# NotificationService class # # Used for notifing users with emails about different events # # Ex. # NotificationService.new.new_issue(issue, current_user) # class NotificationService # Always notify user about ssh key added # only if ssh key is not deploy key def new_key(key) if key.user Notify.delay.new_ssh_key_email(key.id) end end # TODO: When we close an issue we should send next emails: # # * issue author if his notification level is not Disabled # * issue assignee if his notification level is not Disabled # * project team members with notification level higher then Participating # def close_issue(issue, current_user) recipients = [issue.author, issue.assignee].compact.uniq # Dont send email to me when I close an issue recipients.reject! { |u| u == current_user } recipients.each do |recipient| Notify.delay.issue_status_changed_email(recipient.id, issue.id, issue.state, current_user.id) end end # When we reassign an issue we should send next emails: # # * issue author if his notification level is not Disabled # * issue assignee if his notification level is not Disabled # def reassigned_issue(issue, current_user) recipient_ids = [issue.assignee_id, issue.assignee_id_was].compact.uniq # Reject me from recipients if I reassign an issue recipient_ids.reject! { |id| id == current_user.id } recipient_ids.each do |recipient_id| Notify.delay.reassigned_issue_email(recipient_id, issue.id, issue.assignee_id_was) end end # When we reassign an issue we should send next emails: # # * issue assignee if his notification level is not Disabled # def new_issue(issue, current_user) if issue.assignee && issue.assignee != current_user Notify.delay.new_issue_email(issue.id) end end end