 'http://localhost:3000/play', }, ], }, 'stoppable?': true, environment_url: 'http://localhost:3000/root/ci-folders/environments/31', created_at: '2016-11-07T11:11:16.525Z', updated_at: '2016-11-10T15:55:58.778Z', }; }); it('should render environment name', () => { const component = new window.gl.environmentsList.EnvironmentItem({ el: document.querySelector('tr#environment-row'), propsData: { model: environment, toggleRow: () => {}, 'can-create-deployment': false, 'can-read-environment': true, }, }); debugger; }); describe('With deployment', () => { it('should render deployment internal id', () => { }); it('should link to deployment', () => { }); describe('With user information', () => { it('should render user avatar with link to profile', () => { }); }); describe('With build url', () => { it('Should link to build url provided', () => { }); it('Should render deployable name and id', () => { }); }); describe('With commit information', () => { it('should render commit component', () => {}); }); it('Should render timeago created date', () => { }); }); describe('Without deployment', () => { it('should render no deployments information', () => { }); }); describe('With manual actions', () => { describe('With create deployment permission', () => { it('Should render actions component', () => { }); }); describe('Without create deployment permission', () => { it('should not render actions component', () => { }); }); }); describe('With external URL', () => { it('should render external url component', () => { }); }); describe('With stop action', () => { describe('With create deployment permission', () => { it('Should render stop action component', () => { }); }); describe('Without create deployment permission', () => { it('should not render stop action component', () => { }); }); }); describe('With retry action', () => { describe('With create deployment permission', () => { it('Should render rollback component', () => { }); }); describe('Without create deployment permission', () => { it('should not render rollback component', () => { }); }); }); }); });