/* global CommentsStore */ /* global notes */ import Vue from 'vue'; import collapseIcon from '../icons/collapse_icon.svg'; import userAvatarImage from '../../vue_shared/components/user_avatar/user_avatar_image.vue'; const DiffNoteAvatars = Vue.extend({ props: ['discussionId'], data() { return { isVisible: false, lineType: '', storeState: CommentsStore.state, shownAvatars: 3, collapseIcon, }; }, components: { userAvatarImage, }, template: `
{{ moreText }}
`, mounted() { this.$nextTick(() => { this.addNoCommentClass(); this.setDiscussionVisible(); this.lineType = $(this.$el).closest('.diff-line-num').hasClass('old_line') ? 'old' : 'new'; }); $(document).on('toggle.comments', () => { this.$nextTick(() => { this.setDiscussionVisible(); }); }); }, beforeDestroy() { this.addNoCommentClass(); $(document).off('toggle.comments'); }, watch: { storeState: { handler() { this.$nextTick(() => { $('.has-tooltip', this.$el).tooltip('fixTitle'); // We need to add/remove a class to an element that is outside the Vue instance this.addNoCommentClass(); }); }, deep: true, }, }, computed: { discussionClassName() { return `js-diff-avatars-${this.discussionId}`; }, notesSubset() { let notes = []; if (this.discussion) { notes = Object.keys(this.discussion.notes) .slice(0, this.shownAvatars) .map(noteId => this.discussion.notes[noteId]); } return notes; }, extraNotesTitle() { if (this.discussion) { const extra = this.discussion.notesCount() - this.shownAvatars; return `${extra} more comment${extra > 1 ? 's' : ''}`; } return ''; }, discussion() { return this.storeState[this.discussionId]; }, notesCount() { if (this.discussion) { return this.discussion.notesCount(); } return 0; }, moreText() { const plusSign = this.notesCount < 100 ? '+' : ''; return `${plusSign}${this.notesCount - this.shownAvatars}`; }, }, methods: { clickedAvatar(e) { notes.onAddDiffNote(e); // Toggle the active state of the toggle all button this.toggleDiscussionsToggleState(); this.$nextTick(() => { this.setDiscussionVisible(); $('.has-tooltip', this.$el).tooltip('fixTitle'); $('.has-tooltip', this.$el).tooltip('hide'); }); }, addNoCommentClass() { const notesCount = this.notesCount; $(this.$el).closest('.js-avatar-container') .toggleClass('no-comment-btn', notesCount > 0) .nextUntil('.js-avatar-container') .toggleClass('no-comment-btn', notesCount > 0); }, toggleDiscussionsToggleState() { const $notesHolders = $(this.$el).closest('.code').find('.notes_holder'); const $visibleNotesHolders = $notesHolders.filter(':visible'); const $toggleDiffCommentsBtn = $(this.$el).closest('.diff-file').find('.js-toggle-diff-comments'); $toggleDiffCommentsBtn.toggleClass('active', $notesHolders.length === $visibleNotesHolders.length); }, setDiscussionVisible() { this.isVisible = $(`.diffs .notes[data-discussion-id="${this.discussion.id}"]`).is(':visible'); }, getTooltipText(note) { return `${note.authorName}: ${note.noteTruncated}`; }, }, }); Vue.component('diff-note-avatars', DiffNoteAvatars);