-# Renders the graph node with both the status icon, status name and action icon - subject = local_assigns.fetch(:subject) - status = subject.detailed_status(current_user) - klass = "ci-status-icon ci-status-icon-#{status.group}" - if status.has_details? = link_to status.details_path, data: { toggle: 'tooltip', title: "#{subject.name} - #{status.label}" } do %span{ class: klass }= custom_icon(status.icon) .ci-status-text= subject.name - else %span{ class: klass }= custom_icon(status.icon) .ci-status-text= subject.name - if status.has_action? = link_to status.action_path, method: status.action_method, title: status.action_title, class: 'ci-action-icon-container' do %i.ci-action-icon-wrapper = icon(status.action_icon, class: status.action_class)